<p> RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN – OUTDOOR ADVENTURE ACTIVITY</p><p>COMPLETING THE RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN AND A CHECKLIST FOR THE EVENT</p><p>Risk Assessment and Management Plan - Completing the 5 parts. CHECK LIST FOR THE EVENT Part A – Event Summary and Approval: is a summary of the event to be completed by all schools holding a caving – horizontal activity. First aid, medications, medical forms for students and staff Signed by Activity Manager/Teacher in Charge and Principal acknowledging the risk assessment has been read and tailored to the school’s practices by adding or deleting within the Risk Treatment / Prevention measure column. Equipment – checked, spares, navigation Part B – Risk Criteria to identify risk ratings: is for information. It contains the risk criteria, risk matrix, risk control rating and priority Communications – above ground - mobile, PLB, satellite phone, radios ratings. Part B is to be used in Part C to apply a consistent approach to risk rating across schools. Local knowledge – site, conditions, weather Part C – Identifying and Analysing Risk Worksheet: is required to be completed by all schools holding a caving – horizontal activity. Part C should be reviewed for practices and application by your school and tailored accordingly by adding or deleting actions within the Risk Protocols – safety during activity, lost, minimum impact Treatment / Prevention measure column. Hygiene, sanitation, hydration, nutrition Part D – Site Specific information and hazards Part E – Treatment Plan; a table to be completed if there are residual risks rated high or above to ensure familiarity with the Emergency – plan, contacts, rescue, equipment, funds treatments / controls identified for these risks. Part E is for bringing attention to the risks with the highest risk ratings. The Group preparation – skills, fitness/capability, briefing treatment/controls around these risks require the greatest attention.</p><p>For assistance completing this Risk Assessment and Management Plan contact Audit and Assurance on 6205 6207 or [email protected]</p><p>PART A EVENT SUMMARY AND APPROVALS EVENT SUMMARY</p><p>School/s Activity Date/s Time Location Participants Number of students: Number of staff: Number of volunteers: Interested Parties Event Description</p><p>APPROVALS</p><p>I have read and tailored the risk assessment to reflect my school’s practices by adding or deleting actions within the Risk Treatment / Prevention measure column of Part C. Any risks with a residual rating of High or above are in Part E and I am familiar with the treatments/controls identified for these risks.</p><p>Event Organiser / Teacher In Charge printed name: ______Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>Principal printed name: ______Signature: ______Date:______</p><p>PART B RISK CRITERIA TO IDENTIFY RISK RATINGS</p><p>1 Risk Matrix This risk matrix is used to complete Part C. Consider and apply the consequence first. Then consider and apply the likelihood to establish the risk rating. Use of the defined consequences and likelihoods below will assist a consistent approach being applied to risk ratings across the Education Directorate. </p><p>Consequence People Injuries or ailments not Minor injury or first aid Serious injury causing Life threatening injury or Death or multiple life requiring medical treatment treatment case hospitalisation or multiple serious injuries threatening injuries multiple medical causing hospitalisation treatment cases Products and Services No disruption to excursion Limited disruption to the Some activities unable to Major disruption to the Major disruption with no excursion proceed activities with multiple activities able to proceed activities unable to proceed Environment No environmental or other Minor short term Minor long term Extensive environmental Extensive and widespread damage environmental or other environmental or other damage (long term effect) environmental damage property damage property damage Financial 1% of budget or <$5,000 2.5% of budget or <$50,000 > 5% of budget or > 10% of budget or >25% of budget or <$500,000 < $5,000,000 > $5,000,000</p><p>Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Risk Matrix 1 2 3 4 5 Likelihood Is expected to occur Almost certain in most 5 Medium High High Extreme Extreme circumstances Likely Will probably occur 4 Medium Medium High High Extreme Might occur at some Possible Low Medium Medium High Extreme time in the future 3 Could occur but Unlikely Low Medium Medium High High doubtful 2 Rare 1 Low Low Medium Medium High</p><p>Risk Control Ratings Risk control ratings are used in Part C in the column titled ‘Risk Treatment / Prevention measure’. The terms adequate, room for improvement and inadequate are used to rate the identified control. (A) Adequate – Controls are well designed for the risk and address the root cause. Management believes they are effective and reliable at all times (R) Room for Improvement – Most controls are designed correctly and are in place and effective, however some controls are neither correctly designed or are not effective. Some more work is required to improve the control effectiveness. Management has doubts about the operational effectiveness of some controls. (I) Inadequate – Significant control gaps or no credible control. Either controls do not address the root cause or the controls do not operate at all effectively. Controls if they exist are just reactive. Management has no confidence that any degree of controls is being achieved due to poor control design and/or very limited operational effectiveness. Priority Rating Priority ratings are to be placed in Part C in the right hand column. Where priority ratings of A, B or C are selected ensure the identified authority is notified, if the treatment with these priority ratings are required. Priority Description Authority to be notified Priority Rating Extreme Requires immediate attendance of multiple emergency services / Requires immediate notification to the Director- General A multiple casualties to hospital High Requires attendance of emergency service personnel (ambulance, Requires immediate notification to the Director, School B police, fire brigade) or transportation to hospital Improvement Medium Requires immediate attention from a first aid officer or life saver Requires immediate notification to the Principal C Low Requires assistance on site by EDU staff or possible minor attention Requires immediate notification to EDU staff on site D by a first aid officer</p><p>2 PART C IDENTIFYING AND ANALYSING RISK WORKSHEET</p><p>3 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) 1 Accident - activity specific injury: 3 3 Hig a) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory 3 1 Med Prior to and C General movement around and through cave areas h Procedures (A) ongoing during Slip b) Group preparation – training, activity Trip practice and full briefing (A) Fall and fall from height c) Staff qualifications, experience, Uneven surface, slippery surface, poor footwear, lighting, supervision, safety points (A) rushed group, not paying attention. d) Equipment checked prior to trip - Leading to; clothing and personal items, Minor or major injury footwear (A) Difficult extraction e) First aid attention and equipment (A) f) Activity leader to have extensive knowledge of the cave used (A) g) Buddy systems where students support and spot one another (A) h) Use of handlines and spotters in slippery locations and places 4 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Health and Fitness 3 2 Me a) Careful monitoring of participants 2 1 Low Prior to and D Fatigue and exhaustion resulting from overexertion d and supervision of rest stops and ongoing during Insufficient physical preparation pacing by activity leader (A) activity poor activity planning b) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory deteriorating environmental conditions Procedures (A) overconfidence c) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing (A) poor decision making d) Staff qualifications, experience, disorientation supervision, safety points (A) e) First aid attention and equipment (A) f) Fitness testing and conditioning prior to excursion (A) g) Buddy system in place where buddies monitor each other (A)</p><p>5 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Health and Fitness 4 2 Hig a) Careful monitoring of participants 3 1 Med Prior to and C Medical emergency underground h (A) ongoing during Asthma attack b) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory activity Diabetic incident Procedures (A) Epilepsy c) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing (A) Anaphylaxis d) Staff qualifications, experience, Etc supervision, safety points (A) Leading to e) Medical forms and emergency Evacuation difficult treatment plans followed up with Prolonged period underground parents prior to trip (A) Difficult logistics f) First aid equipment and student medications easily accessible (A) g) Staff knowledge of rescue and evacuation options and communication with rescue. (A) 6 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Health and Fitness 3 3 Me a) Careful monitoring of participants 2 1 Low Prior to and D Exposure to environment diu and environmental conditions - ongoing during Exposure to bat guano and histoplasmosis m supervision of use of protective activity lung condition simular to Asbestosis. clothing – gloves, dust masks etc Hypothermia (A) Dehydration b) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory Procedures (A) c) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing (A) d) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, safety points (A) e) Staff to find (if present) and explain bats guano and histoplasmosis to cavers. (A) f) Checks of student gear prior to entering cave – water, food, clothing etc (A) 7 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Environment - Weather extremes 4 2 Hig a) Checking for warnings and the 2 1 Low Prior to and D Rising water levels h development of potentially ongoing during Heavy rain whilst underground. dangerous conditions prior to activity Leading to - prolonged extraction or rescue times activity and during activity (A) Entrapped group, drowning. b) Access to communication equipment (A) c) Careful ongoing monitoring of environmental conditions – adjustment of plans as a result, use of contingency plans (A) d) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory Procedures (A) e) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing in dealing with emergencies (A) f) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, safety points (A) 8 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Environment 4 1 Hig a) Monitor local conditions prior to 3 1 Med Prior to and C Natural disaster + Rock fall h departure and cancel activity if ongoing during Dislodged by Earthquake/tremor conditions considered hazardous. activity Dislodged by equipment (A) Dislodged by person b) Follow emergency plan (A) Leading to c) Established communications Injury protocols developed and implemented prior to departure in Property damage case of emergencies (A) Environmental damage d) Maintain local knowledge of cave (A) e) Avoid known areas of natural disaster risk (A) f) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing (A)</p><p>9 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Environment 2 2 Me a) Group preparation and briefing (A) 1 1 Low Prior to and D Damage to cave environment d b) Maintain supervision at all times ongoing during Formations (S) activity Soft surfaces – dust, clay, mud c) Awareness of site use requirements and Minimum Students toileting in the cave Impact Codes (A) Litter and food scraps left in cave d) Staff qualifications, experience, Caused by lack of knowledge, lack of care, non-compliant supervision, (A) behaviour e) Consider a tour of Carey’s cave with Geoff Kell as the tour guide (A) to educate students about caves f) Potty systems, pee bottles, litter bags etc taken into cave(A)</p><p>10 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) 1 Environment 3 3 Hig a) Checking for warnings and the 2 1 low Prior to and D Bad air h development of potentially ongoing during Restricted air flow through cave, decaying vegetation in dangerous conditions prior to activity cave, change in air pressure and thunderstorms. Very activity and during activity (A) dependant on the venue and cave. b) Careful ongoing monitoring of Leading to possible head ache, excessive sweating, environmental conditions – difficulty breathing and then unconsciousness. adjustment of plans as a result, use of contingency plans (A) c) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory Procedures (A) d) Group preparation – training, practice and full briefing in dealing with emergencies (A) e) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, safety points (A) f) Staff knowledge of cave proneness to bad air. (A) 11 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Equipment failure 3 2 Me a) Follow Directorate’s Mandatory 2 1 Low Prior to and D Caving lights malfunction d Procedures (A) ongoing during Navigation devices not working due to magnetic b) Group preparation – training, activity interference underground practice and full briefing in dealing with emergencies (A) c) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, safety points (A) d) Spare equipment carried – lights, batteries (A)</p><p>12 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Limited communication 4 2 Hig a) Group preparation – training, 2 2 Low Prior to activity D The nature of a cave makes communication difficult h practice and full briefing (A) unless in direct line of sight. b) Staff qualifications, experience, In the event of an incident an effective method of supervision, (A) communication is essential. This will affect emergency c) Knowledge of network coverage. response time and assistance. None underground (A) d) Knowledge and location of site specific communication methods. (A) e) It is not always possible to get GSM coverage from cave vicinity. Fixed line phones at landholder nearby (Wee Jasper, Bungonia). (A)</p><p>13 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Lost group 4 2 Hig a) Group preparation – training, 1 1 Low Prior to and D Enter into wrong cave, no one in group has adequate h practice and full briefing (A) during activity knowledge of the cave, no maps or skills to navigate, b) Staff qualifications, experience, disorientated in the cave environment. External rescue, supervision, (A) loss of reputation c) Activity leader to have extensive knowledge of the cave. (A) d) Leave an itinerary with local authorities with estimated time of returns (A)</p><p>14 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Lost individual 4 2 Hig a) Group preparation – training, 1 1 Low Prior to and D h during activity Individual wanders off or falls behind practice and full briefing (A) b) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, (A) c) Activity leader to have extensive knowledge of the cave. (A) d) Have a buddy system with a staff member being the last member out of the cave.