<p>1 Article 3.Article NumbersVendor Serviceand Codes § 2:Article VendorizationProcess VendorizationSubChapter 2: 3: ChapterCommunity Services Division Title 17, 2 CodeCalifornia of Regulations</p><p>§ 54302. Definitions. Supported54349. LivingService. Code Note and normal (C)Realize their individualized potentiallive lives to are integrated,that productive, to appropriatethe extent each to consumer's interests capacityand institutional, non-lic (B) (A) inLive homes, astheir owndefined Title in17, Section 58601(a)(3); paidthe regionalfor by center, and support incomponentsSection Title 17, which58614, areprovided SLS vendor, by a referenced Sectionin 54349(a) (71)"Supported Living (SLS)"Service(s) those means services supportsand through 54390these regulations:of … (a) The following definitions shallto applythe language contained 54310Sectionsin physicalordevelopmental challenges. Personal Support Servicefrom Training differs met by the consumerunassisted because natureof the or consumer'sseverity of betailoredto meet those needsspecific of an individual consumer which can not be accessingmedicalservices,and animal companions. Personal SupportService must needassistance forcommon with daily living routineand household activities, priorJuly 2000,pursuantto 1, Sectionto Title 17, 58614(b) thetoconsumer's meet vendor as a providerPersonal ofSupport for theService any servicesvendor provides (a) vendors, Sectiontopursuant Title 17, 58612. beaccessed providers onlywho by are vendoredasSupported Living Service The following codesservice are includedwithin "SupportedLiving and Service," shall Code. 4851 Penal Code 288 Health Safetyand Code Authoritycited: PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS PersonalSupport - Code:ServiceService regional 891. A center shall classify a Maintain an environment theirownin homesthat is typical of other non- , , , 288a ; and 15610.57 Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft , Section 11152,Section Government Code 289 . ; ; Sections 4504Sections , and Sections 4405 311.2 e nsed homesnsed the in community. 15610.63 , 311.3 ; ; Sections 240 , 4512(i) , ; ArticleandChapter; 5,II, InstitutionsandWelfare 311.4 , , DRAFT ONLY and and 4648(a) which , , through 4646.5 647a , , 242 4689.7(c) supportto: effortsconsumers' , , 11165.1 , ( , , 243.4 4648(a) b- . Reference: e ), specifiedand), as SLSservice and , and </p><p>245 , Participate inParticipate activitiescommunity 11165.2 , 4689.7(c) , 4866, 4866, Welfareand Institutions 261</p><p>DRASections 1250 FT , , , 264.1 11165.3 , , 4691</p><p>; and; , 273d , and 4693 and , , 285 11165.6, , , 4791 1502, 1502, , , 286 , , , 2</p><p> classifyavendor as a provider24-Hour Emergencyof Assistance for Service any beprovided accordance inonly (d). with Beginning 1,July 2000,all previouslyservices provided under Code Service shall892 meal) is always consequential but the to, never objectiveprimaryof,training. the Servicethe immediatethatin resultof the (e.g., service preparationsuccessful of a challenges. Training Habilitationand anydiffers from corresponding Personal Support to appropriatebe less considerationin the consumer'sof cognitive or physical correspondingPersonalSupport alternative, Service in as isdetermineddefined (a), consideration consumer'sof the cognitive or physical challenges, onlyand any when determination throughmade consumer's the IPP appropriateness ofprocess its in assistance. Training Habilitationand isaccessedService only accordancein the with and membershipexercise the in community, meet andneedshis/her without of the toconsumer establish maintainandconstructive relationships,human assume of an individualconsumer, is intendedand to anincreasedresult in on partability the Servicebetailored mustto the training specificand habilitation andneeds capacities meet the training habilitationand needsthe consumer.of Training Habilitationand the vendor provides to prior1,July 2000, pursuantTitle 17, 58614(b)Section toto classifyavendor as a providerTraining andof Habilitation forService any services (b) Training and ServiceHabilitation Code: - regionalService 892. A center shall Code shall891beprovided accordance inonly (d). with consequence. JulyBeginning2000, 1,services all previously providedunder Service traininganyorhabilitation that may result is an incidentaland unanticipated successful(e.g., preparationof isthe a meal)primary the objective service, whileof and Habilitation as defined Service the(b), in immediatethatin resultof the service (3) (3) Subcode when"OA" billing otherthan anat ormonthlyhourly rate negotiated Section 58660(b)(1); (2) Subcode "MA"billing when at a rate monthly negotiated pursuantto Title 17, Section 58660(b)(1); (1) Subcode "HA" when at billingan hourly rate negotiated pursuantto Title 17, subcodes: ( deliveryof direct services. (2) Provides administrative services as specified 58614(c),Sectionin supportofin the (a);in and (1) Pursuantto Title 17, 58660(b)(2),Section ispaid for any direct referencedservices Administrationif the vendor: centershall aclassifyvendor as a providerSupported of LivingService Vendor ( vendor provides enumeratedservices inSection Title 17, 58614. regional center shall classify a vendoraprovider ofas Supported Living if Servicethe (d) Code shall893beprovided accordance inonly (d). with 58614(b)(16). JulyBeginning2000, 1,services all previously providedunder Service services the providesvendor priorJuly 2000,pursuantto 1, Sectionto Title 17, (c) 24-HourEmergency(c) - AssistanceService 893. Code: A regionalcentershall c b f e ) Vendors ) shall servicesbill for includedin (a) PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS Supported Living - ServiceCode:Service 896. ) Supported Living VendorService Administration- Code:Service 894. A regional Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY and and Beginning2000, 1,July Dthrough RAFT ( b d ) under ) the following </p><p>A a</p><p>§58600. Meaningof Words. Article1- Definitions SubChapter19Supported - Living Service ChapterCommunity 3 - Services Title 17, Division2 California CodeRegulations of California CodeRegulations: ofDivision Title 17 - 2 3 §58601. Definitions. </p><p>4648(a)(2) 4689.7(c) Authoritycited: Note natural supportsavailable theincommunity. (2) Canfeasibly beprovidednot oratwithout cost, through a cost, lesser generic or cost-effective; (1) Is and service: ( pursuantTitle17, Sectionto 58660(b)(2). (6) Subcode when"O" billing otherthan anat ormonthlyhourly rate negotiated 58660(b)(2); (5) Subcode "M"billing when at a rate monthly negotiated pursuantto Title 17, Section 58660(b)(2); (4) Subcode "H" when at billingan hourly rate negotiated pursuantto Title 17, Section pursuantTitle17, Sectionto 58660(b)(1); d g PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS ) A regional centershall authorize a SLS tovendor provide a onlyservice if such and consistenta in manner appropriate andwith the need,to the to 4512(f),meet communicateand regularly offer afrequencytosupport, at grouppeople of who, pursuantto Welfareand Institutions SectionCode, (1) “Circle of anmeansSupport” but identifiableinformal reliableand Subchapter 19: (a) The following definitions shallto applythe regulationscontained in InstitutionsCode. Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 4689,Section and Welfare Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4689Sections 4690, and Note and “may” indicatesispermitted. conduct that pluralform.the word of Use “shall” indicatesisrequired, conduct that includefuture tense.the Words theinusedsingular include form the clearly indicates a different meaning. Words theirinused present tense Words shall havetheirmeaning usual the context unless or a definition (2) (2) Service(s)”“Direct service anymeans component enumerated Sectionin consumerwhose for benefitexists. it Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft and , , 4689(c) 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code Section Government11152,Code and 4689.7(c),Welfare Institutions and Code DRAFT ONLY ; and; . Reference:</p><p>DRAFSections T Section 4640.7(b)</p><p>4648 .</p><p>, 4689 , , , ,</p><p>§58614. </p><p>4 §58602. Terms Subchapters.Defined Otherin </p><p>(a) (a) As thisinsubchapter,used the termsfollowing havethe meanings PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS (1) (1) DevelopmentalDisability. specifiedTitlein17,Section 54000 : (c) As this insubchapter,used following the term has the meaning (2) Health Facility. (1) Community Facility;Careand specifiedTitlein17,Section 50501 : (b) As thisinsubchapter,used the termsfollowing havethe meanings (2) Regional Center. (1) Department;and specifiedTitlein17,Section 50401 : Sections 4648, 4689 4689.7(c),andand Welfare Institutions Code. 4689, and4689.7(c) Institutions4690, Welfare andCode. Reference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4648(a)(3), Note and supports. SLS, day program,transportation, alland other regionalcenterservices center-fundedservices supportsreceivedand byaSLS consumer, including (7) “Supported Living Arrangement onto consumer'sact the behalf. when appropriate, themeansconservator or other person legally authorized representing expressingand the consumer's interests preferences,and or, (6) “Personal Advocate”means a chosenperson by the consumerassist in to dissatisfaction. SLS vendor uses tocommunication achieve the resolutionand consumer of established topursuant InstitutionsWelfare andCode, 4705(a),Section a (5) “InternalGrievance Procedure” themeanswrittenset of procedures, and andpreferences adoptsa cost-effectivemeeting strategy for them. Section through4646(d), a whichprocess identifies the consumer's needs center, otherandpersons pursuantandWelfare to Institutions Code, jointly by the consumer, onemore or representativesthe regionalof (4) “Individual PlanaProgram meanswrittenplan (IPP)” that is developed residence. chooses, controls, or rents,owns occupiesand as a placeprincipal of parentconservator consumeror of the resides, whichand a consumer norafamily bycertifiedhome aHomeFamily Agency, inand which no standards,which isneither a communitycarefacility,health facility, house or apartment, or comparable dwelling space communitymeeting housing (3) “Home” home respect means, toawith consumer the of receivingSLS, a (1) (1) Applicant; specifiedTitlein17,Section 54302 : (d) As thisinsubchapter,used the termsfollowing havethe meanings Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY (SLA) DRA” the meansarray fullregional of FT</p><p>§58610. Regional Responsibilities.Center Article2- General Provisions 5 §58611. HousingFinancial Involvementand Responsibilities. 58672. </p><p>Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4689, SubChapter. regulationsexisting all SLAs complianceare in the withrequirements of this (c) PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS R 4685(c)(5), 4689(d) 4689.7(c),and Welfare Institutions and Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4689, Note SLS andto make informedability choices. information aimedenhancing at the recipients' general understanding of appropriate,to any consumer's membersrelevantfamily and understandable (b) The regionalmake center shall consumeravailableany and, to as (2) Pursuantto a written contract as specified 58670,Sectionsin 58671, and (1) From a SLS vendor; and 54349 (a) Regional centers shall purchase SLS as defined Title in 17, Section 4689 4689.7(c),and Institutions and Welfare Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Note (1) Cost Effective. specifiedTitlein17,Section 58501 : used(f) As this in subchapter,the followinghas meaningterm the (3) Relative. (2) HomeFamily Agency(FHA); (1) Home;Family specifiedTitlein17,Section 56076 (e): (e) As thisinsubchapter,used the termfollowing has the meaning (10)Vendorization. (9) Vendor;and (8) Supported Living Service; (7) SpecialIncidents; (6) Service Code; (5) Service Design; (4) Natural Supports; (3) Generic Support(s); (2) Consumer; home,oranyin or contract utility service integral occupancyto the of (a) A SLS shallvendorhave no financial or fiduciary involvement the in egional center Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft (a) (a) through (e), </p><p> s</p><p> shall assure that withinshall thatassure onethe effective year ofofdate these only: DRAFT ONLY DRAFT</p><p>6 </p><p> costs with determined when the directorexecutivea of securing, occupying, or maintaininghome a rented, ownedleased, byor theconsumer (c) S the time period thepayhousingcosts enumerated in (d) feasible,alternate of ofmeans (C) thecosts degreeto other sourcessupport of are unavailable; exceed six months, theduring regionalwhich center may assume (B) assumingthesecosts havebeen exhausted; (A) (3) The consumer’s planningas evidencedteam, writing in the in consumer’s has: IPP, ubsection (c) PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS A regional center may the paycosts and maintenancehome orrepair costs. (E) Non-adaptive and/or non-assistivehousehold furnishings, appliances, (D)Movingand fees; (C)Household utilitycosts; (B) Rental payments;or lease (A) Rental or security utility deposits; ( or generic supports; and (2) The costs bycan not otherbe paidmeans, availableincluding natural to of thethe meetingconsumer'scost overall services supportsneedsand (1) Paymentof wouldthe costresult in leased, or owned by the exceptconsumer receivingin occupying,SLS securing, ormaintaining a homerented, (b) The regionalnot any paycenter incurredshall by costsa consumer (C)The requirements of (a) would be met. involvement; and (B) The understandsconsumerand approvesthe vendor'sof proposed a rangeavailable of alternatives; (A) The involvement would servethe interests of the better consumer than to the regionalcenter'ssatisfaction,that: writing regionalto the center. The proposal shall andassure demonstrate