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Wingspan Pictures

<p> WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 1 TC: Video: Audio: 01:00:00 Wall sign "READ" [MUSIC]</p><p>Wall sign "INSPIRE"</p><p>Books and apples Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>EXT. Thurgood Marshall Middle School My name is Jean Chalupsky and I teach 7th and</p><p>Gates 8th grade at Thurgood Marshall Middle School </p><p> in San Diego, and the name of my lesson... TOUGH TO TEACH JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>Personal Anecdotes personal anecdotes. JEAN CHALUPSKY JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>8th Grade/Marshall Middle School And my lesson revolves around writing </p><p>Jean (INTV) personal anecdotes and finding um, what those</p><p> personal anecdotes are saying, the-the big idea, </p><p> what it's saying about you. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>How many of you have picked an anecdote </p><p> from just this year? Students raising hands JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Jean Okay. How many of you picked an anecdote </p><p> from a couple of years ago? JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>This is how I teach... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...anecdotal writing. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>White board First of all, asking the students you know, what</p><p> is a narrative and then guiding them toward </p><p> what's a personal narrative. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Jean How many of you picked an anecdote from </p><p> when you were really little that you kind of </p><p> needed somebody to to, 'cause you don’t </p><p> remember all of it, but you've heard enough WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 2 TC: Video: Audio: about it? Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>For me, it's much more about this process... 01:00:57 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...of um, getting to a point where they can </p><p> openly write and that they don’t see it as a </p><p> chore as much... Students writing JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p> a, a form of self-expression and </p><p> communication. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Why did you pick that? Male student MALE: </p><p>You're writing about it because it's a big event </p><p> in your life. Jean FEMALE (OS):</p><p>'Cause it was stuck in my mind and it's just that</p><p> one memory. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>One memory. FEMALE (OS):</p><p>And then... Female student FEMALE:</p><p> mom told me the rest of what happened JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS):</p><p>Okay. FEMALE:</p><p>...and it's just one I've never forgotten. Students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Jean Okay. Right now, everybody has um, at least </p><p>Jean with students one rough draft, right? I want you to pair up </p><p> with somebody and I want you to read their </p><p> rough draft. Students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>They break up into groups and I have them try WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 3 TC: Video: Audio: to read aloud, but a fun way to change that up </p><p> is let somebody else read your story... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...aloud to you. Students reading STUDENTS:</p><p>(CHATTER) Student's typewritten paper titled, "When MALE (OS):</p><p>I Got a Dog." I sat down in a chair on the wood floor, and a </p><p>Male student reading aloud beagle wobbled its way over to me. It sniffed </p><p> my hand like I was holding pork chops and </p><p> then ran off to my sister. I instantly knew that </p><p> that was the dog I wanted. 01:02:02 Jean reading over male student's JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p> shoulder So you hear how it might sound... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...inside your reader's head rather than how </p><p> you're intending... Jean with female student JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...while you're writing it. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>What do you notice about her reading it to </p><p> you? Jean with student FEMALE:</p><p>I notice that I made a lot of mistakes. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Well, it's a rough draft. FEMALE:</p><p>Yeah. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>You're supposed to make mistakes. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>It's a really good way for them... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p> be more introspective in their writing and </p><p> say, you know what? WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 4 TC: Video: Audio: Students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>I didn’t emphasize that word. Maybe I need to </p><p> emphasize it differently. Jean and two female students FEMALE:</p><p>And there's some parts where I feel like I </p><p> should word it differently. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay. FEMALE:</p><p>And maybe some words I would rather use </p><p> differently. 01:02:32 Jean with two female students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay. Because you hear it... FEMALE:</p><p>Yeah. It's a lot, it's more... JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>It's different. Jean and two female students FEMALE 2:</p><p>Like when someone else is reading it, you, kind</p><p> of like, when you read it in your head and you </p><p> think it sounds great... FEMALE:</p><p>Great. Jean and female student FEMALE 2:</p><p>...and then you're like, when someone else </p><p> reads it to you and you're like oh, that doesn’t </p><p> sound that good. Jean and female students FEMALE:</p><p>Like what just happened. I read it to myself. I </p><p> thought it was amazing, and now, I'm seeing all</p><p> these mistakes. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Isn't that funny? JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO): WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 5 TC: Video: Audio: It's a really good way for them to... 01:02:53 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...hear their work rather than just read it </p><p> themselves... Jean with male student JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...and feel less judged by it. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>What did you pick? What stories did you pick? MALE:</p><p>Well, I picked my first video game and the first </p><p> time I got candy from my kindergarten teacher,</p><p> and the first time I lied. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay. The first time you lied? Jean with two male students MALE:</p><p>Yeah. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Who did you lie to? MALE:</p><p>My mom. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Oh. MALE:</p><p>Yeah. It was bad. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>[LAUGH] 01:03:17 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Afterwards, you know, I try to get them to say </p><p> why did they choose those three? Students' hands on desk JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS):</p><p>I want you to, to think about why you chose </p><p> those three stories. Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>You knew you had to choose three out of the </p><p> whole group. Why those three? WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 6 TC: Video: Audio: Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>It's often really hard to do. They aren’t always </p><p> open to something besides these three stories </p><p> are very different. Typewritten story on paper JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>Students I don’t, and I don’t know what they say about </p><p> me, so that takes a little bit more of that moral </p><p> reasoning and pushing, a little, you know, </p><p> higher level thinking. Jean and students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>You knew that you were going to be sharing </p><p> them, so that means you're putting it out there, </p><p> right? When you get on a skateboard or when </p><p> you go try to make a friend with somebody </p><p> else, when you work for that straight A's to be </p><p> like Mary Poppins, practically perfect, when </p><p> you go for those things, it's a risk. 01:04:11 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>It's hard for them to take a risk, so being able to </p><p> read these three stories and put them out there </p><p> in the world and be able then to... Students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>, share that with other people, then to step </p><p> back and say okay, what is this saying about </p><p> me? Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>So why did you risk showing these three bits of</p><p> you? What do you think? Jean with students FEMALE:</p><p>Female student Um, in all my stories, I kind of like wrote about </p><p> a bad or traumatic experience and I'm a lot </p><p> grateful I'm here right now and, and [them?] WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 7 TC: Video: Audio: right now. Jean standing by whiteboard JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay, so what does it say about you? Female student FEMALE:</p><p>I guess... JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS):</p><p>Those were bad experiences. Female student FEMALE:</p><p>Yes. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>But you're here right now. FEMALE:</p><p>I guess I'm strong. Jean writing on whiteboard JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>I really feel like it's a huge responsibility for </p><p> me... 01:05:02 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p> continue to tie what they do back to who </p><p> they are as a human. Jean and students MALE:</p><p>Male student They were basically a huge milestone in my </p><p> life... JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS):</p><p>Okay. MALE:</p><p>...that I had to go through. Jean JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay. So one was your little brother. MALE (OS):</p><p>My sister. JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Or sister being born. Okay. What was the </p><p> other one? Male student MALE:</p><p>When my friend moved. JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS): WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 8 TC: Video: Audio: A friend moving. Okay. Male student MALE:</p><p>And my first time on an airplane. JEAN CHALUPSKY (OS):</p><p>First time on an airplane. Jean JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>What do they say about you? Why did you </p><p> pick those? Male student JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>It's hard because they're often... 01:05:36 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...afraid to crack that shell open to really expose</p><p> themselves, not just to me... Jean with students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...but to their classmates. Male student MALE:</p><p>They were um, experiences that had huge </p><p> effects in my life. Jean walking to whiteboard JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Okay, so these changed you as a person. Jean and students MALE:</p><p>Yes. Jean writing on whiteboard JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>Right? So they helped you grow. JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>I think I-I have a... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...responsibility to try to meet these kids, not </p><p> just where they are academically, but where </p><p> they are emotionally and socially... Students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...relating to the rest of the world, which is the </p><p> whole reason why we try to evaluate what's </p><p> being written, what's happened in the past. To </p><p> look at things with that... WINGSPAN PICTURES AS BROADCAST - DETAILED TEACHING CHANNEL - 01231</p><p>Act 1 Page 9 TC: Video: Audio: Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...inquiry base. Um, I feel like that's a huge </p><p> responsibility for teachers... Students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...and they're at the perfect age for this to </p><p> happen. They're, they're trying to discover </p><p> who they are so they're trying on different hats </p><p> and things and if I can be a safe haven for that... 01:06:35 Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...relationship to develop where... Jean and male student JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...I'm not judging it, I try to remove it more as... [MUSIC] Jean with female students JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>...well, what do you think about that? What do </p><p> you think about this... Jean (INTV) JEAN CHALUPSKY:</p><p>...hat you're trying on and who you are as this </p><p> person? Where does that fit in your own... William Butler Yeats quote on wall JEAN CHALUPSKY (VO):</p><p>Franklin D. Roosevelt quote on wall ...history? Where is that going to fit in the </p><p> future, as well? [MUSIC] Fade to black [CREDITS] [WINGSPAN PICTURES LOGO] 01:07:05 Fade to black</p>

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