<p> VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 South Clark Street North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees 01-13-10 www.utica-il.gov</p><p>AGENDA Page 1 of 2</p><p>I. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Regular Village Board Meeting II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call</p><p>IV. Approval of Minutes 1.) November 24, 2009 – Special Board Meeting 2.) December 09, 2009 – Regular Board Meeting</p><p>V. Financial Statement 1.) December 2009 Financial Stmt / Summary / Revenue Reports</p><p>VI. Approval of Bills 1.) December 2009 Prepaids 2.) December 2009 A/P</p><p>VII. Appearance Request – Ms. Jolene Atkinson re: Hitt St. Drainage issues</p><p>VIII. Governmental Affairs Liaison 1.) Community Survey – grant opportunities</p><p>IX. Finance Liaison 1.) Voluntary Action Center Donation Request 2.) American Red Cross Donation Request 3.) Consideration of Payment in full – New Maintenance Truck </p><p>X. Clerk’s Report 1.) Possible purchase of annual package for Labor Law Posters 2.) LaSalle County Board Minutes 11-03-09 / 11-20-09 XI. FEMA Report XII. Maintenance Department 1.) Department Assessment and Update 2.) Storage Cover for Salt 3.) Cover for Grand Bear Lift Station</p><p>XIII. Building Inspector 1.) Update 2.) Resolution to wave repair permits for flood affected properties VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 South Clark Street North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees 01-13-10 www.utica-il.gov</p><p>AGENDA Page 2 of 2</p><p>XIV. Water & Sewer Liaison 1.) Reimbursement of invoices from Grand Bear for Lift Station $1994.43 2.) Kisellus Property – 101 Wright Dr.- water run off issues XV. Streets, Alleys & Lights Liaison 1.) Mardi Gras Parade Road Closure Request 02-13-2010 R10-01 2.) St. Pat’s Day Parade Road Closure Request 03-13-2010 R10-02</p><p>XVI. Engineer’s Report 1.) Update on Flood Inspections 2.) Update on IDOT/Teng re: Rt. 178 Project 3.) Senica’s Oak Ridge Subdivision – LaSalle- Storm water issues 4.) Census map update 5.) Flood maps</p><p>XVII. President’s Report XVIII. Public Comment XIX. Old Business XX. New Business XXI. Attorney’s Report 1.) Consideration of Ordinance re: display of Address (house numbers) 2.) Authorization of Wire Transfer Agreement for Illinois Funds Accounts 3.) Appointment of FOIA Officer(s) and Open Meeting Act Designee(s) XXII. Committee/Trustee’s Report XXIII. Executive Session 1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal for specific employees a) Appearance Doug Jakse 2.) Pending/Imminent Litigation 3.) Discussion of Minutes of closed meetings</p><p>XXIV. Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Discussion / Employees / Officers</p><p>XXV. Adjournment Posted 01-08-10 Village of North Utica January 13th, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting MINUTES</p><p>Call to Order: At 7:04 pm, the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Fred Esmond who then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting was Village President Esmond, Village Clerk Laurie Gbur and Trustees Gloria Alvarado, Andrew Skoog, Ron Pawlak, Mary Pawlak, Kevin Stewart and Matt Jereb. Also Present were Village Attorney Herb Klein, Engineer Kevin Heitz and Zoning Enforcement Officer Tom Brown.</p><p>Approval of Minutes: It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve the minutes from the November 24, 2009 Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 6 Yes Motion Carried It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the minutes from the December 9, 2009 Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Financial Statement: It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the December 2009 Financial Statements. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Approval of Bills: It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Jereb to approve the December 2009 PrePaid Bills. 6 Yes Motion Carried It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to approve the December 2009 A/P Bills excluding the Maintenance Building Loan Payment for $10,000. 6 Yes Motion Carried It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the payment of the interest only on the Maintenance building Loan. 5 Yes (Skoog, R. Pawlak, M. Pawlak, Stewart, Jereb) 1 No (Alvarado) Motion Carried</p><p>Appearance Request – Ms. Jolene Atkinson: None</p><p>Governmental Affairs Liaison: Trustee Alvarado updated the Village Board regarding the status of the Community Income Survey/NCICG Grant for Clark Creek Run. A completed study is needed to be able to apply for the CDAP grant. It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Skoog to authorize the Engineer (Chamlin) to complete the study for the Village; the Village will then submit to NCICG. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Page 1 of 5 Village of North Utica January 13th, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting MINUTES</p><p>The information for the hiring of individuals for the Census will be put on the Village Website; there is not enough room on the water bills.</p><p>Finance Liaison: Trustee Jereb recommended to the Board that the Village hold off on making donations at this time. There was no action taken on the requests from Voluntary Action Center or American Red Cross. Trustee Jereb asked that the item regarding payment for the new Maintenance Truck be referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting being held on January 26, 2010.</p><p>Clerk’s Report: Village Clerk Gbur advised the Board about the increasing costs associated with the changes in the Labor Law/Hippa Posters required by the Village. The cost of the annual Package of automatic shipments of the posters would be $199.90 for a one year contract. The posters will be automatically shipped to the Village whenever there are changes made; there will be no additional charges. It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Skoog to enter into a 1 year contract with Personnel Concepts,Inc. for $199.90 for the Labor Law/Hippa Poster Package. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>The LaSalle County Board Minutes from 11-3-09/11-20-09 were included in the packets.</p><p>Maintenance Department: Public Works Director, Doug Jakse updated the Board on the Maintenance Department. An Ordinance should be considered to enforce vehicles to be moved from the streets for snow removal. It was decided that Attorney Klein will put something together for the Committee of the Whole Meeting being held on January 26, 2010. An Ordinance should be considered regarding water usage for filling swimming pools, tapping fire hydrants, and the requirement of check valves. A storage cover for salt would cost approx. $5000 for the cover only. The lift station at Grand Bear would require a building to protect the panel as well as Village employees that may have to repair it in inclement weather. This will also be discussed at the Committee meeting.</p><p>Building Inspector: Zoning Enforcement Officer, Tom Brown updated the Village on the flood Inspections. The Inspections are finished and letters have been sent to Property owners. Some of the properties are above 50% in cumulative damages and may have to be demolished. All flood damage to a property is accrued. Some of the properties can be considered for possible elevation of the home. Trustee Alvarado asked about a new Ordinance regarding the increase in the Flood Plain. Engineer Heitz advised that the change in the Flood Plain has not been decided yet and that it may be anywhere between 1 ft. and 18 inches. When the information becomes Public, the Village will be able to approve a new Ordinance accounting for the changes in the Flood Plain.</p><p>It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to approve Resolution R10-03 to retroactively waive permits for flood properties from September 2008, the time of the flood, thru present, 1-13-10. 6 Yes Page 2 of 5 Village of North Utica January 13th, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting MINUTES</p><p>Motion Carried</p><p>Brown also advised that the Village look into Flood Insurance for the Village Hall and Maintenance Building before the flood plain is raised so that it may be less expensive. An Ordinance also needs to be considered for permits to take down buildings/demolition. It will be discussed further at the committee meeting.</p><p>Water & Sewer Liaison: Trustee R. Pawlak advised the Board about the invoices for the damages to the lift station at Grand Bear in the amount of $2302.33. It was motioned by Trustee R. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to authorized Attorney Klein to send a letter, with the charges of $2302.33, to Grand Bear. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Kisellus Property – 101 Wright Drive and Hill Property – 109 Selma St. – Mr. Kisellus addressed the Board about water runoff issues that he and Ms. Hill have been having. There is ice in large areas at the end of their driveways and it is a lot of water that is constantly running down through the areas and around the corner on Selma St. all the way to the Bimm property. The Maintenance Dept. will begin by salting the areas heavily and then, when the weather clears, they will look into the problem; dig by the fire hydrant.