Attitudes Towards Internationalism and Federalism in Canada and the United States

Attitudes Towards Internationalism and Federalism in Canada and the United States

<p> CRIC – FC31</p><p>ENVIRONICS</p><p>Attitudes Towards Internationalism and Federalism In Canada and The United States: a comparative study, 2003</p><p>FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE country – Country</p><p>Canada...... 1 Mexico...... 2 United States...... 3 rsex – Sex of Respondent</p><p>Male...... 1 Female...... 2 rage – Respondent’s age (Canada/United States) ragec – Respondent’s age category (Canada/Mexico/United States)</p><p>DK/Refused/NA...... 0 18 to 24...... 1 25 to 29...... 2 30 to 39...... 3 40 to 49...... 4 50 or older...... 5 ragec2 – Respondent’s age category (Canada/United States)</p><p>DK/Refused/NA...... 0 Under 25...... 1 25 to 34...... 2 35 to 44...... 3 45 to 49...... 4 50 to 54...... 5 55 to 64...... 6 65 to 74...... 7 75 to 84...... 8 85 or older...... 9 reduc – Respondent’s education level (Canada/Mexico/United States)</p><p>None...... 0 Elementary...... 1 Middle/Some high school...... 2 High school/technical...... 3 Some/completed college/university...... 4 Post-graduate...... 5 Refusal/DK...... 9 maristat – Respondent’s marital status (Canada/United States)</p><p>Married...... 1</p><p>Page 1 Not married...... 2 Refusal...... 9</p><p>1. fed1 - From which level of government do you feel you get the least for your money? Would you say it is … (READ AND RANDOMIZE LIST)? (ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE.) (43)</p><p>Federal government...... 1 State government ...... 2 Local government...... 3  All of the above...... 4 (DO  None of the above...... 5 NOT  Don’t know...... - READ)   Refused...... &</p><p>2. fed2 - Which level of government do you think has too much power today? Would you say it is …(READ AND RANDOMIZE LIST)? (ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE.) (44) Federal government...... 1 State government ...... 2 Local government...... 3  All of the above...... 4 (DO  None of the above...... 5 NOT  Don’t know...... - READ)   Refused...... &</p><p>3. fed3 - Which level of government do you think needs more power today? Would you say it is …(READ AND RANDOMIZE LIST)? (ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE.) (45) Federal government...... 1 State government ...... 2 Local government...... 3  All of the above...... 4 (DO  None of the above...... 5 NOT  Don’t know...... - READ)   Refused...... &</p><p>4. fed4 - Which government do you trust the most to deliver the programs and services that are important you? Is it …(READ AND RANDOMIZE LIST)? (ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE.) (46) Federal government...... 1 State government ...... 2 Local government...... 3  All of the above...... 4 (DO  None of the above...... 5 NOT  Don’t know...... - READ)   Refused...... &</p><p>5. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements? The (first/next) statement is…(INSERT AND RANDOMIZE STATEMENT.) Would you say you…(READ LIST. ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE FOR EACH STATEMENT.)</p><p>Page 2 Strongly agree...... 5 Somewhat agree...... 4 Neither agree or disagree...... 3 Somewhat disagree, or...... 2 Strongly disagree...... 