<p>TRANSITION MEETING EXECUTIVE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS H.C. TRENHOLM CULINARY ARTS – REGIONS BUILDING MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 President Sharon Williams Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 President-Elect Report Kevin Ammons Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Vice President/ Fall Local Arrangements/Professional Development Report Phillip Nelson Vice President’s Report It has been an exciting year for AASFAA and I have enjoyed serving you another year as AASFFA’s Vice President. AASFAA is blessed to have so many good people in our organization that is willing to help teach and train our members. During this year we had a Fall One day Drive in training session and this spring we are having our annual New Aid Officer workshop. You will find listed below our topics and presenters. </p><p>Fall one day drive in session had four sessions.</p><p>We started the morning with a Federal Update presented by David Bartnicki. This session allowed us to see what new and exciting policies that the Department of Education was working on. In our next session we had an update from Cheryl Newton on Angeap. After having a time for lunch and fellowship with our AASFAA friends we had a session taught by David Bartnicki on SAP and the new changes that would be in place for the upcoming year in Financial Aid. After a time of questions for the Fed we departed.</p><p>In our spring New Aid Officer Workshop, Lissa Powell and I taught the following four subjects with 15 participants. We handed out certificates of completion at the Luncheon on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. This Luncheon honored our NAOW attendees. Types and Sources of Financial Aid: Self-help, gift, federal, state, institutional and outside aid — these are the building blocks of a financial aid award package. Gain a thorough knowledge of these forms of aid to better serve your students. Need Analysis Overview: Get a general overview of the concepts behind Need Analysis and the components of it: Cost of Attendance, Expected Family Contribution and Need. Through case studies, learn the basic formulas and how the resulting analysis sets up the award package. General Eligibility Requirements: Students must meet certain minimum requirements to receive federal student aid. Learn what these eligibility requirements are, which requirements your school is responsible for confirming, and how the federal government can help you in confirming others. Financial Aid Web Resources: The Internet is one of the most readily available information resources. See a variety of Web resources that are particularly useful to the financial aid administrator for researching financial aid topics or assisting students with additional scholarship opportunities.</p><p>1 Thanks again for allowing me to be your AASFAA vice president for the year 12-13. </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Past-President Report/Nominations and Elections/Awards & Recognitions Vickie Adams The past three years on the AASFAA board have been very rewarding to me. Working, mentoring, and the wonderful fellowship I have experienced with be with me forever. It was truly a blessing that the AASFAA membership trusted me to represent our association at SASFAA and NASFAA. The Spring Conference, 2013 was exciting and as Awards and Recognition Chair, along with the Nominations and Elections Chair, I am pleased to put into my last report the 2013-2014 Executive Board and winners of the Padgett and Buchanan awards. 2013-2014 Executive Board: President: Kevin Ammons President-Elect: Stephanie Miller Vice President: Lissa Powell Treasurer: Ann Campbell Treasurer-Elect: Darryl Jackson (has chosen not to accept)</p><p>A new election will take place soon for Treasurer-elect. At this time, Kristi Jones has agreed to place her name on the ballot. The AASFAA membership will be notified through the AASFAA list serv of the candidate(s) and will cast votes electronically.</p><p>M. Cecil Padgett Award: Amanda Sharp John H. Buchanan Award: Lissa Powell</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Secretary Report Stephanie Miller This year it has been my privilege to serve you as your AASFAA Secretary. As your secretary, I have worked on various committees and taken copious notes for minutes that have been approved by the Executive Board. The majority of the minutes are currently available at aasfaaonline.org. The minutes that will be approved during this meeting will be available in the upcoming weeks. Please remember that the minutes may be found by clicking on About AASFAA and choosing the Minutes/Reports link under the Leadership heading. Everyone has been so wonderful to offer their help and make me feel like a welcomed addition to AASFAA’s Executive Board. In addition to working with all of you, it has been a joy to get to know and work with the Executive Board. As this is my first elected AASFAA office, I have had to opportunity to learn and seek guidance from those who are truly committed to AASFAA. It has been an absolute pleasure to serve AASFAA this year. In closing, I want to say a special THANK YOU to Ms. Betty Edwards, who has been so gracious and patient while showing me the ropes, giving me tips, answering my questions and helping me to find my way. Once again, thank you for allowing me to serve AASFAA this year as your Secretary.