Documentation for World Cities Data (Incomplete)

Documentation for World Cities Data (Incomplete)

<p>0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>DOCUMENTATION FOR WORLD CITIES DATA (INCOMPLETE)</p><p>OCTOBER 2003</p><p>Afghanisthan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistiches Bundesamt 1969, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from xxx, 1988 from UN DYB 1995, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Mazar-i Sharif 1970, Jalalabad 1970 1988, and Qunduz 1988 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>Following cities are dropped because of bad data: Asadabad 1960 1970 1979 1988, Baglan 1960 1970 1979 1988, Mehtar Lam 1960 1970 1979 1988, and Qaleh-ye Naw 1960 1970 1979 1988. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1960 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1960-1970 and 1988-2001.</p><p>Albania </p><p>The numbers for 1965(64) are from UN DYB 1965, 1967 from UN DYB 1970, 1979 & 1990 from, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965(64) and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965(64)-1967 and 1990- 2001.</p><p>Angola </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from Statistisches Bundesamt, Landerkuzbericht, Angola 1977, 1960 agglomeration from UN DYB 1965, 1970 (not agglomeration) from Statistisches Bundesamt, Landerkuzbericht, Angola 1977, 1970 agglomeration from UN DYB 1995, and 2001 from So there is no data representing year 1980 and 1990. </p><p>We use agglomeration-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Benguela 1980 1990, Huambo 1980 1990, Lobito 1980 1990, and Luanda 1980 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>1 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates 1990-2001.</p><p>Argentina </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1980, 1990 and 1999 from Also Lanus for 1960,1970 are taken from Statistik des auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinien 1977, Lomas de Zamera for 1970 from Statisk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, General San Martin for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, Quilmes for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, Avellaneda for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, Vincent Lopez for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, San Isidro for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1977, San Fernando for 1970 from Statistk des Auslandes: Landerkurzbericht Argentinein 1982.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1990: Almirante Brown, Avellaneda, Belen de Escobar, Berazategui, Caseros, Esteban Echeverria, Florencio Varela, General San Martin, General Sarmiento, Godoy Cruz, Hurlington, Ituzaingo, Jose Carlos Paz, Lanus, Las Heras, Lomas de Zamora, Merlo, Moreno, Moron, Pilar, Quilmes, San Fernando, San Isidro, San Justo (La Matanza), San Lorenzo, San Miguel, San Vicente, Tigre, Vicente, Lopez, Villa Krause, and Villa Nueva (Guaymallen). </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Resistencia 1960, Posadas 1960, San Salvador de Jujuy 1960, Neuquen 1960, Formosa 1960, Rio Cuarto 1960, Catamarca (San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca) 1960, Comodoro Rivadavia 1960, San Nicolas de los Arroyos 1960, Concordia 1960, La Rioja 1960, Mercedes 1960, San Carlos de Bariloche 1960, San Luis 1960, San Rafael 1960, are Trelew 1960.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-1999.</p><p>Australia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Statistical Yearbook for Australia 1964, 1973 from UN DYB 1975, 1984 from UN DYB 1985, 1991 from UN DYB 1995, and 1998 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data. But for Canberra 1984, Geelong 1984, and Newcastle 1984 city numbers are substituted for missing agglomeration numbers: It is based on the similarity between the agglomeration numbers and city numbers. </p><p>2 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Glen Eira (Caulfield), Gosford (Central Coast), Hume (Broadmeadows, Craigieburn & Sunbury), Ipswich, Monash (Waverley), Moonee Valley (Essendon), Moreland (Coburg, Brunswick & Fawkner), Onkaparinga (Noarlunga, Happy Valley & Willunga), Penrith, Port Adelaide Enfield, and Salisbury. </p><p>Following cities are dropped because of bad data: Gold Coast (Southport) 1971, and Hobart 1973.</p><p>Missing data of Gold Coast (Southport) 1971 and Hobart 1973 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1998 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1973 and 1991-1998.</p><p>Austria </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes, Osterreich 1967, 1971 (not agglomeration) from Allgemeine Statisk Des Auslandes Osterreich 1975, 1981, 1991 and 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Azerbaijan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1975 from UN DYB 1975, 1985 from xxx, 1989 from, and 2002 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. </p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bakixanov, Qarasuxur, and Sumqayit (Sumgait). </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2002 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1975 and 1989-2002.</p><p>Bahrain </p><p>3 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The numbers for 1959 are from UN Dmeogrpahic Yearbook 1965, 1965 from UN DYB 1970, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1965 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Bangladesh </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Statistical Abstract of Bangladesh 1990 and National Volume of 1974 Population Census Report, 1974 from Statistical Abstract of Bangladesh 1990 and National Volume of 1974 Population Census Report, 1981 from, 1991 from and Statistical Abstract of 1990, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1990: Gazipur, Narayanganj, Sotokunda, and Tungi.</p><p>Following cities are dropped because of bad data: Cox's Bazar 1961, and Mymensingh (Nasirabad) 1974. </p><p>Missing data of Brahman baria 1961, Cox's Bazar 1961 1991, Mymensingh (Nasirabad) 1974, Jessore 1981, Pabna 1981, Kushtia 1981, and Sylhet 1981 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001(02) numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1974 and 1991-2001(02).</p><p>Belarus </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1975 from UN DYB 1985, 1980 1991 from, and 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Grodno 1965, Brest 1965, Baranavici (Baranovici) 1965, Orsa 1965, Vitebsk 1975, and Mahileu 1975 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>4 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1975 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Belgium </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 1964 are from UN DYB 1965, 1971 from UN DYB 1975, 1984 from, and 1989 2000 from world </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. But for 1961(64), and 1971, we use agglomeration numbers, since they are more consistent with other years’ numbers. </p><p>We drop Schaerbeek that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000. </p><p>Missing data of Brugge 1961 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961(64) numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1961(64)-1971.</p><p>Benin </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from Allgemeine Statisktik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Dahomey 1970, 1968 from Annual Statistical Abstract for Dahomey 1969, 1979 from Bevolkerung in augewahhlten stadten take from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht 1981, 1992 data from 30 Etas D' Afrique Et De Locean Indien, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Bohicon 1961, Djougou 1992, and Bohicon 1992 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1968 and 1992-2001.</p><p>Bolivia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistiches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Bolivia 1970, 1970 from Statistil des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht Bolivien 1977, 1980 data from Statistiches Landerkurzbericht 1980, 1992 from, and 2001 from</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>5 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Bosnia </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are World, 1961 Sarajevo and Banja Luka from UN DYB 1965 (former Yugoslavia), 1981 from, 1991 from xxx, and 1997 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Sarajevo 1970, Banja Luka 1970, Zenica 1970, Tuzla 1970, Zenica 1997, and Tuzla 1997 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1997 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1991-1997.