<p> Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Parish MASS INTENTIONS From Our Pastor Saturday, Oct. 7 th 12:00 Noon Rochelle Lents My dear friends in Christ, 5:00 p.m. Bettye Norris, Tim Strange, Walter & Anna M. Todd, Carl & Louise Livers Congratulations to Greg and Dottie Potts and Sunday , Oct. 8 th Sarah Spaulding who will be inducted into the Bruté th 8:00 a.m. Eric J. Miller Society Sunday, November 5 , 2017 at 1:30 pm CST. 10:00 a.m. Donald S. Lannan, Charles Robert Mills, The Mass and induction ceremony will be celebrated at Saint Benedict Cathedral in Evansville. The Bruté Helen & Bob McAtee, Dr. & Mrs. Floyd Gates th Society was established by Bishop Gettelfinger in Monday St. Mary Oct. 9 1990, to honor lay persons for their outstanding 10:00 a.m. For the people th stewardship. Today we give thanks for the Tuesday , Oct. 10 tremendous contributions that Greg & Dottie Potts 8:15 a.m. George “Tony” Sims th and Sarah Spaulding have made to the parish and our Wednesday Oct. 11 greater community! 5:30 p.m. Pearl McCann th As you know this past week I was away Thursday , Oct. 12 attending the priest Convocation at Cliffy Falls in 8:15 a.m. Bonnie & Billie Bledsoe Madison, Indiana. The presentations were thought 10:00 a.m. Mass at MCNC th provoking and it was good to be together with my Friday , Oct. 13 fellow priests. But it was great to get back to 9:00 a.m. Mike Taylor Loogootee! Saturday, Oct. 14 th 11:00 a.m. Terry Bowling funeral Thank you to all of you who have made 5:00 p.m. Ann Burch, Fred Dupps, commitments to the Stewards of God’s Grace capital John D. Stoll, Curt Elliott campaign. To date we have pledges totaling Sunday , Oct. 15 th $604,799.00. Thank you to all who have graciously 8:00 a.m. Ed & Virginia Craney volunteered their time and talents to this effort. We 10:00 a.m. David Decker, Patrick Delaney, appreciate everyone’s cooperation and involvement. Katie Yarnell, George “Tony” Sims We’ll continue to work toward our target. Ministers for Oct. 7th /8th 2017 5 The Campaign volunteer team will be calling SACRISTANS 5:00 p.m. Rachel Doyle each of their assigned parish households over the 8:00 a.m. George Erler next several weeks in order to introduce themselves 10:00 a.m. Noel Harty and set a convenient time to visit briefly, very SERVERS: possibly at the parish center. Please pick up the 5:00 p.m. Jamison Hennette, Brady Lents, phone, even if you do not recognize the phone Brandon Eckerle, Bryant Eckerle, Alex Guinn 8:00 a.m. Jason/Craig Lubbehusen, Grace Foddrill, number on your caller ID, as it may very well be your Volunteer personal campaign contact person trying to contact 10:00 a.m. Rachel Robinson, Kylie VanHoy, you. As we are not able to visit with all households, Jody/Nathan Seals, Ashlee Arvin many will receive the campaign information that GREETERS: includes their pledge card and a return envelope. 5:00 p.m. FD: Joyce Conlon Please pray about your gift and return the completed SD: Joe and Vicky Doyle, Rachel Doyle pledge card in the provided envelope. We ask the 8:00 a.m. FD: Helen Dearwester prayers of all during this special time and with great SD: Doug and Peg Neidigh faith in God’s will. 10:00 a.m. FD: Robinson Family October is a special month in which we honor SD: Abbie Williams, Denny Smith our Blessed Mother, especially with the recitation of LECTORS: the rosary. During this month I would suggest 5:00 p.m. Kenny Inman, Elaine Wade 8:00 a.m. John Vaupel, Greg Potts praying the rosary as a family or other prayers to 10:00 a.m. Lori Flynn. Linda Cropp honor Mary. Also, take advantage of praying the EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: rosary on the Tuesdays of October at 6:00 P.M. at 5:00 p.m. Charles and Carolyn Buxton, Linda Wickman, the St. Martin Church shrine. Mary Seat of Wisdom, Janet Matthews, Donna Ader, Tom Walker, Patrick Allbright pray for us. 8:00 a.m. Tom Peter, Rita Divine, Bruce/Lynn Hawkins, Annette Taylor, Richard Kluesner, Jan McDowell May the Lord bless and keep you, 10:00 a.m. Karen McAtee, Curt Johnson, Dayne Holder, Gayle