<p> KARNATAKA FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION LIMITED No.16\1, ‘Ahara Bhavan’Millers Tank Bed Area, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore 560 052. www.kfcsc.com, e-mail dgmpds&kfcsc.com & info&kfcsc.co; Phone No. 080-2267-52, 22096555; fax 080 2266299</p><p>NO. KFCSC/PDS/PRO/RBD P.OIL/NEML/2016-17/1 dt. 25-5-2016.</p><p>CORRIGENDUM -1</p><p>Reference is invited to the notification no. KFCSC / KFCSC/PDS/PRO/RBD P.OIL/NEML/2016-17/ Date: 03-03-16 regarding “Request for Proposal, Empanelment of suppliers for supply of IODIZED SALT. under Public Distribution Scheme of Government of Karnataka through KFCSC Ltd. for the year 2016-17, under e-procurement mode “</p><p>Pursuant to directions of Government vide GO No. Aanasa 204 DRA 2015, Bangalore dt. 19.5.2016 the following amendments for the respective Clauses have been incorporated.</p><p>Existing Clause 1</p><p>1. Introduction: The Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation (KFCSC Ltd) is a Government Company registered under companies Act-1956 having its registered office at 16/I, Millers Tank Bed Area, Vasanthanagar, Bangalore-560 052. </p><p>The Government of Karnataka has appointed KFCSC Ltd., as its agency for procuring Refined Iodised Edible Salt and Iodized salt for its Public Distribution System Scheme. </p><p>The KFCSC Ltd shall follow e-procurement mode and has entrusted the same to NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) for conducting electronic auction system for procurement of Refined Iodized Edible Salt from registered suppliers. </p><p>The KFCSC Ltd invites applications from the eligible Individuals or partnership firm, Registered Company or Co-operative society or any legal organization, Manufacturers/ Producers /traders for enrolment as registered suppliers for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt. The procedure for enrolment, registration and terms and conditions of supply under the above e-procurement for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt is detailed below:- </p><p>The above clause is deleted and amended Clause 1 is as follows:</p><p>Introduction: The Commissioner, Food, Civil supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Government of Karnataka hereinafter called as FCS&CA Department., is responsible for providing food security and ensuring availability of food grains at subsidized prices, particularly to the poorer section of the society distributed through public distribution system as well as promoting the welfare of the consumers. The department also has the responsibility of implementing the Essential Commodities Act 1955, both central and state acts.</p><p>The FCS & CA Department shall follow e-procurement/e-tender mode and has entrusted the same to NCDEX e Markets Limited, hereinafter called as NeML, for conducting electronic auction system for procurement of IODIZED SALT from registered suppliers. As per the directions of FCS&CA Department, Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd, hereinafter called as KFCSC Ltd, invites applications from the eligible Individuals or partnership firm, Registered Company, Co-operative society, any legal organization and Manufacturers/ Producers /traders for enrolment as registered suppliers for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt for the year 2016-17. The procedure for enrolment, registration and terms and conditions of supply under the above e-procurement for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt is detailed below:- </p><p>Existing Clause 1.1 </p><p>The KFCSC Ltd being the agency for procurement of Refined Iodised Edible Salt under Public Distribution System Scheme proposes to procure the Refined Iodised Edible Salt for 2016-17 financial year from the eligible Individuals or partnership firm, Registered company or Co- operative society or any legal organization, Manufacturers/ Producers/traders .</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 1.1 is as follows:</p><p>FCS & CA Department under Public Distribution System Scheme proposes to procure the Refined Iodized Salt for 2016-17 financial year from the eligible suppliers. For empanelment/registration of new suppliers, the applications and scrutiny of documents will be undertaken by FCS&CA Department. However, the suppliers who have already registered with KFCSC Ltd for the year 2016-17 are eligible to participate in the e-auction as may be notified by FCS & CA Department from time to time.