<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Dr.A.GANGAGNI RAO Senior Principal Scientist and Professor in Engineering Sciences (AcSIR) Bioengineering & Environmental sciences (BEES) CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad - 500007 Email: [email protected], PHONE: (OFF) +91-40-27191809 Phone: (RES) 040- 42024035; Mobile: 09949010736</p><p>PROFILE Presently working as a Senior Principal Scientist and Professor (Engineering Sciences) in CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad in Bioengineering and Environmental Sciences Division. Twenty five years of experience in reputed industries, consultancies and R & D organizations. Specialized in the field of biomethanation (anaerobic digestion) and biological gas purification. Developed novel high rate anaerobic wastewater treatment processes such as UASB and AFFR applicable for Indian industrial complex organic liquid effluents and executed full scale high rate biomethanation plants based on UASB technology for the generation of biogas based power from spent wash (distillery effluent), Prehydrolysate liquor (rayon grade pulp mill effluent) and Maize effluent. Retrofitted dormant full-scale anaerobic plants by incorporating novel sulfide inhibition control</p><p> mechanism and CO2 based acidification system. Extensively worked on high rate biomethanation of organic waste and patented two high rate biomethanation technologies for the treatment of organic solid waste known as self mixed anaerobic digester (SMAD) and anaerobic gas lift reactor (AGR) and commercial plants based on these patents are working near Hyderabad, Ahmadabad, Bellary and Hubli in India for the treatment of organic solid waste. Developed & patented a technology called “BIOFILTER” for the purification of waste and off gases emanating from industry that could cause odour and affect the health of the people working in and living around the industrial clusters. A full-scale plant based on BIOFILTER is working at M/s SAA Tannery at Erode, TN, India for the deodorization of off gases emanating from drum yard section. Served as International Consultant- Bioenergy by UNDP-Egypt. Advisory consultant-biogas generation and purification for major companies such as M/s Ahuja Engineering Services, Secunderabad, M/s Fenix Process Technologies, Pune and M/s Rhodia Energy Services, France. Carried out advanced research in ERI, UCC, Cork, Ireland for the generation, up-gradation of biogas from grass for using as transportation fuel; Post Doc fellowship of EPA-Ireland in Bio-fuels, ERI, UCC, Cork, Ireland – 2008 Published 42 research and review papers in peer reviewed SCI national and international Journals and he has four patents to his credit. Far-reaching skills – conceptualization, process development, scale up, commissioning and project management. Proficient in creating new ideas, writing and executing R&D projects in the area of anaerobic digestion and biological gas purification. Well versed with development of process know-how, process flow sheets and basic engineering in the area of anaerobic wastewater treatment and anaerobic digestion of organic solid waste. Presented research work in national / international conferences & seminars and Invited lectures AWARDS AND HONORS Received IICT Technology Award – 2007 – Self Mixed Anaerobic Digester (SMAD) Received IICT Special Award – 2011 DST-Lockheed Martin Award- Among best 110 innovations across globe for SMAD-2012 Selected for workshop on “Accelerated commercialization of Technology and Innovation” held in Pune (2010) by Venture Centre, CSIR, NSTEDB, Accelerator India and British High Commission Represented India in advanced training course on ‘Waste to Energy for Developing at Chulalongkorn University (CU) in Bangkok, Thailand.Green Technology Centre of Korea (GTC-K), Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok and UNDP Seoul Policy Centre selected from India Received IIChE award “Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Award for Excellence in use of Science & Technology in Rural Development for the Year 2014”. Received Technology achievements Award-2014, Certificate of excellence Presented by Education Expo TV (EET) CRS, Research Wing for Excellence in Professional Education and Industry, N.Delhi Member, Board of Studies, Chemical Engineering, 2002-2004, JNTU, Hyderabad Member, Board of Studies, Petroleum and petrochemical Engineering, 2012-2014, JNTU, Kakinada, AP Member, Board of Studies, Chemical Engineering, 2014-2016, GMRIT, Rajam, AP Member -Expert group for undertaking a scoping study of DISTILLERY INDUSTRY under GREEN CHEMISTRY initiatives Constituted Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India Selected by UNDP Seoul Policy