School Development Plan

School Development Plan

<p>Warren Wood Primary School </p><p>School Development Plan 2016 - 2017 </p><p>Having embedded the expectations of the National Curriculum 2014 over the last two academic years, we continue to focus on improving standards throughout the curriculum. Reading, Writing and Maths remain our priorities in terms of monitoring progress and attainment throughout school. All staff know and value the importance of maintaining the high expectations in these areas and these are monitored by the HT, SLT and Subject Leaders throughout the year. This also is quality assured by learning walks with the SSIP and through the monitoring and evaluation schedule conducted by all staff throughout the year. The main focus for these areas is at 10, 20, 36 weeks where progress and attainment are monitored for all groups of pupils and interventions identified to support school improvement.</p><p>All other subjects are taught, evaluated, re-addressed and redeveloped in a creative and cross-curricular way, taking into account the commitment and belief we have as a school in our own creative curriculum, which teaches children the skills necessary for life, learning about topics of interest that are relevant to their own life experiences, but also expand their understanding and tolerance of their community and the wider world. Subject Leaders will continue to further develop their own roles in the close monitoring and evaluation of these subjects.</p><p>We acknowledge that subject leaders are at various stages of their own development within their role and have a deep commitment to the development of teachers as leaders and managers outside of their own classrooms as Subject Leaders, Middle Leaders and Senior Leaders. Staff have a clear understanding of their own roles within the structure of school and know how vital their role is within school in terms of what they contribute to school and the impact their leadership and teaching have upon the learning that takes place, attainment and achievement. A commitment of time and resources to monitor and achieve this has been given to all staff for their own continuing professional development needs. Their development this year focuses on the further development of skills of lesson observation and professional feedback to colleagues, including newly and recently qualified teaching staff who are new to the role of subject leader.</p><p>Senior Leaders are focussed on the development of their skills in line with safeguarding procedures and professional skills of coaching others. The staff are fully committed to the shared vision of providing a high quality education in a caring and supportive learning environment following our school motto of ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’. </p><p>Our key priorities for the forthcoming school year are: </p><p>Reading – To develop, promote and enhance reading provision and the profile of reading throughout the school. Writing – To develop the use of ambitious vocabulary across the curriculum to improve the content of children’s writing To develop the teaching of grammar across school Maths - To ensure depth and mastery in Maths teaching. Differentiation – To ensure that differentiated activities, which are tailored to meet the individual needs of pupils, are impacting positively on the progress made by each pupil. Assessment – Focus on the use of progress data alongside attainment data in the pursuit of raising standards, including staff training in how to use data to inform their teaching and to develop how this can positively impact upon learning opportunities. Monitoring and Evaluation – Further develop the use of a monitoring and evaluation schedule to maintain and raise standards throughout the school in key areas of teaching and learning, leadership and management,, personal development and welfare and outcomes for learners. Community – To develop relationships with the school community to improve and enhance provision, communication and opportunities offered to all at Warren Wood. To achieve the Leading Parent Partnership Award. Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2017-18 Sept Action Plan for Early Years 2016  To raise the level of pupils with GLD. Key  To develop early writing skills. Prioriti  To raise the attainment of boys.  To develop an appropriate outdoor learning environment. es  To establish a new Reception Team and develop a moderation and monitoring cycle for Teachers and TA’s. Action to be Undertaken Responsibility (including monitoring, assessment Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus (Staff and Timescale Resources and how will this improve (with dates) Governor) attainment/progress/standards) To raise the GLD Baseline assessments. 10, 20,36 week progress EYFS By July 2017 SL non-contact 10 and 20 week assessment against ‘bands’- data transferred onto an ‘in house’ tracker to identify underperforming groups. Phonics tracker meeting. Note ‘months on observations and work, time updated and phonics groups each day. ‘Bands’ recorded on pertinent using ‘Development Matters’ outcomes. Be proactive Moderation observations/activities. Moderation of writing and CLL- 1.2.17/8.2.17 in ensuring the ‘settling in’ process runs smoothly and meetings with whole team and Autumn term with Marple cluster. children feel confident when coming into school. Staff meetings GLD July 2017- 70% Boys-54% and Girls-46% Areas of weakness for 2017-18 Writing, PSED- Managing feelings. CLL-Sp+L To develop early writing skills. Early grip assessment and then development EYFS Team By July 2017 Staff Meetings Writing progression document implemented into daily activity. Topics designed to excite and interest boys- dinosaurs, space, journeys and To raise the attainment of boys. activities to strengthen and develop appropriate grip Team Meetings transport. Writing opportunities in CP. High 5 self-assessment and ‘pink and motor control. - Funky Fingers, Dough Disco. Play dough and and green’ marking. Sentence level writing during phonic sessions for Train new Reception Team in recognising and fine motor control A/AA groups. Writing moderation meeting with Marple cluster- 8.3.17 promoting the steps to successful early writing. resources. July 2107- 5 boys did not attain ‘2d’ at writing Continue to promote Talk for Writing. 4 girls did not attain ‘2d’ at writing (18% of whole year Include ‘boy friendly’ writing themes and interests. group did not attain ‘2d’ at writing.( Annie Welsh has Regular moderation meetings. Note ‘months on moved to ‘2d’ at end of July ‘2e’ judged at official data. observations and work. Be mindful of writing General amongst year group is that phonics is strong opportunities and assessments in setting. though application of phonic knowledge into writing is weaker. To develop an appropriate outdoor Visit local settings to gather ideas. Consult staff, EYFS Team By July 2017 Contact EEx Feb half term- reorganise outside area/ parental and pupil fact finding and input in resources and time/ Look into Pentagon outdoor area learning environment. parents and children and gather ideas for outdoor Forest School company. Fund raising days to pay for outdoor equipment and learning. Liaise with Early Excellence to gain advice. SL non-contact resources. Have fund raising days and send requests to parents time Visit from Pentagon Play- once quote is received we will and the wider community for resources and ideas. create a 5 year investment plan. Some resources we are building and sources ourselves during summer break.</p><p>To establish a new Reception Team and Reception Team to develop a monitoring and EYFS Team By July 2016 EYFS Network Induction of new member of staff- Annie Whittle to do Shona Mason- team approach. Reflective approach to changes in planning and develop a moderation and monitoring moderation cycle for teachers and TA’s. Meetings. procedures. TA observations (Ali Cowie) (Helena Hill- KS1) Joint cycle for Teachers and TA’s. Value new ideas and create an atmosphere of trust SMBC Moderation meetings with KS1 regarding planning, stop the clock days and and collaboration. meetings moderation for 2/3 GLD children and underperforming groups. Successful transition of staff during spring and summer To inform staff of EYFS updates term. TA observations showed a high standard in To welcome a new teacher into the team during SM’s practice and support given to NS for phonic sessions maternity leave. given by Ali Cowie. Regular observations by HH shows evidence of good practice.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-2017 </p><p>Sept Action Plan for Enquiry Based Learning 2016  To embed enquiry based learning into planning and curriculum. Key  To embed ‘Stop the Clock’ days and use them as an opportunity for staff to be facilitators and become outstanding in asking open questions, setting a Prioriti positive learning climate and embedding learning behaviours in our pupils. es</p><p>Re sp on sib ilit Action to be Undertaken y (including monitoring, assessment (St Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus Timescale Resources and how will this improve aff (with dates) attainment/progress/standards) an d Go ver nor ) To develop ‘a love of learning.’ Pupil voice questionnaire Hele July 2017 Non-contact time Whole school STCD- Lesson observations na Staff meetings Enthusiastic feedback from Monitoring evidence collecting procedures. Hill staff children and Consolidate cross-curricular links. pupils/parents. EYFS- March- Develop ‘Immersion’ days to inspire and promote STCD Parents involvement in awe and wonder. planning the activities with their child. Thought shower activity. Discussed with whole school and teams discussed how they can incorporate this style. Flipchart evidence in EBL folder. STCD evidence has started to be collected on flipchart. The ethos of a love of learning has been noted by Allan Beswick SMBC To embed ‘Stop the Clock’ days and STCD observations Hele July 2017 Non-contact time INSET training and time to plan use them as an opportunity for staff to INSET training 17.2.17. na Staff meeting STCD and the role of teacher. be facilitators and become outstanding Pupil voice questionnaires. Hill Planning sheet presented and in asking open questions, setting a Time during a staff meeting for staff to discuss the role discussed – useful in giving positive learning climate and embedding of the teacher as a facilitator. structure to STCD and enquiry. learning behaviours in our pupils. Promoting the idea that allowing the control of their learning needs structure. Discussion about being flexible and steering ideas and supporting learning- more work to be done on this. Staff becoming more practised in the role as a facilitators. More work on this needed to make it become embedded in school.