</p><p>The Commissioner, FCS & CA Department., has authorized KFCSC Ltd for placement of purchase indents, entering into agreement with the qualified suppliers and processing of payments. </p><p>Existing Clause 2.1. </p><p>The Suppliers i.e. producer/manufacturer should have registered with Salt Commissioner of Salt Department of the Central Government and possess valid license from Bureau of Indian Standard and carrying out production of Refined Iodized Edible Salt are eligible to apply for registration with KFCSC.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 2.1 is as follows:</p><p>The Suppliers i.e. producer/manufacturer should have registered with Salt Commissioner of Salt Department of the Central Government and possess valid license from Bureau of Indian Standard and carrying out production of Refined Iodized Edible Salt are eligible to apply for r egistration as registered supplier with FCS&CA Department. </p><p>Existing Clause 3.10</p><p>One set of above self attested documents to be enclosed to application (Annexure 1) for registr ation to be submitted to KFCSC Ltd along with copy of RFP duly signed with seal and signatures from page 1- 26/27.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 3.10 is as follows:</p><p>One set of self attested documents as per RFP clause 3.1 to 3.09 to be enclosed to applicati on (Annexure 1) for registration to be submitted to FCS&CA Department along with copy of R FP all pages duly signed with seal and signatures. </p><p>Existing Clause 3.12 </p><p>The application for registration with relevant Annexure can be downloaded from the website www.kfcsc.com. In this regard for any clarifications contact the registered Head office of KFCS C Ltd at the following address </p><p>PDS Section, Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., No.16/I, Millers Tankbed Area, Vasanthanagar, Bangalore-560 052.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 3.12 is as follows:</p><p>The application for registration with relevant Annexure can be downloaded from the website : (www.ahara.kar.nic.in) and KFCSC (www.kfcsc.com). In this regard for any clarifications contac t the Senior Deputy Director of FCS & CA Department at the following address.</p><p>The Sr Deputy Director, FOOD, CIVIL SUPPLIES & CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPT, Consumer Affairs Department, # 8, CUNNINGHAM ROAD, 4th Floor, SAHAKARA BHAVAN, BANGALORE– 560052.</p><p>Existing Clause 3.14:</p><p>The Managing Director, KFCSC Ltd has the sole discretion to accept, reject or keep the applicatio ns received for registration for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt pending in respect of above tender. </p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 3.14 is as follows:</p><p>The Commissioner, FCS & CA Department has the sole discretion to accept, reject or keep the applications received for registration for supply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt pending in resp ect of above tender. Existing Clause 4.2.</p><p>KFCSC Ltd will scrutinize the applications and relevant documents submitted along with the appl ication. The eligible applicants will be enrolled as registered suppliers of Refined Iodized Edible Salt under Public Distribution System Scheme for the year 2016-17 and will be issued with regist ration number / user ID and password by NCDEX e Markets Ltd which will enable them to partici pate in e-auction as per the terms and conditions.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 4.2 is as follows</p><p>FCS & CA department will scrutinize the applications and relevant documents submitted alon g with the application. The eligible applicants will be enrolled as registered suppliers of Refine d Iodized Edible Salt under Public Distribution System Scheme for the year 2016-17 and will b e issued with registration number / user ID and password by NCDEX e Markets Ltd which will e nable them to participate in e-auction as per the terms and conditions.</p><p>However those who have already registered / renewed the membership with KFCSC Ltd for su pply of Refined Iodized Edible Salt under PDS scheme for the year 2016-17 are eligible to parti cipate in e- auction scheduled from time to time. </p><p>Existing Clause 5.1</p><p>Based on the requirements, KFCSC Ltd will notify NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) to schedule auctions on periodic basis. Further such details will be posted on the web site of KFCSC Ltd (www.kfcsc.com). Neither the KFCSC Ltd nor NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) will individually intimate to the registered suppliers regarding the e-auction schedule.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 5.1 is as follows:</p><p>Based on the requirements for implementation of the PDS scheme the FCS & CA Department. through their Head Office will notify NEML to schedule auctions on periodic basis. Further such details will be posted on the web site of FCS & CA Department. (www.ahara.kar.nic.in) and KFCSC (www.kfcsc.com). Neither the FCS & CA Department/ KFCSC Ltd nor NeML will individually intimate to the registered suppliers regarding the e-auction schedule.