New York State s8

New York State s8

<p>NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation University at Albany School of Public Health New York State Department of Health</p><p>PREVENTIVE MEDICINE RESIDENCY PROGRAM</p><p>Resident Progress Record</p><p>In 1994, the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) published a set of competencies intended both to define the scope of the specialty and to help guide and assess residency training. [Lane, D.S. et al (1995). Performance Indicators for Assessing Competencies of Preventive Medicine Residents, AJPM, 11(1): 1-8]. The charts in this packet are based on the ACPM competencies. They are designed to help preventive medicine residents and their advisors in structuring an individualized residency program and in tracking the resident’s progress.</p><p>The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) identified six general competencies for residency education. These competencies are also reflected in the charts and include: 1) Medical knowledge, 2) Patient care, 3) Practice based learning, 4) Systems based practice, 5) Professionalism, and 6) Interpersonal and communication skills.</p><p>These charts should be used early in the residency to sketch out plans for achieving the competencies. Although some of the competencies may be met during the academic year (e.g., research project, volunteer work, or other integrative activity), most will be met during the practicum year. The resident should choose a broad range of practicum rotations to have opportunities to develop as many of the preventive medicine competencies as possible. During the practicum year, the resident should record his/her progress in this section, making note of specific experiences related to each competency. </p><p>The resident and advisor should review the charts together periodically to identify gaps in the residency experience and to guide mid-course changes in the program. Following each review with his/her advisor the resident should also review his/her progress with the PMR Program director.</p><p>Resident ______Starting date ______Ending date ______</p><p>Advisor______</p><p>Reviewed with Advisor and Program Director (date and initial): Start Year 1 Mid Year 1 End Year 1 Mid Year 2 End Year 2 July/Aug Nov/Dec May/June Nov/Dec June Advisor</p><p>Program Director</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 1 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation Semi-Annual Evaluation Notes, Mid Year 1:</p><p>Coursework – resident’s impression:</p><p>Grades & other faculty feedback:</p><p>In-service exam results:</p><p>Plans:</p><p>Program Director ______Date ______</p><p>Semi-Annual Evaluation Notes, End Year 1:</p><p>Coursework – resident’s impression:</p><p>First practicum – resident’s impression:</p><p>Grades & other faculty feedback:</p><p>Plans:</p><p>Program Director ______Date ______Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 2 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation Semi-Annual Evaluation Notes, Mid Year 2:</p><p>Practicum rotations – resident’s impression:</p><p>Faculty feedback:</p><p>In-service exam results:</p><p>Plans:</p><p>Program Director ______Date ______</p><p>Semi-Annual Evaluation Notes, End Year 2:</p><p>Practicum rotations – resident’s impression:</p><p>Faculty feedback:</p><p>Resident’s feedback on program experience:</p><p>Plans:</p><p>Program Director ______Date ______Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 3 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation New York State Resident Progress Record Preventive Medicine Residency Year One Summary</p><p>Summer Orientation/Curriculum Department Dates Population Medicine Case Study Dates Epidemiology 1.</p><p>Family Health 2.</p><p>Chronic Disease/Adult 3. Health Environmental Health 4.</p><p>AIDS Institute Intro to PH & PM Core Modules</p><p>Managed Care Mini-Practicum Project:</p><p>Albany County Health Location: Department Supervisor: First Semester Course (number and name) Instructor Grade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Practicum work (opt.) Supervisor: Location: Winter Term Project description Supervisor: Location:</p><p>Second Semester Course (number and name) Instructor Grade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Practicum work (opt.) Supervisor: Location:</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 4 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation New York State Resident Progress Record Preventive Medicine Residency Year Two Summary</p><p>Summer Curriculum Population Medicine Case Dates Population Medicine Case Dates Study Study 1. 3.</p><p>2. 4.