<p>Program in Energy Engineering </p><p>Office : 1-323B Tel : +82-32-860-8428 Fax : +82-32-860-8429</p><p>1. Introduction : Korea is relying heavily on imports for the majority of its petroleum and energy supplies. In 2005, Korea was ranked 5th in petroleum imports and 9th in petroleum consumption. Securing the energy supplies is one of the most important tasks in Korea and the government is asking top-ranked universities to train energy experts. The continued usage of fossil fuels has arisen global warming and energy crisis. Program in Energy Engineering includes all the related topics from the exploration of energy resources (for the short-term) to the development of the new and renewable energies (for the long-term application), the enhancement of energy efficiency, the sequestration of greenhouse gases, the planning for energy policies and energy port folio. Graduates of this program will play a leading part in green sustainable future society.</p><p>2. Major : 1) Energy Resources Engineering 2) Future Sustainable Energy Engineering a) Wind Energy Engineering Track b) Solar Energy Engineering Track c) Transportation Energy Engineering Track d) Energy Conversion Engineering Track e) Energy Management and Policy Track 3) Ocean Energy a) Ocean BioEnergy Track b) Tidal Current Energy Track c) Tidal Range Energy Track * More Tracks can be added as necessary. 3. Faculty Members (1) Energy Resources Engineering</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>1) Chon, Bo Hyun (전보현)</p><p>* Office : 2E346 * Tel : +82-32-860-7556 </p><p>* E-mail : bochon @inha.ac.kr * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Petroleum Engineering / Texas A&M Univ / U.S.A - M.S. : Petroleum Engineering/ Texas A&M Univ / U.S.A </p><p>* Research Area : Petroleum Engineering, Groundwater Hydrogeology * Academic Works : - Oxygen Uptake Characteristics of Soil Inoculumn Amended with Thiophene Derivatives, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Vol.19, No.5, pp773~779, 2002. - The Effect of Changing Mobility Ratio on Displacement Efficiency in Polymer Flooding, GEOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp13~17, 2001. - A Groundwater Flow Model Applicable to Anisotropic Aquifers with Fractures by Using Fractal Theory, GEOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp27~31, 2001.</p><p>2) Kim, Jin (김진)</p><p>* Office : 2E347 * Tel : +82-32-860-7558 * E-mail : : [email protected] * Homepage : http://vent.inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Underground Environment / University of Missouri-Rolla / U.S.A - M.S. : Ventilation Engineering / University of Kentucky / U.S.A * Research Area : Underground Environment & Ventilation System * Academic Works : - Temperature Prediction of Underground Working Place Using Artificial Neural Networks, 터널과 지하공간, 17권 4호, pp301~310, 2007. - A Study of Efficient Ventilation Management in Hwa-Soon Colliery, 한국지구시스템공학회 지, 44권 5호, pp364~375, 2007. - A study on ventilation system of underground low- Intermediate radioactive waste repository, 방사성폐기물학회지, 5권 1호, pp65~78, 2007.</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>3) Kim, Chang Gyun (김창균) * Office : 2E345 * Tel : +82-32-860-7561 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://whs.inha.ac.kr/~cgk/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Civil Engineering / The University of Queensland/ Australia - M.S. : chemical Engineering/ INHA University/ Korea * Research Area : Soil and groundwater contamination and its recovery </p><p>* Academic Works : - Comparative Assessment of Specific Genes of Bacteria and Enzyme over Water Quality Parameters by Quantitative PCR in Uncontrolled Landfill, 대한환경공학회지, 29권 8호, pp895~903, 2007.</p><p>- Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a granular sludge reactor and its bio-molecular characterization, 대한환경공학회지, 28권11호, pp1213~1221, 2006. - Effect of clinoptilolite addition and solids retention time on the extracellular polymeric substances composition and soluble chemical oxygen demands in activated sludge, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 23, pp767~772, 2006.