<p> BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD</p><p>Minutes of a meeting of the Council held at the Town Hall, Reigate on Thursday, 12th February 2009 at 7.30 p.m.</p><p>Present: Councillor R.C. Newstead (Mayor); Councillors Ms. A.S. Berridge, Mrs. N.J. Bramhall, S.T. Bramhall, Mrs. J.S. Bray, V.W. Broad, Mrs. L.J. Brunt, M.A. Brunt, B.C. Cowle, G.P. Crome, A.J. De Save, Mrs. F.D.M. Dixon, J.M. Ellacott, S.N. Farrer, Dr. L.R. Hack, K. Hagerty, R. Harper, N. Harris, N.D. Harrison, A.J. Kay, I.A. Khan, Mrs. S.F. King, S.A. Kulka, A.M. Lynch, R.S. Mantle, R. Miah, Mrs. R. Mill, M.J. Miller, F.J. Moore, R.J. Nixon*, G.L. Norman, Dr. R.J. Olliver, D.J. Pay, Mrs. C.E. Poulter, Dr. D.L.J. Poulter, R. Rampertab*, Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin, M.J. Selby, Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers, B.A. Stead, J.M. Stephenson, Mrs. A.F. Tarrant, Ms. B.J. Thomson, Ms. J.A. Tomlinson, Mrs. R.S. Turner, R.F.C. Wagner, S.T. Walsh, R.D. Webb and C.T.H. Whinney.</p><p>*Part meeting </p><p>87. MINUTES</p><p>RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed, subject to the correction of the Resolution to Minute 85 (Members’ Allowances 2009/10) by the addition in the penultimate line of the word “Sub-“ between the words “the Licensing” and “Committees”.</p><p>88. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>Councillor S.S. Banwait.</p><p>203 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p>89. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>Councillor Minute and Subject Interest Nature</p><p>Dr. L.R. Hack 92(c) so far as it related Personal Member of to Executive Minute 121 Surrey County – Acquisition of Horley Council Leisure Centre</p><p>N.D. Harrison 92(c) so far as it related Personal Member of to Executive Minute 121 Surrey County – Acquisition of Horley Council Leisure Centre</p><p>Mrs. S.F. King 92(c) so far as it related Personal Member of to Executive Minute 121 Surrey County – Acquisition of Horley Council Leisure Centre</p><p>Mrs. D.A. Ross- 92(c) so far as it related Personal Member of Tomlin to Executive Minute 121 Surrey County – Acquisition of Horley Council Leisure Centre</p><p>90. URGENT BUSINESS</p><p>None. </p><p>91. PUBLIC QUESTIONS</p><p>None.</p><p>92. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE: 22ND JANUARY 2009</p><p>(a) Minute 107: Tadworth Windmill</p><p>RESOLVED that the Recommendation of the Executive under Minute 107 (Tadworth Windmill) be adopted.</p><p>(b) Minute 112 (Budget 2009/10) and Minute 113 (Council Tax Setting 2009/10)</p><p>On Minute 112 (Budget 2009/10) the Mayor sought and obtained the leave of 204 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p> the Council to set aside the requirement of Council Procedure Rules in order to alter Recommendation (i) by the deletion of “5%” and the substitution of “4.95%. This alteration was to reflect technical adjustments made by the Director of Resources and align the 2009/10 Budget Recommendations with those set out on the Council Tax under Minute 113 – revised Recommendations and Appendix A.</p><p>Upon being put to the meeting, the Recommendations under Minute 112 as amended, were adopted with 3 Members voting against and a far greater number in favour.</p><p>On Minute 113 (Council Tax Setting 2009/10) the Mayor drew attention to revised Recommendations, including a revised Appendix A, that had previously been circulated to all Members.</p><p>RESOLVED that the Recommendations of the Executive on 22nd January 2009 under Minute 112 (Budget 2009/10), as amended, and Minute 113 (Council Tax Setting 2009/10) as amended, be adopted and accordingly:</p><p>205 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p>(i) It be noted that, at its meeting on 4th December 2008, the Council calculated the following amounts for the year 2009/10, in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) and 34(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:</p><p>(a) 57,964 being the amount calculated by the Council, in accordance with regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its Council tax base for the year.</p><p>(b) Part of the Council’s area: Horley Town Council 8,593 Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council 1,386 Reigate and Banstead Borough Council 57,964</p><p>Being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.