</p><p>15 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) 1 Caver stuck 4 2 Hig a) Group preparation – training, 2 1 Low Prior to and D Entrapment in squeeze h practice and full briefing (A) during activity Leading to caver distress, prolonged rescue b) Staff qualifications, experience, supervision, (A) c) Activity leader to have extensive knowledge of the cave. (A) d) “Challenge by Choice” (A)</p><p>16 R C Likelihood I Consequence Likelihood Residual Priority rating e o n Risk f n i Rating s t (After e i Controls) q a u l e n R c i e s k</p><p>Risk Treatment / Prevention R measure a Description and Adequacy of t Existing Controls i (What are you going to do to Risk n prevent or reduce the risk - Timetable What can happen? How it can happen? g tailor to the school’s practices (by when) What is the outcome if it happens? by adding or deleting within ( this section) b Risk Control Rating: (A)Adequate, e ( R) Room for Improvement, f (I)Inadequate o r e</p><p> c o n t r o l s ) Other</p><p>17 PART D SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION AND HAZARDS The site specific information is provided to assist schools: select a site that suits student capability; and understand some of the hazards. Delete the sites that are not being visited on your trip. Add any other hazards that you are aware of.</p><p>Location Location Hazards</p><p>1. Dip Cave Series 1 and 2 (Wee Jasper) glass in the entrance chamber NB – Many of the sections of Dip Cave can only be accessed using vertical roping skills. fraying metal cable as hand line at the entrance long black polished slab in slab chamber potentially high climbs at the far end of Daylight chamber drop off in the middle passage level of series 1, looking back into the entrance chamber bat guano in upper passage series 1 damage to formations it is not always possible to get GSM coverage from the top of Dip cave and Devils punchbowl, but if not then there is a phone at the rangers station located at Billy Grace Campground, or at the Wee Jasper Shop. 3. Dogleg (Wee Jasper) a lot of cave coral on the floor and sore knees sandtrap rising water in heavy rain active stream cave 4. Enigma / Cave 66 (Wee Jasper) confined space exit point, may need to push person out, or have a hand line and or spotter a lot of mud in the bottom boredom of students waiting both inside the cave and outside damage to formations 6. Grill Cave (Bungonia) slippery ladders take care to be on the safe side of the fence nearing the big ladder bad air often in the vicinity of Crystal Palace after the Horizontal Ladder finding your way to Crystal Palace, potential big drops in this area and navigation complexity stinging nettles near entrance 11. Signature Cave (Wee Jasper) maze room: navigation and squeezes slippery dip tube (DO NOT GO DOWN) at the end of upper passage fragile rim pools window and climb or descent between upper passage and lower passages slippery entry and exit in the wet weather entry to first chamber sometimes slippery – handline useful squeeze entrance and claustrophobia in “Sardine Can” damage to formations groups too large to be supervised properly 12. Other ….. (enter here) </p><p>18 19 PART E TREATMENT PLAN - FOR RISKS WITH RESIDUAL RISK RATINGS OF HIGH OR ABOVE Part E is for identifying the risks with the highest risk ratings. The treatment/controls around these risks require the greatest attention. To complete Part E transfer the risks with a residual value of high or above to the table below. </p><p>Risk as stated in Part C What can happen? How Treatment/Controls to Residual Risk rating Person responsible for Residual Expected completion Ref it can happen? be implemented as after treatment/ implementing Actual completion date Consequence Residual Likelihood date What is the outcome if stated in Part C controls treatment/controls it happens?</p><p>For assistance completing this Risk Assessment and Management Plan contact Audit and Assurance on 6205 6207 or [email protected].</p><p>Submit the completed signed form to [Curriculum to provide details on how to submit this risk assessment]. </p><p>20</p>
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