?AGE TEN fHE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1920 LEFT EARFUL RIGHT EARFUL I'd l.k to bet a dollar." "Oh, you want to bet a dollar," Said tho Said tha guy with rubber heels; man with diamond pin; "Were you ever in the hoozegow? "I'd tik to bat a dollar Latent News From the Sportieg. World Well, you'll coon know how that That lha Brooklyn ttam will win." .feels. "' J sporting goods stores, or at the game COAST LEAGUE MAY IN I warden's office at the capltol. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Tlio game laws are as follows: HERO OF TRIPLE PLAY AND ECLIPSE SCANDAL Small Game OF WORLD SERIES H IT. Dec. 31. (Hag limit H Quail Oct. to DIAGRAM OF PLAY ANGELES, 15. Evidence rill l nrrnriTiinirri , n possession :0 LOS Oct. Imcks. geese, coots. Jacksnlpes Oct. Tl offers mm of "wholesale bribery of players in the vyno. 16 HI. 20.) IV . ruLLnLiiiLMi to Jan. f:sg limit 1S19 season by a ring of gamblers" has Ioves and whltewings July 15 to been discovered, according to an an- ( c Iec. 31. Hag limit 25. I'.lackbreasted and golden plover and GAMES nouncement tonight by W. C. Doran, NIMBDDS OPEN DRIVE yellow legs Oct. 1 to Iee. 15. (Hag State Game Warden Prochaska has chief deputy district attorney, who is limit :o. returned from a business visit to the Fil begun to- directing the investigation Kails Oct. 13 to Nov. 30. border where he went to Investigate EAST day by the Los Angeles county grand 'Scatter gun" artists ho went out Fish I ury alleged corruption in racun. rumors that were crossing the NEW YORK, Oct. 15. The more im into In rch of quail yesterday morning Trout. 7 Inches or over June 1 to hunters baseball league games. border with game killed In Mexico. portant games tomorrow east. coast wer returning homa early In the after- Sept. 1. (Hag limit 2..) in the Mr. Doran stated evidence aireaay All other fish, 1 inches or ove- r- The Arizona game laws prohibit the together with th. scores where the investigators indicated scores noon with the limit, a viry pood indi- given the money Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. possession of Rlaln hides, deer same teams met last season, follow: of games were "thrown" for cation that the birds are plentiful this Big Game deer, deer heads or venison, except under certain 1919 Result last season. ea.n. Yrstrrday being the openlns Male deer with horns Oct. 1 to o-- limitations. But one deer may be killed 5-- 1 person.) Boston college Yale, 3: Sy of the season, hundreds of hunter Nov. 1. (Hag limit per In a season by single at Wil POST LEAGUE 1 1. (Bag a hunter and hav liams Harvard, not meet; Wild turkey Oct. to Nov. ing: at did La Oakland-Sal- t Lake postponed cold. out. and possession venison, etc., beyond 3; there will be Just as limit. 2 per. person.) of fayette at Pennsylvania, Colgate the legal prohibited 14-- 0; many today limit is and the Brown, H- E- - out and tomorrow. Is no open season on antelope. V - - at Union at Cornell, did Ar T.o Aneeles R- - - There f - possessor Is subject to a fine and seiz I '; V'-:'- " -.'' ..' ,. '' not meet; Holy Cross at Dartmouth. 10 0 ""I the duck season opening this elk, mountain sheep, female deer or ure of the game or any part An Portland ? y: .. of it. not V i c bobwhite. grouse, I .......- did meet; est irginia at " vrn.nK mi oajDre.iK, ine reason ior fawn, roadrunners, S ' - exception is made of venison bought Vernon pheasant, aorg and Insectivorous birds. f Georgetown, did not meet; Amherst ai Batteries: Kallio and lvoemcr. much noise ' '' from country, 7-- 9: alone the rivers, slough ' ' " i - v-- another but that fact Columbia. North Carolina at bandtailed pigeon, little brown aananin, must be Smallwood and Murphy. and flooded fields was due to the fact whooping crane, wood duck, swan, cur- established. Pennsylvania State, did not meet; Mr. Prochaska's mission to 1; tn .Nimrod were hack at their lew, wlllet, and all shore birds except the bor Bucknell at Annapolis, Spring At San Franc iscoA-- R. II. E. m 1 ' "; , , , aer was for purpose of 5 2 o'd trying fool t i -- the arranging to the ducks with nn open season Is I , ,. i ) ,9 field at West Point, did not meet: a which v, Seattle ......1 those for s..V 3, '.