</p><p>2 --AASFAA 2012-2013 Treasurer/Budget Committee Report Ann Campbell Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 ACHE Liaison Report Cheryl Newton ACHE Liaison Year-End Report 2012-2013 ACHE has been able to provide institutions their initial awarded amounts without any adjustments. Additionally, the Governor’s proposal for the 2013-2014 fiscal year budget funding is level funding. The 2012-2013 state-aid grant program awards as of this date are as follows: An estimated 5,500 awards have been given for a total distribution of $3,017,858 from the Alabama Student Assistance Program which is the state’s only need-based aid program. An estimated 5,000 awards have been given for a total distribution of $1,598,010 from the Alabama Student Grant Program. An estimated 550 awards have been given for a total distribution of $333,952 from the Alabama National Guard Educational Assistance Program. It is the primary goal of the ACHE Liaison to continue to maintain communication with the postsecondary institutions in regards to changes that may occur in the administration of state grant programs. Submitted by Cheryl Newton</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Archives Coordinator Report Wanda Bass Archives Report June 10, 2013 Submitted by Wanda Bass</p><p>A scrapbook containing photos, tributes, history and AASFAA conference programs dating back to 1968 were delivered to Stephanie Miller during the 2012 AASFAA Fall Workshop held at Auburn University-Montgomery in preparation for AASFAA’s upcoming 45th Anniversary. In celebration of AASFAA’s 45th Anniversary, these items were on display for viewing at the AASFAA Spring Conference 2013 – Celebrating 45 Years of Excellence, held April 30 – May 3, 2013 at Lake Guntersville State Park in Guntersville, AL. </p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Awards & Recognitions Vickie Adams See Past President’s Report</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Budget Ann Campbell 3 Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Bylaws Charles Markle Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Communications/Newsletter Vanessa Kyles Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Conference Kevin Ammons Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012 -2013 Diversity Debra Talley June 10, 2013</p><p>TO: AASFAA Executive Board</p><p>FROM: Dee Talley, Chair AASFAA Diversity Committee</p><p>RE: Diversity Committee Report</p><p>The AASFAA Diversity Committee was involved in various activities throughout the 2012-2013 year. The committee shared information with the AASFAA membership in the form of diversity-related postings to the AASFAA list serve for the months of March and April. </p><p>The culmination of the year for the committee occurred during the AASFAA spring conference at Lake Guntersville State Park. A diversity-related session entitled “Family Dynamics – What Defines a Family?” was offered as one of the interest sessions during the conference. The session was presented by Nathan Basford, FASFAA President/SASFAA President-Elect. It was very well attended and the members were given pertinent information relating to this topic. The session received some positive feedback. Also, during the conference, the AASFAA Board, in conjunction with the AASFAA Diversity Committee, sponsored AASFAA’s first charity, Kid One. AASFAA members were very generous in their giving, and the association was able to raise $1,200 in contributions. These contributions were presented to Patrick Galloway, 4 Community Relations Coordinator for Kid One, during our banquet on Thursday night. The charity was a huge success, and the committee is appreciative to everyone that supported this project.</p><p>I would like to thank AASFAA President, Sharon Williams for giving me this opportunity to serve the association. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve. I wish Kevin Ammons, 2013-2014 AASFAA President, and his Board much success in the upcoming year. </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Electronic Services Anthony Richey Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Financial Review Belinda Duett I have no report. I will have a report next year for the review that is done at the end of this year.</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Legislative Relations-National Kelly D’eath Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Legislative Relations-State</p><p>Cheryl Newton State Legislative Relations Year End Report 2012-2013</p><p>The following bills did not pass this Alabama Legislature 2013 Regular Session: SB79 Veterans’ Wife/Children Scholarship Benefits…possible scholarships for dependents of veterans and deletes the requirement that the military service must have been during wartime or extra-hazardous conditions. The bill currently remains in the Senate and has not been voted on. If the bill passes both Senate and House, it will become effective retroactively to January 2011. SB84 GI Dependents’ Scholarship…possible scholarships of tuition only benefits for wives, husbands, and unmarried widows or widowers who apply for the first time after August 1, 2013. The bill currently remains in the Senate and has not been voted on. SB101 Early Graduation School Program…possible scholarships to high school students who graduate up to one year early to attend an Alabama two-year or four-year institution of higher education or vocational schools. The bill currently remains in the Senate and has not been voted on.</p><p>5 The College Counts Scholarship Program will be administered through the State of Alabama Treasury Department. For detailed information regarding this program, please contact Chad Wright, State Treasury Office (334) 242-7515 or [email protected]. Submitted by Cheryl Newton </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Fall Local Arrangements/Fall Training Chair Phillip Nelson See Vice President’s Report</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Spring Local Arrangements</p><p>Jennifer Epperson</p><p>AASFAA 2013 Spring Conference Local Arrangements Committee Report</p><p>Committee Members: Stephanie Miller Jennifer Epperson Vicki Adams Donna Bass Wanda Bass Kelly D’Eath Brandon Dillard Debra Moody Breshawn Skinner Tammy Spratlin Diamonique Townsend</p><p>On Tuesday, April 30th, the AASFAA Executive Board met at Lake Guntersville State Park. During this meeting, it was decided that next year’s AASFAA conference would be held at Wind Creek Resort in Atmore, AL. Stephanie Miller has contacted Wind Creek about food, room reservations, conference session accommodations, etc. With Atmore being so close to Alabama Southern Community College, Amy Rowell graciously volunteered to be on the local arrangements committee for the 2014 conference.