<p> Disability Timeline Laws & Policies 1700Massachusetts colonial government bars immigration of "lame, impotent, or infirm L&P PHY persons, or those incapable of supporting themselves." USA 1776Pensions for disabled soldiers promised by Continental Congress to encourage military L&P PHY enlistment during Revolutionary War. Disabled veterans provided medical care by state USA VET governments and local communities. 1837Massachusetts requires examination of all alien passengers by port officials and exclusion DD L&P PHY of "any lunatic, idiot, maimed, aged, or infirm person, incompetent in the opinion of the PSY USA officer so examining, to maintain themselves." Responding to legal challenge in State Supreme Court, Boston's city attorney argues: "It is as much our duty to provide against the moral pestilence of pauperism as against infection." He claims danger must be blocked before such aliens land, while they are still on shipboard, where "we can put our hands upon the lunatics, idiots, aged and infirm paupers, etc." 1845Baltimore, Maryland, health officer, testifying on immigration before U.S. Senate BLI L&P committee, reports that for years he pleaded with local authorities to stop entry of "the halt, PHY USA the lame, and the blind." 1855Immigration agents in Germany are allegedly advising "immigrants who are deformed, L&P PHY crippled, or maimed, etc., against taking passage to New York, and advised them to go by USA way of Baltimore, New Orleans, or Quebec, where the laws prohibiting the landing of immigrants of the above cases do not apply," according to U.S. State Department report. 1864Union Army Disability Pension payments granted to 36,000 disabled veterans. L&P PHY USA VET 1872Chinese immigrants with disabilities restricted from entering U.S. under California ASIA BLI DD statute requiring $1000 bond for each non-citizen "lunatic, idiot, deaf, dumb, blind, crippled, DF L&P PHY or infirm person, not members of families, seeking to enter the nation in California." USA 1882Exclusion of "lunatics and idiots" added to U.S. immigration law. L&P PSY USA 1886Artificial limbs for Confederate veterans account for one-fifth of expenditures by State of AMP L&P Mississippi. MED PHY USA VET 1890Worker's Compensation programs advocated by Progressive reformers. By 1913, some suchL&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio programs established in 21 U.S. states; by 1919, 43 states. (1890s-1920s) Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1896Eugenic marriage law adopted by State of Connecticut, first such state legislation. BIO EUG L&P USA 1898Eugenic sterilization bill introduced Michigan state legislature, to authorize castration of BIO DD EUG all inmates of Michigan Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic and felons convicted of L&P INST third offense. USA 1900Marriage prohibited for alcoholics, "the insane," and people with tuberculosis by State BIO EUG of North Dakota. L&P PHY PSY USA 1900Union Army Disability Pension payments have been issued to 741,000 veterans. L&P PHY USA VET 1901National Fraternal Society of the Deaf founded by graduates of Michigan School for the ACT DF L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Deaf. As only fraternal life insurance company run by Deaf people, advocates during first halfORG USA Companion to the of 20th century for Deaf people's rights to buy insurance and get driver's licenses. Disability Rights Movement. 1901Pennsylvania sterilization law passed by legislature, but vetoed by governor. Nonetheless, BIO DD EUG Superintendent Martin Barr continues to sterilize inmates of Elwyn. L&P INST USA 1903Immigrants with epilepsy barred from United States by U.S. Congress. EPI L&P USA 1907Indiana compulsory sterilization law, first state law mandating sterilization of "idiots," BIO EUG "imbeciles," convicted criminals, and rapists. Over next decade, fifteen states adopt similar INST L&P laws. Over next two decades, twenty one states implement eugenic sterilization statutes. USA Some 8,500 individuals will be sterilized, 465 in Indiana State Reformatory. 1910Workmen's Compensation laws adopted by forty-two states. (1910-1920) L&P PHY USA 1911Federal commission established by Congress to investigate worker compensation and EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio employer liability. PHY USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1911Sterilization of certain types of "feeble-minded" adults mandated by New Jersey state BIO DD EUG legislature. L&P USA 1912Mental examinations of immigrants advocated before Congress by Salmon, a leader of L&P PSY National Committee on Mental Hygiene. USA 1913Sterilization of "mental defectives" authorized by Wisconsin State Legislature. BIO DD EUG L&P USA 1917Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act adopted by U.S. Congress. EMP L&P PHY REH USA 1918New York State sterilization law declared unconstitutional. BIO DD EUG L&P USA 1918Smith-Sear Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Act authorizes Federal Board for EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Vocational Education to rehabilitate disabled World War I veterans. Precedes civilian PHY REH Companion to the vocational rehabilitation and offers more generous provisions. Spending almost $650 million, USA Disability Rights rehabilitates only about 10% of 329,000 veterans it enrolls. Movement. 1919Worker's compensation in 41 U.S. states, providing some income assistance and EMP L&P rehabilitation for injured workers. USA 1920Fess-Smith Civilian Vocational Rehabilitation Act passed by Congress, providing federal EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio funding for state vocational rehabilitation programs for disabled civilians. PHY REH Companion to the USA Disability Rights Movement. 1921Emergency Quota Act restricting immigration passes U.S. Congress. L&P USA 1921U.S. Veteran's Bureau established. L&P PHY USA VET 1922Veteran's Bureau opens first hospitals. INST L&P MED PHY REH USA VET 1924Virginia legislature passes sterilization law authorizing sterilization, without their consent, BIO EUG of individuals identified as having mental disabilities or epilepsy. L&P USA 1927Indiana legislature adopts a second sterilization law. BIO EUG L&P USA 1931Sterilization statues have been enacted in 27 U.S. states. BIO EUG L&P USA 1935League of the Physically Handicapped founded in New York City to oppose hiring ACT EMP Paul K. Longmore discrimination under the Works Progress Administration, a federal work-relief program. L&P ORG and David Through protest demonstrations in Manhattan and Washington, D.C., it eventually generates PHY USA Goldberger. “The 1500 jobs for physically handicapped workers in New York City. League of the Physically Handicapped and the Great Depression: A Case Study in the New Disability History.” Journal of American History 87:3 (December 2000): 888-922, online at: http://www. historycooperative .org /journals/jah/87.3/ 1935Social Security Act, passed by U.S. Congress August 1935, includes provisions for federal BLI L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio financial assistance to state governments to support Aid to the Blind and medical PHY REH Companion to the rehabilitation of physically disabled children. Also expands federal support of state vocationalUSA Disability Rights rehabilitation programs. Movement. 1936Randolph Sheppard Act passed by U.S. Congress, establishing federal program for blind BLI EMP Pelka, ABC-Clio vendors to operate stands in federal office building lobbies. L&P USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1938Sheltered workshops vastly increase in number following passage of Fair Labor BLI DD EMP Pelka, ABC-Clio Standards Act. Ostensibly job training and employment programs for blind and visually INST L&P Companion to the disabled workers, sheltered workshops are actually authorized by this law to pay such PHY REH Disability Rights workers sub-minimum wages in substandard work environments. USA Movement. 