<p> PRAYER WATCH INTERNATIONAL UPDATED PRAYER LIST</p><p>FOR</p><p>PRAYER SCHOOL </p><p>TYPE 1A</p><p>‘Face To Face With God’</p><p>AT</p><p>ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA</p><p>SEPTEMBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 12, 2009 PRAYER LIST FOR PWI PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A ‘Face To Face With God’</p><p>ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION AT MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA SEPTEMBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 12, 2009</p><p>THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR REMEMBERING PWI PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A ‘Face To Face With God’ SEPTEMBER 7-12, 2009 IN YOUR PRAYERS BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE PRAYER SCHOOL. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. THE PWI TEAM</p><p>PRAYERS FOR PREPARATION FOR PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE IA ON THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION IN MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA</p><p>1. Pray for God’s Perfect will and time for Prayer School Type 1A to Rosebud Indian Reservation Mission, South Dakota 2. Pray for God to place an anointed, powerful and solid prayer foundation under each team member, our Native American partners, family members, travel plans, Prayer School Type 1A. Pray for all of God’s plans for Prayer School Type 1A to Rosebud Indian Reservation in Mission, South Dakota, September 7-12, 2009 to be fulfilled The following are specific prayer items for PWI Prayer School Type 1A for the Rosebud Prayer School at Mission, South Dakota: (A) Traveling mercies – for the PWI Traveling Team (coming from different places) (B) Traveling mercies - for of the Prayer School Participants (C) Traveling mercies – return trip back home Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009 (D) Pray for local host and hostess Pastors Bob and Theresa Stead and their Team of White Horse Ministry – The Carpenter Shop Church in Mission, South Dakota (E) Pray for the Timothy House (a dormitory where most of the PWI Team members will be staying) and the general lodging arrangements in the local motels in or near Mission, South Dakota 3. Pray for Pastors Pat and Lori Grant from Alexandria, Minnesota (and Mission, South Dakota) who have been doing Christian ministry on the Rosebud Reservation and are assisting Pastors Bob and Theresa Stead before and during this PWI Prayer School 4. Pray for the PWI Prayer School Teams. Specifically pray for these Team Members</p><p>Note: The PWI Rosebud Prayer Mission is comprised of four (4) Teams</p><p>2 THE PWI TEAMS ON THE ROSEBUD PRAYER MISSION:</p><p>I The Local Rosebud Team:</p><p>A. Pastor Bob Stead, Mission, South Dakota Pastor Carpenter Shop, Host B. Pastor Theresa Stead, Mission, South Dakota Pastor Carpenter Shop, Hostess</p><p>II The PWI General Servant Traveling Team: A. Rev. Bjørn Pedersen, Flagstaff, Arizona Servant Leader, Intercessor, Teacher B. Rev. Karl Kruse, Hutchinson, Minnesota Administrator, Power Point, Teacher C. Nancy Kruse, Hutchinson, Minnesota Worship Leader, Teacher and Prophetic Intercessor</p><p>D. Pastor Pat Grant, Alexandria, Minnesota Host, Rosebud Liaison and Administrator, Marketing, Intercessor E. Pastor Lori Grant, Alexandria, Minnesota Hostess, Worship Dancer, Marketing, Rosebud Liaison & Administrator, Intercessor F. Sarah Townsend, Alexandria, Minnesota Intercessor, Teacher G. Lon Cummings, Ashby, Minnesota Shofar Blower, Flutist and Drummer H. Ginny Summer, Alexandria, Minnesota (?) Teaching Children on Spiritual Warfare I. Judy Johnson, Alexandria, Minnesota Intercessor and Server</p><p>III The PWI Server and Support Team:</p><p>A. Kathy Henderson, Alexandria, Minnesota Server and Intercessor B. Sue Davidson, Alexandria, Minnesota Server and Intercessor C. Jackie Rhode, Fort Thompson, South Dakota Hostess, Intercessor, Server</p><p>IV The PWI Home Intercessory Team:</p><p>A. Lola Reyna, Peoria, Arizona Prophetic Intercessor, Nat’l and Prayer Coordinator B. Rev. Miriam Perry, Phoenix, Arizona Prophetic Intercessor, Spiritual Warrior 3 C. Dorothy Hsia, Tustin Ranch, California Prophetic