<p> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> December 20, 2013 #39 Community ISSUE of the GHC, HNC, SOUNDINGS & cclt Choir Community Newsletter</p><p><><><><><><><><><><><> QUICK REMINDERS! <><><><><><><><><><><> All events below are also listed in detail on our Choir Life Calendar <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><></p><p>OPEN SWAT ~ CHRISTMAS DINNER @ GLAD TIDINGS December 25, two sittings ~ All singers welcome! Details in the Opportunities To Sing section</p><p>NEW YEAR'S DAY MUSIC WITH DENIS AND LANNY 2:00 to 4:00 pm on Jan 1st at First Metropolitan United Church, Quadra at Balmoral Details in the Community Events Section</p><p>2 BASS, 1 SOPRANO AND 2 TENOR HOME SECTIONALS SCHEDULED SO FAR Anyone interested in hosting sectionals for Sopranos or Altos? Details of the currently scheduled ones in the Opportunities To Sing section</p><p>GHC SEASONAL BREAK Now off for two weeks First 2014 practices are Jan 6, 7 & 9</p><p>HNC SEASONAL BREAK Three weeks Current season ended Dec. 10 ~ New one starts Jan 7</p><p><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> For a PDF Version of this weeks issue plus all our archived issues including last week’s Choir Community Issue please go to: http://www.gettinhigherchoir.ca/community-info/newsletters.php <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> SPECIAL NOTES!!!!</p><p>(CURRENT SINGERS) LOVE IS THE 7 th WAVE UPDATE</p><p>As stated in Denis’ Dec. 17 email the arrangement for this song has been changed. New parts files have now been posted in the Current Singers Only section. If you downloaded your parts file for this song before 8:40 pm this evening (Dec. 18) please delete it from your computer and replace it with the appropriate new file. When practicing with your section's practice CD ignore the part file on it for this song it doesn't match the new key and arrangement BUT THE NEW PARTS FILES AND THE SHEET MUSIC THAT WILL BE HANDED OUT WHEN CHOIR STARTS UP AGAIN ARE IN SYNC WITH EACH OTHER. </p><p>COMMUNITY MEMBER’S SUBMISSIONS</p><p>------SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ------</p><p> http://www.gettinhigherchoir.ca/choir_life/newsletterinfo.php#guides </p><p>------PLEASE NOTE ------</p><p>The appearance of an item in this newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by the GHC of whatever that item offers. The responsibility for each item rests with the person named in the item’s “Submitted by…” line,</p><p>------For more information please visit ------http://www.gettinhigherchoir.ca/choir_life/newsletterinfo.php#responsibility ------</p><p>COMMUNITY MEMBERS’ LIFE ANNOUNCEMENTS If something of note is happening in your life, or in the life of another community member, that you would like the choir community to know about please send in a brief announcement for this section. Life arrivals or passings, celebrations or sadnesses, travels or returns, etc. Be sure to include your, and their, community affiliation (ie GHC, HNC, etc.) and, if GHC, the night and section. </p><p>My TEDx Victoria talk is now online and here is the link for you if you are interested: http://youtu.be/tRIsbDHvJQk</p><p>I'll post it on my Facebook page, too.</p><p>All the best for the holidays and the New Year,</p><p>Submitted by Mary-Wynne Ashford GHC Monday/Thursday Alto plus CCLT9 2012 & CCLT10 2013 </p><p>********************************************</p><p>Vox Humana has programmed my arrangement of "The Serving Girl's Holiday" for their concerts coming up on Dec.23 and 24. I think that's lovely and I thank Vox's director Brian Wismath for his selection of my music. I'm looking forward to hearing how they do it. - I am sure it will be brilliant, as they always are.</p><p>The concert info is here: http://www.voxhumanachoir.ca/Wales.html Maybe some of you will be able to attend. If so, be aware that getting there early might be a very good idea as these concerts will likely sell out - they are quite popular.</p><p>~ Denis Editor’s Note Details are available in the Community Events Section</p><p>********************************************</p><p>I write this with my grand baby girl Leni bouncing on my knee, as I contemplate the deeper meanings of this holiday season. </p><p>Ancient cultures around the world have known that this is a time of year to pause and go inward. We take a collective sigh, wondering if we will make it through these long dark nights, and then, right in the depths of the darkness, the sun returns, staying with us for a few more minutes each day. Whether we call it Christmas, Hanukah, Diwali, Winter Solstice, or "the holiday season", we are all delighting in the return of the light, this symbol of hope at the darkest hour. May your days and nights be beautiful till we meet again in the singing circle!