1939Sterilizations of "feebleminded" in State of Virginia reaches 1,000. BIO EUG INST L&P USA 1939Social Security Act Amendments authorize federal financial aid to state vocational EMP L&P rehabilitation programs. REH USA 1943LaFollette-Barden Act (Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments), adds physical EMP L&P Berkowitz, rehabilitation to vocational rehabilitation program objectives and provides funding. Federal REH USA Disabled Policy, policies also perpetuated separate rehabilitation programs for civilians and veterans, despite 169-170. FDR’s efforts during World War II to introduce a unified system. 1945Consultant for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Speech Impaired, Boyce R. Williams, hired DF L&P REH Pelka, ABC-Clio by federal Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. For nearly four decades will plan and oversee USA Companion to the educational and vocational programs for deaf Americans. Disability Rights Movement. 1945National Employ the Handicapped Week established as annual event by joint U.S. EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio congressional resolution (Public Law 176) endorsed by President Harry Truman. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1946Hill-Burton Hospital Survey and Construction Act, authorizes federal grants to states for INST L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio hospital construction, including rehabilitation hospitals. MED REH Companion to the USA Disability Rights Movement. 1947Sterilization policies in 27 U.S. states have resulted in compulsory sterilization of 6,212 BIO EUG Americans with disabilities. L&P USA 1950Barrier-free movement launched by disabled World War II veterans, other people with ACT L&P disabilities, and disability advocates. Over the next two decades, this campaign, working with PHY USA the National Easter Seals Society, the President’s Committee on Employment of the VET Handicapped, the Veterans Administration, and other entities, fashions national standards for “barrier-free” buildings and promotes their implementation in federal and state laws. 1950Social Security Amendments of 1950 authorizes funding for state programs of Aid to the L&P USA Berkowitz, Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD). Provided financial assistance to impoverished Disabled Policy, people with disabilities under strict eligibility criteria. Congress, Social Security 70. administrators, and advocates favored this welfare program rather than a comprehensive disability and health insurance law. Departing from the original effort to create a complete federal social insurance program, they now adopted an incremental approach. 1952Presidents’ Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, the renamed EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio President’s Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, made a ORG PHY Companion to the permanent body reporting to U. S. President and Congress. USA Disability Rights Movement. 1953In-Home Support Services program established in Los Angeles County, California, to IL L&P PHY provide personal assistance services to adults with post-polio disabilities as an alternative to USA permanent costly institutionalization. 1954Social Security Act Amendments (P. L. 83-761) adopted by U. S. Congress. Includes L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio provision to “freeze” retirement benefits at their pre-disability level of workers compelled by Companion to the disability to leave the work force. Disability Rights Movement. 1954Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments adopted by U. S. Congress initiating new types of EMP L&P Berkowitz, federal grants to establish professional training programs in universities and subsidize REH USA Disabled Policy, research on rehabilitation methods, and enable counselors to attend the new programs at 171-172. public expense. As early as FY 1955, the program created more than 1,000 traineeships. By 1965, some forty colleges and universities offered graduate degrees in rehabilitation counseling; by 1980, the number approached one hundred. In time, a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling became a prerequisite for entering the profession. The 1954 federally financed program raised rehabilitation counseling to a profession. 1956Social Security Amendments of 1956 establish Social Security Disability Insurance L&P USA Berkowitz, (SSDI). Workers’ compensation, limited to disabilities resulting from workplace accidents Disabled Policy, and injuries, left a large gap in public provision for workers acquiring disabilities. SSDI partly 41, 79, 80. filled that gap by offering uniform national coverage for total disabilities, regardless of their origins. But it defined “disability” narrowly, paying benefits only to those who could demonstrate a complete incapacity to hold any job anywhere in the national economy because of a permanent physical or mental condition. Although initially proposed as a federal program, SSDI allowed state government agencies to make the initial determinations of eligibility. Although originally proposed as a program to cover adults of all ages, as adopted it covered only those fifty years of age or older. As a result, SSDI became closely associated with the retirement of older workers. 1958Social Security Amendments of 1958. U.S. Congress extends Social Security Disability L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio Insurance benefits to dependents of workers with disabilities Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1960In-Home Support Services: California program pays up to $300 a month for personal- IL L&P PHY assistance services for recipients of federal Aid to the Totally Disabled. By enabling USA individuals with major physical disabilities to live in their own homes, it becomes a foundational component of the independent living movement. 1960Open Captioning for the Deaf pioneered by Pilgrim Imaging under the Captioned Films for ACC DF L&P acob, “History of the Deaf Program of the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. TECH USA Technology Advances Inspired by Disability.” 1960Social Security Amendments of 1960. U.S. Congress removes provision limiting Social L&P USA [Finger], Security Disability Insurance benefits to workers over age 50. Makes SSDI available to “International workers who acquire disabilities at younger age. Independent Living Timeline.” 1960Deinstitutionalization campaign for people with developmental disabilities begins. Seeks ACT DD to move individuals from large institutions the small group homes with community-based INST L&P services. But such services never receive full or adequate funding. (1960s) USA 1961President’s Panel on Mental Retardation appointed by President John F. Kennedy to look DD L&P USAPelka, ABC-Clio into the situation of Americans with cognitive developmental disabilities and propose reforms Companion to the in policies and programs affecting them. Disability Rights Movement. 1962President’s Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped renamed DD EMP L&PPelka, ABC-Clio President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped to indicate its broadening PHY PSY Companion to the attention to employment issues concerning people with cognitive and emotional disabilities. USA Disability Rights Movement. 1963Deinstitutionalization and community services for people with mental disabilities. DD EDU L&PPelka, ABC-Clio President John F. Kennedy calls on Congress for legislation to reduce, “over a number of PSY REH Companion to the years and by hundreds of thousands, [the number] of persons confined” to custodial USA Disability Rights institutions. He proposes the creation of ways “to retain in and return to the community the Movement. mentally ill and mentally retarded, and there to restore and revitalize their lives through better health programs and strengthened educational and rehabilitation services.” 