<p> 3333333333</p><p>Winter Well-being Campaign Factsheet 2012-13</p><p>This factsheet tells you about financial support and tips to keep well and warm in winter.</p><p>Financial Support:………………………………………………… 2</p><p>Warm Home Discount Scheme Broader Group Schemes Winter Fuel Payment Cold Weather Payments Grants: Hampton Fuel Allotments, Richmond Parish Lands, Barnes Workhouse Fund and Charis grants.</p><p>Help with Insulation: …………………………………………… 9</p><p>Coldbusters Home Insulation Discount Scheme Warm Front Scheme RENEW Energy Scheme Winter Warmth Project</p><p>Other Advice to Help Reduce Energy Costs:………………. 11</p><p>Check your Tariff, Dual Fuel Discount, Direct Debit Discount Energysmart Priority Service Register Energy Saving Trust</p><p>Top Tips for Winter Warmth:………………………………….. 13</p><p>Preparing for winter Staying Healthy Keeping Warm Keeping your home warm</p><p>Useful Organisations………………………………………….. 16</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 1</p><p>Financial support: Warm Home Discount Scheme 2012/2013</p><p>The Warm Home Discount scheme provides help for some vulnerable people with their energy costs. You may qualify for a discount or rebate of £130 from participating electricity providers if you are claiming certain state benefits.</p><p>Who Qualifies?</p><p>There are two main qualifying groups; group one, who will automatically qualify and group two, the broader group who will need to apply to their energy provider.</p><p>Those in group one will automatically qualify if on the 21 July 2012 they are under 80 and receiving the guarantee credit element of pension credit only (no saving credit) or Over 80 and were receiving guarantee credit element (even if you have saving credit) and you or your partners name appears on your energy bill and your energy supplier is participating in the scheme. See list below for participating suppliers.</p><p>If you meet the conditions above for group one you do not need to do anything now to get your discount in 2012/2013. The government will write to all those potentially eligible for the discount in winter 2012/2013, telling you if you need to take further action. If you get a letter asking you to call the helpline to confirm if you can get the discount, you must call before 13 March 2013. If you do not call you will not be able to get the discount.</p><p>Those in group two, The Broader Group, may also be eligible if they meet certain criteria set out by participating energy suppliers approved by Ofgem. Each energy provider’s criteria may differ so you will have contact your provider to see if you qualify. Generally those in the broader group are likely to include disabled people and those with long-term illness, people on a low income and in receipt of certain benefits and those with children under a certain age. Those in this broader group do not automatically qualify and will need to apply to their energy provider.</p><p>Energy suppliers participating in the scheme: The electricity suppliers involved in this scheme are: Atlantic, British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Equipower, Equigas, Manweb, M&S Energy, npower, Sainsbury's Energy, Scottish Gas, Scottish Hydro, ScottishPower, Southern Electric, SSE, Swalec and Utility Warehouse.</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 2</p><p>The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and these suppliers will share some information about their customers to allow suppliers to give the energy rebate automatically to customers who qualify.</p><p>How and when you will get your discount</p><p>Energy discounts for 2012/2013 will be made during the winter months. If you qualify you’ll get a letter to confirm this. </p><p>If you think you’re eligible but haven’t got a letter about the scheme by February 2013 call the Warm Home Discount Scheme Helpline. Call 0845 603 9439 (Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm). Discounts will be paid and funded by participating electricity suppliers.</p><p>If you have a general query about this scheme call the Warm Home Discount Scheme Help Line. Call 0845 603 9439 (Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm). You can also find more information on the scheme by visiting your energy provider’s or the DWP’s websites.</p><p>Winter Fuel Payment </p><p>Who is eligible </p><p>You may get a Winter Fuel Payment for winter 2012/13 if both the following apply: you have reached the qualifying age (born on or before 5 July 1951) you normally live in Great Britain or Northern Ireland on any day in the week of 17-23 September 2012</p><p>You won’t qualify for a Winter Fuel Payment if, throughout the week of 17–23 September 2012: you were in hospital for more than 52 weeks previously, getting free treatment as an inpatient you were in custody serving a court sentence you were subject to immigration control and did not qualify for help from the Department for Work and Pensions you lived in a care home, an independent hospital or Ilford Park Polish Resettlement Home (and had done so for the previous 12 weeks or more) and you were on Pension Credit, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 3</p><p>The Winter Fuel Payment is a yearly (tax-free) payment to help with winter heating. It does not affect any other benefits. There is no income or savings limits and the payments are not taxable.