![The Rise of Macbeth](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
<p> Holinshed</p><p>The Rise of Macbeth According to Rafael Holinshed’s ſ = s Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland u = v v = u 1577 i = j 5 To reſiſt theſe enimies, whiche were already where as to my fellow here, beſides highe offices, landed, and buſie in ſpoiling the countrey, Makbeth 50yee aſſigne alſo the kingdome, appointyng foorth and Banquho were ſente with the kings authoritie, nothing for me at all? Yes ſayth the firſte of them, who hauing with them a conuenient power, wee promiſe greater benefites vnto thee, than vnto 10encountred the enimies, ſlewe parte of them, and him, for he ſhall reygne in in deede, but with an chaſed the other to their ſhippes. They that eſcaped vnluckie ende: neyther ſhall he leaue any iſſue and got once to theyr ſhippes, obtayned of Makbeth 55behinde him to ſucceede in his place, where for a great ſumme of golde, that ſuche of theyr contrarily thou in deede ſhalt not reygne at all, but freendes as were ſlaine at this laſt bickering might of thee thoſe ſhall be borne whiche ſhall gouerne 15be buried in Saint Colmes Inche.1 In memorie the Scottiſhe kingdome by long order of continuall whereof, many olde Sepultures are yet in the ſayde diſcent. Herewith the foreſayde women vaniſhed Inche, there to be ſeene grauen with the armes of 60immediatly out of theyr ſight. A thing to wonder at. the Danes, as the maner of burying noble men ſtill This was reputed at the firſt but ſome vayne is, and heretofore hath bene vſed. fantaſticall illuſion by Makbeth and Banquho, in ſo 20 A peace was alſo concluded at the ſame time muche that Banquho woulde call Makbeth in ieſte betwixte the Danes and Scottiſhmen, ratified as kyng of Scotland, and Makbeth againe would call ſome haue wryten in this wiſe. That from thence 65him in ſporte likewiſe, the father of many kings. foorth the Danes ſhoulde neuer come into But afterwards the common opinion was, that theſe Scotlande to make any warres agaynſt the Scottes women were eyther the weird2 ſiſters, that is (as ye 25by any maner of meanes. would ſay ye Goddeſſes of deſtinie, or els ſome And theſe were the warres that Duncane had Nimphes or Feiries, endewed with knowledge of with forrayne enimies in the ſeuenth yeare of his 70propheſie by their Nicromanticall ſcience, bicauſe reygne. euery thing came to paſſe as they had ſpoken. Shortly after happened a ſtraunge and vncouth For ſhortly after, the Thane of Cawder being 30wonder, whiche afterwarde was the cauſe of muche condemned at Fores of treaſon againſt the king trouble in the realme of Scotlande as ye ſhall after committed, his landes, liuings and offices were heare. It fortuned as Makbeth & Banquho 75giuen of the kings liberalitie vnto Makbeth. iourneyed towarde Fores, where the king as then The ſame night after, at ſupper Banquho ieſted lay, they went ſporting by the way togither without with him and ſayde, now Makbeth thou haſte 35other companie, ſaue only themſelues, paſſing obtayned thoſe things which the twoo former ſiſters through the woodes and fieldes, when ſodenly in propheſied, there remayneth onely for thee to the middes of a lande, there met them three women 80purchaſe that which the third ſayd ſhould come to in ſtraunge & ferly apparell, reſembling creatures paſſe. of an elder worlde, whom when they attentiuely Wherevpon Makbeth reuoluing the thing in his 40behelde, wondering much at the ſight. The firſt of minde, began euen then to deuiſe howe he mighte them ſpake & ſayde: All hayle Makbeth Thane of attayne to the kingdome: but yet hee thought with Glammis (for he had lately entred into that dignitie 85himſelfe that he muſt tary a time, whiche ſhoulde and office by the death of his father Synel.) The aduaunce him thereto (by the diuine prouidence) as second of them ſaid: Hayle Makbeth Thane of it had come to paſſe in his former preferment. 45Cawder: but the third ſayde: All Hayle Makbeth But ſhortely after it chaunced that king that hereafter ſhall be king of Scotland. Duncane hauing two ſonnes by his wife which was Then Banquho, what maner of women (ſaith 90the daughter of Sywarde Earle of Northumberland, he) are you, that ſeeme ſo litle fauourable vnto me, he made the elder of them cleped Malcolme prince of Cumberlande, as it were thereby to appoint him 1 Incholm—an island (“inch” in Scottish) on the Firth of Forth. 