<p> SOUTH WELLINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL “Act well your part. There all the honour lies.” There all the honour lies.” CHARTER 2015 – 2018</p><p>Charter Statement</p><p>The guiding principles of the Charter will ensure that all students are given educational opportunities to enhance their learning. We will challenge students to achieve personal standards of excellence while respecting their culture and dignity. Through consultation with the community and recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Board of Trustees in partnership with the Minister of Education, will seek to fulfil the provisions of the Education Act through this Charter.</p><p>School Description</p><p>South Wellington Intermediate School is a co-educational state intermediate school in Newtown, Wellington. It caters for Year 7 & 8 students. The students and teachers at the school represent diverse cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Students at the school are generally drawn from Wellington’s southern suburbs. There has been a school on this site since 1896. It was a full primary until 1946 and an intermediate school thereafter. The school buildings consist of a two storey classroom block and administration block, a two storey Technology/Arts block and a hall which is currently under construction. All buildings except the hall are under one roof.</p><p>Mission “challenge, engage, inquire, inspire”</p><p>Vision</p><p>To always challenge the status quo, engaging and inspiring our students to achieve to their highest potential at SWIS and beyond.</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 1 Aims and Objectives 2015 -2018 Covering the three statutory areas of student achievement, school performance and use of resources (Education Standards Act 2001) AREA AIMS OBJECTIVES Curriculum Delivery Provide an excellent balanced curriculum in Within the balanced curriculum there will be a focus on Literacy and accordance with the New Zealand Curriculum Numeracy. Framework and the relevant curriculum statements. While identifying and addressing individual learning needs, students (Policy: Curriculum Delivery N.A.G. 1) at risk of not achieving will be specifically identified and supported. For all students to successfully access the New Zealand Assessment information will be strengthened to inform teaching and Curriculum, as evidenced by progress and learning, and enhance ways the data can be reported to the board and achievement in relation to the National Standards. parents using eTAP software. Safe Environment Provide a safe physical and emotional environment for Engage in creating a safe and secure environment using the ‘Positive students and employees. Behaviour for Learning’ programme. (Policy: Safe Environment N.A.G. 5) Personnel Be a good employer recognising the need for an Provide appropriate professional development. effective staff to provide the best learning Operate a robust staff appraisal system. environment for students. Encourage staff to seek new opportunities to enhance learning for (Policy: Personnel N.A.G. 3) students. Ensure appropriate support mechanisms are in place for staff. Finance Allocate funds to implement of the school Charter. Review expenditure during year to ensure budget is maintained. Monitor and control school expenditure. Maintain Work with Education Services to ensure appropriate documents are appropriate documentation to meet statutory available for audit. requirements. Ensure funding available is directed to Charter objectives. (Policy: Finance N.A.G. 4 Sect. 1) Property Ensure a safe and healthy environment conducive to Implement procedures to ensure environmental hazards are teaching and learning. identified and a safe environment is maintained. (Policies: Finance & Property N.A.G. 4) Ensure any issues relating to construction and decorating work are addressed so the property is safe to occupy. Community See Strategic Plan Goal See Strategic Plan goals Involvement</p><p>Self- Review Monitor and self-review against the N.A.G.’s and our Follow the self review programme for policies, guiding principles. procedures, delegations and terms of reference. Create and follow an (Policy: Self Review N.A.G. 2) annual development plan. The school to regularly reflect on all its practices to ensure on-going improvement. Administration To ensure we comply with legislation and regulations Comply with legislative requirements. for the operation of the school. (Policy: Administration N.A.G. 6)</p><p>International To comply with the Code of Practice for the pastoral International students are enriched by their education and living</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 2 Students care of international students. experiences at SWIS. SWIS students are equipped to participate fully in an inter-connected world. SWIS is strengthened academically, socially and financially through international students. SWIS students gain opportunities to participate in cultural exchanges. Priority Learners: See Strategic Plan See Strategic plan Maori Priority Learners: See Strategic Plan See Strategic Plan Pasifika</p><p>Four Year Development Strategy 2015- 2018 This is a “rolling” plan. Each year’s strategic goals are confirmed prior to the commencement of the year. Strategic goals for subsequent years are tentative pending “opportunities” adjustments and confirmation at the commencement of the year. Appropriate documentation for each goal are provided in Annual plans. GOAL TITLE Targets EST. LEADERSHIP 2015 2016 2017 2018 COST Confirmed Provisional Provisional Provisional Quality