<p> PARENT HANDBOOK Welcome to Saints in Training Early Childhood Program!</p><p>Thank you for entrusting to us with us one of your most precious gifts. Recognizing this, we are committed to creating an atmosphere in which each child will grow, develop and learn in a caring, joyful and faith-based environment. “Catholic Schools, in collaboration with parents and guardians as the primary educators, seek to educate the whole child by providing an excellent education rooted in Gospel values” (National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, 2012, p.3). Parents and family members are a child’s first teachers. In order for our program to be successful, families and the teachers in our SIT program must work together as a team.</p><p>Our Saints in Training Early Childhood Programs is rooted in the Catholic Christian virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. These virtues will be modeled and demonstrated throughout our centers. We believe in developing the whole child: heart, hands, and head. Therefore, the centers will encourage a sense of wonder and curiosity while providing relevant and meaningful play to develop the intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual side of your child.</p><p>OUR CONTACTS Jackie Lichter: Principal - [email protected] 262.925.4004 Julie Rivera: Business Manager- [email protected] 262.925.4005 Jane Padlock: Questions about ProCare/invoices [email protected] 262.925.4013 Sue Wendorf: Director of Enrollment [email protected] 262.925.4024</p><p>North Campus South Campus 2224 45th Street 7401 40th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140 Kenosha, WI 53142</p><p> [email protected] Tel. 262-925-4031 Educational Programs Preschoolers Our preschool program serves three year and four year old children. The Creative Curriculum, provides children with social, emotional, academic, and intellectual experiences. The Creative Curriculum is designed to promote hands-on and project based investigations because our belief is that children learn best by doing. During studies of our everyday world children build their confidence, critical thinking skills, and creativity. To become more familiar with the curriculum incorporated by Saints in Training, please visit their website at http://teachingstrategies.com/curriculum/. As a partner of the Milwaukee Archdiocese we also offer religious education. We incorporate prayer at the beginning of our day and before all snacks and meals. We read preschool Bible stories and complete art projects designed to keep Jesus in our hearts. We believe in developing the whole child and that includes our faith.</p><p>Discipline Policy If for any reason a child is having difficulty they will be re-directed to an alternate activity with the teacher’s assistance. When a child’s behavior is likely to result in harm to others around him/her or property the child may be removed from the group for a brief time. The child will always remain in clear view of the teacher or support staff until they are ready to rejoin the group.</p><p>Child Assessment Children are informally assessed throughout the year. At no time will we “test” your child on skills or abilities. We use Authentic Assessment to observe your child in their natural environment and document what is said and done. Assessments are ongoing throughout the year. The teaching staff uses the assessments to plan their classroom goals, large group activities, and centers to help meet the needs of the child. Any written assessments will be sent home and a copy will be kept in your child’s file. </p><p>Rest Time After lunch there is a rest time. Children are not required to sleep, but need to relax without disrupting others. Toys are not allowed during rest time, but children may sleep with a blanket, pillow, or stuffed animals. Blankets/rest materials will be sent home every Friday to be laundered by parents. Occasionally a book or quiet activity is given to a child if he/she is having difficulty with rest times.</p><p>Bathroom Use All children should be potty trained and be able to use the bathroom with minimal help. Financial Policies Tuition Invoices will be emailed to families on Tuesdays of each week. You may pay in one of the following ways: Place your payment in the payment boxes provided at each center. </p><p> Remit your check directly to the school office.</p><p> Remit your check to the teacher via your child’s folder.</p><p> Utilize PayPal on the school’s website at https://allsaintskenosha.org/family-payment-page/</p><p> Utilize our Auto Pay (Coming Soon)</p><p>Please Note: Any balance not paid within 7 weeks of service will receive a $10 late fee charge and your child’s care will be suspended until a payment is made or a payment plan is in place. </p><p> There will be a $35.00 fee for all checks returned to us unpaid from the bank.</p><p> Our center closes at 6:00 pm nightly. Our teachers also have families they need to tend to and are inconvenienced when a child is not picked up on time. Therefore, If a child is picked up after 6:00 pm there will be a $1.00 per minute fee assessed. That amount will then be added to your most recent invoice.</p><p>Withdrawal Policy Out of courtesy, please provide ASCS with at least a two weeks’ notice before withdrawing a child from the SIT program. If a child is withdrawn without notice the parents will be charged for one week of child care.