<p> ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>MUCH BETTER THAN THE WHOLE LAST YEAR IN AN UNFAVORABLE ENVIRONMENT</p><p>Rompetrol Rafinare S.A. (symbols, Bucharest Stock Exchange: RRC, Reuters: ROMP.BX, Bloomberg: RRC RO) has released today its Third Quarter 2007 and 9 months financial and operational unaudited results. 2007 figures include unaudited consolidated financial statements for these periods prepared by the company in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards („IFRS”). The IFRS financial results differ in some respects from the Romanian Accounting Standards.</p><p>The consolidated financial statements of Rompetrol Rafinare comprise the results of the parent company Rompetrol Rafinare and its subsidiaries Rompetrol Petrochemicals, Rom Oil, Rompetrol Downstream and Rompetrol Logistics (with its subsidiaries Rompetrol Gas and Eurojet).</p><p>The document is posted on our website in the Investor Relations section: www.rompetrol.com</p><p>HIGHLIGHTS - CONSOLIDATED</p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 %</p><p>Financial Gross Revenues USD 929,392,972 772,329,684 20% 2,314,134,974 1,930,884,623 20% Net Revenues USD 734,154,364 609,735,306 20% 1,822,627,034 1,547,003,391 18%</p><p>EBITDA USD 40,052,513 45,313,960 -12% 125,910,391 95,301,433 32% EBITDA margin % 5.5% 7.4% 6.9% 6.2%</p><p>EBIT USD 22,584,906 26,011,304 -13% 82,065,706 50,103,933 64%</p><p>Net profit / (loss) USD (25,231,993) 536,526 N/A (12,036,400) (5,925,126) 103% Net Profit / (loss) % margin -3.4% 0.1% -0.7% -0.4%</p><p>Basic Earnings per share USD (0.0012) 0.0000 N/A (0.0006) (0.0003) 103% Basic Earnings per share RON (0.0028) 0.0001 N/A (0.0014) (0.0008) 75%</p><p>Gross revenues reached 2.3 billion USD during the first nine months of 2007, by 20% higher than last year, supported by larger quantities of petroleum products sold, as well as by higher selling prices. </p><p>Rompetrol Rafinare’s Group EBITDA for the first nine months, reached a record high of 126 million USD, by 32% higher than the same period last year, and even higher than the whole of last year.</p><p>The 9M net result was negatively influenced by unrealized foreign exchange losses of 38.5 million USD.</p><p>1 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>ENVIRONMENT</p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 %</p><p>Brent Dated USD/bbl 74.75 69.60 7% 67.14 66.98 0% Ural Med USD/bbl 72.48 65.80 10% 64.11 62.97 2% Brent-Ural Differential USD/bbl 2.27 3.80 -40% 3.03 4.00 -24%</p><p>PVM Ural Cracking Margin USD/bbl 6.16 5.67 9% 6.95 6.36 9% Premium Unleaded 50 ppm FOB Med USD/t 694 666 4% 655 638 3% Diesel ULSD 50 ppm FOB Med USD/t 676 638 6% 609 614 -1%</p><p>RON/USD Average exchange rate 2.35 2.78 -15% 2.45 2.85 -14% RON/USD Closing exchange rate 2.37 2.79 -15% 2.37 2.79 -15%</p><p>RON/EURO Average exchange rate 3.23 3.54 -9% 3.30 3.54 -7% RON/EURO Closing exchange rate 3.36 3.53 -5% 3.36 3.53 -5%</p><p>USD/EURO Closing rate 1.42 1.27 12% 1.42 1.27 12%</p><p>Inflation in Romania 2.24% 0.09% 3.90% 2.77% 41%</p><p>Crude oil prices surged to all-time record levels over the course of Q3, supported by a number of market factors such as fears of gasoline shortages, declining gasoline and crude oil stocks in the US and weather-related problems on the US Gulf Coast leading to oilfield and refinery shut downs. Most of the crude benchmarks suffered from regional problems, with WTI being pressured by rising Canadian supplies, refinery outages and lack of pipeline infrastructure, while Brent gained support end-July and August due to heavy oilfield maintenance in the North Sea. Brent in turn saw its value discounted by traders based on the Forties’ stream declining quality, which boosted Urals pricing level and its differential to Brent fell below $2/bbl. However, this idyllic picture for Urals changed as soon as several medium sour Iraqi crude oil parcels were awarded starting end-August. Currently the situation has become even more complicated due to the backwardation movement, which encourages producers to sell as much as possible, while refiners tend to keep their inventory levels at a minimum in order to keep losses under control. </p><p>For the coming months, lower levels of official selling prices (OSP) for Middle Eastern crude oil flowing to Europe are expected to exercise pressure on Urals assessments, also supported by continuous flows of Kirkuk crude oil to the Med. In North Western Europe the situation can experience the opposite direction as refinery maintenance will decrease starting November.