1963Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Centers Construction Act passed DD L&P PSY Pelka, ABC-Clio by U. S. Congress to provide federal grants for building both public and private nonprofit REH USA Companion to the community mental health centers. Disability Rights Movement. 1963South Carolina architectural access code: first statewide architectural access law. ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1965Immigration restrictions on “feeble-minded”: U.S. Congress reverses immigration policies DD L&P USA restricting admission of families with “feeble-minded” members. 1965Medicare and Medicaid programs established by Social Security Amendments of 1965. L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio Creates federally funded health insurance for retirees and recipients of Social Security Companion to the Disability Insurance (Medicare) and Americans who are poor and/or disabled (Medicaid). Disability Rights Amendments also revise SSDI definition of “disability” from “of long continued and Movement. indefinite duration” to “expected to last for not less than 12 months.” 1965Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1965: Establish National Commission on ACT DF L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Architectural Barriers to Rehabilitation of the Handicapped. Authorize sign language REH USA Companion to the interpreters for Deaf vocational rehabilitation clients. Expand existing vocational Disability Rights rehabilitation programs. Support construction of rehabilitation centers. Movement. 1966President’s Committee on Mental Retardation established by President Lyndon B. DD L&P USAPelka, ABC-Clio Johnson. Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1968Access to Public Buildings by Physically Handicapped Persons (California Government ACC BLI Code 4450-4456) mandates that all buildings, sidewalks, and other structures constructed L&P PHY with state, county, or municipal funds be accessible. Meanwhile, Non-Discrimination USA Against Blind (California Civil Code 54-55.1) establishes that blind, partially-sighted, and other disabled persons have right of equal access to streets, highways, sidewalks, public buildings, housing and rentals, and public facilities. 1968Architectural Barriers Act (P.L. 90-480) adopted by U. S. Congress on August 12. RequiresACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio that most buildings and facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with federal funds be REH USA Companion to the accessible to people with disabilities. Justified as promoting vocational rehabilitation because Disability Rights architectural barriers are considered the greatest obstacle to employment. But this act will Movement. come to be regarded as the first federal law mandating disability rights. 1968Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART): in authorizing construction, California legislature ACC L&P provides that it will be the first rapid transit system in U.S. accessible to a wheelchair riders. PHY USA 1970Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Amendments adopted by DD L&P REHPelka, ABC-Clio U. S. Congress. Establish first legal definition of developmental disabilities. Authorize grants USA Companion to the for services and facilities to rehabilitate people with developmental disabilities. Authorized Disability Rights creation of state “Developmental Disabilities Councils.” Movement. 1970Urban Mass Transportation Act. U.S. Congress establishes older and handicapped ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Americans’ right of equal access to mass public transportation systems and requires that USA Companion to the design, construction, and operation of those facilities and services include special efforts to Disability Rights guarantee availability and accessibility. But because the law has no enforcement mechanism, Movement. it has little effect. 1971Berkeley, California, curb ramp program: Local disability rights activists write and lobby ACC ACT for curb cuts at city intersections. Plan requires “off-center” curb cuts so as not to create L&P PHY hazards for blind pedestrians. Municipal Public Works Department objects to proposal, but USA City Council adopts it, appropriating $30,000 annual budget. 1971Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938 amended to place people with disabilities other than BLI DD EMP Pelka, ABC-Clio blindness in sheltered workshops. As a result, the sheltered workshop system absorbs large L&P USA Companion to the numbers of people with cognitive and developmental disabilities and vastly expands. Disability Rights Movement. 1971National Center for Law and the Handicapped established at University of Notre Dame. ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio First legal advocacy center for people with disabilities in U. S. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1971Rapid Transit: California state law requires accessibility in all rapid transit equipment and ACC L&P facilities. USA 1971Wyatt v. Stickney: U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama outlaws ACT CRT DDPelka, ABC-Clio “warehousing” people with disabilities in institutions without rehabilitation or education. INST L&P Companion to the Rules that they have a constitutional right “to receive such individual treatment as (would) USA Disability Rights give them a realistic opportunity to be cured or to improve his or her mental condition.” Movement. Decision is important victory of deinstitutionalization movement. 1972Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law established in Washington, D.C. ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Provides legal advocacy to protect the rights of people with psychological disabilities. ORG PSY Companion to the USA Disability Rights Movement. 1972Legal Action Center established to provide legal representation to people with alcohol or ACT AIDS Pelka, ABC-Clio drug-related disabilities. Later provides advocacy for people with HIV/AIDS. Operates in L&P ORG Companion to the New York City and Washington, D.C. PSY USA Disability Rights Movement. 1972Mills v. Board of Education: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia orders that CRT DD EDUPelka, ABC-Clio District of Columbia may not bar children with disabilities from public schools. Rules that L&P USA Companion to the school boards have legal and constitutional duty to afford all children, whatever their form of Disability Rights disability, a free public education. Movement. 1972Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children (PARC) v. State of Pennsylvania: U.S. ACT CRT DD District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania declares unconstitutional various state EDU L&P laws barring children with disabilities from public schools. Decision prompts activists to file USA many other right-to-education lawsuits. During 1970s they will look to the courts to advance disability rights. Advocates refer to this ruling during the congressional congressional hearings regarding Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. 1972President Nixon’s veto of Rehabilitation Act protested: activists attending annual meeting ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio of President’s Committee for Employment of the Handicapped demonstrate against veto. USA Companion to the Demonastration organizers include leaders of Disabled in Action, National Paraplegia Disability Rights Foundation, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and other advocacy groups. Movement. 1972Social Security Amendments of 1972 create Supplemental Security Income (SSI) L&P USA Berkowitz, program. U.S. Congress consolidates existing federal programs for people with disabilities Disabled Policy, who do not qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance. Replaces federal-state social 85-86. welfare programs for elderly, blind adults, and “permanently and totally disabled” adults with federal program combining all three groups. State benefits varied widely; new program ensures recipients a minimum income. People with disabilities rapidly become bulk of caseload. 