</p><p>Botswana </p><p>The numbers for 1964 are from xxx, 1970 from Statistik Des Auslandes, Statistiches Bundesamt Botsuana 1983, 1981 from Statistik Des Auslandes, Statistiches Bundesamt Botsuana 1983, 1991 from Statistical Yearbook 1995, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Francistown 1964 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Brazil </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Annual Statistical Yearbook for Brazil 1968, 1974, 1981 from the Municipios das Capitais from Annuario Estadistico Brazil 1975, 1982, 1991 from, and 2001 from</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Alvorada, Ananindeua, Aparecida de Goiania, Barueri, Belford Roxo, Betim, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Cachoeirinha, Camacari, Camaragibe, Canoas, Carapicuiba, Cariacica, Caucaia, Colombo, Contagem, Cotia, Cubatao, Diadema, Duque de Caxias, Embu, Ferraz (de Vasconcelos), Francisco Morato, Franco da Rocha, Gravatai, Guaruja, Guarulhos, Hortolandia, Ibirite, Indaiatuba, Itaborai, </p><p>6 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Itaguai, Itanhaem, Itapecerica da Serra, Itapevi, Itaquaquecetuba, Jaboatao (dos Guararapes), Jandira, Japeri, Lauro de Freitas, Maje, Maracanau, Maranguape, Marica, Maua, Moji Guaçu, Nilopolis, Niteroi, Nova Iguacu, Novo Hamburgo, Olinda, Osasco, Pacatuba, Parnamirim, Paulista, Pinhais, Praia Grande, Queimados, Ribeirão das Neves, Ribeirão Pires, Sabará, Santa Luzia, Santa Rita, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, São Gonçalo, São João de Meriti, São José dos Pinhais, São Leopoldo, São Vicente, Sapucaia do Sul, Serra, Sumaré, Suzano (Susano), Taboão da Serra, Viamão, and Vila Velha. </p><p>Following cities are dropped because of bad data: Luziania 1960, Bauru 1974, Divinopolis 1974, Guaratingueta 1974, Itapetininga 1974, Nossa Senhora do Socorro 1974, Presidente Prudente 1974, Rondonópolis 1974, São Carlos 1974, Sorocaba 1974 Volta Redonda 1974 </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Feira de Santana 1960, Campos dos Goytacazes 1960, São José do Rio Preto 1960, Franca 1960, Maringa 1960, Foz do Iguacu 1960, Governador Valadares 1960, Várzea Grande 1960, Marilia 1960, Araraquara 1960, Rio Claro 1960, Nova Friburgo 1960, Dourados 1960, Maraba 1960, Patos de Minas 1960, Caxias 1960, Rio Verde 1960, Ribeirão Preto 1974, Uberlândia 1974, Sorocaba 1974, Bauru 1974, Pelotas 1974, Petropolis 1974, Montes Claros 1974, Ponta Grossa 1974, Volta Redonda 1974, Uberaba 1974, Cascavel 1974, Limeira 1974, Rio Grande 1974, Jequie 1974, Parnaiba 1974, Paranagua 1974, Teófilo Otoni 1974, Sobral 1974, Maceio 1981, Joao Pessoa 1981, São José do Rio Preto 1981, Uberaba 1981, Marilia 1981, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim 1981, Paranagua 1981, Patos de Minas 1981, Águas Lindas de Goiás 1981, Rio Verde 1981, and Águas Lindas de Goiás 1991. </p><p>Bulgaria </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from Statistik Des Auslandes Bulgaria Landerkurzbericht 1979, 1970 from world, 1978 from xxx, 1978 Tolbuhin from Landerbericht Bulgarien 1991, 1979 Sliven from Statistik des Auslandes 1981, 1992 from, and 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Sliven 1964 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1970 and 1992-2001.</p><p>Burkina Faso </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Statistiches Bundesamt Wiesbaden 1969 for Obervolta, 1970 from Statistiches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, Landerkurzbericht 1982 for Obervolta, 1980 from xxx, 1985 from 30 Etas D'Afrique et De' Locean indien, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>7 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1985-2001.</p><p>Burundi </p><p>The numbers for 1962 are from xxx, 1970 1979 from Statistiches Bundesamt Burundi 1982, and 1990 2001 from World </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Cambodia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 2001 are from world So there is no data representing year 1960 1970 1980 and 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Cameroon </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from UN DYB 1970, 1970 from UN DYB 1970 and Statistik Des Auslandes, Landerkurzbericht Cameroon 1983, 1982 from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerbericht 1987 for Cameroon, 1987 from Cameroon Annual Statistical Yearbook 1998, and 1999 from Cameroon Annual Statistical Yearbook 1999 </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Nkongsamba 1962, and Maroua 1962 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1987-1999.</p><p>Canada </p><p>8 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 1971 1979 are from Statistical Yearbook, 1991 from xxx, and 1999 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data. But for Regina 1961 1971, Saskatoon 1961 1971, and Thunder Bay 1971, city numbers are substituted for missing agglomeration numbers: It is based on the similarity between the agglomeration numbers and city numbers in 1979. </p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Abbotsford (Matsqui), Brampton, Burlington, Burnaby, Cambridge, Coquitlam, East York, Etobicoke, Gatineau, Gloucester, Laval, Longueuil, Markham , Mississauga, Nepean, North York, Oakville, Richmond, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Surrey, Vaughan, and York. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-1999.</p><p>Central African Republic </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden, 1971 from UN DYB 1975 and Alligemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Zentral Africanische Republik 1971, 1979 from Statistik des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht Zentral Afrikanische Republik 1983, 1988 from xxx, 2001 from and World</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1988-2001.</p><p>Chad </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1970 are from Germany (West) Statistisches Bundesamt, Landerkurzbericht Tschad 1978, 1979 from Germany (West) Statistisches Bundesamt, Landerkurzbericht Tschad, 1993 from, 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1960.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Moundou 1963 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970 and 1993-2001.</p><p>9 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Chile </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from Statistical Abstract 1963, 1970 from Statistical Abstract for Chile 1971, 1981 from Instituto Nacionla De Estadisticas Compendio estadistico Chile 1981-82, 1992 from city, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Puente Alto, and San Bernardo that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970 and 1992-1999.</p><p>China </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1957 1965 1978 are from Cities China 1949-1998, and 1990 1998 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1957 and 1998 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1957-1965 and 1990-1998.</p><p>Colombia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from Statistiche Des Auslandes Colombia 1968, 1970 from xxx, 1973 from Colombia Estadistica 1982, La Poblacion en Colombia, 1973 XIV censo nacional de poblcion y III de vivienda, and Colombia Estistica 1979, 1980 from xxx, 1993 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data. But for 1962 and 1980, all the city numbers are substituted for missing agglomeration numbers: It is based on the similarity between the agglomeration numbers and city numbers. </p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bello, Dos Quebradas, Envigado, Floridablanca, Itagüí, Soacha, and Soledad. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Cúcuta 1962, Florencia 1962, Pasto 1962, Neiva 1962, Villavicencio 1962, Valledupar 1962, Popayán 1962, Sincelejo 1962, Tunja 1962, Cúcuta 1970, Florencia 1970, Palmira 1970, Cúcuta 1980, Florencia 1980, Tuluá 1980,</p><p>10 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Cúcuta 1993, Florencia 1993, Palmira 1993, Popayán 1993, Cúcuta 2001, Florencia 2001, and Buenaventura 2001. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Congo Democratic Republic </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 1971 are from Statistiches Bundesamt West Germany, Landerkurzbericht Kongo1975 and UN DYB 1965, 1979 from Statistiches Bundesamt West Germany, Landerkurzbericht Kongo 1981, 1989 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Costa Rica </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Cote I'voire </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 from xxx, 1970 from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerbericht Elfenbeinkuste Landerberich 1980, 1979 from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerbericht Elfenbeinkuste Landerberich 1982, and 1986 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Anyama that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>The following cities are dropped because of bad data: Korhogo 1963, and Yamoussoukro 1970. </p><p>Missing data of Korhogo 1963 1979, Yamoussoukro 1970 1979, Divo 1970 1979, and Gagnoa 1979 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970 and 1986-2001.