<p> EVANGELINES EVANGELICAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Blessed to be a blessing</p><p>Volume 59, Issue 4______April 2015</p><p>CHOOSING JESUS NOW</p><p>The devil and his cohorts were devising plans to get people to reject the Gospel. "Let's go to them and say there is no God," proposed one. Silence prevailed. Every devil knew that most people believe in a supreme being. "Let's tell them there is no hell, no future punishment for the wicked," offered another. That was turned down, because men obviously have consciences which tell them that sin must be punished. The concave was going to end in failure when there came a voice from the rear: "Tell them there is a God, there is a hell and that the Bible is the Word of God. But tell them there is plenty of time to decide the question. Let them 'neglect' the Gospel, until it is too late." All hell erupted with ghoulish glee, for they knew that if a person procrastinated on Christ, they usually never accept Him. (Resource, July/August, 1990)</p><p>We have all been procrastinators. When I was in seminary I would put off writing papers for classes as long as I could. I always felt I had more time to get the work completed. Every now and then the time would sneak up on me and the paper would be turned in late, which was not a good thing. I learned very early in seminary that procrastination did not pay off. It was better to act quickly on things I knew were important to do.</p><p>Easter Sunday is upon us. Jesus is risen. Now is the time to accept Jesus more deeply into our lives. So often we procrastinate in our relationship with God. We think we have more time and before we know it we are meeting Jesus face to face and we weren’t ready for that meeting. Jesus wants a relationship with us now. </p><p>We are all in various stages of growth in our lives. We are all trying the best we can to move forward. We are doing that in our church as we find newer and perhaps more creative ways to help people develop a relationship with Jesus and get to know Him more deeply. We are doing that as we look at the possibilities of the church of “What If”. The sky is the limit on what we can become. All we have to do is allow God’s Spirit to guide us and lead us. </p><p>This year we celebrate 175 years as a church. Those who have gone before us did not procrastinate. They acted and they acted quickly and we are called to do the same. So as we celebrate Easter Sunday and enter into the Easter season let us as a Body of Christ here at EvUCC not be afraid to not procrastinate and take some risks. Now is the time to choose Jesus and continue to move forward in His name.</p><p>Peace in the Risen Christ!</p><p>Pastor Chris</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8</p><p>Why Church Hoops Aren’t Fun Like Hula Hoops A phrase I’ve been saying a lot lately has been, “I want us to get rid of all of our ‘hoops’ at EvUCC.” By “hoops” I mean anything in the perception of the community that function as barriers to people who aren’t already involved/members of our church life. Most people in Highland self-identify as “church people” (based on a demographic study I did of our city back in 2010, but in reality, most are not (based on community church- attendance numbers; the percentages put about 30% of Highland residents in church on Sunday morning. That’s…lower than most of us would guess). So people want to identify as Believers, but for some reason don’t want to be part of church communities. Of course, there are 100+ reasons for this: work on Sundays, Church seems hypocritical or irrelevant or archaically unintelligent, etc., but one thing we can do, is work on getting rid of the hoops that we force people to jump through, that are keeping them away. Spoiler Alert: “The following may raise between 8 and 10 of your hackles, wake you up on one or more wrong sides of the bed, or even get your unmentionables in any number of wads.” I love your hearts, and I love our church, but let’s face it; our doors aren’t bursting at the seams. I often get phone calls which include, “Is your church one of those where I have to ______?” Hoop. “As a non-member, what do I have to pay for ____?” Hoop. “Will your church help me with ______(insert life-changing