</p><p>Month Practicum rotation Supervisor Site</p><p>June (yr 1)</p><p>July</p><p>August</p><p>September</p><p>October</p><p>November</p><p>December</p><p>January</p><p>February</p><p>March </p><p>April</p><p>May</p><p>June</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 5 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation INTEGRETATIVE EXPERIENCES List ongoing or one-time activities not directly related to courses or practicum rotations: Possible activities include:  Outbreak investigations or POD exercises  Conferences, e.g., ACPM or APHA national meetings  Satellite broadcasts, e.g., T2B2 public health topics (monthly, 3rd Thursday), Center for Public Health Preparedness (monthly, 2nd Thursday), or Women’s Health Grand Rounds  SUNY ITS Computer Applications Workshops Add pages if necessary Activity Date(s)</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 6 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation INTEGRETATIVE EXPERIENCES List ongoing or one-time activities not directly related to courses or practicum rotations: Possible activities include:  Outbreak investigations or POD exercises  Conferences, e.g., ACPM or APHA national meetings  Satellite broadcasts, e.g., T2B2 public health topics (monthly, 3rd Thursday), Center for Public Health Preparedness (monthly, 2nd Thursday), or Women’s Health Grand Rounds  SUNY ITS Computer Applications Workshops Add pages if necessary Activity Date(s)</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 7 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation FINISHED PRODUCTS</p><p>Major internal papers, presentations, and publications resulting from practicum work TITLE CO-AUTHOR(S) DESCRIPTION (if any) (what, where, when)</p><p>FINISHED PRODUCTS</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 8 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation  Submitted or published peer-reviewed articles, authored or co-authored, resulting from practicum work  Presentations (oral or poster) at regional or national meetings/conferences</p><p>TITLE CO-AUTHOR(S) DESCRIPTION (if any) (what, where, when)</p><p>ADVOCACY LETTERS</p><p>TO WHOM SUBJECT DATE</p><p>COMPETENCY EVALUATION</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 9 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation INSTRUCTIONS & SIGNATURE PAGE</p><p>Residents  Review list of competencies at start of practicum rotation to identify those which are expected to be met by the practicum activity  At completion of practicum rotation, record activities meeting specific competencies and the level of involvement (independent, participation, observation)  Meet with practicum supervisor and submit competency form to rate performance and initial indicated competencies</p><p>Practicum Supervisors  Complete signature page  Review competencies met, as reported by the resident  Rate performance of identified competencies (outstanding, strong, satisfactory, needs improvement) and initial</p><p>Name Title/Agency Signature Initials</p><p>Progress Record; revised January 2008 Page 10 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>COMPETENCY EVALUATION</p><p>CORE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE COMPETENCIES</p><p>*Activity Level Keys: Key #1: I= Independent; P= Participated; O= Observed Key #2: N = Need More Exposure; S = Sufficient Exposure *Rating Key: 4= Outstanding; 3=Strong; 2= Satisfactory; 1=Needs improvement</p><p>COMPETENCY ACTIVITY LEVEL* DATE RATE* INITIAL 1. COMMUNICATION, PROGRAM, AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT Interpersonal & communication skills; Practice based learning Interpersonal & I P O communication skills N S a. Communicate clearly to professional target groups, in both written and oral I P O presentations, the levels of risk from hazards and the N S rationale for interventions.</p><p>– Communicate clearly to I P O lay target groups, in both written and oral N S presentations, the levels of risk from hazards and the I P O rationale for interventions. N S</p><p>Practice based I P O learning N S b. Conduct program and needs assessments. I P O</p><p>N S – Prioritize activities using I P O objective, measurable criteria such as epidemiological N S impact and cost- effectiveness. I P O</p><p>N S 2. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS RELEVANT TO PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Practice based learning Use computers for word I P O processing, reference retrieval, statistical analysis, N S graphic display, database management, and I P O communication. N S 3. INTERPRETATION OF RELEVANT LAWS AND REGULATIONS Practice based learning Identify and review relevant I P O laws and regulations germane to the specialty N S area and specific assignments. I P O</p><p>N S</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 11 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>4. IDENTIFICATION OF ETHICAL, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL ISSUES Professionalism Recognize ethical, cultural, I P O and social issues related to a particular issue and develop N S interventions and programs that acknowledge and I P O appropriately address the issues. N S 5. IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL & DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES Systems based practice Identify organizational I P O decision-making structures, stakeholders, style, and N S processes. I P O</p><p>N S 6. IDENTIFICATION & COORDINATION OF RESOURCES TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH Systems based practice Assess program and I P O community resources, develop a plan for N S appropriate resources, and integrate resources for I P O program implementation. N S 7. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS Medical knowledge a. Characterize the health of I P O a community N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S b. Design and conduct an I P O epidemiological study N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S</p><p> c. Design and operate a I P O surveillance system N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S</p><p> d. Select and conduct I P O appropriate statistical analyses N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S</p><p> e. Design and conduct an I P O outbreak or cluster N S investigation I P O N S</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 12 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p> f. Translate epidemiological I P O findings into a recommendation for a N S specific intervention I P O</p><p>N S 8. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Systems based practice a. Assess data and I P O formulate policy for a given health issue N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S b. Develop and implement a I P O plan to address a specific health problem N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S c. Conduct an evaluation or I P O quality assessment based on process and outcome N S performance measures I P O</p><p>N S d. Manage the human and I P O financial resources for the operation of a program or N S project I P O</p><p>N S 9. CLINICAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Patient care a. Develop, deliver, and I P O implement, under supervision, appropriate N S clinical services for both individuals and populations I P O</p><p>N S</p><p> b. Evaluate the I P O effectiveness of clinical services for both individuals N S and populations I P O</p><p>N S 10. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Patient care Assess and respond to I P O individual and population risks for occupational and N S environmental disorders I P O</p><p>N S</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 13 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>COMPETENCY EVALUATION</p><p>PUBLIC HEALTH & GENERAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE COMPETENCIES</p><p>*Activity Level Key: Key #1: I= Independent; P= Participated; O= Observed Key #2: N = Need More Exposure; S = Sufficient Exposure *Rating Key: 4= Outstanding; 3=Strong; 2= Satisfactory; 1=Needs improvement</p><p>COMPETENCY ACTIVITY LEVEL* DATE RATE* INITIAL 1. PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE – spend at least one month in a rotation at a government public health agency gaining competency in at least one of the following: Practice based I P O learning N S a. Monitoring health status to identify community health I P O problems N S</p><p>Practice based I P O learning N S b. Diagnosing and investigating health problems I P O and health hazards in the community N S</p><p>Interpersonal & I P O communication skills N S c. Informing and educating populations about health I P O issues N S</p><p>Systems based I P O practice N S d. Mobilizing community partnerships to identify and I P O solve health problems N S</p><p>Systems based I P O practice N S e. Developing policies and plans to support individual I P O and community health efforts N S</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 14 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>Systems based I P O practice N S f. Enforcing laws and regulations that protect I P O health end ensure safety N S</p><p>Practice based I P O learning N S g. Linking people to needed personal health services and I P O ensuring the provision of health care when otherwise N S unavailable</p><p>Systems based I P O practice N S h. Ensuring a competent public health and personal I P O health care workforce N S</p><p>Practice based I P O learning N S i. Evaluating the effectiveness, accessibility, I P O and quality of personal and population-based health N S services</p><p>Practice based I P O learning N S j. Conducting research for innovative solutions to health I P O problems N S</p><p>2. CLINICAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Practice based learning a. Demonstrate I P O understanding of primary, secondary, and tertiary N S preventive approaches to individual and population- I P O based disease prevention and health promotion N S</p><p> b. Develop, implement, and I P O evaluate the effectiveness of appropriate clinical N S preventive services for both individuals and populations I P O</p><p>N S</p><p>3. EPIDIMIOLOGY Medical knowledge Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 15 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>Design and conduct health I P O and clinical outcomes studies