Centre, Republic of Korea for the advanced training course on ‘Waste to Energy for Developing Countries’ that was held from 25 – 30November 2013 at Chulalongkorn University (CU) in Bangkok, Thailand. Green Technology Centre of Korea (GTC-K), Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok and UNDP Seoul Policy Centre supported the programme. Shortlisted (one amongst four) for IChemE Global Awards 2014 in the category of Innovator of the Year Award sponsored by NES Global Talent. IChemE: The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is the global professional membership organization has offices in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK. Elected as FELLOW, INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (FIE), India, 2015 Life member of BRSI-LM-1809 Received IICT Technology Award – 2015 – Anaerobic Gas Lift Reactor (AGR)</p><p>ACADEMIC RECORD QUALIFICATION SUBJECT INSTITUTION YEAR/Marks PDF Biofuels University College of Cork, Cork, Aug, 2008 Ireland Ph.D Environmental Institute of Science & Technology, Jan, 2007 biotechnology JNTU, Hyderabad M.Tech Process engg & design IIT, Delhi Jan, 1990 B.Tech Chemical engg. A.U.College of Engg., June, 1988 Vishakhapatnam Intermediate MPC Board of Intermediate Education, AP Mar 1984 SSC All subjects Board of Secondary Education, AP Mar 1982</p><p>CRUCIAL EXPERTISE Wastewater treatment Concept to commissioning of biological effluent treatment plants based on anaerobic (UASB, AFFR) and aerobic (activated sludge process, extended aeration) Gas treatment Concept to commissioning of biological process for the removal of H 2S from biogas, odour control and VOC removal from industrial gases using bio-filters Solid waste treatment Concept to commissioning of high rate biomethanation process for market & vegetable waste, municipal solid waste and poultry litter EMPLOYMENT RECORD & PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Environmental Research Institute (ERI), University College Cork (UCC), Ireland SENIOR POST DOCTORATE Compressed bio-methane generated from grass used as a transport (Sabbatical assignment from fuel Feb 2008 to June 2008) Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad Senior Principal Scientist Identified niche areas of research in Environmental Engineering and (2010 – Till date) Technology Designed and executed novel high rate bio-methanation (waste Principal Scientist (2005 – energy) project for poultry litter treatment 2010) Designed and executed Effluent treatment plants based on ASP, AFFR and UASB Designed and executed air pollution control plants based on Biofilter technology National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIST), Trivandrum Senior Scientist Managed and executed turnkey assignments of Effluent treatment (1997 – 2005) plants from concept to commissioning Managed and executed consultancy projects on EIA, ETP, air pollution control, odour control and biological waste management Western Paques India Ltd(Presently, Global Environmental Engineering Ltd), MANAGER (Anaerobic Pune digestion Technology) Headed Technology division of Energy from waste projects (Biogas (1995 – 1997) and power from spent wash, PH liquor, Maize effluent and Black liquor) Headed Build own, operate and transfer (BOOT) projects to run as independent profit centre The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), N.Delhi Research Associate Headed Centre for biomethanation (Biomethanation) Developed UASB process for organic effluents (1993 – 1995) Developed TEAM process for solid waste National Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO), Damanjodi Engineer (Chemical) Operated alumina refinery independently as shift in charge (1990 – 1993)</p><p>PROJECTS EXECUTED Pilot scale plants 1. High rate biomethanation plant based on anaerobic gas lift reactor (AGR) for poultry litter and food waste at IICT, Hyderabad 2. Multi stage High rate biomethanation process based on self mixed anaerobic digester (SMAD) technology for poultry litter 3. UASB reactor: Enhancement of volumetric organic loading rate from 10 kg COD/m3/day to 15 kg COD/m3/day – GENL, Pune 4. UASB reactor: Development of process know-how for pre-hydrolysate liquor (PHL)– GENL, Pune 5. Biofilter for Deodourisation of Petroleum refinery gases - CRL, Cochin 6. Biofilter for Deodourisation of ETP off gases - Orchid Chemicals, Chennai 7. Anaerobic Fixed Film Process for the treatment of pharmaceutical and bulk drug wastewater - NATCO Pharma, Hyderabad 8. Biomethanation of Market & Vegetable Waste- TEAM process, TERI 9. UASB reactor for composite wastewaters emanating from pharmaceutical industrial cluster, IICT 10. Bio-filter at Tannery for the odour control due to H2S and NH3 in drum yard section.