1972Virginia state government ends sterilization program. 8300 individuals will never be BIO EUG compensated for being sterilized. L&P USA 1972Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority sued to compel accessible design of ACC ACT Pelka, ABC-Clio new subway system: Paralyzed Veterans of America, National Paraplegia Foundation, and L&P PHY Companion to the Richard Heddinger file suit demanding incorporation of accessibility features in planning of USA Disability Rights new, multibillion-dollar subway system in Washington, D.C. Landmark court ruling in their Movement. favor important victory in campaign for accessible public mass transit. 1972Willowbrook State School: Parents of inmates in Staten Island, New York, institution sue ACT CRT DD New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller (New York ARC v. Rockefeller) to correct abusive INST L&P conditions. TV exposé by reporter Geraldo Rivera provokes public outcry. Press coverage, USA parent advocacy, and the lawsuit eventually result in transfer of large numbers of people with developmental disabilities from Willowbrook into community-based living arrangements. 1973Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board created by U.S. Congress ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio in passing Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to oversee enforcement of Architectural Barriers Act of USA Companion to the 1968. Disability Rights Movement. 1973Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities organized. Will lobby for proposed legislation ACT DD L&PPelka, ABC-Clio that will become Developmentally Disabled Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 1975 and USA Companion to the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. Disability Rights Movement. 1973Fair Employment Practices Act, California state law prohibiting job discrimination in both EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio public and private sectors, amended to cover persons with physical disabilities. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1973Federal-Aid Highway Act (P. L. 93-87) requires that federally funded mass transportation ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio systems include accessibility features accommodating elderly and handicapped passengers. USA Companion to the Also authorizes federal funds to pay for curb cuts. Disability Rights Movement. 1973Handicapped parking stickers introduced in Washington, D.C. ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio PHY USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1973In-Home Support Services: Berkeley CIL lobbies not just to save but to expand personal- ACT IL L&P assistance services program. As result, IHSS monthly payments increased to $450. CIL also PHY USA campaigns successfully for state supplement to new federal Supplemental Security Income program. 1973Protest against President Nixon’s veto of Rehabilitation Act of 1973: On May 4 in ACT L&P Washington, D.C., demonstration organized by Disabled in Action of New York includes all- USA night candlelight vigil at Lincoln Memorial and other demonstrations involving hundreds of people with disabilities. 1973Vocational Rehabilitation Act: After President Nixon twice vetoed bills to reauthorize the ACT L&P Berkowitz, federally supported, state-run vocational rehabilitation system, Congress overrides his REH USA Disabled Policy, objections, passing the act on September 26. It establishes several important innovations: (1) 178-180. while maintaining the traditional emphasis on vocational rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities, it gives priority to those with “severe handicaps.” But it leaves the definition of that concept vague. In general, it refers to a disability so significant that it substantially limits an individual’s capacity to function within his or her family and community. Rather than providing a clear definition of “severe handicap,” the act relies on numerous specific examples, including blindness, cancer, deafness, mental retardation, and paraplegia. (2) The act also authorizes Client-Assistance Programs, ombudsmen within but independent of state rehabilitation agencies to safeguard consumers’ rights. In 1984 Congress will make these programs a requirement for federal funding. Disability rights advocacy groups, particularly those for clients with mental disabilities, play an important role in staffing client-assistance projects. (3) Title V, Section 501, mandates affirmative action in federal hiring handicapped persons. This section is never enforced. (4) Section 502 establishes the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. (5) Section 503 obligates private contractors or subcontractors receiving $2500 or more in federal funds to develop affirmative action plans regarding employment of people with disabilities. This provision is never enforced. (6) Section 504 prohibits discrimination against “otherwise qualified” handicapped individuals in federally-funded programs. It is the first legal measure barring discrimination against people with disabilities. The U.S. Department Of Health, Education and Welfare’s Office of Civil Rights, rather than its vocational rehabilitation division, is tasked with drafting the implementing regulations. This ensures that 504 will be promulgated as a civil rights law rather than an element of vocational rehabilitation. It also generates a new definition of “handicap.” Whereas the vocational rehabilitation program emphasizes employability, the 504 regulations define a handicapped person as an individual who has a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities, an individual who has a record of such an impairment, or who is regarded as having such an impairment. The regulations and subsequent litigation give rise to a disability rights concepts such as “reasonable accommodation,” “reasonable modification,” and “undue burden.” These terms and concepts will be incorporated into the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Drafting of the 504 regulations drags on for four years. It becomes a focal issue and organizing tool for disability rights activism, for the first time uniting a range of disability constituencies and organizations in a cross-disability political alliance through the American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities. 1974American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities (ACCD), first national cross-disability ACT L&P political alliance. Organized by 150 participants at annual meeting of the President’s USA Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Will focus on promulgation of regulations implementing Section 504. 1974First Client Assistant Project (CAPs) established to advocate for state vocational ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio rehabilitation agencies’ clients. REH USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1974Housing and Community Development Act, Section 8: Housing and Rental Assistance ACT L&P Program authorizes federal financial aid to retrofit buildings for access and construct new USA accessible housing. 1975Blue Curb Law: California Vehicle Code amendment authorizes parking spaces marked for ACC L&P people with disabilities. PHY USA 1975Developmentally Disabled Assistance and Bill of Rights Act adopted by U. S. Congress. ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Authorizes federal funding of programs serving people with developmental disabilities. Sets PHY USA Companion to the forth the rights of developmentally disabled persons in institutions, but these provisions prove Disability Rights useless because of the failure to including in the law an enforcement mechanism and due to Movement. later court rulings. 