</p><p>11 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Croatia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from UN DYB 1965, 1971 from UN DYB 1975, and 1981 1991 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Split 1961 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Cuba </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from Statistiches Bundesamt, 1970 from UN DYB 1965 and Statistiches Bundesamt 1983, 1981 from Statistiches Bundesamt 1983, 1991 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Victoria de las Tunas (Las Tunas), and add the 1991 number of this city to the missing city population of Las Tunas for 1991: We think both are the same city.</p><p>The following cities are dropped because of bad data: Bayamo 1970, Camagüey 1970, Sancti Spíritus 1970, and Santa Clara 1970. </p><p>Missing data of Palma Soriano 1964, Ciego de Avila 1964, Santiago de Cuba 1970, Camagüey 1970, Santa Clara 1970 , Matanzas 1970, Manzanillo 1981, and Palma Soriano 1981 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1970.</p><p>Czech </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from 1965 DYB, 1974 from UN DYB 1974, 1980 from xxx, 1991 from, and 2001 from</p><p>12 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. But the 1980 agglomeration number of Brno [Brünn] is substituted for missing city number for 1980, since it is consistent with other years’ numbers. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1974 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Denmark </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from Danmark Statistik1981, 1981 from Statistik Danmakr 1984, and 1990 2000 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Aalborg 1965 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970.</p><p>DJbouti </p><p>The numbers for 1963 are from UN Demographic Yearbook, 1980 from xxx, and 1991 2000 from So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Jibūti 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970.</p><p>Dominican Republic </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 1970 1981 are from Statistik Des Auslandes Dominikanische Republik 1982, 1993 from, and 2002 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>13 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bajos de Haina, Puerto Plata (San Felipe de Puerto Plata). </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2002 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1993-2002.</p><p>Egypt </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx and Statistical Abstract 1968-69, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1983 from UN DYB 1985, 1986 from Statistical Yearbooks, and 1996 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Al-Jizah [Giza, Gise] that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>The following cities are dropped because of bad data: Kafr ash-Shaykh 1983, and Mallawi 1983. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1996 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1986-1996.</p><p>El Salvador </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1971 are from UN DYB 1975, and El Salvador En Cifras, and 1982 1992 1998 from So there is no data representing year 1960.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1990: Apopa, Delgado, Ilopango, Mejicanos, Nueva San Salvador, and Soyapango. </p><p>Missing data of Santa Ana 1960, and San Miguel 1960 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1998 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1992-1998.</p><p>Equador </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from Proyccion De La Pobalcion Del Ecuador, 1970 from Statistik Des Auslandes Ecuador 1973, 1982 from Portoviejo UN DYB 1995, 1991 from Censo De Poblacion Y IV De Vivienda 1990, 2001 from xxx. </p><p>14 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Ibarra 1970, Loja 1970, Cuenca 1991, and Portoviejo 1991 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Estonia </p><p>The numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from xxx, and 1989 2001 from </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Ethiopia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerberichte Athiopien 1968, 1970 from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerberichte Athiopien 1972, 1982 from People's Democratic Repulbic of Ethiopia Facts and Figures, Central Statistcal Authority 1990, 1994 from, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Dire Dawa 1962, Nazret 1962, and Gambella 1962 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1994-2001.</p><p>Fiji </p><p>The numbers for 1956 are from UN DYB 1965, 1966 from UN DYB 1975, 1976 from UN DYB 1985, 1986 from UN DYB 1995, and 2001 World</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>15 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956-1966 and 1986-2001.</p><p>Finland </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from 1965 DYB, 1973 from UN DYB 1975, 1979 from UN DYB 1980, 1983 from xxx, 1993 from, (for Helsinki 1993, Oulu 1993, Tampere 1993, and Turku 1993 from UN DYB 1995), and 2001 from and World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Espoo (Esbo), and Vantaa (Vanda). </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1973 and 1993-2001.</p><p>France </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from Statistical Yearbook 1962, 1968 from Statistical Yearbook for France 1969, 1982 1990 from, and 1999 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Aix-en-Provence, Boulogne-Billancourt, Roubaix, and Villeurbanne. </p><p>The following cities are dropped because of bad data: Le Havre 1968, and Limoges 1968. </p><p>Missing data of Brest 1962, Perpignan 1962, Nîmes 1962, Besançon 1962, Saint-Étienne 1968, Le Havre 1968, and Limoges 1968 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1968 and 1990-1999.</p><p>French Polynesia </p><p>The numbers for 1962 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1971 from UN DYB 1980, 1983 from xxx, 1988 from UN DYB 1999, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use agglomeration-level population data.</p><p>16 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1971 and 1988-2001.</p><p>Gabon </p><p>The numbers for 1970 are from Statistiches Bundesamt Landerkurzbericht Gabon 1983, 1980 from xxx, 1993 from xxx, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1960.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Libreville (incl. Peripherie) 1961 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Gambia </p><p>The numbers for 1963 1967 are from UN DYB 1970, 1980 from Statistiches Bundesamt, Landerkurzbericht , The Gambia 1983, 1993 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1967 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Germany </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from Statistical Yearbook for Germany 1966, 1969 from xxx, 1975 from Yearbook 1977, 1987 from, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1995: Bergisch Gladbach, Bochum, Bottrop, Dortmund, Duisburg, Erlangen, Fürth, Gelsenkirchen, Hagen, Hamm, Hannover, Heidelberg, Herne, Krefeld, Leverkusen, Ludwigshafen (am Rhein), Moers, Mülheim (an der Ruhr), Neuss, Oberhausen, Offenbach (am Main), Potsdam, Recklinghausen, and Witten. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Göttingen 1964, and Stuttgart 2000. </p><p>17 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1969 and 1987-2001.</p><p>Ghana </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB for 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1975, and 1984 2001 world- So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. Also Kumasi 1984 city number is substituted for missing agglomeration number: It is based on the similarity between the agglomeration numbers and city numbers. </p><p>We drop Tema that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>Missing data of Kumasi 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Greece </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from 1970 DYB for athens Patrai Thessaloniki, and Yearbook 1963 for rest of cities, 1971 from Statistical Yearbook 1972 and World, 1981 1991 from, and 2001 World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Kallithéa, Peristérion, and Piraiévs [Piräus]. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Guatemala </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>18 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Guinea </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Guinea Bissau </p><p>The numbers for 1950 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1955, 1979 from UN DYB 1990, 1991 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Bissau 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1950 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1950-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Guyana </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1975, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1980 and 1990.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Georgetown 1980 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Honduras </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960(61) are from xxx, 1973 from UN DYB, 1974 1980 from Statistisches Bundesamt Honduras 1981, 1980 agglomeration from Un DYB 1985, 1988 from, and for El Progresso, La Ceiba, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of San Pedro Sula 1960 1988 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>19 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1960(61) and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961(61)-1973(74) and 1988- 2001.</p><p>Hong Kong </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Hungary </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1970, 1974 from UN DYB 1975, 1985 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Györ 1960 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Iceland </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1970, 1974 from UN DYB 1974, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 1999 from xxx. </p><p>We use agglomeration-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-1999.</p><p>India </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 from xxx, 1971 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data.</p><p>20 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>When both agglomeration numbers and city numbers exist in a city in the same years, but not for other years, we adapt following rules: </p><p>For Cuttack, Jūnāgadh, Patiala, and Rajahmundry, we use city numbers for 1961, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Bhāvnagar (Bhaunagar), and Thoothukkudi (Tuticorin), we use city numbers for 1971, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Guntūr, Hisār, and Kollam (Quilon), we use city numbers for 1961 and 1971, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Bhiwandi, we use city numbers for 1971 and 1981, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Kākināda, we use city numbers for 1961 and 1981, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Ajmer, we use city numbers for 1961 1981 and 1991, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Alwar, Bhāgalpur, Cuddapah, Gaya, Gulbarga (Gulburga), Imphāl, and Tirupati, we use city numbers for 1961 1971 and 1981, and for other years we use agglomeration numbers. For Bhubaneswar, we use city numbers for 1961 1971 1981 and 1991, and for 2001 we use agglomeration numbers. For Ahmadnagar, Akola Alappuzha (Alleppey), Alīgarh, Amrāvati, Barddhamān (Burdwan), Bellary, Bhīlwāra, Bijāpur, Bīkāner, Brahmapur (Berhampur), Chandrapur, Darbhanga, Dāvanagere, Dhule, Durgāpur, Fīrozābād, Gorakhpur (Gorakhpoor), Guwāhāti (Gauhāti), Hubli- Dhārwār, Ichalkaranji (Ichaikaroji), Jalandhar (Jullundur), Jālgaon, Korba, Kota, Kurnool, Lātūr, Mālegaon, Muzaffarnagar, Muzaffarpur, Mysore, Nānded, Nellore, Nizāmābād, Pānīpat, Parbhani, Raipur, Rohtak, Saharanpur, Salem, Shiliguri (Siliguri), Shimla, Shimoga, Solapur, Udaipur, Ujjain, Warangal, and Yamunanagar, we use city numbers for entire years. </p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Ambattur, Bālly, Baranagar, Behāla (South Suburban), Bhātpāra, Dispur, Gajuwaka, Hāora (Howrah), Jadabpur, Kalyān, Kamarhati, Kukatpalle (Kukatpalli), Kulti, Lalbahadur Nagar, Maheshtala, Mira Bhayandar, Navi Mumbai (New Bombay), New Delhi, Noida, Pānihāti, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Rajarhat Gopālpur, Rajpur Sonārpur, South Dum Dum, and Ulhasnagar. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Pondicherry 1961, Bokāro Steel City 1961, Raurkela (Rourkela) 1961, Bhiwandi 1961, Erode 1961, Tiruppur 1961, Bilāspur 1961, Gāndhinagar 1961, Jammu 1961, Kharagpur 1971, Yamunanagar 1971, Jūnāgadh 1971, Guwāhāti (Gauhāti) 1981, and Kākināda 1981 1991. </p><p>Āīzawl 1971 is dropped because of bad data. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Indonesia </p><p>21 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1980, 1980 from UN DYB 1995, 1990 from xxx, 2001 from xxx, and 2002 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. </p><p>For Cibeureum 2001, Dukuhturi 2001, Gampengrejo 2001, Gamping 2001, Jati 2001, Jember 2001, Pekalongan 2001, and Tebingtinggi 2001, 2002 numbers are substituted for the missing 2001 numbers.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bekasi, Binjai, Bogor, Ciawi, Cibinong, Cimahi, Ciomas, Ciparay, Ciputat, Depok, Percut, Pondokgede, Sunggal, Taman (Jawa Timur), Teluknaga, and Waru. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Ambon 1970, Cirebon 1970, Probolinggo 1970, Palangkaraya 1970, Sukabumi 1970, Jember 1970, Tasikmalaya 1970, Palangkaraya 1980, Jember 1980, Tasikmalaya 1980, Tanjungkarang (T.-Telukbetunk, Bandar Lampung) 2001. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001(02) numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001(02).</p><p>Iran </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1956 are from Statistical Yearbook for Iran 1956 and UN DYB 1970, 1971 from Statistical Yearbook of 1973, 1982 from UN DYB 1995, 1991 from xxx, and 1996 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. But for Qom 1982, 1982 agglomeration number is substituted for the missing city number, since it is consistent with other years’ numbers.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Eslamshahr (Qasemabad), Karaj, Khomeynishahr (Homayunshahr), Khvorasgan, Najafabad, Qarchak, Qods, and Varamin. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Orumiyeh (Reza'iyeh) 1956, Qazvin 1956, Raja'ishahr 1956, Zahedan 1971, Mehrshahr 1971, Bandar-e 'Abbas 1971, Arak 1971, Kerman 1971, Ardabil 1971, Zanjan 1971, Sanandaj 1971, Borujerd 1971, Dezful 1971, Sari 1971, Gorgan 1971, Kashan 1971, Sabzevar 1971, Amol 1971, Khvoy 1971, Babol 1971, Malayer 1971, Ilam 1971, Maragheh 1971, Bojnurd 1971, Sirjan 1971, Birjand 1971, Masjed-e Soleyman 1971, Gonbad-e Qabus 1971, Jahrom 1971, Mahabad 1971, Saveh 1971, Zabol 1971, Mehrshahr 1982, Orumiyeh (Reza'iyeh) 1982, Arak 1982, Ardabil 1982, Dezful 1982, Raja'ishahr 1982, Amol 1982, Babol 1982, Malayer 1982, Ilam 1982, Maragheh 1982, Bojnurd 1982, Sirjan 1982, Birjand </p><p>22 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>1982, Abadan 1982, Gonbad-e Qabus 1982, Jahrom 1982, Khorramshahr (Khuninshahr) 1982, Mahabad 1982, Saveh 1982, Zabol 1982, and Raja'ishahr 1996, </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956 and 1996 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956-1971 and 1991-1996.</p><p>Iraq </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1957 are from Statistitiches Bundesamt Irak 1967 Stadt un-Landbevolkerung, 1970 from UN DYB 1995, 1978 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Irbil 1957, an-Najaf 1957, Karbala 1970, an-Nasiriryah 1970, al-Amarah 1970, ad-Diwaniyah 1970, ar-Ramadi 1970, al-Kut 1970, an-Nasiriryah 1978, al-Amarah 1978, ar-Ramadi 1978, al-Kut 1978, Irbil 1990, Kirkuk 1990, al-Basrah 1990, as-Sulaymaniyah 1990, an-Najaf 1990, Karbala 1990, al-Hillah 1990, an- Nasiriryah 1990, al-Amarah 1990, ad-Diwaniyah 1990, ar-Ramadi 1990, and al-Kut 1990. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1957 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1957-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Ireland </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from xxx, 1971 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1996 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1996-2001.</p><p>Israel </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 that is less than 100,000 are from Statistical Abstract for Israel 1961 and UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1974 from UN DYB 1975, and 1983 from, 1989 from and Un DYB 1990, and 2001 from</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>23 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1980: Bat Yam, Bene Beraq, Holon, Petah Tiqwa, Ramat Gan, and Rishon LeZiyyon. </p><p>Missing data of Be'ér Sheva' 1974, Netanya 1974, and Ashdod 1989 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1974 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Italy </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from 1965 UN DYB, 1975 from UN DYB 1975, 1981 1991 from, and 2001 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bergamo, Monza, Prato, and Torre del Greco. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Rimini 1964, Siracusa 1964, Pescara 1964, Sassari 1964, Forli 1964, Novara 1964, and Bolzano 1964. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1975 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Jamaica </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1980, 1982 from UN DYB 1995, 1991 from, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use agglomeration-level population data.</p><p>We drop Spanish Town that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>Japan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers are from Statistical Yearbook of Japan. </p><p>24 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Abiko, Ageo, Akishima, Asaka, Atsugi, Chiba, Chigasaki, Chofu, Ebina, Fuchi, Fujisawa, Fukaya, Funabashi, Hachioji, Hadano, Higashikurume, Higashimurayama, Hiratsuka, Hoya, Ichihara, Ichikawa, Iruma, Iwatsuki, Kamakura, Kashiwa, Kasukabe, Kawagoe, Kawaguchi, Kawasaki, Kisarazu, Kodaira, Koganei, Kokubunji, Koshigaya, Kumagaya, Machida, Matsudo, Misato, Musashino, Nagareyama, Narashino, Niiza, Noda, Ome, Omiya, Sagamihara, Sayama, Soka, Tachikawa, Tama, Tokorozawa, Tsukaba, Urawa, Urayasu, Yachiyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, and Zama. </p><p>Jordan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from Statistical Guide to Jordan, 1973 from Statistical Guide to Jordan 1973, 1979 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1973 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Kazakstan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, and 1979 1989 1999 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Earaoanda 1970, Shymkent 1970, Aqtobe 1970, Qostanay (Kustanaj) 1970, Earaoanda 1979, and Kostanay 1979.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1989-1999.</p><p>Kenya </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965 (for over 100,000), for below 100,000 from Statistical Abstract 1963, 1969 from Statistical Abstract of Kenya 1976, for agglomeration 1969 1979 from UN DYB 1970, for Mombasa 1969 1979 from Statistiches </p><p>25 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Bundesamt, Landerbericht Kenya 1982, 1979 from Statistical Abstract for Kenya 1986 (data for district), 1989 from Statistical Abstract for Kenya 1998, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Machakos 1962, and Meru 1962 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1969 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Krygzstan </p><p>The numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1980 from UN DYB 1980, 1990 from UN DYB 1990, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1990(91)- 2001.</p><p>Kuwait </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Statistical Yearbook 1964-67, for Kuwait City 1961 from UN Demographic Yearbook for 1970, 1970 1980 from Annual Statistical Abstract 1985, for Kuwait city 1970 from UN DYB 1975, and 1995 2001 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop al-Aomado, and Hawalli that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1995-2001.</p><p>Laos </p><p>The numbers for 1966 are from UN DYB 1995, and 1985 1995 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1960. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>26 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Missing data of Vientiane 1962 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1966 and 1995-2001.</p><p>Latvia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1970 are from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from UN DYB 1980, 1990 from UN DYB 1990, and 2001 from So there is no data representing year 1960.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Daugavpils 1960 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>Lebanon </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Libanon 1969, 1970 from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Libanon 1972, for Sur 1971 from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Libanon 1975, and 2001 2002 from So there is no data representing year 1980 and 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Tripoli 1980 1990, Şayda 1980 1990, and Sur 1980 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001(02) numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1970 and 1990- 2001(02).</p><p>Lesotho </p><p>The numbers for 1956 are from UN DYB 1970, 1972 from UN DYB 1985, 1976 from xxx, and 1986 2001 from </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956-1972 and 1986-2001.</p><p>27 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Liberia </p><p>The numbers for 1956 are from UN DYB 1970, 1970 from UN DYB 1975, 1984 from, and 2001 from So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Monrovia 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Lithuania </p><p>The numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1980 from xxx, 1989 from, and 1999 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Klaipoda 1970 1980 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1989-1999.</p><p>Macedonia </p><p>The numbers for 1981 are from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1960 and 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>Madagascar </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistiches Bundesamt Landerkurzbericht Madagascar 1969, 1970 from Statistiches Bundesamt Landerkurzbericht 1979, 1981 from Statistiches Bundesamt 1982 Madagascar, 1993 from, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>28 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1993-2001.</p><p>Malawi </p><p>The numbers for 1964 are from Compendium of Statistics for Malawi 1965, for 1972 agglomeration from UN DYB 1975, 1981 from Statistiches Bundemsamt Malawi 1984, 1987 from UN DYB 1995, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Lilongwe 1972 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1972 and 1987-2001.</p><p>Malaysia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1957 are from 1970 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Statistik Des Auslandes Malaysia 1969, and Statistik des Auslandes Malaysia 1979, 1970 from Statistical Yearbook for Malaysia 1987, 1980 1991 from, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Miri 1957, Sandakan 1957, Sibu 1957, Tawau 1957, Ampang 1957, Kuantan 1970, Malacca 2001, and Bukit Mertajam 2001.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1957 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1957-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Mali </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 from xxx, 1970 from Statistiches Bundesamt Landerkurzbeiricht Mali 1981, 1976 from World, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Tombouctou 1970, Segou 1990, Gao 1990, Kati 1990, Mopti 1990, Nioro 1990, Sikasso 1990, and Tombouctou 1990.</p><p>29 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Martinique </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from UN DYB 1970, 1982 from UN DYB 1990, 1990 from xxx, 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Fort-de-France 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Mexico </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are Census data 1960 from Census Estimates from Mexico 1961, 1970 from Census 1971 resumen, 1980 from Census 1981 resumen, and 1990 2000 data from</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Apodaca, Atizapan de Zaragoza, Chicoloapan, Chimalhuacan, Ciudad Lerdo, Coacalco de Berriozabal, Cuautitlan, Cuautitlan Izcalli, Ecatepec, General Escobedo, Gomez Palacio, Guadelupe, and Ixtapaluca. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Nezahualcoyotl 1960, Coatzacoalcos 1960, Tapachula 1960, Chilpancingo 1960, Apizaco 1960, Chilapa de Alvarez 1960, Ciudad Guzman 1960, Frontera 1960, Heroica Caborca 1960, Lazaro Cardenas 1960, Macuspana 1960, Navolato 1960, San Pablo de las Salinas 1960, Tuxtepec 1960, Zapopan 1970, Queretaro 1970, Los Mochis 1970, Ciudad Hidalgo 1970, Heroica Zitácuaro (Zitacuaro) 1970, Huixquilucan 1970, San Mateo Atenco 1970, San Miguel Zinacantepec 1970, Tecoman 1970, Naucalpan 1980, Tlalnepantla 1980, Tehuacan 1980, Zacatecas 1980, Colima 1980, Atlixco 1980, Chalco 1980, Cheturnal 1980, Cholula de Rivadavia (San Pedro Cholula) 1980, Comitan de Dominguez 1980, Fresnillo 1980, Heroica Caborca 1980, Huixquilucan 1980, La Piedad 1980, Los Reyes la Paz 1980, Metepec 1980, Navolato 1980, Nicolas Romero 1980, San Jose del Cabo 1980, San Martin Texmelucan 1980, San Mateo Atenco 1980, San Miguel Zinacantepec 1980, San Pablo de las Salinas 1980, Santa Cruz Tecamac 1980, Texcoco 1980, Teziutlan 1980, Tultilan (Buenavista) 1980, Valle de Chalco 1980, Zihuatanejo 1980, Santiago Jamiltepec 1990, and Valle de Chalco 1990.