</p><p>Full-scale plants 1. Power generation from Effluent based on UASB technology (Spent wash) and biogas cleaning with novel bio-scrubber (WSSKL, Warananagar, Maharashtra), chemical scrubber based on MEA (SSSKL, Sangamner, Maharashtra, BSSKL, Bazpur, Uttarpradesh) 2. Biogas generation from Effluent based on UASB technology (Spent wash)- KSSKL, Kodinar, Gujarat 3. Biogas generation from Food processing Effluent based on UASB technology - Maize Products, Ahmedabad 4. Biogas Generation from pre-hydrolysate liquor (PHL) from rayon grade pulp mill based on UASB technology - GRASIM, HPF, Harihar, Karnataka 5. ETP Upgradation based on Bulk volume fermenter (BVF) - Torrent Gujarat Biotech Limited (TGBL), Baroda. 6. Anaerobic ETP based on UASB at Bhavani Distilleries, Ranipet (Chennai). 7. Common Effluent Treatment Plant (UASB and ASP) Upgradation: Patancheru Envirotech Limited (PETL), Hyderabad</p><p>8. Bio-filter at Tannery for the odour control due to H2S and NH3 in drum yard section. 9. High rate biomethanation plant based on anaerobic gas lift reactor (AGR) for poultry litter and food waste at Toofran, Bellary, Hubli and Ahmadabad . Consultancy Projects 1. EIA - 3.8 MLD Sea Water Desalination Project for TWAD Board, Tamilnadu 2. EIA - Saurashtra Cements Limited, Mumbai 3. GREEN HOUSE gases from Small Scale Cooking Devices - EIA, USA 4. Performance evaluation of anaerobic wastewater (spent wash) based two stage thermophilic bioteam (Belgium) process at VAM Organics Ltd, Gajural, UP, India 5. Survey on potential of anaerobic treatment technologies for the treatment of organic wastewaters in India by TERI 6. Anaerobic treatment of rubber processing wastewater from cenex process industry – Kottayam, Kerala 7. Waste minimization in bulk drug industry – APITCO Ltd, Hyderabad 8. Modernization of slaughter houses in Hyderabad by incorporating modern environmental process – APITCO Ltd, Hyderabad 9. Advisor on high rate biomethanation of multiple feed stocks and biogas purification – Fenix Process Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Pune 10. Advisor on high rate biomethanation of poultry litter and biogas purification – Ahuja Engineering Services Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad 11. Advisory consultant on anaerobic digestion of spent wash for M/s Rhodia Energy GHG, France 12. International consultant on Bio-energy- UNDP-Egypt - Bio-energy for Sustainable Rural Development project is a joint program between the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) / Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Egypt. The objective of this project is to remove the technical, institutional, information, financial, and market barriers to the increasing use of biomass energy in promoting sustainable rural development in Egypt. R&D Projects 1. UASB reactor for the treatment of organic wastewaters from Industry 2. Leach bed process for the treatment of solid organic waste from vegetable market</p><p>3. Biological flue gas desulfurization (BIO-FGD) process for the conversion of SO2 to elemental sulfur 4. Anaerobic treatment of brewery wastewater and pH management 5. Compact high rate anaerobic digester for organic fraction of MSW 6. High rate anaerobic digester for De-oiled cake 7. Anaerobic fixed film process for the treatment of effluents having high suspended solids 8. Biofilter for the removal of H2S and NH3from air 9. High rate biomethanation process for the treatment of organic solid waste having high nitrogen</p><p>Industrial Consultations/expert advice given to industry</p><p>S.N Industry / Nature of Work Benefit Accrued by Industry Duratio o Organization n</p><p>1 M/s Ahuja Design and development of high rate AGR Technology 2015 to Engineering Services biomethanation and biogas purification commercialized 2020 Private Limited system for food waste 2 M/s Ahuja Design and development of high rate AGR Technology 2012 to Engineering Services biomethanation and biogas purification commercialized 2016 Private Limited system for poultry waste 3 M/s Fenix Process Design and development of high rate Company vertical developed in 2012 to Technologies private biomethanation and biogas purification the renewable energy sector 2014 Limited, Pune system for multi feed stocks and Fenix doing well in this segment 4 UNDP-Egypt International consultant on Bio-energy. Bioenergy from live stock 2011 to The objective of this project is to advising waste was implemented in 2013 suitable technology to the increasing use rural areas of Egypt of Bio-energy for Sustainable Rural Development in Egypt 5 M/s Rhodia Energy Advisory consultant on anaerobic Spent was based biogas project 2011 GHG, France digestion of spent wash was revised 