Intercessor D. Pastor Steve Brown, Flagstaff, Arizona Spiritual Warrior and Intercessor E. Ginny Britt, Flagstaff, Arizona Prophetic Intercessor F. Bill Johnston, Safford, Arizona Prophetic Intercessor G. Ruth Johnston, Safford, Arizona Prophetic Intercessor H. Donny Leinweber, Glendale, Arizona Intercessor I. Dr. Fred Townsend, Alexandria, Minnesota Intercessor SPECIAL PRAYERS OF PROTECTION:</p><p>Lord, we (I) pray for divine protection over all participants, the local Rosebud Team, the PWI General Servant Traveling Team, the PWI Server and Support Team, the PWI Home Intercessory Team and our families, churches and communities:</p><p>(A) Father, place around us (me) Your Divine Hedge of Protection (Job 1:10) and (B) Coverage by/under the Blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:12, 14; as well as Ex. 12:13) (C) Heavenly Father, we ask for the ministry of Angels: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14) (D) Angels are extremely powerful as seen in this example from the life of Hezekiah: “That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death 185,000 men (elite soldiers) in the Assyrian camp” (2 Kings 19:35). Angel power! Glory to God! (E) Lord, we (I) ask You to … “I am sending an angel ahead of you…guard you… and bring you to the place I have prepared for you” (Exodus 23:20) (F) Lord God, “Surround” or “encamp” us by Your Angelic Hosts (Psalm 34:7) (G) Father, may Your angels “To keep you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11-13) (H) Jesus, “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress’” (Ps. 91:2) </p><p>PRAYERS FOR PREPARATION FOR PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE IA (Continuation)</p><p>5. Pray for team unity, harmony, and cooperation – having a servant’s heart 6. Pray for peace in the hearts and minds of all participants and Team members 7. Ask God to raise up many prayer partners for each PWI Team member: especially intercessors and spiritual warriors who are willing to stand in the gap for PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota (Ephesians 6:18) 8. Pray for Team members to have plenty of time to pray together prior to departure, throughout traveling time and during the Prayer Mission to Rosebud (1 Thes. 5:17) 9. Praise God for divine and human favor in preparation of PWI Prayer School Type 1A 10. Pray for protection (God’s divine protection, angels, covered under the blood of Jesus, etc.) 11. Pray for excellent health in spirit, soul and body before, during and after Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota and for all involved (intercessors, team members, family members of all participants etc.); and loving relationships 12. Pray none of the team members will forget anything needed for PWI Prayer School Type 1A and pray that no one will bring along anything not needed. Pray for divine wisdom and common sense when it comes to packing and what to bring.</p><p>4 13. Pray for plenty of rest for all team members, before leaving for Prayer School Type 1A, in Mission, South Dakota. Grant everyone “the peace that passes all understanding” 14. Pray for all of the details for PWI Prayer School Type 1A to come together perfectly for every team member and for team members to have peace in their hearts 15. Pray for special protection around the luggage that it will not be damaged in transport, stolen, lost or left behind; but it will all arrive intact and it perfect shape 16. Pray for God to provide all financial support for each team member (2 Peter 1:3) 17. Lord, release great faith, mountain moving faith in Jesus’ Name! 18. May we worship You in Spirit and in Truth! 19. Holy Spirit, release great JOY because the Joy of the Lord is our strength! 