<p>UHISA </p><p>Committee: UHISA Executive Committee – scheduled business meeting Meeting Date: Monday 29th September 2014 9am – 11am Location: VC Agenda</p><p>Item Speaker Action Paper</p><p>1 Welcome</p><p>- Welcome and apologies President verbal - Declarations of interest - Additions to the agenda (at chairs discre- tion)</p><p>2 Minutes</p><p>- Minutes of the meeting held on 28/7/14 President Approve UE14/15-02-01 president Discussion - Matters arising</p><p>3 Officer Reports UHISA Executive Committee President Rachel Note UE14/15-02-02 Heidi Vice President Note UE14/15-02-03 Val North Highland College Representative Christine Note UE14/15-02-04 Aisling Orkney College Representative Verbal John Perth College Representative UE14/15-02-05 Bernadette Note UE14/15-02-06 West Highland College representative Ailsa Note Michael Lews Castle College representative Verbal George/ Michael Disabled Students’ Officer Verbal Federica UE14/15-02-07 Mature Students’ Officer Kerin Note IT officer Holly UE14/15-02-08 Neil Bryan Note Woman’s Officer Verbal Verbal LGTB officer Verbal SNSO Creative and Cultural Industries verbal Verbal SNSO Gaelic and Humanities</p><p>SNSO Science Environment and Rural Resources Management 4. Finance Status</p><p>A review of UHISA’s finance status President note UE14/15-02-09</p><p>5. Constitution</p><p>Adding the role of the depute pres. to the constitution President Note UE14/15-02-10 which was passed at November 2013 Student council when we were not at quorum </p><p>6. Beyond religion and belief </p><p>Discuss region and belief Michael Discussion Verbal</p><p>7. Childreach International </p><p>Discuss Childreach international and see if anyone is Michael Discussion Verbal keen to attend</p><p>8. Web development</p><p>Discuss if people would like to join the wed develop- John Discussion Verbal ment team and discuss the remit of the sub committee UHISA Executive Committee 9. By-election </p><p>Give an update on what is happening with the by-elec- President Discussion Verbal tions </p><p>10. Election Committee </p><p>Appointing a UHISA rep on the election committee President Discussion Verbal</p><p>11. Student council residential </p><p>Discuss what workshops are wanted and to encourage President Discussion Verbal everyone to start thinking of motions</p><p>12 University Challenge</p><p>Following a previous discussion regarding a UHI team John Discussion Verbal on the programme I have tried to find out more informa- tion about entering a team but have hit dead ends. Does anyone know we can get the ball rolling with this? We have a huge array of intelligent students at UHI and I feel we could do well in this type of event. I’d like to start this conversation if possible. 13. Office search in Inverness </p><p>To help push for an office in Inverness for the president President Discussion Verbal</p><p>14. Suicide Prevention Theatre Event</p><p>Seeking approval from the executive to go ahead with Aisling Discussion Verbal the event as proposed in the attached papers in conjunc- tion with ICSA and PCSA and a financial contribution from UHI.</p><p>15. Action points</p><p>Review the action points from the last year President Note UE14/15-02-11</p><p>16. Volunteering awards</p><p>To look into the saltire awards as a way to reward for President Note UE14/15-02-12 volunteering or think about an alternative </p><p>17. Pre-paid bank cards</p><p>To think about pre-paid bank cards and see if this is the President Note UE14/15-02-13 best way forward for the sabbatical officers</p><p>18. Discussion on Mental Health (wellbeing) strategy.</p><p>Following the seeme workshop and a meeting at the John Discussion Verbal gathering with Ailsa myself and the Student Support of- ficer from Heriot Watt University Ailsa I propose we form a Mental Well-being committee to enhance the awareness of support throughout the campuses. There is already a Mental Health First Aid training question be- ing asked within UHI but there is definitely scope here UHISA Executive Committee for support from UHISA.</p><p>19. Proposal of Financial Committee</p><p>We should have some clarification of policies regarding John Discussion Verbal record keeping of finances. I have concerns that we do not appear to have a comprehension as to where all the funding for Clubs and Societies has been allocated and this will inevitably have a knock on effect. Is there a written guideline as to what happens to monies within UHISA? I am also concerned that no Student Officer can sign a cheque! This absurdity is leaving us in a ridicu- lous position where we have to pay out for expenses at a far higher level than would acceptable in a private busi- ness. We also have no credit card facility which is hin- dering our ability to book things in advance. I propose to form a Finance committee which can seek guidance and impartial advice on financial matters as there seems to be somewhat of an issue in this area and as money is the lifeblood of any organisation and although everyone in- volved is doing the best they can we ought to be treating this area with a bit more care. I am willing to lead this as I do have experience running my own business and have worked as accounts clerk in the past (albeit dim and dis- tant). 20. Campaign increasing access to books at Perth</p><p>Kal Roderick at PCSA is hoping to create a campaign in- John Discussion Verbal creasing access to books at Perth and would like UHI to support this across the other campuses. I’d like to add that WHCSA are likely support this campaign as well as this has been discussed in the past</p><p>21. Principal Workshop.</p><p>Consider suggestions for topics to be raised with the Michael Discussion Verbal Principal at the Workshop for Students only on 1st Octo- ber.</p><p>22. Insurance </p><p>Michael is reviewing the insurance documents Heidi Discussion Verbal</p><p>23. Handover training </p><p>There was no training after the by-election last year, so Heidi discussion Verbal create a system for providing handover</p><p>24. Student Partnership Agreement </p><p>Agree upon the outcomes for the SPA President Discussion Verbal UHISA Executive Committee 25. Claire’s contract and depute president role</p><p>Have a discussion about wither to keep Claire till the de- President Discussion Verbal pute president is filled or stick with her original contact. Discussion on the depute president role.</p><p>26. Employment contracts for Principal Office Bearers. </p><p>Principal Office Bearers requested changes to employ- President / Discussion Verbal ment contracts this year, and have not signed existing Vice Presi- ones. Exec to amend or approve revised contracts in the dent light of professional advice received.</p><p>27. Date of Next Meeting Note</p><p>Please submit any apologies for this meeting to the President. If you require a video conference link, please book your local facility and notify VC master ([email protected]) UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-01 Minutes (28/7/14) UHISA Executive Committee Minute and Actions of the Meeting of the UHISA Executive Committee held at 6:30pm - 8pm dur- ing handover training.</p><p>Present</p><p>Rachel Parker President In person</p><p>Michael Macmillan Mature Student’s Officer In person</p><p>John Buchan West Highland College Representative In person</p><p>Aisling Goodey Perth College Representative In person</p><p>Holly Scrimgeour SNSO Creative & Cultural Industries In person</p><p>Heidi Hercus Vice-President In person</p><p>Apologies</p><p>In attendance</p><p>Item Action</p><p>1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES</p><p>All listed above introduced themselves for the sake of the recording.</p><p>2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>No declarations was made.</p><p>3 MINUTES AND ACTIONS</p><p>RP corrected some spelling and grammar errors, and corrected that the time of the meeting had been from 9:30am. The minutes were agreed. UHISA Executive Committee 4 MATTERS ARISING</p><p>RP clarified that the recordings should have been sent to HS and AG, who confirmed that they had been received. RP noted that handover notes had not been received. LH had not taken up post, and so RP had reallocated funds. DR had circulated a list of affiliations. JB agreed to take forward the certificate for SM. AF had been looking into mental health first aid training. RP confirmed the items had been ordered for Freshers. AG agreed to collate the info for the USB drives. RP noted that Getty images had said they had not received papers, and that UHI fi- nance is cancelling the cheque to Getty and paying the collection company directly.</p><p>5 OFFICER REPORTS</p><p>RP noted that HH had unexpected medical issues and was unable to send her report earlier, and had subsequently accidentally sent the template, not her report. MM asked about whether we had lost money through not spending it from the fi- nance report. RP noted that the money left is part of next year’s budget. She noted that while this was sort of losing it, UHI had already guessed how much we would spend and spend- ing more than this could mean losing money for next year. RP noted that they had required the support a full time staff member would have from UHI through an alternative method. RP also explained that Clive Mulholland had just come into post and disagreed with budgets and with the processes used. He would not approve the budgets, and that they would be redone in 3 months. RP thought that his student focus would give HH UHISA a case for asking for more money again. HH to circulate written report. RP asked JB if it was possible to have a UHISA rep at a SPARQS training event for WHC class reps to explain how UHISA fits in to that.</p><p>6 FRESHERS UHISA Executive Committee HH agreed to go to Centre for History at SMO. MM agreed conditionally to go to postgraduates induction at Longman campus. HH also agreed to go if needed. JB, *HH* and RP agreed to go to WHC. JB and RP agreed to go to PC, and HS and AG are already there. HS agreed to go to SMO. AG and MM indicated being possibilities. RP and JB agreed to go to SAMS. RP suggested she cover Shetland, NAFC and Orkney as she would be up there any- way. This was agreed. HS was keen to go to Shetland and Orkney if it was possible. AG and HH agreed to go to HTC. MM agreed to act as a back up. JB agreed to go to Argyll College based on dates. AG agreed to go if she could get there. MM agreed to act as a back up. JB noted that he was interested in going up to Orkney. RP, MM, HS and JB agreed to go to Inverness. AG agreed to go if it fits with coming back from HTC. HH and AG agreed to go to NHC. AG, JB and MM agreed to go to Moray College depending on dates. HS, HH, AG, MM, and RP agreed to go to LCC. HS to collate UHISA video with help from JB. HS, JB RP requested everyone contact local businesses to support UHISA Freshers All with discounts and posters.</p><p>7 UHI COMMITTEES UHISA Executive Committee RP is on Court. HS agreed to be on Health and Safety committee. RP is on nominations committee. RP and MM is on Academic Council. HS, AG and JB expressed willingness to sit on it. QAEC allowed AG as they were not happy with RP in place of the Depute President and because of AG’s experience. This is until the Depute President is elected. There is a space on the Gaelic Committee. It would be helpful if this was a Gaelic speaker. MM and JB volunteered to sit on LTQC. RP noted that she thought this had 4 spaces but that this had changed. A space for a postgraduate research student is available on the Reseach Committee. RP was unsure who the Research Degree Committee had students from, but there are two students on. FE Regional Board had RP and an FE student. There are spaces on Foundation for each AP. They did not have to be recommended by UHISA so the spaces may not exist. MM is on Foundation but not as a student. HH, HS, AG, JB and RP expressed interest. JB and AG are on the clubs and societies sub-committee with HH. HS acted as a back- up. MM, AG and JB are on the constitution review group. JB, AG and HS volunteered for the Web Development Team. HS agreed to lead. RP also wanted some non-exec members on the team. JB, AG, HH, MM and HS volunteered for the Communications Strategy and Implemen- tation Group. JB agreed to lead on this. RP also wanted some non-exec members on the team. JB, AG, HH and HS volunteered for the Promotional and Social Media group. AG agreed to lead on this. RP also wanted some non-exec members on the team.