Teacher All teachers have high expectations of all students $3000 Principal learning & All teachers have planning which specifically identifies Syndicate * practice priority learners leaders Accelerating All year 7 students who are below National Standards for $3,000 Mr Young Literacy reading or writing will achieve at or above by the end of year * 8. Accelerating All year 7 students who are below National $2000 Miss Sangster Numeracy Standards for maths will achieve at or above by * the end of year 8. E-LEARNING -‐ The special needs register in eTAP will be used. $10000 Principal Maximising To ensure that teachers are able to use a variety of BYOD to Ms * powerful enhance teaching and learning. Sultantono learning and engagement Inclusive The special needs register in eTAP will be used. $0 Principal All students will be catered for within their classroom * programme</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 3 Accelerating All year 7 Maori students who are below National Standards $0 Whaea achievement of for reading, writing or maths will achieve at or above the Vanessa * Maori students National Standard by the end of year 8 Principal To ensure that all Maori students identified on the special Ms Gasson needs register are accurately tracked and intervention programmes used.</p><p> Accelerating All year 7 Pasifika students who are below National $0 Principal achievement of Standards for reading, writing or maths will achieve at or Whaea * Pasifika above the National Standard by the end of year 8 Vanessa students To ensure that all Pasifika students identified on the special Ms Gasson needs register are accurately tracked and intervention programmes used.</p><p> Community To review our strategies to assist parents to become actively $1000 Principal engagement involved in our school and students learning. Seek new SMT and innovations that may assist this. partnerships To ensure the @school programme on eTAP fosters parent engagement with their child’s education. </p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 4 Four Year Governance Strategy 2015 – 2018 (2018 repeats 2015)</p><p>Triennial Effectiveness Review Programme (NAG 2) (B=Board, S=Staff, P=Principal, C=Committee) Year 1 2015 Year 2 2016 Year 3 2017 Title Review Who Freq. Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Leader 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Terms of Chair B Triennial Reference * * Delegations Chair B Triennial * * NAG 1 Principal B + S Triennial Curriculum * NAG 2 Chair B Triennial Self Review * NAG 3 Chair C Triennial Personnel * * NAG 4 Sect. 1 Principal C Triennial Property * NAG 4 Sect. 2 Principal C Triennial Finance * NAG 5 Principal C Triennial Safe Environ. * * NAG 6 Chair C Triennial Administration * Treaty of Chair B Triennial Waitangi *</p><p>Committees reviewed CURRICULUM All BOT, staff senior management SELF REVIEW All BOT members PERSONNEL Principal, Staff rep., A. Kelly, S. Moe PROPERTY Principal, Staff rep., J. Lambert, FINANCE A. Kelly, C. Banks, Principal ADMINISTRATION Principal TREATY OF WAITANGI All BOT members SAFE ENVIRONMENT S. Print, Staff rep., Principa</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 5 Strategic Plan </p><p>Goals 2015 2016 2017 High Expectations Quality Teacher Up skill lead staff in Inquiry Lead staff up skill whole Inquiry process drives learning & Develop appraisal system staff teaching practice Establish PD budget and process Appraisal system used Appraisal well established and critiqued used for forward planning Refine PD systems PD targeted to meet panning Accelerating Up skill staff to effectively use Staff show evidence of All students to be Literacy assessment data to inform teaching using assessment data to achieving at /above set Begin creating classroom inform teaching national standards environment of student driven Show evidence of shift Student driven learning learning towards student driven embedded learning Accelerating Up skill staff to effectively use Staff show evidence of All students to be Numeracy assessment data to inform teaching using assessment data to achieving at /above set Develop a consistent school wide inform teaching national standards approach towards numeracy teaching Planning reflects a Consistent planning and learning consistent approach /assessment practices in towards numeracy and numeracy literacy E-LEARNING -‐ Provide the technology for teachers Embed BYOD use in core E-learning – BYOD will be Maximising to access students learning curriculum areas used effectively in all powerful opportunities curriculum areas learning and Provide opportunities for BYOD usage engagement by students in difficult areas Inclusive and Up skill teachers/teacher aides for Evidence of differentiated All students will be culturally catering for diverse learners within planning for catered for in their responsive the classrooms differentiated learning classrooms and evidenced school Develop student leadership Establish the celebration in teacher planning environment opportunities of the schools cultural Celebrate the schools </p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 6 Identify leadership potential and diversity multicultural diversity target skill development Student leadership Accelerating Accurately identify Maori students Target achievement for Recognising and achievement of within the school Maori students celebrating Maori Maori students Report accurately n achievement, Celebrate success of achievement and success success and next steps Maori students Planning will recognise the identity, needs and skills of Maori students