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DIGBY PIGOTT, EsQ., G.B., PRINTER TO HIS MAJESTY OF ALL ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, gm fiuhlizlgeh fur we Gluumil of flan» fiiepnrting, BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, mum smnm-r,‘ sum roan srxmm, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL swmzm, w. PUBLISHING OFFICE, 7, FLEET STREET, E.C. 1903. CONTENTS. Table Page I. TABLE OF THE TITLES OF THE PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS PASSED DURING THE SESSION - - — THE PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. II. TABLE OF THE TITLES OF THE L0cAL AND PRIVATE ACTS (INGLUDING THE PUBLI0 ACTS or A L0oAL CHARAcTER) PASSED DURING 'I'HE_ SEssIoN ARRANGED Ac00RDING TO CHAPTER - - - 257 IIA. TABLE or THE TITLES OF THE LocAL AND PRIVATE AOTs (INGLUDING THE PUBLIC ACTS OF A LO0AL CHARACTER) PASSED DURING THE SEssI0N ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY - - III. TABLE sH0wING THE EFFECT OF THE YEAR’s LEGIsLATI0N 0N PUBLIC GENERAL A0Ts - 292 IV. TABLE OF THE LocAL ACTS ARRANGED IN CLAssEs 298 V. INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS - - 310 TABLE 1. A TABLE OF The T1TLEs of the PUBLIC GENERAL Aors passed in the THIRD Session of the TWENTY-SEVENTH Parliament of the United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. 3 EDWARD VII.-AD. 1903. 1. AN Act to make provision for a Bank Holiday in Ireland on the seventeenth day of every March. (Bank Holiday (I'relomd).) 2, An Act to provide for the Authorisation of Races with Light Locomotives in Ireland. (Light Locomotives (Ireland).) 3. An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and two, one thousand nine hundred and three and one thousand nine hundred and four. (Consolidated Fwnd (No. 1).) 4, An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army. (A rmy (Annual).) 5, An Act to constitute the Town of Duns to be the Head Burgh or County Town of Berwickshire. (Berwric/cshire County Town.) 6, An Act to provide for the Constitution of a Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and a Force of Royal Marine Volunteers, and otherwise amend the Law relating to His Majesty’s Naval Forces. (Naval Forces.) x '7, An Act to amend the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1887. (Goal Mines Regulation Act (1887) Amendment.) a2 iv Table if the Statutes. [3 EDW. 7. 8. An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue, to alter other duties, and to amend the Law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue and the National Debt, and to make other provisions for the financial arrangements of the year. (Finance.) 9. An _ Act to empower County Councils to promote Bills in Parliament. (County Councils (Bills in Parliament).) 10. An to provide for the borrowing by Local Education Authorities for certain purposes. (Education (Provision of Working Balanc_es).) 11. An_Act to remove Doubts as to the Mode of Execution of certain Contracts entered into on behalf of the Secretary of State for India in Council. (Contracts (India O[fice).) 12. An Act to enable the Postmaster-General to issue Postal Orders of the Value of Twenty-one Shillings. (Post Oflice (Money Orders).) 13. An Act to amend the Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic Children) Act, 1899. (Elementary Education Amendment.) 14. An Act to amend the Borough Funds Act, 1872. (Borough Funds.) 15. An Act to amend section ten of the Local Government Act, 1888. (Local Government (Transfer of Powers).) 16, An Act for the acquisition ‘of certain land in Dublin as a site for a proposed Royal College of Science and other oflices and buildings for the public service and for purposes connected therewith. (Public Oflices Site (Dublin).) 1'1, An Act to amend the Metropolitan Streets Act, 1867. (Metropolitan Streets.) 18. An Act to regulate the sale and use of Pistols or other Firearms. (Pistols) 19, An Act to give power to dissolve School Districts, formed under the Acts relating to the relief of the poor, and for facilitating adjustments on alterations of areas or authorities under those Acts. (Poor Law (Dissolution of School Districts and Adjustments).) 20, An Act to reorganise the Administration of the Patriotic Fund. (Patriotic Fund Reorganisation.) 