Proc. Nati Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 80, pp. 741-744, February 1983 Biophysics X-ray scattering from the superhelix in circular DNA (supercoiling/diffraction from solutions/specific linking difference/writhe vs. twist) G. W. BRADY*, D. B. FEIN*, H. LAMBERTSONt, V. GRASSIANt, D. Foost, AND C. J. BENHAMt Institute, Troy, New York 12181; *Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York 12222; tRensselaer Polytechnic and tDepartment of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Communicated by Bruno H. Zimm, October 25, 1982 ABSTRACT This communication presents measurements, creased the lower angle limit of resolution of the instrument made with a newly constructed position-sensitive detector, of the because the inner portion of the scattering curve was super- small-angle x-ray scattering from the first-order superhelix ofna- imposed on a risingbackground resultingfrom parasitic slit scat- tive COP608 plasmid DNA. This instrument measures intensities tering. In consequence, the resulting data could not be de- free of slit effects and provides good resolution in the region of smeared, so a direct comparison with theory was precluded. interest. The reported observations, made both in the presence This paper presents measurements of SAS from the first-or- and in the absence of intercalator, closely fit the scattering pat- der ccc DNA superhelix made with a new position-sensitive terns calculated for noninterwound helical first-order superhel- detector (PSD). The resulting profiles are free of slit effects, ices. These results are consistent with a toroidal helical structure permitting direct and unambiguous comparisons with theory. but not with interwound conformations. The pitch angle a and contour length per turn c are reported for the native molecule at MATERIALS AND METHODS several concentrations of the platinum intercalating compound. From these parameters, the best-fitting toroidal helix is con- The apparatus used will be described in detail elsewhere. structed and its geometry is investigated. The specific linking dif- Briefly, it consists of a beam powered by a Rigaku 12-kW ro- ference of the native molecule is estimated to be ALk/Lk0 - tating anode source operated at 50 kV and 190 mA collimated -0.055. If the best-fitting toroidal helix is taken to be the actual by two pinholes 0.75 mm in diameter set 100 cm apart in an structure, the partitioning of superhelicity between twist and evacuated collimation chamber. The beam irradiates the sample writhe occurs in the approximate ratio of 2: 1. contained in a flat sample holder with mica windows separated by a path length of 1 mm. Its diffraction pattern is recorded on The large-scale tertiary structure ofa covalently closed, circular a PSD placed at the end ofan evacuated path 150 cm from the DNA-molecule (ccc DNA) in solution is known to be drastically sample. An extra guard pinhole, diameter 0.8 mm, is placedjust affected by the internal stresses imposed by superhelicity. The before the sample. With this arrangement, the slit scattering variations ofsedimentation velocity with increased supercoiling is effectively reduced to an insignificant value everywhere but suggest a decreasing (average) radius ofgyration as the molecule at the innermost region ofthe pattern. Because ofthe small size assumes more compact conformations (1). In addition to hydro- ofthe beam and the large sample-to-detector distance, slit cor- dynamic methods, small-angle x-ray scattering (SAS) may be rections are not necessary. The intensity loss associated with the used to investigatelarge-scale properties ofstressed DNA struc- greatly increased collimation ofthe pinholes and the large scat- ture in solution. The observed scattering intensity is related to tering radius are adequately compensated for by the much the distribution ofelectron pairs within the molecule and hence greater power output ofthe 12-kW generator. Thus, we are now provides structural information. able to obtain direct traces ofthe diffraction patterns free ofall Hydrodynamic evidence (2) indicates that dissolved super- corrections with the exception of a fairly minor one due to the helical polyoma ccc DNA may undergo an ionic strength-de- finite width ofthe main beam. This causes an overlap oftwo or pendent transition between an interwound conformation (high three channels of the PSD and is not significant. salt) and a toroidal (super)helix (Na' 0.01 M). The interwound In these experiments the DNA used was the natively super- superhelical structure observed by electron microscopy may not coiled COP608 plasmid (4,258 bp), a 179-bp deletion ofthe PT be representative of solution conformations because the sam- 181 plasmid of Staphylococcus aureus. The cells were grown ples are spread flat and dried in preparation for photography. overnight in Cy broth, harvested by centrifugation, and lysed Previous communications (3, 4) reported the x-ray scattering by the clear lysate method (5). Purification