Business France in the United Arab Emirates

Business France in the United Arab Emirates

<p>بيان صحفي Press release </p><p>ELLARO, AN INNOVATIVE, HIGH-QUALITY FRENCH SKIN CARE إيلرو مجموعة مستحضرات تجميل فرنسية ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةة RANGE AT BWME 2017 خاصة بالعناية بالبشرة United Arab Emirates-3rd May 2017- The new skin care brand ELLARO, ةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةة ةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة) ةةةةة born in Angers (France) and produced by VONAGE Laboratoires, is the ةةةة (result of many years' experience and expertise in cosmetic research in 2017 France modern laboratories. Developed by the company's research teams in France, using exacting quality standards, Ellaro offers radiant ةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةة ة ةةةةة ةة 3 ة ةةة 2017- ة ةةة ةةة ةةةة ةةة ةة ,beauty and a lasting sense of well-being for all ages and all skin types ةةةةةة ةة – ةةةةةة ة ة ة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة (ةةةةة ة) ةةةة ةة ةةةة ة even the most sensitive. VONAGE is exhibiting for the first time at the ةةةةة ة ةةة ةة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةةة ة ةةة ة ةةةةةةة ة ةةةةة ةة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة BWME trade show in Dubai after conducting in-depth analysis of skin ةة ة ةةةةةة. ةة ةة ةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةة ة ة ةة ةة ةة ةةة ةةةة ة ةة ةةة .care trends and consumer behaviour in the Middle Eastern market ة ةةةة ة ة ةة ةة ةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ة ةةة ةة ة ة ةةةةةة ة ة ة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة. ةة ة ةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ة ة ةة ة ةةة ةة The new brand ELLARO is gradually gaining ground on the international ةةةةةة ة ةةة ةةة ة ة ةةةة ة ةة ة ةة ةةةة ةةةة ةة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة market. Ellaro approach is guaranteeing safety, health and beauty for all ةةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةة skin types. Its vision and outlook set it apart because the brand design ةة ة ةة ةةة ةةةة ةةةة ةة ةةةةةةةة ة ةةةة ة ةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ة ةة ةةة formulas keep skin not only healthy, but also beautifully. Thanks to its ةةةة ةة ةة ة ة ة ةة ة ةةةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ة ةةة. ةةةةة ة ةة ةة ةة ة ةةة unique formulation expertise, the laboratory selects the purest active فون���اج بالش���تراك ف���ي ةة ةة ة ةةة ةةةة ةة ة ة ةةة ةة ةةةةة ة) .ingredients to develop effective solutions targeting various skin problems بي�وتي ورل�د(ةة ةةة ةةة ةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة For example, its teams have developed a formula for oily skin which offers ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة. a clear competitive advantage by combining salicylic acid with a sebum regulator. ةةة ةةة ةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ال��دولي. وةةةة ة ةةةةةةة ة ةةةةة ة ةةةةةة ة ةةةةةة ةة ة ة ةةة ةةةة ةة VONAGE also produces sun care products which have won over consumers ةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةة ةةةة ة ةة ةة ةةةة ةة. إذ ةةةة ة ةةةةة ة ةةةةةة ةةةة ة </p><p>Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z ةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةة ةةة .of all ages and all skin types, thanks to their high-quality filters ةةةة ةةةة ةةةة ةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةة. Another unique selling point of Ellaro products is their all-in-one وبفض�ل خ�برة فري�دة ف�ي مج�ال التركيب�اتة ةة ةة ةةة ة ةةة ةةة ةةةةة ةة formulation: VONAGE has developed anti-aging and eye contour products ةةةةةة ةة ةةةة ةة ةةةة ةة ةة ةة ةةة ةةة ةة ةة ةةةة ة ةة ةةةة ةةةةة ة using flagship active ingredients from its range. Anti-oxidants have been ةةةة ة ةة ةةة ةةةة ةة. ةة ة ة ةةة ةةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ةةةة ةةة ةة ةة ة ةة combined with moisturizing and collagen-replenishing agents to create a بتط��وير ةةةةة ةة ةةةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ةة ة ةةةةة ةة ةةة ةة ة ة ةةةةةة ةة .unique anti-aging formula ةةةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةة ةةة ةةة ةةةةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة. Through its commitment