</p><p>Streets, Alleys & Lights Liaison: It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the road closure for the Mardi Gras Parade being held on 2-13-10 from 6-8 pm. R10-01 6 Yes Motion Carried It was motioned By Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the road closure for the St. Pat’s Day Parade being held on 3-13-10 from 5-7-pm. R10-02 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Engineer’s Report: Engineer Heitz provided an update to the Board regarding the U. S. Army Corp and the dredging of the Illinois River. He will respond to them within 30 days. IDOT/Teng Rt. 178 Project- Teng streetscape enhancement meeting will be held in early February with the Village regarding the concept of how to proceed with the streetscape; lights, sign placement, and landscape. IDOT will begin the resurface of the existing Rt. 178 in June 2010; the Village will have to look at possibly moving water/sewer lines to avoid having to move them and/or repair them after the road is finished. Possible cost of the project could be $50,000 to relocate the lines. Engineer Heitz will tell IDOT that the Village will want to consider moving the lines and find out what their responsibility and what is the cost to the Village. Attorney Klein will then check into whether easements will be needed. Senica’s Oak Ridge- regarding the storm water issues in the subdivision. LaSalle would like to consider tapping into Utica’s drainage system. They would need our permission if they enter into the right of way however, it would be better if they ran their system directly into the ravine instead of hooking up to our drainage system. Page 3 of 5 Village of North Utica January 13th, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting MINUTES</p><p>Census Maps- Village Clerk Laurie Gbur will look up all annexations into the Village between 2000 and present. Engineer Heitz will then place the annexed properties on the maps and submit for the census. AST/Municipal Well- they have poured the concrete seal and will pump the well in the next week.</p><p>President’s Report: It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to change the annual Fireworks date to Friday, July 2, 2010. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>The streetlights are up by Lander’s House.</p><p>Public Comment: Mr. Dana Hyson asked the Board about Municipal Well doing the project for the Village and why they were hired instead of local contractors. Attorney Klein stated that the Village did not hire Municipal Well, AST hired them. The Village contracted with AST, Hydrology specialists, because they had done the initial study on the well and they are very experienced with this type of project. They, in turn, hired Municipal Well to perform the field work. AST has a proven track record and they are responsible for collecting certified payroll from Municipal Well. Shelba Bimm asked if the Village can make ATS hire local contractors for another phase of the project. Attorney Klein answered that ATS hired them. This is a specialty job and the Village hired ATS because they are experts in this field. </p><p>Old Business/New Business: None</p><p>Attorney’s Report: Attorney Klein advised that he would like to table the Ordinance for House addresses. It was motioned by Trustee Stewart, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to table the Ordinance. 6 Yes Motion Carried It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee Stewart to authorize the wire transfer of Illinois Funds by the Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk. Ordinance 2010-01 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the appointment of Open Meeting Officers/FOIA Officers as Laurie Gbur and Kathy Lewis, Village Clerk and Administrative Assistant respectively. 6 Yes Motion Carried</p><p>Attorney Klein advised the Board that Grand Bear is requesting a reduction in real estate tax on their properties. The hearing will be held on 1-14-10. The Village has never objected in the past and a reduction will not affect the Village at this time. The Board decided not to have the Attorney go to the hearing on behalf of the Village.</p><p>Page 4 of 5 Village of North Utica January 13th, 2010 Board of Trustees Meeting MINUTES</p><p>Committee/Trustee Reports: Trustee Alvarado – none Trustee Skoog – none Trustee R. Pawlak – The lock on the office drawers need to be fixed; President Esmond will call Kudela. Trustee M. Pawlak – none Trustee Stewart – none Trustee Jereb – none</p><p>At 8:55 pm it was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to go into Executive Session for the purpose of 1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal for specific employees a) Appearance Doug Jakse 2.) Pending/Imminent Litigation 3.) Discussion of Minutes of closed meetings</p><p>All in favor Motion Carried</p><p>At 10:00 pm it was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Skoog to reconvene the regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees. All in favor Motion Carried</p><p>At 10:00 pm it was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to adjourn the meeting. All in favor Motion Carried</p><p>The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on February 10, 2010</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>______Laurie A. Gbur/Village Clerk Village of North Utica</p><p>Page 5 of 5</p>
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