event: marriage/baptism/funeral) even if I haven’t ______?” Hoop. Now WAIT. (Are you waiting?) You know that I appreciate (even thrive) on the idea of standards, and that I believe there is something to be said about what it means to belong intimately to a community (we might even use the word “perks” here), but what I’m talking about are the perceptions that John Q Highlander sees in the church, and exhales in resignation because yet another church that proclaims “freedom, welcome, and acceptance” sure seems to have a lot of “but-hold-on-now” caveats. I think we all might agree that some (most?) of our “hoops” are intended to have purpose; they are meant to help us be good stewards of our property and staff’s time, and to keep us and others focused on the mission of our church. But if the intentions are good yet the consequences keep people from actually feeling that we’re genuinely welcoming and inclusive, haven’t we really contradicted what we’re trying to do? For me, Church is about who’s already here as much as who is yet to join us. I’ve noticed deep surprise and appreciation when I can tell non-weekly-EvUCC folk about some of the hoops we don’t have. I never charge couples for officiating their marriage. Neither Pastor Chris nor I decline funerals or baptisms, no matter who the person is. Our Consistory just changed the “Member” and “Non- Member” fees for building/staff use in weddings to be the same. There’s not a strict attendance-requirement to be able to be Confirmed at EvUCC. Our church boards/teams are made up of members and guests alike. The world is sick of associating the word “church” with the word “no.” Jesus said “no” a lot in the gospels…but it was usually when the religious folk tried to deny someone something because of a “hoop.” “You can’t be healed on the Sabbath.” Hoop. “But you’re not circumcised/baptized.” Hoop. “She’s unclean, she can’t eat with us!” Hoop. “He’s a Gentile, not one of us.” Hoop. Hula Hoops are really fun. Church Hoops confirm to the unchurched world that we are not nearly as consistent as we pretend to be, and so Sunday mornings sure sound like a great time to sleep in. If we’re serious about Extravagant Welcome, about inviting those who aren’t here yet to</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 9 engage wholeheartedly with our communal task of walking with Jesus, let’s make it easy for them, and send our hoops to Hawaii where they belong! Love your hearts, Pastor Will</p><p>“THE WAY”</p><p>This Maundy Thursday we’re excited to present a TOTALLY NEW EXPERIENCE that we’d love for you to join us in! Witness some of the most challenging and encouraging “mandates” (commands) that Jesus gave to the world by walking “The Way” through live drama, music and prayer, ending with an invitation to the upper room’s last supper. You won’t want to miss out on this spiritual journey which will help you see and experience some scripture passages in a new Way!” </p><p>Sunday School Schedule</p><p>March 22 Camp Sunday during Sunday School Wear casual clothes/camp t-shirts</p><p>March 29 (PALM SUNDAY) 1 service with Cantata –no Sunday School</p><p>April 5th (EASTER) Sunday School 9:10 to 10:00 am</p><p>Vacation Bible School</p><p> Mark your calendars and join us July 27-31 for Hometown Nazareth VBS. </p><p>We are in need of many volunteers to help children explore the culture of Jesus’ boyhood. You can help as a class leader, as one of the Marketplace shopkeepers, or any area you are interested in. At Hometown Nazareth everyone will become a part of history as they see, hear, </p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8 touch, and even taste what it was like to live in Jesus’ hometown! These experiences make god’s Word come alive with new meaning for all who participate!