<p>Mersey Dee Alliance MDA BOARD 2.00 pm, Thursday 9th July 2009 OpTIC Technium, Ffordd William Morgan, St. Asaph Business Park, St Asaph. M I N U T E S Present Councillor Aled Roberts – MDA Chair Wrexham County Borough Council Councillor Herbert Manley Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillor Stuart Parker Cheshire West and Chester Council Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill Denbighshire County Council Councillor Nancy Matthews Flintshire County Council Councillor Tony Sharps Flintshire County Council Councillor David Bithell Wrexham County Borough Council Councillor Bob Dutton Wrexham County Borough Council Ian Williams Welsh Assembly Government Councillor Denis Knowles Wirral Council Chris Koral NWDA</p><p>In attendance Lisa Conway Cheshire West and Chester Council Mark Dixon Denbighshire County Council Carl Longland Flintshire County Council Huw Jenkins Merseytravel Michael Whittaker TAITH Kevin Adderley Wirral Council Iain Hook Wrexham County Borough Council Helen James Glyndwr University Neil Pakey Liverpool John Lennon Airport Chris Marrs TEP Tina Shilleto TEP Mike O’Kell Cheshire West and Chester Council Melissa Parsons MDA Amanda Doyle MDA</p><p>1. Introductions and Welcome Phil Thomas, Operations and Technical Manager of OpTIC led a tour of the facilities for Board members. The tour included a visit to their business incubation, Technology and Business centre. </p><p>Introductions were given and the Chair welcomed new faces to the meeting. </p><p>2. Apologies Apologies were received from:</p><p> Cllr Mike Jones and Steve Robinson, Cheshire West and Chester Council Cllrs David Thomas and Eryl Williams, Denbighshire County Council Cllrs Arnold Woolley and Melvyn Higham, Flintshire County Council Cllrs John George and Alan Jennings, Wirral Council Cllrs Ian Lewis, Ron Abbey and Dave Mitchell, Merseytravel</p><p>1 3 Minutes of last meeting / matters arising</p><p>The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with updates below. Pg2, item 4, Olympic Coordinator. Cheshire and Warrington are to appoint a 2012 coordinator. Alan Watkin from Wrexham has informed us that the N Wales group meets next week and Cheshire and Warrington reps are invited. The North Wales Group have had direct contact with Lesotho and initial discussion with Malta about training camps. They’d be interested to talk about joint promotional events with C&W. </p><p>Pg3, item 5, Governance. In order to include NWDA in the partnership formally the two new partnership agreement clauses proposed by NWDA were circulated to partners in a letter for signing as a variation agreement. All have now been returned including from NWDA, apart from Wirral which we are expecting shortly.</p><p>Given the timescales involved in legal processes, it is proposed that the further list of changes to the partnership agreement will be kept for reference rather than circulating a new draft partnership agreement until another critical clause needs to be adopted. </p><p>Pg3, Item 6a, Composites Academy. The MDA Board Chair has written to WAG regarding further involvement in the steering group for the project and has received a reply welcoming this engagement. Further Strategy Group meetings have occurred on the Knowledge Corridor and AMC and we are expecting feedback following the BIC report’s release shortly. WAG will provide an update. IW</p><p>Pg 3, item 6c Strategic Transport Projects / Borderlands</p><p>There has been a delay in ordering the GRIP3 work for potential improvements to the Wrexham - Bidston corridor due to the national study on electrification by Network Rail which utilised significant resources.</p><p>With regard to Franchising IW informed the Board that the 15 year Arriva franchise is being considered. A consultation document ‘Rail Forward project for Wales‘ examining re-franchising arrangements, is with the deputy First Minister. It would be useful if the MDA could consider a response. AR asked if there was any alignment with Network Rail? HJ pointed out that franchising arrangements are part of the Multi Area Agreement in Merseyside. They are considering extending the Merseyrail network but there were no plans to extend this to Wales.</p><p>Merseytravel, as lead authority in the workstream, have now presented Network Rail with a brief to develop a study identifying the costs of providing earlier services, particularly for Wrexham arrivals (earliest is currently 0832) and Deeside Industrial Park, as well as doubling the frequency during the day. It is anticipated that this work will consider the findings of the Faber Maunsell study and consider infrastructure and rolling stock requirements. The study has been match-funded by Taith (from 08/09 Transport Grant) and Merseytravel. It is hoped that the GRIP3 diesel enhancement study will be complete before the 31 Jan 2010 but as we experienced delays with the electrification GRIP3 it may be better to say that the report is expected prior to the end of March 2010.