</p><p>Many thanks goes out all the AASFAA members who gave of their time and pitched in to help during the conference. </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Long Range Planning Carol Ballard Did not receive </p><p>6 --AASFAA 2012-2013 Membership Betty Edwards Did not receive </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Nominations & Elections Vickie Adams See Past President Report</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Policies & Procedures Dr. William Wall</p><p>William H. Wall 1641 Prairie Lane Montgomery, AL 36117</p><p>June 5, 2013</p><p>TO: AASFAA Executive Board</p><p>FROM: William H. Wall Chairman, Policies and Procedures Committee</p><p>SUBJ: Committee Report for Transition Meeting</p><p>In reviewing the Manual, as posted on our website, it appears that some items listed as attachments are no longer included. An example is the Articles of Incorporation. I recall the Articles appeared at least two years ago, but it appears they are no longer included.</p><p>I will need time to search for any other “attachments” that are referenced to see if these items can be resurrected or simply deleted.</p><p>Thank you for your attention to this matter. WHW W.H.W. c: Mrs. Sharon Williams, AASFAA President Mrs. Betty Edwards, Co-chair, Policy and Procedure Manual Committee Mrs. Dee Talley, Member, Policy and Procedure Manual Committee Mr. Anthony Richey, AASFAA Electronic Services Coordinator</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Professional Development</p><p>7 Phillip Nelson See Vice President Report</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Fall Program Chair</p><p>Phillip Nelson See Vice President Report</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Spring Program Chair</p><p>Deborah Byrd</p><p>Did not receive</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Public Relations - Photography Joan Waters Public Relations – Photography AASFAA Executive Board Transition Meeting</p><p>June 10, 2013</p><p>Numerous pictures were taken at the fall training workshop to be displayed at the spring conference.</p><p>An estimated 150 pictures were taken, printed and displayed daily during the spring conference. These pictures were copied to CD and forwarded to the proper person for display on our website.</p><p>Since the spring conference was in celebration of the 45th anniversary of AASFAA, a “walk down memory lane” in the form of pictures from the past 30 years was researched and a selection made to be viewed at the conference. A CD was made of as many pictures from the past as possible and run as a slideshow during the awards banquet. Also, a selection over 100 printed pictures were displayed on picture boards for members to look back through the years at the various conference events and view the various stages and changes in the membership. Signage indicating “Over the Years – 45th Anniversary” was the photo caption.</p><p>A picture of the officers was made as well as one of the Executive Board. 5 X 7 copies were made of each for the President to place in a holder to give as a gift to each officer and/chair as a “Thank You” for serving AASFAA. </p><p>A CD was made of the 45th Anniversary pictures and will be given to the Electronic chair to be placed on the website for a period of 1 month for all membership to enjoy.</p><p>8 After thirty (30) years as the Association’s Public Relations – Photographer Chairperson, I now pass the camera, equipment and box of 30 years of photos on to the next Chair. Little did I know when this position was first started in 1983 by Bill Wall and myself, that this would be such a tremendous joy, although laborious at times, over a 30 years span and service that should be continued by AASFAA. Looking back over three decades of memories was a very enriching experience and I cherish the memories made, the friendships cultivated, as well as to see the growth and changes in AASFAA. To preserve the association’s history of events and conferences through photographs is essential to give those that come later faces of those that served to lead, strengthen, and guide AASFAA through the first 45 years!</p><p>Respectfully,</p><p>Joan B. Waters Chairperson</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Scholarship Dr. William Wall William H. Wall 1641 Prairie Lane Montgomery, AL 36117</p><p>June 5, 2013</p><p>MEMORANDUM</p><p>TO: AASFAA Executive Board and Committee Chairs</p><p>RE: Scholarship Committee Report and Recommendations</p><p>There are several items the committee needs to compile to prepare for the scholarship selection and award process each year: a notice of scholarship selection for the aid administrator, along with the scholarship brochure, a letter for the administrator to provide to the scholarship recipient selected along with the scholarship brochure, and a sample invoice for the aid administrator to request scholarship funds from the AASFAA Treasurer.</p><p>Items needed needed include: 9”x12” AASFAA envelopes, AASFAA stationary to prepare letters for the aid administrators and scholarship awardees, AASFAA #10 envelopes to include letters for the scholarship recipients, AASFAA Legacy Scholarship brochures to provide information to financial aid administrators and scholarship awardees.