</p><p>4) Hwang, Yong Woo (황용우)</p><p>* Office : 2E344 * Tel : +82-32-860-7501 </p><p>* E-mail : hwangyw @inha.ac.kr * Homepage : http://wwt.inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Urban Engineering / Tokyo Univ. / Japan - M.S. : Urban Engineering / Seoul National Univ. / Korea * Research Area : Wastewater Treatment, LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) </p><p>* Academic Works : - High-Rate Nitrogen Removal using a Submerged Module of Sulfur-Utilizing Denitrification, 상하수도학회지, 21권 4호, pp429~437, 2007. - Development of Triple Bottom Line lntegrated Model for Sustainable Construction, 대한환 경공학회지, 29권3호, pp, 2007. - The Environmental Impact Assessment for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Construction, 상하수도학회지, 20권 6호, pp919~926, 2006.</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>5) Cho, Dong-Heng (조동행) * Office : 4-309 * Tel : +82-32-860-7555 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - B.Sc. : Seoul N Univ., Korea - M.Sc. : Seoul N Univ., Korea - Eng.Sc.D. : Columbia Univ./ USA * Research Area : - Near-surface Geophysics - Geophysical Site Investigation - Environmental Monitoring & Survey - Numerical Modeling in Geosciences - Digital Inversion Theory & Applications * Academic Works : - Major science journals : 자원탐사, 대한교과서㈜, 1997 - Major scientific thesis : 1. Electromagnetic Survey in Korea, 자원환경지질, 39, 427, 2006. 2. Electrical Resistivity Tomography in PVC Casing Holes, 한국자원공학회지, '03년 Proceedings, 125, 2003. 3. Numerical Modelling and Its Verification of Square Array Electrical Resistivity Surveys , 한국자원공학회지, '02 Proceedings, 104, 2002</p><p>(2) Future Sustainable Energy Engineering</p><p>1) Son, Choong Yul(손충렬) * Office : 2N684 * Tel : +82-32-860-7338 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://iws.inha.ac.kr/~soncy * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Civil Engineering Structural Vibration Dr. / '89 Aachen University of Technology / Germany - M.S. : Naval Architecture Engineering / '74 Inha University / Korea</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Research Area : Structral Vibration, Noise, Wind-turbine System * Academic Works : - Ocean Wind Resources & Research(2006. 6 ~ 2009. 6) - A joint technology development for the investigation & evaluation of the wind characteristics in the south & North Korea (2007. 12 ~ 2008. 11) - The South and North Korea synergic Technical Development and Cooperation for Wind Power(2005.6 ~ 2008. 3) - Development of Sediment Dredging Equipment Using Pressure Difference (2004.3~2006.6)</p><p>2) Choi, Kee-Young (최기영) * Office : 2N323 * Tel : +82-32-860-7352 * E-mail : kchoi @inha.ac.kr * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Aeronautical Engineering / Stanford University / USA - M.S. : Aeronautical Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : rotorcraft simulation, performance analysis, control system development * Academic Works : - Usages of simulations in the development of roton, KSAS, Vol. 28, No. 8, Dec, 2003, p131~136 - Identifying helicopter Control Gains Using Desired Output Hestories, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 22, No. 3, May~June, 1999 - Comprehensive Comparisons of Rotor map and Blade Element Models, Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 44, No. 1, January, 1999</p><p>3) Park, Hi-Chun (박희천) * Office : 6-402 * Tel : +82-32-860-7781 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : </p><p>* Educational Background - Ph. D : Economics / Zurich University / Switzerland - M.S. : Economics / Zurich University / Switzerland</p><p>* Research Area : Energy economics</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>4) Kim, Jong Dae (김종대) * Office : 6-306 * Tel : +82-32-860-7757 * E-mail : [email protected] * Educational Background : - B.A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, ( major in economics) 1981 - M.A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, (major in accounting) 1983 - Ph.D. George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, (Major: Accounting), 1993 * Professional Background - Visiting Assistant Professor, Catholic University of America, 1992-3 - Professor, Chungbuk National University, Korea, 1994-2008 - Professor, Inha University, Korea, 2008-present - President, Sustainable Management Research Institute, Korea, 2006-present. - President, Korean Environmental Management