involvementspecifiedin the vendor (a), shall present the proposal in (1) Whenever a proposesvendor to haveafinancial fiduciary or Welfareand Institutions SectionCode, 4689. enumeratedin 58620 Section or beinconsistent, any with requirement of suchinvolvement would inhibit the exerciseconsumer's of the rights the home, of a toconsumer thewhom SLS vendor provides services, whenever Subsequentto the initial determinationof the regionalcenter’s directorexecutive to </p><p>3 Plannedfor the implementation,at the time earliestandthe fullestextent to respect 2 of securing,of occupying, or maintaining not a werepaidhome ) The costs Developed goals objectivesIPP and that specify the time,period not of to Confirmedall thatavailable ofsources andnatural generic supports for Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft that: of in a in this this that may be paid Subsectionunder consumer’sfor IPPthe temporary paymentof S ection . when the directorexecutivethe of payingthesecosts. DRAFT ONLY regional center (c), the consumer’s(c), the planning team may renew incurred net under the conditions enumerated in savings to savingsthe State makes makes an initialdetermination b y aconsumery receivingSLSin </p><p>(c) DRthis of AFT and,</p><p>S ection the cost of the securing,cost </p><p> payment of ; when compared are are limited to: if the these has has</p><p>§58612. VendorRequirements. Status 7 §58613. Consumer Eligibility Determination. </p><p>Note respectwith each to renewal. occupying, or maintaining a home section are met. (c) A shallconsumer maintain eligibility foras long SLS requirementsfor as all this of endangermenthealth tosafety. and ( the consumer’s natural supports; (3) Will 4 ) receiveWill community (a) (a) A shallconsumerbeeligible for SLS upon a determination throughmade PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS (b) (b) conservatorthe consumerof (B) Living a inhome is not ofthe that placeresidence of a parent or (A) theSLS amongoptions proposed during process;the andIPP appropriate,apreference for: (2) expressedHas directly or the throughconsumer's personal advocate,as at (1) Isleast18years age; of processthe IPPthe consumer:that 4685(c)(5), 4689(d) 4689.7(c),and Welfare Institutions and Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4689, Note torequirements meet the (a)(1)without of cause.good (1) The regionalterminate center shall statusvendor for a failing dateof this regulation. all requirements of (a)(1) not later than yearoneafter the effective (b) An applicantgranted SLS statusvendor pursuant (a)(2)shall meet to immediately proceedingthe effective regulation. date of this hasidentified equivalentas being the or essentiallyof, similarto SLS, (2) providedHas anddirect services supports which the regionalcenter Articles4through this subchapter 6 of Section 58630and (d), meets also the additional requirements specified in Title 17, 54310Sectionsthrough 54330 the with exception specified in (1) M applicantfor vendorization theapplicant if (a) Welfareand Institutions Code. Safety andCode; 4512(b),Sections 4620.1, 4689(b)4689(a), and 4791(c), Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 1505(1),Section Health and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4689Sections 4690, and the natureand severity of their disabilities. A A regionalcenter grantinitial shall SLS statusanvendor to Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft direct m Consumer eets all applicable general vendorization requirements specified in the implementationof the SLA, </p><p> s shall not be denied eligibility forbecause SLS solely of -based DRAFT ONLY . ; services supportsand solong as all thisrequirementssection of are met . , or :</p><p> personally </p><p> or or the throughassistance of Dminimizethatthe riskof RAFT</p><p>§58614. Service SupportComponents.and 8 </p><p>PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS Circle of Support; (14)Building maintainingand interpersonal relationships, aincluding (13)Assertingand civil rights throughstatutory self-advocacy; and personnel; (12)Dealing andwith respondingappropriately to governmental agencies personalattendants; (11)Recruiting,screening, hiring, training, supervising, dismissingand (10)Managing personal financialaffairs; fire, emergencyand help available the in communityto the general public; (9) Becoming awareand of effectively using the transportation, police, (8) Settlinglandlords; withdisputes (7) Acquiringhousehold furnishings; (6) Locating choosingand suitable mates;house (5) Selecting and intoahome;moving specifically to trainedprovide assistance; (4) Acquiring, using, caringand canine forand other animal companions (3) Locating schedulingand appropriate medical services; andhome; safe (2) Performing householdroutine activities at aimedmaintaining a clean activities; preparation,including planning, shopping, cooking, storageand (1) Assisting daily commonwith living activities such as meal hometheirchoice, of includeandare limited but to not the following: evolving andneeds for preferencessupportwithout havingmove the to from (b) Supported Living Service(s) meetare tailored the to consumer's character appearanceand the environmentof within theirhome. individuals; choosingwhere and to whomwith live; and controlling the decisions;building critical durableand relationships otherwith facilitatingthe consumer dealingin the with consequencesof those (2) Makefundamentallife decisions, while supportingalsoand as longisneeded; as it (1) Live or his herownin supportavailable home, with asoften forand to: assessment the needservice,of which for assists anindividual consumer through (e) (a) Supported Living Service, as referenced Title in17, 54349Section (a) 4689(a)(8), Welfareand Institutions Code. Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 4512(b),Sections 4646(b) and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4689Sections 4690, and Note callsassistance. for also This service includes assisting and (16)24-houremergency assistance, directincluding responsein service to (15)Participating communitylife;in and Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft ,consist individuallyshallany of designedservice or DRAFT ONLY DRAFT</p><p>§58615. Service Records. 