<p> The Link-Letter October 24, 2014 v. 09-43</p><p>For more information click on the links provided.</p><p>New items are highlighted.</p><p>INDEX News for Agency Staff here Events for Agency Staff here Work Opportunities in the Senior-Serving Sector here Items for Board Members here Items for Seniors here Volunteer/Work Opportunities for Seniors here</p><p>Submissions for Link-Letter can be sent to: [email protected] #255 Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre 8330-82 Avenue Fax: 780-428-3844 Edmonton, AB T6C 4E3</p><p>Back issues of Link-Letter You can find back issues of Link-Letter at http://www.seniorscouncil.net/archived-link-letters </p><p>NEWS FOR AGENCY STAFF</p><p>1. Volunteer Edmonton is compiling a list of seasonal volunteer opportunities. If you need volunteers for your event or project, email [email protected] with your organization name, website address, phone number and email for volunteer services, title of volunteer positions and date needed.</p><p>2. Finding Balance, an annual seniors' falls prevention awareness campaign, runs throughout November across Alberta. Brochures and posters are available and you can download (PDFs) or order printed copies. The Finding Balance website includes many ideas for engaging your community and resources that can be used to educate seniors and their families about falls prevention. The website also has many resources staff in the senior sector will find useful. 3. The PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada Foundation Leadership Grants Program provides funding for professional development opportunities for staff and volunteers who work at small- to medium- registered charitable organizations in Canada. Grants are available in two categories: Individual Leadership Grants: $2,500 for individual staff members or volunteers and Team Leadership Grants: $5,000 for teams of two or more staff members and/or volunteers (including the applicant). Visit www.pwc.com/ca/grants to learn more about eligibility and application guidelines. The deadline is October 24.</p><p>4. Help give Edmonton seniors a “lift” by sharing the word about LIFT: Drive happiness. LIFT is a collaborative partnership between three Edmonton non-profit volunteer driving organizations: Lifestyle Helping Hands Seniors Association, Seniors Assisted Transportation Society of Greater Edmonton, and Society of Seniors Caring about Seniors. October 15 is the media launch and start of a volunteer recruitment campaign. You can help by spreading the word to potential volunteers. Check out http://drivehappiness.ca, www.facebook.com/LIFTDriveHappiness and Twitter @LIFTDriveHappy for more information about the tremendous impact volunteers can have on the lives of seniors who no longer drive.</p><p>Top of document EVENTS FOR AGENCY STAFF</p><p>1. Volunteer Edmonton is offering some relevant workshops in October and November: Ethics and Fiscal Management for Volunteer Managers on October 27, Marketing for Non-Profits on November 5 and Engaging Highly Skilled Volunteers on November 18.</p><p>2. Paul Born, co-founder and President of Tamarack—An Institute for Community Engagement, will be in Edmonton on October 28 for a one- day workshop on Deepening Community for Collective Impact. In this workshop Mr. Born shares the fundamental principles of collective impact and provides key insights on how deepening community can sustain us as leaders and the outcomes we so desire. The workshop takes place at Santa Maria Goretti Community Centre (11050 - 90 St.). Review the workshop details and register on this website.</p><p>3. You are invited to attend Jeff Allen’s Farewell Celebration at Strathcona Place Seniors Centre on November 5. The evening includes a wine social (cash bar) and PowerPoint at 4:30 p.m., a roast beef dinner at 5:30 p.m. and program at 6:15 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. the celebration moves to the Jeff Allen Art Gallery where the art of Jeff’s grandfather C.W. Jefferys and his mother Barbara Allen will be on display. If you would like to make a contribution to send Jeff and his wife Marja to Holland there will be a basket at the bar. Roast beef dinner tickets are going fast and cost $12. Contact Terrie at 780-433-5807 for more information.</p><p>4. The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO) presents Beyond Board Basics 2014 on November 8. A first time offering in Edmonton, this Board Leadership conference is your opportunity to learn from some of Canada's top experts in the field. A series of expert-led, advanced level workshops will challenge your beliefs about what is possible. You will leave with new knowledge, new approaches and the motivations to apply them in your organization. Early Bird admission closes October 10 so register now.</p><p>5. A Celebration of Life for Ursula Altmann, past Executive Director of the Edmonton Seniors Centre will be held on November 8 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium of the General Hospital (11111 Jasper Ave). Members of the public are welcome to attend the service and stay for fellowship after the service in the Edmonton Seniors Centre. 