</p><p>~ Shivon</p><p>APPRECIATIONS</p><p>ANOTHER FREE SAMPLE FROM MY CHRISTMAS/SOLSTICE MUSIC</p><p>I would like to thank everyone who bought my CDs this year, had hope that you are enjoying the music. The total sales were $995, so we raised $500 each for the Power of Hope and the Marmot Recovery Foundation.</p><p>I would also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year with another free sample a Murray McLauchlan song performed by a Saint John, New Brunswick indy duo called Toot Sweet:</p><p>Let The Good Guys Win</p><p>Submitted by Bill Huot, chronologically unstable GHC bass </p><p>Opportunities to sing</p><p>CHRISTMAS DAY SWAT: </p><p>The Christmas Day SWAT is now full! </p><p>Many thanks, everyone, for your fantastic response! We will be able to really offer the gift of lovely seasonal music to the people at the Christmas Spirit Dinner.</p><p>~ Denis</p><p>********************************************</p><p>HOME SECTIONAL SCHEDULE: </p><p>Jan 5 ~ Sopranos @ Christine’s</p><p>Soprano sectional Sunday, January 5th 2:00 pm at Christine Anderson's 747 Falkland Road, Oak Bay,.</p><p>Shivon plans to attend and Penny Parker will provide keyboard.</p><p>RSVP, if possible, 250-598-5736</p><p>Submitted by Christine Anderson Thursday Soprano Jan. 8 th ~ Basses @ Bill’s </p><p>I am hosting a home sectional for all Basses on Jan 8th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. and the more of us there are the better it will be. Especially since Denis plans to be there to put us through our paces.</p><p>Beverages of choice and snacks to share are welcome. The practice will be followed by a social gathering for those feeling social. </p><p>77 Gorge Rd. West, (at Wascana across from Wings ~ # 8 or #11 bus). Follow the signs from the gate. Map: http://www.crucible.ca/home77.jpg</p><p>For further information or answers to your questions please contact me at 250-920-4160 (9 to 9) or at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Bill Hanson, multi-night rotating Bass</p><p>Jan 12 ~ Tenors @ Syd’s</p><p>We'll sing from 3:30 to 5:00 and then break for a pot luck dinner. Roy Road is in three sections. We're at the north end, near the intersection of Interurban, Wilkinson and Hastings. When you come to the end of the pavement on Roy Rd, park in the turn-around or pull up our gravel drive. If the weather is wet bring suitable shoes for a muddy walk up the drive! If you are willing to play the piano for us, please let me know. '....We'll sing some songs, our concert tunes, and we will have a lot of fun!</p><p>Sunday, January 12th, 3:30 pm 1335 Roy Rd 250 384-7823</p><p>Submitted by Syd Varley Monday Tenor</p><p>Jan 19 ~ Tenors @ Helle’s</p><p>I will have a sectional on the 19th at 3:30 with a potluck to follow for those who wish to participate. I live at #4 - 1276 Ryan Street (Cook St to Haultain.--take third left(Mt Stephen.) and continue up hill. Park in the parking lot straight ahead. Gloria said she would come and bring her keyboard and help us find our way. Please let me know if you can join us. Call 250-381-5702. or email hellekallas2012 @gmail.com.</p><p>Looking forward to our learning together.</p><p>Cheers,</p><p>Submitted by Helle Kallas Tuesday Thursday Tenor</p><p>Jan 26 ~ Basses hosted by Chris & Lee</p><p>Watch this space…details to come! </p><p>********************************************</p><p>VICTORIA PHILHARMONIC CHOIR FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROL SING-ALONG CONCERT (Dec 21)</p><p>On December 21st at St. Marys Church in Oak Bay, the Victoria Philharmonic Choir will present its annual Christmas carol sing-along concert, with guest organist Michael Molnar (Vancouver), and the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra Brass Quintet. Children are encouraged in fact, prime seats are reserved for families with small children. Tickets are $20 ($10 for students, free for children 12 and under) and can be purchased online. For more information, including ticket sales locations, visit the VPC website.</p><p>Submitted by Shelly McNellis GHC Tuesday Soprano WORD OF MOUTH / RECOMMENDATIONS</p><p>A CAPELLA MUSIC INFORMATION FROM ZOE</p><p>Melisa, a volunteer from the Morrow Community Center (somewhere in the US I think) emailed me recently via the Harmonious Singers web site that I created for Doug Paterson former GHC Bass and CCLT5 - 2008/09 grad. In advance of taking a group of kids to a choral concert she had them look for online music resources to get them excited about it wanted to express her appreciation for “all the help!” that Doug’s site provided.