</p><p>8 Operational Plan</p><p>No immediate concerns were expressed. MM suggested a change of name. RP suggested Plan of Work. This was agreed.</p><p>9 Co-opting members to the executive committee.</p><p>RP noted that there were two candidates for IT Officer. HS asked if we could have both. RP said we could but this depended on whether this would be beneficial. MM suggested that they co-opt George McLaren as IT Officer and Michael Irons as assisting. RP noted that they would have equal status and it would be unfair to put one above the other. The committee agreed to co-opt both Michael Irons and George McLaren. The committee agreed to co-opt Federica La Marca. The committee agreed to co-opt Bernadette McLaren. The committee agreed to co-opt Kieran Anderson. UHISA Executive Committee 10 Constitutional Review</p><p>MM summarised the work being done by the constitutional review team as in the pa- pers. He suggested that this be implemented and that it would be revisited and re- fined after each student council to avoid overwhelming Court and Student Council. He also summarised the changes to be made, and certain corrections listed in the pa- pers that had been made. RP felt that it would be unconstitutional to test the ideas before putting them into the constitution. She felt that if it was guaranteed to be better than the position we were in now, we should make that official. MM agreed that this was possible, but felt that it would seem foolish if we then kept refining it and confirming it with Court without refining it first through testing. AG suggested that we add a note for Court to point out that it was a work in change. RP thought that as it was a living document and could be reviewed regularly. JB thought the constitution was to be set in stone a little more. MM thought Court may not be happy if UHISA kept bringing their changes to them. HH agreed that this would be embarrassing. MM would suggest reviewing the whole constitution as the 5 year review. RP was concerned that enacting it before it was official would be wrong. MM thought it was still closer to the current constitution than we currently were, and this could be the reason for testing it. RP asked what the criticism from Court would be. MM responded that it would reduce credibility. Executive Committee approved the content of the review. Executive Committee agreed to enact this content as if it were real until fi- nalised.</p><p>11 TOIL</p><p>RP summarised the paper and noted that she wanted to change the procedure to save time, as the policy was to make adaptations for extra time already. RP proposed sharing the calendar instead of the TOIL sheets which would be updated regularly. This would prevent Principal Office Bearers from needing to claim TOIL for writing TOIL. Executive Committee approved this method of approving TOIL. Executive Committee approved 3.5 hours of TOIL for RP. HH asked whether this would be by email for this week. RP suggested she submit it with her report.</p><p>12 LIS Service Weekends UHISA Executive Committee Executive Committee did not agree to the dates of 13/14 December which were during assessments and assignment due dates and agreed to the 21/22 Decem- ber dates as the preferable option. Executive Committee did not agree to the 28/29 March dates and chose the 4/5 April as the preferable option. Executive Committee did not agree to the May dates as a possibility. Executive Committee agreed to the 4/5 July as the preferable option as it was not conflicting with resits as the August dates would be.</p><p>13 Creagorry Accommodation</p><p>HS summarised the paper submitted. RP asked about the cause of these issues as she had had a response saying students were the cause. AG noted that it could be students coming into the rooms without notice, but the stu- dents couldn’t be blamed for others accessing their room, particularly if they had no door. JB asked who had seen it and if someone should visit. HS said it was students and that she would be keen to visit. RP asked what we could reasonably do as the university was not obliged to provide accommodation. She suggested we could support the students to complain. HS didn’t think the students would do that. RP noted that we couldn’t do everything for them, but that we could offer campaigns training to the students and support them to take action themselves. HH asked who had arranged to house them here. HS noted that it was a deal between the accommodation and LCC. RP noted alternative accommodation, but HS noted that this was not a possibility for everyone on the islands given the distance. Executive Office agreed to speak further the next day.</p><p>14 AOCB UHISA Executive Committee [took place the next day after student council motions] RP told the exec that she is getting investigated for academic behaviour misconduct and that you may get approached for an interview. RP also mentioned that she forgot to say that BL submitted a report and if you had any questions to submit them by email to him. AF gave the exec that she is organising mental Health Training, she suggested this could be opened out to UHI. You need to have 12 people. The training takes place over 2 days where you have to go to both days. The cost will be £1200, the trainers come to wherever we want. The exec agreed this was worth it, and we should go for- ward with this. It was mentioned again about the fresher’s video that each officer was to film a AG, AF 30sec-1min clip of who they are and what they do. Creagorry Accommodation should be offered campaign training, send them to the red button and give them support throughout the whole progress. AG read out an email regarding Israel and Gaza. RP asked if we should sign it, as it is to stand against Israel’s government not individ- ual Israelites. JB reminded the exec that the numbers that were reported in the letter are reported and not actual numbers. AG,RP It was agreed that a written statement was to be written which will be approved by exec, before signing the letter </p><p>ACTIONS ARISING FROM THE UHISA Executive Committee</p><p>Ref Agenda Action Point Responsible Status Item</p><p>1 5 Circulate written report (and TOIL) Heidi Hercus</p><p>2 6 Collate information for freshers video Holly Scrim- and produce video geour with collaboration from John Buchan</p><p>3 6 Contact local businesses to offer deals All for students</p><p>14 Provide campaign training to Creagor- Holly Scrim- ry Accommodation geour to of- fer Aisling Goodey and Ailsa Fyfe to deliver. </p><p>14 Write a statement re. Isreal and Gaza Aisling Goodey and Rachel Park- UHISA Executive Committee er UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-02 President Report This report highlights the key points of my activity since the last meeting, please feel free to contact me with any questions or queries you may have for further information on anything I have mentioned. In addition to this, all current members of the UHISA Executive have been given read permissions for my UHI outlook calendar ([email protected]) which I keep up to date with my activities both upcoming and past. If you are having any difficulties viewing my calendar or for any other queries on this report please feel free to call me on 07920703864. Events/Meetings:</p><p>Annual leave 1 week’s annual leave to attend the level 1 Gaelic short course at Sab- hal Mor Ostaig – great experience and would recommend to anyone who is interested (I could also do with a buddy to practice with!) All calls and emails were diverted to John during this time (thanks) to deal with any urgent business due to the current capacity difficulties in UHISA</p><p>Rob Henthorn – UHISA’s After a number of transport issues Rob made it to Inverness to meet NUS Scottish Executive Heidi and myself to talk about the current position of UHISA, areas we Committee member are looking to work on over the year, what NUS Scotland intends to work on over the year and how we can maximise the support we are receiving from NUS – a very valuable meeting to have had</p><p>Student Representation + Bernadette + Sgotaidh looking at the various options for the future Project Board Away Day structure of student representation in the highlands and islands, dis- cussing benefits and drawbacks of each before shortlisting our pre- ferred options – now have 2 preferred options with adaptations to both from one of the discounted options, further work to be done on flesh- ing out the structures for further discussions. All 3 student reps in attendance this day worked together particularly well in defending the reality of our experience as students rather than the sometimes more idealised version being perceived by staff. UHISA Executive Committee Partnerships for + John + Holly + Kieran + Bernadette + George +Federica + Aisling Change meeting college officers from across Scotland (and a number from UHI) plenary from the head of the funding council highlighting the role and importance of students’ associations followed by workshops (split UHISA to cover the different sessions) I went to: Support and National Influence – when trying to influence highlighted the need of; capacity, information, research and how SA’s have influ- ence in the broader picture Democracy is dead! Long live democracies – this focused on alternative democracies through a simulation exercise simultaneously making the same decision through different methods, highlights the positives and negatives of the various structures used – do you want the best or the least worst? The geography Challenge: How can we overcome distance? – this fo- cused on alternative to face to face communications such as all student emails, utilising lecturers as they’re in more regular contact with stu- dents, social media campaigns, considering the breakdown of the rep- resentative structure – a rep for each campus or by area of work, posi- tive+ negatives of this Also took the opportunity to organise a Highlands and Islands discus- sion with all reps there from the UHI region to talk about upcoming plans and promote intercollege working in student representation</p><p>The Gathering + Kieran + Federica + Ailsa + Bernadette + Holly + Aisling + John + George - Networking with Scotland officers (college + uni) following the independence debate we split into workshops (split the UHISA of- ficers to cover different session and share after) I went to: Student Tenants – talk about housing co-operatives to support stu- dents in being aware of and demanding their rights, has knock on effect for the whole rental market and local communities not just students – could be set up in UHI similar to a club/society but supported by a UHISA officer (to get started up and running) Making the Student voice too powerful to be ignored – this focused on community organising, encouraging and supporting other to solve their own problems not doing it for them, more sustainable for change and engages more individuals – will run a community organising ‘train the trainer’ type course during the year, would be good to get people to this. This house believes students are consumers (debate) – useful for get- ting to grips more with the arguments that students are not con- sumers, but rather co-creators in their own learning and how they can be used to challenge a consumeristic approach. UHISA Executive Committee Lead and Change – NUS Greatly improved from last year, definitely benefited from the ‘return- Officer Development ers’ tutor group, helpful being in a group of other 2nd year officers, Summer Training workshop session were different this year has been made far more rel- Course evant – community organising funding workshop particularly helpful and the structure of the days overall has been made more accessible than previously – general election strategy evening session caused a walk out of Scotland officers for being to England centric and lacking relevance to the nations, followed up by a discussion between Scotland officers then with Toni and Gordon to challenge the situation and high- light the need for UK wide events to be fully inclusive of nations not just England, discussions were well received and suggestions will be taken forward.