6 APITCO, Hyderabad Waste minimization in bulk drug industry Bulk drug industry got 2006 to approvals from Bank and MOEF 2007 fro implementing waste minimization measures 7 APITCO, Hyderabad Modernization of slaughter houses in Slaughter houses in Hyderabad 2004 to Hyderabad by incorporating modern were modernized based on 2005 environmental process recommendations 8 Saurashtra Cements Environmental impact Assessment for Got approval from MOEF for 1998 to Limited, Mumbai Cement barge at Kodangallur Port, Kerala installation of barge 2000 9 US-EPA GREEN HOUSE gases from Small Scale Measure were taken to reduce 1993 to Cooking Devices Indoor air pollution for 1995 improving the health of rural women 10 Torrent Gujarat ETP Upgradation based on Bulk volume Dormant ETP was revised and 1998 to Biotech Limited fermenter (BVF) retrofitted 2000 (TGBL), Baroda.</p><p>11 Bhavani Distilleries ETP Upgradation and process Dormant ETP was revised and 1998 to Limited, Ranipet, commissioning based on UASB Process retrofitted 2000 Chennai</p><p>PUBLICATIONS RECORD</p><p>PATENTS I) PATENT Granted (Patent sanctioned in India and PCT countries, 2007) A.Gangagni Rao, Johny Joseph, S.Surya Prakash, Annapura Jetty, P.N.Sarma “Self mixed anaerobic digester for the treatment of organic solid waste”. II) PATENT Filed A.Gangagni Rao, Johny Joseph,P.N.Sarma, R.S,Prakasham, S.V.Mohan, Y.V.Swamy, P.Saravana Biological filter for the removal of odour causing inorganic and volatile organic compounds from various processing sections of a tannery (applied for U.S and INDIAN patents, 2010) III) PATENT Filed A.Gangagni Rao, Y.V.Swamy Anaerobic gas lift reactor for the treatment of organic solid wastes having high nitrogen (low C/N ratio) (applied for INDIAN and PCT countries, 2012) IV) PATENT Filed A.Gangagni Rao, K.Kranthi, G.Bharath, Sameena Begum, Y.V.Swamy Sequential High rate Acidogenic Anaerobic Reactor incorporating pre-treatment Process (SHAARP) for the generation of mixture of bio-ethanol and VFA from solid organic waste (applied for INDIAN patents, 2016)</p><p>RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS</p><p>1. A.G.Rao, Kusum Lata, P.Raman, V.V.N.Kishore and K.B.Ramachandran Studies of Anaerobic Treatment of Synthetic Waste in a UASB Reactor, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection , 1997,17(5), 349 2. A.G. Rao, Biomethanaiton Technologies in Water Pollution Control, Energy Environment Monitor (Presently Journal of Environmental Science & Policy) 1996, 12 (1), 39. 3. A.Gangagni Rao,K. Krishna Prasad, G.Venkata Naidu, N.Chandrasekhara Rao and P.N.Sarma Removal of Sulfide in an integrated Anaerobic – aerobic Waste Water Treatment Systems International Journal of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2003, Vol 6, 66 4. S.Sridhar, K.Krishna Prasad, G.Suryanarayana Murthy, A.Gangagni Rao and A.A.Khan, Processing of composite industrial effluents by reverse osmosis Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2003, Vol 78, 1061 5. A.Gangagni Rao and S.Sridhar, Treating effluents using reverse osmosis, Pharma Bioworld, Mumbai, (Feb–Apr )2004,91. 6. A.G.Rao, G.V.Naidu, K.K.Prasad, N. Chandrasekhar, Annapurna Jetty, S.Vekatamohan, P.N. Sarma, Anaerobic treatment of waste water with high suspended solids from a bulk drug industry using fixed film reactor (AFFR) Bioresource Technology, 2004, Vol 93, 241 7. Annapurna Jetty, K.Krishna Prasad, G.Venkata Naidu and A.Gangagni Rao, Enumeration of anaerobic bacteria from Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor for the treatment of chemical industry wastewater, Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc, 2004, Vol6, No(2), 253 8. Annapurna Jetty, A.G. Rao, G. Madhavi, B. Srava Rao and S.V. Ramakrishna Comparative studies of air lift and fluidized bed reactors for streptomycin production by immobilized cells of streptomyces bikinienses atcc 11062, Chemical & Biochemical Engg. Q 19: 2005,179 9. A.Gangagni Rao and A.N.Bapat, Anaerobic treatment of pre-hydrolysate liquor (PHL) from a rayon grade pulp mill with UASB reactors: Pilot and full-scale experience, Bioresource Technology, 97, 2006, 2311 10. A.Gangagni Rao, P.Ravichnadra, Annapurna Jetty, Operation of biofilter with mixed agricultural residue as filter material: Effects of humidification and inlet hydrogen sulfide volume fraction on the performance, Chemical & Biochemical Engg. Q, 20, 2006, 189 11. Ravichandra P, M Ramakrishna A. Gangagni Rao, Annapurna Jetty “Sulfide oxidation in a batch fluidized bed bioreactor using immobilized cells of isolated Thiobacillus Sp. (IICT-SOB-Dairy-201) as biocatalyst” Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2006,1, 21-30. 