N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S</p><p>4. HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Systems based practice a. Design and use I P O management information systems N S</p><p>I P O</p><p>N S</p><p> b. Plan, manage, and I P O evaluate health services to improve the health of a N S defined population using quality improvement and I P O assurance systems N S</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 16 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>Appendix: COMPETENCY PLANNING</p><p>CORE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE COMPETENCIES</p><p>EXAMPLES OF PRACTICUM RELEVANT POTENTIAL MENTORS & COMPETENCY ACTIVITIES ADDRESSING COURSES OTHER RESOURCES THIS COMPETENCY (Required/Elective) 1. COMMUNICATION, PROGRAM, AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT Interpersonal & communication skills; Practice based learning Interpersonal & a. Present at PH/PMR Seminar. EHT 590 (env risk, oral Debra Blog communication presentation Robert Westphal b. Present at MPH/DrPH Seminar. Marc Stern skills HPM 503 (journal club) David Carpenter a. Communicate c. Poster presentation at SPH Poster Wendy Weller clearly to Day SPH 680 (oral Heather Dacus, DOH Chron. Dis. professional target presentation) Carolyn Grosvenor, VA Hosp & groups, in both d. Present at meeting of a ______Rescue Mission written and oral departmental advisory group or other HPM 501 Kimberly Noyes presentations, the group of health professionals. (communicating policy) levels of risk from hazards and the e. Participate in Women’s Health HPM 627 (public health rationale for Grand Rounds videoconference education) interventions. series or similar broadcast.</p><p>– Communicate a. Participate in writing a press EHT 590 Mary Gallant clearly to lay target release. Ben Shaw groups, in both Mary Burt written and oral b. Participate in writing material John Talarico presentations, the intended for release to the general ______Heather Dacus levels of risk from public or to a specific audience. HPM 627 (public health Kimberly Noyes hazards and the education) rationale for c. Attend seminar on public affairs. interventions. d. Handle a press call on an issue you have been involved with.</p><p>Practice based a. Assist with development of a grant Mary Gallant learning application. Ben Shaw Sylvia Pirani (local health services) b. Conduct program b. Assist in development of a state ______James Crucetti and needs budget proposal. HPM 627 (public health Carolyn Callner assessments. education) Rachel De Long c. Assist in evaluation of requests for DOH program directors funding, e.g. responses to an RFP. HPM 647 (program evaluation)</p><p>– Prioritize activities a. Participate in planning a state or using objective, county health department program. HPM 503 (case studies) James Crucetti measurable criteria Carolyn Callner such as b. Assist in developing budget Diane Dewar epidemiological initiatives. DOH program directors impact and cost- ______effectiveness. c. Observe deliberations at a meeting HPM 511 (econ analysis) of the advisory council to the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant HPM 647 (program or Preventive Health and Health evaluation) Services Block Grant.</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 17 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>2. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS RELEVANT TO PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Practice based learning Use computers for a. Analyze data by computer on at STA 552 Michael Zdeb (SAS) word processing, least one project, leading to a report, STA 553 Thomas Flynn (Dickerman Library) reference retrieval, abstract, or publication. SPH 680 (power point Lenore Gensberg statistical analysis, presentation) Louise Ann McNutt graphic display, b. Become comfortable with using Epi John Talarico (Epi Info) database Info, SAS, spreadsheets, e-mail, word Mary Applegate (Excel) management, and processing, and presentation Epi 514 (SAS) Mary Gallant (SPSS) communication. software.</p><p> c. Take a SUNY ITS Computer Applications Workshop in Microsoft Access, Excel, Power Point, or SAS/SPSS.</p><p>3. INTERPRETATION OF RELEVANT LAWS AND REGULATIONS Practice based learning Identify and review a. Attend legal seminar. EHT 590 Jerry Jasinski relevant laws and HPM 503 James Raucci (lead laws) regulations germane b. Attend legislative hearing. Judith Schreiber (AG’s office) to the specialty area James Crucetti and specific c. Attend county council or health Mary Applegate assignments. committee meeting. HPM 501 d. Research basis for a specific practice in the Public Health Law and the New York Code of Rules and Regulations.</p><p> e. Assist with the development of new or revised regulations at state or county level.