</p><p>Sickness If your child shows signs or symptoms of disease such as: severe coughing, breathing difficulty, discharge from the nose, ears, or eyes, more than two loose bowels (diarrhea), vomiting, or temperature of 100 or higher they should not come to daycare. If these symptoms occur while in our care parents will be called to come and pick up their child. Children need to be fever and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning. In an attempt to minimize illness among the children it is extremely important that parents make arrangements for outside care when your child shows signs of illness. Centers should be notified immediately if your child has been in contact with others that have communicable diseases such as strep throat, head lice, chicken pox, hand, foot, mouth disease etc.</p><p>Absences In case of an absence please call the center to notify the teacher. The administrative office number for Saints in Training is 262-925-4031. Please leave a message and the administrative assistant will get back to you as soon as possible. Contagious diseases must be cleared by a doctor. Before returning to school we will need a note from the pediatrician as to the diagnosis, stating the child is not contagious, and the date the child may return to school. Contagious diseases will be posted outside the classroom to inform other parents. Parents will be financially responsible for absences if their child regularly attends on those days. If your child left school with a fever he/she needs to be fever free for 24 hours before returning. When your child misses a day due to illness you are financially responsible for absences. Full time children will earn a half day each month they are in attendance for a total of six sick days a year. Our program year will run from September through August. Health Requirements A physical exam is required upon enrollment to the Centers. After enrollment a yearly physical is required to be kept on file for each child. Each child will also have an up-to-date immunization form kept on file. Medication Policy Parents will need to fill out a non-prescription form for all medications that can be purchased over the counter; such as, cough medicine, acetaminophens, diaper cream, powders etc. For prescription medications a doctor will need to fill out a prescription form with directions. All medications need to be in original packaging when brought to the centers. </p><p>In Case of Injury In case of injury basic first aid will be performed on children, which includes washing, bandages, and ice packs. All injuries will be documented and kept in the classroom medical log. Parents will be notified of all injuries. In case of serious injuries parents will be called immediately. </p><p>Clothing Children need to wear comfortable clothing to school. It is not recommended to send your child in new clothes that should not get dirty. We have many hands on activities throughout the day which include art, sensory experiences, and outside time. Keep this in mind when sending your child to school. In the winter snow pants, hats, mittens, and boots should be sent daily. All clothing should be labeled with your child’s first and last name. Please send in an extra set of clothes including underwear and socks for your child to keep in their cubby. If you have an infant two extra outfits are required along with bibs and diapers. Footwear should be appropriate for indoor or outside play. In the warm months flip flop sandals are not to be worn. During winter months please send extra shoes to be worn once boots are removed.</p><p>Snacks/Meals Children must bring their own snack to school. Milk is provided at the campuses. Morning snack is at 9:00 am and afternoon snack is at 2:00 pm. Lunch is provided by the parents or children may take hot lunch provided by Taher. Two menu options are offered and the cost is $3.35 per lunch. Parents can bring a cold lunch with an ice pack as refrigerators are not available for lunch bags. Prayers will be said before all snacks and meals. Teachers will join their students and model appropriate table manners and encourage discussions.</p><p>Rest Time After lunch there is a rest time. Children are not required to sleep, but need to relax without disrupting others. Toys are not allowed during rest time, but children may sleep with a blanket, pillow, or stuffed animals. Blankets/rest materials will be sent home every Friday to be laundered by parents.</p><p>Family Information Saints in Training Early Childhood Centers want to build a positive relationship with each and every family. Please share with us any unique characteristics and concerns of your family. Upon enrolling every family must complete enrollment, health history, immunization record, authorized persons to pick up, consent information, and a contract for days in attendance forms. If you have an infant you must also fill out an Intake form to alert us to your baby’s pattern of sleeping, eating, and likes and dislikes. If medication is needed while in our care parents will also need to fill out a non-prescription or prescription form. </p><p>Communication Each child has a cubby that is labeled with his/her name. Artwork, newsletters etc. will be placed in the top of their cubby for parents to take home. Please check daily for important information. Other forms of communication will be E-mails, newsletters, telephone calls, parent-teacher conferences and daily talks during drop off and pick up times. Please feel free to call or set up a meeting at any time to discuss your child’s progress. </p><p>Child Abuse Policy All staff members of Saints in Training are mandated and required to report any suspected abuse, maltreatment, or neglect of a child. Kenosha County Department of Human Services 8600 Sheridan Road Ste. 200 Kenosha, WI 53143-6512 Office Hours: 262-605-6582 After Hours: 262-657-7188</p><p>Special Services The Kenosha County and Paris school districts provide free screening for children with special needs. If the child is approved for services therapists may assist in their developmental needs at Saints in Training Early Childhood Centers.