</p><p>Chester - Wrexham Capacity Enhancements:</p><p>Network Rail recently presented the results of their Early Output Statement to the WAG which identified a preferred workstream consisting of two elements;</p><p>1. Re-doubling from Saltney Junction to Gresford Bank (including the line below 2 the A483 near Pulford) to north of the overbridge and from just South of the A483 overbridge through to Wrexham. 2. Line speed improvements between Gobowen and Shrewsbury to either 90 or 100 mph.</p><p>Pg5, item 8, Irish Sea Region, The project was assessed by the North West Europe Programme Steering Committee on the 24th & 25th June. The Programme received 32 project applications of which 25 were deemed eligible. Among the 25 projects, 5 were conditionally approved, 5 referred back and 15 rejected. The ISR project has been referred back to the NWDA for further work. The next call for proposals is open on the 7th September, with a November deadline and decision expected in December. There is an officers meeting on 23rd July to take this forward which the MDA will attend. </p><p>Pg5, Item 9 Business Plan Progress. The Liverpool City Region Economic Assessment study has been awarded to Pion Economics. The study area includes Merseyside, Warrington, Cheshire West & Chester, Flintshire and Wrexham. Only Cheshire West and Chester out of non-Merseyside MDA partners have part funded the study. The plan includes baseline forecasts to be available by mid July and for a final report to be produced by the second week in August. The LCR study is a complicated, bespoke commission which will produce baseline projections and "policy on" scenarios, and which will also take account of alternative paths that the recession could take before it comes to an end. </p><p>On the North Wales Regional Observatory, provisional feedback is available on the business case consultation findings (consultation ended early June). The business case steering group met on 25 June 2009 to consider the responses to the business case. The steering group agreed that the one size fits all model outlined in the business case had not found support, but that a clear need had been identified for the Observatory as a result of the consultation, i.e. to focus on economic research arising from major investments planned for the region. Other Observatory initiatives would now be consulted on this narrower focus with a view to developing partnerships to deliver a co-ordinated package of research.</p><p>CK asked the Board if we needed to commission a piece of work which will encapsulate the economic Intelligence for the MDA region and provide an assessment of the economy on which to measure economic growth. HM felt that this information already exists. The North West Economic Development Committee has much of this information. KA mentioned that a lot of this information is based on old data and does not give a baseline for the current climate. We need to be able to forecast forward. Much of the information is based on private sector but from 2012 public sector reduction in budgets will also be a consideration. The board reserved judgement until the item no 6 on the agenda - Economic Conditions & Intelligence report.</p><p>With regard to Make it in Manufacturing Project, the project steering group and the Manufacturing Institute have agreed to pilot the project with one large event for the three areas (Flintshire, Wrexham and Cheshire West and Chester) to be held in November 2009 (tbc). The Board are supportive of this event.</p><p>Pg 6, 12b, North West Regional Strategy. AR said that an MDA response to the RS2010 Principles and Issues paper, prepared by the Strategy group had been submitted.</p><p>Pg 7, item 12c, Welsh Affairs Committee. A letter has been sent to the Director of the North West Learning and Skills Council regarding the WASC recommendations and asking for advice on taking forward the issues for the MDA area. A draft invitee list has been put together for a meeting. IW stated 3 that Richard Hart from DCELLS has agreed to host and take this meeting forward. RH</p><p>4. Presentation on Halton Chord – Neil Pakey, Dep. CEO Liverpool John Lennon Airport</p><p>NP gave a presentation on why Halton Chord is becoming more important and the necessity to improve public transport links with Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Of the 55 million visitors to the airport 14% are from Cheshire area and 5% from North Wales.</p><p>The airport has over 60 routes mainly across Europe, and has carriers such as Easy Jet, Ryan Air, Flybe and Whizz. A recent contract with KLM Schipol has given world wide access to John Lennon airport.