<p>1. The abnormal, inward curvature of the spine is called:</p><p>A) scoliosis B) lordosis C) kyphosis D) swayback E) B and D</p><p>2. Difficult or painful urination: A) frequency B) hesitancy C) incontinence D) dysuria E) polyuria</p><p>3. Micturition is another term for: A) pregnancy B) labor C) lactation D) voiding E) menstruation</p><p>4. The lateral curvature of the spine is called: A) lordosis B) sciatica C) necrosis D) scoliosis E) kyphosis</p><p>5. Which of the following is the large, rounded process on a bone? A) sulcus B) fossa C) condyle D) tuberosity E) articulation</p><p>6. The stiffening or freezing of a joint is called: A) arthrolysis B) arthroclasia C) ankylosis D) arthrodysplasia E) necrosis 7. Which of the following is the site where hematopoiesis occurs? A) capillaries B) bone marrow C) cartilage D) liver E) periosteum</p><p>8. An action that lowers the foot and points the toes is called: A) abduction B) dorsiflexion C) adduction D) pronation E) plantar flexion</p><p>9. A pathological fracture is also called: A) spontaneous B) greenstick C) impacted D) hairline E) comminuted</p><p>10. Inflammation of the vertebrae is: A) osteoporosis B) spondylitis C) spina bifida D) ankylosis E) meningitis</p><p>11. Urine is expelled through the body through the: A) vescul/o B) ureter/o C) pyel/o D) balan/o E) urethr/o</p><p>12. The tailbone is also known as the: A) sacrum B) axis C) coccyx D) lumbar E) pubis 13. The combining form for heel bone is: A) calcane/o B) acromi/o C) tars/o D) calc/o E) carp/o</p><p>14. The combining form brachi/o means: A) digits B) leg C) kneecap D) crooked E) arm</p><p>15. The combining form patell/o means: A) digits B) leg C) kneecap D) crooked E) childbirth</p><p>16. Which of the following terms means lameness or limping? A) crepitation B) hyperkinesia C) strain D) claudication E) sciatica</p><p>17. A partial or incomplete dislocation is a/an: A) talipes B) strain C) sprain D) subluxation E) sequestrum</p><p>18. The inflammation of joints caused by excessive uric acid accumulation is: A) polyarthritis B) gout C) bursitis D) bunion E) osteitis 19. The term for a freely movable joint is: A) synarthroses B) amphiarthroses C) suture joints D) diarthroses E) symphyses</p><p>20. The two main divisions of the skeleton are the axial and the: A) articular B) vertebral C) peripheral D) cephalic E) appendicular</p><p>21. The combining form for thigh bone/ femur is: A) fibul/o B) rachi/o C) humor/o D) femor/o E) patell/o</p><p>22. Which of the following refers to an increase in the severity of a disease or its symptoms? A) exacerbation B) sequestrum C) remission D) hyperkinesia E) claudication</p><p>23. A type of fracture in which the bone has injured another organ, such as a broken rib piercing a lung, is called: A) closed B) impacted C) complicated D) incomplete E) compound</p><p>24. A women who has produced one viable infant is: A) gravida 1 B) unigravida C) multipara D) primipara E) unipara 25. A fracture that involves a broken bone and an external wound is called: A) pathological B) impacted C) complicated D) incomplete E) compound</p><p>26. Which suffix means to break or surgical fracture? A) -blast B) -desis C) -clasis D) -centesis E) -cleisis</p><p>27. An excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra is: A) open reduction B) sequestrectomy C) synovectomy D) laminectomy E) bursectomy</p><p>28. The action of turning the palm up is called: A) pronation B) rotation C) dorsiflexion D) supination E) adduction</p><p>29. The surgical repair of a joint is a/an: A) arthroxesis B) tendoplasty C) arthroplasty D) A and B E) B and C</p><p>30. Bone-forming cells are called: A) cancellous B) periosteum C) articular cartilage D) osteoclasts E) osteoblasts 31. A type of fracture where a bone breaks and splinters into pieces is called: A) greenstick B) comminuted C) impacted D) hairline E) compression</p><p>32. This fracture involves a broken bone that is wedged into another bone: A) greenstick B) comminuted C) impacted D) closed E) complete</p><p>33. The combining form for bones of fingers and toes is: A) phalang/o B) spondyl/o C) fibul/o