This Form May Take You 10 Minutes to Complete

This Form May Take You 10 Minutes to Complete

<p> FORM FP</p><p>[This form may take you 10 minutes to complete]</p><p>General Information/Instructions:</p><p>1. Please complete this form if you are a foreign person and wish to apply for approval to purchase or acquire restricted residential property.</p><p>2. When completing this form, please print or write in ink and do not leave any item or page blank. Please enter “NA” where any item is not applicable.</p><p>3. The application fees are as follows: Sole applicant $1,220 per property Husband and wife applying jointly $1,220 per property</p><p>For joint applications, other than by 2 persons who are married to each other and whose marriage is recognised by the laws of Singapore, applicants are required to submit separate applications.</p><p>Payment can be made by NETS, credit card or cheque issued in favour of “Singapore Land Authority”. </p><p>4. Please submit the completed form, the supporting documents as stated on page 14 and page 15 and the application fee to: </p><p>Singapore Land Authority Land Dealings (Approval) Unit 55 Newton Road #12-01 Revenue House Singapore 307987 [Tel: 64783444]</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 1 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</p><p>1. What are the assessment criteria?</p><p>Each application is considered on its own merits. However, the main requirements are:  you are a permanent resident of Singapore; and  you make an adequate economic contribution to Singapore.</p><p>In assessing your economic contribution, the main factors considered are:  your academic, professional and/or technical qualifications;  your expertise and working experience needed by Singapore; and  your investments in the type of industry or service sector needed in Singapore.</p><p>2. My spouse, a foreigner, owns a restricted residential property. Can I still apply to buy another restricted residential property?</p><p>No.</p><p>3. How long does it take to process an application?</p><p>The processing time is generally within 20 working days after the date we receive all the requisite documents and information from you.</p><p>4. I have not decided on a specific property to purchase. Can I still apply?</p><p>Yes, you can apply for approval-in-principle. If you are granted approval-in-principle, you have to submit particulars of a specific property you intend to purchase within 6 months of the letter of approval. Otherwise, the approval will lapse. Thereafter, should you wish to purchase a restricted residential property, you need to make a fresh application and pay the full application fee.</p><p>5. I have been granted approval in the past. Does that mean my current application will definitely be successful?</p><p>No, because your current application will be assessed based on the prevailing circumstances and guidelines.</p><p>6. Is there any restriction on the type of restricted residential property I can acquire?</p><p>The land area of the property must not exceed 1,393.5 square metres or 15,000 square feet and it must not be within a good class bungalow (GCB) area. </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 2 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>7. What conditions will be imposed if my application is successful?</p><p>If approval is granted, you will be required to give a written undertaking that you will comply with the conditions imposed. </p><p>Some of the standard conditions that may be imposed are:</p><p>8.1 Owner occupation IN ALL CASES The property shall be used only for your own occupation and that of the members of your family as a dwelling house and not for rental or any other purpose. 8.2.1 Prohibition of sale of property FOR SPECIFIC You shall not dispose of your estate or interest in the property BUILT-UP PROPERTY within 5 years after the date of legal completion of your purchase of the property. 8.2.2 Prohibition of sale of property FOR SPECIFIC PROPERTY You shall not dispose of your estate or interest in the property UNDER CONSTRUCTION within 5 years after the date of issue of the Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion, whichever is earlier. 