20. Pray Scripture Promises over the team, The White Horse Ministry of the Carpenter Shop Church in Mission, South Dakota, the lodging facilities on site called Timothy House and all off site locations – (Also remember to add your Scripture list as the Holy Spirit leads) 21. Pray for favor with photo-copying of the Prayer School Manuals and other materials when it is needed (and on a timely basis) 22. Pray for favorable weather before, during and after Prayer School Type 1A, especially during travel times 23. Keep all drivers clear, sharp and alert – never sleepy or falling asleep in Jesus’ Name 24. Pray for anointed worship and praise done in Spirit and Truth (Nancy Kruse is the Worship Leader and Lori Grant is a Worship Dancer) 25. Pray for (add as the Holy Spirit leads you)</p><p>PRAYERS DURING PWI PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A ON THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION IN MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA</p><p>1. Pray for God’s perfect will and in His perfect time to be done at all times! 2. Pray for anointed, fervent and persevering prayer support during the entire PWI Prayer School Type 1A at Rosebud in Mission, South Dakota 3. Pray for supernatural anointing, especially a powerful teaching and ministry anointing on every team member throughout the entire Prayer School 4. Pray for the Christian Churches in Mission, South Dakota to be a Houses of Prayer for the nations according to Isaiah 56:7 and Matthew 21:13 5. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal enemy strongholds to be prayed down and then pray them down. Be aware of pride, spiritual pride, religious spirits especially witchcraft, divination, lack of unity (disharmony)</p><p>6. Special Strongholds: Queen of Heaven, the Jezebel spirit, the spirit of Divination, spirit of witchcraft, ancestral spirits, spirit of Amalek, spirit of Antichrist, and the spirit of Death and Hell. Pray God will make you a “War Club” (Jeremiah 51:22ff) and that the intercessors will do “Battering Ram” or “Wrecking Ball” spiritual warfare and intercession against all of the enemy’s strongholds, schemes and plans and to resoundly defeat all of them in Jesus’ Almighty Name! Jesus has given you authority to overcome “ALL the powers of the enemy and nothing shall hurt us” (according to Luke 10:19)</p><p>5 7. Pray for God to raise up especially sensitive intercessors who will sense crucial time during the Prayer School and anointedly intercede and do spiritual warfare during these times of special needs 8. Pray for intercessors to be ready, at all times, to stand in the GAP for the team, the PWI Prayer School and family members; even to FAST for the team, the participants and the entire Prayer School on Rosebud in Mission, South Dakota 9. Remember to pray Scripture verses over the Prayer School, the team, family members, intercessors and others (See attached scripture verses) 10. Pray for God to manifest His glory in incredible and supernatural ways 11. Pray for many signs and wonders and supernatural healings & deliverances 12. Pray for discernment, wisdom, and divine guidance at all times by the PWI Team members and intercessors (James 1:5 and Ps. 32:8) 13. Pray for prayer partners who are both willing to PRAY and FAST before, during and after PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota 14. Pray for opportunities to share Jesus and lead people to Christ 15. Pray for the Holy Spirit every team member and all intercessors how to pray in any given situation, what to pray for, how to wage anointed spiritual warfare against the enemy and his troops, and to bless what God wants to do!</p><p>16. Pray for special protection around the team, their families, the participants and their families, the teaching, the prayer ministry, and the entire PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota 17. Pray for general traveling mercies traveling to Mission, South Dakota and back home afterwards, during the stay of PWI Prayer School Type 1A for team members, hosts and participants 18. Pray for outstanding weather at all times – before, during and after the Prayer School 19. Pray for lodging accommodations well suited, clean and safe for each team member 20. Pray for all team members to receive excellent sleep every night</p><p>21. Pray for perfect health – in spirit, soul and body - for all team members and the participants and their families 22. Pray for the right teaching materials and support documents to be brought along- not more than needed, but not less than needed 23. Pray for God to reveal His will and plans regarding future PWI leadership training seminars and prayer events in Mission, South Dakota 24. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal plans on how to team up with the Native Americans and First Nation communities to reach out anointedly and effectively through PWI Prayer Schools and other prayer activities in Mission, South Dakota and other Native American and First Nations communities, nationally, Canada and globally 25. Pray for God’s blessings over PWI Team Upper Midwest to reach out to other Native American Communities 26. Pray for PWI Team Upper Midwest and Dr. Fred and Sarah Townsend, the Servant Co-Leaders, to continue to grow and expand the PWI Regional Team, the District Chapters and the Local Branches. Pray also for all PWI Chapters and Branches to be on fire in prayer, intercession and warfare prayer: Dr. Fred and Sarah (Alexandria </p><p>6 Chapter), Nancy Kruse (Hutchinson Chapter), Shelley Hedlund (Willmar Chapter), Bill and Karla Goodwin (Twin Cities Chapter), Larry Pivec (Maple Grove Branch), Bill and Karla Goodwin (Rosemount Branch), Jan Goode (White Bear Lake Branch) 27. Pray for special protection around all who are involved in the preparations and implementation of the PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota 28. Pray for team members to be patient with each other and others 29. Pray for “eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to receive” all of what God wants to share with every Prayer School participant and feet to walk it out in whole-hearted obedience to the Word of God and the Will of God! 30. Pray for great attendance by Native Americans and that they will have open and receptive hearts during every session of the PWI Prayer School 31. Pray for “bumper crop” of fruit during and after PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota 32. Pray for Jesus’ Spirit of humility to fill each PWI Team member – to have a servants heart and attitude 33. Pray for the Prayer School Team, the Native American and the Servers/Volunteers to enjoy each other and be able to get along really well 34. Pray for the PWI Team members to be able to have fun together with their Native American partners</p><p>35. Pray for an unforgettable experience to be shared with many others, encouraging God’s people to pray more and reaching out to others doing prayer mission however the Holy Spirit leads 36. Pray for blessing, strength and wisdom over the Servant Team assisting in food preparation and presentation (and other needed ways) 37. Pray for love, joy and peace in the hearts and lives of the team members and the participants. Help to keep their eyes on Jesus! 38. Pray for Holy Spirit inspired and guided spiritual boldness (spoken in humility, gentleness and love) 39. Ask God to give each team member the heart of God for the people 40. Pray for God’s Spirit of Grace and Prayer to fill the team members to fill the team members at all times, prayer to be the highest priority, and to always begin with prayer</p><p>PRAYERS FOLLOWING PWI PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A ON THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION IN MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA </p><p>1. Pray for all of God’s redemptive plans and purposes to be fulfilled for the PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota – each participant, intercessor and teacher 2. Pray for God to be GLORIFIED and HIS PEOPLE BLESSED 3. Pray for continued prayer support of all who attended PWI Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota. Pray for repentance, renewal, revival to break out on Rosebud Reservation including Mission, South Dakota and other Native American Reservations 4. Pray for God to continue producing ongoing bumper crop of Holy Spirit FRUIT from the Mission, South Dakota PWI Prayer School Type 1A 7 5. Pray for the Christian Churches in Mission, South Dakota and on the Rosebud Reservation to fulfill all of God’s plans and purposes in all areas of mission and ministry 6. Pray for the Holy Spirit to prompt intercessors across the world to pray more for Mission, South Dakota, Native Americans and all First Nations communities 7. Ask God to increase the number of intercessors who are willing to pray for repentance and revival in Mission, South Dakota and all Native American and First Nation communities around the world – to prepare the Bride/Church