</p><p>She also sent me a link to a web page about A Capella music that one of the girls in her group had found to add to Doug’s Links page. In addition to doing that I have added it to the Gettin’ Higher Choir’s Singing?! web page</p><p>For capsule overviews of A Capella music and links additional resources click on Zoe’s link here! </p><p>********************************************</p><p>THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY - PENTATONIX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ_MGWio-vc </p><p>Submitted by Lowell Ann Fuglsang GHC Thursday Tenor</p><p>********************************************</p><p>HAPPINESS AND A ‘’HACKED” EDUCATION </p><p>Thirteen year old Logan Laplante knows what he wants to be when he grows up. He wants to be happy! </p><p>He also knows how to “hack” his education so that he is, and can continue to be, Happy.</p><p>In this beautifully clear and straight forward TEDx talk he lays it all out. Check it out!</p><p>Submitted by Bill Hanson GHC Bass etc. </p><p>********************************************</p><p>STUNNING UNDERWATER VIDEOS OF THE GREAT BEAR SEA! </p><p>The following videos were created by the son, Tavish, of my Quadra Is. friend Carol Foort's neighbour. He wants to create awareness about protecting the Great Bear Sea on the northern coast. I'm sure you will enjoy them! At a minimum, please look with new eyes upon these wonders of our unique West Coast.</p><p> http://vimeo.com/79536987 #1</p><p> http://vimeo.com/80029382 #2</p><p> http://vimeo.com/80332528 #3</p><p>Recommended by Barbara McDavid former GHC Monday Soprano</p><p>*********************** QUOTE BREAK *********************** </p><p>Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled. An Old Farmer's Advice</p><p>Submitted by Barb McLintock GHC Thursday Alto</p><p>******************************************************************</p><p>COMMUNITY NETWORKING COLLECTING BEES WAX CANDLE STUBS </p><p>I have discovered candle making as a fun hobby and a great way to recycle bees wax! :)</p><p>If you are using bees wax candles this season, please keep the stubs for me. Thank you so much! You can give it to me during choir practice. I will be coming most nights in the New Year to get ready for our concert.</p><p>You can also call or e-mail me. 778-433-5558 [email protected]</p><p>Submitted by Julia James (GHC Thursday Soprano)</p><p>********************************************</p><p>SHAW OR TELUS OR ???? THAT IS THE QUESTION</p><p>For a couple of years I have been on a combined phone/internet/tv package deal with Shaw lately my monthly bills have been getting higher than expected and I am considering going back to Telus.</p><p>All I need is highspeed internet access and phone service. While Telus’ price on that is better than Shaw’s but I have heard rumors that their internet service is not as dependable as Shaw’s. I would appreciate any pro or con feedback on either company that anyone cares to offer. </p><p>Another possibility would be to get my phone service through one of those companies and get my internet service elsewhere if any of you can suggest an elsewhere that is viable.</p><p>Thanks in advance for your thoughts</p><p>Submitted by Bill Hanson GHC Bass etc. </p><p>********************************************</p><p>SECRETS OF A VETERAN EDITOR / WRITER</p><p>The ability to write correctly (let alone well) is a rarity. Do you need better writing skills for work? Need a coach or editor for your novel? Hope to become an editor? You must know much more than the rules of grammar! I can teach you. For 35 years I've produced award-winning writing and editing, prompting one loyal client to call me his "secret weapon in attaining communications supremacy." I've repaired and revitalized 500+ fiction and nonfiction manuscripts for authors, publishers, and corporations worldwide. Flexible times, fees. Contact Karen at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Karen S. Davis, GHC Monday Alto</p><p>A GHC CONCERT “NOT SO FAR BACK” MEMORY TRIP Photos by Andrew Kielbowicz, www.goingdigital.ca</p><p>ACROSS THE UNIVERSE June 14 & 15, 2013</p><p>Guest Artist: Beth Nielsen Chapman Bassist: Jake Galbraith A benefit for Mozambique</p><p>SERVING EACH OTHER</p><p>HOLIDAY SORROWS AND PRECIOUS GIFTS</p><p>I know that many within the choir community, or their family members and friends, may find the holidays especially difficult because they are grieving the death of a loved one. I've written a piece with this title to bring them comfort and a measure of hope. You can read it on my web site at - </p><p> http://www.griefsheart.com/holidaysorrows.php</p><p>By all means feel free to share this link with anyone you think might benefit from reading it.</p><p>Submitted by Tom Attig, HNC Bass</p><p>********************************************</p><p>STALE DATED WEB SITES RENEWED AND/OR RESCUED</p><p>Is your web stale from lack of updating? </p><p>Have you lost control of it and can’t access it? Contact me at 250-920-4160 or [email protected] to discuss the art of the possible.</p><p>I also register, host, build and maintain and maintain new web sites.