1975Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Pub. Law 94-142) adopted by U. S. EDU L&P Full-text of the Congress. Later renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For first USA law at time, ensures right of children with disabilities to receive public school education in settings http://www.edlaw. as integrated as possible (the “least restrictive environment”) and mandates for each such net/service/special child an “individualized educational program.” aw.html. For other sources related to education of children with disabilities go to:http://www.ed. gov/policy/speced /guid/idea/idea200 4.html. 1975Head Start program, preschool program for disadvantaged youngsters, established by U.S. EDU L&P Congress through Community Services Act.. Requires that at least 10% of those children USA have disabilities. 1975National Center for Law and the Deaf founded in Washington, DC. ACT DF L&P USA 1975First National Conference on Independent Living convenes in October in Berkeley, IL L&P ORG California, co-sponsored by Berkeley Center for Independent Living and federal REH USA Rehabilitation Services Administration. 1975Edward Roberts appointed Director of California Department of Rehabilitation. He IL L&P ORG Pelka, ABC-Clio oversees an establishment of nine independent living centers in that state, patterned after the PHY USA Companion to the Center for Independent Living he co-founded in Berkeley in 1972. These centers become Disability Rights models for hundreds of independent living centers across the globe. Movement. 1975Western Center on Law and the Handicapped established in Los Angeles. Later renamed ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Western Center on Law and the Disability Rights. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1976Architectural Barriers Act of 1976 (P. L. 94-541) mandates that buildings constructed with ACC L&P federal money include access features in their original design. USA 1976Disability Rights Center established in Washington, D.C. Supported by Ralph Nader’s ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Center for the Study of Responsive Law, it focuses on protecting people with disabilities as TECH USA Companion to the consumers. For instance, the collaborates with the U. S. Department of Justice in anti-trust Disability Rights action against the dominant U. S. wheelchair manufacturer, Everest & Jennings. Movement. 1976Higher Education Act of 1972 Amendment adopted by U. S. Congress authorizes academic EDU L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio support services to university and college students with disabilities. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1976Independent living centers in California established through funding by Departed IL L&P USA Rehabilitation, Innovation and Expansion Grant Program. 1976Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act: Democratic presidential candidate Jimmy Carter ACT L&P pledges to sign implementing regulations that still await promulgation despite extensive USA review by federal agencies and years of advocacy by disability rights activists. 1976Westside Center for Independent Living established in Los Angeles. One of first nine ACT IL L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio California centers set up by state Department of Rehabilitation under Ed Roberts. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1977Independent living: IL L&P USA [Finger], 52 independent living centers operating in United States. “International Office of Independent Living set up in U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Independent Development. Living Timeline.” Second National Conference on Independent Living convenes in Houston. 1977Legal Services Corporation Act Amendments adopted by U. S. Congress make a low L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio income individuals with disabilities eligible for publicly funded legal services. Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1977Section 504 sit-ins and promulgation: Despite candidate Jimmy Carter’s promise to ACT L&P implement 504 forthwith, in January administration officials begin review of draft regulations USA without consulting disability rights organizations, apparently aiming to revise and weaken them. Activists demand that HEW Secretary Joseph Califano sign regulations unchanged. When Califano ignores their deadline, on April 5 protesters occupy national and regional HEW offices in ten cities in coordinated cross-disability effort. Demonstrators in Denver are arrested, but cannot be jailed because facilities are inaccessible. In most cities protests end next day, but in San Francisco occupation, which initially includes 150 demonstrators, holds on until May 2, becoming longest sit-in at a federal building in U. S. history. Califano signs implementing regulations April 28. HEW issues them May 4. Section 504 rules define “handicap,” discriminatory policies and practices, and reasonable accommodations, thereby becoming enforceable civil rights law. 1977Transbus design: U. S. Department of Transportation issues policy that all new federally ACC L&P funded public buses must follow the Transbus design in order to provide access to individuals PHY USA who are older or physically disabled. 1977White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals: in May, 3,000 delegates ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio representing every state review federal policies affecting persons with disabilities. Fashion USA Companion to the White House Action Plan. Call for agency to assess and coordinate federal disability policies Disability Rights and programs. Sparks grass-roots activism. Movement. 1978Independent living: Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services and Developmental IL L&P USA [Finger], Disabilities Amendments of 1978 (P.L. 95-602), Title VII, authorizes first federal funding “International for independent living centers. Meanwhile, five regional conferences in various parts of U. S. Independent promote independent living philosophy and offer guidance for establishment of IL Centers. Living Timeline.” 1978National Council on the Handicapped, advisory body to review and recommend changes in L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio created federal policies and programs affecting people with disabilities established by Companion to the Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services and Developmental Disabilities Amendments of Disability Rights 1978 (P.L. 95-602), Title VII, in November. Movement. 1979Davis v. Southeastern Community College: U. S. Supreme Court’s first ruling regarding CRT DF EDU Pelka, ABC-Clio Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act upholds principle that programs receiving federal L&P USA Companion to the funds must make “reasonable modifications” to enable participation of otherwise qualified WOM Disability Rights handicapped persons but also significantly limits extent of such modifications. Rules that Movement. nursing school did not discriminate against Deaf woman’s application for admission because her hearing impairment disqualified her under the clinical training program’s physical requirements and 504 does not compel such programs to make substantial modifications. 1979Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), legal and legislative advocacy ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio organization that will spearhead many efforts including campaign for passage of Americans ORG USA Companion to the with Disabilities Act, founded in Berkeley, California. Disability Rights Movement. 1979Public Transportation: U. S. Department of Transportation issues Section 504 ACC L&P implementing regulations. Requires mainline public transportation systems to provide USA access for people with disabilities. 