2 fateful—in other words, the Norns or Fates</p><p>5 Page 1 of 2 Holinshed</p><p> his ſucceſſor in the kingdome, immediatly after his ſet his whole intention to maintayne iuſtice, and to deceaſſe. puniſhe all enormities and abuſes, whiche had 95 Makbeth ſore troubled herewith, for that he chaunced through the feeble and ſlouthfull ſawe by this meanes his hope ſore hindered, (where 150adminiſtration of Duncane: and to bring his purpoſe by the olde lawes of the realme, the ordinance was, the better to paſſe without any trouble or great that if he that ſhoulde ſucceede were not of able age buſineſſe, he deuiſed a ſubtill wile3 to bring al to take the charge vpon himſelfe; he that was nexte offenders and miſdoers vnto iuſtice, ſoliciting 100of bloud vnto him, ſhoulde be admitted) he ſundrie of his liege people with high rewardes, to beganne to take counſell howe he might vſurpe the 155chalenge and appeale ſuche as moſt oppreſſed the kingdome by force, hauing a iuſte quarell ſo to do commons, to come at a day and place appointed, to (as he tooke the mater,) for that Duncane did what fight ſinguler combates within Barriers, in triall of in him lay to defraude him of all maner of title and their accuſations. 105clayme, whiche hee mighte in tyme to come, When theſe theeues, barrettours4, & other pretende vnto the crowne. 160oppreſſours of the innocent people were come to The woordes of the three weird ſiſters alſo, (of darreigne5 batell in this maner of wiſe (as ſaid is) whome before ye haue heard) greatly encouraged they were ſtreight wayes apprehended by armed him herevnto, but ſpecially his wife lay ſore vpon men & truſſed vp in halters on gibets, according as 110him to attempt the thing, as ſhe that was very they had iuſtly deſerued. The reſidue of miſdoers yt ambitious brenning in vnquenchable deſire to beare 165were left, were puniſhed & tamed in ſuch ſort, that the name of a Queene. many yeares after all theft & reiffings6 were litle At length therefore communicating his heard of, the people enioying the bliſſefull benefite purpoſed intent with his truſtie frendes, amongſt of good peace and tranquillitie. 115whom Banquho was the chiefeſt, vpon confidence Makbeth ſhewing himſelfe thus a moſt diligent of theyr promiſed ayde, he ſlewe the king at 170puniſher of all iniuries and wrongs attempted by Enuernes, (or as ſome ſay at Botgoſuane,) in the ??? any miſordered perſons within his realme, was yeare of his reygne. accompted the ſure defence & buckler of innocent Then hauing a companie about him of ſuch as people: and hereto he alſo applied his whole 120he had made priuie to his enterpryce, he cauſed endeuour, to cauſe yong men to exerciſe themſelues himſelfe to be proclaymed king, and foorthwith 175in vertuous maners, and men of the Churche to went vnto Scone, where by common conſent, he attende their diuine ſeruice, according to theyr receyued the inueſture of the kingdome according vocations. to the accuſtomed maner. He cauſed to be ſlaine ſundry Thanes as of 125 The bodie of Duncane was firſte conueyed Eathnes, Sutherland, Stranauerne, and Ros, bicauſe vnto Elgyne, and there buried in kingly wiſe, but 180through them and their ſeditious attempts, much afterwardes it was remoued and conueyed vnto trouble dayly roſe in the realme. Colmekill, and there layd in a ſepulture amongſt his http://www.cems.ox.ac.uk/holinshed/ predeceſſours in the yeare after the birth of our 130Sauiour .1040. Malcolme Cammore and Donald Bane the ſonnes of king Duncane, for feare of theyr liues (whiche they might well know yt Makbeth would ſeeke to bring to end for his more ſure confirmation 135in the aſtate) fled into Cumberlande, where Malcolme remained til time that Edward ye ſonne of king Etheldred recouered the dominion of England from the Daniſh power, the whiche Edward receyued Malcolme by way of moſte 140freendly entertaynement, but Donald paſſed ouer into Ireland, where he was tenderly cheriſhed by the king of that lande. Makbeth after the departure thus of Duncanes 3 trick ſonnes vſed great liberalitie towardes the nobles of 4 Medieval word generally meaning “battler” or 145the realme, thereby to winne their fauour, & when “trouble-maker” he ſaw that no man went about to trouble him, he 105 attempt, undertake 6 Robberies</p><p>Page 2 of 2</p>
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