</p><p>For more information please visit: http://www.webeasyservices.com </p><p>“My success is measured by your satisfaction”</p><p>Submitted by: Bill Hanson, GHC Bass etc.</p><p>******************* QUOTE BREAK *******************</p><p>You cannot unsay a cruel word. . An Old Farmer's Advice</p><p>Submitted by Barb McLintock GHC Thursday Alto</p><p>**********************************************************</p><p>CONCERT BENEFICIARY donation offers Any individual, business or organization willing to offer donations to our next concert beneficiary is welcome to submit an item (max 150 words) describing what they offer and the terms that need to be met for them to make a donation. </p><p>BOOK & HOME PARTY FUNDRAISER FOR THE POWER OF HOPE (to Dec. 15)</p><p>Half of the proceeds of all sales of my book, The Mini-Retreat Solution as well as all Mini-Retreat Home Parties will be donated to The Power of Hope this fall. Thank you once again for all your contributions to last fall’s fundraiser! Together we raised enough to support two youth from low-income families to go to camp this summer. </p><p>Please help me create an even greater positive ripple for our youth this fall! I will bring copies of my book to choir practice (mostly Thursday night). </p><p>To order copies of The Mini-Retreat Solution and/or inquire about hosting a Mini-Retreat Party in your home, please contact me directly by phone: 778-433-5558 or e-mail: [email protected] </p><p>For more information, please visit: </p><p> http://juliajames.ca/blog/community-involvement/how-to-reduce-stress-create-a-positive-ripple/</p><p>Submitted by Julia James, GHC Thurs. Alto</p><p>********************************************</p><p>PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK, LOVE SONGS, WORLD TRAVEL PHOTO CARDS</p><p>For each artistic treasure I sell, I'll donate a FULL 25% to GHC's beneficiary for that season's concert:</p><p>Santa Anita Morning Rhapsody full-color horse and scenic art book, autographed, $60 ($15 to GHC)!</p><p>Someone Loves music CD of love songs, autographed, $10 ($2.50 to GHC)!</p><p>World travel and wildlife photo notecards Any of these photos could be made into cards autographed on request, $4 each ($1 to GHC)! Contact Karen at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Karen S. Davis, GHC Monday Alto</p><p>COMMUNITY MEMBERS WEB SITES Check out the sites listed here and add them to your favourites if they are of on-going interest. Check out the whole list at: http://www.gettinhigherchoir.ca/choir_life/members-web-pages.php </p><p>Andrew Kielbowicz (GHC Bass and volunteer choir photographer) http://goingdigital.ca</p><p>Practical Digital Photography Training � Photography, Photoshop and Lightroom lessons at all levels</p><p>********************************************</p><p>LEE MCLEOD (GHC Tuesday/Thursday Bass) http://www.leemcleodcounselling.com </p><p>I’m a Registered Clinical Counsellor whose practice embodies values of relationship, harmony, and respect. Your initial consultation is free.</p><p>********************************************</p><p>BEATE FELKER, Soundings Soprano http://www.yourcaringcompanion.vpweb.ca </p><p>In-Home Companion Services - I created my own company after helping a friend care for her ailing mother. A beautiful friendship arose and I discovered my passion for caring for the elderly. For more information about me and the great services I offer please visit my website or call 250-686-4204</p><p>********************************************</p><p>BILL HANSON (GHC Bass) http://www.WebEasyServices.com</p><p>Web site registration, hosting, building and maintaining. Easy on your time! Easy on your budget!</p><p>********************************************</p><p>KAREN LEE PICKETT (former GHC Thurs soprano) http://www.kaleepi.com/fernwoodwriters</p><p>Fernwood Writers Workshops - “Everyone is a writer.” - Karen leads writing workshops using the Amherst Writers & Artists method (developed by Pat Schneider, author of Writing Alone and With Others)., All skill levels and life experiences welcome. A safe space to develop your writing and explore your creativity.</p><p>********************************************</p><p>PETER FAIRLEY (former GHC Bass) http://fairley.ca </p><p>Journalist, editor, educator: Insightful, credible, global reporting on energy, technology and the environment </p><p>********************************************</p><p>ANN JACOB & STAN TOMANDL (former GHC Tuesday Alto & Bass) http://www.comacommunication.com</p><p>Counsellors, Educators, Facilitators. Specializing in working, learning and teaching about the altered consciousness that appears in joy, grief, creativity, dreaming, illness, trauma, memory losses, and other tender and strong moments in our living and dying. Inquiries welcome: 250-383-5677 [email protected]</p><p>********************************************</p><p>DO YOU HAVE A PERSONAL OR BUSINESS WEB SITE?