8.2.3 Prohibition of sale of property FOR SPECIFIC PROPERTY You shall not dispose of your estate or interest in the property UNDER CONSTRUCTION, within 5 years after the date the seller delivers vacant WHERE TEMPORARY possession of the property. OCCUPATION PERMIT OR CERTIFICATE OF STATUTORY COMPLETION HAS BEEN ISSUED BUT SEPARATE LEGAL TITLE HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED 8.2.4 Temporary Occupation Permit / Certificate of Statutory FOR SPECIFIC PROPERTY Completion THAT IS: You shall complete the construction of a new dwelling house  Vacant land for the on the property or additions and alterations to or construction of a dwelling reconstruction of the property and obtain the Temporary house, or Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion,  A built up property on whichever is earlier, for the property, within 3 years after the which you intend to date of letter conveying the decision. (i) tear down property and rebuild, Prohibition of sale of property (ii) *carry out additions You shall not dispose of your estate or interest in the property and alterations to within 5 years after the date of issue of the Temporary property, or Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion, (iii) *carry out whichever is earlier. reconstruction of property.</p><p>*This refers to works where the Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion is issued upon completion of the works. Approval must be obtained before you carry out the works. Please visit the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) website at or the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) website at for more information.</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 3 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>10. What are the penalties if I breach the conditions?</p><p>Depending on which condition is breached, you may be required to pay a financial penalty or be liable to a fine of up to $200,000 and/or imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years.</p><p>11. After receiving approval to purchase the property, can I then decide to tear down and rebuild, or carry out additions & alterations to or reconstruction of my property?</p><p>Yes. If the Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion is issued upon completion of the works, you will have to apply for approval before carrying out the works by submitting Form VC and pay a non-refundable application fee. Please visit the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) website at or the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) website at for more information on the proposed works. </p><p>12. If at the time of application I indicated that I intend to tear down and rebuild, or carry out additions & alterations to or reconstruction of the property but after approval was granted, I decided not to carry out any of the works mentioned. Do I need to inform LDAU?</p><p>Yes, you are required to submit an application for variation of condition to remove the conditions imposed with regard to the above works. The form to be used is Form VC and a non-refundable application fee is payable.</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 4 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>13. Will I be required to dispose of my existing residential property?</p><p>12.1 RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY</p><p>If you currently own a restricted residential property, you will be required to dispose of it. A “restricted residential property” includes:  Vacant residential land;  landed houses with land titles (e.g. detached house, semi-detached house, terrace house, etc);  landed houses with strata titles in a non-condominium development (e.g. strata terrace house); and  shophouses which are not strata subdivided and are erected on land other than land which has been declared to be non-residential property pursuant to the Residential Property Notification.</p><p>You will be required to dispose of your current restricted residential property within the following timeframes:</p><p>Where separate legal title has been on or before the date of legal completion of issued for the new property: your purchase of the new property Where the new property is under within 3 months from the date of issue of construction: the Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion (whichever is earlier) for the new property Where the Temporary Occupation Permit within 3 months from the date when the or Certificate of Statutory Completion for seller delivers vacant possession of the the new property has been issued but new property separate legal title has not been issued:</p><p>12.2 HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD (HDB) FLATS, DESIGN, BUILD AND SELL SCHEME (DBSS) FLATS, EXECUTIVE CONDOMINIUMS AND HUDC FLATS</p><p>If you currently own an HDB, DBSS or HUDC flat or an executive condominium unit, please check with the HDB as to whether you are eligible to purchase or acquire another residential property under HDB’s existing policies before you proceed with the application. For more information, please visit the HDB website at</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 5 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Instructions</p><p>1. Type or print clearly. Check the applicable boxes. Enter ‘NA’ where not applicable.