12. A.Gangagni Rao*, T.Sasi Kanth Reddy, S.Surya Prakash, J.Vanajakshi, Johny Joseph, P.N.Sarma, pH regulation of alkaline wastewater with carbon dioxide: A case study of treatment of brewery wastewater in UASB reactor coupled with absorber, Bioresources Technology,2006, 97, 2311. 13. Ravichandra P, Gopal Mugeraya Gangagni Rao A, Ramakrishna M, Annapurna Jetty, “Continuous operation of Fluidized bed bioreactor for biogenic sulfide oxidation using immobilized cells of Thiobacillus sp.” Journal of Applied Sciences, 2007, 7 (15): 2188-2193. 14. Ravichandra P, Gopal Mugeraya, Gangagni Rao A, Ramakrishna M, Annapurna Jetty “Isolation of Thiobacillus sp. from aerobic sludge of distillery and dairy effluent treatment plants and its sulfide oxidation activity at different concentrations” Journal of Environmental Biology ,2007,28, 4, 819-823. 15. A.Gangagni Rao, Ravichandra P, Johny Joseph, Annapurna Jetty, “Microbial conversion of sulfur dioxide in flue gas to sulfide with chemical industry wastewater as an organic source” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 147, 5, 718-725. 16. A.Gangagni Rao, T.Sasikanth Redyy, J.Vanajakshi, S.Surya Prakash, Johny Joseph, Annapurna Jetty, P.N.Sarma “Biomethanation of poultry litter leachate in UASB reactor coupled with ammonia stripper for enhancement of overall performance”, Bioresources Technology. Volume 99, Issue 18, December 2008, 8679-8684. 17. A.Gangagni Rao and P.N. Sarma. Disposal of sulfur dioxide generated in industries using eco-friendly biotechnological process –a review, In: Fluid Waste Disposal (Chapter 5); Editor: Kay W. Canton., Nova Science Publishers, Inc.NY, 2010, 135-154. 18. A.Gangagni Rao, S.Surya Prakash, Johny Joseph, Annapurna Jetty, A.Rajashekhara Reddy, P.N.Sarma “Multi stage high rate biomethanation of poultry litter with self mixed anaerobic digester”, Bioresources Technology. 102 (2011) 729–735 19. Vanajakshi Jalasutram, Annapurna Jetty and Gangagni Rao Anupoju (2011). Fermentative conversion of raw glycerol into 1, 3-propanediol by isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae 141B stain: Optimization of culture variables. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(80), 18493-18502 20. A.Gangagni Rao, Bharath. G, Y.V.Swamy “Mass transfer dynamics of ammonia in high rate biomethanation of poultry litter leachate”, Bioresources Technology. Bioresour.Technol. 109 (2012) 234-238 21. Bharath Gandu, K. Sandya, A. Gangagni Rao and Y.V. Swamy “Removal of Air Containing Tri Ethyl Amine (TEA) Using Vapor Phase Biofilter Packed With Wood Chips and Rice Husk” Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2012 22. Y.V. Swamy, R. Venkanna, G.N. Nikhil, D.N.S.K. Chitanya, P.R. Sinha, M. Ramakrishna, A.G. Rao (2012). Impact of Nitrogen Oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds and Black Carbon on Atmospheric Ozone Levels at a Semi Arid Urban Site in Hyderabad, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12: 662–671. 23. Y.V.Swamy, G.N.Nikhil, R. Venkanna, D.N.S.K.Chitanya, P.R. Sinha, S. Shailaja, A.G. Rao (2012). The role of nitrogen oxides, black carbon and meteorological parameters on the variation of surface ozone levels at a tropical urban site - Hyderabad, India, Clean - Soil, Air, Water. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2012.01.0019 24. Vanajakshi Jalasutram, Sangeetha Kataram, Bharath Gandu, Gangagni Rao Anupoju (2012) . Single cell protein production from digested and undigested poultry litter by Candida utilis: optimization of process parameters using response surface methodology. Clean Techn Environ Policy. DOI 10.1007/s10098-012-0504-3 25. Gandu, B., Sandhya, K., GangagniRao, A., Swamy,Y.V., 2013. Gas phase bio-filter for the removal of triethylamine (TEA) from air: Microbial diversity analysis with reference to design parameters. Bioresource Technology 139, 155–160. 26. Surya P. Sunkavalli, A. Gangagni Rao, Swapnalata P. and Zaheer M (2014). Leaching characteristics of poultry litter in first phase of multistage anaerobic digestion. International journal of environment. Volume-3, Issue-2, 76-82 27. Bhavanarushi, S., Bharath, G., A. Gangagni Rao, Vatsala Rani J. 2014. Synthesis of Isoxazole, 1, 2, 4- Oxadiazole and (1H-Pyrazol-4-yl)-Methanone Oxime Derivatives from N-Hydroxy-1HPyrazole-4- Carbimidoyl Chloride and Their Biological Activity. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.DOI 10.1002/jhet.2309. 28. Bhavanarushi, S., Bharath, G., A. Gangagni Rao, Vatsala Rani J. 2014. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 2-(1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole derivatives. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(8):2065–79. 