</p><p>4. IDENTIFICATION OF ETHICAL, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL ISSUES Professionalism Recognize ethical, a. Work on a plan or program EPI 501 (IRB training) Donna Armstrong cultural, and social targeting specific social groups for EPI 616 (social class and Alice Stark issues related to a public health intervention. race) Mary Gallant particular issue and HPM 521 Ben Shaw develop interventions b. Present a research proposal to the HPM 525 Mary Applegate and programs that DOH Institutional Review Board, or Bill Leavy acknowledge and attend a meeting of the IRB as an HPM 645 (international) Heather Dacus appropriately address observer. Kimberly Noyes the issues.</p><p>5. IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL & DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES Systems based practice Identify organizational a. Attend staff and planning meetings HPM 501 Tim Hoff decision-making in at least one program in the health Shadi Saleh structures, department. Wendy Weller stakeholders, style, Gus Birkhead and processes. b. Attend staff meetings at as many Hoff/Saleh courses Mark Baptiste levels as possible in the Gary Malys organizational structure, and compare James Miller (BT) content and type of discussions. Robert Burhans (BT)</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 18 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>6. IDENTIFICATION & COORDINATION OF RESOURCES TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY’S HEALTH Systems based practice Assess program and a. Assist in the development of a HPM 521 James Crucetti community county’s Community Health Carolyn Callner resources, develop a Assessment and Municipal Public Anne Gadomski (Cooperstown) plan for appropriate Health Services Plan, or review an Barbara McTague resources, and existing CHA and MPHSP. Kathy Carlton integrate resources Heather Dacus for program b. Visit an organization that is DOH program managers implementation. responsible for coordinating regional resources -- e.g. a Health Services Agency, a Rural Health Network, or a Comprehensive Perinatal Network -- and learn how they carry out their work.</p><p>7. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS Medical knowledge a. Characterize the a. Assist in development of county’s HPM 503 (case studies) Sylvia Pirani health of a Community Health Assessment. HPM 521 Michael Zdeb community Michael Medvesky b. Analyze data from Bassett James Crucetti Research Institute’s Health Census Carolyn Callner 2000. Heather Dacus EPI 514 c. Use vital records data to describe birth outcomes in a county.</p><p> b. Design and a. Work on an epi study , leading to a EPI 501 Barbara Wallace conduct an report, abstract, or publication. HPM 502 Marc Stern epidemiological study Louise Ann McNutt b. Develop a case-control study as David Strogatz part of a disease outbreak investigation. EPI 502 c. Use one of the major state Upper-level EPI courses databases (e.g. Vital Records, SPARCS, Congenital Malformations Registry) to investigate an epidemiologic question.</p><p> c. Design and a. Participate in the evaluation &/or EPI 501 Barbara Wallace operate a modification of an existing James Miller surveillance system surveillance system. Bob Westphal Marilyn Kacica b. Participate in designing a new Gus Birkhead surveillance system. Upper-level EPI courses Charlotte Druschel Mark Baptiste Dale Morse Perry Smith d. Select and a. Select appropriate statistical HPM 503 (journal club) Marc Stern conduct appropriate methods for analyzing a data set you STA 552 Lenore Gensberg statistical analyses are working with, and explain why you chose those methods.</p><p> b. Discuss limitations of a published STA 552 study in a written or oral presentation, e.g for Journal Club.</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 19 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p> e. Design and a. Participate in an acute disease EPI 501 Dale Morse conduct an outbreak outbreak investigation, assisting in the HPM 503 (case studies) Stricoff or cluster work-up, analysis, and write-up Louise Ann McNutt investigation phases. Barbara Wallace Marilyn Kacica b. Use a state registry, e.g. Cancer EPI 605 (infectious Perry Smith Registry, to assist with response to disease epi) Charlotte Druschel public concern about a cluster of ------Matthew Mauer disease cases. CDC website – outbreak investigation case study (botulism in Argentina) f. Translate a. Include a discussion section in the EHT 590 Any PMR faculty member epidemiological written report, abstract, or publication HPM 521 findings into a above. recommendation for a specific intervention b. Use epidemiologic data to support a proposal for resources, e.g. in a grant application or legislative funding Upper-level EPI classes proposal. HPM 627</p><p> c. Develop recommendations based on findings of a disease outbreak investigation.</p><p>8. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Systems based practice a. Assess data and a. Research policy options for a EHT 590 Gus Birkhead formulate policy for a current issue, describe the pros and HPM 501 Nancy Wade given health issue cons of each, and make HPM 521 Perry Smith recommendations. Mark Baptiste Mary Applegate b. Develop policy statement for Wendy Weller ACPM HPM 627 Diane Dewar John Talarico Barbara Wallace Lou Smith b. Develop and a. For the issue above, participate in HPM 521 DOH program managers implement a plan to development of goals and objectives James Crucetti address a specific for a program to address it. Carolyn Callner health problem b. Help develop a plan for implementing the program above. HPM 627 (PH Ed)</p><p> c. Conduct an a. Participate in review of the quality HPM 500 Carolyn Grosvenor (VA, Captial evaluation or quality of care at a hospital, or outpatient Rescue) assessment based on clinic — e.g. VA Medical Center, Neil Mitnick (Albany Med) process and outcome Albany Medical Center, Phimont Janice Sanders (Philmont Hearth) performance Hearth (center for developmentally measures disabled adults). HPM 647 (Prog Eval) Rachel de Long (Bur of Child Health) Marjorie Geiger (Patient Safety Ctr) b. Assist with developing protocol and tools for reviewing medical records to investigate sentinel events, e.g. maternal or infant death.</p><p> c. Conduct medical error-prevention project with NYSDOH Patient Safety Center.</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 20 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p> d. Manage the a. Attend meetings with DOH staff Kathy Carlton human and financial where program operations are Barbara McTague resources for the discussed. Tim Hoff operation of a James Crucetti program or project b. Undertake significant independent Carolyn Callner project, such as a provider survey, HPM 641 (Org & Mgt) Lynne Portnoy and develop detailed plans for HPM 648 (HC Finance) carrying it out. HPM 650 (Strat & Lead)</p><p>9. CLINICAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Patient care a. Develop, deliver, a. Occupational medicine clinic. Lynne Portnoy (occ med) and implement, under James Crucetti supervision, b. County health department clinics -- Carolyn Callner appropriate clinical STD, TB, prenatal. Carolyn Grosvenor services for both individuals and c. Past experience in medicine, populations pediatrics, family practice, obstetrics...</p><p> b. Evaluate the a. Use AIDS epidemiology data to Mary Applegate (perinatal services) effectiveness of evaluate the effectiveness of various Debra Blog clinical services for regimens for prevention of maternal- James Crucetti both individuals and child HIV transmission. Carolyn Callner populations b. Use Perinatal Data System data to HPM 647 (Prog Eval) compare effectiveness of neonatal intensive care in different hospitals.</p><p>10. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Patient care Assess and respond a. Assist with an environmental Lynne Portnoy to individual and investigation at the county health Matthew Mauer population risks for department, e.g. lead poisoning Erin Bell occupational and investigation, restaurant or summer environmental camp inspection. disorders EPI 608 (Inj Epi) b. Conduct environmental EPI 613 (Env Occ Epi) investigation using registry data and other resources at Center for Environmental Health.</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 21 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>COMPETENCY PLANNING</p><p>PUBLIC HEALTH & GENERAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE COMPETENCIES</p><p>EXAMPLES OF PRACTICUM RELEVANT POTENTIAL MENTORS & COMPETENCY ACTIVITIES ADDRESSING COURSES OTHER RESOURCES THIS COMPETENCY 1. PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE – spend at least one month in a rotation at a government public health agency gaining competency in at least one of the following: Practice based a. Analyze vital records and hospital James Crucetti learning discharge data to identify major health Carolyn Callner issues in a specific county. Michael Zdeb a. Monitoring health Mark Baptiste status to identify b. Analyze vital records and/or community health hospital discharge data to identify problems areas with a high incidence of a specific problem.</p><p>Practice based a. Participate in an infectious disease Barbara Wallace learning outbreak investigation. Marilyn Kacica Matthew Mauer b. Diagnosing and b. Assist with investigation of an Charlotte Druschel investigating health environmental health hazard. problems and health hazards in the community</p><p>Interpersonal & a. Develop a flyer about a health Mary Burt communication issue to be distributed Kris Smith Carolyn Grosvenor skills b. Write a press release about a c. Informing and current public health issue, such as educating populations mosquito control or immunization. about health issues c. Participate in local health fair </p><p>Systems based a. Work with Healthy Capital District James Crucetti practice Initiative on current community Carolyn Callner project. David Momrow d. Mobilizing Robert Westphal community b. Identify community partners to James Miller partnerships to assist with response to major disease Gary Malys identify and solve outbreak. health problems</p><p>Systems based a. Assist with writing county’s James Crucetti practice Municipal Health Services Plan. Carolyn Callner Gary Malys e. Developing b. Draft regulations related to a Mary Applegate policies and plans to current health issue. support individual and community health efforts</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 22 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p>Systems based a. Participate in inspection of Steve Lewkowski practice restaurant, children’s camp, toxic James Crucetti waste site to assess compliance with Carolyn Callner f. Enforcing laws regulations. Fred Heigel and regulations that Jerry Jasinski protect health end b. Participate in hospital site visit ensure safety responding to incident report.