</p><p>If you are a current or past member of any choir in our family of choirs and you have a web site feel free to submit the URL plus a 50 word (or less) capsule description for inclusion in this section. Your listing will be kept on file and 2 - 5 of them will be rotated (in the order received) through this section of the Choir Community Member’s Issue that goes out every second week. This will give your site periodic exposure to 1400+ people and offer readers different web sites to check out each week.</p><p>COMMUNITY MARKETPLACE</p><p>2010 HYUNDAI ACCENT 2 DR HATCHBACK FOR SALE</p><p>This one owner vehicle with only 21,767 kilometers on it since June 2010 comes with a detailed maintenance history in the form of paid invoices. </p><p>Price $8950. Offers will be considered but not necessarily acted on immediately.</p><p>Sorry, no photos currently but if I haven’t sold it by the time that the next community issue goes out I will include some. In the meantime anyone interested is welcome to come and take a look for themselves. </p><p>Unfortunately it has suffered one small and one medium accident but it has enjoyed complete and competent repairs in both instances. </p><p>This is a reluctant but necessary sale as part of a general downsizing of monthly expenditures. </p><p>250-920-4160 or [email protected]</p><p>Submitted by Bill Hanson GHC Bass etc. </p><p>********************************************</p><p>ACOUSTIC LUMINESCENCE -- A GIFT FOR THE SOUL</p><p>Give yourself and your loved ones a remarkable gift. The pure, captivating tones of Alchemy™ quartz crystal singing bowls are transformative. They help you de-stress more deeply and rapidly than years of meditation. They also alleviate pain, balance chakras, clear trauma and abuse, heal depression, improve concentration and transport you to Divine realms. I'll help you connect with the perfect bowl. Order by phone, or try these bowls for yourself in my Oak Bay showroom. Come FEEL their live vibrations. Largest selection in the region. 250-508-8997 </p><p>What makes these bowls so profound? More at: luminous-tones.com Submitted by Nancy A. Watters, CCLT 2005, former GHC Soprano</p><p>********************************************</p><p>THE AMONG NATURE 2014 CALENDAR </p><p>This is a unique and limited work (only 100 copies!) from 7 photographers, celebrating our local natural areas. photography by Peter Campbell, Jen LeMercier, Jocelyn Mandryk, Emrys Damon Miller, Josh Nychuk, Joyce Peralta & Hannamarie Zerbe printed on large premium paper FSC certified, Green-e certified & 100% carbon-neutral</p><p>These make special and personal gifts for friends, family, coworkers, or yourself! You select the payment, and funds support the Among Nature project.</p><p>The Among Nature project connects citizens with their neighbouring natural areas, an increasingly important connection to maintain in our modern lives. http://victoria.amongnature.ca/calendar/</p><p>Recommended by Shivon, Denis, Gloria & Bill</p><p>Editor’s Note: Emrys Damon Millar, one of the photographers is also the designer and builder of the GHC/CCLT/Ubuntu suite of web sits. Yay Emrys!</p><p>********************************************</p><p>GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR PHOTOGRAPHY LESSONS ON SALE!</p><p>One-on-one digital photography, dSLR video, Photoshop or Lightroom lesson. Tailored to the students needs and wishes. All levels. Please email: [email protected] or call 250-884-4012 for more info.</p><p>Submitted by Andrew Kielbowicz GHC Bass and long-time Choir Concert Photographer</p><p>********************************************</p><p>DAN SALI - ART STUDIO SALE 40% of sales will go to Power of Hope </p><p>November 26 , 2013 to January 11, 2014</p><p>Studio Address: 305-1550 Church Avenue, buzzer # 21</p><p>Dan’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with solo exhibitions at Tokyos historic Tanashi Jinja Shinto Shrine in 2008 and Yakumo Gallery in Kitakyushu City Japan in 2002.</p><p>Prices - 50 to 65% off.</p><p>For views of the works on sale and a list of Saturday drop in dates and times please visit:</p><p> http://www.danielesaliar5t.blogspot.ca Additional appointments times - Ph: 250-383-5981 or e-mail at danielartsali.gmail.com</p><p>To see more of Dan’s work go to: http://www.danielesali.blogspot.ca/</p><p>Dan is a High Noon Choir Tenor </p><p>Submitted by Gloria Hansen, GHC and HNC admin. Chair - Power of Hope</p><p>EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE OR WANTED</p><p>FREELANCE EDITING & WRITING, PROOFREADING & POLISHING </p><p>Books, papers, abstracts, résumés, letters, marketing—anything you write, I will improve!