</p><p>*Definitely recommend this course to future principal officers*</p><p>UHI Strategy Planning Great event, seemed very open-minded to change and development, Event (2 days) students have a high focus in the draft documents– it was highlighted that students are central to a university and how the experience when staff were undergrads and the experience of undergrads now are so different (IT developments etc) – I challenged this being the only stu- dent present - asked for greater student involvement -> Students only strategy event has been set up by Clive and individual students are on some of the panels looking further into certain topics of the plan Lots of networking with staff – particularly Frank (principal at MC) keen to promote UHISA in his induction speech, keen to encourage a Moray College UHISA rep etc, met Lisa Massie and arranged meeting with other reps </p><p>West Highland College UHISA presentation (no speakers for video – gave verbal presentation Freshers from script instead) – video circulated on WHC social media for view- ing after, lots of new students, good for raising profile and particular how UHISA and WHCSA can work together – discussions with WHCSA exec – very friendly reception from WHC staff – Paul talking about po- tential mental health workshops to implement, Lydia particularly ap- preciated having the UHISA presence this year – highlights the impor- tance of student representation etc</p><p>Learning Teaching + Michael + John short meeting, looks like committee structure for UHI Quality Committee will be simplified LTQC may not exist much longer. Push from UHISA to have reps better supported when on committees</p><p>Scottish Association for Last minute change of plan from SMO due to my car MOT being delayed Marine Science – presented the welcome video + answered questions, talking to stu- dents over lunch – keen to get more actively involved in UHISA specific request for Sea kayaking -> paddle sports (introduced at joint SAMS WHC event later in week) and in tutoring languages (French Spanish German) by VC</p><p>Adventure Tourism Stu- Lots of students! Networking + Putting faces to names, lots of enthusi- dent bowling night asm and big plans for the clubs mainly out of WHC keen to involve a wider range of students though and develop new ones, UHISA presence noticed by staff too (bonus) UHISA Executive Committee West Highland Ceilidh Joined with Kieran (LGBT officer) went to ceilidh, met different new students, lots of talk about developing team sports at WHC, potential for intercollege teams if other campuses develop same sports (football, rugby, basketball, volleyball) also discussions with PCSA John Dare on events at PC and how we can support each other on things – holding a welcome event the night before graduation keen to have UHISA there</p><p>SAMS/WHC joint fresh- Sports and film day in Oban/SAMS. Showed face at sports session but ers event not feeling too well. Joined for the film session at SAMS – talking to more new students, helping to match specific interests together, (didn’t watch film) instead catch up with John, discussing potential options for how UHISA can make progress in different areas</p><p>Rector – Foundation Similar difficulties in foundation and UHISA – developing ways to move Working Group forward and utilise support for each other, foundation wants to do more (in UHI as a whole), UHISA currently needs help. Anton put me in touch with some independents to help with specific tasks at UHISA based on their skills</p><p>Kevin + Claire Admin secondment - not a particularly smooth ride for anyone in- volved, (will be discussed at Exec)</p><p>Independent Board + Aisling + holly met Lisa Massie FERB member, keen to hear about Member students experience, particularly representation and engagement with SA’s from both students and UHI/AP’s and ongoing representation project, put Lisa in touch with John re communications plan</p><p>Inverness College 2 mornings, stall both days talking to lots of students HE re UHISA FE Freshers Fayre re project/shindig, wide range of stalls present, keen interest in clubs/socs involvement, definite increase in awareness of UHISA</p><p>Mature Students’ Offi- Discussing constitution, student representation project, UHISA’s cur- cer rent circumstances – Michael offered help with the election prep</p><p>Kirking of the Council A high profile civic event – beneficial networking with civic leaders and MSP’s etc, definitely useful contacts to have</p><p>Dinner with HRH The Whilst still relatively formal, casual environment easier to develop re- Princess Royal lationships further with key UHI staff, only student present, lots of dis- cussions about unique student journeys, what makes UHI a special place to study and the specialist courses bringing in students out with the region.</p><p>Shetland College Gradu- Lots of students and family to talk to, greater understanding of range of ation/UHI Foundation courses offered, HRH spoke to each and every graduating student indi- Day vidually, developing relationships with KEY UHI staff, managed to get a word about UHISA with Chair of UHI Court</p><p>Annual Lecture + Din- Inspiring lecture to follow what you want to do even if not the most ner with Midge Ure traditional path to take, well received with students and staff. Interact- ing with a number of the graduates and visitors. Further developing re- lationships with key staff on court and UHI committees UHISA Executive Committee Shetland College Fresh- Informal stall in canteen freebies + steady flow of students, also key ers staff e.g. VC team, Simon Clarke talked about PAT’s role and promoting UHISA and it’s clubs to his students, Silke talked about postgrads and centre for Nordic studies – granted access to MLitt and postgrad sec- tions on blackboard +trained me to send announcements etc</p><p>North Atlantic Fisheries Tour of facilities and introduced to each class of students – stall over College Freshers lunch for freebies and questions – tour/discussion with 2 class reps – needs more social activities/opportunities (minibus) – potential stu- dent council motion re opening times of buildings/rooms to facilitate co-operative study etc keen to attend council, possibly potential UHISA rep ☺</p><p>Manifesto Priorities:</p><p>Improve Social Integra- When at events/freshers raising awareness that UHISA has clubs/socs tion to join, or create new. Trying to link people together with common interests or goals when engaging with students More events now being advertised on the UHISA calendar (still needs more to give input – take back to SEG) I’ve recommended this theme be included in this years SPA after a meeting with Iain + Kevin to continue the Universities input and co-op- eration in this area.</p><p>Increase Support for Recommending peers in similar roles for reps to link up with and work Student Reps on topics together. This ties in closely with one of the themes I’ve recommended be ac- cepted into this years SPA after discussion with Iain + Kevin to encour- age the universities active participation and co-operation on develop- ing this topic as much as possible.</p><p>Promoting Internation- ICSA freshers – international exchange stall, got info specific to IC + di- al Exchange rections to more general UHI info Discussions with Linda Stewart whilst on Shetland re European fund- ing and ERASMUS exchange programmes – how can these be more clearly promoted to students (and staff)</p><p>Promote Democracy in Highlighting the upcoming by-election for UHISA where there are rele- the Community vant unfilled positions when engaging with students at events/freshers etc. Posts via social media to remind people to vote in referendum, emer- gency proxy arrangements, what to expect at a polling station etc Unfortunately #studentsvote pack didn’t arrive to run this section of the campaign whilst in Shetland UHISA Executive Committee</p><p>Additional areas of work:</p><p>Student Development Terms and conditions of this funding were being renewed – particular- Fund ly changes focused on postgraduate students applying for training or conferences and any students wishing to apply for diving courses – spoke to students as SAMS (re diving courses) and the postgraduates I have contact with to suggest adaptions to these to minimise any nega- tive effects this review would have on them. Also related to eligibility to apply during progression between HN years or HN to degree – confi- dent as far as possible that the changes have not been detrimental to students wishing to make use of this funding opportunity.</p><p>Investigating a UHISA Approached by OohLaLa about developing an app to engage with stu- app dents – reaction from exec members who responded seemed positive to the idea so investigated a bit further – app looked good from the screenshots and in discussion with developer showed potential to be beneficial in UHI – finance could be an issue due to the length of con- tract required if not supported by UHI – also with the project potential- ly changing the shape of representation in the region it may not be a good time to invest in something like this – concerns have been raised by another Scottish sabb who was also approached with regards to their use of the individual users data, not had time to look into this yet as with finance difficulty and other areas of work this hasn’t been a pri- ority </p><p>Student of the Year Student on the panel – all AP’s submit their own student of the year to Judging pick and overall UHI student of the year – this year’s winner was Eilidh MacFadyen from Sabhal Mor Ostaig</p><p>Misconduct Investiga- I’ve had to spend a considerable amount of time dealing with an inves- tion tigation lead by Inverness College on behalf of UHI – seeking advice and guidance from NUS Scotland, understanding the case, challenging the process being carried out, gathering evidence, interview, necessary follow up from interview, responding to evidence. This case has now been dealt with after the investigation being com- pleted and the incident report having been prepared.</p><p>Student Partnership Discussion with Iain + Kevin on the 5 options for themes approved by Agreement QAEC, discussed potential outcomes of each theme and circulated my 3 recommendations to the executive to seek approval.</p><p>Welcome to UHISA Wrote script - Last minute dash to get filming done, visited HTC to film Video there and popped into WHC for some sound recording on way back from hospital appointment in Oban – edited together and subtitled on youtube for accessibility. Sent out to all PAT’s, asked UHI/AP social media accounts to share/retweet etc, shown at induction/freshers events (over 100 views in first 2 days)</p><p>Credit Card Was asked to provide verification of my address again on 5th September – card not arrived yet though UHISA Executive Committee Finances Doing the best I can with all this despite not receiving a handover - cleared up a number of long term (over a year ago!) outstanding in- voices both from and against UHISA</p><p>Budgeting With technical help in excel from John been preparing a document to facilitate discussions on UHISA’s budget for this year</p><p>Independent Mentor Making progress towards getting an independent mentor to support me through the remainder of my term in office. Potential mentor being approached, waiting on response.