<p> MANUAL 2</p><p>POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]</p><p>Powers and duties of officers and staff</p><p>S.No. Designation of Administrative Powers & Duties Post 1. Controller of Accounts Head of Department of the Pay & Accounts Organisation and exercising the statutory and financial powers of the Head of Department delegated under SR-2(10) and Rules 3(f) of the delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978 and also under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965/CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. 2. Dy. Controller of Functions as Head of office of the Accounts organization. (Admn./Tech.) Is Competent Authority in respect of Delhi Right to Information Act, 2001 of this department. Is Public Information Officer in respect of this department. Looks after the administrative matter of this organization. Examines cases received for technical advice on Pension, pay fixation, financial rules etc. and cases referred to the Principal Accounts Office from various departments of GNCTD by the Finance Department. Supervises the accounting matters of various Public Works and Irrigation & Flood Control Divisions of the Govt. of Delhi such as issue of Letter of Credits etc. 3. Dy. Controller of Looks after the accounting matters of Accounts (Accounts) the organization such as preparation of grant wise monthly account, preparation of appropriation accounts and Finance Accounts in respect of consolidated fund of GNCT of Delhi, preparation of budget of public heads, (GPF Budget, Insurance Budget, Interest on GPF Budget) rendition of monthly account in respect of Public Account portion to the Controller General of Accounts, Government of India for their incorporation in the accounts of the Central Government, preparation of Statement of Central Transaction etc. Looks after the work of maintaining of records of funds received under the Central Sponsored Schemes from the Govt. of India. Looks after the accounts of loan/Block loan received from the Government of India against the receipts of Small Savings Collections. 4. Dy. Controller of Looks after the work relating to Accounts (Funds) maintenance of GPF accounts of approximately 1,30,000 employees of the Government of Delhi (including Delhi Police). In addition he also looks after the work relating to authorization of final payment of GPF to the employees on their retirement. 5. Dy. Controller of Looks after the work of computerization Accounts (Pension) of PAOs, payment of salary through ECS to the Delhi Government employees and holds Monthly Pension Adalat etc. 6 Accounts Officer Admn. I Transfer/posting of officers/officials, Vigilance cases, Court cases, Vidhan Sabha/Parliament,Right to information Act2005, Delhi Right to information Act 2001,Election Work in respect of this department,Citizen Charter.</p><p> Admn. II Preparation of salary, contingency bills in respect of this department,Processing of Medical claims, Festival advance, conveyance Bills of staff, Preparation of Budget Estimates, Compilation of monthly Expenditure in respect of this department, Maintenance of Vehicles, Office building and related work of this, department, SAS related works, Income Tax related work, Store, Audit paras related to this department. Deployment of security & sanitation personnel in this department,Process of calling tenders and publication of tender notices in NewsPapers. 7. Accounts Officer Tech. I Advice cases in respect of LTC,Medical, LTA,Leave & bonus,Pay,Pension,Post retirement cases, Misc. Administrative cases,correspondence with PWD & I&F Department,LOC cases.</p><p> Tech. II Advice casdes regarding GPF,GFR,R&P Rules,CAM,CTR,DRPR etc. Advice in purchase policy,PGC cases,. Monthly report , Self Assessment, Pension reports,A.C. Bills report, verification of qualifying service after completion of 25 years service Audit paras/Inspection reports Attachment of DDOs with PAO, Issue and Printing of Cheque Books. 8 Accounts Officer Compilation Finance Accounts Branch - Information regarding Receipt & Expenditure of Delhi Govt. from different PAO’s, Monthly accounts, Quarterly progress certificates, Monthly Receipt & Expenditure statements, DDO codes directory, Expenditure and Receipt Codes, Liaison with various PAOs, settlement of all inward claims, Preparation of Tax Revenue, Non Tax Revenue & Revenue/Capital Expenditure, GPF payment & Receipt statement ,PLI recoveries Finance Accounts, Maintenance or records for Loans and Advances given to different agencies, Investments made with various Public Sector & other Undertakings, Dividend received from various PSUS. 9. Appropriation Branch- Maintenance of Appropriation Audit Registers in respect of Grant No. 1 to 13 and Public Debt,Preparation & Printing of Condensed Appropriation Accounts, Work related to finalisation of