1 (DO NOT  Don't know...... - READ)   Refused...... & (STATEMENTS:) int1 - Taking care of problems at home is more important than giving aid to foreign countries int2 - The United Nations contributes a great deal to world peace int3 - When the United Nations needs peace-keeping troops, (Canada/the United States) should int2 - The United Nations contributes a great deal to world peace int3 - When the United Nations needs peace-keeping troops, (Canada/the United States) should provide some of its soldiers int4 - There are too many immigrants coming into this country who are not adopting (Canadian/American) values int5 - Canada/The United States ought to be accepting more immigrants from those parts of the world which are experiencing major conflicts int6 - I feel that I am more a citizen of the world than a citizen of my own country int7 - It is possible for the United States and its allies to compel the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to get rid of its weapons of mass destruction by using peaceful means rather than military force int8ce - It is important that children in my province learn to speak English (Canada – Quebec only) int8cf - It is important that children in my province learn to speak French (Canada – outside of Quebec) int8us - It is important that children in my state learn to speak Spanish </p><p>CANADA</p><p>1. cregion – Region</p><p>Atlantic...... 1 Quebec...... 2 Ontario...... 3 West...... 4 British Columbia...... 5</p><p>2. cprov – Province</p><p>Newfoundland...... 1 PEI...... 2 Nova Scotia...... 3 New Brunswick...... 4 Quebec...... 5 Ontario...... 6 Manitoba...... 7 Saskatchewan...... 8 Alberta...... 9 British Columbia...... 10</p><p>3. ccsize – Community size</p><p>>100,000...... 1 30,000 – 99,999...... 2 10,000 – 29,999...... 3 5,000 – 9,999...... 4 <5,000...... 5</p><p>Page 3 Vancouver...... 6 Montreal...... 7 Metro Toronto...... 8 Greater Toronto Area (excluding Metro) ...... 9</p><p>4. cqs – Language of interview</p><p>English...... 1 French...... 2 5. cqa – Which of the following best describes your own present employment status?</p><p>Working full-time...... 1 Working part-time...... 2 Unemployed or looking for a job...... 3 Self-employed...... 4 Stay at home full-time...... 5 Student, or...... 6 Retired...... 7 Disability pension VOLUNTEERED...... 8 REFUSAL...... 99</p><p>6. cqb - As a rule, what is your principal occupation?</p><p>Professionals...... 1 Administrators and owners of business...... 2 Technicians, semi-professionals...... 3 Administrators and owners of small business...4 Office workers (white collar), services, sales.....5 Tradesmen, semi-skilled, workers...... 6 Unskilled workers...... 7 Farmers and Fishermen...... 8 Self-employed...... 9 Other (SPECIFY) ...... 98 REFUSED/NA...... 99</p><p>7. cqc - Do you, or does anyone in your household belong to a labour union? </p><p>Respondent belongs (ASK QD) ...... 1 Other household members belong (SKIP TO QE) 2 No one belongs to union (SKIP TO QE)...... 3 unknown code...... 4 DK/NA/REFUSAL (SKIP TO QE)...... 99</p><p>8. cqd - Do you belong to a…</p><p>Private sector union, or...... 1 Public sector union?...... 2 DK/NA...... 99</p><p>9. cqe - What is your religious affiliation, if any?</p><p>Catholic (Roman, Greek, Orthodox, Eastern rite, etc) 1 Protestant (United, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc) 2 Jewish...... 3 None/Atheist/Agnostic...... 4 Other (SPECIFY) ...... 98</p><p>Page 4 REFUSAL/NA...... 99</p><p>10. cqf - What is the highest level of education that you have reached?</p><p>Some elementary...... 1 Completed elementary...... 2 Some high school...... 