9 </p><p>(8) (8) Other administrative functionsspecifiedtheinSLS vendor’s contract. PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS (D)Inclusive service;dates of the and (C)Description the service; andof (B) Locationthe service;of (A) Identificationthe vendorof by unique identifier; consumerswhich for the SLS vendor has claimed payment, including the: (7) Historicaldatadocumenting the delivery actual of toservice (6) Internalgrievance procedure records; (5) Service evaluations; (4) Training records; (3) Accounting records; (2) Payroll records; (1) Time sheets; includefollowing: the service anddelivery, employee service time records. These shallrecords maintainand provideall access torecordsrelating to design,service (b) In addition requirementsto the (a),SLSnoted in vendorsall shall 50605. all applicable requirements Sectionsof Title 17, 5060350604 and , , (a) SLS vendors shall andmaintain, provide recordspursuantaccess to, to 4648(a)(2), 4689(c) 4689.7(c),and Welfare Institutions and Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4648, 4689, Note contractors as specified thein SLS vendor's contract. (7) Discretionarybackground checks forstaff, volunteers,paid and calamities; professionalliability; automobileand liability;accidentand (6) Insurance designedto protectby loss theft,againstfire, similar and (5) Accounting; performance of administrative functions; (4) Traveldesignated the in contractSLS vendor's as necessarythe for furniture,(3) Officesupplies, and equipment; (2) Rental or leasing of administrative office(s) space; (1) Administrative following: 17, 54349Section( (c) Supported Living VendorService Administration, as referenced Title in well-beingoccur. neededto immediatesummon assistance whenhealth,safety, threats to and facilitatingthe consumer's toefforts use, acquire,maintainand devices (B) The regionalcenter, purposefor the of conducting the evaluations (A) of The the andterms contract; (8) Other as records requiredby: Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft</p><p> staff staff salaries e b ), is is defined as: DRAFT ONLY , benefits shall isnotinclude,limited the but to, and training</p><p>DRAFT functions ; </p><p>§58616. Additional Provisions.General 10 §58617. Supported Living Arrangement Costs. </p><p> centerfor determining thequalifications ofother applicantsall apply shall supportingaconsumer in licensed the to (3) Whenaconsumer is living ain appropriate licensed residentialasidentified facility, process,the provided:throughIPP and supports that IPPnot exceedprocess, shall the total of annual regionalcost center servicesfunded to as ownserve his/her SLS vendor. PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS licensed facility licensedthe time ofat comparisonfacility the shallcost bethat (2) The appropriatelicensedconsumer forfacility a who is living a in transportation, other and services supports; and State24-hour forlong-term healthcommunity-based care), day program, regionalfor center residentialcosts costsplacement incurred (or by the (1) The total annual servicescost of supportsshalland include all consumer's (a) 4659(a), 4688(b)(5) 4689(a)(1),and Welfareand Institutions Code. and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648.1(d),Sections Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648,Sections 4688, 4689 Note alternative. (5) The willservicebe leastascost at effective as any available as the SLS vendor;and (4) The consumer's preferencethat or conservatorrelativeis for serve to nolegalobligation to supportthe consumer; (3) The relative or conservatorproposing serveasthe SLS tovendor has objectives; (2) Suchservice is consistent thewithconsumer'sgoals IPP and not besupplanted; (1) Unpaidfamily-based, orothernatural supportsfor the will consumer IPP that: process forconsumer that except when a determination hasbeen through made the (b) relativeNo or conservator a consumer of vendorshall as serve the SLS (a) A shallconsumerhave the right to and Welfare4659(a)(1), Institutions and Code. Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 4648.1(a),Sections 4648.1(b) Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648Sections 4690, and Note specifiedSectionsin 58671 (c). (b) (b) Notwithstandingwhen (a), the consumer not does reside a in licensed BeforeSLSisprovided to a consumer, t Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft Department ofDepartment Developmental Services initial initial year aofin service are or ; and, . wouldbeprovided theconsumer if served were anin </p><p> suchfacilities DRAFT ONLY developmentalcenterorotherresidential facility The sameapprovalcriteria byusedthe regional , as determined, by the Department, shall apply. SLA, as determined thethroughconsumer's qualify T heprojected apply and for SLS vendorizationand the </p><p> statewide DRAFT a nnual</p><p>SLS cost of the averageof cost . </p><p>11 §58620. Consumer Preferences Leadership.and Article3- Consumer Rights </p><p>(4) program audits. from the provision of technical support assistance,or fromfiscal anythe results of or (3) regional centers catchment area (2) andcontain cost (1) annualSLAcost ( databasedfor SLAs, upon Departmentwhich the shall establish cost ( supports,who receiving are currently the regional SLS from center. ofother consumers SLAs for comparablewith for needsregional center andservices that shape established reportspecifiedin (e)(3) d c ) ) When ) a When regional or SLA anindividualcenter’s cost, consumer’s actual PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS At leasta At theirhome; (b) Controlling the characterand appearanceof the environment within (a) Choosingand where whom with live; to rights preferences, consistentwithand ofthe Thesegoalsthe IPP. consumer's the natureand qualitytheirlives of accordance in with their Consumersreceivingshall have SLS the right InstititionsCode. Reference: 4512(b),Sections and 4690 4791(b) (c), and and Welfare Authoritycited: Sections and4689 4690, Welfare and Institutions Code. Note Requireregional the center to develop implementand Provide a written report to the regional centerof the findings recommendationsand Conduct ora fiscalprogram o audit Provide technical individually accordancein (a).with and supports for grouped ofeach the beenconsumers determined to the regionalcenterthat would haveresulted thehadservicescosts for centerof the the grouped SLAs of consumers not doesexceed cost the total servicesthe samevendor,from provided the aggregateto the cost regional one a group consumersof of receiving, or projectedreceive, to SLS shall bedeemed to met have the (a)requirements whenof the isconsumer (c) Notwithstandingthe projected(a), annualacostconsumer's of SLA havethe requirementsmet of the (a) costwhen is within the of rangeannual costs facility receive is based on their needs preferences;and (d) Participatingactively theirIPP in the so SLSprocess that they (c) Choosingand changingtheirvendors SLS and staff; direct service Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft and responsibilities ,</p><p> the projected annualthe projected of a shallcostconsumer's bedeemed SLA to </p><p> parameters nnually ment in falls , the shallDepartment outside of assistance . , </p><p> service delivery; a a Department-approvedto strategy shall include, but are not limited the to, following: DRAFT ONLY the to the regionalcenter . establish</p><p> f</p><p> the co regional center or SLS vendor ed m pile statewide regionaland center cost cost parameters and responsibilityand </p><p> to enhance , DRA within 90 days FT bring theDepartment may: cost effective cost costs to withincosts the </p><p> to make decisions parameters. of the s or or projected in the ness written written</p><p>§58621. Information.Right to 12 §58630. General Requirements. Article4- Service Design </p><p>To assureopportunities making for informed decisions as people supported PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS regional center; and (1) In accordance its obligations,with contractual to if the any, (b) A SLS shallvendormodifyor replace the approved service design only: centeras a conditionof vendorization. developawritten design service thatbe shall regionalapproved by the (a) Except as specified (d),in an applicant for SLS statusvendor shall 4689(d), InstitutionsWelfare andCode. Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 4502.1,Sections4503(j) and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4689Sections 4690, and Note notification terminationof contract pursuant to 58672Section (a). by the terminationacontract ofa withSLS vendor, 10 withina days of (d) Notice the writingin regionalfrom center when their SLS is affected the consumer,pursuant to 58630Section (b)(2)(B); and vendor's designservicethat would the affectservices being received by (c) Information vendorfrom the SLS describing any change the in SLS SLS vendor pursuantto 58653Section ; (b) Training theinphilosophy objectivesandof SLS, availablethe from SLS, pursuantto 58610Section (b); (a) An explanationthe generalofconcepts, purposes, practicesand of not belimited to: anunderstandable accessibleand form. Such informationinclude, butshall communityin settings, SLS shallconsumers aright haveinformation, to in InstitutionsCode. 4648(a)(7), 4502,4502.1, 4689(a)4503(j), and Welfareand4689(e), 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: 4646(a), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648,Sections and4689 Note service,pursuant to 58671Section (c). account the in regionalcenter'speriodic evaluationof the SLS vendor's services they are receiving, to and this informationhave taken into (f) Informing the regionalcenterabout satisfiedarehow the they with consumer'sprocess IPP long as SLS preferredremains the objective, as determined the in for support without movefromhaving the ofto home fortheir choice, as (e) Receiving appropriateservices theirevolving to andneeds preferences (B) Each consumerwhen (or,appropriate, the consumer's personal advocate) (A) The regionalcenter; and (2) Upon 60 days'prior written noticeto: Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft pursuantto 58613(a)Section DRAFT ONLY</p><p>DRAFT and; </p><p>§58631. Service Design Components. 13 §58632. Implementation of SLS Philosophy. </p><p>PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648(a)(3)(C),Section Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(C)Sections Note contact consumers.with screenstaff, consultants,paidand volunteers will direct havewho (g) A description of procedures practicesandagency the will useto minimum qualifications requirements; and description(f)of A the hiring SLS vendor's staff criteria, including any referenced Sectionin 58671 (c); the proceduresfor regionalcenter SLSvendor performance evaluation (e) A description recordsof the the SLS willvendormaintain relating to (d) A description SLSofvendor's the internal grievanceprocedure; pursuantSections to 58651 58653through; (c) A the description SLS vendor'sof training program,if required, eachthe associatedof areservices available the through vendor. (1) The SLS vendorspecify eachshall andfor whetheraim what to extent ispreparedto employachieve tothe specifiedaims in 58632Section ; (b) A description rangeof the of approaches and strategies the SLS vendor (a) A mission statement; following: A required service include,design butshall not belimited the to, Welfareand Institutions Code. 4689 4690,and InstitutionsandWelfare Code. SectionReference: 4689(d), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(C),Sections Note using the requirements of 58631Sections 58632and as guidelines. (2) Competenceand the suitability applicantofhas established,been one home; and (1) Applicant proposes to provide toservices atconsumers no morethan designrequirements, providedthe: (d) Notwithstanding the above, the regionalcenterwaive the servicemay been approved by the regionalcenter. (2) Deletethe vendorfrom panel any vendor whosedesign service hasnot the specifiednoticein (b)(2); and disapproval of or a modifiednew designserviceprior expiration to the of (1) Inform writinga invendor of the regionalcenter'sapproval or (c) The regionalcentershall: respectwith the SLS beingservices receivedto bythe consumer. communicate clearly the consequencestheservice design changes will have receivingfrom the SLS SLS vendor. The noticeto eachconsumer shall Welfareand Institutions Code. Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY DRAFT</p><p>14 §58640. General Requirements. Article5- Standards Vendors for </p><p>Note PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS (1) (1) Separate andor combine, providethe dischargeforof, these as duties (b) The SLS vendor may: providedirectserviceconsumers. to director,directservice supervisor(s), employeesand of the who vendor (a) EachSLSvendor shall providethe performancefor dutiesof the of Welfareand Institutions Code. Code. SectionsReference:4501, 4688,4648(a), and4689, 4689.7(c) 4750, 4648(a)(3)(C),4688, 4689, 4689.7(c) 4690,Welfareand Institutions and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand supportconsumer, the appropriatewithand participation.family circlesupport of consistingamajority membersof of arenotwhopaid to (3) Networkcritical ofdurable andrelationships withincluding others, a accessed consistentthewithneeds preferences and of the consumer; and (2) Community-oriented inlifeall whichgeneric naturaland supportsare live; non-licensedhomes the in community, whichin persons without disabilities (1) Social environment within the hometypicalothernon-institutional, of (d) Assistancethe consumer to structuringandin a:maintaining locating, securing, maintainingand to a placelive; subjectthe prohibitionsto on paymentsenumerated in 58611Section (b) in (c) Provision of andnecessary appropriate assistancethe consumer,to of(3) Risksendangerment health, to well-beingsafety, and are minimized. preferences; and (2) Supportsand remainservices responsiveto the consumer's andneeds reflected the in ofSLS componentthe consumer's IPP; (1) Significant changes the inneeds preferencesand consumer of the are that: (b) Provisionof ongoingmonitoring help confirm, to assure, or signal implementing those decisionseffectively; for increased independence,self-reliance,and self-esteem, forand decisions on the of basis personal preferenceenhance thatthe prospects (a) Supportof the consumer's assumptionresponsibility of forlife making of the howSLS vendor will ofachieve allthe following: demonstrationshall include, but not be limited a generalto, explanation Welfareand Institutions SectionCode, 4689(a)(1) (a)(8).through This to implement orientationthe service and ofprinciples SLS stated in to illustrate demonstrateand theSLSvendor's competence suitabilityand A designserviceshall provide generalized examplessufficiently detailed (c) One individual may assumeall the ofduties the director, direct (2) Designatestaffpositionsby titles different from those (a).noted in appropriatethe vendor'sto andcircumstances internal organization;and Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY DRAFT</p><p>§58641. StandardsDirector for Position. 