</p><p>Student Council Prepped the notice and updated templates to announce this years stu- dent council</p><p>TOIL: Week beginning 21st July – 2.25 Week beginning 28th July – 6.5 Week beginning 4th August – 0 Week beginning 11th August – 11.5 Week beginning 18th August – 20.25 Week beginning 25th August – 9.5 Week beginning 1st September – 20.75 Week beginning 8th September – 22.5</p><p>(Rachel Parker 18th September) UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-03</p><p>Vice President Report September: Things beginning to move September has finally seen the students surfacing and getting in contact for what seems like two months of empty emails. There is much more energy when there are students to talk to. September personally has been a very difficult month for me and I thank members of the Executive for supporting me during a difficult time. It still is a difficult time but life must move forward.</p><p>What have I been doing? I have spent as much time as I can still trying to learn aspects of my job. With no handover I have been just trying to look at minutes of meetings , and past club activities.looking over past subcommittee minutes, looking at our current club and societies affliations and trying to learn as much as I can. Melissa is now back and I am delighted I will finally be getting me a handover to deal with aspects of my job properly.. Julys report included the following(This next month I plan on really getting the Presidents on board, to come up with an attractive/memorable UHISA clubs and societies board for Freshers and to call a Sub - committee Meeting with the new team) I am happy to say these have happened</p><p>CSSC: (Clubs and Societies Subcommitee ) Our first Meeting was held August 27th. The new committee is Aisling,John,and Ailsa with Claire taking minutes. 2 new societies were affliated. The Computing Society and The Mature Students Society. I had been in talks with 3 others about affliation and was hoping to have those on board for our first meeting, but still progressing I hope. I have been told there is great interest in Rugby, I have met with a potential 5 aside football president, and someone very keen to start a bronies society and have met with 2 girls from Stirling University based in Inverness, who would like to see if we can unite for a Christian Union. Alan Mcdonald and I have been chatting and he is keen to get shinty going as well. And I am in talks with students wanting to start a psychology society.. While the CSSC only met twice a term last year, we decided as a committee for 3 if not 4 a term, as we anticipated to be receiving more affliations and funding requests coming in for September/October. Our second meeting is September 29th.With the gentle reminders or perhaps not so gen- tle reminders to club captains/presidents from myself and members of this committee, the clubs are taking shape, back on track and are reaffliating Freshers: It has been a busy time for all of us being at Freshers weeks trying to promote UHISA to the wider world. It has still been surprising to find students who don't know what UHISA is, but soon that can turn around. I at- tended the following events: Postgraduate Induction at Inverness College: August 29 I felt this went very well about 50 students there, staff and students very receptive. Asked lots of questions, and were very happy with the freebies. A good use of time! Stirling University Freshers Fayre: Centre for Heath Science,Sep 3 I was asked to attend this specifically for Clubs and Societies for the Stirling students based in Inverness. This was a good day, lots of engagement with students lots of interest in getting involved in our current clubs and societies. I have collected emails and interests and will invite them to the relavent clubs and soci- eties ! UHISA Executive Committee PPE Induction at HTC:September 4 Myself, Ailsa and Claire (as she was personally asked by the lecturer) attended this first ever PPE induction. A small group of 10 who will be mostly studying long distance. The students were receptive, a bit quiet but 1 in particular is very keen, has joined 3 clubs since, wants to start his own club, and is seriously considering running for the long distance officer. So well worth our time. HTC Induction, Sept 8 Myself, Aisling, and Ailsa attended this induction. HTC in the past has been a bit apathetic to UHISA, it still is a bit. Our talk while well received, was at the end of the day and students are tired, in the future perhaps earlier in the day or a more informal approach may be better. We can push for that. Again freebies well re- cieved. Lews Castle College, Sept 15 Ailsa and myself attended Lews. Sadly this was not a good use of our time. We only learned from a personal facebook message from Bernadette that there was no Freshers event and there would not be a captive audi- ence. While it was good to see George and Bernie, we felt the staff were wondering a bit what we were do- ing there. The staff were lovely and helped as much as they could, but engagement at Lews is a big problem we were told. I think if communication had been a bit better George, Bernie Ailsa and I could have planned something ie a lunch or Barbeque, but it couldn't happen sadly. We spoke to a few students, gave out some freebies at breaktime and had lunch with Jann and Breezy of the archaeology society. Moray College, Sept 17 Just went myself to Moray for the Freshers Fayer there. Busy day, lots of stalls, and a good flow of people. I shared the table with William representing Student Services and the Project, so was a good opportunity to ask more about the project as I know I don't know enough. Had some really good chats with people and have possible good a very good contender for the Moray Rep .A big challenge out of Moray is single mums and creche facilities for library time, I would like to follow this up with our womans officer to see if other aca- demic partners have students struggling with the same issues of lack of childcare support for study time. Oh to anyone who goes to Moray next leave plenty of time if driving, I was 20 minutes just trying to find a parking place The freebies were very much appreciated, especially the mem sticks!</p><p>Miscellaneous: A considerable amount of my time over the last month has been taken up with an investigation following a complaint of a Sabbatical Officer by a student. After lengthy talks with UHI and NUS the Investigation is now closed and the complainent has been notified. With the help of Claire there is a lovely just UHISA board at HTC, I sure would love to see something like this at all academic partners, especially where there is Reps, Val is very keen to get one at NHC, I believe Rachel said their is one at Sams, John and Aisling mentioned it may be tricky to get a UHISA only one at Perth and at WHC, but we at least have a start. Can I encourage all Executive to try ? I have been struggling with the website a bit, without training I really don't how to add and change groups, Claire and Aisling have been very helpful and a training session with Union Cloud has been arranged to fix some of the technical problems I am having with specifically the Clubs and Societies bit!! Once a date is set I believe all who wish to could be part of that tutorial. At the Executive Meeting in July, I was asked to look into equipment info of clubs. I have tried to see how other Uni's do this by speaking to Sports VP's. I haven't gotten a lot of information on this, and am still wait- ing for email responses. The feed back I mostly am getting is each club takes an inventory in the beginning of the year, and inventory at the end of the year. If the equipment belongs to UHISA, an inventory should be done by the clubs President and submitted to CSSC for their file, we would then ask an inventory to be taken prior to their final AGM. I have yet to get info on what happens when a Club disbands and there is equip- UHISA Executive Committee ment left over, who does the equipment fall to and who responsibility is it to either sell off or store the equipment. I will continue this research.</p><p>On a personal note , as you all know my mum is very unwell. She is in New Craigs and is either being diag- nosed BI Polar or Schitzophrenic, it has been a very tough time for my entire family. In the midst of this I am afraid I had to put UHISA down on the priority list. With this and some other work related frustrations, I self certified for a week to clear my head and decide if UHISA is the best place for me. I am back to work and trying to move forward the best way I can but I am really considering if UHISA is the best place for someone like me. I feel I have a lot to offer but perhaps this structure and I can't work together very well.</p><p>Can you approve the following toil hours: Sunday, September 14,2014: 2 1/2 hours (travel from Lairg to Stornaway) Wednesday,September 17, 2014: 6 hours (Moray Freshers) Total: 8 1/2 hours UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-04 North Highland College Report First report from NHC My first report as UHISA rep for North Highland college and my apologies for any and all errors. Since be- coming rep I seem to have been swimming against the tide in treacle. E-mails by the dozen. Requests to be- come a rep on committees I have no idea about. Panic ensues. Freshers Fayre After months of attending meetings the day arrives and nothing is quite as I expected. The meetings seem to have been a bit of a waste of time. The whole things is however well organised and in a much better loca- tion than last year’s trial run. There is a lot of local support and stands ranging from the BINIT campaign run by the council to Mr. C’s the local (and only) cocktail bar. I am delighted to find the lovely Aisling there to hold my hand and lead me through my first freshers fayre, her knowledge and support is most welcome and I learned a great deal thank you Aisling but don’t think this is the last you will hear from me! A great number of students came along mostly for the freebies I am sure but they were there and showed a interest in all the stands. Most hadn’t heard of UHISA which came as no surprise to me as I didn’t know anything about UHISA until three quarters of the way through my first year, but interest was shown and ideas put forward to form a couple of new groups/societies. Some students weren’t able to attend the day due to being at the equestrian centre so I intend to hold a small ‘freshers fayre’ out at the yard for them later on. Freshers Fayre Feedback I have spoken to several of the students who attended the freshers fayre and all the feedback has been very positive. Some suggested that next year be bigger and better and perhaps over more than one day. The student’s lack of knowledge about UHISA is a bit of a worry and I intend to try and heighted awareness • By providing a notice board with information about UHISA on it, what we do, the clubs and societies that are available. • By becoming a visible presence in the college and being able to be contacted easily. • Following up on the suggested groups to get them up and running. In all it has been an interesting start to my being a UHISA rep and I can see it as a challenge to become more known in the college. I hope that the members of the executive will