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-2017 </p><p>Sept Action Plan for Reading 2016 To monitor teaching and learning in reading and to measure how these contribute towards making a positive impact Key upon standards. Prioriti To further develop teacher skills of assessing reading es To raise the profile of reading generating a love of reading using our new library. To review policy Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Evidence of Impact assessment and how Responsibility School Improvement Focus Timescale Resources (Expected and Actual) will this improve (Staff and Governor) (with dates) attainment/progress/sta ndards) Using colour banded trackers for guided To monitor the assessment of  Ensure regular On-going- full review in July Staff meeting reading to show targets, progress and next individual reading/guided reading guided reading and moderation steps. Sept 16 Amend for year 3 and 4 July using the skills checklist, ensuring sessions taking All staff time to be ‘17 that all children make consistently place (weekly) scheduled on good progress. timetable Rising Stars, years 1-6, reading tests in To monitor in light of updated  To use place. Jan 17 reading tracking individual target sheets for Staff meeting to look at reading material from colour band the authority- implications and expectations tracking for all staff March 17  Pupil progress meetings Test result analysis- impact on teaching and including team learning?- review July 17 moderation and 10, 20, 36 week meetings</p><p>Child led book club takes place at lunch times To promote reading throughout the  To promote our SLT New library in the library. Jan 17 curriculum- developing areas in the new library All staff and Governors resources, Year 6 Librarians appointed with specific new building and developing an On-going- full review in July furniture and roles to sort and maintain books. Sept 16 accessible, resourceful and exciting  To promote books. Books ordered requested by pupils. Jan 17 new library for Teachers, Parents and reading through Reviewed long term planning and reading children. school , key opportunities July 17 authors and themes linked Ongoing input needed July 17 to our creative curriculum  To invest in new guided reading books Policy written ready to present to staff and To review the English policy  To AC and JB By July ‘17 Time Governors Autumn Term 2017 write a new English policy Teaching Staff covering reading and assessment of reading</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum Sept Action Plan for Writing 2016 To raise the attainment in writing across the school. Key To review and develop assessment of pupil progress and attainment in writing. Prioriti To raise the profile of using ambitious vocabulary es</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Evidence of Impact assessment and how Responsibility School Improvement Focus Timescale Resources (Expected and Actual) will this improve (Staff and Governor) (with dates) attainment/progress/sta ndards)  Monit 10 and 20 week progress highlighted to show To use reviewed writing criteria to or the impact of HT Ongoing – review in July Reviewed criteria progression so far. This highlighted skills assess emergent, expected and planning and which had not yet been taught. Impact on exceeding writers across KS1 and 2 the progression SLT Pupil Progress planning reviewed. At 20 weeks, SLT/ HT between year meetings - HT reviewed progress and attainment tracker. groups. Teaching Staff Significant / disadvantaged groups identified and where appropriate small group support  Regul analysed. ar moderation SLT - Whole school book scrutiny, checking in key stage for coverage, attainment, progress, teams. differentiation and cross phase approaches.  SLT Oct 16 to monitor July 17- Next step to review the cycle and writing on a challenge the impact. Did it develop teaching termly basis, and learning? What impact? results analysis. looking at coverage, progression, marking, assessment, expectation and skills used.  Contin ue to track pupil progress at 10, 20 and 36 weeks showing accountability.  Vocab Displays across school and classroom To develop the use of ambitious ulary rich Teaching Staff Ongoing Staff meetings environment vocabulary rich. vocabulary across the curriculum to environment. improve the content of children’s SLT English planning Short, focused writing tasks taking place. writing  Vocab ulary dress up AC and JB Word Rescue approach delivered in CPD day staff meeting. To develop the teaching of grammar Review of expectations in reading/writing across school  Visibl vocabulary shared with staff- Authority e, working material used for end of KS1 and KS2. vocabulary Shared the implications of whole school displays responsibility to develop children’s vocabulary relevant to the in all year groups. topic. Results to be analysed and gaps tackled. July 17  Staff meeting training to raise the ‘ oomph’ of writing but still maintain spelling and grammar  Expec tation for short focussed writing tasks alongside main skills  Specif ic skills training focussing on terminology and year group expectations</p><p> To Policy written ready to present to staff and To review the English policy write a new AC and JB By July ‘17 Time Governors Autumn Term 2017 English policy covering Teaching Staff writing, spelling, handwriting and grammar 2016-2017 </p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17</p><p>Sept Action Plan for Maths 2016 To raise attainment in Maths across the school, focusing on appropriate differentiation. Key To develop depth and mastery in Maths. Prior To continue to ensure a focus on ‘real life’ Maths. ities</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards)  SLT Staff meetings in Autumn 1 White Rose Staff meetings 5.10.16/12.10.16/1.3.17 White Rose Mastery document handed out and discussed at staff meeting To ensure depth and mastery in Mastery Maths subject leaders Other items ongoing maths Evidence of use seen in book scrutiny Maths teaching through year hub/Oxford Owl Entrust Maths Grids shared and discussed to use for documentation documentation supporting emerging and met objectives 1.3.17 shared Book Scrutiny (June 2017) – Result discussed at staff meeting Staff meeting with all staff members (Mrs Collins to work alongside Maths  Assessment time Co-ordinator to support Year 3/4 Team more closely) Book Scrutiny (June 2017) – Consequently the co-ordinator criteria will work more closely with EYFS in the summer Term 2018 to ensure mastery methods are aiding transition reviewed Book Scrutiny (June 2017 – Team teaching to support/ guide  Weekly team certain year groups in school (see book scrutiny doc.) Links with Fairway School to be continued in Summer term planning meetings  Staff meeting on Mastery  Links with Fairway School (scrutiny of work and planning)  Book Scrutiny course (3.5.17)  SLT Catch up to start Aut 2016 TA training SLT book look 21.11.16 Medium term Gifted and talented book look March 2017 focused on next To ensure differentiation in Maths planning Maths subject leaders Learning walks Autumn steps to move children to exceeding teaching reviewed All staff term Staff meeting 1.3. 17 discussed changing intervention focus Year 6 Maths streaming, in school catch-up groups and after  Learning walks TAs (Motivational Maths) Book scrutiny Summer Term school SATs boosters with teaching staff Book Scrutiny (June 2017) – Result discussed at staff meeting  Book scrutiny with all staff members in Summer Term  Catch up groups TA training for maths intervention To continue to focus on  SLT Staff meeting Autumn 1 Staff meeting NSPCC Number Day 6.2.17 Real life problems with children Stop the clock from Reception to year 5. Class teaching focused on real life embedding ‘real life’ maths across days Maths subject leaders Ongoing through year time fun maths challenges the school. All staff EBL ongoing Staff meeting 12.10.16 focused on real life resources  Enquiry based learning</p><p> Staff training on ‘real life’ focus</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017</p><p>Sept Action Plan for Science 2016 To conduct a school-wide book scrutiny Key To identify CPD opportunities for teaching staff Priorit To build links with other schools and organisations to enhance learning ies To explore the possibility of becoming a forest school Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and how Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/st andards) To achieve bronze PSQM…  Review ‘Deep D. Prior (SL) by July 2017 - PSQM website PSQM hub meetings attended (17.10.16 & 31.1.17). Criteria for Dive’ feedback bronze highlighted. Self- assessment and action plan completed. PSQM application completed …to conduct a school-wide book SL End of Spring - Books June 2017 – decision to be made scrutiny term 2017 - SL non-contact time by an external assessor in  SL to monitor September 2017 curriculum - Learning Leads …to identify CPD opportunities for coverage, SL Autumn 2016 Completed May 2017 – findings teaching staff continuity and Teaching staff discussed with HT and team pupil progress leaders - where necessary</p><p> SL to audit staff Staff questionnaire given to target areas for areas for staff CPD - 18.1.17 development to (Some staff have already inform CPD - Science advisors completed some online CPD – …to build links with other schools and needs SL Autumn 2016 - Subject leader meetings 18.2.17) outside organisations to enhance Staff shown ReachOut CPD, learning online CPD units covering all areas of science – 18.1.17 INSET day input on Enquiry Based Learning, working scientifically including progression of skills – 18.2.17  Network with necessary contacts Contact made with 6 other SL at  Attend ‘hub’ PSQM hub meeting – 17.10.16 meetings Mad Science assembly and science club – 13.1.17 – 28.3.17 Bill Roffey – Space Ambassador to work with Year 6 - 6.3.17 Year 5 children attending Marple Hall Science Challenge – 11.7.17 To explore the necessary requirements to SL Autumn 2016 - Forest School Association website Contact made to explore options  Explore training achieve forest school status SLT - SL non-contact time available – 30.11.16 opportunities for Met with Kelly Francis Forest the Level 3 Schools practitioner to look at qualification suitability of outside area and  Identify a possible discuss options. Need to discuss forest school with SLT and look at costings – practitioner 24.1.17 Decision made that the (member of cost was too great at this point in teaching staff) time. Opportunities for outdoor science teaching have been highlighted and staff are planning to incorporate the outdoor area in their teaching</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017 Sept Action Plan for Computing 2016 E-safety, especially the understanding the dangers of social network sites.</p><p>Key Develop and promote the use of computing – new laptops to be purchased to eventually replace netbooks. 