</p><p>For 35 years I've produced award-winning writing and editing, prompting one of many loyal clients to call me his "secret weapon in attaining communications supremacy." I've repaired and revitalized 500+ fiction and nonfiction manuscripts for authors, publishers, and corporations worldwide. Clients value my meticulousness, intelligence, honesty, reliability, creativity, and cooperative spirit. </p><p>~ Karen brings clarity and conciseness to confusing language and organization to chaos.~ </p><p>Contact Karen at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Karen S. Davis, GHC Monday Alto</p><p>********************************************</p><p>DIGITAL DANCE COMPUTER TUTORING Are you doing the hesitation waltz with computer? Learn to boogie with it!</p><p>Afraid you might do something wrong? Know what you want to do but not where to start? Don’t know what programs can help you? </p><p>I’ll lead you through the steps for making Email, the Internet, word processing, spreadsheets, managing files, burning CDs plus lots of other things follow your lead in the digital dance! </p><p>With my custom computer tutoring your computer activities will become more productive, satisfying and, dare I say it, fun! </p><p>More info: www.digitaldance.biz</p><p>Contact me at 250-920-4160 or [email protected] to discuss the art of the possible.</p><p>Together we can make your computer dance to your tune and put an end to your life as a digital wall flower. </p><p>Submitted by Bill Hanson GHC Bass Etc.</p><p>ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE & WANTED</p><p>SEEKING GOLDEN GIRL(S, BOYS?) FOR UNIQUE, FUN LIVING OPPORTUNITY</p><p>Wanted: someone who'll share their Victoria/peninsula home with me in exchange for unlimited use of my Washington home. If a second home in the U.S.is out of reach, but you want to take advantage of living in both countries, this is the arrangement for you! Let's have tea and discuss the possibilities!</p><p>My large, light-filled country home in sunny Sequim is half an hour from Port Angeles (ferry). Guest room has new pillow- top bed and private bath. I have a piano, Italian furniture, beautiful kitchen, new W&D, WiFi & phone, double garageall comforts and amenities. </p><p>Photos & More Info</p><p>Contact Karen at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Karen S. Davis, GHC Monday Alto</p><p>********************************************</p><p>FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED </p><p>Up to $1000 monthly, with bathtub and fireplace, if possible, wanted for a few months for a clean-living single older woman. Contact [email protected]. </p><p>Submitted by Alison Miller, former GHC tenor.</p><p>********************************************</p><p>VACATION / SHOP U.S.A. ON STUNNING OLYMPIC PENINSULA, WASHINGTON</p><p>Your vacation retreat—or your base for a U.S. shopping weekend! New 1,700-sq-ft, light-filled country home on scenic, woodsy Diamond Point in sunny Sequim, halfway between Port Angles ferry and Silverdale shopping and mall mecca! New pillow-top bed. Private bath. Piano, Italian furniture, stereo, local TV. Full kitchen. New HE W&D. Free WiFi & local phone. Garage. 1 minute drive to water; 7 to café, market, gas; 15 to Sequim boutiques, box stores; 30 to artsy Port Townsend. $125 per night, $850/wk; $1,500 two weeks; or? All utilities. No smoking, pets, kids. </p><p>Photos & More Info</p><p>Contact Karen at [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by: Karen S. Davis, GHC Monday Alto</p><p>******************* QUOTE BREAK *******************</p><p>Every path has a few puddles.</p><p>An Old Farmer's Advice</p><p>Submitted by Barb McLintock GHC Thursday Alto</p><p>**********************************************************</p><p>COMMUNITY EVENTS ~ THIS WEEKEND TO NEXT We encourage you to support the activities of other choir community members by emailing copies of event items to any of your contacts that you think would be interested. </p><p>ARTISANS CHRISTMAS GIFT GALLERY (now to Dec. 22)</p><p>At the Tulista Park Community Arts Centre, 9565 5th. GHC choir members George and Carol Gartrell will be participating. Carol is a fabric artist specializing in quilted items; George is a watercolor/pen and ink artist who will be displaying originals and prints. Come for a visit and find that unique, hand-made Christmas gift.</p><p>Sponsored by the Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula</p><p>Submitted by George and Carol Gartrell, GHC, Mondays, Bass and Soprano ********************************************</p><p>"ASSEMBLAGE" ART SHOW (now to Dec 24)</p><p>New works by: Rachel Hellner Dorothy Field Dale Roberts Martin Batchelor</p><p>At the Martin Batchelor Gallery, 712 Cormorant St. Open Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm From November 30th to December 24th</p><p>For more information: Art Show Flyer My Blog [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by Dale Roberts former GHC Tenor</p><p>********************************************</p><p>DAN SALI - ART STUDIO SALE (now to Jan 11)</p><p>50 - 65% off regular price with 40% of sale price going to the Power of Hope!