Association, Korea, 2008-present * Publications for past 5 years - Value-relevance of Intangible Assets and the Effects of Accounting Standard Revision, 2005, Vol.30 No.2, Korean Accounting Association - Correlations between Management Ownership and the Value-relevance of Accounting Information, 2007, Vol.32 No.4, Korean Accounting Association. - Research for the Development of New Paradigm of the Environmental Management and Policy Suggestions, 2003, No.35, Daehan Management Asoociation</p><p>5) Kim, Tong-Seop (김동섭) * Office : 2N268A * Tel : +82-32-860-7307 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// mech .inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering/ Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Energy system, Gas Turbine, Fuel Cell * Academic Works : - Analysis of the design of a pressurized SOFC hybrid system using a fixed gas turbine design, Journal of Power Sources , Vol. 170, pp. 130-139, 2007. - Design and off-design characteristics of the alternative recuperated gas turbine cycle with divided turbine expansion, Trans. ASME J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>Power, Vol. 129, No. 2 pp. 428-435, 2007. - Comparison between pressurized design and ambient pressure design of hybrid solid oxide fuel cell - gas turbine systems, Journal of Power Sources , Vol. 163, pp. 490-499, 2006.</p><p>6) Kim, Chong-Bo (김종보) * Office : 2N391B * Tel : +82-32- 860 - 7313 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// mech .inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / Missouri / U.S.A - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering/ Missouri / U.S.A * Research Area : Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics * Academic Works : - Dissolution behavior of liquid CO2 droplets injected at the intermediate ocean depth in Clarion-Clipperton - Condensation heat transfer coefficient of R22, R407C, and R410A on a horizontal plain, low fin, and turbo-C tubes - Combined Convection and Radiation in a Tube with Circumferential Fins and Circular Disks</p><p>7) Seo, Tae-Beom (서태범) * Office : 2N282 * Tel : +82-32-860- 7327 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// mech .inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / Inha University / Korea - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering/ Inha University / Korea * Research Area : Heat transfer * Academic Works : - Performance of alternative refrigerants for residental air-conditioning application - Thermal performances comparisons of the glass evacuated tube solar collectors with shapes of absorber tube - Heat transfer(열전달), 텍스트북스</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>8) Lee, Dae-Yup (이대엽) * Office : 2N266 * Tel : +82-32-860-7309 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// www.spl-inha.re.kr / * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / MIT / United States - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering/ MIT / United States * Research Area : Internal Combustion Engine, Alternative Fuels, In-use Vehicle * Academic Works : - Simulation of knock with different piston shapes in a heavy-duty LPG engine / International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 133-139, 2005 - Influence of cobalt precursors on the catalytic activity of the cobalt oxide /al2o3 catalysts / Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 369-375, 2004. - Investigation of autoignition of propane and n-butane blends using a rapid compression machine / KSME International Journal, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1127-1134, 2002.</p><p>9) Ju, Hyun-Chul (주현철) * Office : 2N390 * Tel : +82-32-860-7312 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://inhaec [email protected] 연구실명 : 전기화학시스템연구실 (Electrochemical System Laboratory) * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / The Pennsylvania State University, University Park / U.S.A. - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering / The University of Nevada, Reno / U.S.A. * Research Area : Fuel cells, Future Energy Conversion/Storage Systems * Academic Works : - H. Ju, G. Luo, and C. Y. Wang, “Probing Liquid Water Saturation in Diffusion Media of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 154(2), B218-B228, 2007. - G. Luo, H. Ju, and C. Y. Wang, “Prediction of dry-wet-dry transition in polymer electrolyte fuel cells”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154(3), B316-B321, 2007. - H. Ju, H. Meng, and C. Y. Wang, “A single-phase, non-isothermal model for PEM fuel cells”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 48, 1303-1315, 2005.