6. The Grant Training Centre presents a Professional Grant Development Workshop on November 20 and 21. Participants in the workshop will learn about the diversity of the funding community, identify potential funding sources, and learn how to write grants and address guidelines of proposals. The workshop takes place at Lister Conference Centre at the University of Alberta. The fee is $535. Learn more in the detailed workshop description.</p><p>Top of document WORK OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SENIOR-SERVING SECTOR</p><p>1. The Mill Woods Seniors Activity Centre is hiring for the position of Program Coordinator. You will provide assistance in all areas of the Mill Woods Seniors Programs including working with volunteer activity leads to support , supervise and evaluate community recreation, social, and education programs for seniors 55 years and older. You will develop schedules, allocate space, and keep records of fees, inventory and supplies. You will also develop a plan to recruit, train, schedule and recognize volunteers. Your college diploma or university degree is complemented by your familiarity with the needs and issues of Edmonton seniors. You should also enjoy working with older adults. Proficiency with MS Office applications is required. Flexibility to support occasional organizational activities taking place during the evening or on weekends is expected. View the complete job description. Submit resumes to [email protected] or Mill Woods Seniors Activity Centre, 2nd Floor, 7207-28 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6K 3Z3. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.</p><p>Top of document ITEMS FOR BOARD MEMBERS</p><p>1. The PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada Foundation Leadership Grants Program provides funding for professional development opportunities for staff and volunteers who work at small- to medium- registered charitable organizations in Canada. Grants are available in two categories: Individual Leadership Grants: $2,500 for individual staff members or volunteers and Team Leadership Grants: $5,000 for teams of two or more staff members and/or volunteers (including the applicant). Visit www.pwc.com/ca/grants to learn more about eligibility and application guidelines. The deadline is October 24.</p><p>2. Check out Volunteer Edmonton’s upcoming workshops: Ethics and Fiscal Management for Volunteer Managers on October 27, Marketing for Non-Profits on November 5 and Engaging Highly Skilled Volunteers on November 18.</p><p>2. The Board Basics: Roles and Responsibilities webinar offered by Vantage Point provides current and prospective board members of not- for-profit organizations with valuable information to develop an effective and engaged board. The webinar takes place November 7 from 8 – 9:00 a.m. (PST) and costs $20. Click here for more information and to register.</p><p>3. The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO) presents Beyond Board Basics 2014 on November 8. A first time offering in Edmonton, this Board Leadership conference is your opportunity to learn from some of Canada's top experts in the field. A series of expert-led, advanced level workshops will challenge your beliefs about what is possible. You will leave with new knowledge, new approaches and the motivations to apply them in your organization. Early Bird admission closes October 10 so register now.</p><p>Top of document ITEMS FOR SENIORS</p><p>1. Election day for the provincial by-elections is October 27 and advance polls are open from October 22 to 25. The Elections Alberta website lists useful information such as the list of candidates and voting locations. You can also call the Voter Information Centre at 780-422-VOTE (8683).</p><p>2. The Everyday Political Citizen Project celebrates individuals who undertake political work in their communities. Everyday Political Citizen nominees are profiled on the project website and, in early December, a panel of prominent Canadians will pick the top youth and adult nominee. Submit your nomination at www.everydaypoliticalcitizen.com/nominate by October 31. In early December, the City will host a special celebration for all Edmonton nominees and nominators at City Hall. For more information about the City of Edmonton's involvement in the project please visit www.edmonton.ca/EPCitizen. </p><p>3. SCONA is now offering Peer Support Outreach – a new service for isolated, lonely seniors. Peer Support Outreach is a telephone friend your own age you can call when you are feeling especially lonely. Call 780-433-5377 to get connected.</p><p>4. The Saville Community Sports Centre (11610-65 Ave) is now offering a variety of activities for older adults including Pickleball, Badminton, indoor track and more. This winter they are also offering Chair Yoga, Walking for Fitness, Hatha Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga classes. Check out www.SavilleCentre.ca for more information or call 780-492- 1000.