D) patell/o E) pod/o</p><p>34. The technical term for clubfoot is: A) genic valgus B) diapedesis C) talipes D) genu varum E) genuclast</p><p>35. The combining form for kidney is A) pyel/o B) ren/o C) nephr/o D) urethr/o E) ureter/o</p><p>36. Another term for articulation is: A) knuckle B) movement C) joint D) fontanelle E) tuberosity 37. The body movement that turns the palm down is: A) pronation B) supination C) inversion D) dorsiflexion E) abduction</p><p>38. The abnormal condition of a swayback posture is: A) kyphosis B) lordosis C) ankylosis D) scoliosis E) arthrosis</p><p>39. An inflammation of the bone and bone marrow is called: A) chondritis B) osteitis C) osteomyelitis D) osteomyelitis E) osteoporosis</p><p>40. The term meaning blood in urine is: A) hyperuricemia B) hematuria C) azotemia D) diuresis E) hemoptysis</p><p>41. The combining form olig/o means: A) scanty B) testes C) sperm D) origin E) hidden</p><p>42. Urine is expelled from the body through the: A) renal tubule B) ureter C) renal pelvis D) calyx E) urethra 43. The combining form py/o means: A) pus B) fever C) hidden D) heat E) renal pelvis</p><p>44. Sperm is produced in the: A) seminiferous tubules B) seminal vesicles C) ductus deferens D) prostate gland E) epididymis</p><p>45. A structure that functions in both the urinary and the male reproductive systems is the: A) prostate B) urethra C) testes D) vas deferens E) ureter</p><p>46. The testes are located in the: A) epididymis B) scrotum C) ductus deferens D) renal pelvis E) abdominal cavity</p><p>47. The renal pelvis is: A) an extension of the peritoneal cavity B) an extension of the ureter C) located at the base of the bladder D) a portion of the urethra E) a portion of the renal corpuscle</p><p>48. Surgical fixation of the testes is called: A) orchiopexy B) circumcision C) prepectomy D) prostatectomy 49. Agents that promote the secretion of urine are called: A) diaphoretics B) antidiuretics C) uremics D) uricosurics E) diuretics</p><p>50. Hesitancy, dysuria, hematuria, and frequency are symptoms of: A) hydronephrosis B) prostatic carcinoma C) glomerulitis D) hydrocele E) varicocele</p><p>51. The combining from crypt/o means: A) epididymis B) cold C) testes D) scrotum E) hidden</p><p>52. . Which of the following is mismatched? A) oliguria—decrease in urine volume B) diuresis—painful urination C) polyuria—increase in urine flow D) anuria—complete absence of urine flow E) hematuria—blood in the urine</p><p>53. A malformation in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis is called: A) hydrocele B) epispadias C) impotence D) hypospadias E) varicocele</p><p>54. The combining form vesicul/o means: A) seminal vesicle B) vas deferens C) vessels D) bladder E) prepuce 55. Surgical removal of the prepuce of the glans penis is called: A) oligectomy B) circumcision C) orchiectomy D) orchidectomy E) balanectomy</p><p>56. A diagnostic test of the renal pelvis utilizing contrast medium is called a(n) A) intravenous pyelogram B) pyelonephritis C) cystogram D) hemodialysis</p><p>57. PSA is used as a screening test for: A) urolithiasis B) orchitis C) prostatic hyperplasia D) prostatic cancer E) azotemia</p><p>58. The surgery to correct cryptorchidism is: A) herniorrhaphy B) lithotripsy C) orchiopexy D) nephrolithotomy E) nephropexy</p><p>59. The combining form for renal pelvis is: A) crypt/o B) py/o C) pyel/o D) orchid/o E) olig/o</p><p>60. The combining form for glans penis is: A) orchi/o B) orchid/o C) crypt/o D) balan/o E) vas/o 61. The medical term for urination at night is: A) nocturia B) anuria C) dysuria D) enuresis E) oliguria</p><p>62. Enuresis is also known as: A) dysuria B) anuria C) incontinence D) aspermia E) azotemia</p><p>63. . A laboratory test that is used as an indicator of renal function is: A) BUN B) C&S C) PSA D) UA E) sp. gr.