</p><p>10) Bae, Jae Ho (배재호)</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Office : 2E448 * Tel : +82-32-860-7507 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Environmental Engineering/ Stanford Univ./ U.S.A - M.S. : Environmental Engineering/ Stanford Univ./ U.S.A * Research Area : Anaerobic Treatment, Solid Waste Disposal</p><p>* Academic Works : - The Performances of the Sludge Pretreatment System with Venturi Tube, Wat. Sci. Tech. 57:1, pp 131-137, 2008. - A Study on Current Energy Consumption and Recycling at Public Wastewater Treatment Plants in Korea, Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, 21: 5, pp539~549, 2007. - Comparison between acetate and hydrogen as electron donors and implications for the reductive dehalogenation of PCE and TCE, J. of Contaminant Hydrology, 94, pp 76~85, 2007.</p><p>11) Kim, Geon Joong (김건중) * Office : 2S318 * Tel : +82-32-860-7472 * E-mail : kimgj @inha.ac.kr * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Inorganic Materials Processing / Inha University / Korea - M.S. : Inorganic Materials Processing / Inha University / Korea * Research Area - Sysnthesis and application of chiral catalyst - Application of various mesoporous materials - Functionalization and application of zeolites * Academic Work - G. J. Kim, et al, "Synthesis of Mesoporous Tin Oxide and its Application ac a LNG Sensor", JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol 7, pp. 3916-3916, (2007) - G. J. Kim, et al, "Kinetic Resolution of terminal epoxides with phenols promoted by heterometallic Co-Al and Co-Ga salen complexes" CATALYSIS LETTERS, Vol 115(1-2), pp. 62-69, (2007)</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>- G. J. Kim, et al, "Preparation of titanium dioxide from sludge produced by titanium tetrachloride(TiCl4) flocculation of wastewater", ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol 41, pp. 1372-1377, (2007) </p><p>12) Cho, Nam Hee (조남희)</p><p>* Office : 5N340 * Tel : +82-32-860-7527 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// iws.inha.ac.kr/~nhcho * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Materials Science and Engineering / Cornell University / U.S.A - M.S. : Ceramics Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Nano-crystalline Semiconductor Thin Films and Opto-electronic Devices * Academic Works : - Characterization of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films prepared with various negative direct current biases, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 23 (2008) pp. 790-797 - Structural features of nanoscale BaTiO3 powders prepared by hydro-thermal synthesis, J. Electroceram, Vol. 17 (2006) pp. 841-845 - PL and EL features of p-type porous silicon prepared by electrochemical anodic etching, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 234 (2004) pp. 256–261 13) Choi, Rino (최리노)</p><p>* Office : 5N333 * Tel : +82-32-860-7529 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Materials Science and Engineering / The University of Texas at Austin / U.S.A - M.S. : Materials Science and Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Semiconductor and nano device fabrication and characterization * Academic Works : - MOSFET fabrication with high-k dielectric/metal gate electrode - Device performance characterization and reliability study - Process development for future devices</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>14) Hwang, Hae Jin (황해진)</p><p>* Office : 5N324 * Tel : +82-32-860-7521 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage http://hjhwang.campushomepage.com/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Materials Science and Engineering / Osaka University / Japan - M.S. : Ceramics Engineering / Yonsei University / Korea * Research Area : Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) * Academic Works : - Lanthanum oxide-coated stainless steel for