</p><p>We also need Board direction on the amount of each of the 5 scholarships to be awarded for the coming year. 9 Previously, I have had the convenience of working with an AASFAA secretary within close proximity to Montgomery and could benefit from accessing these items easily. However, we need to figure out a method for the committee to have necessary materials and brochures to compile our packets.</p><p>FYI – our Legacy Scholarship Brochure needs to have enough changes to warrant a reprinting of an updated version.</p><p>RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide the Scholarship Committee with an ample supply of the supplies outlined above, as well as labels for printing. 2. Provide funds to print and update AASFAA Legacy Scholarship Program brochure. 3. Determine the amount to be awarded to each scholarship recipient next year</p><p>My sincere thanks to Mrs. Betty Edwards and Ms. Michelle Thompson for their outstanding assistance to me with the Committee’s responsibilities this year. WHW W.H.W.</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013 Site Selection Charles Markle Did not receive </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2103</p><p>Special Liaison</p><p>Betty Edwards</p><p>Did not receive </p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Special Projects</p><p>Stephanie Miller 2012-2013 Special Projects Committee Members: Fred Carter Vickie Adams Debra Talley Clark Aldridge Sharon Williams Donna Bass Wanda Bass Amanda Childress Maria Parker Leigh Boulineau 10 The Special Projects Committee participated in two events this year. The NACAC National College Fair and Alabama College Goal Sunday</p><p>NACAC National College Fair: NACAC stands for National Association of College Admission Counseling. This organization of more than 13,000 professionals from around the world dedicated to serving students as they make choices about pursuing postsecondary education. Each year NACAC hosts a state wide college fair at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Center. This year it was held on Sunday, September 14, 2012 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. AASFAA will once again be hosting a booth and asking for volunteers to help with the upcoming event. </p><p>Alabama College Goal Sunday: College Goal Sunday is a statewide volunteer program that provides free information and assistance to students and families who are applying for financial aid for post secondary education. College Goal Sunday brings together financial aid professionals from colleges and universities along with other volunteers to help college-bound students and their families complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). This form is required for any student seeking federal and state financial aid, including grants and loans at all colleges in the country. This year over 250 FAFSAs were filed with the help of over 150 volunteers. These volunteers gave presentations, answered questions and assisted with FAFSA completion to over 500 students and parents during February and March 2013. Stephanie Miller served as the 2012-2013 State Coordinator for Alabama College Goal Sunday. At this time, Stephanie Miller will continue to serve as the State Coordinator with the help of Marsha Kelley- Sutton. Stephanie will also attend the US Department of Education Roundtable discussion on July 17th at UAB.</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Two Year Concerns</p><p>Amy Rowell</p><p>June 5, 2013 To: AASFAA Executive Board Submitted by: Amy Rowell Two-Year Concerns Committee Chair</p><p>RE: Two-Year Concerns Committee Report for June 10th</p><p>11 The two-year concerns committee recently held a very productive and informative meeting at the Spring AASFAA conference held at Lake Guntersville on May 1st. There were 45 attendees that signed in at the meeting. Several issues had been e-mailed to me previously for discussion. These issues along with others that were raised during the meeting were discussed. Following is a brief summary of topics discussed:</p><p>ISIR’s that have a “will file” tax return completion status Distribution of the new shopping sheet to students New legislation regarding the Purple Heart award New state policy for scholarship waivers New Duel Enrollment WIA funding Obtaining transcripts from recently graduated seniors for summer term Senate Bill 84 Last Date of Attendance and the processed date New ruling for the PACT program Codes 359 and 360 Appeal Policies Statement of Educational Purpose Picture ID requirements</p><p>Vicki was in attendance from Aliant to help answer several questions and interject where needed. Several attendees volunteered to send out additional information to everyone in attendance over the AASFAA list serve. The meet was very informative and helpful to those in attendance.</p><p>--AASFAA 2012-2013</p><p>Sponsorship</p><p>Tammy Spratlin</p><p>June 4, 2013 Report from AASFAA Exhibitor Chair 2012-2013 It was been an honor to serve as the Exhibitor Chair for the past 3 years. We had 13 Exhibitors for the Spring Conference.</p><p>The Exhibitors ($1000. Each):</p><p>Edfinancial Services SunTrust Wells Fargo Nelnet Great Lakes Inceptia KHEAA CMD Outsourcing Solutions PNC Discover Student Loan</p><p>12 American Student Assistance Greenwood and Hall SallieMae</p><p>EdSouth – Conference Contribution Sponsor - $1000.</p><p>Your ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated for next year.</p><p>Thanks to Ann Campbell for getting the Exhibitor Registration Form on-line. This was a great help to the Exhibitors.</p><p>Thanks so much for your assistance this year and I look forward to working with everyone in the coming year.</p><p>Kind Regards, Tammy Spratlin</p><p>13</p>
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