</p><p>5. Consider participating in a research project that seeks to understand how older LGBT adults prepare for end-of-life, seek and consider care, and engage their networks of support. Participants should be aged 60 years or older; identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender; living with chronic conditions such as arthritis, HIV, diabetes, etc. or caring for someone which chronic conditions and have some internet/email experience. To participate in this project call 780-298-4138 or email [email protected]. </p><p>6. The second Creative Movement residency presented by GeriActors will be held at River Ridge Seniors Community (78C McKenney Avenue, St. Albert) on Fridays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. beginning November 21. The four-week residencies led by dancer and choreographer Amber Borotsik are free, all abilities are welcome and no experience is necessary. For more information contact GeriActors at 780- 248-1556 or email at [email protected]. </p><p>7. The Gateway Association presents a series of free workshops to help guardians of teens with intellectual disabilities as they undertake the process of transitioning their teen to adulthood. Call 780.454.0701 ext. 110 for more information.</p><p>8. The Boyle Street Community League is hosting senior ballroom dancing at the Boyle Street Plaza (9538 103A Avenue) on October 24 from 7 to 10 p.m. Anyone 55 years or older is invited to attend. Call 780-422-5857 or email [email protected] for more information and to book your table. $5.</p><p>9. The Multicultural Women & Seniors Services Association presents the 14th Annual Interfaith Multicultural Celebration on October 24 at 6 p.m. The theme for this ladies only event is Influential Women in World Religions. The event will be held at Sultan Banquet Hall (9257-34 A Avenue). Tickets are $20 before October 15 and $25 after. Phone 780- 465-2992 or email [email protected].</p><p>10. The Westend Seniors Activity Centre presents the Silver Hair Gala - Laughter is the Best Medicine! on October 25. Join Minister Stephen Mandel, Masters of Ceremony Nick Lees and Dr. Sherman and other special guests for an evening of good food, good fun and good laughter as we get entertained by comedian Andrew Grose and dine on a delicious roast beef dinner. Musical entertainment, silent and live auction also included. Tickets are $100 ($40 tax receipt included). Call 780-483-1209 for information. The gala takes place starting at 6 p.m. at 9629-176 St.</p><p>11. The South East Edmonton Seniors Association (SEESA) is holding a Fall Rummage and Bake Sale on October 25 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. and October 26 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Come on out and find some treasures and enjoy a hot lunch in our cafeteria. Silent auction items also on display. Donations of clean, gently used goods accepted until noon on October 24. Call 780-468-1985 for more information. SEESA is located at 9350 - 82 St.</p><p>12. Sage is hosting a Frauds & Scams Prevention workshop on October 27 at 10:30 a.m. presented by the Financial Empowerment Network (a group of social workers and professionals working in senior serving agencies). The workshop is free but you’re asked to pre-register by calling 780-423-5510 ext. 301. 13. Al Deby is proud to host a fun filled Halloween Dance on October 31 at 2:30 p.m. at the Westend Seniors Activity Centre (9629-176 St.) Come dressed up and ready to have fun. $2 drop-in fee.</p><p>14. North West Edmonton Seniors Society’s Fall Bazaar will take place November 1 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at 12963 - 120 St. Crafts, household items, knitting, crocheting, novelties, books, home baking, puzzles and more will be available. Free admission. </p><p>15. Join the Virtual TREK Across Alberta and contribute to reaching the provincial goal of walking 3,263,500 steps or 2610 km. During the month of November log your steps and/or physical activity minutes and add them to the provincial total. More information is available in the TREK passport and at http://albertavirtualtrek.ca/. Attend the launch party on November 4 at 10 a.m. at the Don Wheaton Family YMCA (10211 102 Ave) and take home some great swag like a free pedometer and a 3-day YMCA pass.</p><p>16. Yee haw! Come on down to Sage for some fantastic grub to kick off Rodeo Week and support the United Way: Pancake breakfast November 4 from 8 to 9:30 a.m. ($5.95) and Cowboy Lunch featuring chili and cornbread on November 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. ($6.95). Sage is located at 15 Sir Winston Churchill Square.