Grant Statement and Head wise Appropriation Accounts,Preparation of the skeleton of actual expenditure in respect of Grant No. 10 to 13, Quarterly intimation of expenditure to the concerned departments of GNCTD,Review of expenditure with reference to budget and intimation of excess expenditure. Finalisation of Grant Statement and Head-wise Appropriation Accounts,Work relating to Centrally Sponsored Schemes-receipt of grant from Central Govt. Accounts Civil Branch - Preparation of statement of Health of Accounts of Govt. of Delhi,Annual Budget in respect of Public Accounts, Annual Utilisation Certificate of Grant in Aid on specific purpose of various department of Delhi, Setllement of J&Ksuspense(1996-97) with PAO and NHA,Claims related to reimbursement of NCC Camp Expenditure from CDA Chandigarh through our PAO’s concerned and NCC Department , posting of figures from DMS (RBI & SBI) booked by Bank/PAO, Posting of figures from put through statement (SBI,GAD,MUMBai). Preparation of Reconciliation statement of 8675 RBI on receiving of CAS 122 from RBI,Preparation of report on interest on delayed remittance of Government receipts by PSBs. 10 Accounts Officer Pension Cell & Computer Cell - Works related to conducting Pension Adalat grievances of pensioners to various departments, IT related work, Retiree Data, Computerization of PAO organisation. 11. Accounts Officer GPF Cell - Maintains record of General Provident Fund of Govt. of NCT of Delhi employees and Delhi Police. 12 Jr. Accounts Officer Supervision of work of Admn. –I such as Admn-I Transfer/posting of all categories of staff,Recruitment/appointment of DASS Cadre,Creation of post/Continuation of post,vacancy position of DASS and Accounts cadre, correspondence relating to typewriting Test, settlement of Terms and conditions of deputationof DASS,Election related work, Delegation of financial powers, Correspondence regarding compassionate apoointments ,vigilance case and other related correspondence on the subject, correspondence in connection with Right to information Act, 2005 and Delhi Right to information Act 2001, Annual Administrative Report, Complaints Correspondence regarding punctuality, Citizen Charter, Maintenance of Service record of DASS and Accounts Cadre staff. Sanction of HBA,MCA,LTC etc. in respect of all staffs, ,ACRs of Accounts Cadre and DASS,NOC cases for passport & Visa for Accounts Functionaries and DASS, Maintenance of record of Class Iv and class III,Ex- Cadre and correspondence thereof, PAO’s meeting,ACP of DASS and Class –IV, Weeding out of old records, issuance of Medical Cards to officers/officials & retired employees of this department, Training programme correspondences,Leave cases of Accounts Cadre and DASS,Diary and Despatch and File movements of Admn.I Branch. 13 Jr. Accounts Officer, Supervision of Work pertaining to Admn.-II Admn. II such as , Vouchers and bills of salary, contingency bills in respect of this department, Medical claims, Festival advance, Conveyance Bills of staff, Budget estimates, Compilation of monthly Expenditure in respect of this department, Maintenance and upkeep of Vehicles, office building and related work, Store, Audit paras related to his department. Deployment of security & sanitation personnel in this department,process of calling tenders and publication of tender notices in News papers.Cash handling in respect of HQ. 14. Jr. Accounts Officer Supervision of work of Tech.-I Branch, Tech.-I which deals with Advice cases in respect of LTC,Medical,LTA, Leave and Bonus,Pay, Pension,Post retirement cases,Correspondence with PWD & I&F Department,LOC cases, Correspondence with A.Gs. 15. Jr. Accounts Officer Monthly Self Assessment Reports in Tech. II respect of PAOs, monthly pension reports, monthly report in respect of verification of qualifying service after completion of 25 years, Advice cases regarding GFR,R&P Rules, CAM,CTR,DRPR etc. Advice in purchase policy, PGC cases, Attachment of Ddo’s with PAO, Issue and Printing of Cheque Books, Miscellaneous correspondence with CAP,NDMC,Audit Paras/Inspection reports in respect of various departments of Govt. of NCT of Delhi ,Inspection reports in respect of PAOs(Internal Audit and DACR), Quarterly returns of Audit/Inspection reports, Public Accounts Committee matters, Draft paras, Action Taken notes, forwarding of reports C&AG to all Departments of GNCTD,Annual Inspection report in respect of PAOs. 16. Jr. Accounts Officer Collection of information and Compilation Finance preparation of monthly report in respect Accounts Branch of Receipt & Expenditure of Delhi Govt. from different PAO’s, Preparation & Collection of Quarterly progressive certificates from PAOs,Preparation and updating of DDO codes directory,Advice matter received from various departments viz. Finance,Planning etc., Liaison with various