1980American Public Transit Authority (APTA) v. U. S. Department of Transportation: U.S. ACC CRT District Court in Washington, D.C., upholds constitutionality of DOT’s Section 504 L&P PHY regulations. USA 1980Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act adopted by U. S. Congress. Authorizes U. S. INST L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Department of Justice to sue state governments and local authorities on behalf of USA Companion to the institutionalized persons, including those in prisons and mental hospitals, whose Disability Rights constitutional rights are violated. Movement. 1980Social Security Act Amendments: U. S. Congress authorizes mandatory review of eligibilityL&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio of Supplemental Security Income recipients, impoverished individuals with disabilities, on Companion to the assumption that many do not truly qualify. This harsh policy will find little fraud but result in Disability Rights hundreds of thousands of terminations. Meanwhile, other amendments create the Act’s Movement. Section 1619 establishing pilot project to eliminate “work disincentives” and allow SS I recipients to earn money and retain at least some benefits. 1981Reagan Administration threatens Section 504 and Education for All Handicapped ACT EDU Pelka, ABC-Clio Children Act: Newly elected administration proposes amendments to Section 504 and L&P USA Companion to the education law or withdrawal of implementing regulations. Led by Patrisha Wright of the Disability Rights Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) and Evan Kemp, Jr., of the Movement. Disability Rights Center, disability rights activists launch grassroots lobbying campaign. Administration receives over 40,000 letters and postcards opposing its agenda. After three years, administration abandons plan. 1981Supplemental Security Income benefits terminated by Reagan administration, 1981- ACT L&P 1984: Hundreds of thousands of disabled recipients removed from roles. Several commit USA suicide, though most are restored. Activists vigorously protest policies. 1982“Baby Doe” case: Doctors in Bloomington, Indiana, advise parents of newborn with ACT BIO DD Pelka, ABC-Clio blockage of esophagus to reject life-saving surgery because infant has Down Syndrome. EUTH L&P Companion to the Activists try to intervene, but child starves to death. Disability rights and right to life MED USA Disability Rights advocates persuade Reagan Administration to issue regulations to protect disabled newborns Movement. from life-threatening medical discrimination. 1982Telecommunications for the Disabled Act passed by U. S. Congress. Requires telephone ACC DF L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio access for deaf and hard-of-hearing people in important public locations, such as hospitals TECH USA Companion to the and police stations. Requires that by January 1985 all coin-operated public telephones be Disability Rights hearing aid-compatible. Requires that workplace and emergency telephones be hearing aid- Movement. compatible. Calls upon state governments to subsidize manufacture and distribution of TDDs (Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf, more commonly known as TTYs). 1983American Disabled for Accessible Public Transit (ADAPT) protests inaccessible public ACC ACT http://www. transportation at American Public Transit Association (APTA) convention in Denver in L&P PHY adapt.org/back. October. First national action of militant disability rights group founded at Atlantis USA htm. Community in Denver. Campaign will use civil disobedience tactics to oppose APTA’s and many local public transit agencies’ resistance to making a public transit systems accessible. Will continue for seven years until passage of Americans with Disabilities Act. 1983National Council on the Handicapped, National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio (August) calls on U. S. Congress to protect Americans with disabilities from discrimination USA Companion to the by including them in “the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other civil and voting rights Disability Rights legislation and regulations.” Movement. 1983Nelson v. Thornburgh: U. S. Supreme Court upholds principle of “reasonable CRT L&P accommodation” under Section 504. Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare resisted USA providing and paying for optical readers or electronic devices for visually impaired Employees. Court holds that it fails to show costs would be “undue hardship.” 1983Task Force on Regulatory Relief: Chaired by Vice President George Bush, Reagan ACC ACT Administration intends it to reduce federal regulation of businesses, schools, and state and EDU L&P local governments. Aims to weaken implementing regulations for Section 504, Education for USA All Handicapped Children Act, and Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. But backs down in face of vigorous organized opposition from disability rights movement. Modifies regulations only affecting ATBCB. 1983World Institute on Disability established by Ed Roberts, Judy Heumann, and Joan Leon in ACT INT [Finger], Oakland, California. L&P PHY “International USA Independent Living Timeline”; Pelka, ABC-Clio Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1984Baby Jane Doe case, like 1982 Bloomington Baby Doe case, involves disabled infant denied BIO CRT DD Pelka, ABC-Clio life-sustaining medical treatment because of her disability. Leads to U. S. Supreme Court caseEUTH L&P Companion to the Bowen v. American Hospital Association and passage by U. S. Congress of Child Abuse MED PHY Disability Rights Prevention and Treatment Act Amendments of 1984. USA Movement. 1984Consolidated Rail Corporation v. Darrone: Ruling for second time on Section 504, U. S. CRT EMP Supreme Court reverses its 1979 holding in Davis v. Southeastern Community College. L&P USA Orders that 504 bars employment discrimination and that lower courts must heed its implementing regulations. 1984Irving Independent School District v. Tatro: U. S. Supreme Court rules that Education for CRT EDU Pelka, ABC-Clio All Handicapped Children Act requires local school districts to have school nurse or nurse’s L&P PHY Companion to the aide provide disabled student with intermittent catheterization. as a “related service.” USA Disability Rights Prohibits from denying education to disabled children because they may need such services. Movement. 1984Social Security Disability Reform Act adopted by U. S. Congress after hundreds of ACT L&P Berkowitz, thousands of complaints about unjust termination of disability benefits. Whereas 1980 USA Disabled Policy, reforms had aimed to remove people from the rolls, this act protects recipients’ rights. Limits 150. Social Security Administration to cutting off benefits only based on “the weight of the evidence” in a specific individual’s case. Requires continuance of benefits and health insurance coverage until terminated recipients exhaust their appeals. 1984Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act requires that federal election ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio polling stations be physically accessible to elderly and physically disabled voters. Also PHY USA Companion to the requires provision of large-print instructions and telecommunications devices for the Deaf. Disability Rights But activists discover that act’s enforcement provisions are very weak. Movement. 1985Mental Illness Bill of Rights Act adopted by U. S. Congress requires states to provide L&P PSY protection and advocacy services for people with psychiatric disabilities. USA 1986ADAPT activists demand U. S. Congress adopt Americans with Disabilities Act without ACT L&P weakening amendments. Demonstrate in Washington, DC, March 10-16, with 75 crawling up PHY USA the steps of U. S. Capitol to symbolize obstacles in Congress people with disabilities surmount. 