Strange, Peter McDowell, Greg Rasico, Volunteer Father Walker. This Week at St. John Parish . Save the Date m Sunday, Oct. 8 th Float Committee Mtg-Oct. 19th at 7:00pm No Confirmation Class- Fall Festival- Oct. 22 starting with Mass at 12:00 Liturgy of the Word- 10:00 Mass Family Fun Night/Halloween-Oct. 29th from 4-7 No Adult Bible Study- Trunk-or-Treat Event- Halloween Night, Oct. Praise Choir: 6:00 Choir Loft st th 31 from 6:00-8:00pm church parking lot. Monday, Oct. 9 Adult Bible Study taking a break. Will resume (B) St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am to 12:00 Nov. 5th at 5:30 Chapter 14 Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Religious Education News with Paula Ringwald (S) Mass at St. Mary at 10:00 am. FAITH FORMATION [email protected] No Elem. Religion- Fall Break Altar Society– 7:00 Trunk-or-Treat Contest for best decorated vehicle on Cub Scouts Meeting-7:00 at the Center Halloween Night, St. John Parking lot from 6-8pm, RCIA- 7:00 p.m. theme “Noah’s Ark”. All Church organizations and Tuesday, Oct. 10 th families are invited to participate. (L)Rosary: 7:45-8:15a.m. On October 13 we will be honoring Our Lady of Story Hour- 10:00 to 11:00 am Rosary – St. Martin Church Shrine at 6 P.M. Fatima. The day will begin at 8:15 with an Wednesday, Oct. 11 th opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance. Mass (W) St. Martin Eucharistic Adoration-3:00 pm to 6:00 will be at 9:00 a.m., followed by Breakfast and a No Jr. /Sr. High Religion Classes- Fall Break Movie. The movie is about Our Lady of Fatima. Thursday, Oct 12 th Rosary: 7:45-8:15a.m. - Fr. Walker. (L) Eucharistic Adoration after 9:00 Mass - 4:30 pm. Story Hour- 10:00 to 11:00 am Ministers for Oct. 14th /15th 2017 5 Youth Prayer Group-3:30 p.m. SACRISTANS Parish Council- 6:00 p.m. at the Center 5:00 p.m. Judy Ader Friday, Oct. 13 th 8:00 a.m. George Erler Rosary: 7:45-8:15a.m 10:00 a.m. Glenn McAtee Confession-8:15 to 9:00. SERVERS: 5:00 p.m. Jamison Hennette, Brady Lents, Breakfast and a Movie on Fatima- 10:00 a.m. Cameron Burns, Rachel Lents, Jonathan Hager Quilters, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. 8:00 a.m. Adie Nolley, Matthew Green, Ashley Green, th Saturday, Oct. 14 Volunteer Truelove United Methodist Church Hog Roast- 11to7 10:00 a.m. Sean Lents, Aaron Dant, Seth Blackwell, Euan Private Confessions –3:15 to 4:00pm Graves Sunday, Oct. 15 th GREETERS: Confirmation- 9:45 at the Center 5:00 p.m. FD: Jeff and Micky Crew Liturgy of the Word- 10:00 Mass SD: Chuck and Carolyn Buxton No Adult Bible Study- 8:00 a.m. FD: John and Diane Vaupel Praise Choir: 6:00 Choir Loft SD: Leo Padgett Family Youth News with Mark Potts ss 10:00 a.m. FD: Faye Holland We had a great time on Saturday afternoon as many of our SD: Dan and Barbara Gregory parishioners brought their pets for our pet blessing. Fr. LECTORS: Walker did the pet blessing in honor of St. Francis of 5:00 p.m. Any Todd, Inger Johnson Assisi who is the Patron Saint of Animals. Thanks to Adie 8:00 a.m. Peg Neidigh, Maureen Thomas Nolley, Wyatt Sheetz, Sara Street, Jalen Wildman, Jordan 10:00 a.m. Kylie VanHoy, Lynn Bateman Wildman, and Mackenzie VanHoy for coming up to be the EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: judges for the competition. We had 6 categories and the 5:00 p.m. Elaine Wade, Diana Schutte, Pat Daugherty, winners were Totem-largest animal (Marie Hawkins Inger Johnson, Patrick Allbright, John Crays, owner), Samantha-smallest animal (Connie Hall owner), Volunteer Sky-cutest animal (Seth Taylor and Courtney Kender 8:00 a.m. Donna Heshelman, Jill Wininger, Bernie Smith, owners), Barnaby-most exotic (Francie Doyle owner), George Erler, Jerry Lubbehusen, Jerry/Betty Sadie-Judges Choice (Seth Taylor and Courtney Kender Huelsman owners), and Charlotte-Father Walker's Choice (Mayor 10:00 a.m. Tom/Stephanie McAtee, Greg/Lynn Harty and Amber McBride owners). Bateman, Upcoming Fall events: Brenda Mathias, Lori Flynn, Andy Ringwald Oct. 30th Euchre Party th st Sunday Collection Sept. 30 /Oct. 1 2017 n Campaign Corner St. John 238 envelopes (869 families) $10,158.01 Make checks payable to Stewards of God’s Grace Pledged 604,799.00 Goal $535,644.00 4th Week</p><p>St. John’s News . </p><p>Confirmation: Class for the 9th grade Confirmation group is on Sunday at 9:45. The students are to meet in the center for attendance and then we will go to Mass at 10:00. Class follows from 11:00 to 12 Noon.