</p><p>Winter Fuel Payments are paid to pensioner households to help with the cost of fuel. They are paid if you have reached the minimum State Pension age for women during the qualifying week, which is the week beginning with the third Monday in September. The Minimum state pension age for women is changing from 60 under new government reforms and is set to increase in six monthly increments. For this reason you need to consult the table below to see if you qualify. For example in the winter of 2012/2013, you qualify if you were born on or before 5 July 1951. </p><p>Winter Fuel Payment qualifying dates</p><p>Winter Must be born on or before this date to qualify 2012/13 5 July 1951 2013/14 5 January 1952 2014/15 5 July 1952 ( info taken from gov.uk )</p><p>There is a state pension age calculator which you can find at: www.gov.uk/calculate-state-pension (remember to select female for gender when doing this calculation for both men and women).</p><p>If you are over 60 and have received the Winter Fuel Payment before, you should automatically get it this year without having to apply again.</p><p>You don't need to claim if: you're eligible and receiving at least one of the following (during the week of 17–23 September 2012):</p><p>State Pension, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance, Bereavement Benefit, Carer’s Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Graduated Retirement Benefit, Incapacity Benefit, Industrial Injuries Benefits, Severe Disablement Allowance, War Pension, Widow’s Benefit.</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 4</p><p>You’ll need to claim your Winter Fuel Payment if the following apply:</p><p> you qualify you’re not receiving any of the benefits above in ‘Who doesn’t need to claim’ you are getting Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit or Child Benefit only</p><p>You’ll need to claim if you have received a Winter Fuel Payment before but your circumstances have changed. If you do not get an automatic payment, you must make your claim between January and 31 March in the following year. Claims made before 21 September should be paid before Christmas and claims made after will be paid in new-year.</p><p>How to claim</p><p>You can claim by, either downloading a form the DWP’s website: www.gov.uk and returning it to: </p><p>Winter Fuel Payment Team Department for Work and Pensions PO Box 10142 Annesley Nottingham NG15 5WY</p><p>If you’re unable to download the form online, you can get a claim form sent to you. Call the Winter Fuel Payment Helpline on: 0845 9 15 15 15.</p><p>How it is paid </p><p>You’ll receive your Winter Fuel Payment in the same way as you usually receive your State Pension or benefit.</p><p>There will be one payment for both of you, if you’re a couple and both receiving any of the following:</p><p> Pension Credit income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance income-related Employment and Support Allowance</p><p>If your partner gets any of the above benefits for you both, your partner will receive the full amount for both of you.</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 5</p><p>How much you will receive </p><p>The amount of Winter Fuel Payment you can get varies according to your personal situation and circumstances. </p><p>You can find how much you will receive by visiting the website at: https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment</p><p>For advice call the Winter Fuel Payment Helpline on 0845 915 1515, or ask us at Richmond AID on 020 8831 6070. </p><p>You can get a claim form online at: https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel- payment/how-to-claim</p><p>Cold Weather Payments </p><p>You may be entitled to extra money in any week between November 1st and 31 March when the weather is very cold.</p><p>A period of very cold weather is when the temperature is either: recorded as an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days in a row forecast to be an average zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days in a row</p><p>Who can get Cold Weather Payments?</p><p>If you get Pension Credit, you will usually receive Cold Weather Payments.</p><p>If you are of pensionable age and receiving a basic state pension you may be eligible to claim pension credit. Unlike the State pension, Pension Credit is not automatically paid and must be claimed. Millions of Pension Credits go unclaimed each year and as a result those eligible may miss out on other entitlements such as Cold Weather Payments. </p><p>To see if you qualify for Pension Credit please call the Pension Service on: 0800 99 1234 or textphone: 0800 169 0133. Lines are open 8.00 am to 8.00 pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays). When you phone, you need the following information: your National Insurance number information about your savings, investments and income details of the account into which you would like any Pension Credit payments to be paid Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 6</p><p>An adviser will help you apply for Pension Credit and let you know what happens next.</p><p>Income Support and income-based Jobseeker's Allowance</p><p>If you receive Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, you will get Cold Weather Payments if you also have any of the following: a disability or pensioner premium included in your benefit a child who is disabled Child Tax Credit that includes a disability or severe disability element a child under five living with you</p><p>Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)</p><p>If you get Income-related ESA, you will usually receive Cold Weather Payments if you also have any of the following: the support or work-related component of ESA a severe or enhanced disability premium included in your benefit a pensioner premium included in your benefit a child who is disabled Child Tax Credit that includes a disability or severe disability element a child under five living with you</p><p>If you have a child under five living with you</p><p>If you are getting Income Support, income-based Jobseekers Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance you will need to tell Jobcentre Plus when: you have had a baby a child under five has come to live with you If you don’t, you won’t automatically get any Cold Weather Payments that you may be due.