, '", {i • (l, NOV 1 7 196.1 ) . ) 'l'hursilay, November 2, 1961 THE JEWISH POST I .. J the Arab World LEBANON Beirut _ Preparation for the expulsion of Lebanon's 10,000 Jews and "other foreigners" are being made by the Lebanese Govemment, IIDII other "special measures" are also being contemplatt..xi in Ol'oer "to Positively the Best TV Deal in Town! prevent subversive action against the State:' LffiYA Some "former Nazis" are handling "the Jewish question" for the AT CROWN RADIO AND FURNITURE Libyan Government whose restrictive policies are carried out despite the fact that Libya was created by the United Nations. which helped Vol. XXXVII ~ WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1961 No. 45 to frame the Libyan constitution promising equal rights to all citizens. SEE THE NEW TELEVISION Measures now in operaion: Jews cannot vote, attain public office, or serve in the army or police; the Government is authorized by law to AND STEREO­ take title to "the properties of certain Jews"; Jews are prohibited from 1962 acquiring new property; all Jewish religious instruction and com­ COMBINATIONS NARROW COALITION SEES munity affairs are regulated and supervis'2d Iby a Moslem. Commissioner; MODELS Jews cannot receive passports, or certification of their Libyan nationality. NEW FACES IN CABINET ALGERIA Algiers _ 'I1wo prominent Algerian Jews were killed and a thil'd was Up to $200 Trade-in For Your Used TV or Record Player :,eru~em (Compiled) _ After 2'12 months of negotitaions, a narrow coalition government has been shot and seriously injured earlier this week, culminating a wl'E'k of estaibhshed .m Israel, composed of Mapai. Mizrachi _ Hapoel Hamizrachi, Achdut Haavoda and Poale Agudat high terror during which more than 20 plas~ic bombs were exploded ! Your Old Set Accepted as Down Payment Israel. Addmg the four votes of. the Arab deputies who normally support Mapai, the government will control in Jewish homes and shops in the capital of Algiers and in other No A-Io ..ey Dow.. ~ votes out of the total of 120.m the Knesset. The most insignificant government crisis can wipe out the sections of Algeria. The deaths were attributed to the OAS, the F,ocnch sllIll government maJonty of e'ght votes in the Knesset. ELECTROHOME'S beautifully-styled pace setters cover your every requirement in taste, size an~ budg~t. group in the First Knesset. but has underground which opposes Algerian independence us proposed by Distribution since then been out of politics. President Charles de Gaulle. Arab terrorists of the F'LN have> also From the 19" portable . through 23" console, combination TV and stereo upholds Electrohome s quahty Mapai will control 10 out of the increased their attacks on Jews, accusing them of co-operating with and tradition. Available in all finishes. LARRY (LOU) BLANK 16 portfolios. 'lVlizrachi-Hapoel Miz­ Tight Control the Europeans. Proprietor rachi will 'De represented by three The new coalition is the, ninth ministers andAchdut Haavoda holds under Mr. Ben-Gurion as Premier. REFUGEES 30 Years of Experience in two portfolios. Poale Agudat Israel Moshe Sharett was Prime Minister Jerusalem _ Israel's Knesset decided overwhelmingly Monday b'y II receives one portfolio. for the other coalition. It differs vote of 68 to 7, that the Arah refugees must not be retul'l1ed to Israel the ;Radio and Electronic and that the only solution of the refugee problem is the Up to' $200.00 Trade-In Allowance Save$$$ The opposition parties in the from the prior government by the resettlcmen~ Field at Your Service Knesset will consist of the L.Derals, .. a bsence of Mapam and the presence of the refugees in Arab countries. -- -- with 17 deputies; Herut, also with lof Poale Agudat Israel. The Pro­ --------- 17 votes, and Mapam, with nine. The I gressive party and the General ~1It8 Stereo Hi-Fi Combinations remaining, smaller opposition par­ .. ! Zionists, now merged into thc Lib­ ties are 'Agudat Israel and the Com­ . eral Party, are not represented in South. illrica .. News munists. .::'.' ,the new government. The makeup of the Government 19" DECOR .. :':;; I Although Mr. Ben-Gurion had RABBI LEAVES includes: Prime Minister and De­ : declined President Ben Zvi's man- Johannesburg - Chief Rabbi Louis 1. Raboniwitz ldt here this week rense, David Ben-Gurion (Mapai): to settle in Israel. Nearly all of South Africa's rabbis and ('ongn,~a­ I date to form a new government PORTABLE TV Finance, Levi Eshkol (Mapal): . alter the August 15 national elec­ tional leaders came to Jan Smuts Airport to bid him fa"l'wl'll. where $359.95 Foreign Affairs, Mrs. GuIda Meir tion, and remained in the back­ he stated his cOllviction that, "when the racial pr'oblctn is sl,t.lIpd hen', (Mapai); Education, Abba Eban ground during Mr. Eshkol's nego­ on tbe basis of the equality and b"otherhood of man, as inevitably it and up (Mapai); Agriculture, Moshe Day­ must be settled, South Africa will enter a pbase So glorious as to dwarf AVAILABLE IN t!ations, which began September ... 