1986Air Carrier Access Act adopted by U. S. Congress. Nullifies U. S. Supreme Court ruling thisACC CRT Pelka, ABC-Clio same year in U.S. Department of Transporation v. Paralyzed Veterans of America that L&P USA Companion to the commuter and commercial airlines not receiving federal funds were exempt from Section Disability Rights 504's nondiscrimination requirements. Law forbids airlines to reject passengers solely Movement. because they have disabilities. Requires all airlines to provide access for disabled passengers. Prohibits from charging disabled passengers higher fares than non-disabled. But weak enforcement provisions make this law largely ineffective. 1986Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act passed by U. S. Congress. Makes EMP L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio SSI 1619 pilot project permanent. Seeks to eliminate some work disincentives by permitting USA Companion to the Supplemental Security Income recipients to stay eligible for some benefits, most important Disability Rights Medicaid coverage, while they earn income from employment. Movement. 1986National Council on the Handicapped, Toward Independence, report issued February 1 ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio documents discrimination and recommends “a comprehensive law requiring equal PUB USA Companion to the opportunity for individuals with disabilities [and] prohibiting discrimination on the basis of Disability Rights handicap.” Recommendation eventually leads to Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Movement. 1986Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act passed by U. S. Congress. ACT L&P http://www. Created Protection and Advocacy Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) program, agencies PSY USA pai-ca.org/ to protect civil rights of in-patients or residents of mental health facilities. pubs/503101. htm. 1986Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986 add supported employment as “legitimate DD L&P REHPelka, ABC-Clio rehabilitation outcome.” USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1987Chicago Board of Elections sued by Illinois disability-rights groups for violating federal ACC ACT Voting Rights for Elderly and Handicapped Act by continuing to use inaccessible polling L&P PHY places, November 10. USA 1987School Board of Nassau County, Fla. v. Airline: U. S. Supreme Court sets forth rights of CRT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio people with contagious disease under Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V. Rules they cannot USA Companion to the be fired from jobs “because of prejudiced attitude or ignorance of others.” Major precedent Disability Rights not only for individuals with tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and other communicable diseases or Movement. disabilities, but for individuals with conditions such as cancer or epilepsy who experience discrimination because of prejudice and fear they may be contagious. 1988Americans with Disabilities Act introduced in U. S. Senate by Senator Lowell Weicker and L&P USA in House of Representatives by Congress member Tony Coelho, April 28-29. 1988Congressional Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio Disabilities co-chaired by Justine Dart, Jr. and Elizabeth Boggs builds grassroots support for PHY USA Companion to the passage of Americans with Disabilities Act. Disability Rights Movement. 1988Fair Housing Amendments Act adopted by U. S. Congress September 13. Extends ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio provisions of Fair Housing Act of 1968 to protect people with disabilities from housing USA Companion to the discrimination. Stats minimum standards of adaptability for newly constructed multiple- Disability Rights dwelling housing. Permits disabled people to modify rental housing. Requires reasonable Movement. accommodations in rules and policies. Mandates accessibility in common-use areas and entryways. Allows exclusion of individuals who pose “a direct threat to the health or safety of another individual.” Extends non-discrimination principles previously applied to federal government and recipients of federal funds to entire U. S. economy. 1988Hearing Aid Compatibility Act passed by U. S. Congress. Requires compatability of most DF L&P new telephones manufactured or imported into U. S. for use with telecoil-equipped hearing TECH USA aids. Does not require retrofitting existing phones. 1988Honig v. Doe: U.S. Supreme Court upholds “stay put rule” under Education for All CRT EDU Pelka, ABC-Clio Handicapped Children Act, which bars school authorities from suspending, expelling, or L&P USA Companion to the otherwise moving disabled children from setting agreed to in child’s individualized education Disability Rights plan (IEP) without due process hearing. Movement. 1988National Council on the Handicapped, On the Threshold of Independence. ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio PUB USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1988Technology-Related Assistance Act for Individuals with Disabilities (“Tech Act”) passed ACC L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio by U. S. Congress. Authorizes federal financial assistance for state projects to facilitate accessTECH USA Companion to the to assistive technology. Disability Rights Movement. 1988Tiffany Callo, mother with cerebral palsy, unsuccessfully fights for custody of her two L&P USA sons 1988Veto of Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 by President Reagan overturned by U. S. L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio Congress. Reverses U. S. Supreme Court ruling in Grove City College v. Bell and other cases Companion to the limiting scope of federal civil rights laws, including Section 504. Disability Rights Movement. 1989ADAPT v. Skinner: federal appeals court strikes down as arbitrary and discriminatory federal ACC CRT Pelka, ABC-Clio rules limiting local public transit agencies to expending just 3% of their budgets on access. L&P USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1989American with Disabilities Act, which was introduced in U. S. Congress the year before, is ACT L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio reintroduced in a revised version. Disability-rights advocacy groups around U. S. campaign USA Companion to the for it. Key leaders include Patrisha Wright, nicknamed the “general,” and Marilyn Golden, Disability Rights both of DREDF, Liz Savage, Justin Dart, Jr., and Elizabeth Boggs. Movement. 1989Hearing Aid Compatibility Act adopted by U. S. Congress. Requires compatability of ACC DF L&P newly manufactured hearing aids with telephones, August. USA 1989Larry McAfee, ventilator-using, spinal cord injured quadriplegic battered by Georgia social ACT BIO welfare system which provides no support for independent living, seeks and gets court order EUTH IL for physician-assisted suicide. But intervention of disability rights advocates leads him to L&P USA change his mind. He testifies to Georgia State Legislature in favor of independent living program. 1989President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, new name for ACT EMP Pelka, ABC-Clio President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. L&P ORG Companion to the USA Disability Rights Movement. 1990ADAPT, American Disabled for Accessible Public Transit, recasts its acronym as ACT IL L&P http://www. American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today to reflect shift in focus following USA adapt.org/ passage of Americans with Disabilities Act. Demanding policies supporting independent back.htm; Pelka, living and personal assistance services, ADAPT activists demonstrate at annual meeting of ABC-Clio for-profit nursing home industry trade organization, American Health Care Association, in Companion to the Atlanta, October 5-10. Disability Rights Movement. 