3 Completed high school...... 4 Community college/vocational/trade/commercial/CEG 5 Some university...... 6 Completed university (eg. Bachelor degree) .....7 Post-graduate university/professional...... 8 No schooling...... 9 DK/NA...... 10</p><p>11. cqg – Are you…</p><p>Married...... 1 Single...... 2 Widowed...... 3 Separated, or...... 4 Divorced...... 5 REFUSAL...... 99</p><p>12. cqh – Were you born in…</p><p>Canada...... 1 United States...... 2 Great Britain (SKIP TO Q132)...... 3 Another European county, or (SKIP TO Q132) .4 Another country outside Europe, Cda, US...... 5 DK/NA...... 99</p><p>13. cqi – Would you identify yourself as…</p><p>Aboriginal (Inuit, Métis, or First Nations decent) 1 Non-aboriginal...... 2 DK/NA...... 3</p><p>14. cqj - Do you (or does a member of your household) own or rent the dwelling in which you presently live?</p><p>Own...... 1 Rent...... 2 DK/NA...... 99</p><p>15. cqk - Are there any children in your household under the age of 18?</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 DK/NA...... 99</p><p>16. cql - Which of the following categories best corresponds to the total annual income, before taxes, of all members of your household, for 2002?</p><p>< 20,000...... 1</p><p>Page 5 20,000 – 30,000...... 2 30,000 – 40,000...... 3 40,000 – 60,000...... 4 60,000 – 80,000...... 5 80,000 – 100,000...... 6 100,000 and over...... 7 REFUSAL/DK/NA...... 99</p><p>17. cqm - Which language do you, yourself, usually speak at home? (If you speak more than one language, which one do you speak most often?)</p><p>English...... 1 French...... 2 Other (SPECIFY) ...... 98 REFUSAL...... 99</p><p>18. cqnoyb - In what year were you born?</p><p>19. cqnage - In what year were you born?</p><p>20. cqo - Do you have access to the Internet or e-mail? Would that be at work (including school), at home or both?</p><p>No access RECORD GENDER AND LANGUAGE. THANK AND TERMINATE 1 At work/school...... 2 At home...... 3 Both...... 4 Have access elsewhere (i.e.: Internet café, library, friends) 5 DK/NA...... 6</p><p>21. cqp - How often do you use the Internet or e-mail? Would that be…?</p><p>Daily...... 1 Every second or third day...... 2 Once a week...... 3 Once a month...... 4 Less than a month...... 5 DK/NA...... 99</p><p>MEXICO</p><p>1. mm1 – Respondent Identification Number</p><p>2. mregion – Region</p><p>1 "North" 2 "North-Central" 3 "South-Central" 4 "South"</p><p>3. mcity – City</p><p>1 "Alvaro Obregón"</p><p>Page 6 2 "Azcapotzalco" 3 "Benito Juárez" 4 "Coyoacan" 5 "Cuauhtemoc" 6 "Cuajimalpa" 7 "Gustavo A. Madero" 8 "Iztacalco" 9 "Iztapalapa" 10 "Magdalena Contreras" 11 "Miguel Hidalgo" 12 "Milpa Alta" 13 "Tlalpan" 14 "Tláhuac" 15 "Venustiano Carranza" 16 "Xochimilco" 17 "Aguascalientes" 18 "Rincón de Romos" 19 "Villa García" 20 "Mexicali" 21 "Tecate" 22 "San Vicente" 23 "CD. Constitución" 24 "Villa Insurgentes" 25 "Santa Anita" 26 "Campeche" 27 "Candelaria" 28 "Nuevo Coahuila" 29 "Ocosingo" 30 "Palenque" 31 "Pakalna" 32 "Jiménez" 33 "CD. Camargo" 34 "Chavira" 35 "Torreón" 36 "San Pedro" 37 "La Concha" 38 "Colima" 39 "Tecoman" 40 "Trapichi" 41 "Durango" 42 "Gómez Palacio" 43 "Zaragoza" 44 "Celaya" 45 "Pénjamo" 46 "Corralejo" 47 "Iguala " 48 "Taxco " 49 "Michapa" 50 "Tulancingo" 51 "Cuautepec" 52 "Lagunilla" 53 "Tlaquepaque" 54 "La Barca" 55 "Las Flores" 56 "Ecatepec" 57 "Nezahualcoyotl"</p><p>Page 7 58 "Coatepec" 59 "Zamora" 60 "Jacona" 61 "Telonzo" 62 "Temixco" 63 "Xochitepec" 64 "Tetecalita" 