</p><p>16% of airport users use public transport. There is an airport bus service providing high frequency service, a rail ticket machine has been installed and an LSP real time rail information is displayed. The Halton Chord provides real opportunity for even greater public transport potential. The Halton Chord is constrained by traffic only being able to run in one direction, effectively preventing its use for passenger services. Reinstating the chord for traffic in both directions will enable regular passenger traffic between Liverpool Airport, Runcorn, Chester and North Wales. This project is estimated to cost circa £12 million to upgrade the track. The proposal is included in Merseytravel, Halton and Cheshire LTP’s. Currently there is a GRIP Stage 4 study looking at the business case, including modelling of different service patterns. It is likely that project will be funded through a mix of public and private sector money. </p><p>HJ said that Merseytravel are very supportive of the project and are leading the process to make a business case. GRIP 4 study will be followed by a GRIP 5 etc up to GRIP 9 when project completed.</p><p>MW said this is part of the North Wales regional transport plan and the Faber Maunsell study included a number of service packages. The project is critical to the economy of the sub-region and North Wales.</p><p>KA agreed that the Halton Chord is important to the economy and also supports All the growing freight facilities. He suggested that each authority should look at the economic benefits for each of the regions.</p><p>AR suggested that the Strategic Infrastructure Group should look at feeding in to the business case. MW asked what the timescales are to forward plan. HJ to HJ check timescales and feed back to MP.</p><p>SP told the Board that the Chester Marketing Group is looking at public transport links, including the Halton Chord, and it is reassuring that there is support for this in the MDA Region.</p><p>MW informed the board that the national Transport Plan for Wales will be issued on the 15th of July for consultation – MDA could consider a response. </p><p>CL, IH and MD - need to raise the importance of the Halton Chord to the Welsh Economy.</p><p>4 5. Presentation on Findings of River Dee Green Infrastructure Feasibility Study – TEP Consultants. </p><p>Chris Marrs and Tina Shilleto presented the findings of the feasibility study into the proposed River Dee Green Infrastructure Plan. The overall aim of the GI plan is to identify how the natural environment can be conserved, improved and managed to deliver the best social, economic and environmental benefit to the MD region. They have produced a draft report which has been circulated for comment among stakeholders. The final version will be completed by 31st July 2009.</p><p>KA asked what reference there is to Wirral in the document? English authorities have to do their own GI plans and the GI plan for the MDA region will have to sit alongside these. TS said that the River Dee GI plan is complementary and not a statutory document.</p><p>AR stated there is no statutory requirement for GI planning on the Welsh side of the border, however the LDP should pick this up. </p><p>A letter should be written to the chief planning officers at each authority informing AD/MO’K them of the feasibility study and seeking their views on the next stage of work.</p><p>In tandem copy of the GI feasibility study to be circulated to the Board for comment and discussed with Chief Planning Officers. Have all appropriate AD stakeholders been involved with the GI Study? Double check what officers attended the event and if details have been fed back up in each authority also flood risk management groups and environmental agencies.</p><p>A report to be given on the next stage of the GI Plan to the Board at the next MP meeting on the 24th September 2009.</p><p>5 6. Economic Conditions and Intelligence</p><p>MP presented a report prepared through information from the strategy group. The report outlines the impact of the global economic conditions on the MDA economy and identifies the steps taken by the partners to assist businesses and individuals that have been affected by the current economic challenges. The MDA Board were asked to note the content of the report and to comment on/support the actions outlined within the action plan.</p><p>SP informed the Board that Chester City Council set up a Credit Crunch Committee and this will be rolled out across the rest of the CW&C authority. SP is happy to talk to other authorities about what initiatives have been implemented.</p><p>AR told members that WAG revenue and capital may return back to 2002 figures.</p><p>DB asked had the construction industry been considered in the report, what about major projects. MP said that construction industry had been covered in the Action plan attached to the report on Pg 12.</p><p>AR asked if procurement arrangements have been considered. European companies are winning capital projects at the exclusion of UK firms.</p><p>Officers to share advice on procurement arrangements. NW region have own All systems for monitoring.</p><p>KA asked how we can engage better with multi-national companies. All</p><p>Each authority to check the activities outlined in the action plan. Strategy Group Strategy to advise on any conflicts and update/finalise plan. Group</p><p>The Board did not feel it was necessary to commission a full economic Strategy assessment of the MDA area at this time. It was agreed that a quarterly economic Group update report to inform the Board could be produced.