</p><p>30 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Moldova </p><p>The numbers in 1990 are from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1960 1970 and 1980.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Mongolia </p><p>The numbers for 1962 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1980 from UN DYB 1980, 1989 from xxx, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Ulan-Bator 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1970 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Morocco </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 1970 are from UN DYB 1970, 1971 from Statitisches Bundesamt Marakko 1990, 1982 1994 from, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Agadir 1960, Nador 1960, and Mohammedia 2002 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1994-2001.</p><p>Mozambique </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1970 from Annuario Estatistico 1972, and Statistiches Bundesamt 1983, 1980 from xxx, 1997 from xxx, and 2002 from xxx.</p><p>31 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Matola that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Xai-Xai 1960, Quelimane 1960, Gurue 1970, Nacala 1970, Chimoio 1970, and Gurue 1980. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2002 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1997-2002.</p><p>Myanmar </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1953 1973 are from Statistical Abstract for 1996, and 1983 1993 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Taunggyi 1953, Lashio 1953 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1953 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1953-1973 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Namibia </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1970, 1974 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>Nepal </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1971 from UN DYB 1980, and 1981 1991 2001 from</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Wiratnagar 1971, Lalitpur 1971, and Birganj 1971 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>32 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971.</p><p>Netherlands </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers are from Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data.</p><p>We drop Haarlemmermeer that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>New Zealand </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 1970 are from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from UN DYB 1980, 1993 from UN DYB 1995, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Manukau, North Shore, and Waitakere </p><p>Missing data of Hamilton 1970 1979, Dunedin 1979, and Hutt 1979 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Nicaragua </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden Landerkurzberichte Nicaragua 1968, 1971 from xxx, 1981 from Annuario Estadistico De Nicaragua 1981, and, and 1995 2001 from</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1995-2001.</p><p>Niger </p><p>33 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The numbers for 1960 1970 are from Statistik Bundesamt Landerkurzbericht Niger 1974, 1977 1988 from, and 2001 from world </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1988-2001.</p><p>Nigeria </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from UN Yearbook 1965 (for cities over 100,000), for 1963 (below 100,000) from Statistik Des Auslandes, Nigeria 1983, 1970 from Statistik Des Auslandes, Nigeria 1983, and UN DYB from 1970, 1980 from Statistiches Bundesamt 1987, and 1991 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Ikorodu, Sango Ota that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Ede 1970, Oyo 1970, Calabar 1970, Abakaliki 1970, Akure 1970, Amaigbo 1970, Awka 1970, Bauchi 1970, Bida 1970, Efon Alaye 1970, Ejigbo 1970, Funtua 1970, Gashua 1970, Gboko 1970, Gbongan 1970, Gombe 1970, Gusau 1970, Ifon Osun 1970, Igboho 1970, Ijebu Ode 1970, Ijero 1970, Ikirun 1970, Ikot Ekpene 1970, Ilawe 1970, Inisa 1970, Ise 1970, Jimeta 1970, Jos 1970, Kishi 1970, Lafia 1970, Makurdi 1970, Mubi 1970, Offa 1970, Okrika 1970, Ondo 1970, Owerri 1970, Owo 1970, Shagamu 1970, Shaki 1970, Sokoto 1970, Ugep 1970, Umuahia 1970, Uyo 1970, Ogbomosho 1980, Kano 1980, Oshogbo 1980, Ilesha 1980, Zaria 1980, Onitsha 1980, Ado 1980, Iwo 1980, Ede 1980, Aba 1980, Ife 1980, Ila 1980, Oyo 1980, Ikare 1980, Iseyin 1980, Katsina 1980, Abakaliki 1980, Amaigbo 1980, Awka 1980, Bauchi 1980, Bida 1980, Efon Alaye 1980, Ejigbo 1980, Funtua 1980, Gashua 1980, Gboko 1980, Gbongan 1980, Gombe 1980, Gusau 1980, Ifon Osun 1980, Igboho 1980, Ijebu Ode 1980, Ijero 1980, Ikire 1980, Ikirun 1980, Ikot Ekpene 1980, Ilawe 1980, Inisa 1980, Ise 1980, Jimeta 1980, Kishi 1980, Lafia 1980, Makurdi 1980, Mubi 1980, Offa 1980, Okrika 1980, Ondo 1980, Owerri 1980, Owo 1980, Shagamu 1980, Shaki 1980, Ugep 1980, Umuahia 1980, and Uyo 1980.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Norway </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for Bergen 1960 are from UN DYB 1970, Trondheim 1960 from Statistical Yearbook </p><p>34 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>1961, 1974 from UN DYB 1975, 1979 from UN DYB 1980, and 1990 1999 from </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Bærum that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-1999.</p><p>Pakistan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Census Abstract for Pakistan 1961, 1972 from Statistical Yearbook for Pakisthan 1991, 1981 from, and 1998 from So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Mingoora 1961, Muridike 1961, Quetta 1972, Quetta 1990, Sargodha 1990, Sialkot (incl. Cantonment) 1990, Bahawalpur 1990, Sukkur 1990, Shekhapura 1990, Larkana 1990, Okara 1990, Gujrat 1990, Mardan 1990, Kasir 1990, Rahamyar Khan 1990, Sahawal 1990, Weh 1990, Dera Ghozi Khan 1990, Marpur Khas 1990, Nawabshah 1990, Mingoora 1990, Chiniot 1990, Kemoke 1990, Barewala 1990, Jhelum 1990, Sadiqabad 1990, Jacobabad 1990, Shikarpur 1990, Khanewal 1990, Hafizabad 1990, Kohat 1990, Muzaffargarh 1990, Khanpur 1990, Gojra 1990, Bahawalnagar 1990, Muridike 1990, Pakpattan 1990, Abbottabad 1990, Tando Adam 1990, Jaranwala 1990, Khairpur 1990, Chishtian Mandi 1990, Daska 1990, and Jhang Maghiāna (Jhang Sadar) 1990.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1998 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1972 and 1990-1998.</p><p>Panama </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>We drop San Miguelito that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Papua New Guinea </p><p>35 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The numbers for 1956 are from UN Demographic Yearbook for 1965, 1966 from UN DYB 1970, 1980 from UN DYB 1990, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Port Moresby 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956-1966 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Paraguay </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1982 1992 are from, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1960 and 1970.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Fernando de la Mora, Lambare, Luque, and San Lorenzo. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1972 and 1992-2001.</p><p>Peru </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Boletin de Analisis Demografico, Offina Nacional de Estadistica, 1972 from Boletin de Analisis Demografico, Offina Nacional de Estadistica, and Statistiches 1980, 1981 from xxx, 1993 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Pucallpa 1972, Ica 1972, Sullana 1972, Cajamarca 1972, Ayacuchu 1972, Chincha Alta 1972, Huanuco 1972, Talara 1972, Cajamarca 1981, and Huanuco 1981.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1972 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Philippines </p><p>36 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers are from Philippine Statistical Yearbook.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. </p><p>Poland </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1989 from xxx, and 1999 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. But for the WUP numbers for Gdansk [Danzig], we use the sum of city-level numbers of Gdansk [Danzig] and Gdynia. </p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Bytom, Chorzow, Dabrowa Górnicza, Gdynia, Gleiwitz, Ruda Slaska, Sosnowitz, Tychy, and Zabrze [Hindenburg]. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Rzeszow 1960, Gorzów Wielkopolski 1960, Koszalin 1960, Legnica 1960, and Slupsk 1960.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1989-1999.</p><p>Portugal </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Amadora, and Setubal that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Missing data of Funchal 1970, Braga 1970, and Coimbra 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>Puerto Rico </p><p>37 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN DYB 1970, 1970 from UN DYB 1975, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Carolina that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1990.</p><p>Reunion </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from UN Demographic Yearbook, 1974 from xxx, 1982 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 1999 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Saint-Pierre 1961 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1974 and 1990-1999.</p><p>Romania </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1956 are from UN DYB 1970, 1958 from xxx, 1969 from UN DYB 1970, 1978 from UN DYB 1980, 1992 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Piteoti 1969, Targu Mureo 1969, Buzau 1969, Satu Mare 1969, Piatra Neamţ 1969, Suceava 1969, Ramnicu Valcea 1969, Resita 1969, Piteoti 1978, Piatra Neamţ 1978, Suceava 1978, Ramnicu Valcea 1978, and Resita 1978.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1956(58) and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1956(58)-1969 and 1992- 2001.</p><p>Russia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1959, 1970 are from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from xxx, 1989 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx.</p><p>38 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Lipeck 1959, Simbirsk 1959, Severodvinsk 1970, Leninsk-Kuzneckij 1970, Novosachtinsk 1970, Elista 1989, and Zeleznodorodnyj 1989. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1970.</p><p>Rwanda </p><p>The numbers for 1959 are from UN Yearbook 1965, 1970 from Statistiches Bundesamt 1980, 1978 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>Sahara </p><p>The numbers for 1960 1970 are from Un DYB 1970, 1982 from xxx, 1994 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1994-2001.</p><p>Saudi Arabia </p><p>The numbers for 1963 are from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Saudi Arabien 1968, for Hofuf 1963 from Statistik Des Auslandes Saudi Arabien 1970, for Taif 1963 from Statistik Des Auslandes Saudi Arabien 1973, 1971 from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzberichte Saudi Arabien 1973, 1980 from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerbericht Saudi Arabien 1982, 1992 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Dammam 1963, and Hofuf 1980 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1971 and 1992-2001.</p><p>39 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Senegal </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistisches Landerbericht Senegal, 1970 1979 from Statistisches Landerbericht Senegal 1985, 1988 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1988-2001.</p><p>Sierra Leone </p><p>The numbers for 1963 are for Freetown from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, 1974 from Statisches Bundesamt Statisk des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht Sierra Leone 1982, 1985 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1980.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Freetown 1980, Koidu 1980, and Makeni 1980 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1974 and 1985-2001.</p><p>Singapore </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Slovakia </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from xxx, 1968 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1968 and 1991-2001.</p><p>40 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Slovenia </p><p>The numbers for 1981 are from World, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1960 and 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>Somalia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from xxx, 1966 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1990.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Hargeisa 1990, kismayu 1990, and Merca 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1966 and 1990-2001.</p><p>South Africa </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, Statistical Yearbook for South Africa 1960, and Statistical Yearbook 1970, 1970 from UN DYB 1975, South Africa Statistical Yearbook 1970 1975, and Africa below the Sahara 1995 edition, 1980 from xxx, 1991 from, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Midrand, Paarl, Somerset West, Soweto, Uitenhage, and Verwoerdburg </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Witbank 1960, Tembisa 1970, Botshabelo 1970, Boksburg 1970, Alberton 1970, Brakpan 1970, Carltonville 1970, King Williams Town 1970, Krugersdorp 1970, Newcastle 1970, Randfontein 1970, Vanderbijlpark 1970, Welkom 1970, Westonaria 1970, Tembisa 1980, Botshabelo 1980, Alberton 1980, Brakpan 1980, Carltonville 1980, George 1980, King Williams Town 1980, Klerksdorp 1980, Krugersdorp 1980, Nelspruit 1980, Newcastle 1980, Nigel 1980, Potchefstroom 1980, Randfontein 1980, </p><p>41 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Rustenburg 1980, Vanderbijlpark 1980, Welkom 1980, Westonaria 1980, Witbank 1980, King Williams Town 1991, and Nigel 1991. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1991-2001.</p><p>South Korea </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 1965 1970 1975 are from Statistical Yearbook for South Korea 1975, 1980 data from xxx, and UN DYB 1985, 1985 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data. But the 1960 agglomeration number of Suwon is substituted for missing city number, since it is consistent with other years’ numbers.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Tiejeongbu (Eujeongbu) 1960, Kumi 1960, Chechon 1960, and Tonghae (Donghae) 1960.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970(75).</p><p>Spain </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1974 from xxx, 1981 from Espana Annuario Estadistico 1988 (data for municipios), 1991 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Badalona, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Leganés, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Mataró, Móstoles, Sabadell, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, and Terrassa (Tarrasa). </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Las Palmas (de Gran Canaria) 1960, Palma de Mallorca 1960, Vitoria-Gasteiz 1960, Elche (Elx) 1960, Pamplona (Iruña) 1960, Lleida (Lérida) 1960, Barakaldo (San Vicente de Baracaldo) 1960, Murcia 1974, Logroño 1974, Tarragona 1974, Jaén 1974, Ourense (Orense) 1974, A Coruaa (La Coruña) 1974, Logroño 1981, A Coruaa (La Coruña) 1981, Pamplona (Iruña) 2000, La Laguna (San Cristóbal de la Laguna) 2000, and Barakaldo (San Vicente de Baracaldo) 2000</p><p>42 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Sri Lanka </p><p>The numbers for 1963 are from UN Demographic Yearbook for 1965, 1971 from Statistical Abstract 1995, 1981 from xxx, 1994 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Kotte 1963, Maha Nuwara 1971, and Mogamuwa 1971 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1971 and 1994-2001.</p><p>Sudan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from UN Demographic 1965, 1970 from Statisk Des Auslandes Sudan 1982, 1983 from xxx, 1993 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop al-Haram Bar that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000:</p><p>Missing data of K*st* 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1970 and 1993-2001.</p><p>Suriname </p><p>The numbers for 1961 are from xxx, and 2000 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1970 1980 and 1990.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-2000.</p><p>Sweden </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1969 from xxx, 1982 from xxx, 1993 from xxx, and 1998 from xxx.</p><p>43 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1998 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1993-1998.</p><p>Switzerland </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from UN DYB 1965, 1975 from UN DYB 1975, 1978 for Basel from UN DYB 1980, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Bern 2001, and Lausanne 2001 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1975 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Syria </p><p>The numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>We drop Jaramānah that we think parts of Dimshq in 2000:</p><p>Missing data of al-Ĥasakah 1990, and Ţarţūs 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Tajikistan </p><p>The numbers for 1965 are from xxx, 1979 from xxx, 1989 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Dushanbe 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>44 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1979 and 1989-2001.