PAOs, settlements and maintenance of register of all inward claims received from various supply department i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, segregating of inward claims for submission to different PAOs, preparation of Tax Revenue,Non Tax Revenue & Revenue/Capital Expenditure & submissionto Finance Department, Preparation of GPF(Payment & Receipt)statement,PLI recoveries statement & submission to PLI,Kolkata,Preparation of Income Tax statement and submission to Chief Controller of Accounts, Preparation of Finance Accounts of Govt. of Delhi, maintenance of records for loans and Advances given to different agencies, Maintenance of records for dividend received from various PSUs, Preparation of statement of UTGEIS/CGEIS. 17. Jr. Accounts Officer, Supervision of Maintenance of Approprriation Branch Appropriation Audit Registers in respect of Grant No1 to 13 and Public Debt,Preparation & Printing of Condensed Appropriation Accounts, Work relating to finalisation of Grant statement and Head wise AppropriationAccounts, Preparation of skeleton of actual expenditure in respect of Grant No. 10 to 13, Quarterly intimation of expenditure to the concerned departments of GNCTD, Review of expenditure with reference to budget and intimation of excess expenditure. Finalization of Grant statement and Head-wise Appropriation Accounts, Work relating to Centrally sponsored Schemes- receipts of grant from Central Govt. 18. Jr. Accounts Officer Supervision of preparation of statement Accounts Civil Branch of Accounts of Ghovt. Of Delhi, Annuyal Budget in respect of Public Accounts, Annual Utilization Certificates of Grant in Aid on specific purpose of various department of Delhi, settlement of J&K Suspense(1996-97) with PAO and NHA, claims related to reimbursement of NCC Camp Expenditure from CDA Chandigarh through our PAOs concerned and NCC Department, posting of figures from DMS(RBI &SBI) booked by Bank/PAO, Posting of figures from Put through Statement (SBI,GAD,Mumbai),Preparation of Reconciliation statement of 8675 RBDs on receiving of CAS 122 from RBI, Preparation of report on interest on delayed remittance of Govt. receipts by PSBs. 19. Jr. Accounts Officer Supervision of works related to Pension Cell & conducting Pension Adalat, grievances Computer Cell of pensioners to various departments, IT related work,Retiree Data, Computerization of PAO, organization, correspondence related to computerization in PAO and HQ.</p><p>20 Pay & Accounts Responsible for making of payments of Officers all types of bills i.e. salary, contingencies, loan and advances etc. Authorisation of regular and freedom fighter pension. Maintenance of accounts as per provisions of Civil Accounts Manual. Payment of salary of govt. employees through Banks by Electronic Clearance System. Arrangement for payment of pension to the Central Government pensioners, State Government pensioners Central/Delhi Freedom Fighter Pensioners who opt to draw their pensions in Delhi through the Counters of Pay & Accounts Office No.III, & V and also to arrange payment of pensions to these categories of pensions through Public Sector Banks in Delhi who opts to draw their pension through banks. Payment of pension to Sri Lanka/Myanmar Government pensioners through the counters of Pay & Accounts Office No. III & V. 21 Assistant Accounts Checking of all types of bills before Officers/Junior authorization of payment by PAO. Accounts Officer Check of classification of vouchers of value upto Rs.2500/- and rectification of any misclassification noticed therein by preparing transfer entry. Rectification of broadsheet with ledger figures and closing thereof. Checking of authorization of pensions in respect of Civil Pensioners, Freedom Fighter Pensioners and Political pensioners. Checking of payment of pension to the Central Government pensioners, State Government pensioners Central/Delhi Freedom Fighter Pensioners who opt to draw their pensions in Delhi through the Counters of Pay & Accounts Office No.III, & V and also to arrange payment of pensions to these categories of pensions through Public Sector Banks in Delhi who opts to draw their pension through banks. 22. Dealing Assistant Submission of bills after scrutiny to JAO. Dealing with all correspondence at first stage relating to their subject/work and submit the same to JAO. Processing of authorization in respect of Civil pensioners, Freedom Fighter Pensioners and Political pensioners. 23. Drivers Ferry competent authorities and other Govt .officers/officials to work places as per requirement of government duty in Government vehicle/staff car provided to the department and look after the maintenance of Govt. vehicles in their custody. 24 Peon Delivery of dak and other errand services.