</p><p>Practice based a. Work with Migrant Health Program Lester Wright (NYS DOCS) learning to improve availability of health Mary Applegate services. John Talarico g. Linking people to Nancy Wade needed personal b. Accompany community health Rachel de Long health services and workers & public health nurses on James Crucetti ensuring the home visits during county health dept Carolyn Callner provision of health rotation. Carolyn Grosvenor care when otherwise unavailable c. Help develop brochure about family planning free access program.</p><p>Systems based a. Assist in teaching a class at the SPH faculty practice School of Public Health. SPH Cont Ed – Young, Reeves Robert Westphal h. Ensuring a b. Assist with Epidemiology Road Mary Applegate competent public Show, Women’s Health Grand Barbara Wallace health and personal Rounds, or other continuing education Alvaro Carrascal (AIDS Inst) health care workforce programs offered by the School of Public Health.</p><p>Practice based a. Use Perinatal Data System to study Mary Applegate learning rates of unintended pregnancy in Richard Propp areas served by family planning Foster Gesten i. Evaluating the clinics. effectiveness, accessibility, and b. Use hospital discharge data to quality of personal study hospitalization rates for and population-based ambulatory-care sensitive conditions, health services e.g. asthma or UTI.</p><p>Practice based a. Survey health care providers Mary Gallant learning regarding efforts to increase David Strogatz immunization rates among their Kimberly Noyes j. Conducting patients. research for innovative solutions to health problems</p><p>2. CLINICAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Practice based learning a. Demonstrate a. Identify a problem that warrants Carolyn Callner understanding of wide-spread screening. Explain why James Crucetti primary, secondary, screening is warranted, what the Mary Applegate and tertiary target group should be, and how the Mark Baptiste preventive screening should be carried out. David Hoffman approaches to Bradley Hutton individual and b. Critique an existing or proposed Perry Smith population-based screening program. Does it meet the Barbara Wallace disease prevention criteria for a worthwhile screening Gus Birkhead and health promotion program? Was the target group Ken Pass (Newborn Screening) chosen appropriately? Is it cost effective?</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 23 of 24 NYS Preventive Medicine Residency Resident’s name______Competency Evaluation </p><p> b. Develop, a. Participate in community based James Crucetti implement, and prevention activities at the county Carolyn Callner evaluate the health department, e.g. cholesterol Schulte effectiveness of screening or immunization programs. Rachel de Long appropriate clinical Foster Gesten preventive services b. Work with clinicians, e.g. at AMC or Pat Roohan for both individuals a public health clinic, to improve Carolyn Grosvenor and populations adherence to recommended prevention practices.</p><p> c. Assess managed care plans’ provision of preventive services by working with QARR or MEDS data, and develop plan to improve performance.. 3. EPIDIMIOLOGY Medical knowledge Design and conduct a. Use registry data on infectious Charlotte Druschel health and clinical diseases, cancer, birth defects, or Barbara Wallace outcomes studies other conditions to study the Lou Smith epidemiology of a specific disease.</p><p> b. Participate in an infectious or environmental disease outbreak investigation.</p><p>4. HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Systems based practice a. Design and use a. Design a computerized tracking Foster Gesten management system to ensure that individuals Pat Roohan information systems exposed to rabies receive all required Carolyn Callner vaccine doses. James Crucetti Kim Noyes</p><p> b. Plan, manage, a. Use managed care quality Foster Gesten and evaluate health assurance reporting data to identify Lynne Portnoy services to improve health plans or population subgroups Marc Stern the health of a with low rates of cancer screening, Lester Wright defined population and provide feedback to plans about using quality findings and about approaches to improvement and improving rates. assurance systems</p><p>Progress Record; revised 10/2008 Page 24 of 24</p>

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