4 IPADS to be purchased for Prior EYFS for online monitoring and assessments, general observations and for children to use to support learning ities Continue to develop basic word processing skills alongside coding </p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards) -All laptops/netbooks have been updated To develop the school’s commitment to  Discuss with staff Computing subject leader July 2017 Money computing, including On-going -Pupils now have individual how resources username/password for logging on purchase/replacement of hardware, All staff Non-contact time for subject leader -New visualisers/digital cameras purchased are being used to software and peripherals. -New trolley of laptops ordered (eventually to access HY-finance IT technicians replace netbooks) curriculum. -IPads ordered for EYFS -Education City/Purplemash/Twinkl all  Purchase new renewed equipment- laptops/IPADS  Liaise with school IT technician to ensure software/hardwar e are in working order and updates are in place. -E-safety unit taught by all year To ensure children are fully aware of e-  Monitoring the Computing subject leader Tanya Cross parents meeting. safety issues and the new policy is groups(Autumn Term) use of social -UJ staff contacted Tanya Cross to arrange being put in place. All staff Non-contact time for subject leader network sites visit into school (Spring 2) for an e-safety July 2017 lesson outside school -School website-links to e-safety websites and school’s e-safety policy  Provide children -Information for parents about E- with skills to stay safety/safeguarding issues/priorities provided via school website/letters/newsletters/blog safe on line. -SMART thinking and Rules for acceptable  Tanya Cross to use of computers and online safety posters on display in classrooms and around school- come in and do a CTs to use in lessons parents meeting. -How to stay safe online posters made by pupils on display around school  Promote E-Safety -Unit of work focusing on cyberbullying day planned and taught by subject leader -Safer internet Day- promoted by Head/class  Ensure the school teachers E-safety policy can be accessed on school website  Provide information for parents on website about E- safety/safeguardi ng issues/priorities</p><p>-Year 3-use of Photostory 3-Geog links based To continue to develop basic skills  Teaching of basic Ongoing Laptops. through cross curricular subjects. All staff around Volcanoes/Music links for composition word and editing of music -Year 5/6 Coding using Purplemash and programming Scratch/Powerpoint about WW2/Unit of work skills to continue focusing on spreadsheets and data handling to be developed using Excel - Year 3/4 researching skills using the including, word internet/Coding using Scratch/posters using processing, Publisher PowerPoint, Excel -Year 1/2 Paint packages/Publisher for word processing poetry/Purplemash for animations, and Publisher data handling and emailing/Photostory 3 for sunflower slideshow</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017</p><p>Sept Action Plan for History 2016  To include cross curricular links with drama to engage and stimulate the children and aid their learning. Key  To create a whole school interactive timeline to aid chronological understanding. Prior  To continue to review planning and teaching of new NC topics to ensure coverage in the 2 year school cycle. ities Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards) March drama staff meeting Non-contact time planned. To include cross curricular links with  Staff training on whole staff responsibility By July 2017 Observations of classes in Summer term. drama to engage and stimulate the drama to show children and aid their learning. Coverage checked across school appropriate in staff meeting – April 17 strategies to Cross curricular use of drama has use been identified in lessons and  Lesson assemblies (WWII – UKS2, observations Pompeii – LKS2 and Earnest Shackleton – KS1).  Feedback of effectiveness in lessons to staff</p><p>Display discussed with staff and  Blank timeline to History subject leader and staff Resources to create the timeline agreed on content. To create a whole school interactive be put up in the By July 2017 (card/paint) Boards been ordered Feb 2017 timeline to aid chronological hall and display in progress. understanding. Timeline created, along school  Children from hall in Summer 2 ready for use in class to display Autumn 2017. This will be used by history work next the whole school to plot on work to the era they from their topics in a chronological learning about order. on the timeline  Pupil interviews to establish effectiveness of display</p><p>Non-contact time planned for  Cross reference History subject leader and staff Non-contact time Spring term 2. To continue to review planning and the National By July 2017 Pupil interviews and an audit done with teachers regarding coverage teaching of new NC topics to ensure Curriculum with coverage in the 2 year school cycle. of knowledge and skills being new topic taught. Assessment completed for planning each class, on historical skills  Identify any gaps being taught and grasped. Areas and discuss with for development have been teachers how to highlighted and a new tracking cover those and assessment scheme is being developed.  Book scrutiny</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017 </p><p>Sept Action Plan for Geography 2016  To include cross curricular links with PSHEE to ensure ‘Global Learning’ is being covered throughout the Key school. Prior  To create a whole school interactive atlas to boost geographical understanding. ities  To continue to review planning and teaching of new NC topics to ensure coverage in the 2 year school cycle.</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards) March drama staff meeting  Coordinator Global Learning training planned. To develop pupils understanding of training Geography and PSHEE coordinator and staff By July 2017 Observations of classes in Summer term. global issues, through ‘Global (PSHEE and Non-contact time Learning’ Coverage checked across school geography) in staff meeting – April 17  Training fed Cross curricular use of drama has back to staff in been identified in lessons and staff meetings assemblies (WWII – UKS2, Volcanoes – LKS2 and Earnest  Issues to be Shackleton – KS1). taught through a range of topics and subject areas  Review pupils understanding of global issues using GLP Assessment  Work scrutiny / pupil interviews Display discussed with staff and  World map to be Geography subject leader and staff Non-contact time agreed on content. To create a whole school interactive displayed in hall By July 2017 Boards been ordered Feb 2017 world map to boost geographical and display in progress. understanding.  Children from Boards arrived July 17 – awaiting class to display them to be put up. geography work next to the region they learning about on the map  Pupil interviews to establish effectiveness of display</p><p>Non-contact time planned for  Cross reference Geography subject leader and staff Non-contact time Spring term 2. To continue to review planning and the National By July 2017 Pupil interviews and an audit done with teachers regarding coverage teaching of new NC topics to ensure Curriculum with coverage in the 2 year school cycle. of knowledge and skills being new topic taught. Assessment completed for planning each class, on geographical skills  Identify any gaps being taught and grasped. Areas and discuss with for development have been teachers how to highlighted and a new tracking cover those and assessment scheme is being developed.  Book scrutiny</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017 </p><p>Sept Action Plan for Art and Design 2016 To review the key skills being taught in line with the new curriculum to ensure consistency and continuity Key between year groups and progression of skills throughout school Priori ties Re sp on sib ilit Action to be Undertaken y (including monitoring, assessment (St Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus and how will this improve Timescale Resources (Expected and Actual) aff attainment/progress/standards) (with dates) an d Go ver nor ) To oversee the development of pupils individual Subjec Review and check impact on learning/quality Non-contact time sketch books through KS1 to Ks2  Staff to ensure each child provided with sketch book when t of evidence –  Non-contact time booked enters school in Early Years leader July 2017 (Spring 2) to evaluate use of monito Sketch books through the  Ks1-3 pieces of art per year to be evidenced in sketch r use school books -10, 20 and 36 weeks (minimum beg/ end of year for of early years) to show progression sketch  Attended Art Cluster Meeting – books October 2016. Discussed and  Ks2- to use sketch book to record art work as and when and shared planning, monitoring appropriate in order to show progression of skills and eviden progress and assessment evidence coverage. (i.e. use as a sketch book!- so more ce of methods/ideas. Assessmnet entries). An inside cover to be placed in sketch book to teachi models suggested as examles. mark the start of KS2 at year3 ng of Sketch books agreed as a key good method of monitoring skills progress but also as a working of key journal –to use more often e.g skills as Visual diary in KS2 (just throug keep going and use more than h KS1 1 if necessary) to KS2 via  Subject leader to ensure inside sketch cover prepared and placed in books year 2 books before end July for transition to KS2  Subject leader to sample sketchbooks from each year group to monitor progression- last week in July 2017-set targets for September and new SDP To begin the process of Artsmark application Subjec July 2017 Non-contact time  Attend course outlining the Artsmark and criteria need t  29/9/16 attended Artsmark leader briefing  Investigate Artsmark criteria and audit our arts provision to asses our ability to apply and for which grade of Artsmark  7/10/16 £500 fee paid for Artsmark application  To identify criteria that we need to meet and to draw up aplan of action e.g. artisits to link with school. Community  30/11/16 attended Artsmark opportunities, links with high schools etc Development day with Headteacher.  Decide timescale/which round the application will be possible  Feb 2017 “Statement of Commitment” in process of being written 1st draft complete. This identifies our Artsmark action plan.  Arts mark Support Surgery course attended on 9/3/17 Statement of Commitment finalised and submitted.  Artsmark application successful –we are an Artsmark school and begin our journey following our Statement of commitment of 2 years , at which point we must submit our Case Study (self evaluation ) to be levelled.