</p><p>GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI PRINCIPAL PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICE VIKAS BHAWAN ‘A’ BLOCK: N.DELHI</p><p>F.No.18(4)/Pr.A.O/Admn-I/2000 Dated</p><p>To</p><p>The System Analyst, I.T. Deptt., GNCTD Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi.</p><p>Sub: Request to amend the entries made on RTI Website.</p><p>Sir,</p><p>This is to bring to your kind notice that there are two SPIO in this department under Right to information Act 2005. One SPIO ,Pr. PA.O and the other SPIO GPF Cell. Both the SPIO’s have been allotted different I.D number to furnish their RTI related information on website. I.D. No. 211 is for SPIO Pr. PA.O and I.D. number 212 is for SPIO GPF Cell. Certain entries were made on the website of RTI by this office,ie. upto I.D. No.6 ( in their given website I.D. No. 211) , in continuation to that entry GPF Cell made their entries of RTI in the same I.D. number 211,resulting therein that the entries of both the PIOs have clubbed together. Owing to which this office has not been able to make further entries. It is therefore, requested to segregate those entries , so that this office could further enter their details of RTI on the website’ i.e. I.D. No 7 to be transferred to SPIO 212 and delete I.D No 8,9,10. </p><p>This may please be treated as urgent.</p><p>Yours faithfully</p><p>(PARKASH CHAND) ACCOUNTS OFFICER ADMN N/1</p><p>Diary No. 6013 dated 27.09.06 and 3932/A-I dated 29/09/06</p><p>Sub: Application of Sh. Yogesh, Employment Officer, Emp. Ex. Chhatra Marg, Delhi University , Delhi –7.</p><p>May please see PUC is the application of sh. Yogesh, Ex- Sr. Accountant, PR.A.O. presently, Employment Officer, Emp. Exch. Chhatra Marg, Delhi University, Delhi-7 , under RTIA-2005, fee submitted vide Postal Order No. 56 E 536384. I.D. No. given by this office is 43. Information sought is detailed below:</p><p>1. Are the provisions of Rule 187 of the Central Financial Rules, 1963 applicable to the cases of House Building Advance sanctioned by your Department in November , 1987 and also later on till 1991? 2. Are the Instructions contained in the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance OM No. F. 23(5)-E II(A)/80 dated 5.2.1981 as given below the Rule 187 of the Central Financial Rules 1963 in the widely used Swamy’s Compilation of general Financial Rules, prescribing the procedure for accepting of balances, also applicable to the cases of House Building Advance sanctioned in November 1987 in your Department? 3. Are the instructions contained in the OM No. I/17015/12/85 – H. III dated 30.11.1989 and 16.6.1995 as given in the Swamy’s Compilation of Houses Building Afdvance Rules,, concerning the condonation ofdelay for non issuance of the flat acquired with the house building advance, applicable to the cases of House Building Advance of your Department pertaining to November 1987? 4. If the answer to I above is yes, then please inform whether or not these provisions have been followed by all the Pay and Accounts Offices under your control since Nov. 1987. 5. If the answer to 2 above is yes, then please inform whether or not these provisions have been followed by all the Pay and Accounts Offices under your control since Nov. 1987 6. If the answer to 3 above is yes, then please inform as to in how many cases Principal Accounts Office (as a Department) the delay has been condoned, the ground of such condonation, names of such bebeficiaries during the period from Jan, 1990 to August, 2006. 7. Is there any stipulation in the relevant rules applicable, instructions issued under such relevant rules or advisory instructions of the Principal Accounts Office requiring the Official who has taken House Building Advance to file the papers relating to the Insurance of the House or Flat concerned to the head of DEpartment/Designated Officer every year in a particular month with the corollary that a duty is cast upon the Head of the Department as well to obtain from such official the relevant papers relating to the Insurance of the house or flat every year ? Also provide copies of the relevant documents including those of the notes pertaining to decision making processes.</p><p>The information sought above at point 1,2 and 3 is confirmation about the applicability of certain provisions of GFR in the matter of dealing with the HBA cases. In the point 4,5,6 he has referred that if the confirmation sought by him at point 1.2.,3 is affirmed he may be provided the details of cases in which the delay was condoned by the Pr. Accounts Office as department and also the said provisions of the GFR followed by all the PAO’s w.e.f Nov. 1987.</p><p>As per section 6 of the Right to information Act-2005 ‘A person, who desires to obtain any information under this Act, shall make a request in writing or through electronic means in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area in which the application is being made, accompanying such fee as may be prescribed, to CPIO,SPIO,CAPIO or SAPIO, specifying the particulars of the information sought by him or her.