65 "CD. Anáhuac" 66 "Sabinas Hidalgo" 67 "Salinas Victoria" 68 "Salina Cruz" 69 "Tehuantepec" 70 "Santa Cruz" 71 "Puebla" 72 "Cholula" 73 "Atzompa" 74 "Diez Gutiérrez" 75 "San José" 76 "Cerro Prieto" 77 "Culiacan" 78 "Mazatlán" 79 "Villa juárez" 80 "Hermosillo" 81 "Guaymas" 82 "San José" 83 "Frontera" 84 "H. Cardenas" 85 "Vicente Guerrero" 86 "Tampicio" 87 "Cd. Madero" 88 "Altamira" 89 "Tlaxcala" 90 "Tetla" 91 "Atlangatepec" 92 "Veracruz" 93 "Boca del Río" 94 "El Conchal" 95 "Mérida" 96 "Uxchuc"/</p><p>4. mstate – State</p><p>1 "Aguascalientes" 2 "Baja California Norte" 3 "Baja California Sur" 4 "Campeche" 5 "Chiapas" 6 "Chihuahua" 7 "Coahuila" 8 "Colima" 9 "D.F." 10 "Durango" 11 "Guanajuato" 12 "Guerrero" 13 "Hidalgo" 14 "Jalisco"</p><p>Page 8 15 "México" 16 "Michoacán" 17 "Morelos" 19 "Nuevo León" 20 "Oaxaca" 21 "Puebla" 24 "San Luis Potosí" 25 "Sinaloa" 26 "Sonora" 27 "Tabasco" 28 "Tamaulipas" 29 "Tlaxcala" 30 "Veracruz" 31 "Yucatán"</p><p>5. md2 – What is your age?</p><p>1 "18 to 24" 2 "25 to 29" 3 "30 to 39" 4 "40 to 49" 5 "50 or more"</p><p>6. md3 - What is your last year of formal schooling?</p><p>1 "None" 2 "Primary School" 3 "Middle-School" 4 "High School or Technical School" 5 "University or Beyond" 9 "Refused/Don't know"</p><p>7. md4 – What is your occupation?</p><p>01 "Professional " 02 "Government Employee " 03 "Private Sector Employee " 04 "Housewife " 05 "Construction of Factory Worker " 06 "Self employed " 07 "Executive/Manager " 08 "Domestic Worker " 09 "Student " 10 "Agricultural Laborer " 11 "Small Farmer " 12 "Cattle Dealer " 13 "Do not work" 97 "Retired/Pensioned " 98 "Other" 99 "Refused/Don't know"</p><p>8. md10 - More or less how much per month is brought into your household as income?</p><p>1 "Up to $1,250 " 2 "$1,251 to $6,250" 3 "$6,251-$18,750"</p><p>Page 9 4 "$18,7251-$50,000" 5 "More than $50,000" 9 "Don't know”</p><p>9. md11 – Urban/Rural Sample Point</p><p>1 "Urban" 2 "Rural"</p><p>10. mt20 - If the federal congressional elections were held today, for which party's candidate would you vote?</p><p>1 “PAN” 2 “PRD” 3 “PRI” 4 “PVEM” 5 “PT” 6 “Other” 7 “Depends on the Candidate” 8 “Would not vote/None” 98 “Refused” 99 ”Don’t Know”</p><p>11. mt21 - Think on what you expected Fox, how has he lived up to your expectations?</p><p>1 “Exceeded your expectations” 2 “Satisfied your expectations” 3 “Fell short of your expectations” 8 “Refused” 9 “Don’t Know”</p><p>UNITED STATES</p><p>1. uregion - Region ...... (29)</p><p>Northeast...... 1 Mid-west...... 2 South...... 3 West...... 4</p><p>2. ustate - State ...... (30-31)</p><p>01...... Alabama 04...... Arizona 05...... Arkansas 06...... California 08...... Colorado 09...... Connecticut 10...... Delaware 11...... District of Columbia 12...... Florida 13...... Georgia 16...... Idaho 17...... Illinois 18...... Indiana</p><p>Page 10 19...... Iowa 20...... Kansas 21...... Kentucky 22...... Louisiana 23...... Maine 24...... Maryland 25...... Massachusetts 26...... Michigan 27...... Minnesota 28...... Mississippi 29...... Missouri 30...... Montana 31...... Nebraska 32...... Nevada 33...... New Hampshire 34...... New Jersey 35...... New Mexico 36...... New York 37...... North Carolina 38...... North Dakota 39...... Ohio 40...... Oklahoma 41...... Oregon 42...... Pennsylvania 44...... Rhode Island 45...... South Carolina 46...... South Dakota 47...... Tennessee 48...... Texas 49...... Utah 50...... Vermont 51...... Virginia 53...... Washington 54...... West Virginia 55...... Wisconsin 56...... Wyoming</p><p>3. ua2 - Head of household...... (9)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2</p><p>4. ua3 - Primary grocery shopper...... (10)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Don't know...... -</p><p>5. ua4a - Exact age...... (11-12)</p><p>18 TO 99 Refused...... &</p><p>6. ua4b - AGE RANGE (if refuses exact age)...... (13)</p><p>Under 25...... 