</p><p>2. Print on single-sided sheets.</p><p>3. Attach required supporting documents (please refer to the checklist on page 14 and page 15).</p><p>4. Mark against the checklist on page 14 and page 15 to ensure you have done all that is required.</p><p>5. Refer to FAQs on page 2 to page 5 for additional information.</p><p>6. Submit the completed form, supporting documents and application fee (Item 3 on page 1) to:</p><p>Singapore Land Authority Land Dealings (Approval) Unit 55 Newton Road #12-01 Revenue House Singapore 307987</p><p>[Tel: 64783444]</p><p>[For applications for a specific property, the condition that the purchase is subject to Government approval must be incorporated in the Option to Purchase or Sale and Purchase Agreement. Otherwise, the Option or Agreement is invalid under the Residential Property Act and LDAU cannot process an invalid application.]</p><p>Part 1: Type of Application</p><p>I intend to purchase or acquire a residential property (select all applicable):</p><p>1 In my sole name</p><p>2 As  joint tenants</p><p> tenants-in-common  State proportion of shareholding e.g. ½ self and ½ spouse: </p><p> with  my spouse, a Singapore citizen </p><p> my spouse, a permanent resident</p><p> others , state details below Name (As stated in NRIC / passport. Relationship with Applicant Citizenship Underline surname.)</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 6 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Part 2: Applicant’s Particulars NAME (As stated in NRIC. Underline surname.) Mr / Miss / Mrs / Mdm / Dr</p><p>DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy): SEX: Male Female RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: </p><p>CONTACT NOS.: Home: Mobile: Office: Fax: E-MAIL: </p><p>CITIZENSHIP: Permanent Resident NRIC No.: LEGAL BASIS OF STAY: Others , specify: </p><p>Date of PR granted (date of issue of entry permit) (dd/mm/yyyy): </p><p>Did you obtain your permanent residence through any scheme / programme? Yes No NA If yes, please state the name of the Government agency through which you applied for permanent residence: </p><p>MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced </p><p>TERTIARY, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS:</p><p>Name of institution Country of study Qualification and year attained</p><p>OCCUPATION: DESIGNATION: BASIC MONTHLY SALARY: $ WORK START DATE: NAME OF EMPLOYER / CO.: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / CO.: </p><p>EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (If space is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet and mark “ANNEX A”)</p><p>START END NAME OF DESIGNATION COUNTRY OF WORK DATE DATE EMPLOYER</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 7 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>If you are self-employed or have business interests in Singapore, fill in this section with current information. NAME OF CO.: REGISTERED ADDRESS: STATUS IN CO.: NO. OF SHARES HELD: </p><p>VALUE OF SHARES HELD: $ NATURE OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY: OPERATION COMMENCEMENT DATE (dd/mm/yyyy): PAID-UP CAPITAL: $ ANNUAL TURNOVER: $ (year ) EMPLOYEE PROFILE S/NO. CITIZENSHIP NO. OF EMPLOYEES 1. SINGAPORE CITIZEN 2. SINGAPORE PERMANENT RESIDENT 3. OTHERS TOTAL </p><p>OTHER INFORMATION (refers to social contribution such as volunteer work, philanthropic work, etc or other information to support your application. Please forward the relevant supporting documents.) </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 8 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Part 3: Spouse’s Particulars (to be completed even if spouse is not the applicant) NAME (As stated in NRIC. Underline surname.) Mr / Miss / Mrs / Mdm / Dr</p><p>DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy): SEX: Male Female RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (to state if different from applicant): </p><p>CONTACT NOS.: Home: Mobile: Office: Fax: E-MAIL: </p><p>CITIZENSHIP: Permanent Resident NRIC No.: LEGAL BASIS OF STAY: Others , specify: </p><p>Date of PR granted (date of issue of entry permit) (dd/mm/yyyy): </p><p>Did you obtain your permanent residence through any scheme / programme? Yes No NA If yes, please state the name of the Government agency through which you applied for permanent residence: </p><p>MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced </p><p>TERTIARY, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS:</p><p>Name of institution Country of study Qualification and year attained</p><p>OCCUPATION: DESIGNATION: BASIC MONTHLY SALARY: $ WORK START DATE: NAME OF EMPLOYER / CO.: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / CO.: </p><p>EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (If space is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet and mark “ANNEX B”)</p><p>START END NAME OF DESIGNATION COUNTRY OF WORK DATE DATE EMPLOYER</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 9 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>If you are self-employed or have business interests in Singapore, fill in this section with current information. NAME OF CO.: REGISTERED ADDRESS: STATUS IN CO.: NO. OF SHARES HELD: VALUE OF SHARES HELD: $ NATURE OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY: OPERATION COMMENCEMENT DATE (dd/mm/yyyy): PAID-UP CAPITAL: $ ANNUAL TURNOVER: $ (year ) EMPLOYEE PROFILE S/NO. CITIZENSHIP NO. OF EMPLOYEES 4. SINGAPORE CITIZEN 5. SINGAPORE PERMANENT RESIDENT 6. OTHERS TOTAL </p><p>OTHER INFORMATION (refers to social contribution such as volunteer work, philanthropic work, etc or other information to support your application. Please forward the relevant supporting documents.) </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 10 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Part 4: Child’s / children’s particulars (If more than 2 children, please duplicate this page)</p><p>RELATIONSHIP: Son Daughter NAME (As stated in NRIC. Underline surname.) Mr / Miss / Mrs / Mdm / Dr</p><p>RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (to state if different from applicant): </p><p>DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy): CITIZENSHIP: LEGAL BASIS OF STAY: Permanent Resident NRIC No.: </p><p>Others , specify: </p><p>MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced </p><p>IF SON, IS YOUR CHILD UNDERGOING OR HAS Yes No N/A COMPLETED NATIONAL SERVICE?</p><p>OCCUPATION: Profession / Designation (if a student, please state Name of employer / school Country of work / study level of study e.g. Primary or institution (if a student) One, JC 2, etc) </p><p>RELATIONSHIP: Son Daughter NAME (As stated in NRIC. Underline surname.) Mr / Miss / Mrs / Mdm / Dr</p><p>RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (to state if different from applicant): </p><p>DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy): CITIZENSHIP: LEGAL BASIS OF STAY: Permanent Resident NRIC No.: </p><p>Others , specify: </p><p>MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced </p><p>IF SON, IS YOUR CHILD UNDERGOING OR HAS Yes No N/A COMPLETED NATIONAL SERVICE?</p><p>OCCUPATION: Profession / Designation (if a student, please state Name of employer / school Country of work / study level of study e.g. Primary or institution (if a student) One, JC 2, etc) </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 11 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Part 5: Details of Residential Property to be Purchased or Acquired</p><p>REASON FOR PURCHASING OR ACQUIRING PROPERTY: Self and family’s residence Others , specify: </p><p>TYPE OF APPLICATION:</p><p>Approval in principle  Approval in principle is valid for 6 months only. Proceed to Part 6. Ensure that you incorporate the Specific Property  Continue with Part 5. condition that your purchase of the property is subject to Government Specific Property (under approval under the Residential  Continue with Part 5. construction) Property Act.</p><p>PROPERTY ADDRESS: </p><p>MUKIM / MK NO.: or TOWN SUBDIVISION / TS NO.: </p><p>WHOLE OF LAND LOT NO.: STRATA LOT NO.: U or (applicable for strata landed house) PART OF LAND LOT NO.: </p><p>LAND AREA: square metres PLOT NO.: (not applicable for strata landed house) (applicable for property under construction)</p><p>TYPE OF PROPERTY: Vacant land Bungalow Shophouse Strata landed house Semi-detached Terrace Others specify: house house IS PROPERTY UNDER TENANCY? Yes  Please refer to Item 4 on page 15 No </p><p>DO YOU INTEND TO CARRY OUT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WORKS ON THIS PROPERTY?</p><p>(i) Tearing down and rebuilding; (ii) reconstruction; or (iii) additions and alterations Refer to FAQ 8.2.4, 9 and 10 for more information. Please tick “yes” only if the Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion is issued upon completion of the works. Please visit the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) website at or the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) website at for more information. Yes  Conditions at FAQ 8.2.4 will be imposed. No If property is under construction, answer this question: HAS THE TEMPORARY OCCUPATION PERMIT BEEN ISSUED?