</p><p>Despite a clear declining trend, gasoline cracks are still at a $150/mt average for the quarter, but expected to decline further as the demand for gasoline subsides during the winter season. Yet the seasonal falls are cushioned by weak stock levels in the US. Middle distillates are the ones supporting refinery margins in the following months as heating oil moves into focus. Colder temperatures are likely to have the strongest impact on gasoil/diesel sentiment and although the market looks well balanced, extreme temperatures could change this situation. Current backwardated gasoil market – a direct result of strong buying interest – is encouraging contra- 2 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p> seasonal stock draws. Finally, the upcoming specification change in Europe (from 0.2% to 0.1% sulphur content) is not likely to result in long term price hikes, as the industry is well prepared to meet demand.</p><p>Year 2007 has proved so far to be a good year for refiners with cracking margins averaging $5.8 in NW Europe and $6.9 in the Med as crack differentials were mainly supported by strong demand for transportation fuels and naphtha, combined with weaker throughput in the US and global supply concerns. The outlook for the coming quarter remains positive, but with margins expected to decrease slightly.</p><p>3 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>REFINING </p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 % Financial Gross Revenues USD 838,626,497 712,551,654 18% 2,059,713,025 1,800,643,296 14% Net Revenues USD 649,304,646 549,777,084 18% 1,565,241,469 1,421,184,416 10% EBITDA USD 16,971,924 28,245,126 -40% 74,192,000 61,066,511 21% EBITDA margin % 2.6% 5.1% -49% 4.7% 4.3% 10%</p><p>EBIT USD 7,710,768 16,019,279 -52% 54,532,560 33,425,102 63%</p><p>Net profit / (loss) USD (26,798,617) (2,093,117) 32,529 1,392,833 -98% Net profit / (loss) margin % -4.1% -0.4% 984% 0.0% 0.1% -98%</p><p>Gross cash refinery USD/t margin/tone 49.55 59.97 -17% 63.00 60.60 4% Gross cash refinery USD/b margin/bbl 6.82 8.26 -17% 8.67 8.34 4%</p><p>Net cash refinery margin/tone USD/t 15.76 29.38 -46% 25.99 23.94 9% Net cash refinery margin/bbl USD/b 2.16 4.02 -46% 3.56 3.28 9%</p><p>Taxes paid to State Budget USD 314,979,958 276,270,490 14% 762,210,659 586,436,532 30%</p><p>Operational Feedstock Kt 1,055 1,001 5% 2,848 2,698 6% processed</p><p>Gasoline produced Kt 355 324 10% 966 858 12% Diesel & jet fuel Kt produced 423 386 10% 1,122 1,065 5%</p><p>Motor fuels sales - Kt domestic 402 386 4% 1,084 908 19% Motor fuels sales - Kt export 407 319 28% 1,006 994 1%</p><p>Export % 50% 45% 48% 52% -8% Domestic % 50% 55% 52% 48% 9%</p><p>Refining segment comprises only the results of the refinery (parent company of Rompetrol Rafinare)</p><p>4 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>Rompetrol Rafinare computes Gross cash refinery margin as follows – (Oil Product Sales – Cost of Feedstock) / Quantity of Feedstock related to the sales. Net Cash Refinery margin is the EBITDA of the refinery divided by quantity of feedstock related to sales</p><p>Gross revenues reached USD 2 billion in the first 9M of 2007, by 14% higher than last year, supported by larger quantities of petroleum products sold, as well as by higher selling prices.</p><p>The refinery recorded very good operational results for the first 9 months of 2007, EBITDA amounting to USD 74 mil, by 21% higher compared with the same period last year. </p><p>The first nine months were characterized by high refinery utilization rates, and thus higher production of white products.</p><p>The unfavourable results recorded in the third quarter were influenced by factors independent of the refinery activity as follows:</p><p>First, one of our competitive advantages, the ability to capture in full the Ural differential, reached a low of 1.49 $/bbl in August, compared to an average of 3.80 $/bbl in Q3 2006.</p><p>Secondly, our gross refinery margin decreased in Q3 2007, amounting to 6.82 $/bbl compared with 8.26 $/bbl in 2006, mainly due to the increase in crude oil prices, Brent quotations reaching 81.10 $/bbl at the end of September.</p><p>The net result of the refinery for the first nine months of 2007 was negatively influenced by unrealized foreign exchange losses of 22.4 mill USD. </p><p>The refinery continued to be an important contributor to Romania’s fiscal budget with 762 million USD paid during the first nine months of 2007.