</p><p>17. Strathcona Place Senior Centre invites you to attend an Art Reception Open House on November 5 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This amazing exhibit featuring Jeff Allen’s grandfather, C.W. Jefferys and mother Barbara Allen, will be on display for all to enjoy from October 31 to December 17, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 10831 University Ave. For more information please call 780-433-5807.</p><p>18. The Westend Seniors Activity Centre is holding an introductory course to learn and enjoy the world of wine making. You are guaranteed to enjoy the learning along the way and the finished product the very last day! The class runs Wednesdays November 5 – December 10 from 1– 3 pm and the cost is $35. Call 780-483-1209 for information.</p><p>19. Sage presents a Retirement Income Options Seminar on November 6 at 1 p.m. Learn how to generate a stable retirement income stream using private savings and investments, government pension programs and the equity in your home. Q & A period to follow presentation. Please pre-register. Free. 20. Central Lions Seniors Association invites you to attend Saluting Our Military Heroes Remembrance Day Program & Tea on November 6 at 1 p.m. The program includes music, guest speakers and a memorable tribute to our military – past and present, including special honour of the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the 100th anniversary of the start of WWI. Tickets are now free and must be reserved by November 4. Call 780-496-7369 for more information.</p><p>21. The Royal Canadian Artillery Band presents A Musical Salute – A Tribute to our Veterans at Edmonton City Hall on November 9 at 2 p.m. The concert is sponsored by Edmonton Salutes and admission is free.</p><p>22. North West Edmonton Seniors Society is hosting a Remembrance Day Service on November 11 at 11 a.m. at the Calder Cenotaph directly behind the centre at 12963 -120 St. After the Cenotaph Service you are invited to attend a reception at the centre with a selection of World War I and II songs by the Calder Cuties. Call 780-451-1925 for more information.</p><p>23. SEESA’s Remembrance Day Service will be held on November 11 at 2 p.m. with music by the Melody Singers, readings by Minerva’s Advanced Creative Writers and flag ceremony by the Helen Burns District Girl Guides. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. Silver collection - donation appreciated. Call 780-468-1985 for more information. Location: 9350 - 82 St.</p><p>24. Join the Jewish Senior Citizens’ Centre on November 12 for a trip to the Freemason’s Hall & Muttart Conservatory. The bus departs at 10 a.m. and returns around 4 p.m. The cost is $30 members and $40 non-members, lunch included. RSVP before November 4. After that day a $10 late registration fee will be applied. Call 780-488-4241 to register.</p><p>25. Join CARP Edmonton on November 13 from 12:30 to 3 p.m. for a free presentation on Personal Safety and Crime Prevention. Constable Dexx Williams of the Community Liaison Branch of the Edmonton Police Service will share information on why crime occurs, public safety advice and fraud awareness. The presentation takes place at the Whitemud Branch of the Edmonton Public Library (145 Whitemud Crossing Shopping Centre, 4211 - 106 St.). To pre-register contact 780- 450-4802 or [email protected]. 26. Tickets for SEESA’s The Show Must Go On Dinner and Drama Gala to be held November 14 go on sale October 7 for tables of 8 ($700) and October 14 for individual seats ($100). The event features wine tasting, cocktail specials and appetizers, prime rib dinner, elegant live dining music, decadent dessert and a silent auction plus a performance by SEESA’s Accidental Drama Club Oregon County (melodrama) and Bad Auditions by Bad Actors (comedy). Call 780-468- 1985 for more information. </p><p>Top of document VOLUNTEER/WORK OPPORTUNITIES FOR SENIORS</p><p>1. Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters (BGCBigs) is looking for volunteers to mentor children and youth in the Edmonton area and we’ve found that seniors make amazing mentors! You can be matched as a big brother or sister and spend 2-4 hours/week with your mentee out in the community, volunteer as an in-school mentor and spend 1 hour/week with your mentee in their classroom, or even work as a volunteer in one of our nine club locations. Call or e-mail Sydney Tordoff to find out more at 780-822-2524 or [email protected].</p><p>2. The TELUS World of Science is seeking volunteers to fill some interesting educational and ambassador roles from October to December. Choose from Gallery Guide and Interpreter, Robotics Lab Attendant, Hospitality Host, School Program Host, IMAX Theatre Usher, Birthday Party Host, Assistant Observatory Attendant and Assistant School Programs Leader. Shifts for these positions are available on weekends, weekdays and evenings. For more information on these opportunities visit www.telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca/volunteer or contact Volunteer Resources at 780-452-9100 and email [email protected].</p><p>Top of document</p>
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