</p><p>In all other circumstances you will be paid automatically if you qualify.</p><p>How much will you get?</p><p>The payment is £25 for each consecutive seven days when the temperature is (on average) zero degrees Celsius or less during the qualifying period. This does not affect other benefits.</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 7</p><p>How is it paid?</p><p>Cold weather Payments will be paid into the same bank or building society account that receives your benefit payments. The payment is usually made within 14 working days after each period of cold weather in your postcode area.</p><p>If you don’t receive your Cold Weather Payment</p><p>Tell your pension centre or Jobcentre Plus office if you think you should have received a Cold Weather Payment but you have not had one.</p><p>Grants</p><p>Hampton Fuel Allotment Charity </p><p>Provides grants to help with fuel bills to people on a low income that live in Hampton, Hampton Wick, Hampton Hill, Teddington, Twickenham, Whitton, Mill Farm Estate and Edgar Road, or to Richmond tenants on the Butts Farm estate.</p><p>Individual applications can be made by visiting www.hfac.co.uk and downloading an application form. Application forms are also available from the principal office, St Mary’s, All Saints and St James’s vicarages, the Greenwood Centre, the Citizens Advice Bureaux and Richmond Aid. Health visitors and social services also have them for applying on behalf of their clients. Application requests cannot be made by email.</p><p>Completed applications should be returned to:</p><p>The Grants Manager</p><p>Hampton Fuel Allotment Charity 15 High Street, Hampton TW12 2SA</p><p>For further enquiries Tel: 020 8941 7866.</p><p>Richmond Parish Lands Charity</p><p>Provides grants to residents of TW9, TW10 or SW14 postcodes. Their Winter Warmth campaign begins January 2012. A £100 payment per household is available to people of pension age on means-tested benefits and to people under 60 years of age who are on means-tested benefits and who have a disability which leads to higher heating bills. </p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 8</p><p>A card to apply is sent to all people who have claimed this in the past. For people who are eligible but haven’t claimed before, cards can be obtained from your local GP, Citizens Advice Bureau, Richmond AID and Age UK Richmond.</p><p>Barnes Workhouse Fund</p><p>The Barnes Workhouse Fund accepts grant applications for individuals living in the SW13 area who are having difficulties paying their heating bills. </p><p>Individuals cannot apply directly and need to be referred. The fund takes referrals from most organisations or Referral agencies that support individuals, for instance, many applications are made to the Fund through the Citizens Advice Bureau, Social Workers or through a Housing Association. Grant forms are available from Richmond AID and other advice organisations. </p><p>Referral Agencies wishing to obtain an Application Form for an Individual Application, please contact the Clerk to Trustees direct: </p><p>The Clerk to Trustees PO Box 665, Richmond TW10 6YL Tel: 020 8241 3994</p><p>Charis Grants</p><p>Provides grants to current customers of certain domestic utility providers to clear utility debts. You can find more details by visiting their website at:www.charisgrants.com where you can apply online or you can phone them on: Tel: 01733 421060. </p><p>Help with Insulation:</p><p>Coldbusters </p><p>If you receive certain benefits, and are aged 60 or over, you may be eligible for a Coldbusters Grant. This is a locally funded grant for homeowners and private tenants and provides: loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, heating improvements and draught-proofing. Eligibility is via the receipt of a qualifying benefit, or if aged over 60 via a means test assessment. To apply or get further details please call freephone on: 0800 358 6668. Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 9</p><p>Ham and Petersham Grants for Insulation and Efficient Boilers</p><p>The Ham and Petersham Low Carbon Zone project has now closed. However, 13 home energy assessments are left and can be obtained on a first come, first served basis. Applicants won’t receive the full range of offers that everyone else did during the formal project, as funding has dried up, however they will still receive a visit from a British Gas assessor (you don’t have to be a customer) who can advise how to heat their home more affordably. There are a few freebie items to give away too, which can help reduce heat loss & make homes feel warmer. The 800 people in H&P who had home energy assessments have saved on average £100 from their fuel bills.</p><p>To apply, residents should call 07769 540477 and quote “Ham and Petersham Low Carbon Zone”. We won’t be too strict about residents being exactly within those wards, as it’s better to have the assessments used than let them go to waste.