Accelerating Accurately identify Pasifika students Target achievement for Recognising and achievement of within the school Pasifika students celebrating Pasifika Pasifika students Report accurately n achievement, Celebrate success of achievement and success success and next steps Pasifika students Planning will recognise the identity, needs and skills of Pasifika students Community Purposeful connections are made by Connections maintained High quality interactions engagement and teachers with every whanau in their and strengthened between school and partnerships class between school and community Relationships with contributing whanau Community is schools (build) Connections maintained involved/consulted in all Make connections with community and strengthened aspects of school life groups and organisation between school and Global community wider community member</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 7 Annual Plan 2015 (NAG 1 Curriculum: Raising Student Achievement)</p><p>Goal 1 Quality Teaching Practice What How Success Criteria</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 8 Goal 2 Literacy What How Success Criteria 1. Upskill staff to use assessment data 1.1 Examine and reflect on current practice 1.1.1 Currently used assessment tools effectively to inform teaching 1.2 Run workshops around current testing identified. and how to use the data to inform 1.1.2 Assessment tools which relate directly to teaching our curriculum needs identified. 1.3 Discuss with contributing schools current 1.1.3 Newly identified assessment tools 1. Upskill lead staff in Inquiry Learning 1.1 Leadassessments staff are selected they use by peersin order to tobe alignenquiry 1.1.1 purchasedAppropriate and lead PLD staff undertaken selected learningmore leaders closely where possible 1.2.1 StaffLead showstaff have evidence undertaken of assessment appropriate data in 1.2 Lead1.4 Assess staff undergo incoming specific Year 7s learning at the end of yr 6 planningPD development1.5 Discuss with around secondary enquiry schools learning what their YearStaff 7feel strengths supported and by areas lead of staff need as they 1.3 Leadexpectations staff share their are oflearning our students and assist other identifiedupskill and in undertake T4 2015. enquiry learning in their teacher staff to undertake enquiry learning 1.4.2own classrooms. Year 7 strengths and areas of need evident in planning for 2016 1.5.1 Secondary school expectations evident in 2. Develop Quality Appraisal System 2.1 Analyse what is already being used at planning2.2.1 Draft for system Year 8 initiatedstudents infor Term 2016 1 SWIS 2.3.1 Dates agreed to for appraisal meetings and 2. Begin creating a classroom environment 2.22.1 RollCollect out student draft appraisal voice using system surveys and 2.1.1consultation Student about voice new collected system of student driven learning 2.3 Consultlearning with mats staff over the course of the Draft Student revised voice and evident approved in planning 2.2 yearProvide to refine support, and guidance improve and scaffolding 3. Establish PD budget and practices 3.1 Establishfor teachers a PD within budget syndicates which is toequivalent use SV in 3.1.1 PLD budget identified as $12000 toplanning 2 teacher release days plus $500 per 3.2.1 All PLD applications signed of first by 2.3 FTTEIdentify areas for future development Appraiser then Principal 3. Investigate effectiveness of buddy reading 3.23.1 Identify/determinePlan action research who is in control of PLD Clearapplications information clearly about link the effectiveness training to at SWIS 3.2 theRole PLD out budget to staff goals and strategicof buddy plan reading at SWIS 3.3 EstablishCollect and a process collate pre,for applying mid and forpost PD data 3.3.2 Clear data/trends to influence funding which is linked to appraisal goals planning for 2016 and Strategic Plan 4. High Expectation teacher analysis 4.1 Audit of all teachers (with assistance from 4.1.1 All teachers will have a clear understanding RTLB) regarding their expectations within of their areas of strength and areas for growth the classroom 4.2.1 Improved outcomes for students 4.2 Goal setting according to the data gathered in 4.1 Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 9 Goal 3 Numeracy What How Success Criteria 1. Upskill staff to effectively use assessment 1.1 Examine and reflect on current practice 1.1.4 Currently used assessment tools data to inform teaching 1.2 Run workshops around current testing identified. and how to use the data to inform 1.1.5 Assessment tools which relate directly to teaching our curriculum needs identified. 1.3 Discuss with contributing schools current 1.1.6 Newly identified assessment tools assessments they use in order to align purchased and PLD undertaken more closely where possible 1.2.1 Staff show evidence of assessment data in 1.4 Assess incoming Year 7s at the end of yr 6 planning 1.5 Discuss with secondary schools what their 1.4.1 Year 7 strengths and areas of need expectations are of our students identified in T4 2015. 