15 §58642. StandardsSupervisory forPosition. </p><p>PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS competently consistentlyand organize and directsupervise the provision resultof any combination relevant of training experience,andto direct(b) All supervisory service staff shall havethe ability, as a supervisethe delivery of SLS personnel.by direct service (a) The SLS vendorassign shalldirectservice supervisory staff to Welfareand Institutions Code. and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648(a)(6)(A),Section Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(A)Sections Note development,training, evaluation, anddirection of the the SLS. budgeting,service design implementation,and planning,project staff (2) Overseeing dischargeof the contractual vendor's obligations, and (1) Selecting, exercisingand general supervisionover,assigned staff; vendor's establishedpolicies, including: and provisionsupervise the services of accordancein withSLS the relevant training experieand (b) The shalldirectorhaveability, the as a result of any combinationof at least allthe functionsnotedof (b).in responsibilitiesthe SLS vendor'sfor SLS operations,shall whichinclude (a) The SLS vendorassign shalla to director carry out the administrative Welfareand Institutions Code. and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648(a)(6)(A),Section Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(A)Sections Note requirementsapplicable the functionsundertaken to by the consultant. meets all licensing, certification,registration and SLS statusvendor (e) The SLS vendorassure consultantanyshall that SLS tovendor the otherSLSvendors. that demandingare less than those requiredbythe regional center of to design,meet service and/ortraining, evaluationservice requirements providing toservices consumers nomorethan at homemayone berequired (d) Pursuantto 58630Sections (d), 58654, 58671(c),SLSand vendor a discharging suchduties. (2) moreNo than full-timeone equivalent position is requiredfor (1) The individualmeets the qualifications positionsany assumed;for and combinationsuchduties, of provided: service andsupervisor(s), direct employeesservice the vendor,orofany Note policies,under the general supervisionthe director. of of toservices consumers accordancein the with SLS vendor's established Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY n m DRAto andcompetentlyce, consistently organize FT</p><p>Article6- Training Requirements §58643. StandardsServiceDirect for Staff. 16 §58650. Regional StaffOrientation.Center </p><p>(4) (4) PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4688Sections 4690, and Note responsibilities. (2) Occur within three months thefollowingassumption of SLS-related (1) Focus on the philosophy,concepts,and andpracticesof SLS; (b) Orientation shall: ( and ( (3) Resource development; (2) Vendoring SLS providers; of (1) Regional center policy-making; limited the to,following: centerstaffassignedto SLS-related responsibilities, including, but not (a) Eachregional center shall provide SLS anyorientation for regional Welfareand Institutions Code. and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648(a)(6)(A),Section Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(A)Sections Note legally providerequired tothe service. (2) Current validand licenses,orregistrations certificates, that may be (D)Achieve the intended results of beingthe service performed. respectto any specific consumer; and 24-hour Emergency Assistancesystems,asappropriate the need to with (C)aidPerform first cardiopulmonary and resuscitation operate(CPR), and of consumers; (B) Minimize risks of endangermentto the and health, safety, well-being relationship consumers;with (A) Establish maintainand a constructiveand appropriate personal (1) The training,skill, or education necessary to: staff shall have: serviceprovide staff to SLS directlyconsumers. to Such direct service (a) The SLS vendor to subject58620shall, Section (c), direct assign Welfareand Institutions Code. and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648(a)(6)(A),Section Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)(A)Sections 4688, Institutions and Welfare Code. Welfareand Institutions Reference:Code. 4651(b),Sections 4659(d) and 6 5 SLS SLS vendor 5 4 ) coordinationService to SLS consumers. ) Supervising, evaluating,overseeing,or consulting SLS vendors; with Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft contract negotiation;contract DRAFT ONLY DRAFT</p><p>§58651. Vendor Requirements.Orientation 17 §58652. Vendor Continuing Training Requirements. </p><p>PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS (2) (2) Policies, procedures, practicesandthe SLS vendorof targeted at (1) Recent developments the in theory and ofpractice SLS; andfocus on: shall (b) Suchcontinuing SLS staffshalltraining occurforat least annually 17, 54349Section(a) supervision,ordirect delivery ofservice the definedservices Title in continuing alltraining forstaff whose includeduties the direction, (a) EachSLSvendor, subsequentorientation toof providestaff, shall Welfareand Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionReference: 4648(a)(3)(C), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)Sectionsand Note instructionalresource capacity. (6) Participationof consumers a consulting,in teaching, orother maintaining personalrelationships consumers;with and (5) A reviewappropriate of in conduct of establishingstaff and occurences. exploitation,including requirements for documenting and reporting such (E) Protectionof fromconsumers abuse,neglect financial and (D)Rightsconsumers of specified Sectionsin 58620 58621and ; (C)Specialincident reporting, pursuantto Title 17, 54327Section ; 50964 ; (B) Fair hearing provisions, pursuant Title 17, 50900Sectionsto through (A) The operationthe SLSofvendor's internal grievanceprocedure; (4) Consumers'protections rights,and including: self-reliance; (3) A focus useon the practicalSLS to of promote a consumer's staff member directly; works (2) An understanding IPPof objectiveseachthe of withconsumer the whom Section 58630 (d); 58632or asotherwise, approved by theregional center pursuantto philosophy as stated the in approved design,service pursuantSection to (1) An overview vendor'sof the SLS mission, policies, practices, SLSand weeksemployment, of