29. Pochampally, J., Anil, V., Ramesh, M., Kishorekumar,A., Parthasarathy, T., Bharath, G., Gangagnirao, A., 2014. Design, Efficient New Synthesis, Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity and Molecular Modelling Studies of Novel Aryl Substituted Urea Derivatives. Der Pharma Chemica 6(2):269–82. 30. Pochampally, J., Anil, V., Ramesh, M., Parthasarathy, T., Bharath, G., Gangagni Rao, A., 2014. Synthesis and molecular modelling studies of substituted novel aryl amide analogues and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity. World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(3): 1908–30. 31. Pochampally, J., Anil, V., Ramesh, M., Bhavani,A., Umapathi, N., Parthasarathy, T., Bharath, G., Gangagnirao,A., 2014. Synthesis and Molecular Modeling Studies of Novel Tert -Butyl 2 , 4- Disubstituted Carboxamido Phenylcarbamate Derivatives and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity. Der Pharma Chemica 6(1): 61–76. 32. Bhavanarushi, S., Kanakaiah, V., Bharath, G., Gangagni Rao,A., Vatsala Rani, J.,2014. Synthesis and antibacterial activity of 4,4′-(aryl or alkyl methylene)-bis(1H-pyrazol-5-ol) derivatives. Med Chem Res. 23,158–167. 33. Gangagni Rao, A., Gandu, B., Sandhya,K., Kranti, K.,, Shruti, A., Swamy,Y.V., 2013. Decentralized application of anaerobic digesters in small poultry farms: Performance analysis of high rate self mixed anaerobic digester and conventional fixed dome anaerobic digester. Bioresource Technology 144, 121–127. 34. Erugu, Y., Sangepu, B., Gandu, B., Anupoju, G., Jetti, V.R., 2014. Design , synthesis of novel quinoline-4- carboxylic acid derivatives and their antibacterial activity supported by molecular docking. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(12):1612–1634. 35. Kuruti, K., Rao, A.G., Gandu, B., Kiran, G., Mohammad, S., Sailaja, S., Swamy, Y. V, 2015. Generation of bioethanol and VFA through anaerobic acidogenic fermentation route with press mud obtained from sugar mill as a feedstock. Bioresour. Technol. 192, 646–653. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2015.05.104. 36. Sameena, B., Kiran, G., Gangagni Rao, A., Shruthi, A., Bharath, G., Kranti, K., Ramakrishna, M., Swamy, Y.V. 2015. Cooked and uncooked food waste: A viable feedstock for generation of value added products through bio-refinery approach. ChemicalEngineering Research and Design. 10.1016/j.cherd.2015.10.032. 37. Gandu, B., Rao, A.G., Kranti, K., Swamy, Y. V., 2015. Ammonia odours removal by gas phase biofilter through nitrification and Anammox processes. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7(10), 763-766.(IF:0.75)</p><p>REVIEW ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 1. A.Gangagni Rao and Annapurna Jetty, Purifying waste gas in pharmaceutical industry By Pharma Bioworld, Mumbai, (Feb – April) 2003, 84. 2. A.Gangagni Rao and Annapurna Jetty Biofilters promise better odour removal in pharma industry Pharma Bioworld, Mumbai, (May – July) 2003,87 3. A.Gangagni Rao and Annapurna Jetty, Biotechnological processes for hydrogen sulfide removal from gaseous streams, Pharma Bioworld, Mumbai, (Aug – Oct) 2003,141 4. A.Gangagni Rao and S.Sridhar, Treating effluents using reverse osmosis, Pharma Bioworld, Mumbai, (Feb–Apr) 2004, 91. 5. Sameena, B., Shruti, A., Gangagni Rao, A., Kiran, G., Bharath, G., Kranti, K., Swamy, Y.V., Devendar, K.A.2016. Significance of Decentralized Biomethanation Systems in the Framework of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in India, Current Biochemical Engineering, 3, 1. Books/Reports/General articles 1. Gangagni Rao and P.N. Sarma. Disposal of sulfur dioxide generated in industries using eco-friendly biotechnological process –a review, In: Fluid Waste Disposal (Chapter 5); Editor: Kay W. Canton., Nova Science Publishers, Inc.NY, 2010, 135-154. 2. Gangagni Rao and Y.V.Swamy. Biogas from poultry litter: sustainable bioenergy for ruraldevelopment- a review, In: Rural Problems and Poverty of India: Remedy through CSIR Technologies. Editor: U.S.N.Murthy, CSIR, 2014, In Press. 3. Gangagni Rao, A., Shruti, A., Gandu, B., Sandhya,K., Kranti, K., Swamy, Y V.,2015. Biogas from Poultry Litter: A Review, P. Ravindra (ed.), Advances in Bioprocess Technology, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17915-5_8. 