<p> Associatedwith this are policy followingthe policies: This This bestatementreviewedwill as whenand is necessary. documents: following the in contained Children Safeguarding for procedures and guidance the follows Academy Alphege Abbot It was It developed June in 2017 through a process of withconsultation teachingstaff approvedand by Boardthe of This This documentisanover-arching statement policy of our for AbbotAlphegeAcademy takes school, every thatin veryits adult andof seriouslyduty, “ Everyone who works with children – including teachers, – children – has including ……… a responsibilitywho works Everyone with in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children thechildren welfare oftorelationpromoting in safeguarding and The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sharon Badger and SharonLeadthe DesignatedisBadger and Deputy SafeguardingSafeguarding The Safer Recruitment Anti-bullying PositiveBehaviour Management Health& Safety SouthWest ProtectionChild Procedures (swcpp.org.uk) education in People Young Managingallegations volunteersagainst or staff who work with children (BANES LSCB) and Children with working those settings(2015) for Practice Working Safer for Guidance Working Togetherto Safeguard Children (2015) Keeping education children in safe (2016)(which Recruitment)Saferincludes Disability, and Equality Accessibility Single Equality EducationalVisits E-safety (‘Workingsafeguard together to children’ 2015) The ExecutiveThe DrBull.Headteacher is Anne Leads are Amanda Trim.LeadsHalls and Sarah SAFEGUARDINGPOLICY AbbotAlphegeAcademy for keeping themkeepingsafe.” for Directors. Safeguarding Children Safeguarding at Abbot AlphegeAcademy. (Children2004) Act CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>1</p><p>PagPea4ge4 1 expertiseevery of teacherandclass withinadult schoolrecognise andto report concerns. Social Care teacherswithand this procedure school. in For work, it relies andto on the skills benefit the schools child.Allof have a Designated safeguarding (DSL)Lead liaises withwho also important thatrelevant all agencies involvedinabuse child cooperate togetherfor the isrecognisedIt staff play thatan important role identifyingin potential casesof child abuse. is It CT endeavoursto make surethat procedures placeare in following;for the Protection procedures. Education’and adoptsprocedures which arein accordance the with B&NES inter-agency Child The school complies the with requirements of ‘Safeguarding andChildren Safer inRecruitment CT safeguardingis committed to the ofchildren allcare. its in 1. This policy will be reviewedannually. Directors. Primary, through a ofprocess consultation teachingwith approvedstaff andby theBoard of children protection of This document of is a statementthe aims, principlesand strategies for child abuse,thewell-being of the child is paramount. Parents will be contactedand consulted in CT has a partnershippolicy of home between school,and but child with abuse, or suspicionof climate children so feelthat to abletalk shareand their thoughts and feelings. themselves Personal,through Health Socialand Education aimanddevelop totrusting a haveAll child total staff commitment toprotection. We the raise children’s awareness about is AnneTrust DrOBE. Bull SafeguardingExecutiveTrustisHeadteacher Comeniusfor RichardThe Garforth. The of the(Deputy DSL).named ofComeniusHalls (Deputy DSL) Director Trim & Amanda The supported Sharonby AtDesignated(DSL) CT, Sarah isBadger, Safeguarding Lead the Introduction injury, abusesexual and emotional abuse’) Support pupilswho for been may have abused comprises(Abuse physical‘neglect, Following procedures for identifying reportingand cases, or suspected of abusecases, neededto themselveskeep safe Raising awarenesschild ofprotection and issues equipping childrenthewithskills establishing a safe environment whichin childrencan andlearn develop Prevention of throughabuse the teaching pastoraland support offered to pupils including Safe Recruitment) Safe recruitmentof volunteersstaff and to childrenwithwork policy(see separateon Policy for Safeguarding Policy each schoolfor in TrusttheComenius . It wasIt developed. by fellow Comenius school,Trust Weston Saints All The Comenius TheTrust Safeguarding theSafeguarding and CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>2</p><p>PagPea4ge4 2 In thefollowinglaid down procedures areouraims to: abuse neglect.and Adultsworkingin areremindedthe school abuse that constitutes physical, emotional or sexual suspected to abusethe Social team. Care handedto the or DSL a DeputyDSL their absence.in The DSLreports cases abuse of or immediately concerns Allinform the DSL. arelogged on a This ‘Concern formForm’. is memberanyIfstaffsuspects that of a child carehis/hermayin bevictimof abuse,they willa & DSLDeputy will thenDSL’s follow the B&NES Child ProtectionProcedures. In reporting orconcernsuspicion, all inadults must schoolfollow the followingprocedures. The 4. and sensitivity. that everyone can be vigilant preparedand handle anyto arising situationsinday care the with Relevantinformation aboutany pupils arevulnerablewho isshared all with orderteachers in vulnerable children. Information is shared as appropriate the withrelevant teacher.class The CT SafeguardingFileby the is heldDSL. this isheld In relevant information about 3. the necessaryactions regard with toprotection a child issue. The are: aims This policy endeavoursto make surethat