be patient with me and not mind the endless questions I will no-doubt be sending their way. UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-05 Perth College Representative Report Events NUS Scotland Presidents’ Summit Obviously, I am not the president, so this event is a bit of a curve ball. As Rachel and Heidi were meeting with Rob Henthorn in Inverness (and luckily, considering the cancellation of all trains between Inverness and the central belt), I was asked to attend the NUS Scotland Presidents’ Summit. This was a small event, and was participated in by a handful of presidents from across Scotland (and me). We talked about the pri- orities of the year ahead, and the way we were looking to re-imagine education, work and communities, fol- lowing the referendum and in the lead up to the general election, with hopes of pressuring MP candidates to pledge their support for the issues students in Scotland felt most strongly about. It was a great chance to meet people - most of whom I had met, but only briefly - and discuss individual plans for their SAs. Hope- fully Rachel will be able to attend many more of these, as I think they will be particularly useful. NUS The Gathering & SPARQS Events Many of us were at the SPARQS event and The Gathering in August. This was, as usual, a fantastic time to meet new officers around Scotland, and reconnect with returning officers. Through many workshops, we learned about the campaigns going on around Scotland this year, and areas we could work on. We looked at the way we tackle stigma relating to mental health, and how we could re-imagine education. A session I found particularly important was that on apprentices in Scotland. The lack of real data on the numbers of apprentices in Scotland is shocking, and the issues they face, not least the ridiculously low amount they are allowed to be paid, mean that they are a group that need our work. I recognise that we currently do not rep- resent them, but I would like to participate in some initiatives individually if need be. At the workshop, John Dare from PCSA and I both signed a pledge to hold an apprentice voice event, and hopefully we can work together on making that a reality. UHISA @ Freshers As many of you have seen from my bombardment of Facebook and Twitter, I have just finished my part of the freshers events around UHI. It started on Tuesday 2nd September in Perth, where I talked to many stu- dents at the PCSA stall in Brahan (along with Sam Finlayson), and at the joint UHI/Representation Project/UHISA/PCSA/assorted clubs and societies stall in the Union. We raised awareness of the two SAs operating in Perth, and were glad to hear some had heard about us already through their inductions. I was there again for Wednesday morning, but left early afternoon to get a bus to Oban. Having met promoters from the Green Rooms in Perth, I got some attention in Glasgow and on my way from Perth to Glasgow and to Oban for the green paint smeared on my face - I guess that at least means people might have seen my UHISA T-Shirt! From Oban, I went by bus again to Fort William, where I met up with John and got to see a bit of the Fort William campus. By lunch time, we were at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig for their freshers fayre. Un- fortunately, as freebies had not arrived by post, we had an empty table, and therefore had very little interest from students in talking to us. We did have two students who talked to us though, and hopefully we will be able to send them interesting enough information to encourage them to think about running for SMO rep or Gaelic Officer. From there, I headed home by train via Inverness, but not before a quick stop in at WHC’s Broadford learning centre and a chat with staff and a student there. I was asked about NUS Extra by two on the train (so even the journey home was a useful time), including a young school pupil from Kyle of Lochalsh, who was travelling to Inverness College for a day course he would be attending every week. Along with a crofting day course in Broadford, he was a pretty impressive soon-to-be student of Inverness College and West Highland College - and someday maybe UHI too! We had a good chat about UHI and UHISA, so he’ll be one to look out for if he comes into the UHI system! UHISA Executive Committee After a weekend break (which wasn’t as much of a break as I’d have liked), I was back out, heading up to Dingwall for HTC’s in- duction. Accompanied by Ailsa, Heidi and Claire, I got to see HTC and talk to its students (all of whom say hi to you in the corridor!). We gave a talk to the new students at HTC (and a couple of those returning), and hand- ed out some of our freebies, answering a couple of questions on the way. After enjoying the hospitality, I headed to Inverness College for their freshers. We talked to a large number of students there, and even rode a mechanical surfboard (not sure I’ll forgive Lizzie and Rachel for that…), including many apprentices. From Inverness, I head- ed up to Thurso on a very “interesting” train ride. It was great to meet Val for the first time, having only ever communicated by email before. I think we’ll have a great time working together, and it’s really exciting to have her as a rep at NHC - we’ll see active students popping up all over there (and a surf club??)! It was also nice to catch up with Alan MacDonald and see him promote the shinty club form- ing. Again, many apprentices were among the large numbers of students we spoke to, and the number of freebies we burned through lends testament to the number of students we actually did get the opportunity to speak to. I am rather glad to have finished the tour for now, but hope to one day get to visit the other col- leges too! Youth Suicide Prevention Event I have been in extensive talks with a Huffington Post author, Josh Rivedal about a Youth Suicide Prevention event he is running. It has toured the US and Canada, and is now about to start a UK tour. Having men- tioned this at The Gathering, both PCSA and ICSA expressed keen interest in holding an event, and UHI has expressed support for it, offering us £500 in funding towards it if we can hold it within their Student Mental Health Week in February (week beginning 17th February). Ideally, they highlighted the 19th, which is a date Josh is happy to go with. The event costs £950 in total, for events in Perth and Inverness in one day, so this is a considerable contribution. He is happy for distance learning students to VC in, but given royalty restric- tions from co-creators, cannot be as relaxed about whole colleges joining the event. Given the nature of UHI, I think it’s important we include all students, including those who cannot (either logistically or finan- cially) justify attending these events. He has suggested £125 per additional college, and I’m keen to source this from the academic partners rather than suggesting the spending be done by UHISA. Any useful links in this process would be very helpful. Josh has been very helpful so far, producing documentation before need- ed, and offering free e-books and support in promoting the event. I am very keen that this goes ahead in some form or other, but hope that we can ensure full inclusion in the event. Future Events As the student member on QAEC, I will be attending a couple of NUS quality events held in the next month or so. Those would be the That’s Quality at the end of the month which will further my under- standing of quality enhancement, and Meetings and Committees QAEC The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee is a committee usually sat on by the Depute Pres- ident. As we currently do not have a Depute President, they accepted me in their place, given my expe- rience as a QAA ELIR reviewer and participant in internal quality assurance and enhancement pro- cesses, such as the subject network reviews. This is a very useful committee to have a student repre- sentative on, and I have attended two meetings to date. I have felt that my contributions have been valued, and that members of the committee have ensured that I can be heard. It is very encouraging that they are putting an emphasis on the progression of work on assessments and feedback, which they were keen to share with UHISA, who they knew were interested in the work being done on these issues. They will be setting up a short life working group to further address these issues. UHISA Executive Committee Meeting with FE Regional Board Independent Member I joined Rachel and Holly to speak with an independent member of the FE Regional Board about issues facing students in the Highlands and Islands, and the way these issues are currently handled and how they should be. While we are not the ideal students to talk to about FE issues, we were keen that she could talk to some students rather than none at all, and did our best to accurately portray issues we’ve heard from FE students, as well as those we felt to be experienced by all students, be they FE or HE. I think this was a useful meeting in terms of providing a fuller view of the issues at hand. Clubs and Societies Sub-Committee It was good to see the clubs and societies sub-committee back in action, and to be part of it rather than taking minutes. Of course, the first meeting was particularly good for me, as the UHI Computing Soci- ety, of which I am president, was approved for affiliation. We hope to flourish and support students in a wide range of ways and I hope we will be a positive addition to the clubs and societies portfolio UHISA now has. I am glad that we have a good number of clubs and societies affiliated, and that these are in a broad range of areas. I do however hope we can grow this number over the next year, and this is a hope I think is very realistic from the talks I’ve had around UHI at various freshers. Support for a number of clubs in the pipeline, and ideas for others have flowed. Promotional and Social Media Group I’ll admit I haven’t done nearly enough on this as I should have, having agreed to lead this, and am only now beginning to work on this. After clarification, I hope to set up our first meeting to discuss the way we want to go forward, and hopefully this will prove a useful group to have. The group should produce a valuable resource that we can use to improve our actions on social media and in promotion of UHISA - and our Freshers experiences have given me plenty of ideas for this. Intranet Project Board I can’t say much about this yet, as this is due to start meeting next month, but I am excited to be part of this board designed to look at the possibilities for the UHI intranet and to develop these ideas and pos- sibilities into a concrete solution. Hopefully I will have more to say about this by the next meeting. Work and Campaigns PCSA & UHISA Cooperation I am excited and encouraged by our start with PCSA. With an active and enthusiastic group leading PCSA, and a whopping 4 UHISA reps, we have a group of 9 active student reps in Perth. We have had our first co-operation meeting in an independent coffee shop in Perth, and have established a shared Facebook group to co-ordinate our work, suggest events and campaigns, and provide support to each other. We have a number of things planned, including our hopes for a joint event, and an effort to get the union back into the hands of the students’ association so that they can have the freedom they should to run events for the benefit of students in Perth. Operational Planning This is just about coming to a close, so thanks to all of you who sent me your SMART objectives. We are only waiting on a couple more, and there is already a lot of valuable objectives we can work on. If you are one of the couple we need, please send them along so we can finish this off and publish all our aims and goals. Student Support