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-2017 </p><p>Sept Action Plan for Design Technology 2016 Key To review the key skills being taught in line with the new curriculum to ensure consistency and continuity Prioritie between year groups and progression of skills throughout school s Re sp on sib ilit Action to be Undertaken y (including monitoring, assessment (St Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus and how will this improve Timescale Resources aff (with dates) attainment/progress/standards) an d Go ver nor ) To check the coverage of key skills in  Staff meeting to go through D and T Subj November 2017 . new curriculum / medium term planning in teams to assess the ect Staff meeting yet to be planning, identifying budgeting lead timetabled. Subject leader to budgeting costs and resource needs(costs) and equipment er to book staff meeting time before requirements for each D and T topic. resources required lead end July 2017 and  List and timeline budget and resources staff *Update: No Staff Meeting yet to completed . Staff meeting to be atte set for Autumn Term 2017 nd staff mee ting</p><p>To audit the coverage of Food  Staff meeting to go through planning and Subj November 2017 Technology in line with the new new curriculum expectations to identify ect Staff meeting yet to be curriculum , the resources learning opportunities for Food lead timetabled. Subject leader to available/needed and the Healthy Technology er book staff meeting time before School ethos lead end July 2017  Budgeting for food technology staff opportunities linked to planning in order to mee *Update: No Staff Meeting yet have prior permission for purchases ting completed . Staff meeting to be  Resource requirements eg. Cookers – as set for Autumn Term 2017 discuss/action solutions abov e.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Physical Education 2016 *Whole school review of PE planning and provision Key *Sainsbury’s School Games Mark Priorities *Developing links with local schools and sports clubs to raise the level of sports participation and competitions. </p><p>Action to be Undertaken Responsibility School Improvement Time Evidence of Impact (including monitoring, assessment and how will this (Staff and Resources Focus scale (Last updated - July 2017) improve attainment/progress/standards) Governor) To review whole school planning *Collect and review PE timetables and planning to ensure consistency J.Belsten Autumn Timetables Long term plan has been reviewed and finalised by J.B and Cheshire primary Coaching and provision in provision. Term (Jarrad Ince) to be rolled out fully from the start of the Autumn Term 2017. *Review Sports Coach provision and develop assessment procedures PE Co-Ordinator Planning New format assessment grids to be highlighted by coaches throughout the year to be for the coaches to add to class teachers assessments. Sports Coaches introduced from the start of Autumn Term 2017. *Sports Premium Review & School Website Update Lesson Obs Sports Premium budget and spending including the website breakdown need to be highlighted aa a priority for 2017/18 and a more detailed format used in anticipation of the increased budget being allocated. Sainsburys School Games Mark To gain the Bronze or Silver Games Mark at the end of this academic year. Bronze Spring Change for Life Bronze/Silver Award linked to requirements: Currently on track for the Bronze Games Mark this year. J.Belsten & equipment (Application deadline 28th July 2017) this… Participation Summer Plans in place to provide all pupils with two hours of physical education and school PE Co-Ordinator Terms Competition Change for Life leaders and Sports Ambassadors were trained in Jan 2017 and the Change for sport per week inclusive of extra curriculum provision; Develop lunchtime/after school Life lunch club is now up and running. Young leaders were used to support staff during our Engage at least 20% of students in extra curricular sporting activity every week. Sports Coaches planning, letters, new format sports day. sports clubs in addition to those Competition staffing and provided currently by the sports Use the School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls transport Girls Active Team (8 girls) have been trained and after consultation meetings with J.B on coaches. to take part in the appropriate level of competition. what club they would like to start they have chosen Dance. Dance club has now been running for 2 half terms. First half term was free and it has now become a fully subscribed Cheshire Primary paid club run by UK Sports Coaching. This will continue next academic year. Change for Life – Training Child Ambassadors to lead playtime sports and games. Coaching Full weekly diary of afterschool clubs now running to make full use of the hall. Monday – Dance (UK Sports) / Tuesday – Multi Sports (CPC) / Wednesday – Boys Football UK Sports (CPC) / Thursday – Free for all Club (SSSP) / Friday – Girls Football (CPC) Stockport Schools Sports *Build teams to attend SSSP Competitions & take part in the National J.Belsten Autumn PE Budget: JOINED SSSP in January 2017. Renewed membership for 2017/18</p><p>Partnership (SSSP) School games programme Spring Join SSSP Participation in the SSSP Competition calendar has begun this year (Spring term - Key Steps *Development of school/community/local sports club links PE Co-ordinator Summer gymnastics, netball, & tri golf. Summer term – Kwik Cricket, Legacy Trail) *Develop PE co-ordinator role through PE Conference and CPD Review Schools Competitions Free for all club running for the Spring & Summer Term led by David Fraser from SSSP team. Programme (different staff can attend so we can develop as a school) Terms membership and This has allowed all children in KS2 an opportunity to put their names forward for a free renew for next club. (Netball/Basketball/Cricket/Athletics) * Review and refresh our annual school sports day format. academic year if Staff CPD has been offered and delivered according to staff’s requests/needs. Whole school Dance CPD, sign up twilight CPD opportunities open to all staff which has been attended by successful. staff from both EYFS, KS1 and KS2. David Fraser (SSSP) has been working alongside teachers and their classes during the Spring term to offer advice in areas of the PE curriculum highlighted by individual teachers as areas of need for their own personal CPD.</p><p>Local Club Links: Golf Pro Sessions with Year 3 children in Spring Term B. </p><p>J.B has attended PE Leaders in schools network meetings in February and July 2017 New format Sports day was very successful with excellent feedback. JB & pupils attended SSSP PE awards night (July 17) and won 2 awards for High Quality PE & Commitment to Leadership and Volunteering Policy and Risk Assessments *To review school PE policy J. Belsten Spring & One common Policy review ongoing due to changes in operations and funding in Sept 2017.</p><p>*To begin to update all PE risk assesments for lessons, clubs and Summer template for all Gymnastics & Apparatus Risk Assessment completed March 2017 competitions. Term sports Competitions and PE Off Site Visit Risk Assessment completed June 2017</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Music 2016  To extend the range of extra-curricular music opportunities available in school Key  Monitor and review new Music Express programme Prioritie s</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and how Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/st andards) To extend the range of musical Spring Term 2 2017 GLEE club now offered to pupils in Years 3-6 and opportunities available to New clubs to AC MC will continue to run in the new academic year. Positive feedback from pupils and staff. pupils. be offered: Summer Term 2017 Recorder club to start in September 2017 for the GLEE/choir AW/KE/ST Juniors-focus on notation/pitch/tempo/playing a club PC tuned instrument. Recorders On-going School’s brass band continues to thrive and attract Warren Wood All staff more pupils/members. Christmas and summer term productions have Brass Band been a success and have been performed to parents, pupils and staff at school. Christmas and School now registered with Young Voices. Pupils Summer term to take part in the concert in February 2018. productions High quality music lessons *Monitor and AW AC By July 2017 Music Express Music scheme used by Year 1/2 3/4. Positive feedback from staff and pupils. delivered by the class teachers. review the Good coverage of music skills. Music Express CPD Year 5/6 to implement Music in new academic year- Programme. feedback to be given from staff and pupils. Instrument stock/resources checked and new *Extend with instruments ordered along with labels to develop visits from teacher and pupil knowledge. Music packs with additional resources (links to outside websites/information/posters) given to staff to support agencies. teaching and learning, develop subject knowledge and *Team teach ensure good overage of skills. Enquiry made to education group regarding music planning to workshop focusing on composition using maximise use brass/percussion instruments. Discussed with staff and of staffs workshop to be booked for Juniors in the summer Term 2018. musical talents. *CPD for staff linked to teaching Music</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17</p><p>Sept Action Plan for Modern Foreign Languages 2016 Key To develop a whole school plan for the teaching of MFL from year 3 to year 6. Prio ritie To establish links with high schools to support teaching and provide transition data for year 6 to year 7. s Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards)</p><p>To develop a whole school plan for  Review of All KS2 staff By Summer Scheme of work – Kathryn Complete overview of MFL the teaching of MFL from year 3 to current practice MFL subject leader 2017 Cheater planning for KS2 year 6 based on cross curricular through Niveau Bleu package learning. planning Languages network materials  Staff meeting for KS2 to link to investigate links to topics</p><p>Headteacher  Meet with Spring 2016 Budget implications Teaching by specialist staff HT/Subject School Business Manger leader MFL subject leader  Price use of To establish teaching of MFL by outside agency KS2 staff outside staff for MFL teaching  Contact companies offering service and meet  Set up timetable</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural – Religious Education 2016 To ensure the teaching and learning of RE is good or outstanding throughout the school. Key To implement the new syllabus into teaching Priori ties</p><p>Action to be Undertaken Responsibility (including monitoring, assessment Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus (Staff and Timescale Resources and how will this improve (with dates) Governor) attainment/progress/standards)  Staff meeting to induce new Rebecca December New RE  New syllabus share with staff to trial it syllabus McCabe 2016 syllabus and roll out in September 2017  Collection of medium term Shona Mason  New scheme purchased from RE plans (subject Staff today with suggested lessons which To implement the new follow the Stockport agreed syllabus in  Attended subject leader leaders) meeting a progressive format syllabus into the teaching meetings of RE  Liaise with staff about changes and expectations</p><p> Multicultural market Rebecca June 2017 Ethnic  To be continued next academic year organised by the ethnic McCabe diversity due to time and funding diversity services Shona Mason services  Stop the clock day to (subject To promote world religion coincide with multicultural leaders) Staff and celebrate community market meeting  Liaise with appropriate contacts  Staff meeting/brief discussion to organise the event </p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17</p><p>Sept Action Plan for Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural – P.H.S.E 2016</p><p>Key To ensure that PSHE is being taught across the school Prior ities To ensure that PSHE remains as an integral part of the foundations to the ethos of the school- Care, Courtesy, Consideration</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards)  Observatio Rebecca McCabe June 2017 Non-contact time  Scheme of work has ns of class Shona Mason (subject leaders) been rolled out across teaching the school and is being taught more regularly.  