</p><p> The Adventure starts at 9:00am and ends at 11:15am . To sign up to help you can call 654-7459 or contact Darlene. </p><p>“HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE BIBLE”</p><p>Our new Bible discussion group for adults (in their 20s and 30s) will meet again on April 6th at 7 pm and we would love for you to join us. Please contact Beth Hegger at [email protected] or 618-978-5554 or Pastor Will if you’re interested or have questions. </p><p>WOMEN’S GUILD</p><p>We were disappointed that we had to cancel our Lenten Communion Service due to the weather. Our next meeting will be on April 7th. We will start at 12 noon with a soup and pie luncheon which will be provided. There will be a sign-up sheet on the Narthex bulletin board. We are asking each of you to bring an antique or something of sentimental value to show at our antique road show. We hope to see all of you there. The Guild Board will meet at 9:00 a.m.</p><p>HELLO from PEPPERMINT PRESCHOOL</p><p>HELLO from PEPPERMINT PRESCHOOL</p><p>It’s Almost Here!!!! Spring begins soon!!! I think that will make everyone smile! We certainly hope the winter weather for 2015 is behind us with blue skies and sunshine ahead!! Of course, our Peppermint students had lots of fun times playing in the snow. But most will agree they don’t like the cold temperatures and wearing a coat, hat, gloves and boots. March is a very important month at Peppermint School. Besides having Easter parties, we will also have a Spring Break. The teachers will conduct Parent/Teacher Conferences. And most important, we have pre- Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 9 registration days for our returning students and any Wee Care students who want to attend Peppermint. We hope that our big numbers in our three’s classes move on to be big numbers in our four’s classes. Our ultimate goal is to fill our classes completely for our 44th year. If you know any family, friend or neighbor who needs a preschool for their child, please pass along our contact number ~ 654-7600. We encourage all interested in our school, to come for a morning visit. Registration forms are available now and may be returned on our Public Registration Day ~ Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 8 – 10 am. If you wander down the west wing hallway, I am sure you will notice all of the fun things adorning the area. Some of the classes are complaining that they are running out of space to hang all of their fine projects. And, their classrooms are full too! Our students love attending Peppermint School and they are very proud of each and every achievement. We are very proud of our students, too. We hope that you have a beautiful and wonderful spring!!! Enjoy God’s gifts in all of their glory. </p><p>Miss Beckie and the Peppermint Staff </p><p>WOMEN’S GUILD Mothers and Others Banquet</p><p>Plans are underway for our Annual Mothers & Others Banquet on Friday, May 8 at 6:30 p.m. Entertainment this year will be Soft Fire Music Ministry by Rev. David and Pat Pence and is called, “Train Trip Across America”. So put this date on your calendar!</p><p>Priscilla Plocher</p><p>BAKE SALE – GARAGE SALE</p><p>All kinds of baked goods are needed for the Mission Board Bake Sale at the Garage Sale on Friday, March 27th and Saturday, March 28th. Please bring or leave your baked items in the kitchen by that Friday. Proceeds will go to the Back Bay Mission. The Mission Board thanks you very much.</p><p>Priscilla Plocher</p><p>CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Celebrate 175 Years is Starting NOW</p><p>We are celebrating our church’s 175th birthday in September (Rally Day Sunday) to honor our history and reflect on all the accomplishments our congregation has seen in those 175 years. We wish to display, one Sunday per month, some of the memorabilia and artifacts that have been a part of our church family. We are inviting our members and the community to participate by submitting suggestions and photos of things that they have </p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8 saved that pertain to events in our history. Please E-mail your submission to: [email protected], including your name, phone number and a brief description of the item.</p><p>THANK YOU’S</p><p>“Thank you so much for the care package! I’m so humbled to know that you and the whole church is thinking of me”- Jesse Johnson</p><p>“Just received an amazing Valentine’s Day package from EvUCC! Not sure who to thank but it’s awesome!!”- Cam Loyet</p><p>“Hey thank you for my care package, I love it” –Lucas Rinderer</p><p>“Thank you so much for the goodies I received; I’m really grateful!” –Jay Hargis</p><p>THANK YOU’S (cont.)