</p><p>6 7 Presentation and Discussion - Knowledge Industry Corridor.</p><p>HJ (Glyndwr University) and CK outlined the vision for a Knowledge Industry corridor for the MDA region. The proposal builds on Glyndwr University’s initiative of a knowledge economy for North East Wales. The aim of the concept is to create a network of centres of innovation along a new Knowledge Industry Corridor, help counteract the effects of the recession and provide a pro active solution to building a sustainable economy. </p><p>Although the MDA have decided to focus on advanced materials sector (including automotive and marine) the KC model can be translated to other sectors. HJ went on to add that Glyndwr university had taken a lead role in developing a proposed advanced materials/composites and manufacturing centre. They work collaboratively through the NW Composites Centre with Liverpool, Lancaster, Bolton and Manchester universities. Glyndwr’s vision is to keep aerospace, automotive and the marine sectors and supply chains at the forefront of technology and guarantee future jobs. Of equal importance is the need to stimulate the growth of new products and companies in the advanced materials, composites and manufacturing areas and attract inward investment. Core deliverables include -Jobs retained and created -Research & development -Knowledge Transfer Centre -Business Incubation Centre -Graduate skills training -Sector/ knowledge based networks</p><p>Glyndwr are also developing other initiatives on their Wrexham Campus including Creative industries and E Health Development Centre. </p><p>Proposed key priorities for the future for MDA include advanced materials (and manufacturing), further research into bioscience/biomedical, and energy and a review of the potential for supporting process engineering, financial services etc.</p><p>A copy of the Presentation and Strategy group report to be made available on AD the MDA website.</p><p>Members of the Board were very positive of the KC idea and of Glyndwr University’s plans. </p><p>SP asked if there were linkages with Chester University. HJ said yes, they were engaged and have attended meetings to discuss the KC with the MDA Strategy group.</p><p>HJ (Merseytravel) proposed that consideration should be given to accessibility and strategic infrastructure within the KC plans. MW added that a high speed rail system from London also important to support this. Also the significance of Liverpool Airport should not be forgotten.</p><p>DB suggested that private sector representation/collaboration should be considered in identifying gaps in public transport. MDA had a model in the Workwise initiative and we should build on this.</p><p>Industry knows no boundaries and TS was pleased to learn that the MDA has picked up on the benefits of a KC for the region and is actively pursuing it.</p><p>KD suggested in order to build a stronger economy again there needs to be more thought and perhaps further mapping. The MDA need to carry on with the 7 KC proposal to take us into the future and to be able to compete on a global scale. The MDA need to find unique selling points that make us different to other knowledge corridors in other areas. The MDA area is fortunate that the aerospace, marine and automotive centres are all in one area.</p><p>HM asked if the MDA had looked at similar initiatives in Europe in particular Lindbergh area.</p><p>HJ (Glyndwr) informed the board that the university was also working collaboratively with Moscow State University.</p><p>AR asked the board to consider the proposals outlined in the Action Plan and All the timetable of events and to discuss the KC plans back at each authority. CK suggested that the Board could give feedback to the Strategy group over the summer. </p><p>Board members to report back to board meeting on the 24th of September 2009.</p><p>9. Any Other Business LC gave a short update on how the new authority, Cheshire West and Cheshire Council, is developing. The management structures are in place and it is hoped that other structures would be in place by September. </p><p>HM, Atlantic Gateway proposal similar to Thames Gateway is under way in the North West and should be made aware of the MDA vision. </p><p>The Board were asked about when it was appropriate to have an AGM/Event. The AGM/ Event should be held sometime after the Wrexham and Flintshire business weeks. The event could be arranged in December (at the earliest) and should be used to disseminate the MDA plans for the Knowledge Corridor. The event should also involve Private sector stakeholders.</p><p>Date of next meeting. Next Board meeting to be held on 24th September, hosted by Wrexham County Borough Council. Time and venue of the meeting to confirmed. A site visit may be arranged beforehand to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and canal which has recently been awarded World Heritage status.</p><p>Dates of forthcoming meetings: </p><p> Meetings to be arranged December 2009 and March 2010</p><p>8 9</p>
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