Committee: Date: Classification: Strategic 20 th October 2016 Unrestricted Development Report of: Title: Applications for Planning Director of Development and Renewal Permission Ref No: PA/14/02928 Case Officer: Brett McAllister Ward: Lansbury 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS Location: 116-118 Chrisp Street, Poplar London, E14 6NL Existing Use: 116 Chrisp Street – Public House (Use Class A4) 118 Chrisp Street – Vacant Light Industrial Building (Use Class B1c) Proposal: Demolition of public house (Use Class A4) and former Tyre and Exhaust Centre building (Use Class B1/B2) and erection of mixed-us e development of part 5, part 13, part 15 storeys comprising of 63 residential units (Use class C3) with ground floor commercial unit (flexible use - Use Classes A1/A2/A3/A4 ), and associated cycle and refuse storage facilities, amenity areas and electricity sub-station. Formation of new vehicular and pedestrian accesses onto Chrisp Street. Drawings: 1233 (PL) 150 Rev. C 1233 (PL) 151 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 152 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 153 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 154 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 155 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 156 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 157 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 158 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 159 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 160 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 161 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 162 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 163 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 164 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 166 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 250 Rev. D 1233 (PL) 251 Rev. C 1233 (PL) 252 Rev. C 1233 (PL) 253 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 254 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 350 Rev. B 1 1233 (PL) 351 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 352 Rev. B 1233 (PL) 450 Rev. A 1233 (PL) 451 Rev. A Documents: Accommodation Schedule PL -Design and Access Statement by Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects -Air Quality Assessment by Hawkins Environmental -Statement of Consultation and Community Involvement by The Planning and Design Bureau -Planning Statement by The Planning and Design Bureau -Noise and Vibration Assessment by Hepworth Accoustics -Daylight & Sunlight Assessment by Malcolm Hollis -Transport Statement by EAS -Affordable Housing P olicy Statement by Affordable Housing Solutions -Interpretive Report by RSA Geotechnics Ltd. -Energy Assessment by Robinson Associates -Sustainability Summary by Mulalley -Flood Risk Assessment by Sherrygreen Homes Ltd. Applicant: -Wind Environment Assessment by WSP Sherrygreen Homes Ownership: Sherrygreen Homes Historic Building: N/A Conservation Area: N/A 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The report considers an application for demolition of a public house and vacant warehouse and redevelopment of the site to provide a residential development of 63 units in a single building up to 15 storeys in height. 2.2 Officers have considered the particular circumstances of this application against the provisions of the Local Plan and other material considerations as set out in this report, and recommend approval of planning permission. 2.3 The proposed redevelopment of this brownfield site for a residential-led mixed-use development is considered to optimise the use of the land and as such, to be in accordance with the NPPF and development plan policies. 2.4 The development would provide a suitable mix of housing types and tenure including a policy compliant provision of affordable housing (37% affordable housing by habitable room). Taking into account the viability constraints of the site the development is maximising the affordable housing potential of the scheme. 2.5 The residential quality of the scheme would be high. Out of the 17 affordable rented units 29% would be of a size suitable for families (5 units). All of the proposed affordable units would meet or exceed the floorspace and layout standards. The development would also include 2 affordable rented family units (4 bed 6 person). All 2 of the dwellings would meet Lifetime Homes standards and 10% would be provided as wheelchair accessible. 2.6 The report explains that the proposals would be acceptable in terms of height, scale, design and appearance and would deliver good quality homes in a sustainable location. The proposed flats would all be served by private balconies and terraces that meet or exceed minimum London Plan SPG space requirements. 2.7 The impact from the development on residential amenity would be acceptable. The development has a significant adverse impact on the Equinox building opposite in terms of daylight and sunlight, development in particular; however this to be expected to a degree given the existing low rise nature of the application site. The design and massing of the development is considered to be appropriate for this urban site and as such, given the significant regenerative benefits of the proposal, the impact is considered acceptable. 