Latin America Part 1

Latin America Part 1

<p> LATIN AMERICA CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY</p><p>THE CULTURE  A study of cultural geography of Latin America will introduce the tremendous ______diversity of this region  It highlights how ______& the ______of native & imported cultures have influenced how people live in Latin America</p><p>Mexico’s Culture  In Mexico the ______of Native Americans were the 1st to settle the region (______peoples)  Mexico’s 1st inhabitants probably ______from ______40,000 to 60,000 years ago o They thrived in different areas from the ______in the Yucatan to the southern part & the ______Empire  With the arrival of ______settlers over the centuries, a ______of peoples of Native American & European descent created a new ethnic group called “______” (largest population today)</p><p>Density & Distribution  With ______million people Mexico is the most populous ______Speaking country  A population density of ______people per square mile suggests a relatively ______country o This figure is only an ______with ______having a population density ______people per square mile (______million people live there)---rapid ______ ______has shaped Mexico’s population with the desire for ______opportunities & improved economic conditions driving “______” to other areas of the world o “______” or Rural to Urban migration has changed the population distribution with ______of population now living in cities due to limited ______land & lack of access to ______services o Primary area of ______are the cities along the Mexican-U.S. ______</p><p>Urban Areas  In some Latin American countries, growing ______have absorbed s______cities & suburbs to create “______” which are cities with more than _____ million people  ______is Mexico’s largest megacity (______million) & because of its size & influence it is also a “______” which is an urban area that dominates its country’s economy, culture & political affairs</p><p>History & Government  Centuries ______Europeans arrived in the Americas, two Native American empires (______& ______) flourished in the area that is present-day ______ The ______dominated ______Mexico & ______Central America from 350-900 A.D. establishing cities, building ______, courts & ______with an economy that was based on agriculture & trade  They were skilled in ______, developed accurate ______& used astronomical observations to predict ______eclipses o According to ______calendar, the world will come to an abrupt end on ______o Modern astronomers concur with the ancient Mayans & believe that on December 21, 2012 the earth will be in ______alignment with the sun & the center of the ______galaxy (a galactic event that takes place only once every ______years) o No one ______what effect this extraordinary ______will have on the earth, but the Mayans believed it would be dire o The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, notably used by the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization among others, completes a "______" of thirteen b'ak'tuns (periods of ______days each) since the mythical creation date of the calendar's current era o Their Long Count time recordings are based on a count of ______years for a complete length of an age, a full cycle in the times of Earth but this long cycle is divided into _____ equal cycles of ______years o Right now we are almost at the ______of the ______cycle in the Long Count calendar . Major events entailed in ______involve the return of ______, massive earthquakes, tsunamis & ______, volcanoes & ______storms of unprecedented intensity . ______warming is believed to begin increasing to the point that part of the ______will burn up . The Great Galactic Cross will occur on December 21, 2012 with the Earth, the Sun & Venus all in perfect ______with the ______at the center of the Milky Way ______. It is believed that the ______on Earth by the arrival of this ______alignment will be catastrophic & cause natural ______n on a ______basis . It would be wise to remember, that science has been ______in their assumptions many times in the ______o Major ______say that this isn’t possible  The Mayans made “______” which are picture writings carved in stone on temples to honor their ______ The ______civilization arose in ______Mexico in 1300 A.D. & built their capital on an island in a large lake named “______” (present day Mexico City)  To feed the growing population the Aztec farmers ______all available land & even grew ______on “______” floating islands made from large rafts covered with ______from the lake bottom  The Aztecs developed a highly structured ______system based on an ______& military officials  High ranking priests performed ______to win favor with the ______& at the bottom of Aztec society was the ______group (farmers, laborers & soldiers)</p><p>Mexico’s Independence  A parish priest “______” led Mexico’s ______movement in 1810 & after a long struggle Mexico became