I have once again been participating in disciplinary procedures. Obviously I won’t go into details, but this has once again been valuable experience for me, though not necessarily a pleasant one. I do hope that my confidence in the panels’ decisions have been well founded. I include this in my report simply because I feel it deserves mention that the panels I have sat with have acted in a way that I feel has been very fair and reasonable, and required minimal input from me. UHISA Executive Committee Mentoring Having talked to Kevin Sinclair about mentoring, and becoming a mentor myself, I have been keen to encourage others to become mentors as well. While I have been doing this more within the Comput- ing Society than elsewhere, I would like to encourage you to become mentors. Kevin will tell you all you need to know, and if you would like, you are welcome to join the session we have planned for UHICS (which will be just the same as it would be alone, but with other people to discuss it with). Social Media As well as the group, I wanted to highlight how useful I’ve found social media. I am now on Facebook and Twitter (facebook.com/uhisaperthcollege and @uhisaperthrep on Twitter), and have been using these channels to update students of my work and ways they can engage and get involved. I am also using this to post relevant or thought provoking links, and any job or internship opportunities I get wind of. I hope this usage grows, not only for myself but for any other reps on social media and for our main pages and channels. Referendum I have been careful to stay neutral when acting on behalf of UHISA, and will be participating in NUS Scotland’s #studentsvote work. I am hoping to hold stalls in Perth College on the 18th to hand out stickers to students, encourage those who haven’t yet cast their votes to do so, and encourage them to take selfies, posting them with their institution name and the hashtag. Having talked with Rachel, I am hoping we can offer hoodies as a prize draw for those who also add the hashtag #UHISAlfie (so that we can add all those who take the selfie for #studentsvote to the prize draw) to encourage students to participate (and partly because NUS is holding a friendly competition). If you are receiving informa- tion about this to your AP, I would encourage you to do the same! (Aisling Goodey 11/09/2014) UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-06 West Highland College Officer Report September Report Freshers Week: WHCSA successfully hosted several events during from the 1st to the 5th of September. A large number of students enjoyed activities on most of the evenings, with Archery, a Quiz night and a Ceilidh amongst the at- tractions. Centre stage was given to the First of Ascent of the High Street which consisted of 5 students tack- ling the cold face of the Fort Williams main drag. This mockumentary inspired project is currently being made in to a film with ATM Student Zeemon Ehardt leading the production team. It is hoped this will pre- miere at the Mountain Film Festival early in the New Year. The week culminated in the first of potentially many, SAMS/WHC inter-collegiate events with the help of the intrepid Stacey Felgate. Fun was had by all at the event which included a few light hearted sports and a film night. WHCSA would like to thank SAMS for their hospitality and hope to return the favour very soon. Thanks go to Rachel Bradley and Brian Curren for their tireless efforts along with input from local businesses, The Crofter and Skippinish. WHCSA President Resigns: Regrettably, on 15th September Ronald Henderson resigned from his post citing personal issues. Ron stepped forward as President when no one else wished to take on the pressures of the post. Without his efforts last semester it is doubtful as to whether WHCSA would have taken the successful form it currently holds. WHCSA wishes Ron all the best with his future and will welcome him back as a com- mittee member if he ever chooses to do so. Rachel Bradley has assumed the position of Acting Presi- dent until after the imminent elections WHCSA Elections: In accordance with the constitution the WHCSA elections have been announce and will take place the week commencing 22nd September, with the declaration event occurring on 29th September. Interest in both the President and Vice-President Roles has been noted, as well as an FE Representative, with an additional four HE students interested in taking on different roles on the committee. It is hoped that representation from the external campuses will be present during election week.</p><p>Clubs and Societies: Three new clubs at the Fort William campus have been proposed recently. The Snowsports Club has gained interest in over twenty students and hopes to affiliate shortly. The possibility of a Rugby Club is being investigated and Lochaber Rugby Club has shown support for this initiative. There is also inter- est in creating a Quiddich Club which has been expressed on social media. All clubs will seek UHISA af- filiation and reach out to other UHI partners. The three existing WHC based clubs, Cycling, Paddle- sports and Mountaineering have all now appointed their new office bearers and have either re-affiliat- ed or are in the process of doing so. Potential SNSO Business and Leisure Officer: Following a visit from Euan Black, the new Business and Leisure Network Manager, interest in the SNSO position was fired. One student, Jessica Leggett has expressed an interest and will be applying for the post this week. Jessica, a 2nd Year ATM Student has shown great interest and support in Student Activities over the past year and has begun to take an active in WHCSA. UHISA Executive Committee</p><p>UE14/15-02-07 Mature Student Officer Report for executive meeting on 30th September 2014 Students on Committees Various factors are combining to bring about a restructuring of the University’s Academic Committees. It is, pleasingly, becoming increasingly clear that we will be welcome – and expected to contribute to these. The University is willing to provide briefings and guidance to those going on to the new committees. UHISA I suggest has a duty to frame a policy so such student representatives can make a better job of representing our membership than we have in the past. For instance we should aim for pre- and post-meeting get-togeth- ers and attendance in person at meetings. It is essential that students on UHI committees discuss the agenda together prior to the meeting, work out a joint approach to contentious issues sit together and sing from the same hymn sheet at the meeting. All this will be to the benefit of our members and will show a professional approach to the job. Childreach International . The President recently passed on an email from Helena Thornley Head of Student Engagement of this excel- lent charity which empowers young people to advocate for their own rights and unlock their potential. By breaking down barriers that prevent them from living as children should, they provide thousands of children every year with a chance to transform their lives. Having researched a bit I conclude they are looking to appeal to older schoolchildren rather than undergrad- uates. I can pass in the detail to anybody interested but cannot recommend we go in for it with all the other priorities we have. [The idea is that groups of 80 qualify for a grant if they fundraise to pay for the cost of their trip to one of the projects.] Beyond Religion and Belief’ ‘Beyond Religion and Belief ’ is aimed at raising awareness of sectarianism in the workplace. Promoted by Nil by Mouth it provides a range of services which include: advice on policy and procedures, direct delivery of workshops to staff and students and running stalls at equality and diversity events or at fresher’s fairs, as well as linking in with existing equalities work. All of these services are provided at no cost. Those involved in Freshers weeks next year might make a note of the email address - nilbymouth.cam- [email protected]</p><p>Admissions Policy and Recommendations:- I have submitted two observations on the new draft regulations as follows:- (One) I understand that work is well underway on the production of a suite of self-study units which between them will cover IT topics with which new students need to be familiar (e.g. Time Manage- ment, Academic Writing, Note taking). I believe these are a follow-on from materials for new members of staff. Just as there is a need to assess the level of understanding of the language the medium of in- struction where the first language is not English there is a need to assess the competence of stu- dents with the method of delivery of online courses. All would-be or new students, irrespective of maturity, will gain confidence from a procedure that ei- ther assures them that the IT skills they possess are sufficient for the course they are contemplating or embarking upon, or, sets out for them what further skills they will need to acquire. UHISA Executive Committee Further, the reputation of the University is enhanced if it can show a) that it realises that such skills are essential, b) that is thoughtful and helpful in the way it ascertains the skills levels, and c) that it sets out what enhancement of existing skills is required for a particular course. (Two) It is agreed that it is good practice to invite applicants to their intended study location as part of the admissions process, even when it is not part of the selection process, in order to provide them with in- formation on their intended programme of study, the facilities available and the student experience. And that standard letters of invitation to such events should make this clear to the applicant. In order to bring it firmly home to new students not only that the student experience is out there to be enjoyed but that their participation in student social activity, including organising it, is encouraged such letters should con- tain information and invitations from – or at least the texts of which are agreed with- the local stu- dent association and UHISA. Suicide Prevention Awareness Week 2014 As a Lew Castle student I received a circular from David Bell Student Services Lews Castle College UHI inviting participation in Suicide Prevention Awareness Week 2014 and in an event on Friday 12th Septem- ber. I invited David to contact UHISA with plans he might have for future such events. Students only facilitated workshop on Wednesday 1st October This is an excellent opportunity for UHISA Executive members to meet with the Principal again and put our views across. I expect to be engaged with co-ordinating topics for discussion between this date and that. Alcaig, 16th September 2014. Michael Macmillan Mature Student Officer 07009608 UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-08 IT Officer Report</p><p>What has been done: Setting up to commence campaigning: Most of my work so far has been to get together resources I can utilise to better campaign for the items in my mini-manifesto. I now have support from UHICS including the UHICS campaigns officer to give extra political backing to my campaigning. I feel having the backing of the Computing Society will give extra credence to my argu- ments by showing legitimacy by numbers. The extra backing of a campaigns officer will mean more hands (and more experienced hands) to make a better case to those who need to hear it. What is to be done: Working with our other IT Officer: I intend to work with George McLaren as a team starting very soon to use his experience in student repre- sentation to make campaigning more effective. As I am new to this, I intend to use all the help I can get to make things happen. Urge UHI IT for action over WiFi issues: There have been major issues with WiFi services recently, with the