staffand all volunteers our schoolin aboutare clear 2. criminalinvestigation may be compromised. most cases, theexcept memberwhere staffbelieves ofchild may the beput dangerin or a Guidelines storing andInformation sharing Aims to proceduresdown lay the correct those whofor encounter of an issuechild protection. issues; to effectiveensurecommunication betweenstaff when alldealingwith child protection possibleabuse; cases of to awarenessraise all volunteersof staff and identifyand responsibility reportingin followedappropriate the procedures endeavour furtherwhetherthat, action is taken agencyby another the or schoolnot, has protect staff provideconsistency avoid delay protect the the ourchild best toof ability CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>3</p><p>PagPea4ge4 3 through the Disclosure Barringand Service to order(DBS) in ensure there isnoevidencethat of CT requiresadults all employed or volunteering schoolhavein to their application vetted treat this onlyaccordingly. We pass information appropriateon to the persons. We regard information all relating to individual child issuesprotection as confidentialand we conferences or takenactionwill be followed through the and teacher concernedinformed. reported case is taken upand investigated by an external agency, any meetings,case caseconference willthentake placeshare to information formulateandplan of a action. the If a Ifchild protection is made, referral a courseof willaction be decided withinupon one A day. may bejeopardised. child,it is believed if safety childthe of may the beput at greater risk, or a criminal investigation somecasesreferral the will withoutbe made seeking consent,priorin toorder thesafeguard consent. However,thisisnot given,theif school will makethe withoutreferral consent. In a Ifchild alleges abuse, before the school makes a referral, parents should beaskedtheir for that againstare made a ofmember staff. reportedthe Chair toThe of Local Directors. Authority DO reportedtheimmediately. DSLto the If allegation is about the Headteacher, this should be importance throughout. staff haveIf about concerns memberanother staff, this shouldof be handlesuch investigations ainsensitive manner interest of but the the paramount child is of Children’sBoard when(LSCB) investigating allegationsany of abuse. involved partiesAll The school’s DSLs& HT closelywork the with Social ServiceCare the and Local Safeguarding remember instance:the in first a Ifchild discloses abuse or staff are concerned aboutpossible abuse, there are threethings to sufferinglikelytoSignificant sufferor Harm Accordingto the 1989,Act, Children a shouldreferral be made Staff areinwith contact day children all areaand inpositionto detect possible abuse. next. clarifywhat roleis being enablesaid. Our is to to the andspeakchild whatthen knowdo to questions, but the only bareminimum ofme’, ‘Explain’,‘Tell questions‘Describe’in toorder consequencesmaking of anallegation isvery common. ask is crucialleading It not to Staff should reassure thatthe childwhatever has happenedit is not Fear their fault. of the Children making an allegationfeelwill oftennot bebelievedthey they willor thatbepunished. every beyears. two updated training will Level This 1 2.and Practices DSL’s requiredhavecompletedChild Protection are Procedures andto LA at &Deputy Safeguarding.in DSL receive school regular The All thetraining in adults procedures. offencesinvolving children or abuse. Any interview panel must follow Do notDopromise confidentiality the child a (but commitment to give to support the child). notDospeak the parentsat to this stage Reportinformation immediatelythe the DSLto ’. must ‘if a child isconsidered ‘if a child to be be ofallegations informedall </p><p>Safer Recruitment CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>4</p><p>PagPea4ge4 4 abuse has occurred. may,It indicate however,that investigation shouldtake place. isimportantItrememberthe presenceto that of or one more factors not does proofgivethat 5. whoof staff, willwhat knowdo. This would occurto inonly extreme circumstances. emergency involving Child Protection, then the teachermust tospeak senior the mostmember In the unlikely event of the allandDSL Deputyof beingDSL’s unavailableto deal an with informtheofDSL changes/additionsany sothat this list can be kept up to date. Staff arekept informedany inof child whotheir class this is noted in way. Teachers must andrelevant. whereThis includes children who, for reason,whatever to needbe monitored. ‘Safeguarding’ this andinformationfile will besent onto the child’s nextin school confidence Confidential information aboutchildren causing issecurelyconcern held a placein central thein must carefullylisten to issaying,what the childit seriouslytreat and whatvaluetheysay. neutral placethe childwhere feelsittalk. is safedisclosure to Sensitivity the Staff is vital. Staff have an important role hearing in whatchildren can toThe have schoolsay. provide a symptomsand Signs – a guide unexplained bruising: constantminor injuries incompatible explanationsan for injury unexplainedin delay seekingwhich treatmentis needed poor self-esteem sudden poor inperformance school sexualised drawings and play sexuallyprecocious behaviour unkempt appearance antisocial behaviour apprehension attentionseeking ‘ change behaviouralin patterns soiling wettingand unresponsivenessin the child generalphysical disability cigarette burns burns scaldsand bitemarks frozen’ look o o o o o o o differing bruisingage linearbruising (particularly buttocks or back) bruising the ears, of or behind the ears finger marks grasp marks black if eyes,eyesboth areblackesp. there andare forehead no marks to or nose bruise marks or in around the mouth CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>5</p><p>PagPea4ge4 5 treatment. This categoryshould be isthewhereused main it abuse. formor soleof persistentsevere or emotional ill-treatment abuseor rejection.All involves someemotional ill- isthe severeadverse ontheeffect behaviour emotionalanddevelopment achild of by Emotional Abuse development,including non-organic failurethrive. to including cold or starvation) which seriousresults in theimpairment child’sofhealth or isthe persistentorsevere of neglect a examplechild (forby exposure to of any kinddanger Neglect consent, or which violate taboosthe familysocial of roles. activitiesthey donot that truly comprehend, toand which they are unable to informedgive isthe involvement of dependent, developmentallyimmature children adolescentsand sexualin Sexual Abuse or a reasonable suspicion injurythat wasthe inflicteddeliberately or knowingly not prevented. isa physical injury to includinga child, deliberatepoisoning, where knowledge,there is definite Physical Abuse forchild. that custody, charge or care includes person,any setting, whateverin who the time is responsible at custody, chargethe childor care ofcaused either or knowinglyto failedprevent. Having physicalneglect, to failurethrive, or emotional or sexual abuse, which the whoperson has had An abused child is a underboy or girl the ofage 18 who physicalhas suffered injury,from 6. We recognise that mayabuseoccurinfollowing the forms: Definitions of Child Abuse Definitions of poor attendance–repeated infections etc confusing affectionatedisplays difficultyin relationshipsforming resistanceschool to medicals resistancePE (undressing)to reluctance to return homeafter school runningaway withdrawal self-mutilation also theoccur throughuseof technology consensual.Child exploitationsexual not doesalways involve physical it contact;can The victim may havebeen sexually exploitedeventhesexual if activity appears and/orfor the financial(b) advantage orincreasedstatus perpetratorof the or facilitator. age18into of activity sexual(a) exchangein something for the wants,victim needs or imbalancepower ofto coerce, manipulateordeceive a child or young underperson the Child Sexual Exploitation- whethercultural for or non-therapeutic reasons removal externalof the genitaliafemale or other theinjury femaleto genital organs. Female Genital Mutilation – It occursItanindividual where takes or groupadvantage of an comprises of comprisesall procedures involvingpartial or total. CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>6</p><p>PagPea4ge4 6 following people and agencies may be involved: Central toprocedures all for safeguarding case is a conference, arrangedbySocial Care. The the proceduresareheld by the HT. Theseprocedureswill be followed casesinof reported or abusesuspicionof abuse. Copies of 7. The ofBoard Directors regularly reviews and this policy its implementation. 8. Police when interviewing a child. Sexual abuse cases are investigated by the Police.Social canCare be present to assist the Safeguarding theinFile secure location.central Informationconcerning confirmed or casessuspected of child areabusein held the B&NES Safeguarding procedures Monitoring and Review and Monitoring Clinical or educational psychologist Police Probation Service NSPCC Senior nurse Senior Medical Officer Head Teacher and/orDSL DeputyDSL Social Care Service behaviourthe victimof standing within the community, which is presumedhave losttothrough been the context extendedof the whichfamily aremotivated by a perceived restoreneed to BasedHonour Violence isused. peoplewith learningdisabilities, cannot)consentthe marriageto pressureand or abuse Forced Marriage explanation). substantial period of time (usually agreeddays as ten without provisionof reasonable Missing From Children Education Housing dept Community if workerappropriate siblings’HT from school Senior education welfare officer Consultant psychiatristhospital isinvolved)(if (as defined in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016) Education Safe in Children Keeping (as defined in The RoletheLead TheofDesignated Safeguarding - A forcedmarriageA iswhere one or both people do not (or casesin of - </p><p> is a isa term toused describe - beenHave any out of educationalprovision a for </p><p> violence</p><p> committed committed within the CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>7</p><p>PagPea4ge4 7 The designatedsafeguarding lead is expectedto: Manage referrals shouldnot bedelegated. set out above, remains the with designatedsafeguarding thislead;lead responsibility appropriately trained the deputies,leadultimate responsibility for child protection, as Whilstthe activities the designatedof safeguarding lead can be delegated to samestandard as the designated safeguarding lead. or moredeputy designated safeguarding Any lead(s). deputies should be trainedthe to isa Itmatterindividual forschools and whether colleges as to they choosehave to one Leads Deputy Designated Safeguarding assessment children. of meetings – toand/or support other staff to do so – toand tocontribute the child welfare childand protection take part tostrategymatters, indiscussions and