</p><p>On October 13 we will be honoring Our Lady of Fatima. The day will begin at 8:15 with an opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance. Mass will be at 9:00 a.m., followed by Breakfast and a Movie. The movie is about Our Lady of Fatima.</p><p>Stephen Ministry If you or a loved one are experiencing a difficult time – grieving, emotional crisis, etc. – you don’t have to suffer alone. Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen, care for and encourage you, pray with and for you, and provide Christian care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing. It’s free and confidential. Call Deacon Bob Consley at 812-295-4244 to find out more for you or someone you know who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister.</p><p>Donations Needed for the Halloween Family Fun Night: Oct. 29th 10 pkgs of Juicy Juice boxes, 3 cases of water, 7 bags of individual chips, 1 large relish tray, 4 bags of grapes, 9 dozen Un-iced cupcakes, 15 pkgs of hot dogs, 15 pkgs of hot dog buns, 7 pkgs of hamburger buns (for barbecue). Brittany Walker, 15 year old daughter of Brian and Mindy Walker, is resting peacefully in Riley Hospital ICU after a liver transplant surgery and gallbladder removal procedure. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to recover. </p><p>Gianna Armstrong, Jennifer Williams and Bobbi Sue Nonte have organized a St. John the Evangelist Youth Praise Choir. Practices are Sunday evening around 6:00 p.m. in the church choir loft. Fr. Walker encourages the Middle School and High School students to participate and share their talent. Bobbie Nonte’s number is 812-296-1351. They will be singing at the 4:00 Mass on Oct. 29th before the Halloween Family Fun Night and the 4:00 Mass on Nov. 26 for the Advent Family Fun Night. </p><p>The church library will again be hosting Story Hour during Fall Break. On Tuesday Oct. 10th from 10-11:00 we will be learning about Jonah and his adventures in the whale. On Thursday Oct.12th, from 10-11:00 we will discover Joseph and his coat of many colors. Children ages 2- 10 are welcome to come and participate. The church library Adult Book Club is beginning again and our next book is Tobit’s Dog. The books can be found in the church library before or after Mass. Everyone is invited to participate.</p><p>Right to Life Banquet: Thurs. Oct. 5, 6:30 PM at Simon J. Graber Bldg. Tickets $15, HS Students $10. The speaker is Sheila Harper President of Saveone Organization. For Tickets, call Van McAtee at 812-295-4251 or Liz/Louie Kavanuagh at 812-486-3658. Please support the Local Right to Life Organization.</p><p>Healthy Steps for Older Adults: A program to Prevent Falls: Tuesday, Oct 17th and Thursday Oct. 19th -9:00 a.m. to noon, followed by lunch. Must attend both days. Free of charge, but reservations are required. Held at St. John Center. To sign up call RSVP at 812- 254-1996</p><p>Brews and Views: What: An informal group discussion on Catholic beliefs, faith, and morals. Similar to “Theology on Tap” Where: The K of C Hall Bar Room When: The second Monday of the Month, 7p.m. to 8 p.m. Why: To encourage Catholic community and sharing of the faith. Who: All are welcome: K of C / Auziliary membership NOT required. For questions, show up at the next meeting, or contact Alan Lagree or Bruce Rahman.</p><p>Cub scout meeting Monday at 7pm at St. John center. If you missed join night or you want to help with cub scouts contact Bryan Adams cell 812- 295- 6652.