bipolar plates in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) - Electrochemical performance of Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxFe1−xO3−δ (x = 0.2–0.8) cathode on a ScSZ electrolyte for intermediate temperature SOFCs - The effect of pH on the physicochemical properties of silica aerogels prepared by an ambient pressure drying method </p><p>15) Ko, Tae Gyung (고태경)</p><p>* Office : 5N343 * Tel : +82-32-860-7526 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Crystallography / State University of New York at Stony Brook / U.S.A - M.S. : Mineralogy / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Crystal structure, Ferro - and Piezoelectric materials sensor * Academic Works : - Effect of Cu Ion on the Formation and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Magnetite Prepared in an Aqueous Solution, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41(10), 3484-3486 - - A Wet-Chemical Preparation of a Fe3O4-CuO Composite Powder in Core-Shell Structure, Physica Status Solidi C, 12, 3468 - Synthesis and colloidal dispersion of nanocrystalline ferroelectric Nd-substituted Bi4Ti3O12 powder by mechanical alloying. Scripta Materialia 59 143-146(2008)</p><p>16) Kim, Young-Seok (김영석) * Office : H-627 </p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Tel : +82-32-860-7398 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// electrical.inha.ac.kr/Labs/powerelec/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Electrical Engineering / Nagoya University / Japan - M.S. : Electrical Engineering / Nagoya University / Japan * Research Area : Renewable Energy, Active Power Filter, Power Converter, Motor Drives. * Academic Works : - The Position Control of Induction Motor Using a Binary Disturbance Observer - Speed Sensorless Vector Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors based on an Instantaneous Reactive Power in the wide speed region. - Three-phase three-wire series active power filter, which compensates for harmonics and reactive power.</p><p>17) Won, Dong-Jun (원동준) * Office : H-605 * Tel : +82-32-860-7404 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// power.inha.ac.kr * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Power System/ Seoul National University/ Korea(South) - M.S. : Power System/ Seoul National University/ Korea(South) * Research Area : Power system, power quality, distributed generation, renewable energy * Academic Works : - Bach Quoc Khanh, Dong-Jun Won and Seung-Il Moon, “Modeling Fault Distribution Using Stochastic Bivariate Models For Prediction of Voltage Sag in Distribution Systems,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 347-354, January 2008 - Dong-Jun Won and Seung-Il Moon , “Optimal Number and Locations of Power Quality Monitors Considering System Topology,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 288-295, January 2008 - Dong-Jun Won, Il-Yop Chung, Joong-Moon Kim,Seung-Il Moon, Jang-Cheol Seo, Jong- Woong Choe, “A New Algorithm to Locate Power-Quality Event Source With Improved Realization of Distributed Monitoring Scheme,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol.21, no.3, pp. 1641-1647, July 2006</p><p>18) Huh, Chang-Su (허창수)</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Office : H-633 * Tel : +82-32-860-7399 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// energy .inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Dr. Eng. : Electrical Engineering / Inha University / Korea - M.S. : Electrical Engineering/ Inha University / Korea * Research Area : Solar photovoltaic and thermal power / EMI(electromagnetic interference) and EMC(electromagnetic compatibility) / High voltage insulating material * Academic Works : - “Engineering Electromagnetics”, Chang-Su Huh, dongmyungsa, 2007 - S. M. Hwang, J. I. Hong and C. S. Huh, “CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS WITH INDUCTION CAUSED BY HIGH POWER MICROWAVES” progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 81, pp. 61-72, 2008 - Bok-Hee Youn, Chang-Su Huh, “Surface degradation of HTV Silicone Rubber and EPDM Used for Outdoor Insulators under Accelerated Ultraviolet Weathering Condition” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 12, Vo. 5, pp. 1015-1024, October, 2005</p><p>19) Park, Jae-Chon (박재천)</p><p>* Office : H-315 * Tel : +82-32-860-7160 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://itip.inha.ac.kr * Educational Background : - ph. D : economics/University of Hawaii at Manoa / U. S. A.