</p><p>Yes  Submit a copy of the permit. No NA </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 12 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Part 6: Details of Residential Property Owned If own more than 1 residential property, please duplicate this page. DO YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE OR YOUR CHILDREN OWN ANY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN SINGAPORE? Yes  Continue with Part 6. No  Proceed to Part 7. NAME OF OWNER(S) RELATIONSHIP WITH APPLICANT</p><p>PROPERTY ADDRESS: </p><p>TYPE OF PROPERTY: Semi-detached Vacant land Bungalow Terrace house house Strata landed Shophouse Townhouse HDB flat unit house Executive Condominium Private flat HUDC flat unit condominium unit unit unit Others , specify: DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY Are you required to dispose of this property according to the guidelines at FAQ 11? Yes  Answer the following questions. No  Proceed to Part 7. Are you willing to dispose of this property according to the guidelines at FAQ 11? Yes No If no, why? </p><p>Part 7: Declaration I, NRIC No. residing at declare that the information contained in this form and in any list attached to this form, and all the particulars given above are true, correct and complete.</p><p>Date Signature</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 13 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Checklist (1/2) Please mark against this checklist to ensure that you have done all that is required and mail the cheque and documents to: Singapore Land Authority, Land Dealings (Approval) Unit, 55 Newton Road, #12-01, Revenue House, Singapore 307987</p><p>3. Did you attach photocopies of the following documents? 1. Did you enclose the application fee? Yes Refer to page 1 for amount.  Your latest pay advice or letter from employer stating latest drawn pay. Yes NA </p><p>2.  DidYour you attachspouse’s certified latest paytrue advice copies or (certified letter from by employer an advocate stating and latest solicitor drawn of Yes NA Singapore)pay. of the following documents?</p><p> Alternatively,Your notices you of can assessment call at our of office income with tax the for originals the last and3 years. photocopies of Yes NA the documents for verification.  Your spouse’s notices of assessment of income tax for the last 3 years. Yes NA  Your Singapore blue identity card. Yes  Instant information printout of the company / companies in which you Yes NA  and/orYour spouse’s your spouse, Singapore if spouse pink is/ bluean applicant, identity card. has/have an interest. Yes NA </p><p> YourLatest passport. audited accounts of the company / companies in which you and/or Yes NA Onlyyour spouse,the pages if spouseshowing is personal an applicant, particulars has/have and an passport interest. validity.</p><p> Your spouse’s passport, if your spouse is a non-citizen. Yes NA Only the pages showing personal particulars and passport validity.</p><p> Your entry permit. Yes </p><p> Your spouse’s entry permit. Yes NA </p><p> Your valid re-entry permit. Yes </p><p> Your spouse’s valid re-entry permit. Yes NA </p><p> Marriage certificate. Yes NA If not in English, submit official English translation.</p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 14 of 15 FORM FP</p><p>Checklist (2/2)</p><p>4. Did you attach photocopies of the following documents?</p><p> Your tertiary, professional and/or technical qualifications. Yes NA If not in English, submit official English translation.</p><p> Your spouse’s tertiary, professional and/or technical qualifications. Yes NA If not in English, submit official English translation.</p><p> Your child’s/children’s Singapore pink/blue identity card/s or birth Yes NA certificate/s, if not yet issued with an identity card.</p><p> Your child’s/children’s entry permit/s. Yes NA </p><p> Your child’s/children’s valid re-entry permit/s. Yes NA </p><p> Your son’s/sons’ SAF 11B card/s or Certificate/s of Service Yes NA </p><p> Option to Purchase or Sale & Purchase Agreement. Yes NA Only if you are applying to purchase a specific property.</p><p>[Please ensure that you incorporate the condition that your purchase of the property is subject to Government approval under the Residential Property Act. Otherwise, the agreement is invalid under the Residential Property Act and LDAU cannot process an invalid application.]</p><p> Tenancy agreement. Yes NA Only if the property you intend to purchase is under tenancy.</p><p>[Please note that the unexpired term of tenancy must not be more than 1 year after the date of completion of purchase of the property. Applications for approval to purchase a property with more than 1 year of unexpired term of tenancy will not be favourably considered]</p><p>Please also submit:</p><p>(a) a letter from the tenant confirming that he will not renew the existing tenancy upon its expiry on or before dd/mm/yyyy; and Yes NA </p><p>(b) a letter from you confirming that you shall not renew the existing tenancy or enter into a new tenancy agreement upon expiry of the Yes NA existing tenancy on or before dd/mm/yyyy. </p><p>QP-LDU-22-F01-00 Page 15 of 15</p>

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