14. an (Mapal): Development, Dr. aU of its past achievements.1I • Free Service Policy EXCITING COLORS it was understood that the Eshkol Giora Josephtal (Mapai): 'hade talks were on ,the basis that Mr. • 12 Month Warranty and Industry, Pinhas Sapir (Ma­ Ben-Gurion would head any new TURNABOUT FEATURES pai); Police, Behor Shitreet (Ma­ government negotiated by Mapai. Johannesburg _ According to Die Transvnler "there is a fantastic on all Parts and pai); Justice, Dr. Dov Joseph revolution in the political thinking of English-speaking South Af,·iea." The new government will face Tubes • Fashion - Slim Styling (Mapai): Minister without Port- The paper quotes n Mr. John polovin, "an adherent or Ilw ,h"wish folio, Joseph Almogi (Mapai): GENERAL YlGAL ALLON many problems apart from those faith", who hCJ.d recently become a 111cmbcr of the ~ationalisl Party: • Out Front Sound which now confront every gov~rn­ Interior and Health, Moshe Sha- . Kadima l'Palmach "My home language is English, my faith is Jewish and I \\'allt to share • Hand-Crafted Chassis ment in the world. Renewed large NO MONEY DOWN • Full View 19" Picture , I ' ii I i piro (NRP): Social Welfare, Zer- southern front. which successfully my politics heart and soul with the Afrikuner." ach Warhaftig (NltP); Transport warded off the Egyptian incursions scale immigration as well as jac­ and Connuunieations, Yitzhak into the Negev. He has attended tors such as the imminent cessation EXPLAIN SPECIAL PICTURES '~'~"'~ of German reparations, will raise Johann",burg _ Leaders of the South African .Jewish BOHrd of Depu- ( Ben-Aharon (Achdut Avodah): the Hebrew University and Oxford The true beauty of the SIERRA is shown above. Classic in its simplicity, the Sierra is many economic questions. Measures ties issued a statc'Illent here this week explaining the Jewish com­ • 12 Month Warranty Development, General Yigal Allon University, where he is nOw resi­ n masterpiece of the furniture craftsman's art. In addition to the convenient record storage against deflation are vital and will munity's reasons for criticizing Israel's delegation which recently voted • Channel Indicator (Achdut Avodah): Minister of dent. and is a good orator. Gompartment to be found in both models the Sierra provides a separate compartment for obviously be unpopular. for censul'e of a speech delivered by South Africa'R, Foreign Minister' • Controlled Wann-up $279.50 Posts, EIiahu Sasson (Poale Agu- ,An additional member of the tape storage. The powerful amplifier and transistorized preamp in the Hallmark Collection The coalition agrement was based Eric Louw. It declared that South African Jewry has no reason for • New Circuit Guard dat Israel). Government, included in the list, is models delivers 20 watts of music power. The 9-tube AM-FM stereo tuner has complete New Faces Eliahu Sasson. the present Israel on a policy slmllar to thal of tne expressing any views regarding Israel's policy "which is ('xclusively facility for FM Multiplex stereo conversion. The Garrard Type "A" .automatic turntable General Allon, the new Minister Ambassador in Switzerland, as prior one, except that tighter pro­ Israel's business. In this cuse, the censure vole at the Unitpd Nations features a professional-quality tone arm that can be ,balanced WI0- declIllal pomt accuracy, HIGHEST TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD TV , of Labour, is a 43-year-old sabra, Minister of Posts. visions on collective responsibility was tantamount Lo stifling the right of free speech at thl' UN. As and a statically-balanced and weighted turntable. The Marseilles features 6 match<;<J. whtJ was brought up in a kibbutz Mr. Sasson, a Sephardi, was of the Ministers was agreed on. Th~ Jewish oi tizens of South Africa. who have special tics with Israel. it speakers. The Sierra has 5 speakers including the finest 15" woofer and a new co,:,~ept m NO MONEY DOWN and educated in the underground chosen by Mr. tHen-Gurion in ful­ new government is committed to was felt that the !Board should draw Israel's attenLion to thut aspect." design for wide-angle stereo. :Full provision has also been made for the addItion of army. During the Second World filment of his promise to appoint sU'bmission to the Knesset of some form of a national Sf>bbath bill and ANOTHER BLAST 36Q Q Satellite Sound. War he served in the Middle East another Sephardi in the Cabinet United Nations, N.Y. - Another bitter ('xchange between Israel and SEE AND HEAR OTHER MODELS ON DISPILAY and was one of the founders of (the first being Mr. Behor Shitreet, a measure against pork-breeding, ------ --.--"-~ one of the Arab delegations took place here when Ambassador Arieh !Palmach, (Hagan a's mobile striking Minister of Police).
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