1990Americans with Disabilities Act signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on July ACC ACT For full text of 26. Prohibits discrimination services and employment and requires “reasonable L&P USA American with accommodations” or “reasonable modifications” to guarantee access to people with Disabilities Act disabilities in federal, state, and local government facilities and programs, most private (ADA) 1990 (P.L. businesses, public transportation, telecommunications, and other public spheres of American 101-336): society. http://ada.gov/pub s/ada.txt. For other information about the law and its implementation: http://www.usdoj. gov/crt/ada/. Pelka, ABC-Clio Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1990Individuals with Disabilities; Education Act (IDEA), revised and renamed Education for EDU L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio All Handicapped Children Act of 1975. USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1990Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency Act passed by U. S. Congress to AIDS L&P Pelka, ABC-Clio assist local governments to deal with growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. MED USA Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1990Wheelchair lifts required on public transit buses in regulations finally issued by U. S. ACC L&P [Dias and Secretary of Transportation Samuel Skinner. USA Chadwick], Disability Social History Project. 1990“Wheels of Justice” demonstration in Washington, D.C., calls on U. S. Congress to pass ACT L&P [Dias and Americans with Disabilities Act. Organized by ADAPT, hundreds of disability rights activistsUSA Chadwick], fill Capitol rotunda. When they refuse to disperse, Capitol police arrest them. March. Disability Social History Project; Pelka, ABC-Clio Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1991ADAPT protest at Health Care Financing Administration headquarters in Washington, ACT IL L&P D.C. demands federal government designate proportion of Medicaid funds for in-home USA personal assistance services, April. 1992ADAPT nationwide protests demands federal and state financing of personal assistance ACT IL L&P services, January 15. USA 1992ADAPT demands American Medical Association support national personal assistance ACT IL L&P services policy in demonstration at AMA’s Chicago headquarters. May. USA 1992Americans with Disabilities Act, Title III Public Accommodations requirements that ACC L&P privately owned businesses serving the public provide access for customers with disabilities USA go into effect on January 26. 1992New York City sued for failing to provide emergency TDD services in violation of ACC DF L&P Americans with Disabilities Act. February. USA 1992New York City “experiment” erects inaccessible sidewalk toilets, while offering separate ACC L&P facilities for “the disabled.” June. USA 1992Oregon’s Medicaid rationing plan approved by U.S. Department of Health and Human BIO L&P Services. Drafted with little input from Oregon disability community, plan reduces support USA for people with disabilities that cannot be “cured.” 1993American Indian Disability Legislation Project created to gather information regarding L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio Native American with disabilities. Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1993Robert Williams becomes first person with a developmental disability appointed as a DD L&P USAPelka, ABC-Clio commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1995Helen L. v. Snider: U. S Third Circuit Court of Appeals rules that Commonwealth (state ACT CRT IL Pelka, ABC-Clio government) of Pennsylvania’s policy of funding nursing home residents see but not L&P USA Companion to the independent living violates Americans with Disabilities Act. WOM Disability Rights Movement. 1996Social Security rolls purged. U. S. Congress drops over 150,000 children with disabilities, L&P USA Pelka, ABC-Clio as well as adults with alcohol or drug dependency. Companion to the Disability Rights Movement. 1996Telecommunications Act of 1996 passed by U.S. Congress. Requires that ACC L&P telecommunications services and equipment be accessible. TECH USA 1996Vacco v. Quill and Washington v. Glucksberg: U. S. Supreme Court upholds state BIO CRT government bans on physician-assisted suicide but leaves issued to the states. EUTH L&P USA 1997Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Amendments of 1997 (formerly P.L. EDU L&P http://www.cec.sp 94-142, The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act) passed by U.S. Congress. USA ed.org/law_res/do The amendments shift the focus to improving both learning and teaching. They make c/law/index.php; Individualized Education Programs (IEP) the primary tool to enhance children’s involvement http://www.ed.gov and progress in the general curriculum. They require inclusion of children’s regular education /policy/speced/gui teachers on the IEP team. They mandate inclusion of children with disabilities in general state d/idea/index.html; and district-wide assessment programs. They address disciplinary issues more extensively. Diane J. Lipton, For the first time, they include Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Esq., Individuals Disorder as a separate disability category. with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 and Idea Regulations of 1999: Summary of Changes (with Emphasis on Ieps and Discipline) (Berkeley: Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, 1999), online at: http://www.dredf. org/idea10.html 1998Bragdon v. Abbott: U. S. Supreme Court applies antidiscrimination protections of Americans CRT L&P with Disability Act to asymptomatic woman with HIV. Declares she falls under ADA USA definition of disability because her condition impairs her ability to reproduce, a basic life function. Her dentist refused to treat her out of fear she might in fact him. 1998Casey Martin vs. Professional Golfers Association: U. S. federal court rules that PGA CRT L&P Tour’s refusal to allow disabled golfer Casey Martin to ride golf cart during competitive play SPO USA violates Americans with Disabilities Act. 1998Pennsylvania Department of Corrections v. Yeskey: U. S. Supreme Court rules that CRT L&P Americans with Disabilities Act applies to state prisons. USA 1999Carolyn C. Cleveland v. Policy Management Systems Corporation, et. al: U. S. Supreme CRT EMP Court rules that individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits qualify as disabled L&P USA under Americans with Disabilities Act and are therefore protected from discrimination if and when they return to work. 1999Lawton (Okla.) Evening Optimist Soccer League vs. Ryan Taylor: U.S. District Court judge CRT L&P issues emergency order directing soccer league to allow nine-year-old boy with cerebral palsy SOP USA to play. League had considered his walker safety hazard. As accommodation, it is padded during games. November. 1999Olmstead v. L.C. and E.W.: U. S. Supreme Court rules that State of Georgia violates CRT IL L&P Americans with Disabilities Act by compelling individuals with disabilities to reside in USA institutions without offering alternative option of community-based living arrangements. Orders that state must offer services in most integrated setting. 1999Sutton et. al. v. United Air Lines, Inc., Murphy v. United Parcel Service, Inc., and CRT EMP Albertsons, Inc. v. Kirkingburg: U. S. Supreme Court rules in three employment cases that L&P USA individuals whose conditions are manageable or correctable with devices or medications are not “disabled” under the Americans with Disabilities Act and therefore do not qualify for its protection against employment discrimination. 2001Virginia House of Delegates passes resolution expressing regret for Commonwealth’s BIO EUG eugenic sterilization program from 1924 to 1979. L&P USA Resource: http://instituteondisability.org/projects/dateline_view.php </p><p>Institute on Disability University of San Francisco </p>
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