service, at least in Perth College, not al- lowing access to secure websites. As secure websites are increasingly used (Google uses secure only by de- fault meaning you cannot reach any Google pages using the service), this is a massive barrier to it being a useful service. I intend to urge UHI IT to treat this as a priority issue as it especially affects the studies of those using on- campus accommodation who can only use the WiFi service for internet access unless they use expensive mobile data. Set up to campaign on the rest of my mini manifesto: I now also plan to make sure I can start campaigning for change in investment in UHI IT systems which have been woefully inadequate at times, and also improve access to specialist IT equipment to those who need it for their studies. This will consist of gathering advice from George and working with him on how best to approach this and who to approach, along with other Exec Committee members to enable an effective campaign. UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-09 UHI Students' As- sociation</p><p>Summary of Financial Position as at 31/8/14</p><p>Bud- Avail- get Approved Bud- (Received)/Pa able Code Narrative get 14/15 id to Date Funds</p><p>Income 4000 Grant Income 0.00 0.00</p><p>4001 Other Income -109.98 109.98</p><p>4002 Contributions from UHI -16,000.00 16,000.00</p><p>4100 Bank interest received 0.00 0.00</p><p>TOTAL INCOME 0.00 -16,109.98 16,109.98</p><p>Sabbatical Salaries (including Payments 5000 HTC secondment) 3,128.32 -3,128.32</p><p>5001 Sabbatical T&S 60.00 -60.00</p><p>5002 Executive T&S 1,014.34 -1,014.34</p><p>5003 Sabbatical Hosting Fees 2,500.01 -2,500.01</p><p>5004 Clubs & Societies 0.00 0.00</p><p>5005 Executive Training 0.00 0.00</p><p>5006 Campaigns 0.00 0.00</p><p>5007 Affiliation Fees 908.74 -908.74</p><p>5008 Advertising 0.00 0.00</p><p>5009 Stationery 0.00 0.00</p><p>5010 Contingency 0.00 0.00</p><p>5011 Miscellaneous 276.46 -276.46</p><p>5012 Event Fund 0.00 0.00</p><p>5014 Mobile Phones 0.00 0.00</p><p>TOTAL PAYMENTS 0.00 7,887.87 -7,887.87 UHISA Executive Committee BALANCE TO BE FUNDED FROM RE- SERVES</p><p>Banking information (from bank statements as at 31st August 2014): Balance of main ac- count 58,423.56 Balance of deposit account 5,437.26</p><p>63,860.82 UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-10 UHISA Depute President Role and Remit (A Constitutional Update) UHISA Believes 1. The UHISA Constitution is the core document that governs the organization 2. The constitution must accurately reflect the needs of the association particularly in relation to its continuing growth. 3. This year the additional officer post of Depute President was added but not included in the con- stitution 4. It is our belief that the constitution should be amended so this core document and its practice meet seamlessly. UHISA Further Believes 1. UHISA was mandated at Student Council on the 2nd of November 2012 to introduce an additional principle office bearer resulting in the creation of a Depute President post. 2. The addition of the Depute President was not recorded in the UHISA Constitution which currently only refers to the President and Vice President Roles. 3. We believe these changes in practice must be reflected in the Constitution we follow. UHISA Resolves 1. To amend the current constitution to include appropriate reference to the Depute President of- fice as follows and amend the remits of the other principle office bearers to reflect the new structure: 6.3 Principal Officer Bearers. The principal office bearers shall be the President, Depute President and the Vice President. The Pres- ident and Depute President are full-time paid sabbatical posts whilst the Vice President is a part time paid post. 6.3.1 The term of office of the President, Depute president and Vice President of the Association, often reffered to as ‘The Principle Office Bearers’ shall be from 1st July to the 30th June the following academic year. 1.1.4. The principal office bearers should not hold the office for more than two years in total, whether by holding office in two different positions, or by maintaining the same post for both years either over consecutive years or two single year periods.</p><p>7.3 Any members of the UHISA Executive Committee charged or reported for any criminal offence, shall advise the President or Depute President as appropriate. Similarly, the principal office bearers are to advise the UHISA Executive Committee, if any charges are raised against them. A motion of no confidence is for the sole purpose of removing elected officers. The decision of a motion of no confidence must be taken no later than 21 days from a Principle Office Bearer re- ceiving a motion or petition signed by at least a number equal to the total ordinary member turnout for the most recent full election. If a Vote of No Confidence is lodged then the individual concerned will be suspended (on full pay, if a paid officer) with immediate effect. UHISA Executive Committee UHISA Glossary of Terms: Principal Officer Bearers: Paid elected officers who may be employed either full or part-time by UHISA. S1.35 The principal office bearers should not hold the office for more than two years in total, whether by holding office in two different positions, or by maintaining the same post for both years either over consecutive years or two single year periods.</p><p>S2.6.11 To support the UHISA Depute President and UHISA Vice President in their duties. S2.6.12 To assume the appropriate responsibilities of the UHISA Depute President or UHISA Vice President in their absence. S2.7 The UHISA Vice President: shall be an equal member of the UHISA Executive Committee, re- sponsible for representing and championing the rights, needs and opinions of all UHI students and the wider community. S2.8 The remit of the UHISA Vice President is as follows: S2.8.1 To act as the Clubs and Societies focal point and to continually create, develop, support and guide UHISA clubs and societies. S2.8.2 To campaign to improve the student experience for all UHI students. S2.8.3 To be responsible for the promotion and awareness raising of physical, sexual and mental health and wellbeing issues within the student body through events, campaigns and materials. S2.8.4 To champion the personal and professional development of students in their time at UHI; so as to en- hance their employability, students experience and wider civic engagement. S2.8.5 To work with the Student Development Officer in raising the profile of UHISA at ‘Freshers’ and ‘Re- freshers’ events. S2.8.6 Support the UHISA President and Depute President in their duties. S2.8.7 To assume the appropriate responsibilities of the UHISA President or Depute President in the event of their absence. S3.29 In the event of the resignation (or other termination of membership) of one of the UHISA principle office bearers, then as far a reasonably possible, the remaining principle officers shall undertake the duties of the other, in addition to their own, until such time as the position can be filled by a By-elec- tion. S3.30 Where a By-election is required for one or more of the principle office bearers, candidates shall indi- cate in their nomination and campaign material whether they would undertake their duties on a full time (35 hours per week) or on a fractional basis (for example 17.5 hours per week), if elected. Re- muneration for officers so elected shall be proportional to that which the candidate has stated upon nomination to the post. A candidate elected to a fractional (0.5 Full Time Equivalent) sabbatical post may continue studies on no more than a half-time basis. S4.2 The UHISA Depute President is the responsible officer for UHISA financial affairs. The UHISA De- pute President is to provide each Executive Committee meeting with a financial statement. S4.9 The UHISA principle office bearers shall have the authority to approve spend of up to £400 without seeking the approval of the UHISA Executive Committee. Any expenditure greater than £400, must be approved by the UHISA Executive Committee and documented in the form of minutes or similar written proof. S4.10 Towards the end of the Depute President’s time in office, it is necessary for a budget to be drafted in preparation for the incoming officer. UHISA Executive Committee S4.11 All UHISA Executive Committee travel expenses are to be recorded on the UHISA financial record, held on the ‘u’ drive, by the Depute President, President or Vice President, prior to submission to the UHI Financial Department. S5.1 The business of each Executive Committee meeting shall be: a. Welcome and Introductions.</p><p> b. Apologies for absence.</p><p> c. Minutes of the last meeting.</p><p> d. Actions arising.</p><p> e. Issues or queries arising from the reports from: </p><p> a.i. President</p><p> a.ii. Vice President</p><p> a.iii. Depute President</p><p> a.iv. Academic Partner Representatives & Specialist officers</p><p> a.v. Subject Network Student Officers</p><p> f. All tabled business.</p><p> g. Any other competent business (AOCB).</p><p> h. Date of next meeting (DONM).</p><p>S5.2 Any member of the Executive Committee who has or is deemed to have an interest in a particular item, will be required to declare their interest at the outset of the discussion and at the discretion of the Chair, may be required to absent themselves from that particular item. If the Chair has a declara- tion of interest, chair duties will pass to the Depute President UHISA for that item of business. S8.2 Ordinary members of the Association, who wish to lodge a complaint against the President, should do so, in writing and present to the Depute President. The Depute President should, similarly, present it to the next UHISA Executive Committee meeting and respond, to the complainant, with the Executive’s decision within three working days. Appropriate action will be carried out at the dis- cretion of the Executive Committee. Complaints against the Depute President or Vice President should be in writing and presented to the President. 2. Insert the following new section into schedule 2 between S2.6 and S2.7 and re number S2.7 and onwards appropriately: S2.x The UHISA Depute President: shall be an equal member of the UHISA Executive Committee, re- sponsible for representing and championing the rights, needs and opinions of all UHI students. S2.x The remit of the UHISA Depute President is as follows: S2.x.1 To support the UHISA President and UHISA Vice President in Their duties. S2.x.2 To assume the appropriate responsibilities of the UHISA President or UHISA Vice President in their absence. UHISA Executive Committee S2.x.3 To be the accountable officer for the UHISA finances, including presenting audited accounts to Student Council for ‘sign off’. S2.x.4 To present a financial report every month to the Executive Committee. S2.x.5 To represent UHISA and it members in the various academic and quality monitoring forums within UHI. S2.x.6 To engage with external sector agencies related to academic and quality enhancement. S2.x.7 To advocate academic and quality issues pertinent to the student experience in the manage- ment structures of UHI. S2.x.8 To oversee UHISA’s communications and its communication strategy UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-11 Actions to carried out</p><p>Action Date Status</p><p>Circulate written report (and TOIL) Heidi Hercus Executive meeting 28/7/14</p><p>Collate information for freshers video Holly Scrimgeour with col- Executive meeting and produce video laboration from John 28/7/14 Buchan</p><p>Contact local businesses to offer deals All Executive meeting for students 28/7/14</p><p>Provide campaign training to Creagorry Holly Scrimgeour to offer Executive meeting Accommodation Aisling Goodey and Ailsa 28/7/14 Fyfe to deliver. </p><p>Write a statement re. Isreal and Gaza Aisling Goodey and Rachel Executive meeting Parker 28/7/14 forward outstanding minutes to HS and RP, MS Executive meeting Complete AG for transcription for an honorarium 28/6/14 of £250.00 each, work to be divided equally between them. minutes must be completed and received by the UHISA president my 5pm on the 16th of July for payment to be authorized. </p><p>UHISA officers to prepare handover ALL outgoing officers Executive meeting On going notes 28/6/14</p><p>Relocation of all UHISA funds not cur- LH? Executive meeting Complete rently in a budget codes as detailed in 28/6/14 the Depute President finance report produce a list of affiliations for the next DR Executive meeting Complete executive meeting 28/6/14</p><p>UHISA to get a certificate (framed) to RP Executive meeting On going recognize the contribution of Sgotaidh 28/6/14 Mac Con something Gaelic. Uhisa also to get something additional with a 'person- al touch'. To be within corporate gift guidelines.