ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS Volume LX 45 Number 6, 2012 THE FOOD OF COMMON BREAM (ABRAMIS BRAMA L.) IN A BIOMANIPULATED WATER SUPPLY RESERVOIR T. Zapletal, J. Mareš, P. Jurajda, L. Všetičková Received: June 26, 2012 Abstract ZAPLETAL, T., MAREŠ, J., JURAJDA, P., VŠETIČKOVÁ, L.: The food of common bream (Abramis brama L.) in a biomanipulated water supply reservoir. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 6, pp. 357–366 Food composition of common bream (Abramis brama, L.) was studied in the shallow, meso–eutrophic, Hamry reservoir (Czech Republic). Fish were sampled during the daytime in the pre-spawning period (April), the post-spawning (June), summer (July) and autumn (October) in 2011. The bream sampled comprised two main size groups: small, 124–186 mm; and large, 210–315 mm standard length. Twenty specimens of each size group (except April – 40 large fi sh) were taken for analysis on each sampling occasion. Food composition was evaluated using gravimetric methods. Over the whole season, detritus and aquatic vegetation were the dominant dietary items taken. During summer, the diet of large bream comprised mainly aquatic vegetation. Benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton formed a minor part of bream diet over the whole season. Specifi c food habits of bream could be explained by specifi c conditions within the reservoir and available food resources. diet, Abramis brama, impoundment, biomanipulation Common bream (Abramis brama, Linnaeus, 1758) deep valley reservoir at Římov were Daphnia is a fi sh species that o en forms a substantial part of and Diaphanosoma. Pociecha, Amirowicz (2003) the fi sh stock in many reservoirs (Baruš, Oliva, 1995; also described the dominance of zooplankton Vašek et al., 2006) and lakes (e.g. Lammens, 1999), in bream diet in a eutrophic reservoir in Poland. and is usually termed an “accompanying species” Macrozoobenthos are also known to form a large by reservoir management bodies. Many authors (e.g. part of bream diet, as described by Biro et al. (1991) Prejs et al., 1994; Lammens, 1999) have considered for the shallow Lake Balaton (Hungary), Martyniak bream to have a negative impact on water quality et al. (1987) for the Pierzchaly reservoir (Poland), in reservoirs, and have linked the species with and Naumenko (2011) in a Baltic Sea lagoon. eutrophication processes. The bream’s benthivorous Kokeš, Gajdůšek (1978) described bream with and/or planktivorous feeding habits are frequently a predominantly benthivorous diet in the Mostiště a cause of bioturbation, which can increase nutrient reservoir (Czech Republic). Other food items, release from the reservoir bottom (Adámek, such as Diptera (Zadorozhnaya, 1977), grass seeds Maršálek, 2012). Through intensive feeding on large (Kokeš, Gajdůšek, 1978) and algae (Dyk, 1956) are zooplankton, bream are also capable of aff ecting mentioned rarely. Detritus has sometimes also been the trophic cascade through a top-down eff ect, i.e. mentioned as forming a signifi cant proportion as the density of large zooplankton decrease, so of bream’s food by weight, e.g. in the Volgograd phytoplankton density increases (Vijverberg et al., Reservoir in Russia (Nebolsina, 1968, Martyniak 1990). As such, knowledge of bream diet at a site can et al., 1987). Zeman (2011) found that, in spring, the be important in determining causes of decreasing major part of bream’s food in the Hamry reservoir water quality. was composed of plant fragments (38–77% by According to Vašek et al. (2006), the main weight). constituents in the diet of bream >18 cm in the 357 358 T. Zapletal, J. Mareš, P. Jurajda, L. Všetičková Since this fi nal study took place, the Hamry with a maximum depth by the dam of 7.5 m. It has reservoir has been subjected to a period of a catchment area of 56.8 km2. The reservoir presently biomanipulation, whereby large numbers of serves as a drinking water source for Hlinsko and its cyprinids have been removed in order to aff ect the surroundings. reservoir’s food cascade. Excessive consumption of Littoral macrozoobenthos and periphyton were zooplankton by common bream can lead to algal monitored independently on April 14, May 5, blooms, seriously aff ecting drinking water quality. June 6, July 25, September 5 and October 11, 2011. Removal of large numbers of bream, along with At the same time, zooplankton samples were taken large-scale stocking of predatory fi sh (e.g. asp, pike from three points of diff ering depth along the or pikeperch), is expected to result in an increase in course of the former riverbed (Fig. 1). zooplankton and improvements in water quality. Samples of zooplankton from sample site 1 were The aim of this study was to analyse the present taken using a 20 cm diameter, 6 m zooplankton net, diet of common bream in the Hamry reservoir, two towed horizontally. Zooplankton samples from years a er their large-scale removal, and assess sites 