</p><p>On-going to January 11, 2014</p><p>Studio Address: 305-1550 Church Avenue, buzzer # 21</p><p>Dan’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with solo exhibitions at Tokyos historic Tanashi Jinja Shinto Shrine in 2008 and Yakumo Gallery in Kitakyushu City Japan in 2002.</p><p>Prices - 50 to 65% off.</p><p>For views of the works on sale and a list of Saturday drop in dates and times please visit:</p><p> http://www.danielesaliar5t.blogspot.ca </p><p>Additional appointments times - Ph: 250-383-5981 or e-mail at danielartsali.gmail.com</p><p>To see more of Dan’s work go to: http://www.danielesali.blogspot.ca/</p><p>Dan is a High Noon Choir Tenor </p><p>~ Gloria (Chair - Power of Hope)</p><p>********************************************</p><p>DEAR DANCERS AND WORLD MUSIC LOVERS' (Dec 21)</p><p>Please join us in the… Welcoming Of The Light at the Dreaming Drum Solstice Ball </p><p>Dec 21., 7:00 P.M. 1:00 A.M., White Eagle Hall, 90 Dock St.</p><p>This is a Family Friendly Community Event 7:00 Chakra Awakening Dance Workshop with Alchemysta (Taiya Curle & Lyndsay Spencer)</p><p>8:00 Dancing Wolf - World Fusion</p><p>9:00 Mufaro Marimba with Special Guests – African Marimba Music</p><p>10:30 Solstice Community Ceremony and Performance with Alchemysta </p><p>11:00 Beatfarmer World Fusion</p><p>$10 For Chakra Awakening Dance 7:00 8:00, $15 For the community Dance, $20 For Both</p><p>For more info about Performers http://thedanceflow.com/</p><p>Submitted by Dancing Wolf, Former Founding Bass</p><p>********************************************</p><p>WINTER SOLSTICE MUSIC 2013 (Dec 21)</p><p>3rd Annual Winter Solstice Music Concert Cari Burdett and friends. </p><p>Join Cari Burdett (voice) and Sara Marreiros (voice) with special guests Richard Moody(violin), Corbin Keep (cello), Marilyn Rummel (harp), Marisa Jackson (dance), Adrian Dolan (multi). The range of talent in this ensemble is exciting and inspiring!! Check out the website for more info and links to each artist. www.joythroughmusic.com</p><p>Poster</p><p>2 Performances this year!!! Matinee 3pm – 4:15pm (no intermission) Evening 7pm – 10pm.</p><p>Sylvan United Church, Mill Bay</p><p>~ plus ~ </p><p>Some flyers to share about other Cowichan Valley opportunities offered by Cari’s Lila Music. 3 per page</p><p>Pass the word to your contacts in the Duncan area. </p><p>Submitted by Cari Burdette CCLT 3 (2006/7) </p><p>********************************************</p><p>VICTORIA PHILHARMONIC CHOIR FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROL SING-ALONG CONCERT (Dec 21)</p><p>On December 21st at St. Marys Church in Oak Bay, the Victoria Philharmonic Choir will present its annual Christmas carol sing-along concert, with guest organist Michael Molnar (Vancouver), and the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra Brass Quintet. Children are encouraged in fact, prime seats are reserved for families with small children. Tickets are $20 ($10 for students, free for children 12 and under) and can be purchased online. For more information, including ticket sales locations, visit the VPC website.</p><p>Submitted by Shelly McNellis for letting us know about this opportunity to sing!)</p><p>******************************************** A CHILD’S CHRISTMAS IN WALES (Dec 23)</p><p>A Vox Humana tradition.</p><p>Dylan Thomas’ quintessential Christmastime story read by Welshman Melville Jones and accompanied by carols. Enjoyed best with friends and family and appropriate for all ages! ______</p><p>Monday, December 23rd, 2013 - 7:30pm St. Mary’s Anglican Church 1973 Cultra Avenue, Saanichton</p><p>Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 - 3:00pm Alix Goolden Performance Hall 907 Pandora Avenue, Victoria</p><p>Duration: about 1 hour Tickets: general admission by donation Doors: open 30 minutes before concert time ______</p><p>For more information visit www.voxhumanachoir.ca</p><p>Submitted editorially because some of you will probably be interested.