independent in ______ In spite of its independence, Mexico’s political & economic power remained in the hands of a small group of ______landowners, army ______& ______ A new ______in 1917 brought reforms & established Mexico as a ______republic with powers separated into 3 branches (Executive, Legislative & Judicial) with a ______that is elected to a single _____ year term o ______--- He assumed office on December 1, 2006, and was elected for a single six-year term through 2012</p><p>Mexico’s Language & Religion  The official language is ______which is spoken by ______of the population o There are more than _____ indigenous ______ Nearly ______of Mexico’s population is ______ Some indigenous peoples ______traditional ______beliefs & Roman Catholic beliefs into practices called ”______”</p><p>Education & Health Care  Education ______greatly with most ______schools in ______areas with un- qualified teachers & little or no ______compared to the ______schools o Government promotion of adult ______& funding for more schools has helped Mexico make ______in education  As employment & education ______, health problems linked to ______, lack of sanitation & “______” (condition caused by lack of proper food) decrease  All citizens have ______(subsidized or paid by the Government) but the ______quality of public ______leads to seeking treatment elsewhere</p><p>The Arts  ______of Indigenous & Spanish ______period are evident in arts  Early Native American ______includes Maya pyramids & Aztec ______& ______o Some of these buildings were decorated with “______” (wall paintings on buildings) & “______” (pictures or designs made with colored stone or tile) Family Life  Mexicans highly value family & each person is part of the “______” that includes great grandparent, ______, aunts, ______& cousins as well as ______& children  They often share the homes together o “______” or godparents are chosen by the parents to ______their new baby & watch over his or her ______o Mexican society still displays elements of “______” which is a tradition of ______supremacy </p><p>Sports & Leisure  ______crowd into arenas to watch ______which is Mexico’s ______sport  People are also passionate about “______” (soccer) baseball & ______o Fiesta (______) is a friendly gathering, special ______dinner, religious ______or patriotic event (PARTY)</p><p>Central American & Caribbean Culture  The population of Central America reflects the dominant influences by ______people & Spanish ______ In the Caribbean a ______of indigenous groups with ______influences of Spanish, English, French, ______, Dutch, Indian, & ______has shaped the population o Millions of European ______have made the Caribbean their home & ______first arrived as ______people forcibly brought by the Europeans</p><p>Density & Distribution  In Central America most people live in the ______along the ______coast but population densities do vary  Its ______was estimated at ______& it has a density of ______people per square  The Caribbean has a population of about _____ million on ____ different islands with apporximately _____ million living on the islands of Cuba, Haiti & the Dominican Republic (Jamacia---_____ million)  ______migration throughout the area has increased ______growth (service industry--- tourism very popular)</p><p>Urban Challenges  Although people migrate to ______to find a better ______they often do not find what they ______ As a cities resources are ______by rapid population growth, ______, & housing become scarce which can cause the ______of a city’s ______, depriving people of the necessary basics such as ______& drinking water  With no ______to return to their villages they remain in the cities forced by ______to live in neighborhoods with substandard housing & poor ______</p><p>History & Government  The arrival of Christopher ______from 1492 to 1504 led to Spanish ______& colonization of the Caribbean ______ Columbus’s arrival in the Americas also set off one of the most significant events in world history---The ______o This was the movement of ______, ______& infectious ______(unintended) between Europe & the ______for Spain, Portugal, France & Britain o Europeans introduced food ______& domesticated ______to the Americas in an attempt to “______” the region o Europeans also ______food crops native to the Americas back across the ______Ocean  The ______transmission of ______disease had serious & long lasting effects on the peoples & cultures on both sides of the Atlantic Gaining Independence  In the late 1700’s Native Americans & ______yearned for freedom from ______& European _____  Francois Toussaint-______, a soldier born to enslaved parents led a ______of enslaved Africans in ______& by 1804 Haiti had won its independence from ______ Haiti went on to help independence ______in other Latin American countries but the Caribbean countries were the ______territories in the region to achieve ______</p><p>Language & Religion  ______is the primary ______of most countries in ______America  In the Caribbean, European languages spoken include English, ______, French & ______o Each country has its own “______” or a form of language ______to a particular place or group  In Central America 6 out every 7 people are ______& in the Caribbean most people living on the ______speaking islands are also Roman Catholic o Other ______are present but are not dominant</p><p>Education & Healthcare  The ______of education varies greatly from country to country as well as within ______& ______areas of each country o ______generally are required to complete ______school but many do not because of long distances to school & lack of ______for clothing & supplies  ______is linked or determined by ______o Countries with a highly developed ______system have better standards of living & ______life expectancies & countries with less developed economies have little ______to spend on health care o ______& ______are more prevalent & life expectancy is _____</p><p>The Arts  Native Americans produced the earliest ______forms---woodcarving, ______, metalwork, & w______ ______is influenced by a combination of Native American, ______, & African (string instruments, ______, rhythms)</p><p>Family Life  The ______family is important & throughout Central America the ______is the basic unit of ______& the importance of one’s family in a community is a factor that determines one’s social class  In the ______the structure of the family is “______” meaning the family is ruled by a woman such as a mother, ______or aunt (originated in West Africa)</p><p>Sports & Leisure  Baseball, ______, & volleyball are most popular ______especially in the ______o More ______baseball players from Latin America than other countries & it is quickly becoming the ______passion</p><p>South America’s Culture  South America is the world’s ______largest ______& is home to a ______of more than ______million people o South America is home to an ______diverse population with many indigenous cultures inhabiting parts of the ______& especially in the more remote areas (deep in the ______)</p><p>Density & Distribution  South America’s high rate of ______growth magnifies the ______to settlement already presented by ______geography o The rain forests, ______& ______dominate South America’s interior & ______human settlement  Most South American’s live on the continent’s edges called the “______” because the coastal regions provide favorable ______, fertile land & easy access to ______systems  To draw people away the Brazilian ______moved the capital from coastal ______to Brasilia ( a planned ______built in the country’s interior)  Most countries have large ______areas & ______population ______o Brazil---______million---______people per square mile o ______is the most densely populated (_____ people per square mile)  The search for better ______& ______conditions & the desire to escape the ______of civil war motivate many people to leave South America  The “______” is the loss of the more highly ______& skilled ______to other countries  ______of the people live in ______areas due to internal migration</p><p>Urban Challenges  Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro in Brazil & Buenos Aires in Argentina now rank among the world’s ______largest urban areas in ______o Each of the ______illustrates the often extreme differences between ______& ______(______---slums on the outskirts of Sao Paulo) o In sharp contrast to the favelas are the city’s ______neighborhoods where houses are hidden behind ______or ______ Major ______continue to be housing, ______, maintaining infrastructure, ______& traffic</p><p>History & Government  ______Americans & ______contributed to South America’s history & to the creation of modern ______ The ______established a highly ______civilization in the ______& ruled through a central government headed by an emperor---______Society (emperor, high priest, ______commander--- farmers, ______& laborers) o The Inca were skilled ______, building ______& fortresses & laying out a network of roads that crossed mountain passes & penetrated ______o Inca ______cut ______into the slopes of the Andes & built ______systems o There was no written ______& knowledge was passed on to each generation by ______ Europeans conquered South America & the ______became sources of wealth for the home countries (Spain, ______, France, ______& the Dutch)  ______diseases imported by the Europeans (Columbian Exchange) & the ______of working on colonial ______drastically reduced the Native American population & in order to meet the labor ______, European colonists imported ______Africans</p><p>Gaining Independence  Encouraged by the French & American ______& the struggles for ______in Mexico & the ______, the countries of South America also sought their independence from colonial ______ Simon Bolivar & Jose San Martin led ______for ______o ______still remains part of ______today Language & Religion  Spanish, ______, Dutch, & ______are spoken in South America  The majority of South American’s are Roman Catholic but ______still practice mixed ______that combine ______religious practices of West Africa & Roman Catholicism</p><p>Education & Healthcare  Education ______greatly throughout South America but many countries have ______more funds to public schools & ______rates have risen steadily o Some public ______provide higher education at little or no ______to students  In some of the ______countries ______is considered a luxury as many children drop out of school to help ______their families  In countries with stable ______& high standards of living people have access to better health care & live ______, ______lives o Health concerns linked to poverty, ______, malnutrition, & ______sanitation still exist in the rural or more remote areas of South America as well as the “______” (makeshift or slum communities on the outside of town)</p><p>The Arts  Traditional ______of South America are weaving, ______, & ______working o ______are the most common Pre-Columbian ______instruments from the Andean region</p><p>Family Life  In urban upper & middles classes the family is more likely to consist of a “______” (father, mother, ______children) rather than an ______family o The “______” relationship is also valued highly</p><p>Sports & Leisure  South American’s are ______about ______& it is the #1 sport o Other popular sports include ______, auto racing, ______, boxing & basketball  Social life & leisure time revolve around ______visits, patriotic events, religious feast days & ______ “______” is celebrated the week before the Roman Catholic observance of ______o People from around the world go to ______which is home of one of the largest Carnival celebrations o Rio was awarded the ______Summer ______Games</p><p>LATIN AMERICA TODAY  Most of ______America’s people live in ______, yet most of the region’s countries rely heavily on ______ Latin America today faces the ______of developing modern, industrial ______that promote regional & global ______but do not destroy its ______resources</p><p>The Economy  There is an ______tradition & they export a high amount of ______such as bananas, sugarcane & ______ ______is unevenly distributed between ______landowners & a much larger group of “______” (rural farmers & workers) but there are some large family ______owned by wealthy families or corporations called “______” o All other farms are called “______” (small plot of land farmed to feed ______)  Latin America’s physical ______makes it a suitable region for growing “______” which are produced in ______quantities to be ______or traded o It is very ______because of droughts, ______, volcanic eruptions  ______growth is limited due to the ______that restrict access & the densely forested Amazon Rainforest that prevent ______& railroads from being constructed to transport goods  “______” (foreign built manufacturing plants) have become more & more popular & are located in ______trade zones where ______do not apply</p><p>Transportation & Communication  Rugged ______makes it hard to build roads & railroads in Latin America so ______overcome ______barriers like the Amazon River  Cell phones are more ______because people can’t afford the ______for home phones (land lines)---cellular service is very popular inside the large ______& preferred by ______people Trade Interdependence  Latin American countries depend on ______to get natural resources & ______they do not have (______)  “______” (North American Free Trade Agreement) reduced trade ______& increased the flow of ______, services, & people o The drawback is the loss of ______to generally lower paid ______workers in the Maquiladoras</p><p>Managing Resources  One of the most ______activities in the Amazon Basin is the ______of the rain forest to provide more land for ______& ______ Slash & Burn Farming techniques are used when plants are cut down, trees are stripped of ______then set on ______after they have dried o The ______from the fire adds ______to the soil (good for farming but bad for the ecosystem)  “______” (clearing or destruction of forests) is also a huge problem (done for ______or Farming) so “______” laws are coming into effect to ______& ensure the planting of young trees on stripped land</p><p>Human Impact  Rapid ______n growth along with ______& ______growth has affected Latin America’s infrastructure & natural resources  Latin American workers move to ______to find a better ______& often live in the “______” that often rest on dangerous slopes & wetlands that are prone to mudslides, floods & other natural disasters  Because they lack running ______& underground ______systems these areas are ______which can spread ______rapidly</p><p>Future Challenges  Disputed ______, Territorial ______, Volcanic ______, Hurricanes  ______Preparedness</p>

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