Pupil  Nurse visited year 6 interviews children and delivered a  Collection session on sex of medium education. term plans that are in line with Teachers to implement the the new new PSHE scheme of work scheme  Collection of evidence of work  Attended PSHE subject leader meetings  School Rebecca McCabe June 2017  Road safety week- awareness Shona Mason (subject leaders) children and parents of events made aware of road safety around the school.  PSHE and  School participation of Global Den Day a global learning learning event June 2017 calendar to  NSPCC awareness be given to assembly and workshop staff for the upper juniors July  Off time 2017 For the school to partake in table global PSHE events opportuniti es  Liaise with other schools  Attended PSHE subject leader meetings </p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Global Learning 2016  To develop pupils understanding of global issues. Key  Teachers use a range of teaching approaches to support pupils skills and values development. Prior ities Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards)  Key stage appropriate lesson taught through Global Learning Website the school in cross curricular Subject Leader – Rebecca Dec 2016 Termly Global Learning  Photo evidence of  Issues to be lessons taught and taught McCabe meetings and training pupils work collected. through a  School participation of range of Den Day a global topics and learning event June subject To develop pupils 2017 areas understanding of global  Review issues. pupils understandin g of global issues using GLP Assessment.  Sample of pupils work and lesson plans  Staff meet to remind staff of resources  Teachers to Global Learning Website available look at the  Calendar given to staff with key events Teachers use a range of Global Subject Leader – Rebecca Termly Global Learning teaching approaches to Dimension McCabe Dec 2016 meetings and training support pupils skills and website values development.  Staff Meeting in Autumn 2 to discuss practise and share ideas Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum Sept Action Plan for Drama 2016 - To use drama as a stimulus to aid creative writing. Key Priorities - To enrich the curriculum in a cross curricular way and provide links to other subjects eg. history and MFL - To liaise with other ‘Arts’ Co-ordinators in order to obtain Arts Mark Award. Action to be Undertaken Responsibility (including monitoring, assessment and how Resourc Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus (Staff and Timescale will this improve es (with dates) Governor) attainment/progress/standards) Megan Cope (subject leader) July 2017 Subject leader Stimulus for creative writing time  10/10/16 Stop the Clock week. Lessons observed in which an alien - Embed drama as a hook in lessons. landed as a hook for ‘Space Week’. Children generated ideas for - To use drama to hook the children in creative writing. Across the school children engaged in enquiry and to aid the generation of ideas. based learning with drama as a hook. - To use Stop the Clock Day as an opportunity to explore  Commencing March 2017, further observations across school will be undertaken. drama as a stimulus.  ‘Revving Up Drama’ course attended (11/11/16) Two further sessions to be attended. - Observe taught lessons and feedback to teachers to show  Staff meeting arranged for 29/03/17. Coverage will be checked the effectiveness of drama in lessons. across the school and drama strategies to be discussed.  Teaching staff from Marple Hall to arrange a drama workshop with - To lead a staff meeting on drama strategies for staff to use Year 5 and 6. in lessons.  Staff meeting completed in April 2017 to offer resources and strategies to staff. (updated July 2017)  Revving up Drama part 2 attended in March 2017. (updated July Megan Cope (subject leader) 2017) Provide cross- curricular links July 2017 Subject leader Observations of Year 5 classes in summer term Use of drama to time  - Use drama throughout the curriculum to perform poetry. (updated July 2017) ensure engagement and as an aid to  Observation of reception class- role play. (updated July 2017) learning.  Next year- workshops?  Drama observed across all key stages in class assemblies. Drama - Develop children’s learning through enquiry based learning has been used to explore different themes such as Ernest eg. Stop the Clock Day. Shackleton, World War II, Roald Dahl and Volcanoes. (Autumn and Spring term)  Across the school children engaged in enquiry based learning, in - Observe taught lessons. Stop the Clock days, with drama as a hook for different cross curricular lessons. Megan Cope (subject leader) Ongoing/ until Subject leader Obtain Arts Mark Arts co-ordinators achieved. time  Commencing March 2017, further observations across school will - Possible after school club (Rebecca McCabe) be undertaken. - To work alongside other co-ordinators to research criteria and ensure  Staff meeting arranged for 29/03/17. Coverage will be checked coverage and delivery of what is across the school and drama strategies to be discussed. required to obtain the reward. - To lead a staff meeting on drama strategies for staff to use in lessons. </p><p> Observations of classes in Summer term (updated July 2017)  Coverage checked across school in staff meeting Cross curricular use of drama has been identified. (updated July 2017)  Artsmark audit completed. Coverage of drama to be checked across the school to ensure that what is required is being covered. - Possible after school club (Rebecca McCabe)  Teaching staff from Marple Hall to arrange a drama workshop with Year 5 and 6. This helps with the criteria required for the artsmark.  Artsmark submitted- evidence of areas required by teaching staff - Liaise with arts co-ordinators to ensure coverage of what is required. </p><p>- Research the criteria for the mark.</p><p>- Feedback to staff on what is required to obtain the mark.</p><p>2016-17</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-2017 Sept Action Plan for Assessment 2016 To review the updated assessment criteria procedures maintaining a consistent approach between classes and key stages. Key Prioriti To monitor 10/20/36 week review meetings in light of new assessment criteria. es To analyse the new RAISE online and data pack and monitor the impact on teaching and learning</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and how Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/st andards) Using colour banded trackers for Staff team To update the assessment criteria processes  HT and Assessment lead On-going week by Updated criteria breakdowns for maths guided reading to show targets, for reading and writing moderation week with 10/20/36 and writing progress and next steps. September (emergent, expected, exceeded) meetings All staff week ‘16  Criteria evident in review 10 and 20 week progress highlighted team planning and to show progression so far. This individual monitoring highlighted skills which had not yet been taught. Impact on planning  10/20/36 week reviewed. At 20 weeks, SLT/ HT review meetings reviewed progress and attainment tracker. Significant / disadvantaged  Use new specific groups identified and where outcomes to appropriate small group support determine met/not analysed. met for writing SLT - Whole school book scrutiny,  To use guided checking for coverage, attainment, reading tracking and progress, differentiation and cross targets (see English phase approaches. SDP) AC, ER and HH attended SIMs training to address development of tracking of attainment and progress in school June 17 Summer Term book scrutiny taken place with SIP. Results fed back to staff and planning teaching and learning reviewed by teams. July 17 INSET training on White Rose and Staff team To update the assessment criteria processes  HT and Assessment lead On-going week by Staff training NCETM for mastery of maths and for maths moderation week with 10/20/36 New guidance materials developing reasoning skills. October (emergent, expected, exceeded) meetings All staff week review Authority Training ‘16  Criteria evident in SLT - Whole school book scrutiny, team planning and checking for coverage, attainment, individual monitoring progress, differentiation and cross phase approaches. October ’16- and  10/20/36 week June ’17 with SIP review meetings Teaching and learning review. Expectations and training under  Use new specific scrutiny to develop staff CDP and outcomes to experience. determine met/not Improved results in Maths for KS1. met for and maths Teaching and learning evidenced in book scrutiny and external moderation June ‘17 Review new data To analyse the new RAISE online and data  SLT December Meeting time SLT analysed Sept ’16 PAG tracking pack and monitor the impact on teaching and  Analyse impact – Governors If available SIP input and links to the SEF. learning What next? SEF Data used to track progress from  Review small group EYFS to end of KS1 to end of KS2. support and Results analysis to take place. extension Whole school progress measures (G and T) under scrutiny following KS2 SAT results and dip in results. PAG scores analysed by HT Cohort evidence collected to show enhanced reasons July 17 Questions raised- What is the picture for current Year5? Impact further down the school?</p><p>Training booked for Oct 17 for ASP/ FFT (Raiseonline replacement) training </p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Inclusion 2016-2017 Sept Action Plan for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) 2016 Update of SEND policy Key Staff training Priori nd *catch-up groups started 2 week in September, monitoring to take place by SENDCo ties *Staff training specific to Restorative Approaches, mental well-being and disabilities Action to be Undertaken Responsibility (including monitoring, assessment Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus (Staff and Timescale Resources and how will this improve (with dates) Governor) attainment/progress/standards) Catch-up groups for identified children Catch-up groups started Class Teachers September 2016 SENDCo Progress and attainment made in all intervention based upon data from 2015-16. Monitoring to take place SENDCo and class onwards LSS training groups. Data collected and evaluated, supported Evaluation of impact teachers courses next set of catch-up work.