</p><p>"Awesomely-Amazing church and congregation-I am a little late on the thank you, but THANK YOU! Your valentines care package brightened my day. After a huge organic chemistry test I received an email that I had a package to pick up. When I opened up this package I grinned from ear to ear. What a truly awesome and caring act from my church to send me home baked goods. With the dorm food I eat every day (YUCK!) these cookies and treats didn't stand a chance of lasting very long. Thank you very much!" -Paige Lampe</p><p>*****************************************************************************************</p><p>I would like to express my sincere “Thanks” for the phone calls from both Pastor Chris and Pastor Will at the time of the loss of my mother, Edith Determann. Thanks to Pastor Chris who came to our home and to the Grantfork Church on the day of the funeral. I would also like to thank all of our friends for the cards, flowers, memorials, and those that attended the visitation or funeral. These acts of kindness are very much appreciated by our family and will always be remembered.</p><p>Marie, David and Vicky Bimes</p><p>OUR CHURCH FAMILY </p><p>We rejoice in the birth of:</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 9 Sawyer Floyd Stoff born March 10th to Brian and Amy Stoff. Sawyer’s grandparents are Bob and Jane Sudhoff. </p><p>We celebrate the baptism of:</p><p>Keegan Neal Kueper baptized on February 22nd. Keegan is the son of Kassidy and Angela Kueper and the grandson of Darrell and Karen Becker.</p><p>We bestow blessings on the marriage of:</p><p>Steven Glockner and Ashley Donnelly, married on Saturday, February 11th.</p><p>We extend our sympathy and rejoice in the promise of resurrection with…</p><p>The family of Irene Hood who passed away on February 19th.</p><p>Cecil Pfister and family as they mourn the passing of his brother, Roger Pfister, on March 7th. </p><p>Also, please continue to pray for…</p><p>Bob Barney, Marie Bimes, Robin Chumbris, Florence Collmann, Carolyn Crabtree, Jeanne Dankenbring, Viola Deibert, Randy Dellamano, Gene and Debra Dilley (Marsha Rinderer’s sister and brother-in-law), Rev. Tom Drewer, Jared Emig (nephew of Jerry and Karla Zurliene), Alma Erwin, Olivia Genteman, Elaine Grundhoefer (Harold Byers’ sister), Brenda Heim, Janet and Maurie Henricks (Tom’s parents), Carol Hoffman, Don Hundsdorfer, Curt Iberg, Jean Jacober, Dorothy Johnson (Aunt of Ron and Kathy Schneider), Betty Kamm, Penny Kapp (Kay Wellen’s sister), Vera Kunz, Betty Legier, Herman Louer, Mary Marchal, Ruth Meffert, Henry Metzger, Joe Michaelis, Daniel Morris, Richard Moser, Anthony Perez (friend of Steve and Denise Clayton), Alicia Rayner (Al & Shirley Flath’s daughter), Rae Ellen Reece, Sandra Reinacher, Don Rinderer, Laurie Rinderer (daughter-in-law of Dennis and Sharon), Jean Rouse (Shirley Hug’s sister), Joan Sackett, Amy Schneider (daughter-in-law of Ron and Kathy), Flo Schneider, Doris (mother of Barb Stallard), Nathan Steding, Gloria Stuckwisch, Samantha Strom (friend of Tina Kutzgar), Carladine Vulliet, Dale Wiesemeyer (Niala Keilbach’s brother), and Kathy Wilsman (Nancy Byers’ sister), and Howard Zbornak.</p><p>April Service Calendar Date Ushers Layreaders Nursery</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8</p><p>April 2 7:00 p.m. Darrell Becker Karen Becker Katie Henricks Maundy Rodney Knackstedt Kelly Knackstedt Thursday</p><p>April 3 7:00 p.m. Harold Byers Nancy Byers Dena Henricks Good Friday Russell Rinderer Marsha Rinderer</p><p>April 5 8:00 Stan Giffhorn Gloria Klaus 8:00 Rodney Knackstedt 9:00 Jane Sudhoff Easter Bob Kruse Janet Kruse Tom Wehrle Merle Wernle Rodney Zobrist Debi Zobrist</p><p>10:15 Gene Redman Paula Redman 10:15 Nancy Ramsey 10:00 Shirley Hug Eric Augustin Kristan Augustin Ethan Augustin Katie Augustin John Young Steven Young April 12 8:00 Rodney Suhre Eva Suhre 8:00 Carey Iftner 9:00 Dena Dennis Wilkinson Sandy Wilkinson Henricks</p><p>10:15 Eric Rehkemper Janean Rehkemper 10:15 Beth Grohmann 10:00 Ruthie Braden Rehkemper Dawn DeNap Shownes April 19 8:00 Allen Iberg Lori Iberg 8:00 Kay Whitecotton 9:00 Tracey Church Elaine Iberg Carrie Iftner Zobrist Breakfast 8:30 – 10:30 10:15 Brad Grohmann Beth Grohmann 10:15 Barb Marti 10:00 Jan Tebbe Ron Shownes Ruthie Shownes April 26 8:00 Al Barth Joyce Barth 8:00 Debi Zobrist 9:00 Donna Brendel Confirmation Phil Mason Julie Mason</p><p>10:15 Dennis Plocher Donna Plocher 10:15 TBD 10:00 TBD Zach Plocher Jacob Plocher</p><p>COFFEE HOUR HOSTS April 5 Memorial April 19 Stewardship April 12 Mission April 26 Women’s Guild</p><p>MEN’S BREAKFAST Our next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, April 11th at 8:00 a.m. Please join us for breakfast, fellowship and conversation.