to better understanding the health and beauty of skin, VONAGE guarantees the efficacy and safety of each product. The كم��ا تق��دم أيض��ا� ش��ركة فون��اج ةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ة ة ة ةة ةة ةةة ةة ةة ة company's success speaks for itself with 8 years’ experience on the market ةةةة ةة ةة ةةةةة ةة ةةة ة ةة ة ةةةة ةةةةةة ة ة ةةة ة ةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ة backed up by the most rigorous tolerance standards. Major international أنواع البشرة وذلك بفضل تمتعها ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة. laboratories have also confirmed that Ellaro products are entirely safe and suitable for every skin type. ةةة ةةةة ةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة "ةةةة ةة ةةةة". ةةة ةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة :As Michel Redouly, Company Director of Vonage Laboratoires, explains ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةDriven by creative passion combined with solid experience, our laboratory" العي�ن ع�بر اس�تخدام مكون�ات نش�طة ريادي�ة م�ن نوعه�ا. ةة ة ةةةة ةة ةةة ة uses the very latest technologies to develop innovative, high-quality skin ةة ةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةةةة products and cosmetics. With a key objective of customer satisfaction, our ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة. Sales and Marketing teams will attend the Beautyworld Middle East 2017 trade fair to present our flagship products and latest innovations. They will support customers throughout the purchasing experience, from order to delivery." ةة ة ةة ةة ةةةة ةةةة ةةة ة ةةة ة ةة ةة ةةة ةة ةةةة ةةة ةة ةة ة ةةة ةةة ةة From May 14 to 16 2017, VONAGE is exhibiting in the France Pavilion of ةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةة ةةةة. ةةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةةة ةةةةة Business France – the national agency supporting international development of ةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة. ةةة ةةةة ةةة the French economy – at Beautyworld Middle East in Dubai Hall : 2 - S2 E35 أكدت كبرى المعامل الدولية ةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة ةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة. :Contact VONAGE LABORATOIRES</p><p>Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z وق�د أوض�ح الس�يد ميش�يل ردول�ي م�دير ش�ركة فون�اج لبورات�وار ق�ائل: "للل ل Le Carré Haussmann للل لل للللل للل ل ل لل لل ل للل للل لل لل لللل للللل ل للل ل allée du Trait d’union – 77127 LIEUSAINT - FRANCE 4 لللللللللل لل للللل لل للل للل لللل لل لللل ل للللل لل لللللل للل Michel REDOULY – Managing director للللل لللللل لللللل لللللل. للل لللل للل للللل للللل لل للللل للل Tel: +33 1 74 59 47 89 للللللل للللل للللل لللللل لللللل لللللللل لل لللل لللل لللللل لل [email protected] للل لل للللل ل 2017 لل لل ل لل للللللل ل للللللل ل للل لل للللللللل ل. ( (corporate لللللل للل للللل لللل للللل للللللل لل لللل للللل لللللل لللللل ( (brand لل للللل للل لللللل لللل لللللل لللللل". </p><p>ةةة ةةةةةة ةة 14 ةةة 16 ةةةة 2017ة ةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةة ةةةة ةةةةةةةة ة ة ةةةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ةةةةة ة ة ة ةة ة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة ةةةة ة (ةةةةةة ة ةةةةةة ة ة ةةة ةةةة ة ةةةةةة ةة ةةةةةة ة ةةةة ةة) ةةة ةة ةة ةة ة ةةة ةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةةةةة ةةةةة ةةةةة ةة ةةةةة ةةة – ةةةةة ةةة 2 – ةةةة ةةة S2 E35 ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة: شركة فوناج لبوراتوار </p><p>ةةةةةةة: Le Carré Haussmann allée du Trait d’union – 77127 LIEUSAINT - FRANCE 4 السيد ميشيل ريدولي – المدير العام ة: 33+ 1 74 59 47 89 ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةة: [email protected] ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةة ةةةةةة: ةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةة: </p><p>Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z HD pictures availables below :</p><p>Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z Business France in the United Arab Emirates Communications and press office Tel. : +971 (0)4 408 49 69 - Fax : +971 (0)4 408 49 98 - +971 (0)55 478 3215 Business France is an executive agency of the French government – SIRET 451 93 O51 OOO52 – APE 8413 Z</p>

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