(December 2016) TA training in Motivational Maths TAs Psychology Motivational Maths attended –Mrs Wallis (October Courses attended relating to specific needs Service 2016) of children already in place with a named TA ASD understanding, managing the Included Child - Mrs Kershaw, Mrs Dawson, Mrs Unsworth , (October 2016.) SENDCo attended LA update meeting, (January 2017), information disseminated to staff. Catch-up data gathered and disseminated to staff. Catch-up groups organised for September 2017. TA training with regard to SEND Courses attended relating to specific needs TAs who work 1:1 ongoing LSS TA meeting – lead by Ms Entwistle , implementation children of children already in place with a named TA SENDCo BSS of assessment sheet for catch-up groups. Meetings with TAs on regular basis Class teachers (September 2016) regarding SEND BSS Staff meeting – Healthy Minds (September 2016) Staff meeting – Dyslexia ( January 2017.) ASD understanding, Mrs Kershaw, Mrs Dawson, Mrs Unsworth (October 2016.) BSS – Marie France – Discussion with class teachers on how to support children , information sheet handed out. Seeing the Autism course attended by Ms Entwistle and Rachel Kershaw with regard to moving children on and giving them more independence. Begin work on gathering of evidence for Staff meeting SENDCo ongoing Stockport LEA Information gathered and staff meeting informed Inclusion Mark Gathering of data and evidence All staff SEND team staff. (January 2017) Other school Team selected to implement evidence gathering . ( January 2017) Lead – Ms Entwistle, Mrs Byers, Mrs Brealey, and Governor.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan - Inclusion 2016 - 17</p><p>Sept 2016 Action Plan for Able, Gifted and Talented + To track/check the progress of the current cohort of AGT (exceeding) children with their new class teachers (just prior to the end of the first half-term). Key Prioriti + To raise the profile of Warren Wood as a Gifted / Talented centre, hosting events at school (through the Authors’ Abroad network). es + To check that differentiation of class materials (by all teachers) still nurtures AGT learners.</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and how Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/st andards) Tracking children * Subject leader to liaise Subject leader – Philip Tracking grid Children tracked in accordance with school Subject leader to speak to each with all staff members to Boardman Ongoing A,G&T pupil policy (10, 20, 36wks). Making judgements of staff member to see how previous check progress and list updated A, G&T becoming more difficult with teaching exceeding children are meeting identify next steps to from 20wk based upon bredth rather than acceleration demands of the new curriculum support learning tracking data through objectives. Therefore it would be (including liaising with better to align progress with subjects next year. previous teachers where necessary). WW as AGT centre * Subject leader to Subject leader – Philip AGT events After the success of the ‘Number Day’ on Subject leader to network with establish links with Boardman All the time (ongoing all providers like 6.2.17 and embedding of Maths mastery, I ‘Author’s Abroad’ and similar specialist AGT providers year) ‘Author’s hoped to host projects will link local schools services to allow WW to host AGT who could use WW as a Abroad’ and possible expert speakers (where funding events, inviting local schools (in all base to provide events would allow). Children (of all ages) took part year groups) for all ages of children, in different enrichment days at a cluster host allowing our children to school but unfortunately other companies work with like-minded similar to Author’s Abroad (who hosted the children from other days) are not well established enough to lead school (raising their within WW. attainment). Differentiation * Staff Meeting x2 in Class Teachers E.g. Mastery to White Rose mastery documentation Teachers to use a range of teaching Autumn 1 to discuss the All the time (ongoing all greater depth disseminated in the staff meeting (Oct 16) is approaches to support pupils role of the NCETM year) class materials now being used by all staff. Staff meeting in accelerated learning booklet for each year (maths) March and book scrutiny in July identified group to identify what strengths and weaknesses in Maths. Something ‘mastery’ (met) and similar will occur for English in the last week ‘mastery to greater of term. depth’ (exceeding) looks SLT SLT book scrutiny (21.11.16) supports this like and how to create view. Children being sufficiently challenged those learning /supported within class differentiation and opportunities. enrichment opportunities to work with likeminded children. * Book scrutiny by SLT throughout the year. A,G & T Enrichment Opportunities: * Author’s Abroad Events at Romiley Primary School All Year Groups Ongoing all year * National Young Mathematician Award 4x Year 5 and 6 at Stockport Grammar School * Primary Maths Challenge Year 5 and 6 November 2017</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Resources 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Continuing Professional Development 2016 To ensure that all subject leaders share good and outstanding teaching practice in school to raise standards further through the delivery of the ‘Outstanding Teaching and Learning Project’. Key To train all staff in areas of specialist provision to maximise impact upon learning throughout school. Priorities To continue to provide, deliver and access high quality INSET training to support the completion of awards for excellence for school. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, assessment and how will this Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus Timescale Resources improve (Staff and Governor) (with dates) attainment/progress/standard s) February 2017/July2017  Subject leaders to Oct – SSIP to work Non- contact time To share good and outstanding teaching HT with HT Outstanding practice always the focus observe one when staff training is delivered. practice in school to raise standards further another and Nov- set dates Senior Leadership time for school All lessons observed according to the through the delivery of the ‘Outstanding provide SLT Spring/Summer improvement work OFSTED Framework expectations for Teaching and Learning Project’. observations/ outstanding and good teaching. constructive Subject leaders using this framework for feedback on the SSIP feedback own observations of colleagues. quality of teaching SLT members to work between themselves in pairs and learning (LKS2+UKS2/EYFS+KS1) to gain a wider according to new understanding of transitional issues Ofsted guidelines between teams. Feedback offered to GB via HT report and  Reform clusters to informal visits from key members of the allow staff to share GB when they visit and observe in school. expertise with other colleagues, working alongside each other in learning trios as part of the Outstanding Teaching and Learning Project  SLT to form own cluster to share outstanding practice amongst one another. Team Teach training completed by all  Specialist training staff in October 2016. offered to all On-going until Non- contact time July 2017 Safeguarding Training all updates in teachers and January 2017. New staff members (MDA) INSET Training teaching assistants given new training too in February 2017. in the support of HT Motivational Maths course attended by specific needs for TA’s in KS1 and KS2. July 2017 To train all staff in areas of specialist all learners SSIP October 31st 2016 New assessment procedures identified as provision to maximise impact upon learning  Teaching Assistants necessary. Training identified and throughout school. to be skilled up in SENDCO attended by HT/AHT/Assessment lead to areas of need of support. To be rolled out to staff in tailored support Outside Provider - BSS September 2017. such as ‘Motivational Maths’  Team Teach PSQM (Primary Science Quality Mark)  Primary Science Science Subject Leader hub training attended by Subject To continue to provide, deliver and access Quality Mark – Application made Non- contact time Leader. high quality INSET training to support the Training to be – September 2016 Arts Mark Training attended by HT completion of awards for excellence for attended by Subject Art Subject Leader INSET Training and Subject Leader. school. leader, support Training – Training rolled out to class teachers given to staff and September 2016 throughout the year. follow up work and INSET training led by subject leaders requirements Ongoing work and fed back to staff. outlined towards award Arts Mark application submitted and now school are classes as ‘Working  Arts Mark training towards Arts Mark’ – an accredited to be accessed by school. subject leader, PSQM submitted until June 2017. support given to Awaiting decision. staff and follow up work and requirements outlined</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Achievement and Attainment 2016  To ensure that pupils make progress in reading, writing and maths that is consistently good if not better, relative to their starting points.  To ensure consistency of progress, relative to the starting point of each pupil, is consistent to age related expectations in reading, writing Key and maths. Priorities  To ensure that the progress of all named groups of children (disadvantaged/FSM/EAL/SEN is at least in line with that of their peers, relative to their starting points. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and how will this Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) improve attainment/progress/standards) To ensure that pupils make progress in reading, writing HT Autumn 2 February 2017 Track the progress of all and maths that is consistently good if not better, relative  (10 weeks) 20 week data for progress and attainment show to their starting points. children at 10, 20, 36 Class teachers that pupils are making progress but mainly in weeks using the new Spring 1 School assessment system line with expectation. There are pockets of To deliver this through tailored and differentiated support bespoke assessment Governors to raise questions with HT/SLT about rates of progress of all (20 weeks) progress where pupils are making more than in class. system. pupils expected progress relative to their starting Summer 2 points, such as Y4 reading and dips where  Monitor that the progress (36 weeks) progress is slow, such as across Y5. all children make. Differentiation in lessons is being monitored by  Monitor lesson observations and by the appraisal underperformance and process. track key groups of pupils, Tailored intervention packages are also in place. identifying areas of July 2017 support to aid SAT’s results show a dip in school performance performance in spite of all of these things being put into place. Further monitoring, tracking of specific  Intervention/catch ups data and identified pupils to be addressed to identified prior to ensure this is a one off and not a trend beginning September 2016 in order to initiate work immediately to avoid gaps in learning</p><p> Differentiation in class work to be monitored through lesson observations/appraisal process.