</p><p>Further discussion about having a joint AF? Executive meeting On going Uhisa/ UHI mental health training from 28/6/14 NUS, potential of splitting the costs. UHISA Executive Committee fresher items: (i don't have the cost RP Executive meeting Complete breakdown ether forward the page you 28/6/14 were working off at the meeting or add them yourself. Pens in suggested quantity: Approved USB drives in double the suggested quantity: Approved post-it notes in suggested quantity: Ap- proved Rulers: not approved Key rinds in suggested quantity: Ap- proved Stickers: withdrawn uniform the UHISA executive approved RP Executive meeting On going purchase of the following 28/6/14 1 uhisa hoodie per officer 2 uhisa t-shirt per officer 3 uhisa t-shirts for principle office bear- ers payment of Getty images invoice was ap- LH? Executive meeting On going proved by the executive 28/6/14 circulate an email on co-option and iden- RP Executive meeting Complete tify candidates 28/6/14 organize day/residential to go over out- LH Executive meeting Complete standing student council motions 28/6/14</p><p>Future AOCB to be at discretion of the RP Executive meeting Complete President (to be framed on the basis of 28/6/14 accountability, informed decision making etc.</p><p>Constitution change as in Annual General April student council Meeting, not Annual General Nightmare motion</p><p>Create a UHSA procedural and Adminis- April student council trative Support committee</p><p>Constitution change as in banks are for April student council money, not dust motion</p><p>Changes made in relation to motion to April student council campaigning in UHISA Elections </p><p>Provide better club support as detailed April student council in Club support</p><p>Change the constitution as written in April student council UHISA Executive Committee Constitutional democracy for All!</p><p>Create a distance learning Officer April student council</p><p>Change the constitution as in Election April student council sanctions motion</p><p>Change the election timeline as in Elec- April student council tion timeline</p><p>Appoint an external returning officer April student council</p><p>Appoint a general manager April student council</p><p>Appoint election ambassadors at each April student council academic partner</p><p>Increase the awareness of UHISA elec- April student council tions</p><p>Change the constitution as written in In- April student council dividual UHISA affiliation </p><p>Set up voting on order of student council April student council motions before student council</p><p>Make changes to voting so only people April student council that self-define can vote for liberation of- ficers</p><p>Lobby UHI to assess the network capa- April student council bility of all academic partners and to provide quick but effective solutions to any network issues. Continually press UHI into providing April student council technological training to all current and future lecture/teaching staff Create a new vice president role April student council</p><p>Work with LIS and academic staff to en- April student council sure that planned IT maintance does not affect students as much Review Sabbaticals salaries so that they April student council raise with inflation Move to Single transferable voting in all April student council UHISA election Change the name of the current vice April student council president to UHISA vice president clubs and societies Hold meetings between sabs and special- April student council ist officers Hours driving to be paid in full as work April student council hours Change the constitution as in sustainable April student council clubs and societies motion UHISA Executive Committee Principal officer bearers elect to be paid April student council for handover training Actively campaign to gain access to a April student council suitable distribution list Develop a communication strategy with April student council UHI until a suitable distribution list has been developed. lobby UHI to establish a ring fenced pot April student council of money each year for the sole purpose of funding student led, pan-UHI events detailed proposition of the process will April student council be agreed upon by the executive commit- tee for UHI wide events</p><p>Appoint “Equality Champions” to unrep- April student council resented liberation groups</p><p>All clubs and societies to sign up on the April student council website</p><p>Review process to charge membership April student council fees on website</p><p>Change the constitution in line with want April student council less admin? use the website </p><p>Establish a trustee board April student council</p><p>Change constitution as detailed in All November student students present can vote in student council council</p><p>Reduce timeline of by-election November student Complete council</p><p>Create a deputy returning officer November student Complete council</p><p>Create a housing officer November student council</p><p>Support the NUS transport research to November student gain a national solution and ensure the council Highlands and Islands are factored in.</p><p>Work alongside NUS to hold consulta- November student tions with students to assess the impact council to students of poor travel</p><p>Run a campaign to highlight to students November student the options for studying abroad and the council benefits this experience can bring UHISA Executive Committee Run a campaign to educate students on November student their voting rights and the other ways council they can influence our political leaders and representatives</p><p>Encourage students to use their right to November student vote to ensure the student voice is heard council when making important decisions</p><p>Provide information to students on the November student voting process and how to register to re- council ceive their vote</p><p>Support events that encourage debate to November student allow students to cast an informed vote council</p><p>To promote elections to students as and November student when they arise throughout the high- council lands and islands region</p><p>Create a working group consisting of the November student Depute President, a representative from council UHI Finance and an agreed number of student representatives. The purpose of this working group will be to determine the best course of action regarding Exec- utive Officer Expenses.</p><p>Support the post regionalisation project November student council</p><p>Promote students to get involved in the November student local community council</p><p>To compile a contact list of student offi- November student cers and board members across the part- council nership </p><p>Create a space of mutual support for offi- November student cers to network and share ideas and sug- council gestions </p><p>To explore opportunities for multi stu- November student dents association events to provide net- council working and development opportunities.</p><p>Research forming an appropriate body to November student Complete serve as an independent advisory group council that can be consulted in decisions that have a major impact on the association as a whole and provide a source of sup- port for elected officers</p><p>Look into options for events deposits RP, DR & KB September 2013 exec On-going 24/9/13 UHISA Executive Committee Discuss with UHI Secretary her availabil- RP September 2013 exec Oh hold ity to hear appeals as part of UHISA’s 24/9/13 grievance procedure</p><p>All papers including most up to date RP September 2013 exec Oh hold credit card policy to be recirculated to 24/9/13 executive</p><p>Discuss with UHI marketing plans about RP September 2013 exec On going graduation merchandise 24/9/13</p><p>Doodle Poll to be circulated to identify RP September 2013 exec Complete best day to set regular UHISA Executive 24/9/13 meetings UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-12 Saltire awards The saltire awards are open to anyone that is aged 12-25 and is a scheme in place by the Scottish gov- ernment to recognise the time that young people put into volunteering. There is 3 different parts to it • Challenge (A challenge normally consists of a day's worth of volunteering taking part in activities such as beach clean ups, gardening projects, regeneration projects or whatever you like) • Assent (You'll receive a certificate for completing 10 and 25 hours of volunteering) • Approach (You'll get your certificate for completing 50, 100, 200 and 500 hours of volunteering.) Hours can be back dated for the past 2 years There is 2 ways that this could work 1. UHISA registers with Saltire awards</p><p>2. Each individual registers by giving forms to a central person within UHISA and they give the forms to the right volunteer branch they fall into</p><p>3. The individual keeps a record of their hours and gives them to the central person to hand to the right volunteer branch The 2nd way would be 1. UHISA registers with saltire awards</p><p>2. Each individual registers online</p><p>3. You keep a track of your hours online on the saltire website Alternatively we could create a UHISA award and base it around the saltire awards for any aged peo- ple. UHISA Executive Committee UE14/15-02-13 Pre-paid bank cards The pre-paid card has to have a named person on the card so there would be 2 cards 1 for Rachel and 1 for Heidi. You can apply online with no long application forms just proof that they say who they are who you say you are and your address. It can be top up as often or as little as you like, with as little or as much you like and this can be done by bank transfer to the card. It can be used in any shop, online and cash machine as long as it accepts the card. There is no set up cost and they don’t have a credit check on you and can be cancelled when we are done with it.</p><p>There is a card called the cashplus card that is available that has no monthly fee, no card fee, no ATM fee, no fee in shop and online transactions. If you use an international ATM then there is a charge of £3.00. The only other charge is if you lose this card then you have to pay a replacement charge. This is a deal that runs out at the end of September though. This card is a mastercard but also run in connection the RBS. If you do not use the card for 120 days then you many incur a charge. It says that you can bank transfer the money over or pay in cash which will also allow cheque payment (you just have to allow for the 4-5 days for them to clear). They would arrive within a week - 2 weeks. Susan says that she has chased up the credit cards again and would only use pre-paid cards as a last resort. </p><p>Susan has stated that she is in the process of applying for on-line banking for UHISA before we apply for the pre-paid cards </p>
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