</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 9 CHURCH BREAKFAST</p><p>Our next church breakfasts are March 29th and April 26th. Please plan to join us!</p><p>Excerpts from the ISC Weekly Connection</p><p>Team T-shirts </p><p>Order Your Commemorative T-shirt Today!! </p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8</p><p>Celebrate the history of mission work in Illinois South Conference and DuBois Center on Sunday, May 3 from 2:30 pm - 3 pm at the Gateway Grizzlies Stadium. We want to create a "sea of t-shirts" representing the pride of belonging to the United Church of Christ. Shirts are $10 for the sport shirt and $8 for the regular T-shirt. Illinois South Conference will have the run of the entire park. Go down on the field to play games. Enjoy horse rides on a horse from the DuBois herd. Listen to the music of 6+ bands and performers. Eat at the concession stand and enjoy the history of Illinois South Conference and DuBois Center. </p><p>Advanced ticket cost is $5 per individual or $10 per family (regardless of size)</p><p>At the Door ticket cost is $10 per individual or $15 per family </p><p>WE NEED TRICYCLES!! If you have access to a tricycle and are willing to loan it to us on May 3, please contact Shirley Bergmann at [email protected].</p><p>For tickets to the event and/or to order t-shirts, check with your church office or contact Shirley Hoy at 618-281-7375 or [email protected] or Carol Faust at 618-281-4891 or [email protected]. </p><p>****************************************************************************************************************************************** REGISTER for SUMMER CAMP! Registration is open for summer camps at DuBois Center. You may register online or by mail. You can find a camp schedule or the full camp brochure in your church office or online. You may also contact DuBois Center to receive a brochure by mail at [email protected] or 618-787-2202</p><p>*****************************************************************************************************************************************</p><p>Marine United Church of Christ will be hosting a Trivia Night on Saturday, April 25th with all proceeds benefiting Hoyleton Ministries. Sharpen your wits and your pencils and join us for a night of challenging fun! </p><p>Trivia Questions, Door Prizes….And More! $12 per person/ 8 players a table/ $96 per table</p><p>Please contact 618-887-4465 for reservations; if after hours just leave your name, phone number and number of people you are reserving for on the message machine.</p><p>~ALL PROFIT GOES TO HOYLETON MINISTRIES~</p><p>Go to www.hoyleton.org to learn more about Hoyleton Ministries</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 9 Evangelical United Permit No. 173 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Church Nonprofit Organization of Christ Highland, IL 62249</p><p>2520 Poplar St. RETURN SERVICE Highland, IL 62249 REQUESTED Office: 618-654-7459 Email: [email protected] Web: www.evucc.org Fax: 618-654-6346</p><p>Evangelines Schedule</p><p>Articles Assembly Mailing Date Due Date April 20 April 23 April 27</p><p>“Exploding the Possibilities”</p><p>Palm Sunday One Service on March 29 at 9:00 am Cantata – “The Gospel Mass” All Church Breakfast Served Immediately Following</p><p>Maundy Thursday Service – “The Way” April 2 at 7:00 pm</p><p>Good Friday Service April 3 at 7:00 pm</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ. Evangelines Volume 59, Issue 4 Page 8</p><p>Easter April 5 at 8:00 and 10:15 am</p><p>Evangelical United Church of Christ is a Christian community called to share God’s love with all people through the good news of Jesus Christ.</p>
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