</p><p>(ii) For the financial year 2009/10, the following amounts be calculated in accordance with Sections 32 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992:</p><p>(a) Aggregate of the amounts which the Council £62,329,300 estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) – (e) thereof: (b) Aggregate of the amounts which the Council £44,185,600 estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) – (c) thereof: (c) The Council’s budget requirement under Section £18,452,586 32(4), being the amount by which the aggregate at (ii)(a) above exceeds the aggregate at (ii)(b) above:</p><p>206 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p>(d) The aggregate of the sums that the Council £ 6,908,553 estimates will be payable into its General Fund in respect of redistributed non-domestic rates, and revenue support grant: (e) The amount at (ii)(c) less the amount at (ii)(d) £ 199.16 above, divided by the Council’s tax base in (i)(a) above, in accordance with Section 33(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council tax for the year: (f) The aggregate amount of all special items referred £ 308,886 to in Section 34(1) of the Act: (g) The amount at (ii)(e) above, less the result given by £ 193.83 dividing the amount at (ii)(f) above by the Council’s tax base for the year, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates: (h) Part of the Council’s area:</p><p>Horley Town Council £ 226.52 Salfords & Sidlow Parish Council £ 214.03</p><p>Being the amounts given by adding to the amount at (ii)(g) above the amounts of the special items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at (i)(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate.</p><p>(iii) It be noted that the figures in Appendix A (section 1) being the amounts given by multiplying the amounts at (ii)(g) and (ii)(h) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided</p><p>207 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p> dwellings listed in different valuation bands.</p><p>(iv) It be noted that for the year 2009/10 Surrey County Council and Surrey Police have stated amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Act, for each of the categories of dwellings shown in Appendix A (section 2).</p><p>(v) Having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at (i) to (iv) inclusive, above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Act, hereby sets amounts as the amounts of Council tax for the year 2009/10 for each of the categories of dwellings shown in Appendix A (section 3).</p><p>(c) Minute 114 (Service Plans 2009-12 and Function and Human Resource Plans for 2009/10), Minute 117 (Schedule of Meetings 2009/10, Minute 120 (Human Resource Plans 2009/10) and Minute 121 (Acquisition of Horley Leisure Centre Site)</p><p>RESOLVED that the Recommendations of the Executive under the above Minutes be adopted.</p><p>(NOTE: Councillors Dr. L.R. Hack, N.D. Harrison, Mrs. S.F. King and Mrs. D.A. Ross-Tomlin declared a Personal interest in Minute 92(c) above so far as it related to Executive Minute 121 (Acquisition of the Horley Leisure Centre Site).</p><p>93. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS</p><p>Three questions were asked and responses given by the Executive Member for Environment (Councillor J.M. Ellacott), Executive Member for Partnership and Communities (Councillor Dr. D.L.J. Poulter) and the Leader of the Council (Councillor Mrs. J.M.A. Spiers) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14 and the order paper circulated at the meeting.</p><p>94. STATEMENTS</p><p>None.</p><p>208 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p>95. SEALING OF DOCUMENTS</p><p>RESOLVED to:</p><p>(i) authorise the sealing of any Orders, Deeds or Documents necessary to give effect to any matter contained in the Minutes of the meetings held between 3rd December 2008 and 22nd January 2009 (2008/09 Volume 5) and any previous Minutes; and</p><p>(ii) ratify the sealing of documents referred to in entries 126/08 to 138/08 and 1/09 and 6/09 in the Seal Register.</p><p>96. MEMBERS’ ALLOWANCES 2009/10</p><p>Council received a report by the Chief Executive on issues arising from the decision at the last meeting on 15th January 2009 (Minute 84) on the Members’ Allowances Scheme 2009/10.