<p>Yoga & Prostatitis</p><p>Yoga & Prostatitis</p><p>Overview: - Infections and leaked bacteria from urine can cause prostatitis, a prostate disease that leads to groin pain, difficulty urinating, painful urination and similar symptoms in men. If left untreated, prostatitis can become chronic or cause problems with fertility and quality of life. A regular yoga practice, along with conventional treatment, can promote prostate health by strengthening the muscles in your pelvic area.</p><p>Treatment:- Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics; this is the only way to effectively kill the bacteria causing the condition. Always take the full amount of antibiotics you are prescribed, even if symptoms go away quickly. Chronic prostatitis that is not caused by bacteria can be treated with alpha-blockers, and everyday pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. A doctor can also perform Prostatic massage to relieve chronic prostatitis and pelvic pain.</p><p>Yoga Connection: A regular yoga practice can promote general prostate health by making you more aware and in control of your pelvic area. Yoga can make your core muscles stronger and more flexible and can relieve tension in the pelvic area. Pair yoga with a low-fat and plant-heavy diet to keep your prostate even healthier. </p><p>Kegel exercises, help strengthen the muscles, around the prostate and are sometimes incorporated into yoga practice.</p><p>Contract the muscles around your anus as if you are trying to hold in urine or gas. Hold for a count of 10, slowly release and repeat. Do up to 10 contractions several times a day.</p><p>Head and Shoulder Stands: - Inversions such as head and shoulder stands get blood flowing to your prostate. If you are new to yoga, start with a simple shoulder stand. Lie on a yoga mat and place a blanket under your shoulders for support if needed. Keep your head and shoulders on the ground, and slowly lift your legs and torso toward the ceiling. Place your hands on your back for support, with elbows on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds the first time you do the pose, and try to add extra time, as you get stronger. You can also progress to a full headstand -- please do this with a spotter, not alone -- if you wish. Boat Pose: - This pose stimulates the prostate and strengthens the abdominal muscles. Sit straight up on your mat with legs extended in front of you. Lean backward slightly while keeping your back straight and lift your legs off the floor at roughly the same angle as your back. Stretch your arms along your legs, parallel to the floor. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds at first, gradually increasing to one minute.</p><p>Reclining Big Toe Pose:-This pose also stimulates the prostate and promotes good digestion. Lie flat on your mat and extend one leg up until its perpendicular to the floor. Use a strap to stretch your leg by wrapping it around your foot and pulling gently. Imagine you are pulling your foot above your head, but keep your leg in the same position. Hold here for one to three minutes, then guide your leg out to the side and hold again. Repeat with the other leg.</p><p> Pumpkin seeds can very well tackle prostate gland disorders as far as home remedies are concerned. The seeds act as a rich source of unsaturated fatty acid, which are vital to the health of the prostate. About 50 gm seeds are to be taken daily either in cooked food or as a powdered. This is one of the best and popular home remedies for prostate disorders .</p><p> Zinc is another beneficial for treating prostrate disorders. Take about 30 mg of zinc everyday under medical observation. You either can go for the pills or can go for the food contains it. This is also one of the good home remedies for prostate disorders.</p><p> Vitamin E is having favorable effect on prostate health. The patient should be given foods rich in Vitamin E like wholegrain products, green leafy vegetables. This is one of the effective home remedies for prostate disorders.</p><p> Take 200 ml of spinach juice and add 300 ml of carrot juice into it. Vegetable juices are good for prostate health. You can consume this juice daily in the morning for at least about 20 days. It is one of the effective home remedies for prostate disorders</p><p> Some suggest a lukewarm water enema to be best for prostate and other genito- urinary tract problems. It also reduces the toxins from the body. This is also one of the good home remedies for prostate disorders.