21. An Act to make provision for giving effect to a Convention signed the Fifth day of March, nineteen hundred and two, in relation to Sugar. (Sugar Convention.) 22. An Act to make further provision for the Construction of ofWorks the Royal in the Navy. United Kingdom (Naval Works.) and elsewhere i for the purposes A.D. 1903.] Public General Acts. v 23, An Act to provide for a Special Grant to be used for the purposes of the Development of Ireland. (Ireland Development Grant.) 24’. An Act to extend and adapt the Education Act, 1902, to London. (Education (L01iclon).) . 25, An Act to consolidate with Amendments the Laws relating to Licensing in Scotland. (Licensing (Sc0tlan0l).) 26, An Act to render valid Marriages heretofore solemnised at the Ellerker Chapel-of-Ease, Brantingham, and at the Churches of Saint Mark, Marske in-Cleveland, All Saints, Brightwaltham (otherwise Brightwalton), and Saint Mary, Great Ilford, and at the Old Baptist Union Chapel. Grays Thurrock, and Marriages solemnised after banns published at the Mission Room in the parish of Marrick. (Marriages Legalization.) 2'1, A11 Act to authorise the Treasury to guarantee the payment of a Loan to be raised by the Transvaal, and to provide for the application of any sums paid by that Colony or the Orange River Colony towards the expenses incurred by His Ma_jesty’s Government in or incidental to the prosecution of the late war in South Africa. (South African Loan and War Contribution. ) 28, An Act to grant Money for the purpose of certain Local Loans out of the Local Loans Fund, and for other purposes relating to Local Loans. (Public W orlcs Loans.) 29, An Act to make further provision for defraying the Expenses of certain Military Works and other Military Services. (Military Works.) 30, An Act to facilitate the Introduction and use of Electrical Power on Railways. (Railways (Electrical Power).) 31. An Act to transfer to the Board of Agriculture powers and duties relating to the Industry of Fishing, and to amend the Board of Agriculture Act, 1889. (Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.) 32, An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and two, and one thousand nine hundred and four, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament. (Appr0priation.) 33, An Act to amend the Law relating to the administration of Burghs in Scotland. (Burgh Police (Scotland).) 34, An Act to amend the Town Councils (Scotland) Act, 1900. (Town Councils (Scotland).) 35, An Act to amend the Law with respect to Customs Duties in the Isle of Man. (Isle of Man (C'usto'ms).) b vi Table of 'the Statutes. [3 EDW. 7 36, An Act to amend the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896. (Motor Oar.) 3'1. An Act to amend the Law relating to the occupation and ownership of Land in Ireland and for other purposes relating thereto, and to amend the Labourers (Ireland) Acts. (Irish Land.) 38. An Act to make provision for the Defence of Poor Prisoners. (Poor Prisoners Defence.) 39. An Act to amend the Law relating to the Housing of the Working Classes. (Housing of the Working Glasses.) ' 40, An Act to continue various Expiring Laws. (Expiring Laws Continuance.) 41. An Act to make further provision for defraying the expenses of the purchase of Land and Buildings and the construction of Buildings and Works in connexion with certain Public Departments. (Public Buildings Expenses.) 42. An Act to extend the Jurisdiction of »the County Courts. (County Courts.) - 43. An Act to amend the Diseases of Aniinals Act, 1894-, in relation to Sheep Scab. (Diseases of Animals.) 44. An Act for regulating the business of Marine Store Dealers and Dealers in Second-hand Goods in Ireland. (General Dealers (Ireland).) 45, An Act to make better provision for regulating the Employ ment of Children. (Employment of Ohilolren.) 46, An Act to make certain amendments of the Law relating to Customs andllnland Revenue,-and of the Law relating to the powers and duties of_ the National Debt Commissioners. (Re'venue.) 4'1, An Act to amend the Military Lands -Acts, 1892 to 1900, with respect to the acquisition of -Land for Military Purposes. (Milita/ry Lands.) THE PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES. 3 EDWARD 7. CHAPTER 1. A11 Act to make provision for a Bank Holiday in Ireland on the seventeenth day of every March.
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