(1988) - M.S. : O.R/ Georgia Institute of Technology / U. S. A(1982) * Research Area : - Information and Telecommunications Industry : New Media /Industrial Organization /Management and Business/ Regulation and Promotion Policy - Information and Communication Technology Policy : Strategic Technology Management /Intellectual Property Management /R&D policy - e-Commerce : Business Model /Privacy and securities /Technology and Standards * Academic Works :</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>- ‘An analysis of new Spectrum management paradigms and policy proposal’, Korean Telecommunications Policy Review, 13(1), 2006.3. - Astudy on Spectrum Management Policy, ETRI, 2005.12. - ‘A Case Study on e-Collaboration of Federal Structure’, The Journal of Society for e- Business Studies 10(4), 2005.11.</p><p>20) Park, Ki Chan (박기찬) * Office : 6-407 * Tel : +82-32-860-7741 * E-mail : [email protected] * Educational Background - B.A. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1979 - MBA. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1981 - Ph.D. Groupe HEC Paris, France, 1987 * Professional Background - Researcher, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France (1986~1987) - Senior Vice President, Korean Airlines (1988~1996) - Advisor, Civil Service Commission, Government of Korea (2001~2002) * Publications for past 5 years - Organizational Behavior, Business & Trade Press, 2007 - The Guru in Management, Dunan Press, 2005 - Human Resources Management, Bak Young Press, 2005 - “Competitive advantage of Korea for attracting regional logistics hub,” The 4th Inha-Le Havre International Conference, 2003, Vol.4, pp.209-227</p><p>21) Lee, Hai Whang (이해황) * Office : 5N510 * Tel : +82-32-860-7681 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Chemical Engineering / Univ. of Inha / Korea - M.S. : Applied Chemistry / National University of Seoul/ Korea * Research Area : Reaction Kinetics. * Academic Works : - Competitive reaction pathway in the nucleopholic substitution reactions aryl benzene</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p> sulfonates with benzylamines in acetonitriles, J. Org. Chem., 2002, 67, 1277-1278 (No.4) - Transition State variation in the nucleopholic substitution of aryl bis-(4-mrthoxy phenyl) phosphates with pyridines in acetonitriles, J. Org. Chem., 2002, 67, 2215-2222 (No.7) - Gas phase identity nucleopholic substitution reactions of cyclopropenyl halides, J. Org. Chem., 2002, 67, 1953-1960 (No.6)</p><p>22) Park, Sang Eon (박상언) * Office : 5N530 * Tel : +82-32-860-7675 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://www.nanogreen.or.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Catalysis Chemistry / KAIST / Korea - M.S. : Catalysis Chemistry / KAIST / Korea * Research Area : Nano-green catalysis chemistry * Academic Works : - Amino-functionalized SBA-15 type mesoporous silica having nanostructured hexagonal platelet morphology. Chemical Communications, 2006, 39, 4131-4133. - Catalytic oxidation of cycloolefins over Co(cyclam)- functionalized SBA-15 material whith H2O2. Journal of Catalysis, 2006, 246, 410-419. - Microwave fabrication of MFI zeolite crystals with a fibrous morphology and their application, Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2005. 44, 556-560.</p><p>(3) Ocean Energy </p><p>1) Jo, Chul Hee (조철희) * Office : 2N490 * Tel : +82-32-860-7342 * E-mail : mailto: [email protected] r * Homepage : http:/ /oelab.naoe.inha.ac.kr * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Ocean Engineering/Texas A&M University/USA -1991 - M.S. : Ocean Engineering/Stevens Institute of Technology/USA -1985 * Research Area : Offshore/Port Structure Design, Tidal Current Power, SPM, Subsea Pipeline Design </p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Academic Works : - “Interaction of Multi Arrayed Current Power Generations”, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, pp. 302-306, 2007 - “Tidal Current Power Research and Application in Korea”, Proceedings of