</p><p> Introduce the monitoring and evaluation schedule through the yearly calendar in school. To provide high quality teaching and learning Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule created as a  Highlight focus for All staff Half termly review Book Scrutiny opportunities to all pupils as part of the transparent method for all staff to see what each key area every or focal point for monitoring and evaluation schedule for school training, observation, scrutiny or visits are taking month. Act upon HT to monitor monitoring Cross school/phase moderation place throughout the year. and for this to positively impact upon the feedback and feed This has evolved and been responsive and outcomes for learners. forward to staff in flexible to change throughout the year. July 2017 order to have positive Deep dive for writing took place with subject impact upon teaching leaders, HT and SSIP. Impact measured and and learning feedback given to staff. Maths and reading opportunities offered monitoring to follow to measure impact of in school. teaching, support and interventions. To ensure consistency of progress, relative to the HT Autumn 2 Bespoke tracking procedures are in places that  Track progress in starting point of each pupil, is consistent to age Class teachers (10 weeks) monitor pupils attainment and progress relative reading, writing and related expectations in reading, writing and Governors to raise questions with HT/SLT about rates of Non-Contact Time for staff to observe to their own starting points. maths for all pupils, This has been amended and reflected upon maths. progress of all pupils and the new assessment system. Spring 1 relative to their own throughout the year and SIMS tracking data is (20 weeks) starting points and in being researched and employed. Training for staff has been identified – some attended and line with age related Summer 2 some yet to attend to have this in place for expectations according (36 weeks) September 2017. to the new curriculum July 2017 PAG scores tracked for all pupils in KS2 to  Lesson observations to monitor where pupils were and are expected to ensure quality of be next academic year. Impact to be measured teaching and learning and monitored at 10/20/36 week marker points. opportunities HT Autumn 2 All groups of pupils are tracked according to the  Monitor groups of To ensure that the progress of all named groups (10 weeks) progress they have made and their attainment at children to ensure that of children (disadvantaged/FSM/EAL/SEN is at Class teachers New school assessment system 10, 20 and 36 weeks. progress is at least in Pupils who are named as underachieving are least in line with that of their peers, relative to Spring 1 line with that of their identified and placed in specialist support groups their starting points. Governors to raise questions with HT/SLT about rates of (20 weeks) peers to boost their learning in key areas where progress of all pupils appropriate. No child in named groups  Differentiation to Summer 2 significantly underperforms compared to their support the needs of (36 weeks) peers without being in at least one other all learners significant group ( ie, boys/FSM). Support is tailored to their needs and these pupils are  Intervention groups to included in interventions to support learning. support the learning of July 2017 Pupils achieved generally in line with peers. pupils who fall below the necessary rate of progress</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Teaching and Learning 2016 To share good and outstanding teaching practice in school to raise standards further through the delivery of the ‘Outstanding Teaching and Learning </p><p>Key Project’. To develop school leaders skills in observation, in order to have a positive impact upon teaching and in turn the progress made by children in Priorit Reading, Writing and Maths. ies To deliver tailored high quality support and challenge to children of all abilities through the delivery of appropriately differentiated support in class. To provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities to all pupils as part of the monitoring and evaluation schedule for school. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, Responsibility Evidence of Impact School Improvement Focus assessment and Timescale Resources (Staff and Governor) (with dates) how will this improve attainment/progre ss/standards) February 2017 /July 2017  Subject leaders to Non- contact time To share good and outstanding teaching practice Outstanding practice always the focus when observe one another HT Oct – SSIP to work staff training is delivered. in school to raise standards further through the and provide with HT Senior Leadership time for school All lessons observed according to the OFSTED delivery of the ‘Outstanding Teaching and Framework expectations for outstanding and constructive feedback SLT Nov- set dates improvement work Learning Project’. good teaching. on the quality of Spring/Summer Subject leaders using this framework for own teaching and learning observations of colleagues. SSIP observations/ SLT members to work between themselves in according to new feedback pairs (LKS2+UKS2/EYFS+KS1) to gain a wider Ofsted guidelines understanding of transitional issues between teams.  Reform clusters to Feedback offered to GB via HT report and allow staff to share informal visits from key members of the GB when they visit and observe in school. expertise with other colleagues, working alongside each other in learning trios as part of the Outstanding Teaching and Learning Project  SLT to form own cluster to share outstanding practice amongst one another. To develop school leaders skills in observation, in All lessons observed according to the OFSTED  HT to work with SSIP HT Oct – SSIP to work Non- contact time order to have a positive impact upon teaching and Framework expectations for outstanding and on leadership of with HT good teaching. in turn the progress made by children in Reading, teaching and learning SLT Nov- set dates Senior Leadership time for school Subject leaders using this framework for own Writing and Maths. observations of colleagues. Spring/Summer improvement work  HT/SSIP to work with Teaching Assistant Appraisal led by SLT and fed SSIP observations/ back to HT. SLT on observations Training for Motivational Maths and SEN based and impact upon feedback specific training has been attended. teaching and learning Data to measure progress provided by SENDCO demonstrates progress in pupils reading ages and attainment within the area of support offered. July 2017 SENDCO monitored impact of Catch up groups to measure progress in all named pupils. To deliver tailored high quality support and Teaching Assistant timetables were adapted this  Differentiation in class HT challenge to children of all abilities through the year to address issues of support – tailored work to be monitored intervention packages were offered to the delivery of appropriately differentiated support in through lesson SLT Ongoing INSET training children’s needs and delivered in the afternoons, class. away from timetabled time for curricular maths observations/appraisal and English. process. Differentiated support and work has been monitored through lesson observations and  Whole school staff book scrutinies. training/moderation Differentiation is offered more through challenging and supportive questioning and of work to look at activities than previous ‘levels of work’ type differentiation for all approach. year groups. To provide high quality teaching and learning Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule created as a  Introduce the All staff Half termly review Book Scrutiny opportunities to all pupils as part of the transparent method for all staff to see what monitoring and or focal point for monitoring and evaluation schedule for school. training, observation, scrutiny or visits are taking evaluation schedule HT to monitor monitoring Cross school/phase moderation place throughout the year. through the yearly This has evolved and been responsive and calendar in school. flexible to change throughout the year. July 2017  Highlight focus for Monitoring and Evaluation to include deep dives each key area every and closer scrutiny of books next year to month. Act upon demonstrate impact. feedback and feed forward to staff in order to have positive impact upon teaching and learning opportunities offered in school.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare 2016 To monitor the personal development, behaviour and welfare of all pupils as part of the monitoring and evaluation schedule for school. Key To positively contribute to the personal development, behaviour, welfare, mental and emotional well- being of all pupils through the Priorities Relax Kids programme. To ensure children are fully aware of e-safety issues and that the new policy is being put in place. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement assessment and how will Responsibility Evidence of Impact Timescale Resources Focus this improve (Staff and Governor) (with dates) attainment/progress/stand ards) To monitor the personal development,  Introduce the All staff Half termly Pupil Voice Interviews Pupil voice interviews undertaken behaviour and welfare of all pupils as review or focal regarding playtime/lunchtime behaviour monitoring and with HT and MDS. This information is fed part of the monitoring and evaluation HT to monitor point for evaluation back to MDS and MDA and staff. schedule for school. schedule through monitoring Subject Leaders have undertaken pupil the yearly voice interviews during Autumn Term and fed back to all staff. calendar in school. July 2017  Highlight focus for Y6 pupils conducted verbal/feedback each key area interviews with younger pupils regarding behaviour at playtimes/lunchtimes. every month. Act Feedback delivered to pupils through upon feedback whole school assemblies and circle time and feed forward expectations with class teacher/classes to staff (teaching, support, midday) in order to have positive impact upon behaviour and welfare in and around school. To positively contribute to the personal  Whole school Tanya Cross parents meeting. Weekly sessions Pupil Voice Interviews Relax Kids programme has seen all EYFS and KS1 pupils taught alongside their development, behaviour, welfare, training on Relax for all - ongoing Non-contact time for subject leader curriculum during PPA time. mental and emotional well- being of all Kids objectives Monitoring and Evaluation schedule pupils through the Relax Kids and aims Parent and Pupil sessions run alongside programme. Parents Evening in order for parents and  All infant pupils to children to share the techniques be provided with together. Relax Kids sessions during PPA Pupil voice interviews and parental feedback positively report the value of provision this and how pupils use techniques to  KS2 pupils to be calm themselves in anxious situations. offered extra- curricular Relax July 2017</p><p> kids to help Parental feedback on reports states that develop strategies Relax Kids has had a positive impact upon which promote children’s well-being. emotional well- being HT proactively promotes the need for e To ensure children are fully aware of e-  Monitoring the use Computing subject leader January 2017 Advisory team for PHSE/E safety safety issues and that the new policy is safety in newsletters, targeted letters and of social network one to ones with parents after specific being put in place. sites outside school All staff INSET/staff training situations occur.  