</p><p>Sick List for St. John the Evangelist Parish Helen Acton Ed David Michael, Pat, & Robert Allen Sr. Lorraine Roy Hawkins Lynette Arvin Devault Jenny Hembree Marilyn Arvin Joe and Vicky Mila Hornstein Dee Bechtel Doyle Paul Hornstein Kenneth Bingemer Ruth Durlauf Nancy Hopkins John Blanton Cindy Dwyer Pauline Hotz Charles Blessinger Mary Jo Dyer Jane Hovis Dorothy Debbie Dyal David Johnson Blessinger Doyle Elliott Megan Johnson Claudia & Jim Philip Erler Dana (Tow) Jones Bennett Betty, John, & JJ (Jim) Jones Michael Bowers Mike Ervin Jeff & Mona Jones Barbara, Jr., Larry Jill Ernst Irene Kaiser & Wyatt Boyd Ken Fleming Mary Evelyn Wanda Bradley Dorothy Flynn Lankford Jim Bradley Mary Fowler James Lannan Avaley Braun Anne Gebhardt Kenny Lannan Laura Ann Brown Dr. Jean Walker Patty Lannan Jane Bruner Godfrey Mark Lehmkuhler Bernice Bullock Dianna Gottwalles Ryan Lents Mary Charlene Amanda Grafton Mary Louise Lentz Burr Eli Grafton Betty Lindley Don Cave Manfred Kay Love Roberta Cooper Groemminger Nancy (Miller) Tim Consley Jeff Grube Marlow Jerry Craney Joan Haag Devon Marner Wesley Crays Shanna and Ann McAtee Linda Cresgy Shirley Harding Bob McGuire Mary Jane Crew Jim & Sue Marcia Stemle Morrison Susie Stemle Alice Myrum Kephon Stevens Colin Nelson Freda Stringer Jennifer Neumann Rosemary Stuckey George Nolan Bonnie and Joe Phyllis Norris Summers Riley Osmon Carolyn Taylor Emil Oster Daniel Taylor Pam Owens Tony Taylor John Padgett Maureen Thomas Deb Parsons Chelsea Tinkle Teresa Pevlor Kevin and Liz Meg Pew Tinkle Jiggs Pieper Troy Tow Georgia Anna Karcyn Trambaugh Ragsdale Frances Trout Charles Rasico Bill Vaughan Judy Rasico William Wagoner Larry Rayman Tom Wagner John Richardson Brittany Walker Jackie Robertson Rita Weaver Mary Grace Rob Webster Schnarr Bobbie White Linda Schwager Ruby Wilcoxen Marie C. Seifert Georgia Wininger Bill, Carson, Bill Wolf Jonah, Kenley, & Rodney Wright Terry Shaw Eddie & Tony Sims Mary Lou Sims Rob Smith Adam Sorensen Leo Sorensen Dale & Inez Sorrells Margaret Spalding Peggy Spalding October Birthdays of St. John the Evangelist Parish Brittany Salmon Keith Ellis October 1: Marcia Wagoner Rodney Hedrick Joey Allen Fr. Leo Jesse Horney October 9: Casey Woods Molly Johnson Michael Heshleman Cody Woods Judith Smith October 2: Ward Smith October 16: Judith Blackwell John Bowling Richard Lingenfelter October 10: Tina Dant Kenneth Arvin Lawrence Rayman October 3: Brenda Coulter Dylan Street Jamie Fegan Gloria Ray Leonna Hedrick Linda Nolan October 11: Marie Ringwald Hattie Kluesner Sharon Williams Emily Walton October 17: October 4: October 12: David Beasley Georgia Rose Elliott Chris Bateman Patrick Ellis Mary Rose Mangin Sonja Boyd Jennifer Guinn Frank Matthews Sharon Coppinger Allan Harmon Silas Spaulding Eric Thomas Kristine Lagree Trysten Stevens Michael Krzesniak Darlene Ridgeway October 5: October 13: Elliot Graber Bailey Dearwester October 18: Michael Muessig Clay Dearwester Adrian Arvin Greg Taylor Ronald Merkel James Cunningham James Dunn October 6: Joseph Fegan Angela Berry October 14: Louton Hager Mary Norris Frank Konieczka Aspen Salmon Liam Todd Barbara Stoll Christopher Smelser Mary Ann Wininger Debbie Truelove Donald Taylor Mark Wickman MacKenzie Walker October 7: Bob Willhite Wayden Wagoner Richard Green Erin Hawkins October 15: October 19: David Wininger Corbin Berry Gary Frye Patricia Daily Scott Johnson October 8: Bev Dupps Margaret Mathies Jennifer Lannan October 20: October 24: Phyllis Norris Mark Anderson Collier Dant Carolyn Ryan Logan Jacobs Steve Downey Aileve Parfitt James Hawkins October 29: Mike Seals Brady Lingenfelter Mary Bradley David Strange Holly Dant Carolyn Ziegler October 25: Jeanne Davidson Margaret Asbell October 21: Jan Martin October 30: David Bledsoe Jacob Arvin Patti Burch Hannah LaMar Tom Carrico October 26: Rachel Eaggleston Jeffery Arvin October 31: Nick Lett Garrett Mathies Susan Ackerman Jan McDowell Philip Strange Shelley Christmas Devon Roach Allie Walker Diana Fegan TJ McAtee John Walker October 22: Aaron Hudson October 27: Vernita Williams Jeremy Huebner Carrie Williams October 23: Eric Killion October 28: Kevin Matthews Shawna Hart Victoria McGuire Billie Jo Hollander Skylar Raney Tony Hollaway</p>
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