2.8 The proposal would be acceptable with regard to highway and transportation matters including parking, access and servicing. 2.9 The scheme would meet the full financial and non-financial contributions. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to: a) Any direction by the London Mayor b) The prior completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), to secure the following planning obligations: 3.2 Financial Obligations: a) A contribution of £24,187.60 towards employment, skills, training for construction job opportunities b) A contribution of £2,038.53 towards employment, skills, training for unemployed residents c) £1000 towards monitoring fee (£500 per s106 HoT’s) Total £27,226.13 3.3 Non-financial Obligations: a) Affordable housing 37% by habitable room (22 units) - 79.5% Affordable Rent at Borough affordable rental levels (17 units) - 20.5% Intermediate Shared Ownership (5 units) b) Access to employment - 20% Local Procurement - 20% Local Labour in Construction c) Car free agreement d) Three blue badge parking spaces to be funded by applicant at request of potential tenants for a term of 5 years. 3 e) Commitment to market the porposed ground floor non-residential unit for Class A4 use (drinking establishments) for a period of six months, before marketing for any other permitted use. f) Any other planning obligation(s) considered necessary by the Corporate Director Development & Renewal 3.4 That the Corporate Director, Development & Renewal is delegated authority to negotiate and approve the legal agreement indicated above. 3.5 That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal is delegated authority to issue the planning permission and impose conditions and informatives to secure the following matters: 3.6 Conditions: 1. Three year time limit 2. Compliance with approved plans and documents 3. Samples and details of all facing materials 4. Details of any shopfront 1:50 including location of signage 5. Details of hard and soft landscaping, including boundary treatment and lighting 6. Details of play equipment 7. Details of green roof 8. Details of drainage and mitigation of surface water run-off 9. Details of all Secure by Design measures 10. Hours of construction and demolition 11. Demolition and Construction Management/Logistics Plan 12. Delivery and Servicing Management Plan 13. Details of any extract system serving an A3 use 14. Hours of operation for each of the commercial use 15. Travel Plan 16. Contaminated Land assessment and mediation strategy 17. Compliance with Energy Statement 18. Details of cycle parking 19. Details of noise and vibration levels post completion testing 20. Details of piling, all below ground works and mitigation of ground borne noise 21. Scheme of highway improvement works as requested by LBTH Highways 22. Protection of DLR infrastructure 23. Car and Permit free agreement 24. Commercial unit to be Use Classes A1/A2/A3/A4 25. Details of wheelchair accessible units 26. Ventilation details for A3/A4 Use 27. Details of noise insulation between non-residential unit and residential premises. 3.7 Any other conditions considered necessary by the Corporate Director Development & Renewal. 3.8 Informatives: 1. Subject to a S106 agreement 2. Thames Water standard informative 3. Building Regulations approval required 4. CIL liable 4 3.9 Any other informatives considered necessary by the Corporate Director Development & Renewal. 4.0 PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DETAILS Site and Surroundings 4.1. The application site is a broadly rectangular plot that measures 0.102ha in size. It is situated on the eastern side of Chrisp Street and is to the west of the DLR line that runs from Lewisham to Stratford. 4.2. The site comprises two plots – 116 and 118 Chrisp Street. No.116 to the south is occupied by a two storey public house - The Royal Charlie and includes its rear outbuildings and car park. 118 Chrisp Street comprises a vacant 2 storey warehouse. This warehouse was previously used as a tyre and exhaust centre. 4.3. To the north of the site is Parkview Apartments (120-122 Chrisp Street). This is a 19 storey residential building with ground floor commercial uses (an A3/A5 use is closest to the application site). It occupies most of its site, and comprises a slim tower set towards the rear of the land, with lower wings projecting towards Chrisp Street. 4.4. To the north of Parkview Apartments, beyond a pedestrianised street that connects Langdon Park Station with Chrisp Street, is a construction site for a consented residential development comprising buildings that will range from 5 to 22 storeys high. 4.5. Approximately 40m to the north east of the site is a Langdon Park DLR Station and Landon Park. On the other side of the DLR tracks to the east is Langdon Park school. Immediately to the south of the site is a 1 and 2 storey Health Centre and associated car park. 4.6. To the west, across Chrisp Street, is a relatively recent residential development of between 3 and 9 storeys in height, which is part of the Equinox development.
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