Notes Introduction 1 . Fermi 1971, 116. 2 . Salvemini 1955, 42. 3 . NYPL, ECADFS, s. I A. Grantees, b. 5, f. 2, Calabresi Renata (1939–1945). 4 . See BUF, FDS: http://www.sbafirenze.it/fondi_speciali/indice.php?flag=2&tipo= fon&id=172 (accessed February 8, 2014). Some of De Sarlo’s books were kept by his son-in-law Prof. Paolo E. Lamanna whose library was donated to two public librar- ies in his native city of Matera. Unfortunately, it was not catalogued as separate material and hence is not identifiable. 5 . See Barsanti et al. 1986, with photos, particularly 103–118. 6 . There are many and varied examples. See at least Canguilhelm 1966, especially the chapter on Comte, because his reflections about science and these themes dated to 1943–1944 and are linked to the serious reconsideration raised by Nazism and Fascism. 7 . CM, copy from Marzi to Ponzo, May 11, 1945. 8 . Decr. leg. luogotenenziale n. 159, July 27, 1944, GU, n. 41, July 29, 1944. 9 . CM, copy from Marzi to Ponzo, May 11, 1945. 10 . See all Geuter 2008. See also Cocks 1985. For a general view on Italian psychology, see Cimino and Foschi 2012 with bibliography. 11 . See Grüttner 2008. 12 . See Mazzetti 1961; and Arcuri 2014. 1 3 . S e e Archivio Storico Liceo Ariosto , Ferrara: http://www.liceoariosto.it/biblioteca .html?start=4 (accessed February 4, 2014). 14 . ASUF, SS, respectively 119, f.2319, Calabresi R.; 118, f.2311, Calabresi C.; 417, 10494, Calabresi M. 15 . ACS, MI, DGPS, DAGR, A1, 1935, b. 12, from the prefect Bertini to the MI, December 12, 1926. I would like to thank Renato Foschi for having sent me a copy of these documents. 16 . See Miniati 2003, 225. 17 . Testimony of Guido Calabresi to the author. 18 . ASUB, FS, Facolt à di Lettere e Filosofia , f.746, Calabresi R.; ASUF, SS, 118, f 2311, Calabresi Cecilia. 1 9 . A C S , M P I , D G I U , Professori Universitari , III s., b. 270, Limentani L., see Servizio prestato , March 2, 1922; and Sega 1999. 20 . Levis Sullam 2012 and 2002. On the famous mayor, see Levi A. 1927, who also used the Nathan archive, subsequently lost. 21 . See Villari 1866; Istituto di Studi Superiori 1920; and Garin 1976. 200 NOTES 2 2 . M a r r a s s i n i 2 0 0 4 . 23 . Limentani 1937, 2. On De Sarlo, see, among others, Guarnieri 1991, 2012b; Rancadore 2012. 24 . See Murchison 1932, 1080. 25 . See Peruzzi 1999; and Brunetti 1933. 26 . ACS, MI, DGPS, 1921, 90, f. Fasci di combattimento , cited in Gentile E. 2012, 22. Vedi Corner 1975; Onofri 1980. 27 . Testimony of Guido Calabresi to the author. 28 . ASUF, SS, f. Calabresi Renata, Esame di laurea in Filosofia , June 4, 1923. 1 Psychologists “in the True Sense of the Word” 1 . See R. decr. September 24, 1889, 6441; and Morselli 1889’s comment. For the scuole normali , see R. decr. September 17, 1889, 7143, later suppressed by another minister; and another R. decr. September 11, 1892, 689. 2 . Garin 1989, 66. 3 . Data are taken from the heterogeneous documentation in the series Istituto di Studi Superiori, 1920 and ff. (Universit à from 1925 on). 4 . Kuklick 1977, 581. Psychology was not considered in the series after 1915. 5 . Università 1927, 246–247. Women in psychology are not even in Govoni 2009, 216. 6 . Kuklick 1977, 590–591; O’Connell and Russo 1990. 7 . D e S a r l o 1 9 0 8 a . 8 . Law 18.2.1989, n. 56, Ordinamento della professione di psicologo , GU, February 24, 1989, n. 46. 9 . De Sarlo 1905a, 301. 10 . See Geuter 2008, 40. 11 . See B ü hler 1978; Kostylev 1911; De Sarlo 1914a. The seminal work by Husserl 1970 derived from a series of his conferences held in Vienna and Prague around 1935, entitled “The Crisis of European Sciences and Psychology.” See Ferruzzi 1998. 12 . Geuter 2008, 40–41, with table of the continual increase of members, but from 339 in 1932 it fell to 288 in 1934 because of the expulsion of Jews. 13 . Marhaba 1981, 78–82, with the 1911 Statute of the SIP, 80. 14 . The list is in the SIP website that contains some errors regarding its history: http:// www.sips.it/storia/ (accessed February 10, 2014). 15 . Societ à Italiana di Psicologia, 1928, 4. 16 . The Statute is reproduced in Associazione 1920, 210–211. 17 . For more psychological journals, see Bongiorno 2010. 18 . See Passione 2012; Antonelli and Zocchi 2013. 19 . Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, 1903. 2 0 . G e u t e r 2 0 0 8 , 4 2 – 4 3 . 21 . From Marhaba 1981, 28–44, to, above all, Ceccarelli 2010. 