</p><p> Hot and cold hipbaths are considered beneficial for treating uro-genital disorders. This will not only reduce the pain but will also reduce the inflammation present in the body. </p><p> Apple, sweet lime, mango, melon, pear, orange etc are good to have in prostate condition. </p><p> Cooked vegetables, preferably steamed cooked vegetables are said to be good for prostate health. </p><p> Some of the Ayurvedic medicines like shilajt, varuna, kulatha, usher etc are beneficial for urinary track disorders. It is also helpful in prostate gland disorders. These are also effective home remedies for prostrate disorders. Avoidance of sexual acts, irregularity in eating and drinking, long periods of sitting on a chair and vigorous exercises are best to be avoided. They give raise to prostate problems in male. </p><p> Mix a tsp of basil juice with little yogurt and take one time in a day during hot weather. Do not drink or eat ½ hr before and after this treatment. This is one of the useful home remedies for prostate disorders</p><p> ½ tsp of honey and one tsp of basil juice is mixed and taken during cold weather. Do not drink or eat anything ½ before and after this treatment. This is one of the best home remedies for prostate disorders Starchy food, spicy food, oily and canned food is restricted. </p><p> Avoid carbonated water in the form of cold drinks.</p><p> Latest researches say that some Yoga postures have shown miracle in treating prostate problems. There were many proven clinical trials on the same. Doing Yoga postures regularly on daily basis will not only improve your prostate health but will also bring harmony in general health.</p><p>Seven Natural Treatment Options for BPH</p><p>It may seem as though we have come full circle, but even if your diagnosis leaves you free of prostate cancer, you may still have Benign Prostate Hypertrophy. Rather than using hormonal or alpha- blockers, many men have opted for a natural approach to avoid some of the unpleasant side effects of the drug therapy.</p><p>The two prescription drugs, Finasteride (Proscar) and Terazosin (Hytrin) make lots of money for drug companies because they are the only two approved by the FDA to prevent Prostatic proliferation (the growth of new prostate cells that cause BPH in men over 50).</p><p>Before beginning an exploration of natural treatment options, it must be perfectly understood that there is no substitute for your physician. These options are presented as just that. . .options and you should consult your physician before undertaking any new treatment options whether medical or homeopathic.</p><p>First, we will look at 7 different therapy options. These options are Ayurveda, Reflexology, Food Therapy, Imagery, Hydrotherapy, Vitamin and Mineral Therapy and Yoga. I present you with a brief synopsis of each therapy as it relates to prostate problems.</p><p>Ayurveda</p><p>The Ayurvedic approach to all disease is to first make certain that you have received an appropriate diagnosis from a medical professional.</p><p>If the prostate diagnosis is benign, the "flowing" approach can be used. Mix the following herbal powders: Punarnava, Gokshura and Shilajt. Ingest just 1/4 teaspoon a day either dry or added to warm water. An alternative is to drink any one of horsetail, ginseng or hibiscus tea, consuming as much as you wish each day. All of these herbs should be available at your health food store or by mail order.</p><p>Reflexology Reflexology is the practice of directing energy toward specific pressure points in the body. Reflexology sessions begin with relaxing the total body then shifting the focus of the reflex to those areas of greatest need. For our purposes that would be the prostate, endocrine, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid and adrenal glands as well as the pancreas with the reflex in the hands or feet. You can find reflexology charts that give you the reflex points at most health food stores or schedule a session with a professional reflexologist. </p><p>Food Therapy</p><p>The key to affecting positive change in the prostate by eating specific foods is including any foods high in zinc. The properties in zinc have been proven beneficial in shrinking an enlarged prostate. Take a daily supplement of zinc. In addition to a low-fat diet, particularly avoiding saturated fats, consider adding one or two tablespoons per day of flaxseed oil to your diet as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, both know for their high content of zinc.</p><p>Imagery</p><p>Imagery is closely associated to hypnosis, both practices incorporating positive visualization techniques to effect positive changes. Here is one exercise proven beneficial for our purposes here: Close your eyes breathe out three times and imagine entering your body through any opening, you choose. Find your prostate and examine it from every angle. Next, envision putting a thin golden net around the gland. This net has a drawstring that you can tighten. Cinch the drawstring so that the net is wrapped snugly around the prostate. As you do this, picture the prostate shrinking to its normal size. Then imagine using your other hand to massage your prostate. Sense that urine can now flow evenly and smoothly.</p><p>The recommendation for this exercise is to practice it twice a day, three to five minutes per session for six cycles of 21 days on and 7 days off.