1</p><p>Page 11 25 to 34...... 2 35 to 44...... 3 45 to 49...... 4 50 to 54...... 5 55 to 64...... 6 65 to 74...... 7 75 to 84...... 8 85 or older...... 9 Refused...... & 7. ua4c - AGE (This column combines the exact ages with the age ranges)</p><p>Under 25...... 1 25 to 34...... 2 35 to 44...... 3 45 to 54...... 4 55 to 64...... 5 65 to 74...... 6 75 to 84...... 7 85 or older...... 8 Refused...... &</p><p>8. ua5 - What was the last grade of school you completed</p><p>Completed grade school or less (8 YEARS OR LESS) 1 1 Some high school, not completed (9-11 YEARS) 2 Completed high school (12 YEARS)...... 3 Some college, not completed (13-15 YEARS)...4 Completed college (16 years)...... 5 Post graduate work started or completed (17 OR MORE YEARS)6 Refused...... &</p><p>9. ua6 - Employment status...... (16)</p><p>Employed full-time...... 1 Employed part-time...... 2 Retired, or...... 3 Not employed...... 4 Refused...... &</p><p>10. ua7 – Married ...... (17)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Refused...... &</p><p>11. ua8 - How many people live in your household at the present time? Please include yourself and any babies. (DO NOT READ LIST. IF 8 OR MORE, ENTER <8>.)</p><p>1 to 8 Refused...... &</p><p>12. ua9 - How many in your household are under six years old?. . (19-20)</p><p>0 to 20 Refused...... &</p><p>Page 12 13. ua10 - How many in your household are 6 through 12 years old?</p><p>0 to 20 Refused...... &</p><p>14. ua11 - How many in your household are 13 through 17 years old?</p><p>0 to 20 Refused...... & 15. ua12 - HOMEOWNER...... (25)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Refused...... &</p><p>16. ua13 - Household income...... (26)</p><p>Under $15,000...... 1 $15,000 to less than $20,000...... 2 $20,000 to less than $25,000...... 3 $25,000 to less than $30,000...... 4 $30,000 to less than $40,000...... 5 $40,000 to less than $50,000...... 6 $50,000 to less than $75,000...... 7 $75,000 to less than $100,000...... 8 $100,000 or more...... 9 Refused...... &</p><p>17. ua14 - Race...... (27)</p><p>White...... 1 Black...... 2 Asian...... 3 Or, a member of another race...... 4 Refused...... &</p><p>18. ua15 - Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin...... (28)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Refused ...... &</p><p>19. ua18 - Internet access at home...... (32)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Refused ...... &</p><p>20. ua19 - Internet access at work...... (33)</p><p>Yes...... 1 No...... 2 Refused ...... &</p><p>21. uq6 - Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as… (READ LIST)? (ENTER SINGLE RESPONSE.) (55)</p><p>Page 13 A democrat...... 1 A republican, or ...... 2 An independent...... 3 (DO  Other (SPECIFY)______...... 4 NOT  Don’t know...... - READ)   Refused...... & wt - WEIGHTS The weights applied to each respondent are found in columns 34-38. These have 3 decimal places. For example, a weight of 01016 would be 1.016.</p><p>Page 14</p>

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