of the superhelical from two natively superhelical ccc DNAs infl solution, PM2 DNA was done according to-the acid/phenol extraction pro- [=10,600 base pairs (bp)] and PBR313 (-4,400 bp). The ob- cedure of Zasloffet aL (6). The DNA solution was freed of RNA served superhelix diffraction patterns were consistent with a and protein impurities. The DNA was precipitated, resus- noninterwound coiled coil geometry, the first (i.e., smallest) pended in low ionic strength buffer, and then twice extracted order of which had a contour length of c = 920 A per turn at with 1 vol ofredistilled phenol equilibrated with 50 mM NaOAc a pitch angle 450 < a < 55°. However, those results were pre- to a pH of4.0. As shown by Zasloff et aL (6), nicked and chro- sented as being preliminary in nature because practical limi- mosomal DNA will be selectively removed from the aqueous tations ofthe experiment precluded correcting the data for slit phase by this process, leaving a 95% pure solution of super- where the first-order scat- helical DNA. The phenol was removed by ether extraction. The effects. The intensities in the region resus- ters were measured with a Kratky camera having infinite slit solution was ethanol precipitated and the DNA was slit widths pended in the buffer used for the x-ray experiments (0.2 M geometry. Because of the low intensities involved, In certain considerably greater than optimal had to be used. This de- Tris HCl, pH 7.5/0.05 M NaCl/1.0 mM Na2EDTA). small- in part by page charge Abbreviations: ccc DNA, covalently closed circular DNA; SAS, The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed PSD, position-sensitive detector; bp, base pairs payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertise- angle x-ray scattering; platinum(II). ment" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. (bp); PtTS, 2-hydroxyethanethiolato(2,2',2",-terpyridine) 741 Downloaded by guest on October 4, 2021 74-2 Biophysics: Brady et aL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80 (1983) cases the appropriate concentration of the intercalating agent 2-hydroxyethanethiolato(2,2',2"-terpyridine)platinum(II) (PtTS) was added. For comparison, calf thymus DNA (type I, Sigma) was dissolved in buffer (0.2 M Tris HCl, pH 7.5/0.05 M NaCl/ 1 mM NaEDTA), ethanol precipitated, and dialyzed against the same buffer. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Fig. 1 shows a plot of the superhelical scattering from a solu- I-0 tion of plasmid COP608 DNA (11.6 mg/ml), Mr 2.8 X 106, U, along with the background scattering (lower curve) from the 3 buffer solution (0.2 M Tris-HCI, pH 7.5/0.05 M NaCl/1 mM 0-4 Na2EDTA). Both curves are the actual output from the detector without smoothing. The counting time was 4 hr. Comparison of the two shows that- the rapidly rising portion of the back- _ ~~~~~~0-3 ground is confined to channel numbers less than 52. Beyond this it levels offto a smoothly decreasing curve ofvery favorable I signal-to-background ratio which can beaveraged over a5-chan- 0 I}0.10' 0.15 0.20 0.25' 0.30 nel interval by a least squares program and then directly sub- 41 tracted from the DNA curves. S-= SIN Ox10 Fig. 2 shows the scattering curves, corrected for background, of calf thymus DNA (curve 1), of DNA FIG. 2. Scattering curves (corrected for background) of calf thy- superhelical (curve 2), mus DNA and superhelical DNA at various intercalator ratios. The and ofsuperhelical DNA (curves 3, 4, and 5) in which PtTS had abscissa origins for curves 3 and 4 have been displaced upward. -Con- been intercalated in the mol ratios of 0, 1:30, 1:25 and 1:20 centrations and counting times were as inFig. 1. The heavy continuous (mol PtTS intercalated/mol bp). The calfthymus curve is com- lines are calculated curves for noninterwound molecules. pletely featureless. In contrast, the superhelical curves show pronounced maxima which decrease in magnitude with increas- equation (4, 7, 8) ing PtTS/DNA ratios. This shows that the diffraction maxima are attributable to the superhelical conformation ofthe circular I(s) = 2 L L sin 2. plasmid DNA. Curves taken at lower concentrations reproduce 2 Jo '0 sr(ljj12sr(, [1] this behavior, so intermolecular scattering plays no part. The maximum for the nonintercalated DNA is particularly pro- Here, 11 and 12 are two copies of the length parameter, p is the nounced. Intercalation results in displacement ofthe curves out effective electron density of the filament, and s = 41T/A sin 6; to larger s values, consistent with a decrease in contour length A is the wavelength (CuKa, A = 1.54 A) and 0 is one-half the per turn, c, ofthe unwinding superhelix. (This latter effect will scattering angle. The variable r (l1, 12) is the distance in space be demonstrated below, where the measured curves are com- between two points on the scattering filament and L is the fil- pared with those calculated for both interwound and noninter- ament length.
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