4. Gandu, B., Gangagni Rao, A., 2015. Biological Waste Gas Purification, J.N.Govil,(ed), Environmental Science and Engineering, Studium press LLC,USA. PAPERS PRESENTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL SEMINARS/CONFERENCES</p><p>S.N Name of Institute/Association Title of the Paper /Presentation Year of o /Seminar/Conference/Symposia Talk Given 1 International Conference on Industrial Pollution Biological treatment of composite effluents 2001 Control, Hyderabad 2 International Conference on Industrial Pollution Isolation and enumeration of Anaerobic bacteria from 2001 Control, Hyderabad Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor for Chemical effluent treatment 3 International Conference on Industrial Pollution Anaerobic treatment of effluent from a bulk drug 2001 Control, Hyderabad industry using fixed film reactor 4 CHEMCON – 2002, Hyderabad Design criteria for Feeds to recycle ratio and Up flow 2002 velocity in Anaerobic Fixed Film Reactor (AFFR) 5 CHEMCON – 2002, Hyderabad Optimization studies on Pilot scale Biofilter for the 2002 removal of Hydrogen Sulfide</p><p>6 CHEMCON –2003, BHUBANESWAR Bioreactor for the removal of SO2 from waste air 2003 7 RRL -Trivandrum, 2003 Importance of Humidification of waste-air in Biofilter 2003</p><p> process for the removal of H2S, 8 IICT Diamond Jubilee Seminar, Hyderabad. Pollution Abatement – An overview on 2004 Biotechnological methods 9 JNTU-Hyderabad Waste minimization options in Pharmaceutical and 2005 bulk drug industry 10 NIT-suratkal Eco-Friendly Management of Poultry waste 2005 11 Widener University, Philadalphia, PA U.S.A Multi step high rate anaerobic digestion process for 2006 the treatment of poultry litter 12 National Conference on Environmental Management, Evaluation of the effect of Biomethanation 2006 Hydeabad. Technologies on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Calculation of Carbon Credits for the Spentwash 13 (ICCTEM 07), Pondichery Evaluation of the effect of Biomethanation 2007 Technologies on Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Calculation of Carbon Credits for the poultry litter 14 4th Health Safety Environment and Loss prevention Application of Biological flue gas Desulfurization (BIO- 2007 Professional Development Conference & FGD) in Refinery: An overview Exposition’07, Kuwait 15 ENVICON-2007, Damanjodi Application of Biological flue gas Desulfurization (BIO- 2007 FGD) in Alumina Refinery: An overview, 16 CHEMCON -2009, Visakhapatnam High rate biomethanation process for the treatment of 2009 poultry litter 17 CHEMCON -2010, Chidambaram, TN Biological methods of odour control in Tanneries 2010 18 CHEMCON -2011, Bangalore. Comprehensive technological solution for the 2011 utilization of organic solid waste to address the issues of climate change - a case study 19 CIGE-2011, Chidambaram, TN Removal of air containing Tri ethyl amine (TEA) using 2011 vapor phase biofilter packed with wood chips and rice husk 20 International symposium on Effects of Emissions and Biofilter technologies for odour control 2011 Effluents on Environment, Andhra University 21 ACHEMA. FRANKFURT. Germany high rate biomethnation technology for the generation 2012 bioenergy, bio-mnare and algae from poultry litter 22 Biofest-2012, Hyderabad High Rate Biomethanation Technology using organic 2012 solid waste with concomitant energy generation. Green Energy: Biogas, Hydrogen from biological sources 23 AP Science Congress-2013 high rate biomethnation technology for the generation 2013 bioenergy, bio-mnare and algae from poultry litter 24 AP Science Congress-2013 Biotechnological solution for the removal of 2013 ammoniacal nitrogen from Industrial wastewaters 25 SCHEMCON, 2013 Novel biotechnological solution for the removal of 2013 ammoniacal nitrogen from Industrial wastewaters 26 SCHEMCON, 2013 Pilot scale studies on gas phase biofilter for the 2013</p><p> removal of NH3 & H2S 27 SCHEMCON, 2013 Optimization of nutrient requirements and gas yield to 2013 derive the benefits of high rate anaerobic co-digestion 28 International conference on biotechnology and Pilot scale studies on gas phase biofilter for the 2013</p><p> human welfare-2013, Sastra University removal of NH3 & H2S 29 EEEE-2014, Andhra university Pilot scale studies on gas phase biofilter for the 2014</p><p> removal of NH3 & H2S 30 International Conference on Environment and Energy Triethylamine removal in industrial effluents by 2014 (ICEE-2014) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological statistical approach University Hyderabad 31 National conference on emerging issues in Influence of inlet concentration of ethanethiol on 2015 environment, occupational health & safety-its empty bed residence time in gas phase biofilter national scenario and regional needs, Bangalore. 