1.4.2 Year 7 strengths and areas of need evident in planning for 2016 1.5.1 Secondary school expectations evident in planning for year 8 students for 2016 2. Develop a consistent school-wide 2.1 Discuss and brain-storm with staff about 2.2.1 Two year draft numeracy plan in place approach towards numeracy teaching and what a SWIS approach to numeracy will 2.3.1 School-wide numeracy approach evident learning look like in planning 2.2 Develop a draft numeracy plan 2.4.1 Self-reflection across COPs identifies 2.3 Provide support, guidance and scaffolding areas of strength and areas which need further for teachers with their numeracy teaching development 2.4 Identify areas for future development </p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 10 Goal 4 eLearning and BYOD What How Success Criteria 1. Provide technology for teachers to access 1.1 Establish a budget for purchasing iPads 1.1.1 Up to 17 iPads purchased for use by students’ learning opportunities for all staff staff 1.2 Develop a process for fair purchase of 1.2.1 Staff reflect that app purchasing is apps fair and equitable 1.3 Develop a user agreement and policy for 1.3.1 Current staff user agreement safe use of iPads by staff amended to reflect use of iPads 1.4 Develop an integrated and consistent 1.4.1 Electronic face of the school will be electronic face for the school user-friendly, appealing, and easily accessible. 2. Provide opportunities for BYOD usage by 2.1 Staff meetings will accommodate regular 2.1.1 Use of technology evident in planning students in different curriculum areas short opportunities for teachers to share across a variety of curriculum areas how they are using technology in a variety 2.2.1 Policies which support technology use of curriculum areas written and signed off by BOT. 2.2 Keep community informed about BYOD 2.2.2 Newsletters and notices to inform policies and practices at SWIS community of BYOD developments 2.3 Provide opportunities for parent 2.2.3 Community workshops based on community to upskill identified needs</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 11 Goal 5 Inclusion What How Success Criteria 1. Upskill staff to cater for diverse learners within 1.1 Investigate options for upskilling teacher aides 1.1.1 Teacher aides will have completed upskilling the classroom context (online modules?) which is aligned to goals and strategic plan. 1.2 Identify needs of priority learners and provide 1.2.1 Priority learners are identified and catered clear expectations to teachers for in planning. 1.3 Support and scaffold teachers within 1.3.1 Teachers will participate in upskilling which syndicates to deliver the curriculum to all learners is aligned to goals and the strategic plan to meet including priority learners the needs of priority learners. 1.4 Provide PD where necessary to assist teachers effectively deliver the curriculum to all students 2. Create an environment that acknowledges the 2.1 Create a definition of a priority learner at 2.1.1 Definition of priority learners formed school’s diversity SWIS 2.2.1 Ethnicity is correctly recorded on eTAP 2.2 Identify the range of diversity within our 2.2.2 Priority learners’ list compiled by SenCo student body and schoolwide community 2.3.1 School programmes reflect the diversity 2.3 Explore ways we can utilise this diversity within the school within our school programmes 2.4.1 Students in leadership roles and in 2.4 Identify opportunities for student leadership consultation with students within the school 2.5.1 Anecdotal evidence from 2.5 Reflect on what works and identify future staff/students/community about student needs leadership 2.6 Information is relayed to the community in a 2.6.1 Evidenced by newsletters, website, parent meaningful and clear manner portal and newspapers</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 12 Goal 6 Maori students What How Success Criteria 1. Accurately identify Maori students within 1.1 Identify opportunities for student 1.1.1 Students in leadership roles school leadership within school 1.1.2 Anecdotal evidence from 1.2 Reflect on what works and identify needs staff/students/community about student 1.3 Find out students’ iwi and hapu (put on leadership needs analyses) 1.1.3 Adjusted enrolment form and addition to 1.4 Adjust enrolment forms for 2016 to eTAP to identify hapu include hapu (also if any ethnicity 1.1.4 2016 class lists amended to include identified with Maori, Maori is identified ethnicity, iwi and hapu first)</p><p>2. Report on their achievements and success 2.1 Collect data on Maori achievement and 2.1.1 Data is presented to BoT, MoE and success for reporting to MoE, BoT and school community clearly and transparently community 2.2.1 reports are used to determine next steps 2.2 Data is used to inform teaching and 2.3.1 maori Academic Prize established setting goals for 2016 2.3 Establish a Maori Academic Prize</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 13 Goal 7 Pasifika students How What Success Criteria 1. Accurately identify Pasifika students 1.1 Identify opportunities for student 1.1.1 Students in leadership roles within school leadership within school 1.2.1 Anecdotal evidence from 1.2 Reflect on what works and identify needs staff/students/community about student 1.3 Teaching targets the needs of the leadership students 1.1.1 Evidence in teacher planning of 1.4 Conduct information evenings for identification of Pasifika student needs parents, e.g. on technology, supporting and interests reading</p><p>2. Report on their achievements and success 2.1 Collect data on Pasifika achievement and 2.1.1 Data is presented to BoT, MoE and success for reporting to MoE, BoT and school community clearly and transparently community 2.1.2 Evidence of consultation with 2.2 Data is used to inform teaching and community to identify needs of setting goals for 2016 Pasifika students 2.2.1 Reports are used to determine next steps</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 14 Goal 8 Community engagement What How Success criteria 1. Purposeful connections are made by teachers 1.1 All teachers will make contact with their 1.1.1 