interagency funding, resourcestraining, andprovide support toadvice and support to other staff on within the schoolcarry out the toof dutiesThey the should post. be given the time, job description. shouldThis personhaveappropriate the and status authority responsibility for safeguardingand child protection. This should be explicit the in roleholder’s roledesignated of safeguardinglead. The designated safeguardingshould leadtake lead appropriatemember seniorstaff, school from of theor collegeleadership team,the to Governing bodies, proprietors managementand committeesshould appoint an Designated Safeguarding Lead The designatedsafeguarding lead is expectedto: Work with others officer(s) localat authoritythe child protectionfor (allconcerns cases which as required, liaisethewith“casemanager” (asperPart four) the anddesignated investigations; ongoing enquiriesunder 47 sectionthe Childrenof 1989 Act police and liaisewithheadteacher the or toprincipal orinform himherof issues, especially refer caseswhere beena may crime have committedto asrequired.the Police Disclosure Barringand asServicerequired; and refer caseswhere a person is dismissedduerisk/harmto or a the left child to to supportwho make referralsthe staff Channel to programme; required; refer casesto the Channelprogramme where there is a radicalisation concern as supportwho make referralslocalstaff authority children’sto social care; required; refer casesof abusesuspected local to authoritythe socialchildren’s care as CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>8</p><p>PagPea4ge4 8 developments torelevant they:their role so required, but at least annually, tounderstand allow them andto any upwithkeep simply time takingto andread safeguardingdigest developments) at regular intervals, as refreshed (this might be viae-bulletins, otherdesignatedmeeting safeguardingleads, or In addition formalto the out training above,theirset knowledgeandshould skillsbe The designatedsafeguarding lead should undertake Prevent awareness training. updated at least every two years. them the withknowledge skillsand required to role. carry out the This training should be The designatedsafeguarding lead deputies)any(andshould undergo provide training to Training The designatedsafeguarding lead should: Raise Awareness and forexpertise staff. makeareferral withby liaising agencies.relevantasource Act support, as adviceof liaisewithofand staff on matterssafety safeguardingand when deciding whether to concern a staff member); and regularly,and governing with work bodies regardingor proprietors this; minimum) theandprocedures and implementation are updated reviewedand ensure orthe college’sschool child policyprotectionisreviewed annually(as a used appropriately; ensure orthe college’sschool child policiesprotection understoodare known, and protect them. feelings, among staff, any measuresin all orthe collegeschool in tomay put place encourage a ofchildrenculture listening to takingand account of their wishes and obtain access to andresources attend any relevantrefresher or training courses; and from radicalisation;the risk of Preventduty and to are ableprovide advice supportandstaff onprotecting to children understandand support the school or regardscollege thewith requirementsto of the areable to detailed,keep accurate, securewritten ofrecords andconcerns referrals; needs youngand carers; are alertthe needsspecific to of children need,in specialthose with educational child protectionand policy procedures, especiallynew part andtime staff; ensure eachmember staffhasaccessand of schoolto understands the or college’s contributetheseeffectively to required when doso; to conference aandchild protection review andconference be ableattend andto have a working knowledgeof authoritieshow localconduct protection a child case earlyassessments; help examplethrough locally agreed andcommon assessment shared suchprocesses as understandthe assessmentprocess providing for earlyand help intervention, for CHILD PROTECTION</p><p>Page | | </p><p>9</p><p>PagPea4ge4 9 activities. arrange adequateand appropriate coverarrangements for hours/outany out ofterm of isa Itmatterindividual forschools and colleges theanddesignated safeguardinglead to othersuchmedia isacceptable. means whetherand exceptionalin circumstances availability viaphoneand or Skype or and colleges, working the with designatedsafeguarding tolead, define what “available” deputy) would be expectedto be available person,inisamatterindividual it for schools safeguarding concerns.Whilstgenerally speaking the designatedsafeguarding lead (or available (during school or college hours)the staff inschool for or college to any discuss Duringterm time the designated safeguarding(or aleaddeputy) shouldbe always Availability obtained. from the pupil main file, ensuringsecure transit confirmationand of shouldreceipt be to the schoolnew or college as soonpossible.This should betransferred separately Wherechildren the schoolleave or collegeensure their child protection is transferred file Child protection file latest local policiesonsafeguarding. link the with local toLSCB make sure staff are awaretraining opportunitiesof the and school or collegethis;in and thatfact aboutreferrals abusesuspected be or neglect theandmay made rolethe of ensure the child policyprotection is available publiclyand parents areaware of the CHILD PROTECTION 10 Page | | 10 PagPea4ge4</p>
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