Provide children Safer Internet Day (Feb2017) was a way July 2017 for all school to work together to raise with skills to stay awareness and keep one another safe. safe on line. Computer subject leader has worked with  Tanya Cross to Reception, Y2 and Y6 pupils to ensure come in and do a message of safety are instilled. Safety posters have been created by parents meeting. pupils and placed around school.  Promote E-Safety E Safety posters regarding internet use day are placed in all pupil bathrooms for messages to be discussed informally  Ensure the school between pupils. E-safety policy can be accessed on school website  Provide information for parents on website about E- safety/safeguarding issues/priorities</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Curriculum 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Leadership and Management 2016 To promote the skills of leadership as part of the monitoring and evaluation schedule for school. Key To develop school leaders skills in observation, in order to have a positive impact upon teaching and in turn the progress made by Priorities children throughout the curriculum. To further develop the role of governors as partners in the process of raising standards for all in school. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement Responsibility Evidence of Impact assessment and how Timescale Resources Focus (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/s tandards) To promote the skills of leadership for  Introduce the All staff Half termly SLT release time each week for senior leaders and subject leaders as monitoring and review or focal monitoring and evaluation and part of the monitoring and evaluation evaluation HT to monitor point for strategic school improvement issues schedule for school. schedule through monitoring the yearly Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule calendar in created as a transparent method for all school. staff to see what training, observation,  Highlight focus scrutiny or visits are taking place throughout the year. for each key area This has evolved and been responsive and every month. flexible to change throughout the year. Subject Leaders are playing a key part in  Share feedback the monitoring process by performing to individual pupil voice interviews, cluster moderation of reading, writing and maths teachers based and book and planning scrutinies. on Ofsted expectations for teaching, learning and outcomes for learners To develop school leaders skills in  HT to work with HT Oct – SSIP to Non- contact time Subject leaders have been given the opportunity to observe one another observation, in order to have a SSIP on work with HT teach in order to refine their skills of positive impact upon teaching and in leadership of SLT Nov- set dates Senior Leadership time for school observation and feedback. This has also supported them in seeing how their turn the progress made by children teaching and Spring/Summer improvement work subject is taught throughout school how throughout the curriculum. learning SSIP observations/ teaching and learning is adapted throughout key stages. feedback  HT/SSIP to work with SLT on observations and impact upon teaching and learning To further develop the role of  Governors GB Ongoing GB Training Governors have been proactive n governors as partners in the process of supporting school in meeting with GB involvement to discuss teaching and learning raising standards for all in school. beyond that of SSIP GOVAS Training standards in governors meetings. GB meetings, GB have met with SSIP as part of the HT appraisal process to reflect on including support HT teaching and learning initiatives. from SSIP  Class Governors assigned to each class/key stage and to visit/liaise with classes when possible  Governors to feedback to GB on training that will impact positively upon school improvement issues.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Premises 2016-17</p><p>Sept Action Plan for Buildings and Maintenance 2016 To manage and ensure the safe completion of defects from the school rebuild and remodel project </p><p>Key and to create a scheme of work for the future. Priorities Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement Responsibility Evidence of Impact assessment and how Timescale Resources Focus (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/s tandards) To work and manage closely  Work Health and Safety Governor September Snagging and defects the defects on the school build alongside 2016 – list is continually Physical materials connected contractors, August 2016 reviewed by outside to the jobs to be completed agencies (Carillion) Carillion, HT and reported back to To create a schedule of works governors and contractors (Whitfield to be done once the defects in school staff to and Brown) to school are complete. maintain safety at all Caretaker complete on a rolling times during programme over 12 repairs. months after each phase of the build is School Business Manger  Create a clear complete. schedule of work where needed now All staff main works are complete.</p><p> Prioritise Contractors works to be carried out. Council</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Resources 2016-17</p><p>Sept 2016 Action Plan for Budget and Finance To monitor and control the budget effectively throughout expansion of classes within school, supporting the need for tight financial constraint and prudent budgeting. Key Priorities To achieve SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standard) in 2017.</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement Responsibility Evidence of Impact assessment and how Timescale Resources Focus (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/s tandards) To monitor and control the budget  Half termly HT On-Going SBM/HT time and governor Prudent financial effectively throughout the building monitoring meetings. management continues to and expansion work, supporting the be exercised due to external reports need for tight financial constraint budgetary cuts likely to be and prudent budgeting. School Business Manager Termly GB imposed by the  Resources committee government. National Committee – meetings Funding Formula (NFF) will GB to be continue to be fought as the reported to Resources Committee – Governing projection for school termly Body currently are, over the next 2 years, to lose up to  Money saving £127,500, which would purchases mean staff reductions. and best value purchases/cos tings to be sought To achieve SFVS (Schools  Documented HT To be SBM/HT time and governor Submitted and returned Financial Value Standard) in 2017. evidence and submitted by meetings. return to be 31st March 2017 submitted School Business Manager</p><p>Resources Committee – Governing Body</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Premises 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Community 2016 To develop relationships with the school community to improve and enhance provision, communication and opportunities offered to all at Warren Wood. Key Priorities To work towards the achievement of the Leading Parent Partnership Award.</p><p>Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement Responsibility Evidence of Impact assessment and how Timescale Resources Focus (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/s tandards) To develop relationships with the  Community HT Events have begun to take place school community to improve and events in the new in the new school – a successful Ongoing – Funding for events enhance provision, communication school building, Christmas Fair raised £900 to events including coffee pay for a defibrillator, coffee and opportunities offered to all at GB throughout the morning for Macmillan raise Warren Wood. mornings, HT year £500+ meet and greets PTA support with parents, PTA Reception parents questionnaire events PTA sent out to glean ideas of how to improve links between home  Parental and school. questionnaire to Staff gain ideas of New PTA established. areas of strength in school and Summer Fair took place and areas in need of raised in excess of £2,700. New further outdoor equipment is being development or sourced for whole school action benefit.</p><p> Establish new core group for the PTA To work towards the achievement  Research HT Ongoing LPPA Registration fee LPPA contacted for further of the Leading Parent Partnership information on information. Establishing links Award. the LPPA with other schools who have achieved this. GB December 2016  Source schools - onwards July 2017 who have already achieved the Plans amended and adapted award, use case Staff due to high cost of this award. studies and find It has been decided that ways of engaging parents for school supporting areas Parents based activities is essential but in need of the award is not and therefore development. parental engagement remains top of the list of priorities as we move forward.</p><p>Warren Wood Primary School School Development Plan – Premises 2016-17 Sept Action Plan for Health and Safety 2016</p><p>To safely manage the new school site, running checks for new systems :fire alarm, school alarm, water, Key Velux windows etc Priorities To ensure the safety of the school community in the new building by establishing new routines. Action to be Undertaken (including monitoring, School Improvement Responsibility Evidence of Impact assessment and how Timescale Resources Focus (Staff and Governor) (with dates) will this improve attainment/progress/s tandards) Full health and Safety Audit carried out in March 2017. To safely manage the new school site,  Staff training for Ongoing Training from Whitfield and Brown Passed with some running checks for new systems :fire the relevant staff re manuals for handover recommendations for future HT alarm, school alarm, water, Velux members on the practice to be addressed. Contractors to complete snags and windows etc use of the fire September 2016 defects alarm (for safety Training identified for caretaker onwards To ensure the safety of the school on up to date practises. checks), the new SBM community in the new building by water/boilers, establishing new routines. Velux windows etc. To safely complete outstanding Manuals provided for all new Caretaker snagging and defects from the rebuild build operations.  Whole school to project. practise fire drills according to new safety points</p><p> Act upon and adapt to Snagging and defects list being snagging/default reviewed as each phase meets issues as they its’ twelve month end point. This arise for the is carried out by Carillion. safety of all members of the school community.</p>

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