22 . ASPI, FVB, letter from De Sanctis to Benussi, n.d. but November 1922. 23 . Boring 1957, 325, 341, 347, 441, 446. 24 . ASPI, FVB, 45. This is what Benussi declared in his c.v. for the university of Padua in 1919. See Antonelli 2006, 22. 25 . Ferrari 1905a; Chiabra 1904. 26 . De Sanctis 1932. 27 . Calogero, Coppola, Aliotta, Corso 1935. See Durst 1998, 636–640. 28 . Carrara Lombroso 1894. See Dolza 1990. NOTES 201 29 . Boring 1928; and Diserens 1934. 30 . Murchison 1932, ix. 31 . ACS, MPI, CSPI, 1900; Carlo Cantoni cited by Lombardo and Cicciola 2005, 9. 32 . Titchener 1921, who cited Chiabra 1904 and Ferrari 1905a, was referring to Saffiotti 1920. In the intervening 16 years, the AJP had only printed a few reviews on Italian psychology. 33 . See Intorrella 2008; Sergi S. 1927. 34 . Sergi, 1876. See at least Mucciarelli 1987. 35 . See Degni 2013; Genna 2001. 3 6 . S a f f i o t t i 1 9 2 0 , 1 3 8 . 37 . Titchener 1902, iv, thanked his friend De Sarlo for the translation by Chiabra. 3 8 . S a f f i o t t i 1 9 2 0 , 1 3 8 . 39 . Patini 1923. Positive reviews by Smith 1908a and 1908b in the AJP. 40 . Cited by Saffiotti 1920, 142. 41 . De Sanctis cited in Ferrari 1917, 220–221. See decr. luogotenenziale , November 5, 1916, n. 1649; the minister of education was Francesco Ruffini. 42 . Martinetti 1914, 6. On this particularly problematical concorso , see Redondi 2008. 4 3 . F e r r a r i 1 9 0 5 a , 2 2 5 . 44 . Chiabra 1904, 515; see also Chiabra 1901. 4 5 . F e r r a r i 1 9 0 5 a , 2 2 6 . 4 6 . I b i d . 47 . See ACS, MPI, CSPI, Processi verbali , 1905, May 5, 1905, cc. 112–113. 48 . Ferrari 1911, later in Ferrari 1985, 155–156, and note. 49 . Garin 1989, 68. 50 . Villa 1911, 84–85, 264; Spanish and German translations (1902); English (1903); French (1904). 51 . De Sarlo 1898a, particularly xi–xvii: xv. 52 . See De Sarlo 1913; De Sarlo 1928a and Brentano 1913 edited and translated from Brentano 1874 by Mario Puglisi; and Puglisi 1924. On this personage, founder of the Associazione Italiana di liberi credenti who wanted to involve De Sarlo (as one sees from CDS, letters from Puglisi to De Sarlo, September 14, and September 28, 1924), see Corso 2007. See Albertazzi, Libardi, Poli 1996. 53 . De Sarlo 1912. Note that alongside the positive evaluation of James there were the arguments with some Italian pragmatists in De Sarlo 1910. 54 . James 1901 and 1904. The list of the Italian editions is in Guarnieri 1985, 135–136. See Florence Pragmatist Club 1905, reprinted in Papini 1934, 67–72. 55 . The psychiatrist Corrado Tumiati cited without indicating the source by Babini 2010, 287. See also Lazzari 2003. 56 . For the relation between James and Ferrari, see Quaranta 1985 and Quaranta 2006, 119–150, which translates some of James’s letters to Ferrari. I deposited their copy in the Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, with the permission of Mario Quaranta in autumn 1981. 57 . Data on the participants taken from De Sanctis ed. 1905, 18–27, 789–798. See Ceccarelli 2010, 50–51. 58 . Psychological Index 1905; Fernberger 1917. 5 9 . M o r a b i t o 2 0 0 0 . 60 . See Ardig ò 1888, and on him, Cavallera 2013 and Pironi 2000. 61 . See Guarnieri 1986a, 1988a, and 1983. 62 . On the first three sections, see respectively Foschi 2010; Sava 2010; and Guarnieri 2010. 202 NOTES 63 . Kramer 1988, 15; Foschi 2008. 64 . Lombroso 1911a, xi, xix. See also the translation edited by Gibson and Rafter, Lombroso 2006. 65 . Kurella 1911; Zimmern 1898, 348; Horton and Rich 2004; Rafter 2009, 281, 283. 66 . Guarnieri 2012a and Simon 2006. The attack on the socialist Jewish scientist, as alleged inspirer of the final solution and racism, came from Mosse 1978 and Gould 1981. See Gibson 2002. 67 . De Sanctis 1905, 657. 68 . Tamburini 1902, 15, 18. See also Guarnieri 1998. 69 . See David 1970, Ch. IV, and infra; see also Marzi 1937, 1–2. 70 . Societ à Freniatrica Italiana 1902, 481–483. Bianchi would have been proposed as candidate for a Nobel in 1925, but Mussolini objected. 71 . Morselli 1906, viii. 72 . Vailati 1905, 17. For other comments, see Ceccarelli 2010, 105. 73 . Ferrari 1905b and 1905c. 7 4 . D e S a r l o 1 9 0 5 b . 75 . See Morselli 1894; and Guarnieri 1988a. 76 . Morselli 1906, viii. 77 . Croce 1905. 7 8 . I b i d . 7 9 . D e S a r l o 1 9 0 5 c , 4 3 2 .
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