</p><p>64. What is the procedure for surgical fixation of a prolapsed uterus? A) metroptosis B) hysteroptosis C) hysteropexy D) hysteroplasty E) A and B</p><p>65. Toxemia of pregnancy is called A) syphilis B) cervical cancer C) gonorrhea D) colpitis E) eclampsia</p><p>66. PID affects all of the following structures EXCEPT the: A) ovaries B) fallopian tubes C) endometrium D) bladder E) cervix 67. Multipara means: A) woman who is pregnant for the first time B) pregnant woman C) woman who delivers her first offspring D) woman who had multiple abortions E) woman who delivered more than one viable offspring</p><p>68. The presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterus is called: A) toxic shock syndrome B) eclampsia C) kernicterus D) introitus E) endometriosis</p><p>69. Postnatal means: A) before birth B) after birth C) before conception D) after conception E) after menopause</p><p>70. The combining form episi/o means: A) incision B) the fundus of the uterus C) the vagina D) cervix E) the vulva</p><p>71. The suffix -cyesis means: A) offspring B) pregnancy C) labor D) beginning E) turning</p><p>72. The suffix -para means: A) beginning B) abnormal C) to bear D) abdomen E) pregnancy 73. Two hormones secreted by the ovaries that are responsible for menstrual cycle and menopause are: A) follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen B) follicle-stimulating hormone and progesterone C) luteinizing hormone and estrogen D) estrogen and progesterone E) luteinizing hormone and progesterone</p><p>74. An abbreviation for the instrumental expansion of the cervix and scraping of the uterine cavity is: A) C&S B) E&S C) D&C D) IUD E) PID</p><p>75. Which of the following terms means excessive menstrual bleeding? A) menorrhea B) dysmenorrhea C) menorrhagia D) oligomenorrhea E) hemomenorrhea</p><p>76. Uterine bleeding between the menstrual cycles is A) parturition B) climacteric C) primigravida D) metrorrhagia E) menarche</p><p>77. The term for onset of menses is: A) parturition B) climacteric C) primigravida D) metrorrhagia E) menarche</p><p>78. The abbreviation “BPH” means: A) Benign Prostratic Hypertrophy B) Benign Prostratic Hypotrophy C) Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy D) Benign Prostatic Hypotrophy E) Beginning Prostatic Hypertrophy 79. What does colpodynia mean? A) pain in the ovaries B) pain in the fallopian tube C) pain in the cervix D) pain in the uterus E) pain in the vagina</p><p>80. Another word for walking is: A) gait B) ambulate C) articulate D) exacerbate E) A&B</p><p>81. The usual place for the fertilization of the egg is the: A) salping/o B) cervic/o C) hyster/o D) colp/o E) oophor/o</p><p>82. The suffix -tocia means: A) pregnancy B) false C) menstruation D) poison E) childbirth</p><p>83. Wavelike currents that move the ovum into the uterine tube are called: A) crepitation B) ovulation C) peristalsis D) gestation E) auscultation</p><p>84. A type of sterilization surgery is: A) tubal ligation B) cryocautery C) episiotomy D) hymenotomy E) conization 85. The period of pregnancy is called: A) maturation B) gestation C) puerperium D) parturition E) coitus</p><p>86. What is another term that refers to STDs? A) endometriosis B) venereal disease C) candidiasis D) metrorrhagia E) septicemia</p><p>87. The term for menstrual pain and tension is: A) oligomenorrhea B) dystocia C) metrorrhagia D) dysmenorrhea E) dyspareunia</p><p>88. A hernia of the fallopian tube is a: A) hysterocele B) colpocystocele C) salpingocele D) hydrocele E) metrocele</p><p>89. Connective tissue that connects a bone to another bone is called a/an: A) synergist B) tendon C) ligament D) fixation E) antagonist</p><p>90. What is the reason why most women with PMS seek medical treatment? A) hypermenorrhea B) mood changes C) water retention D) breast tenderness E) headaches</p><p>. 91. A woman who has given birth to one viable infant for the first time is identified as a/an: A) gravida I B) unigravida C) multipara D) primigravida E) primipara</p><p>92. The permanent cessation of menstruation as a result of the aging process is called: A) dysmenorrhagia B) metrorrhagia C) menopause D) amenorrhea E) amenorrhagia</p><p>93. An endoscopic procedure to visually examine the abdominal cavity through a small incision in the abdominal wall is a/an: A) colposcopy B) vaginoscopy C) endoscopy D) endosalpingoscopy E) laparoscopy</p>
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