</p><p>Home Insulation Discount Scheme </p><p>Richmond Council has teamed up with London Warm Zone to offer discount loft and cavity wall insulation to all private home owners or tenants renting from a private landlord within the borough and will provide this for free to those in receipt of certain benefits and to those aged 70 or above. </p><p>To find out more and book a free no obligation home energy assessment call London Warm Zone on Freephone 0800 389 7286 or visit the website at: www.londonwarmzones.co.uk. </p><p>RENEW Energy Scheme</p><p>Richmond Council is working in partnership with Climate Energy to offer residents of Whitton ward a free visit from an Energy Expert from Climate energy. They will look around the resident’s home and offer a range of easy to fit measures, plus a home survey to see if residents are eligible for further energy saving measures such as loft insulation, wall insulation or solar panels. </p><p>Individuals can refer themselves by calling Freephone 0800 652 7206 or visit: www.london.gov.uk/renew </p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 10</p><p>Warm Front Scheme</p><p>This provides grants for people of any age who receive certain benefits and whose home has poor insulation and/or poor heating. Please visit the direct.gov website for details of eligibility. If you own your home, or rent it from a private landlord, you may be able to claim a grant for insulation and heating improvements currently up to £3,500 (except where oil central heating is installed or repaired where a maximum grant of £6,000 is available). To find out if you are eligible for a Warm Front grant and apply online: Website: www.gov.uk or call:</p><p>Freephone: 0800 316 2805 Textphone: 0800 072 0156 </p><p>Address: The Warm Front, Carillion Energy Services, Freepost NEA12054, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1BR Email: [email protected] </p><p>Winter Warmth Project</p><p>Richmond council and South West London NHS are working in partnership to provide help to people over 75 on means tested benefits. They can offer a free assessment of the person’s home to see what energy saving measures can be taken, grants for heating installation, free loft, and cavity wall insulation, and general information and advice about staying healthy and well. </p><p>For more information, or to make a referral call: 020 8891 7436.</p><p>Other Advice and Help to Reduce Energy Costs:</p><p>Check your energy tariff</p><p>Shop around to see if you can get a better deal. Consumer Focus, the Government’s consumer organisation provides free information about how to choose and change energy suppliers: call 020 7799 7900. Website: www.consumerfocus.org.uk </p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 11</p><p>Dual Fuel Discount</p><p>If you use the same energy supplier for both your gas and electricity you may be eligible for a Duel Fuel Discount. Please contact your supplier for more information. Other suppliers may offer better deals so it’s always a good idea shop around for the best deal. You can find a price comparison tool from www.consumerfocus.org.uk or you can visit one of the many free to use market comparison websites. </p><p>Direct Debit Discount</p><p>Most energy suppliers offer a discount if you pay by direct debit. Please contact your supplier for more information. </p><p>EnergySmart</p><p>EnergySmart is a British Gas scheme which helps you to monitor energy consumption if you manage an account online: www.britishgas.co.uk. </p><p>Priority Service Register </p><p>Energy suppliers provide various free services to domestic gas and electricity consumers who are: Of pensionable age Have a disability Have long term chronic ill health Have hearing or visual impairment</p><p>Priority Service customers may get: free annual gas safety checks password schemes, bills available in large print and braille as well as talking bills, quarterly meter reading services (if no one at home can read the meter), having a prepayment meter moved to improve access, bill nominee scheme, and priority in an emergency (this could include providing alternative heating and cooking facilities in the event of supply disconnection).</p><p>Suppliers are also not allowed to disconnect a premises occupied by a customer eligible for the Priority Service Register during the winter months (1 October - 31 March). </p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 12</p><p>To find out about or register for free services, contact your energy supplier at the address on your bill.</p><p>Energy Saving Trust </p><p>You can get free, impartial advice on energy efficiency. Advice Line: 0300 123 1234</p><p>Website: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk </p><p>Top Tips for Winter Warmth:</p><p>Preparing for winter</p><p> Have your heating system serviced and chimney swept If you have wood-burning, coal or gas heathers, make sure that you have adequate ventilation Check with your energy supplier for further advice to help you prepare for winter Check that your water stopcock is working properly Have your electric blanket serviced – this should be done at least every three years Make sure that your smoke alarm is working, and consider installing a carbon monoxide detector, in case air vents become blocked Make sure that you claim all the financial support you can to help with heating bills. Age UK or Richmond AID can advise you. Dress in plenty of layers and make sure that you have some warm shoes or boots with non-slip soles. Keep a mixture of salt and sand handy to put on steps or paths in icy weather Keep simple cold, flu and sore throat remedies in the house. Your pharmacist can make suggestion and can also advise you on how to manage minor illnesses Follow