for the return of the Groom/Jesus so she will be ready when He comes back! 8. Pray for supernatural manifestations (like Jesus physically appearing, angels seen with bare eyes and much more) to occur in Native American and First Nation communities, bringing people back to God 9. Pray for blessings over Mighty Men of Prayer Camps in PWI Upper Midwest 10. Ask the Lord of the harvest to drive laborers into the harvest fields of the Rosebud Reservation, all Native American and First Nations communities: intercessors, youth workers, Sunday School teachers, pastors, evangelists, prayer missionaries and more</p><p>11. Pray for the Christian Churches on the Rosebud Reservation to be true Houses of Prayer for the nations (according to Isaiah 56:7 and Matthew 21:13). 12. We confess and repent of prayerlessness in many of the Christian churches! 13. Pray that the message of prayer brought by the PWI Team will be received and followed with wholehearted and faithful obedience and joy! 14. Pray for God to fulfill everyone of His plans and dreams for PWI Prayer School Type 1A on the Rosebud Reservation and Mission, South Dakota 15. Pray for a safe return of all team members to their respective destinations and for a smooth re-entry back to the daily routines of life and ministry</p><p>16. Pray for God to begin preparations for PWI Prayer School Type 1B on the Rosebud Reservation, perhaps in 2010, the Lord willing: anointed prayer support, team members of God’s choosing, God’s time-tables, Holy Spirit selected destinations, and plenty of resources 17. Lord, when do You want the second half of Prayer School I to be done on the Rosebud Reservation? What is Your will, time and place in Jesus’ Almighty Name? 18. Lord, do you want PWI to go to the Cherokee Nation in North Carolina and do a Prayer School and or a Leadership Training Seminar? What is Your will and time? 19. Holy Spirit, call members of the Native American and First Nation Communities to join PWI in bringing the message of prayer to this important part of the world’s peoples 20. Pray for Holy Spirit inspired follow-up: ongoing prayer support, personal contacts, follow-up ministry and more</p><p>8 PRAISE THE LORD! (BPN 08-23-2009) (PRAYER: UPDATED PRAYER LIST – PS TYPE IA ROSEBUD SD 09-09)</p><p>1. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness, goodness, and His overwhelming love! 2. Praise the Lord for the significant Holy Spirit fruit already produced in Mission, South Dakota as a result of the Gospel being preached there 3. Give thanks to the Lord for most anointed and special partners in prayer and prayer mission: Pastor Bob and Theresa Stead, Pastors Pat and Lori Grant (and many others) 4. Give thanks to God for PWI Team Upper Midwest, Chapters and Branches; and for the Mighty Men of Prayer Camps in Upper Midwest 5. Praise the Lord for opening the door to do Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota and the joy of serving Him in this Native American Community</p><p>6. Praise God for the gift of prayer and teaching on prayer in South Dakota 7. Praise God for the intercessors who are standing in the GAP supporting Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota through prayer, fasting, and other ways as the Holy Spirit directs! 8. Praise the Lord for providing everything needed before, during, and following Prayer School Type 1A in Mission, South Dakota 9. Praise the Lord for being a God of the abundant in all things! 10. Praise Him for who He is, what He has done, and what He will be doing! Hallelujah. Amen!</p><p>THANKS FOR PRAYING!</p><p>9 TO GOD BE ALL </p><p>THE GLORY AND HONOR</p><p>10 PRAYER WATCH INTERNATIONAL</p><p>SCRIPTURE PROMISES TO BE PRAYED OVER PWI PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A</p><p>IN MISSION, SOUTH DAKOTA</p><p>(PRAYER: PRAYER LIST – PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A ROSEBUD, SOUTH DAKOTA)</p><p>11 SCRIPTURE PROMISES TO BE PRAYED OVER</p><p>PRAYER SCHOOL TYPE 1A IN MISSION, SD</p><p>JOSHUA 1:3</p><p>“I WILL GIVE YOU EVERY PLACE WHERE YOU SET YOUR FOOT, AS I HAVE PROMISED …”</p><p>PSALM 2:8</p><p>“ASK OF ME, AND I WILL MAKE THE NATIONS YOUR INHERITANCE, THE ENDS OF THE EARTH YOUR POSSESSION”</p><p>LUKE 10:19</p><p>“I (JESUS SPEAKING) HAVE GIVEN YOU AUTHORITY TO TRAMPLE ON SNAKES AND SCORPIONS AND TO OVERCOME ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY; NOTHING WILL HARM YOU”</p><p>12 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4-5</p><p>“THE WEAPONS WE FIGHT WITH ARE NOT THE WEAPONS OF THIS WORLD. ON THE CONTRARY, THEY HAVE DIVINE POWER TO DEMOLISH STRONGHOLDS. WE DEMOLISH ARGUMENTS AND EVERY PRETENSION THAT SETS ITSELF UP AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, AND WE TAKE CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT TO MAKE IT OBEDIENT TO CHRIST.”