</p><p>Tanzania </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1957 are from UN DYB 1970, 1970 from Statistitiches Bundesamt 1976, and UN DYB 1970, 1978 from xxx, 1988 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Mbeya 1957, Zanzibar 1970, and Geita 1988 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1957 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1957-1970 and 1988-2001.</p><p>Thailand </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1983 are from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2000 from World So there is no data representing year 1960 and 1970.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1970.</p><p>Tunisia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from Statistiches Bundesamt Wiesbaden 1968 from Tunisia, 1975 from Statistik Des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht Tunisia 1981, 1984 from xxx, 1994 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Aryanah that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>Missing data of Binzart 1994, and Q*bis 1994 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>Turkey </p><p>45 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Esenyurt, Gebze, and Sultanbeyli that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>Missing data of Hatay (Antakya) 2001, and Sanliurfa (Urfa) 2001 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1990-2001.</p><p>Turkmenistan </p><p>The numbers for 1959 are from xxx, 1965 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1989 from xxx, and 1999 from xxx.</p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1965 and 1989-1999.</p><p>Uganda </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Ukraine </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from xxx, 1970 from UN DYB 1970, 1979 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Kirovohrad 1970, Syeverodonets'k 1960, Krasnyy Luch 1970, Kam'yanets'-Podol's'kyy 1970, Zhytomyr 1991, Konstyantynivka 2001, Konotop 2001, and Oleksandriya 2001. </p><p>46 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1970 and 1991-2001.</p><p>United Arab Emirates </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1965 are from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1995 from xxx, and 2001 from World So there is no data representing year 1970.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Dubayy [Dubai] 1970 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1965 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1965-1980 and 1995-2001.</p><p>United Kingdom </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1964 are from xxx, 1974 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 1990: Bolton, Bradford, Dudley, Huddersfield, Oldham, Stockport, Sutton Coldfield, Walsall, West Bromwich, and Wolverhampton. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Poole 1964, Middlesbrough 1974, Preston 1974, Belfast 1981 1991.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1964 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1964-1974.</p><p>United States of America </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2000 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration-level data. But for Johnson City 1970, Killeen 1970, Lakeland 1970, Melbourne 1970, Lincoln 1980, Portland 1980, </p><p>47 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc and Tallahassee 1980, the city-level numbers are substituted for the missing agglomeration numbers, since it is consistent with other years’ numbers.</p><p>We drop following cities that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000: Arlington, Aurora, Bridgeport, FortWorth, Fremont, Garland, Glendale CA, Hialeah, Jersey City, Long Beach, Long Branch (Monmouth-Ocean), Mesa, Nassau-Suffolk, New Brunswick (Middlesex-Somerset), Oakland, Paterson (Bergen-Passaic), Plano, Santa Ana, Scottsdale, St. Paul, St. Petersburg, Stamford, Trenton, and Virginia Beach. </p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Springfield 1960, Portsmouth 1960, Modesto 1970, Sarasota 1970, Reno 1980, Waco 1980, Topeka 1980, Portsmouth 1980, Brockton 1980, Galveston 1980, Wilmington 1980, Sioux City 1990, and Abilene 1990. </p><p>Uraguay </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data.</p><p>Uzbekistan </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1959 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1979 from xxx, 1989 from xxx, 1997 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Jizzakh (Džizak) 2001 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 and 2001(1997) numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1970 and 1989- 2001(1997).</p><p>Venezuela </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from Direccion General de Estadistica y Censos Nacionales, 1971 from World, 1981 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from World </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Ciudad Guayana 1961, Catia La Mar 1961, El Limón 1961, Ocumare del Tuy 1961, and Ciudad Ojeda 1971.</p><p>48 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971.</p><p>Vietnam </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1960 are from UN Demographic Yearbook 1965, and Statistiches Auslandes, Bundesamt 1972 (except for Hanoi and Hai Pong), 1973 from xxx, 1979 from xxx, 1992 from xxx, and 2001 from World</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>We drop Bien Hoa that we think parts of WUP agglomerations in 2000.</p><p>Following missing data are extrapolated using relevant growth rates: Long Xuyen 1973, Phan Thiet 1973, Cam Ranh 1979, Buon Me Thuot 1992, Thanh Hoa 1992, Ca Mau 1992, Cam Ranh 1992, Phan Thiet 1992, Play Cu 1992, and Soc Trang 1992. </p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1992-2001.</p><p>Yemen </p><p>The numbers for 1963 are from Allgemeine Statistik Des Auslandes Jemen 1973, 1973 from Statistik des Auslandes Landerkurzbericht Jemen, Demokratische Volksrepublik 1980, 1977 from xxx, 1981 from Statistical Yearbook of Yemen 1980, and 1994 2002 from </p><p>We use city-level population data.</p><p>Missing data of Tacizz 1963, Damar 1963, and Ibb 1963 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2002 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1973 and 1994-2002.</p><p>Yugoslavia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1961 are from UN DYB 1965, 1971 from xxx, 1981 from xxx, 1991 from xxx, and 1999 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>49 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>Missing data of Niš 1961 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1961 and 1999 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1961-1971 and 1991-1999.</p><p>Zaire </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1959 are from UN DYB 1965, 1969 from UN DYB for 1970, 1976 from xxx, 1984 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Mbandaka 1959 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1959 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1959-1969 and 1984-2001.</p><p>Zambia </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1963 are from xxx, 1970 from xxx, 1980 from xxx, 1990 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx.</p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, agglomeration data. If both are not available, we use city-level data. But for 1963 and 1970, city-level numbers are substituted for missing agglomeration numbers, since they are consistent with other years’ numbers.</p><p>Missing data of Livingstone 1990 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1963 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1963-1970 and 1990-2001.</p><p>Zimbabwe </p><p>The WUP agglomeration numbers are from UN World Urban Prospects. For non-WUP cities, the numbers for 1962 are from UN DYB 1970, 1969 are from UN DYB 1970, and Statistiches Des Auslandes Zimbabwe 1982, 1982 from xxx, 1992 from xxx, and 2001 from xxx. </p><p>We use WUP-level population data, and if they are not available, city-level data.</p><p>Missing data of Chitungwiza 1969 are extrapolated using relevant growth rates.</p><p>50 0f6b8cccce3cb143be886a2a6f72417b.doc</p><p>For the purpose of generating 1960 and 2000 comparisons, 1962 and 2001 numbers are extrapolated to get 1960 and 2000 numbers using the growth rates of 1962-1969 and 1992-2001.</p><p>51</p>

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