International Workshop on Marine Energy Technology and Standardization in Industrial Fluid Machinery (AICFM-9), pp. 89-106, 2007 - "Fatigue Behavior of Offshore Topside Structure”, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Vol. 20, No.6, pp.88-92, 2006</p><p>2) Lee, Seung-Bae (이승배) * Office : 2N268 * Tel : +82-32-860-7325 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://fnc.inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mechanical Engineering / Univ. of California / United States of America - M.S. : Mechanical Engineering / Seoul National Univ. / Republic of Korea * Research Area -Flow Noise, Turbomachinery, Turbulence, Acousitcs * Academic Works : -Yang Na, Seungbae Lee, Dongshin Shin, Laminar Diffusion Flame in the Reacting Mixing Layer, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.21, No.2, pp.384~393, 2007 -T. Nakano, N.Fujisawa, Y. Oguma, Y. Takagi, S. Lee, Experimental study on flow and noise characteristics of NACA0018 airfoil, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 95, No.7, pp.511~531 -Numerical Methods for Engineers, Text book</p><p>3) Hur, Byung-Ki (허병기)</p><p>* Office : 2S115 * Tel : +82-32-860-7512 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://biosystem.inha.ac.kr * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Chemical engineering / Compiegne Univ. / France </p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Research Area : Metabolic engineering - FAS pathway Process engineering - Culture optimization, Enzyme/chemical reaction * Academic Works :</p><p>- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Biosynthetic Gene Cluster of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 : Cloning, Heterologous Expression, and Effects of Temperature and Glucose on the Production of EPA in Escherichia coli - The Growth and EPA Synthesis of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Expectation of EPA Biosynthetic Pathway - Optimization of the Lowry Method of Protein Precipitation from the H. influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine Using Deoxycholic Acid and Hydrochloric Acid - Structual Characteristics of Expression Module of Unidentified Genes from Metagenome </p><p>4) Koo, Yoon-Mo (구윤모)</p><p>* Office : 2S117 * Tel : +82-32-860-7513 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http:// * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Chemical engineering / Purdue Univ. / U.S.A. - M.S. : Chemical engineering / KAIST / Korea * Research Area : Bioprocess Engineering, Bioseparation and Purification, Biomass Conversion, Simulated Moving Bed, Ionic Liquids, BioMEMS * Academic Works : - Sang Hyun Lee, Dung Thanh Dang, Sung Ho Ha, Woo–Jin Chang, and Yoon–Mo Koo, "Lipase- catalyzed synthesis of sugar ester by using supersaturated sugar solution in ionic liquid", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99(1), 1-8(2008). - Kang, Hye-Jin, Jin-Hee Kim, Woo-Jin Chang, Eung-Soo Kim, and Yoon-Mo Koo, "Heterologous Expression and Optimization One-Step Separation of Levansucrase via Elastin-like Polypeptides Tagging System", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 17(11), 1751- 1757(2007). - Sung Ho Ha, Mai Ngoc Lan , Sang Hyun Lee, Sung Mi Hwang, Yoon-Mo Koo, "Lipase- catalyzed biodiesel production from soybean oil in ionic liquids", Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 41, 480-483(2007).</p><p>5) Lee, Choul-Gyun (이철균)</p><p>* Office : 2S114</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>* Tel : +82-32-860-7518 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://cgland.inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Biotechnology / Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor / U.S.A. - M.S. : Biotechnology / Seoul National Univ. / Korea * Research Area : Marine Biotechnology, Biodiesel and CO2 Sequestration by Microalgae * Academic Works : </p><p>- Hai-Linh Tran, Seong-Joo Hong, and Choul-Gyun Lee, Evaluation of Extraction Methods for Recovery of Fatty Acids from Botryococcus braunii LB572 and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 14(3):187-192, 2009 - In Soo Suh, Hyun-Na Joo, and Choul-Gyun Lee, A novel double-layered photobioreactor for simultaneous Haematococcus pluvialis cell growth and astaxanthin accumulation, J. Biotechnol. 