32 international conference on New horizons in Aerobic biodegradation of triethylamine in aqueous 2015 biotechnology (NHBT-2015) medium by isolated pseudomonas aeruginosa AGR/IICT/4 and identification of transformation intermediates 33 International conference on Biotechniques- Influence Of Inlet Concentration Of Ethanethiol On 2015 2015,Ghent,Belgium Empty Bed Residence Time In Gas Phase Biofilter 34 68th Annual session of Indian institute of chemical Biogas and biomanure from food waste with Novel 2015 engineers-CHEMCON 2015 High rate Anaerobic Gas Lift Reactor (AGR) 35 68th Annual session of Indian institute of chemical Generation of value added products from food waste 2015 engineers-CHEMCON 2015 through biphasic anaerobic digestion 36 68th Annual session of Indian institute of chemical Syntrophy of SRB and SOB in the bioremediation of 2015 engineers-CHEMCON 2015 industrial waste waters containing high sulphates 37 New Horizons in biotechnology, Trivandrum Aerobic biodegradation of Triethylamine in aqueous 2015 medium by isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa AGR/IICT/4 and identification of transformation intermediates. 38 New Horizons in biotechnology, Trivandrum Simultaneous removal of COD, phenol and 2015 ammoniacal nitrogen from industrial waste waters. 39 New Horizons in biotechnology, Trivandrum Anaerobic gas lift reactor(agr)-a high rate anaerobic 2015 digester for the generation of biogas and bio manure from food waste</p><p>INVITED LECTURES 1. An overview of Biotechnological Wastewater treatment, Refresher course for Faculty of Biotechnology, JNTU, Hyderabad – 2002. 2. An overview of Biotechnological methods of Odour control and VOC removal from Industrial waste gases, Refresher course for Faculty of Biotechnology, JNTU, Hyderabad – 2002. 3. Biotechnological methods of waste management, National Seminar on Microbial Technology, JKC, Guntur – 2003. 4. An overview of Biotechnological Wastewater treatment, Refresher course for Faculty of Environmental Science & Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad – 2003. 5. An overview of Biotechnological methods of Odour control and VOC removal from Industrial waste gases, Refresher course for Faculty of Environmental Science & Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad – 2003. 6. An Overview of Environmental Biotechnology, 7. TKR College of Engineering, Department of Biotechnology,Hyderabad-2004. 8. Industrial biotechnology: changing face of chemical industry, JNTU College of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Anatapur-2005. 9. Bioreactors for environmental biotechnology”, work shop on bioprocess engineering: design, operation and analysis of bioreactors, JNTU, Hyderabad-2006. 10. Experience of industrial scale methane production systems, International Conference on Methane to markets, Organized by TERI and US-EPA at N.Delhi, 3-4 March 2009. 11. Integrated energy farming with poultry litter, Energy Farming Summit-2009, N.Delhi, Organized by Grow diesel consortium. 12. Novel environmental technologies for addressing the issues of climate change - a case study, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizhianagaram, 2009. 13. Disposal of sulfur dioxide generated in industries using eco-friendly biotechnological process, SGB University; work shop on Green Chemistry, Amravathi, 2010. 14. Eco-friendly clean air technologies for air pollution control, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizhianagaram, 2011. 15. Technology cooperation for addressing climate change – a case study; Consultation on Technology cooperation for addressing climate change organized by MOEF, Govt. of India and UNDP at N.Delhi on 23rd and 24th September 2011. 16. Biomass to biogas- Indian strengths and opportunities for projects in Africa in 8 th CII-EXIM bank Conclave on India Africa Projects Partnership, N.Delhi, March, 2012. 17. Key Note address at professional development on “Clean process Technologies”, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, AP, Sponsored by AICTE, April 2012. 18. Eco-friendly environmental technologies for sustainable development, SCHMCON-2013,MVGR College of Engineering, Vizhianagaram, 2013. 19. Environmental technologies for waste management, CHMCON-2014, Punjab university, CHEMCON- 2014. 20. Key note address on anaerobic digestion present and future perspectives at two day national workshop on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy(NWETR-2015)” sponsored by DST, Government of India at K L University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh on 18th & 19th March,2015. 21. Organic Waste as a feedstock For Bio-refinery-Prospective In India, Invited lecture-2016, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizhianagaram, 2016. 22. Scope and Opportunities for Engineers in the domain of Environmental Biotechnology, Invited lecture- 2016, JNTU-Kakinada, 2016. 23. Energy from waste, Invited lecture-2016, Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad 2016. 24. Remunerative Decentralized waste management-A way forward for SWACHHA BHARATH, Invited lecture, 2016, FTAPCI.</p>
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