up your GP’s invitation to have a flu jab Order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time, particularly if bad weather is forecast Ask your local pharmacy if they offer a prescription pick-up and delivery service – this could be helpful if you can’t leave the house Keep basic food items in the cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go shopping Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 13</p><p> Eat healthily and keep as active as possible</p><p>Staying Healthy</p><p> Keep moving Staying active is not only essential for your general wellbeing and fitness – it also generates heat and helps to keep you warm. Eat well Hot meals and drinks help keep you warm, so eat at least one hot meal and have hot drinks during the day. Include a good range of foods in your diet and aim for five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, so that you’re getting plenty of nutrients and vitamins Have a seasonal flu jab Flu is not only unpleasant but it can develop into pneumonia, which can be serious. Check with your GP that you’ve had a ‘pneumo’ jab The ‘pneumo’ (or pneumococcal) jab is a one-off jab that helps protect you against pneumonia, meningitis and septicaemia. Give up smoking Smoking lowers your immune system ad can cause serious health conditions. Protect yourself against chilblains Chilblains occur when your skin gets cold and you try to warm up too quickly, often by sitting close to the radiator. Keep your whole body warm at all times. Speak to your pharmacist for advice on treating chilblains. Keep your spirits up It’s not unusual to feel a bit down in winter – particularly when the days are short and it gets dark by 4pm. Try to keep to your usual routines and if you can’t visit friends or family, make sure you phone them regularly for a chat. It helps to do something you enjoy every day. If you feel down for several weeks and it stops you going out, making you feel listless and lacking in energy, it’s very important to share these feelings with someone, perhaps a friend or your GP.</p><p>Keeping Warm Indoors and Out</p><p> Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick layer, as the layers trap warm air. Always wear gloves, hat and scarf when you go out in cold weather</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 14</p><p> If you are sitting down, a shawl or blanket will provide a lot of warmth. Try to keep your feet up, as the air is cooler at ground level Wear warm clothes in bed Use a hot water bottle or electric blanket to warm the bed but never use the two together as this can be very dangerous Don’t sit or stand outside for long periods Choose boots with non-slip soles and a warm lining or wear thermal socks Keep steps and paths free of ice Consider fitting a grab rail if you have several steps at your front or back door. Ask Age UK for more information Check local news and weather forecasts for advice when bad weather is forecast</p><p>Keeping Your Home Warm</p><p> The recommended temperature for your main living room is around 21 degrees and the rest of the house should be heated to at least 18 degrees Get to know how the timer and thermostat on your heating system works Close the curtains at dusk and fit thermal linings if you can Put guards on open fires and be careful not to hang washing too close to the fire Don’t block up air vents. Good ventilation prevents condensation. Get a carbon monoxide alarm as there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if air vents become blocked</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 15</p><p>Useful Sources of Information :</p><p>For more explanation or personal advice call: Richmond AID on 020 8831 6070 or Age UK Richmond First Contact Helpline 0845 600 1090 Richmond Council: If you require further advice or have concerns about a vulnerable individual contact the Access team. Call: 020 8891 7971. </p><p>Information from Age UK: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/publications/age-uk- information-guides-and-factsheets/#factsheets includes: Factsheet 1, Help with Heating Costs Information Guide 27 Winter Wrapped Up Information Guide 30 save Energy, Pay Less </p><p>The Home Heat Helpline can put you into contact with schemes offered by electricity and gas suppliers to help with your bills. It can also advise you on grants and schemes available for insulation to keep your bills down in the future. Contact: 0800 33 66 99.</p><p>NHS Direct: 24 hour helpline for advice if you feel unwell: 0845 4647</p><p>NHS Stop Smoking Services: Call 0800 022 4332</p><p>More information online: </p><p>The Met Office’s Get Ready For Winter information: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/get-ready-for-winter</p><p>Winter Weather from Richmond Council: http://www.richmond.gov.uk/winter_weather </p><p>Winter Information from Consumer Focus: http://www.consumerfocus.org.uk/get-advice/advice-agencies/winter- information</p><p>Richmond AID and Age UK Richmond upon Thames do not endorse, promote or support any product, company, organisation or service listed above. Although we work hard to ensure our details are correct and updated regularly, we cannot guarantee these details are accurate. Contact us on 020 8831 6070 if you notice any mistakes or errors.</p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 16</p><p>For more information, or to get this factsheet in an alternative format, please contact Richmond AID on: 020 8831 6070 E-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Richmond AID / Age UK Richmond 17</p>
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