</p><p>EPHESIANS 6:10-12</p><p>“FINALLY, BE STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN HIS MIGHTY POWER. PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE YOUR STAND AGAINST THE DEVIL’S SCHEMES. FOR OUR STRUGGLE IS NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST THE RULERS, AGAINST THE AUTHORITIES, AGAINST THE POWERS OF THE DARK WORLD AND AGAINST THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS”</p><p>13 EPHESIANS 6:13-18 (THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD)</p><p>“THEREFORE PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD SO THAT WHEN THE DAY OF EVIL COMES, YOU MAY BE ABLE TO STAND YOUR GROUND, AND AFTER YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING, TO STAND. STAND FIRM THEN, WITH THE BELT OF TRUTH BUCKLED AROUND YOUR WAIST, WITH THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IN PLACE, AND WITH YOUR FEET FITTED WITH THE READINESS THAT COMES FROM THE GOSPEL OF PEACE. IN ADDITION TO ALL THIS, TAKE UP THE SHIELD OF FAITH, WITH WHICH YOU CAN EXTINGUISH ALL THE FLAMING ARROWS OF THE EVIL ONE. TAKE THE HELMET OF SALVATION AND THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD. AND PRAY IN THE SPIRIT ON ALL OCCASIONS WITH ALL KINDS OF PRAYERS AND REQUESTS. WITH THIS IN MIND, BE ALERT AND ALWAYS KEEP ON PRAYING FOR ALL THE SAINTS.”</p><p>PSALM 32:8</p><p>“I (GOD SPEAKING) WILL INSTRUCT YOU AND TEACH YOU IN THE WAY YOU SHOULD GO; I WILL COUNSEL YOU AND WATCH OVER YOU”</p><p>ISAIAH 30:21</p><p>“WHETHER YOU TURN TO THE RIGHT OR THE LEFT, YOUR EARS WILL HEAR A VOICE BEHIND YOU, SAYING, ‘THIS IS THE WAY; WALK IN IT’”</p><p>14 EXODUS 23:20</p><p>“SEE, I AM SENDING AN ANGEL AHEAD OF YOU TO GUARD YOU ALONG THE WAY AND TO BRING YOU TO THE PLACE I HAVE PREPARED.”</p><p>MATTHEW 7:7-8</p><p>“ASK AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU; SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND; KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED TO YOU. FOR EVERYONE WHO ASKS RECEIVES; HE WHO SEEKS FINDS; AND TO HIM WHO KNOCKS, THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED”</p><p>EPHESIANS 3:20-21</p><p>“NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE TO DO IMMEASURABLY MORE THAN ALL WE ASK OR IMAGINE, ACCORDING TO HIS POWER THAT IS AT WORK WITHIN US, TO HIM BE THE GLORY IN THE CHURCH AND IN CHRIST JESUS THROUGHOUT ALL GENERATIONS, FOREVER AND EVER! AMEN.</p><p>15 JOEL 2:28-30 AND ACTS 2:17-19, 21</p><p>“AND AFTERWARD, I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON ALL PEOPLE. YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS WILL PROPHESY, YOUR OLD MEN WILL DREAM DREAMS, YOUR YOUNG MEN WILL SEE VISIONS. EVEN ON MY SERVANTS, BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT IN THOSE DAYS. I WILL SHOW WONDERS IN THE HEAVENS AND ON EARTH… AND EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED”</p><p>PRAYER:</p><p>Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit on ALL PEOPLE. Let all of Your Sons and Daughters prophesy. Let Your old Men dream dreams and Your young Men see visions. Pour out Your Holy Spirit on all Your Servants, both Men and Women as well as Boys and Girls. Lord, release Your wonders in heaven and on earth as You have planned and purposed according to Your complete and perfect Will and Time and Place(s). Jesus, my (our) Savior and Lord, let everyone who call on Your Name be saved. Holy Spirit, pour Yourself out on me (us), my (our) family, my (our) church, my (our) community, my (our) state and my (our) nation, the body of Christ worldwide and the entire world in Jesus’ Almighty Name!</p><p>16</p>
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