</p><p>Hydrotherapy</p><p>A hot sits bath comes highly recommended for the treatment of an inflamed prostate. Sit down in a tub filled with comfortably hot water to a depth of your navel. Soak for twenty to forty-five minutes and follow with a cold bath or shower. This treatment should be done once a day for thirty days or until the symptoms is gone.</p><p>Vitamin and Mineral Therapy</p><p>The ideal vitamin and mineral treatment for prostate problems incorporates herbal medicine. The following regimen is recommended to help control symptoms:</p><p> 400 international units of Vitamin E per day 30 milligrams of zinc twice a day 1 milligram of copper twice a day One tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day 60 milligrams of saw palmetto twice a day</p><p>Flaxseed oil and saw palmetto are easily obtainable in any health food store.</p><p>Yoga Certain Yoga poses can increase blood flow to the groin, thereby relieving certain prostate problems. You can find books on Yoga that include these poses, as well as many others, at any herbal or homeopathic store. The two poses that will benefit prostate problems are the "knee squeeze" and the "seated sun" along with the "stomach lock." To do the "stomach lock," lie on your back and take a deep breath. Breathe out until all air is expelled from your lungs, then pull in hard on your buttocks, groin and stomach muscles. Hold this pose for a count of three then release the muscles. It is recommended that this session is repeated two or three times a day, three times a session to help prevent prostate trouble. You should not use this yoga pose if you suffer from high blood pressure, Hiatal hernia, ulcers or heart disease.</p><p>Natural Approach To Prostate Cancer Symptoms! </p><p> At an advanced age, the risks of surgery for prostate cancer or other more radical treatments may actually be worse than the disease. In Portland Oregon, there is a three-year Oregon Health & Sciences University study; leaders hope to come up with an exercise program to benefit men dealing with prostate cancer who are on testosterone-lowering medications. Prostate cancer is characterized by ‘grade’ and ’stage’; grade is given to indicate how quickly a cancer is growing – the higher the grade, the more likely it is that the cancer will grow and spread rapidly and the size and extent of the tumor will determine its stage. About one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one man in 34 will die of the disease. It’s estimated that approximately 234,460 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, and approximately 27,350 will die of the disease. The main job of the prostate gland is to make seminal fluid, the milky substance that transports sperm. If cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. The need to urinate frequently, especially at night is another symptom. One prostate cancer symptom is difficulty starting urination or holding back urine. Other symptoms might include unintentional weight loss and lethargy. Weak or interrupted flow of urine and painful or burning urination can be symptoms to watch out for. Some men will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Your doctor may use either one or two of the most common tests for prostate cancer detection. A prostate gland biopsy usually confirms the diagnosis. There are several potential downsides to PSA testing; for example, a high PSA does not always mean a patient has prostate cancer. A bone scan can indicate whether the cancer has spread or not. There is a newer test called AMACR that is more sensitive than the PSA test for determining the presence of prostate cancer. The decision about whether to pursue a PSA test should be based on a discussion between you and your doctor. If chemotherapy is decided upon after the first round of chemotherapy, most men receive further doses on an outpatient basis at a clinic or physician’s office. The conventional treatment of prostate cancer is often controversial. Anyone considering surgery should be aware of the benefits, risks and the extent of the procedure. Urinary incontinence can be one of the possible complications of surgery. In the early stages, surgery and radiation may be used to remove or attempt to kill the cancer cells or shrink the tumor. Radiation therapy is used primarily to treat prostate cancers classified as stages A, B, or C. An oncologist, a cancer specialist, will usually recommend treating with a single drug or a combination of drugs. Surgery, radiation, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy all have significant side effects; know fully what they are before you proceed. Prostate cancer that has spread (metastasized) may be treated conventionally with drugs to reduce testosterone levels, surgery to remove the testes, chemotherapy or nothing at all. Treatment options can vary based on the stage of the tumor. Radiation therapy to the prostate gland is either external or internal, both of which use high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Since prostate tumors require testosterone to grow, reducing the testosterone level is used to prevent further growth and spread of the cancer. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. A good dietary, natural treatment approach is to avoid all acidic inflammatory foods; those are foods that are not alive. Drink freshly made carrot juice every day that you make in a juicer or juice extractor. Buy lacinato kale and juice it in your juicer with sweet carrots. Drink plenty of pure filtered water, a minimum of a quart a day. Make highly nutritious raw applesauce using a food processor and put in 3-4 cored pesticide-free apples, with the skin on, and mix for a minute; so much better for you than canned highly processed applesauce and add 1/4 tsp. cinnamon or two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed for another boost. Some foods and beverages to avoid that are inflammatory are: caffeine, salt, sugar, meat, dairy products, additives, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, fast food, processed vegetable oils, and refined, packaged and processed food. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies every day, not just a token banana or apple. The outcome of prostate cancer varies greatly; mostly because the disease is found in older men who may have a variety of other complicating diseases or conditions, such as cardiac or respiratory disease, or disabilities that immobilize or greatly decrease their activities. Because prostate cancer is a slow-growing disease, many men with this disease will die from other causes before they die from prostate cancer. Evidence indicates that many patients detect cancer at an earlier stage because of annual screening, so make sure to get a good exam. Prostate disorders are very common in men, mostly in the later years of their life they suffer from these disorders. Swelling of prostrate, immense pain, problem during urinating and sexual problems are some of the main symptoms of prostrate disorders. If not treated in early stages this condition can lead to cancer. Those men suffering from prostrate disorders feel like they have to urinate but not even single drop of urine comes out when they go to the toilet. This is annoying as it can wake you up in the middle of the night as well. Along with this while, urinating these men will also have burning sensations. The prostrate disorders can also affect kidneys and bladder if timely treatment is not being taken. There are various home remedies for prostrate disorders that you can try out. These remedies are highly effective and being natural has no side effects. </p><p>Home remedies for Prostrate Disorders:</p><p> Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are rich source of fatty acids and fatty acids are required for healthy prostrate glands. Taking daily about fifty to ninety grams of pumpkin seeds is highly effective in treating the prostrate disorders. You can also store the powder of the pumpkin seeds and use it daily. Diet: Your diet should include food items that are rich source of zinc and vitamin E. Like whole grains, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, milk and fruits. Vegetable Juices: Carrots juice and spinach juice both are very effective in the cure of prostrate disorders. You can either have these juices as it is or mix them and drink it. Take 300 ml of spinach juice, add 200 ml of carrot juice in it, and have it. This is one of the best home remedies for prostrate disorders. Avoid:- smoking and alcohol can make the matter worse and hence stay away form these things. Avoid things that contain caffeine, like chocolates and coffee. Prevention: To prevent prostrate disorders, you should have regular health checkups once you reach the age of forty-five. This way you can treat the disease at the early stages of the disease. Lemon Juice: In order to make the urine flow regular you can drink lemon water. For this mix, some lemon juice in one glass of water and drink it. Drinking it after every one hour will be very effective in regulating the urine flow. Follow this remedy for about three days and see the effect of it on your urine flow. Fruits: Eating fruits that are rich in water contents are also effective in making the urination proper. Your daily water intake should also be more. Diet: You can include all the vegetables and fruits in your diet. Whole grains, seeds and nuts are also good for the treatment of prostrate disorders. Avoid:- Reduce your intake of sugar and salt, as it will be helpful in long run. With growing age, these things can invite various illnesses and hence you should take proper precaution. Have five small meals in a day rather than having three big meals. </p>
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