125(4):540-546, 2006 - Z-Hun Kim, Sun-Hyung Kim, Ho-Sang Lee, and Choul-Gyun Lee, Enhanced production of astaxanthin by flashing light using Haematococcus pluvialis, Enzyme Microb. Technol., 39(3):414-419, 2006</p><p>6) Lee, Seok-Hyun (이석현) * Office : H-622 * Tel : +82-32-860-7392 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Dr. Eng. : Electrical Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea - M.S. : Electrical Engineering / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Plasma Display Panel / Flat Panel Display * Academic Works : - A New Driving Waveform for Stable Address Discharge in an Alternating Current Plasma Display Panels / IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 34(3), pp. 966-972, Jun, 2006. - New Addressing Method Using Overlapping Scan Time of AC-PDP / IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 52(1), pp. 11-16, Jan, 2005. - Three-Dimensional Time-Resolved Analysis for The Discharge of Plasma Display Panel Using The Scanned-Point Detecting System / J. Vacuum Science & Technology B 23(2), pp. 612-617, Mar/Apr, 2005.</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>7) Woo, Seung-Bum (우승범) * Office : 5N110 * Tel : +82-32-860-7710 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage : http://coel.inha.ac.kr/ * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Civil and Environmental Engineering/ Cornell Univ / USA - M.S. : Civil Engineering / Sungkyunkwan University / KOREA * Research Area : - Computational Hydraulics - Coastal Engineering - Wave mechanics: wave generation, wave groups - Wave climatology: Response of upper ocean to strong storms - Numerical modeling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality * Academic Works : - Finite element method for strong reflection of water waves, Ocean Engineering,Vol.31,p653-667,2004.04 - Finite element model for modified Boussinesq equations II: application to nonlinear harbor oscillations,Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering ,Vol.130,No.1, p17- 28,2004.01 - Finite element model for modified Boussinesq equations I: model development,Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering,Vol.130,No.1,p1-16,2004.01</p><p>4. Course List Major Course Course Credit Taught Code in English VM501 Geophysical Exploration 3 x VM502 Reservoir Engineering 3 x VM503 Energy Resources Property Evaluation 3 x VM504 Advanced Rock Mechanics 3 x VM601 Advanced Well Logging 3 x Energy VM602 Energy System Analysis 3 x Resources VM603 Underground Ventilation System Engineering 3 x Engineering VM604 Petroleum Geology 3 x</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>VM605 Mine Reclamation Technology 3 x VM701 Oil production Engineering 3 x VM702 Seismic Interpretation 3 x VM703 Enhanced Oil recovery 3 x VM704 Well Testing 3 x VM705 Mine Health and Safety 3 x VM706 Rock Slope Engineering 3 x VM707 Engineering Geophysics 3 x Future VM505 Energy Environmental Management 3 x Sustainable VM506 Renewable Energy System 3 x Energy VM606 Alternative Energy for Transportation 3 x Engineering VM610 Power Conversion System 3 x VM614 Solar Energy 3 x</p><p>VM615 Introduction to Energy System Engineering 3 x VM616 Introduction to Next Generation Cells 3 x VM617 Fuel Cells Engineering 3 x VM708 Anaerobic Digestion 3 x VM607 Advanced Biofuels 3 x</p><p>Ocean VM608 Biodiesels 3 x Energy VM609 Bioehanol 3 x VM611 Introduction of ocean energy 3 x VM612 Power Transmission System Design 3 x VM618 Electrical Energy Engineering 3 x VM619 Wave and Tidal dynamics 3 x VM620 Introduction to coastal ocean dynamics 3 x VM621 Industry required Subject I 3 x Ocean VM622 Industry required Subject II 3 x Energy VM623 Ocean Energy Seminar 3 x VM715 Design of Ocean Structure elements 3 x VM716 White Biotechnology 3 x VM717 Advanced Biochemical Separation Process 3 x VM718 Coastal Ocean Numerical modelling 3 x VM719 Electrical Energy Conversion 3 x VM720 Experiment of Tidal Current Module Interaction 3 x VM721 Turbine Rotor Dynamics and Design 3 x</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p><p>VM722 Air-Sea interaction 3 x VM723 Advanced Marine Biotechnology 3 x</p><p>Program in Energy Engineering - 21 </p>
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