</p><p>5 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>MARKETING</p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 %</p><p>Financial Gross Revenues USD 967,539,08 505,519,731 425,877,425 19% 1,279,981,526 4 32% EBITDA USD 22,572,470 14,004,498 61% 48,481,507 28,461,684 70% EBIT USD 17,545,628 8,688,555 102% 31,386,994 16,589,066 89% Net profit / (loss) USD 9,175,439 2,936,974 212% 7,797,719 (2,258,783) N/A</p><p>Operational Quantities sold in retail Kt 120 87 38% 315 207 52% Quantities sold in wholesale Kt 215 234 -8% 584 540 8%</p><p>Retail Gross Margin USD/t 144 128 12% 143 131 9% Wholesale Gross Margin USD/t 59 45 32% 49 36 35%</p><p>Marketing segment include the results of Rom Oil, Rompetrol Downstream and Rompetrol Logistics subsidiaries</p><p>The increase of main financial indicators for the first 9M of 2007 compared to the same period of 2006 is due to the following factors:</p><p>1. The increase of Gross Revenues as a direct result of the increase in the number of stations (COCO)1 from 100 to 111.</p><p>2. The increase in DODO2 stations from 158 franchise stations in September 2006 to 182 at the end of September 2007.</p><p>3. New 57 Expres Stations 3 opened.</p><p>4. New 26 Internal Bases opened. </p><p>Rompetrol Downstream is the first company in Romania to have launched Fill&Go Vehicle Control – a GPS-based integrated vehicle fleet monitoring solution, which allows company fleet administrators to find out vehicle positions, routes, mileage covered, moving speeds, and routes history.</p><p>Rompetrol Downstream business plan for the end of this year is to develop as many client loyalty projects as posible and to develop the gas stations network in less accessible areas, with the purpose of acquiring a higher market share in the retail business.</p><p>1 Company owned, company operated stations 2 Dealer owned, Dealer operated stations 3 Company owned mobile stations 6 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>We continue to believe that the increasing trend in the number of vehicles on the Romanian market will also continue in the last quarter of 2007. 2007 is the start-up of the 3-year strategy, both intensive and extensive, to target mainly the consumer, being focused to acquire more market share in the retail business. Direct sales to final consumers (industrial and individuals) give the guarantee of higher margins and client loyalty for the future.</p><p>7 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>PETROCHEMICALS</p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 % Financial . Revenues USD 67,622,584 43,486,247 56% 186,036,467 112,199,239 66% EBITDA USD 2,039,046 2,475,141 -18% 2,539,758 6,249,472 -59%</p><p>EBIT USD 379,933 1,686,833 -77% (1,979,848) 3,641,972 N/A</p><p>Net profit / (loss) USD (4,864,581) 251,252 N/A (12,443,794) (691,599) N/A</p><p>Operational Propylene processed kt 30 27 11% 80 75 6% Ethylene processed kt 18 N/A 43 N/A</p><p>Sold from own production kt 44 26 69% 120 71 69% Sold from trading kt 2 8 -71% 11 23 -54% Total sold 46 34 36% 130 94 39%</p><p>Export % 57% 54% 57% 49% Domestic % 43% 46% 43% 51% Petrochemicals segment include the results of Rompetrol Petrochemicals subsidiary</p><p>Petrochemicals turnover increased by 56% in Q3 2007 compared to Q3 2006. This increase derives mainly from the sales of own products (PP and LDPE). Trading sales dropped because of lack of propylene trading, and as a result of the restart of Rompetrol Petrochemicals’ own LDPE production facility.</p><p>The company managed to increase its operational profit in Q3 2007 compared to the rest of the year mainly because of securing its ethylene supply sources. In spite of this, the company suffered losses mainly from FX expenses, due to the EUR/USD exchange rate evolution.</p><p>In Q3 2007, Rompetrol Petrochemicals has restarted its HDPE plant, thus following an ambitious plan to increase production capacity and to become an important player in the regional polymers market. Another important objective is to start the revamping works on the steam cracker. This important investment will secure the raw materials necessary for the optimum functioning of its three polymer plants.</p><p>8 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>APPENDIX 1 – CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Q3 AND 9M 2007 AND 2006, UNAUDITED</p><p>Q3 2007 Q3 2006 % 9M 2007 9M 2006 %</p><p>Gross Revenues 929,392,972 772,329,684 20% 2,314,134,974 1,930,884,623 20% Sales taxes and discounts (195,238,608) (162,594,378) 20% (491,507,940) (383,881,232) 28%</p><p>Net revenues 734,154,364 609,735,306 20% 1,822,627,034 1,547,003,391 18%</p><p>(652,514,661) (547,161,786) 19% (1,586,840,080 (1,393,864,853) 14% Cost of sales )</p><p>Gross margin 81,639,703 62,573,520 30% 235,786,954 153,138,538 54%</p><p>Selling, general and (59,851,262) (35,784,309) 67% (160,265,078) (101,427,175) 58% administration Other expenses, net 796,465 (777,907) 