2 and 3 were taken with the same equipment, any changes in diet following biomanipulation. except that the net was hauled vertically 4 and 6 m, As such, this study of bream diet will provide respectively (see Přikryl, 2006). important information on the mosaic of complex Submerged vegetation was sampled manually factors involved in this biomanipulation project, at sites P1 and P2 in order to examine periphyton. and may help explain wider relationships within the Macrozoobenthos samples were taken hydrological food web. simultaneously using a modifi ed version of the PERLA method (Kokeš, Němejcová, 2006). This MATERIAL AND METHODS method is based on multi-habitat sampling, with all habitats being sampled proportionally. Samples This study was carried out at the 42.3 ha were collected using a benthos net and kick- Hamry water supply reservoir (49°43’51.654”N, sampling for 3-minute intervals. All zooplankton 15°55’1.391”E); near the town of Hlinsko in the and macrozoobenthos samples were preserved in Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Built between 4% formaldehyde. 1907 and 1912, the reservoir is fed by the River Macrozoobenthos samples were processed by Chrudimka and was originally intended as removal of all organisms present in the sample or, a single-purpose structure for protecting Hlinsko if the sample was large, from a representative part and its surroundings against fl ooding (Trejtnar, (minimum 25%). Organisms were determined to 1975). The dam is 17.4 m high and its crest is at an the lowest possible taxonomical level and number elevation of 602.86 m (Bws). Average depth is 2 m, 1: Map of the Hamry water supply reservoir, with food source sampling sites indicated (Sites 1, 2, and 3 indicate zooplankton sampling sites; P1 and P2 indicate macrozoobenthos and periphyton sampling sites) The food of common bream (Abramis brama L.) in a biomanipulated water supply reservoir 359 2: Length-frequency distribution of common bream sampled from the Hamry reservoir in 2011 of individuals per sample expressed as relative of the sample, which consisted of macro-vegetation abundance, using the formula: fragments and detritus, was separated from determinable taxa under a binocular microscope; (No. of individuels n in the sample × 100) taxa were then examined under a 40–450x No. of all individuels in the sample magnifi cation microscope for determination. The proportion of total food intake represented by each In addition to typical benthic organisms (e.g. category was evaluated using the indirect method of Oligochaeta, Trichoptera, etc), large (> 700 μ) littoral Hyslop (1980), using the following formula: cladocerans (e.g. Eurycercus lamellatus, Sida crystalina or Simocephalus vetulus), Hydrachnellae, bryozoan % Wi = 100 × (Wi / ∑Wi), statoblasts (Bryozoa) and gemmules of fresh water sponges (Porifera) were also analysed. where Wi is the weight of a particular food Four, 5 or 6 mls, depending on volume of component and ∑Wi is the weight of all food zooplankton, was taken from a known volume of components combined. each plankton sample and placed into a counting Frequency of occurrence of food items was cell. Organisms present were counted, determined calculated according to Pivnička (1981), using the and expressed as number of individuals per m3. formula: Organisms in the sample were separated by size class, i.e. those > 700, 100–700 μm, for future % FOi = 100 × (ni / ∑ni), analysis. where n is the number of guts containing a particular Fish were sampled using a 100 m long beach i dietary component and ∑n is the number of all guts. seine (maximum depth 4 m, mesh size 20 mm) i These two criteria are combined in order to along shallow banks at both the lower and upper express an index of preponderance (IP), using the parts of the reservoir. Fish sampling took place on following formula: April 26, June 6, July 20, and October 3, 2011. On each occasion, 20 specimens of bream form the IP = 100 × ((W × FO ) / ∑(W × FO )), two dominant size categories (small bream of 124– i i i i 186 mm and large bream of 236–315 mm standard where Wi is the weight percentage of a particular food length; SL) were taken for diet analysis. The length component and FOi is the frequency of occurrence frequency distribution of all bream sampled over of that food component. This provides a relevant 2011 is displayed in Fig. 2. measurable basis for sorting particular components Fish were weighed (to the nearest 0.1 g) and and presents results that are a combination of measured (total length [TL] and standard length frequency of occurrence and weight contribution of [SL]; to the nearest 1 mm). Shortly a er capture, particular components (Natarajan, Jhingran, 1961). the fi sh were dissected and the gut contents Fish condition was evaluated using condition separated. The gut contents were weighed (to the factor (CF), as described by Treer et al.
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