</p><p>The report set out relevant statutory powers, background information and financial implications. The report also dealt with the current level of payment made to Members of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel. This had not increased from its current level of £500 per report per Member for the last seven years. A modest increase in this level of remuneration to £550 was therefore recommended.</p><p>This report sought to regularise certain outstanding issues on Members’ Allowances and the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) following consideration of the IRP’s ninth report by Council at its last meeting on 15th January 2009. Specifically the report sought to authorise the Chief Executive to prepare and issue a Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2009/10 based on a decision at the last meeting of Council on the level and extent of Allowances; and asked Members to (a) note that relevant financial implications had been built into the budget for 2009/10 and future projections; (b) thank the IRP for its ninth report and (c) consider an increase in the payment made to IRP members.</p><p>The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor V.W. Broad and seconded by Councillor R.F.C. Wagner. Each recommendation was put to the meeting separately and Recommendations 1, 2 and 3 were agreed by general consensus. Recommendation 4 was put to the vote with 3 Members voting against and a far greater number in favour. </p><p>209 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009 </p><p>RESOLVED that:</p><p>(i) based on the decision on Members’ Allowances at the meeting of Council on 15th January 2009 (Minute 84) the Chief Executive be authorised to prepare and issue a Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2009/10;</p><p>(ii) to note that the financial implications arising from the decision on Allowances by Council on 15th January 2009 have now been built into the Council’s 2009/10 Budget and future years projections;</p><p>(iii) the IRP be thanked for its report; and</p><p>(iv) the payment to members of the IRP in respect of each report produced for the Council on Members’ Allowances be increased by £50 to £550.</p><p>97. LEADER’S ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>None.</p><p>98. MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS</p><p>The Mayor reported that the Mayoress’s ladies luncheon had raised just over £1,700 for one of his chosen charities. Future events, where Member support would be welcomed, included a coffee morning at the Town Hall on 5th March 2009 in aid of the Live at Home Scheme; a concert at The Harlequin with the band of the REME in aid of Help for Heroes; and a St. George’s Day Dinner on 24th April 2009 at the Bridge House, Reigate with proceeds going to the Mayor’s Trust Fund. The Mayor also reported that a plaque commemorating former Council employees who had lost their lives in the second world war 1939 – 1945 had now been replaced at the Town Hall. Finally, the Mayor reminded Members of the Honorary Alderman ceremony taking place on 26th February 2009.</p><p>The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.</p><p>210 12th February 2009 BOROUGH OF REIGATE AND BANSTEAD - Continued 12th February 2009</p><p>APPENDIX A APPENDIX A MINUTE 92(b) MINUTE 92(b)</p><p>COUNCIL TAX 2009/10</p><p>PART OF THE A B C D E F G H COUNCIL'S AREA £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £</p><p>1. AMOUNTS OF TAX FOR REIGATE AND BANSTEAD BOROUGH COUNCIL, HORLEY TOWN COUNCIL AND SALFORDS AND SIDLOW PARISH COUNCIL</p><p>Horley Town Council area 151.01 176.18 201.35 226.52 276.86 327.20 377.53 453.04</p><p>Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council area 142.69 166.47 190.25 214.03 261.59 309.15 356.72 428.06</p><p>Rest of Borough 129.22 150.76 172.29 193.83 236.90 279.98 323.05 387.66</p><p>2. AMOUNTS OF TAX ISSUED BY SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL AND SURREY POLICE</p><p>Surrey County Council precept 726.12 847.14 968.16 1,089.18 1,331.22 1,573.26 1,815.30 2,178.36</p><p>Surrey Police precept 131.40 153.30 175.20 197.10 240.90 284.70 328.50 394.20</p><p>3. AMOUNTS OF COUNCIL TAX FOR 2009/10 </p><p>Horley Town Council area 1,008.53 1,176.62 1,344.71 1,512.80 1,848.98 2,185.16 2,521.33 3,025.60</p><p>Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council area 1,000.21 1,166.91 1,333.61 1,500.31 1,833.71 2,167.11 2,500.52 3,000.62</p><p>Rest of Borough 986.74 1,151.20 1,315.65 1,480.11 1,809.02 2,137.94 2,466.85 2,960.22</p><p>211</p>
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