shalland include: (b) SLS orientationfor eachstaff member occur shallthe firstwithin two Title 17, 54349Section(a) supervisionSLS, ofor direct service the delivery servicesof in defined vendor's paid unpaidand staff, whose includeduties thedirection or (a) EachSLSvendor shall be responsibleSLS orientationfor of the SLS accumulatedexperience the SLSofvendor's others staff andin dealing (3) Identification ofdelivery issuesservice challenges,and the and meetingobjectives IPPandfor SLS; Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft , (b), (c) , and , (b), (c) , and DRAFT ONLY . DRAFT . </p><p>§58654. Waiverof Vendor Training Requirements. §58653. Vendor SLS Consumers.Training for 18 §58660. General Requirements. Article7- RateNegotiation </p><p> and (3) Comprisedof costs consistent with The regionalany center may waive training or all requirementsspecified PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS andSLSvendor the accordanceinwith 58661Sections through 58663 (2) Agreed throughupon contract negotiationbetween the regional center (1) theCost effective State;to (a) Ratesfor SLS shall be: Welfareand Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: and4688 4651(a), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4688,Sections and4689 Note service delivery will result. (b) Regional center determines that impactno adverse on the of quality (a) Vendor provides toservices consumers nomorethan at home; one and Sectionsin 58651 58652through, provided the: and Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionReference: 4689(c), Welfare Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648,Sections and4689 Note support. (e) Strategiesfor building maintainingand aneffective circle of (d) Internalgrievance theprocedure SLSofvendor; and consumer; (c) Identification reportingand of abusesuspected or exploitationof the (b) Consumers'rights; (a) PhilosophySLS; of appropriateeach to preferences, consumer's of allthe following: of the circleconsumer's of support. Such SLS include,training asshall each receivingconsumer the SLS vendorSLS from unpaid toand the members EachSLSvendor shall be responsiblemaking for SLS training available to Welfareand Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionReference: 4648(a)(3)(C), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)Sectionsand Note them.with Section 58614The negotiated(b). directrate for shallservices be referenced Titlein17, 54349Section (a) (b) The regional a center rate may negotiatefor the direct services (f).</p><p>Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY and allowablecosts specified in through (d)</p><p>, specifiedand in DRAFT</p><p>Section 58671 (d) ; and,; . §58661. ServiceDirect Rates. 19 </p><p>(2) (1) (2) An amountinconsistent withrequirements the Section of 58617. (1) M PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS ( ( ( servicesregional by the center: following modelsresults inmostthat cost-effectivethe purchase of (a)(1)until 1, July 2000, and (2) Section 54349 ( (D) Section 54349and (c); (C)24-HourEmergency Assistance(Service Code 893), topursuant Title 17, Title 17, 54349Section(b); (B) Training Habilitationand Service Code(Service 892), pursuant to Section 54349 (a); (A) Personal SupportService Code(Service 891), pursuant Title 17, to (1) (a) ServiceDirect rates shall be 4648(a)(3)(B), 4689.7(c),4690 4791(c), and InstitutionsWelfare andCode. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4648(a)(3), Note Be subjectapprovalby the to Department. Include allowable housingcosts described Sectionin and,58611(c); ( essentiallyservice; similar (1) R (c) Negotiated rates shall not compensate the vendornecessary for administrationcosts. negotiatedseparately for AdministrationSLS Vendor Code (Service 894), to for the specifiedservices Sectionin 58614 An additional(c). rate may be (2) The direct serviceexcludes allrate SLS vendor's administrationcosts costs; the vendor shall noadditionalreceive compensation administration for shall benegotiatedfor AdministrationSLS Vendor Code(Service 894), and administration specifiedservicesSectionin 58614additionalNo (c). rate (1) The direct serviceincludes rate compensationforSLS vendor'sall established using ( ( ( 3 2 1 d 6 5 4 m C B A 2 F) Rates appliedto toservices individual consumers, of groups E D</p><p>Negotiated separately for codeserviceeach categoryenumeratedin l Supported LivingService Code (Service 896), pursuantTitle17, to L ) thanthe vendor would charge any other purchaserthe sameorof ) rates;Monthly ) Hourly rates; ) Rates based on the provisionactual of services a in payment period; ) Rates) onanticipatedbased monthlyaverage costs; Flat rates;) Negotiated rates shall not: Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft ore for any ore for service r imited to imited esultinregional the center paying the vendor the followingservice categories:code a d); the morecost-effective , shalland, be and, DRAFT ONLY based one onany or any combinationof the : :</p><p>: nor </p><p> one of the following : DR AFT alternatives</p><p> methods : : §58662. SLS Vendor Administration Rates. 20 bases §58663. RateReviewand Renegotiation. </p><p>(3) (2) (1) PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS The methodologyusedarrive rate; toat the vendor. which the regionalcenter relied duringupon rate negotiation the with SLS available to the uponDepartment request the final SLSpayment tovendor the State anyin year, fiscaland retain make (b) Regional centers shall,at least three foryears from the the date of specifiedtheincontract. negotiatedrates ofat contractthe time renewal, atand other times as (a) The regional center contractingand SLS shallvendor review all 4648(a)(3)(B)and 4689.7(c), Welfareand Institutions Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4648(a)(3), Note service operation. Section 58614which (c), are required to vendor'smaintain the SLS direct (3) Limitedthe SLStovendor's administration, costs asof specifiedin (2) A single rate;monthlyfixed and negotiatedpursuantSection to 58660 (b)(2); (1) Negotiatedonly SLS vendors with direct whoserates are service (b) The SLS vendor administration rate shall be: 54349 ( Vendor Administration (Service894), pursuantCode Sectionto Title 17, (a) A SLSseparatevendor administrationrateshall belimited to SLS 4648(a)(3)(B), 4689.7(c) 4791(c),Welfareand Institutions and Code. 4689.7(c) 4690,and Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; Sectionsand 4648(a)(3), Note necessarymaintain tothe SLSvendor's direct service operation. (3) administrationCost of the specifiedservicesin 58614Section (c), for the provision of direct service; and (2) Traveland incidentalcosts designated incontract as the necessary vendor providingdirect service; (1) Salaries, wages,and benefits ofSLS consultants staff andall to the following: negotiation specified 58660Sectionin (b), any combinationof the (b) Ratesmayreflect, as