</p><p>********************************************</p><p>ALCHEMY CRYSTAL BOWL SOUND CIRCLE (Dec 27)</p><p>Dear fellow crystal bowl lovers, I’ve started a Meetup group just for us! It’s about bringing balance and peace into your life. Come feel the live vibrations of the exquisite Alchemy™ crystal singing bowls. Learn to use them for meditation and healing. </p><p>Dec. 27th, 6:30—8:30 pm; Oak Bay </p><p>RSVP and get directions at: </p><p> http://www.meetup.com/Alchemy-Crystal-Bowl-Sound-Circle-Victoria/events/155356492/ </p><p>Ginger tea and introductions start at 6:30. Then the sound journey begins. Each session will be unique, responding to the energy of those gathered. I’ll play the bowls and chant for you, and blend overtone singing and Reiki into the mix. I’ll lead you in vocal toning your chakras. No experience needed. [email protected] </p><p>Submitted by Nancy A. Watters, CCLT 2005, former GHC Soprano</p><p>COMMUNITY EVENTS – COMING WEEKS</p><p>NEW YEAR'S DAY MUSIC WITH DENIS AND LANNY (Jan 1)</p><p>It has become a tradition in Victoria that my musical partner Lanny Pollet (former head of the flute program at UVic School of Music) and I play on New Year's Day, 2:00 - 4:00, at First Metropolitan United Church, Quadra at Balmoral. I play Irish harp and guitar and Lanny plays a variety of flutes and recorders. There is no entry fee and there is no applause - we just play so that people can have a quiet time to consider the years past and to come with the accompaniment of restful, contemplative music from many traditions. People are free come and go as their schedules permit. There will be program notes available to let people know what music is being played.</p><p>This event has become quite popular over the 14 years that we have been doing it and it is something I look forward to every year. I hope many of you will be able to attend all or part of it. Submitted by Denis Donnelly GHC & Soundings Director</p><p>********************************************</p><p>GINA SALA (Jan 21 to 28)</p><p>Our guest artist at three past concerts:</p><p>The Golden Apples Of The Sun (June 2010) Re-enCHANTing the world (January 2005) Shine On (December 1999)</p><p>She is also a graduate of the very first CCLT program (2004/5)</p><p>Gina is a vocalist, composer, music director, sound healer, and teacher from Seattle and an excellent performer, Kirtan leader and workshop facilitator.</p><p>Check her out on her web site and her FaceBook event page. If what you learn causes you to feel the urge feel free to join her and her associate Daniel Paul on Maui for their January 21 to 28: </p><p>Maui Kirtan/Drum Immersion with Gina Salá and Daniel Paul (with daily yoga/dance)</p><p>Submitted by Bill Hanson GHC Bass etc.</p><p>JUST FOR FUN A reward of laughter for reading this far</p><p>------DOUBLE YOUR LAUGHTER DOUBLE YOUR FUN HAVE TWO JUST FOR FUN’S INSTEAD OF JUST ONE ------</p><p>A HIPSTERS NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS</p><p>Submitted annually by Bill Hanson GHC Bass etc. (because I’m old enough to remember Hip before it became Cool and has now become known as Dope) T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the pad, And then, in a quick riff, I dug on the roof, Not a hipster was swinging, not even old Dad; The jumpin’ and jivin’ of each swinging hoof. The chimney was hung in the stocking routine, As I pulled in my noggin, and turned around fast, In hopes that “The Fat Man” would soon make the scene; Down the chimney came Nick like a hot trumpet blast. The moon and the snow were, like, faking together, The tip of a butt he had snagged in his choppers, Which made the scene rock in the Day People weather, And he took a few drags just like all cool be-boppers; When, what to these peepers should come on real queer, He had a weird face, and a solid reet middle But a real crazy sleigh, and eight swinging reindeer, That bounced when he cracked, like a gutbucket fiddle! As sidemen in combos pick up as they stomp, He was wrapped up to kill, Man, a real kookie dresser! When they swing with the beat of a Dixieland romp, And his rags were, like, way out! Pops! He was a gasser! So up to the top of my bandstand they flew, A sack full of goodies hung down to his tail, With the sleigh full of loot, and St. Nicholas, too. And he looked like a postman with “Basie’s” fan mail. His lids-Man, they sizzled! His dimples were smiles! He was shaking with meat, meaning he was no square, His cheeks were like “Dizzy’s,” his break was like “Miles!” And I flipped, ‘cause I’d always thought he was “longhair!” His puckered-up mouth was, like, blowing flat E, But the glint in his eye and the beat in his touch And his chin hid behind a real crazy goatee! Soon gave me the message this cat was “too much!” He blew not a sound, but skipped right to his gig, He flew to his skids, to his group blew a lick, And stashed all the stockings, then came on real big, And they cut out real cool, on a wild frenzied kick. And flashing a sign, like that old “Schnozzle” bit, But I heard him sound off, with a razz-a-ma-tazz: And playing it hip, up the chimney he split; “A cool Christmas to all, and , like all of that jazz!”</p><p>A LITTLE LEVITY TO KICK THE SEASON OFF</p><p>Submitted by Audrey Glynn GHC Monday Soprano</p><p>Best of the season and a happy new year one and all!!!!</p><p>======THAT'S ALL FOLKS ======</p><p>Making Universal Sounds In Community</p><p>A Community Choir Crescendo, check it out! http://www.ubuntuchoirs.net/wp/member-choirs </p><p>======</p>
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