</p><p>Parent Involvement Parents are strongly encouraged to visit the classroom and participate in events. However, before volunteering you will need to take a two hour class called Safeguarding All of God’s Family and complete a background check form. This is required by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. </p><p>Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather, Saints in Training will make every attempt to remain open. However; the safety of our staff and families will be our number one concern and if conditions warrant it we will close. Please watch the news as a decision will be made by 5:00 a.m. You will not be financially responsible for weather related closures.</p><p>Signing In and Signing Out It is the responsibility of the parent to check their child in and out on the computer daily. If for some reason the computer is down please sign in/out on the provided clip board. This is extremely important for attendance, invoices, and emergency situations. You will need to set up your fingerprint in order to check your child in and out. If you do not sign your child out you will be billed for a full day regardless of when your child was picked up.</p><p>Security The doors to the Centers are kept locked at all times to prevent access to the building and children from leaving before their parents. Please make sure the door is closed behind you at all times.</p><p>Authorization to Release a Child Children will be released to individuals identified by parents on the emergency card or authorized persons form. All adults need to show identification when picking up a child.</p><p>Emergency Contacts Emergency contacts listed on the emergency form will be called in the event that a parent is unable to be reached. Please make sure your contacts have been informed that they are listed and may need to pick up your child at any time throughout the day.</p><p>Parking Please park in designated spots for the centers. We ask that you do not park in handicapped spots unless you are authorized. Leave emergency and loading zones open as well. At no time should you leave your motor running while dropping off children or leave other children unattended in the car.</p><p>Personal Belongings All personal belongings need to be labeled with the first and last name of your child. This includes, but is not limited to extra clothes, backpacks, lunch bags, napping materials, sunscreen or bug spray. Your child may bring a stuffed animal to ease transition from home and use during nap times, but this toy also needs to be labeled. Other toys need to be left at home or in the car so they do not become lost or broken.</p><p>Checklist: What your Child Needs at School</p><p>Three Year Olds: SUPPLY LIST Two changes of clothes including underwear, socks and shoes □ 1 box of Crayola markers Pull Ups if needed □ 1 box of Crayola crayons Blanket or sleeping bag for nap time □ 1 box of colored pencils Lunch □ 1 water color paint set □ 2 dry erase markers □ 4 large glue sticks All items must have your child’s first and last □ 1 bottle of white glue name on them. □ Finger paints (south campus only) □ Play dough (south campus only) □ 1 box of quart sized bags □ 1 box of gallon sized bags □ 1 container of disinfectant wipes □ 1 container baby wipes □ 1 pack of copy paper □ 1 sketch book for journal entries □ 1 box Kleenex □ 1 roll paper towel </p><p>HOURS & CALENDAR We are open from 6am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. We observe all religious holidays. When the centers are closed due to holidays you are not financially responsible for the day. Dates highlighted in red are days we are closed.</p><p>September '17 October '17 November '17 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 1 2 2 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 3 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 1 22 23 24 25 2 3 2 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 0 31 26 27 8 29 30</p><p>December '17 January '18 February '18 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 5 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 3 14 15 16 17 1 2 2 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 0 21 22 23 24 2 2 2 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 9 30 31 25 26 7 28</p><p>March '18 April '18 May '18 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 5 16 17 18 19 1 2 2 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 3 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 2 3 2 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 0 27 28 9 30 31</p><p>June '18 July '18 August '18 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 1 1 2 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 19 20 1 22 23 24 25 2 2 2 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 3 24 25 26 27 28 26 27 8 29 30 31 3 29 0 31 Thank you for choosing Saints in Training Early Childhood Center.</p><p>Please sign and date that you have received and read the parent handbook.</p><p>______Child’s Name (PRINT)</p><p>______Date</p><p>______Parent/Guardian’s Name (PRINT) Signature</p>
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