appropriate applicableto the method of consumers,to consumersall or the servedtheSLSvendor. by Note The fiscal A description of each Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft</p><p> b e ). y earand time periodeach for expense DRAFT ONLY</p><p> and and amount expense or projected expense. ; and,; following:</p><p>Dcost data or analytical RAFT</p><p>§58670. General Provisions. Article8- SLS Contract Standards 21 §58671. Contract Requirements. </p><p> obtain federal reimbursement (1) (d) including but not limitedthe to Agreement PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS of the servicevendor's provision (c) The procedureswill thatbe to used evaluateandmonitor the outcomes obligatedmeet; to and (b) Performance standardsand provisionservice outcomes the SLS isvendor (a) The vendor's approved design;service shall include: In addition requirementsto the forth 58670Sectionsetin , contracts all Welfareand Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionReference: 4648(a)(3), Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)Sectionsand Note Section 58614 . Titlein17,Section 54349specifiedand , as a SLS service incomponent contract a withSLS vendorone thefor SLS or servicesmore of referenced (d) A regionalcentermay, pursuant Sections to 58660 58662through , (2) Not signed Departmentthe State ofServices' Health Medi-CalProvider regional center; or (1) Adopted a required designservicethat has not been approved by the who has: (c) A regional centershall not negotiatewith a contract any SLS vendor 58672 . meet all requirements specified this in section, and 58671Sections and between a regional center a and SLS vendorthe delivery forof SLS shall (b) In addition requirementsto the allspecified (a),contractsin (3) Auditprovisions specified Title in 17, 50610Section . andand (e); (2) provisionsFiscal specified Title in 17, 50609Section (a),(d), (c), (1) Requirements specified Title in 17, 50607Section ; regulatory requirements: deliveryof allSLS shall the meet following applicable contracting contracts(a) Allbetween a regional center a and SLS vendorthe for 4648(a)(5), Welfareand Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionsReference: 4648(a)(3)(B) and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)Sections and T Categoriesof a requirementsof Section he he regionalcenter Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft or any other form tonecessary withcomply therequirements stateof to llowablecosts applies applies 58631, 58632 and, . </p><p>DRAFT ONLY uniformly</p><p> for establishingfor the rate </p><p> as as describedinvendor’s the service de</p><p> to all SLS vendors; 58680 . 58680 .</p><p> that DRAFT :</p><p> s ign ,</p><p>22 §58672. Contract Termination. </p><p> directsupport staff ( support the requirement(f) thatA the maintainvendorfinancial records (2) g ) ( PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS</p><p> e) e) Limitations onthe SLS services inreferencedSection Title 17, 54349 (B) The party initiating the termination 60days'gives of notice written (A) The toparties mutuallythe contract agreethe termination;to or (3) Without causebyeither provided: party, or hasresulted abusein a consumer. of, (B) The serviceSLS vendor's to contributeslife-threatening dangers to, conducted pursuantSection to 58671warrant contract(c), cancellation; or (A) anyThe results of evaluation vendor'sof the SLS service delivery, regional center determineseither: that (2) For by cause the regionalcenter,orwithwithout notice, when the Section 50611 (b); (1) For by cause the regionalcenter,notice,with topursuant Title 17, following conditions: (a) The contract shall tobe subject terminationof anyunderthe 4689.7(c),Welfare Institutions and Code. InstitutionsCode. SectionsReference: 4689(e) 4648(a)(3)(B), and Code; 4648(a)(3),Sectionsand 4689.7(c) 4690,and andWelfare Authoritycited: Chapter of157, Statutes2003;Section Government11152, Note period. billings/invoices the information specified (h) in abovethe billingfor ( applicable. billing/invoicing as specified 50604Sectionin (d)(1) through as (3)(F), ( Section 58672 . ( vendor has filedresidential for licensure the inStateCalifornia; of and licensure ordenial,revocationand/or any pendingapplication(s) the ( (a) throughwhich the (e), SLS vendor is authorizeddeliver; to The servicemaximum vendorcapacity of the 58661and , 58662; ( Budget Are c providing to,services removeany and staff fromdirect service the home (b) Upon terminationthe contract,vendorof the shall immediatelycease intention to terminate. k i i h e h g i f d ) A requirement) that the submittovendor the regionalcenterwith their ) A requirement) that the maintainvendorservice torecords support all A descriptionof) terminationthe contract conditions specified in ) Disclosure) by the ofpresentvendor any past, or pendingresidential ) Rates agreed upon negotiation,throughpursuant Sections to 58660 , Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft onsistent with Circular A-122 expenses associatedwith service the capacity and other data applicable ofsections orsubsequentany applicable guidelines.federal DRAFT ONLY used totheused derive federal Officefederal of the and . agreed upon ratioof </p><p>DRAFT and documents Managementand administrative</p><p> rate. that - to -</p><p>§58680. Regional Requirements.Center Article9- Performance Evaluations 23 </p><p>PROPOSED SUPPORTED LIVINGREGULATIONS Item 4300-101-0001,Item Provision 8. 4689(e), InstitutionsWelfare andCode; Chapterand of 282, Statutes1997, and 4690, Welfare and Institutions Reference:Code. 4648.1(d)Sections and Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4405,Sections 4648, 4689 Note evaluation. threeyearsfrom the date of an evaluation,records all the related to (4) Retain makeandavailable to the for Department a periodat leastof SLS vendor;and renegotiate, terminatefor cause, or renew an existingwith contract the (3) Give significant weightthe evaluationto decisionanyresults in to withholds permission; meeting shall the occur in consumer's home, except consumerwhen the consumer and, when appropriate, the personalconsumer's advocate. The least (2) At conductquarterly meeting a face-to-face eachwith SLS 4689(e)(1)through (5), are met; (1) Assurethat the Welfarerequirements of Institutions and SectionCode, provision service: of pursuantSection to for58671 monitoring(c) and evaluating a SLS vendor's (a) The regional respect withcenter toshall, the procedures adopted and Institutions Code. 4690, Institutions and Welfare Code. SectionReference: 4648.1(d), Welfare Authoritycited: Section Government11152, Code; 4648(a)(3)Sectionsand Note to any SLS contract termination. (c) The provision Sectionof Title 17, 50611remain (d) shall applicable anyof, whoseconsumer services covered contract.were by the Proposed SLSRegulation July28,2005.doc Amendments, Draft DRAFT ONLY DRAFT </p>
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