</p><p>As such the confirmation of applicability of the GFR cannot be termed as information within the meaning of the term “Information” under section 2 (f) or RTIA-05. Hence if agreed to, application may be rejected under section 8 of RTIA-2005.</p><p>Submitted for orders please.</p><p>GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE ‘ A’ Block, VIKAS BHAWAN ‘A’ BLOCK: N.DELHI</p><p>F.No.61/Misc.Trg/Pr.Ao. /2006/A-I Dated</p><p>To The Dy. Secretary Fin.(Accounts), GNCTD Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi.</p><p>Sub: e- Government Champions Training Program (2nd Batch) submission of nomination form of sponsored candidate Sh. P.D. Goel, Sr. Accounts Officer.</p><p>Sir, </p><p>I am directed to refer to your letter No. NISG/CB7KM/e-Champ-2/2006 dated 16.09.2006 on the subject cited above and to say that Sh. P.D. Goel, Sr. Accounts Officer of this department is being nominated for the said program.</p><p>Requisite Nomination form duly filled up by Sh. P.D. Goel, Sr. Accounts Officer alongwith necessary enclosures is being forwarded to your office for further necessary action at your end.</p><p>Yours faithfully</p><p>(I.S. PIMOLI ) Encls : As above Dy CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (Admn.) GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE ‘ A’ Block, VIKAS BHAWAN ‘A’ BLOCK: N.DELHI</p><p>F.No.61/Misc.Trg/Pr.Ao. /2006/A-I Dated To Shri K.C.Anand, Assistant General Manager, Reserve Bank of India, Public Accounts Department, 6,Sansad Marg, New Delhi.</p><p>Sub : Workshop on cheque Truncation System(CTS). Sir, I am directed to refer to Fax Massage dated 13.11.2006 on the subject cited above and to say that following Pay and Accounts officers of this department are being deputed to attend the said work shop to be held at Conference Room Ist floor Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi on 14.11.2006 at 11.00 AM. </p><p>1. Shri K.K.Arora, Pay and Accounts Officer-II, GNCT Delhi, RK Puram, New Delhi. 2. Shri L.D.Joshi, Pay and Accounts Officer-IV, GNCT Delhi, Tis Hazari, Delhi. 3. Shri R.P.Goel, Pay and Accounts Officer-XI, GNCT Delhi, Old Sectt.,Delhi. 4. Shri Dharam Pal, Pay and Accounts Officer-XII,GNCT Delhi, Mandawali,Delhi. 5. Shri V.P.Ranjan, Pay and Accounts Officer-XIX,GNCT Delhi, Prasad Nagar, New Delhi. 6. Shri P.D.Goel, Pay and Accounts Officer-XXV, GNCT Delhi, Peeragarhi, New Delhi. </p><p>Yours faithfully</p><p>(I.S. PIMOLI ) Dy CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (Admn.) Copy to</p><p>1. Pay and Accounts Officer-2,4,11,12,19 & 25 with the direction to attend the work shop without fail. 2. Copy to P.A. to Controller of Accounts for information of Controller of Accounts.</p><p>(I.S. PIMOLI ) Dy CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (Admn.)</p><p>Copy to the following for information and further necessary action :</p><p>1. Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO-II, GNCT of Delhi, New Delhi. GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE ‘ A’ Block, VIKAS BHAWAN ‘A’ BLOCK: N.DELHI</p><p>F.No.21(PGC)/RD/SSG/2005/Pr.Ao. /A-I Dated</p><p>To Dy. Controller of Accounts (Fund), GPF Cell, Old Sectt., Delhi.</p><p>Sub : Deficiencies in Final Payment of GPF to Sh. S.S. Goel, Retd. DCA.</p><p>Sir,</p><p>This is to bring to your kind notice that Sh. S.S. Goel Retd. DCA, vide his representation dated 1.11.06 addressed to you has apprised certain deficiencies in Final payment of GPF accumulated in his GPF account NO. DLH/ CR/1926 released vide Cheque No. 584925 dated 17th Feb. 2006, vide Authority No. 4618/PF VIII dated 16th Feb. 2006, by GPF Cell, being on the strength of GPF Cell. On perusal of the above payment following deficiencies were observed by the Retd.officer.</p><p>In the year 2002-2003, only 10 monthly contributions of Rs. 4101 have been accounted for while making the final payment of GPF, whereas in the GPF Pass Book duly signed by DDO, 12 monthly contributions have been reflected. </p><p>In the year 1987-88, one contribution of Rs. 251 and 11 contribution of Rs, 201 each have been reflected in the Pass Book but an amount of Rs. 2412 has been accounted for instead of Rs. 2462.</p><p>The Interest has been paid upto the date of retirement i.e. 24.4.05 whereas the payment has been made in the Feb. 2006 due to administrative reasons. The interest upto the month of payment may, therefore kindly be paid.</p><p>Your are, therefore, requested to examine the matter and furnish the status report on the above anomaly at an earliest to expedite the matter.</p><p>Yours faithfully</p><p>(I S PIMOLI ) Dy. Controller of Accounts (Admn)</p>
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