6,543,830 (1,607,430)</p><p>EBIT 22,584,906 26,011,304 -13% 82,065,706 50,103,933 64%</p><p>Finance, net (27,682,295) (24,408,936) 13% (76,298,525) (47,170,888) 62% Net foreign exchange gains / (20,124,452) (555,348) (14,462,502) (7,302,859) 98% (losses)</p><p>EBT (25,221,841) 1,047,020 N/A (8,695,321) (4,369,814) 99%</p><p>Income tax (10,152) (510,494) -98% (3,341,079) (1,555,312) 115%</p><p>Net result (25,231,993) 536,526 N/A (12,036,400) (5,925,126) 103%</p><p>EBITDA 40,052,513 45,313,960 -12% 125,910,391 95,301,433 32%</p><p>9 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>APPENDIX 2 – CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 2007, UNAUDITED</p><p>September 30, December 31, 2007 2006 %</p><p>Assets Non-current assets Intangible assets 5,275,182 5,693,918 -7% Goodwill 100,355,787 100,355,787 0% Property, plant and equipment 756,125,291 732,088,640 3% Financial assets and other 3,362,351 3,435,681 -2% Total Non Current Assets 865,118,611 841,574,026 3%</p><p>Current assets Inventories 258,074,046 177,324,263 46% Trade and other receivables 769,095,327 589,769,968 30% Cash and cash equivalents 21,196,699 22,790,038 -7% Total current assets 1,048,366,072 789,884,269 33%</p><p>Total assets 1,913,484,683 1,631,458,295 17%</p><p>Equity and liabilities Total Equity 734,959,472 750,393,041 -2%</p><p>Non-current liabilities Hybrid instrument - long-term portion 52,700,813 69,712,014 -24% Long-term debt 65,168,552 64,873,073 0% Other 17,869,162 15,389,766 16% Total non-current liabilities 135,738,527 149,974,853 -9%</p><p>Current Liabilities Trade and other payables 676,760,708 441,720,288 53% Hybrid instrument - current portion 22,345,451 24,374,152 -8% Short-term debt 343,680,525 264,995,961 30% Total curent liabilities 1,042,786,684 731,090,401 43%</p><p>Total equity and liabilities 1,913,484,683 1,631,458,295 17%</p><p>10 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>APPENDIX 3 – CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2007, UNAUDITED</p><p>Sept 07 </p><p>Net result before income tax (8,695,321)</p><p>Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation 50,653,811 Provisions for receivables and inventories (6,988,939) Late payment interest 15,378,012 Unwinding of discount on hybrid instrument 23,507,888 Interest expense and bank charges, net 35,762,941 (Gain)/Loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment (516,050) Unrealised foreign exchange (gain)/loss on hybrid instrument and other monetary items 10,116,548 Cash generated from operations before working capital changes 119,218,890</p><p>Change in working capital (64,162,361)</p><p>Net cash provided by operating activities 55,056,529</p><p>Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment (64,098,510) Purchase of intangible assets (553,633) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 7,869,567 Net cash used in investing activities (56,782,576)</p><p>Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid to minority shareholders (1,273,476) Coupon paid on hybrid instrument (50,990,386) Net movement in working capital facilities 88,159,511 Interest and bank charges paid, net (35,762,941) Net cash from financing activities 132,708</p><p>Increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1,593,339)</p><p>Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 22,790,038</p><p>Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 21,196,699</p><p>11 ROMPETROL RAFINARE Q3 AND 9M 2007 IFRS CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS</p><p>DISCLAIMER</p><p>This document does not represent and offer an invitation to purchase any securities. This document is being delivered to you solely for your information and may not be reproduced or redistributed to any other persons.</p><p>In the interest of providing Rompetrol Rafinare and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) potential investors with information regarding the Company, including management’s assessment of the Company’s future plans and operations, certain statements throughout this presentation are “forward-looking statements” and represent the Company’s internal projections, expectations or beliefs concerning, among other things, future operating results and various components thereof or the Company’s future economic performance.</p><p>The projections, estimates and beliefs contained in such forward looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause the Company’s actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections.</p><p>The financial figures are extracted from Company’s IFRS financial reports.</p><p>12</p>
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