</p><p>Existing Clause 8.3</p><p>NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) will schedule the auctions for each district separately based on the indent placed by the KFCSC Ltd and the e-auction calendar for each district will be published on the website of KFCSC Ltd (www.kfcsc.com).</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.3 is as follows: The NeML in consultation with FCS & CA Department will schedule the auctions for each district or division as may be directed by FCS & CA Department. The detailed e-auction calendar will be published on the website of FCS & CA Department (www.ahara.kar.nic.in) and KFCSC Ltd website (www.kfcsc.com.)</p><p>Existing Clause 8.4</p><p>The registered suppliers shall not be intimated individually regarding the e-auctions, which are scheduled by the NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML). However the registered suppliers may also contact KFCSC Ltd offices located at District Headquarters OR KFCSC Ltd (Bangalore). In addition after every e-auction has been scheduled by KFCSC Ltd on NCDEX platform, NCDEX will send the information about the e-auction through an email to each of the empanelled supplier. However empanelled suppliers are advised to rely on the information published on the web site www.kfcsc.com rather than depending on email. Mere non-receipt of email will not be a valid objection for not participating in the e-auction.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.4 is as follows:</p><p>The registered suppliers shall not be intimated individually regarding the e-auctions, which are scheduled by the NeML In addition to this after every e-auction has been scheduled by the FCS & CA Department on NeML platform, NeML will send the information about the e-auction through email to each of the empanelled supplier. However empanelled suppliers are advised to refer the information published on the web site (www.ahara.kar.nic.in or www.kfcsc.com) rather than depending on email. Mere non-receipt of email will not be a valid objection for not participating in the e-auction.</p><p>Existing Clause 8.5</p><p>The registered suppliers shall take adequate care and are solely responsible to obtain details of the schedule of e-auctions through the website www.kfcsc.com in their own interest, rather than depending on other mode of information sources.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.5 is as follows:</p><p>The registered suppliers shall take adequate care and are solely responsible for obtaining details of the schedule of e-auctions through the website of FCS & CA Department or KFCSC in their own interest, rather than depending on other mode of information sources.</p><p>Existing Clause 8.17</p><p>The Bidders are required to quote in Indian Rupees per Quintal for each auction. The KFCSC Ltd., may specify, if desired a ceiling price above which no bids may be accepted by NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) Platform. The reducing tick size shall be Rs. 1. (Rupees one only). The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.17 is as follows:</p><p>The Bidders are required to quote in Indian National Rupees per 100 Kgs (Quintal) for each auction. The FCS & CA Department. may specify, if desired a ceiling price above which no bids may be accepted by NeML Platform. The reducing tick size shall be Rs. 1. (Rupee one only)</p><p>Existing Clause 8.18</p><p>During an auction session, a bidder may modify his bid downwards to a reduced value less than the existing lowest bid. No cancellation of Bids shall be allowed during an auction session. Based on the bids received in accordance with clause No. 8.16 above, the lowest valid bid received on the platform will be communicated to KFCSC Ltd by NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML). The KFCSC Ltd shall evaluate the bids by considering aspects relating to tax implications if any and communicate regarding acceptance/rejection of the bid (if found not competitive). The lowest valid bid once approved by KFCSC Ltd will be declared as successful L-1 bidder and the same will be communicated to the successful bidder by NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML).</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.18 is as follows:</p><p>During an auction session, a bidder may modify his bid downwards to a reduced value less than the existing lowest bid. No cancellation of Bids shall be allowed during an auction session. The lowest valid bid received on the platform will be communicated to FCS & CA Department by NeML. The FCS & CA Department, shall evaluate the bids by considering aspects relating to tax implications if any and will communicate regarding acceptance/rejection of the lowest bid based on competitiveness of the bid. The lowest valid bid once approved by FCS & CA Department will be declared as successful L-1 bidder and the same will be communicated to KFCSC under a copy to NEML. Threrafter the decision regarding acceptance of Bid will be communicated by e-mail to the successful bidder by KFCSC / NEML. Accordingly the concerned officials of KFCSC Ltd of respective division/district will place the purchase indent/order to approved successful bidder for the notified division/ district duly indicating the quantity, rate, delivery schedule with staggered delivery if any. The FCS & CA Department reserves the right, without giving any reason, to accept or to reject all or any bid including lowest bid. </p><p>Existing Clause 8.19</p><p>The final results of the E-Auction as approved by KFCSC Ltd are binding on all bidders. Any requests for cancellation of bids received either during the auction session or after the conclusion of an auction session shall not be accepted. Failure to accept award of supply contract by the successful supplier shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD (Margin money) and blacklisting from further participation in the e-auctions for a period of three years.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.19 is as follows:</p><p>The final results of the E-Auction as approved by FCS & CA Department are binding on all bidders. Any request for cancellation of bids received either during the auction session or after the conclusion of an auction session shall not be accepted. Failure to accept award of supply contract by the successful supplier shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD (Margin money) and blacklisting from further participation in the e-auctions for a period of three years. The decision of the FCS & CA Department in this regard shall be final and KFCSC Ltd shall intimate the decision of FCS & CA Department to defaulted bidders and initiate action to forfeit the EMD and blacklisting of bidder from further participation in the e-auctions for a period of three years.</p><p>Existing Clause 8.21</p><p>The Bid of the lowest bidder of online bidding/E-Auction session (online bidder) will be declared as the Successful bidder by NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) after getting approval from KFCSC Ltd within 10 working days of close of e-Auction. The confirmation of acceptance or rejection of lowest bid will be communicated to the successful bidder by NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) by email to registered e-mail ID (As per NCDEX e Markets Ltd records). </p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.21 is as follows:</p><p>The Bid of the lowest bidder of online bidding/E-Auction session (online bidder) will be declared as the Successful bidder by NeML after getting approval from FCS & CA Department within 10 working days of close of e-Auction. The confirmation of acceptance or rejection of lowest bid will be communicated to the successful bidder by NeML by email to registered e-mail ID (As per NCDEX e Markets Ltd records). </p><p>Existing Clause 8.22</p><p>KFCSC Ltd and NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) shall not be responsible for any failure of power, Network, Server, Bandwidth problems, Hosting Server, Internet Connectivity, ISP or otherwise or the slowness to access NCDEX e Markets Ltd (NeML) Platform/Exchange Platform https://market.nspot.in In case if e-Auctions cannot be held on scheduled date due to Server problems or any other reasons, the e-Auctions will be rescheduled and will be held on alternative day, the details of such date/s will be notified in the website www.kfcsc.com.</p><p>The above Clause is deleted and amended Clause 8.22 is as follows:</p><p>The FCS & CA Department, KFCSC Ltd & NeML shall not be responsible for any failure of power, Network, Server, Bandwidth problems, Hosting Server, Internet Connectivity, ISP or otherwise or the slowness to access NCDEX Spot Platform/Exchange Platform https://market.nspot.in In case if e-Auctions cannot be held on scheduled date due to Server problems or any other reasons, the e-Auctions will be rescheduled and will be held on alternative time/day, the details of such time/date/s will be notified in the website of FCS & CA Department.</p><p>The above amendment to respective Clauses shall come into force immediately. All the interested parties may please note.</p><p>Sd/-</p><p>Managing Director. </p>
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