All whanau will have had adequate contact with every whanau in their class students and their whanau at key points and support from classroom teachers during the year 1.2 Senior management will support staff to enable this to happen 2. Build relationships with contributing 2.1 Invite senior management from contributing 2.1.1 A significant proportion of senior schools schools to come and have an afternoon tea (or management people from contributing schools wine or beer) at least once a year attend 2.2 Keep them informed about SWIS events well 2.2.1 Contributing schools better informed in advance 3. Make connections with community groups and 3.1 Identify key community group 3.1.1 Key community groups involved in wider organisations members/leaders school activities 3.2 Establish Maori whanau focus groups to 3.2.1 Maori whanau focus group is established advise and support Maori achieving as Maori Increased interaction with community groups 3.3 Maintain current community group 3.3.1 Minutes from meetings with community interactions liaison groups and whanau groups 3.4 Increase school profile in the community 3.4.1 Positive articles are published at least twice 3.5 increase profile in both the Wellingtonian and a year the Cook Strait Times</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 15 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL There all the honour lies.” SOUTH WELLINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL “Act well your part. There all the honour lies.” Annual improvement targets for student achievement – 2015 READING ACTION PLAN Strategic Goal 2, 6, 7 To develop, implement, monitor and review programmes and practices that strengthen reading throughout the school.</p><p>Annual Targets All Year 7 students who were below the National Standard for reading will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8.</p><p>All Year 8 students who were below the National Standard for reading at the end of Year 7 will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8.</p><p>All Maori and Pasifika students who are below the National Standard for reading will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8. Target Groups Maori Students (reported on) Pasifika Students Students who are below the National Standard for Reading</p><p>Actions Timing Responsibility Resourcing Analyse school wide data to focus on accelerating the literacy achievement of Maori and Pasifika students 2015 Mr Young $3,000 Provide Professional development with the TKI teacher aide modules to support our teachers and teacher Ms Gasson aides as they work together to support our priority learners. 2015 Principal</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 16 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL SOUTH WELLINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL There all the honour lies.” “Act well your part. There all the honour lies.” Annual improvement targets for student achievement – 2015 WRITING ACTION PLAN Strategic Goal 2, 6, 7 To develop, implement, monitor and review programmes and practices that strengthen writing throughout the school.</p><p>Annual Targets All Year 7 students who were below the National Standard for reading will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8.</p><p>All Year 8 students who were below the National Standard for reading at the end of Year 7 will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8.</p><p>All Maori and Pasifika students who were below the National Standard for reading will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8. Target Groups Maori Students (reported on) Pasifika Students Students who are below the National Standard for Writing</p><p>Actions Timing Responsibility Resc Analyse school wide data to focus on accelerating the literacy achievement of Maori and Pasifika students 2015 Mr Young $3,000 Provide Professional development with the TKI teacher aide modules to support our teachers and teacher aides as they work together to support our priority learners.</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 17 SOUTH WELLINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL “Act well your part. There all the honour lies.” There all the honour lies.” Annual improvement targets for student achievement – 2015 ACTION PLAN Strategic Goal 3, 6, 7 NUMERACY : To develop, implement, monitor and review programmes and practices that strengthen numeracy throughout the school. MATHEMATICS All Year 7 students who were below the National Standard for mathematics will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8. Annual Targets All Year 8 students who were below the National Standard for mathematics at the end of Year 7 will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8.</p><p>All Maori and Pasifika students who were below the National Standard for mathematics will achieve at or above the National Standard by the end of Year 8. Target Groups Maori Students (reported on) Pasifika Students Students operating below the National Standard for mathematics</p><p>Actions Timing Responsibility Resourcing Analyse school wide data to focus on accelerating the mathematics achievement of 2015 Miss Sangster/Ms Te Huia $2,000 Maori and Pasifika students Provide Professional development with the TKI teacher aide modules to support our 2015 Miss Sangster/Principal teachers and teacher aides as they work together to support our priority learners.</p><p>Supporting Documents 2015 budget</p><p>Wellington South Intermediate - School Manual Section 2: SWIS Charter 2015 – 2018 18</p>
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