(t,t ail prohibited game coming 3 2 0 and duck calls. After bringing given above. j' that out of Washington and lee at Princeton, did San Francisco flow n w - old Mexico be supplied proof of leem ithin shooting ratifre they V, - with not meet; Virginia Poly at Rutgers, Sweeny and Baldwin: Anyone seeking information on good I - ; '. i 51 , ; , Batteries: nci, u;nr pcrnnps tn fr fifteen out or that fact in the form of regular con did not meet. Lewis and Yelle. of each flock aa over hunting spots for game in season, sular invoice and custom entries at the they flew sounds wishing or find the distance WEST rsonal.!. Ths Is a great pastime to locate international line. The game warden At Sacramento R. H. E. to and from any special hunting and game iniLAiiu, uct. i&. Although every 3 9 2, and sportsmen will participate In the may by his deputies will seize all not tootDan eleven in western Los Angeles treat out-doo- r life for the next grounds, secure Information protected by such evidence, subject to the confer 4 9 2 three r Robin-son- a ence Sacramento - getting In touch with Pinney will be engaged in battle tomor or four weeks, as th season la now- the Arizona game Inw. row, Batteries: Pertica, Domovich and open n game Information bureau, a new fea- says chief interest centers in the con ana Cady. all Including rabbits by firm. Warden Prochaska the depart tests between Iowa Illinois Rego; Penner, Prough "eves, write wings, ducks, o.uatl. tur ture recently started this ment has been lax In enforcing this and at Ur O " '-- bana, which is expected to develop into key and deer. - o provision of law past, Standing f ' ' s " ' Si the in the but in one or the hardest fcught contests of AVhlle some are worrying ; ,v-- futtfre Won Lost Pet. about GLENDALE GREYS WILL j ' ' si the all violators of the law will , I ' the season. y.- .. j.4 7 .554 good place to ro In an effort to bni? K i ... be prosecuted. Vernon 108 on SUNDAY v. .Northwestern will take the field 93 .526 the limit quail or ducks, others nr PLAY TWO r ; s o San Francisco 13 . , - V ' 1 ' . ' f against Wisconsin at Madison. North J01 S3 .521 going out to locate a secret spot. The will be of- Los Angeles' i C.lendale baseball fans TEMPE-MES- A western's surprising UDset of Mir.ne 91 .d-:- ducka r coming Into the valley in fered a doubleheader' Sunday after- GAME AT Seattle M larce flocks, and quail are found In sola last week has made this eleven Lake -- .93 91 .050 the noon starting at 2:3d o'clock In the SUNDAY DANCE aarK norse In en. Salt 101 .518 greater quantities than ever before game Glendalo Oreys will TEMPE the caitiDa Ohio Oakland 94 first the Mate s showing against Purdue to 0 l"0 .444 it Is verv easy to leave Phoenix In second 1 a ..: .. ....... .:. v Portland play the ('amnion team and the AT FOREST PARK TUES. morrow will be 87 109 .414 any direction and return homo with be with the Peoria club. watched with interest Saernmento event will Tempe and Mesa will cross bats uri-uu- games the limit. Some good baseball material has ar- vi me important on Games Today again Sunday afternoon at Tempe. The the Buckeye schedule later this month Lake. According to the state law It is rived to strengthen th fashion and clubs staged an interesting contest at Oakland at Salt ncemiry for every shooter to have Peoria teams and the dreys will pre annnesoia will clash with Indiana at Los Angeles at Sacramento. Mesa last Sunday and the boys expect Minneapolis. The Gopher eleven is ex San Francisco. Minting license in order to kill g.tme sent the same fast lineup that downed to Improve with each game. Seattle at t twing for sal In loca comers during summer. pected to show a reversal of form over Portland at Vernon. licnss all the The Mesa club, which was recently a weeK ago. m m m m'm reorganized, is practicing three times Chicago and Michigan will nlav non DRANK IODINE FOR SIRUP each week. The Tempe boys will conterence elevens, DES MOINES. Ia. Believing it probably use Oviedo on the mound, o was cough sirup, Mrs. Sudino Davis with Lefty Lush hurling for the Jewels. HAND LOTION iodine here. Probably shell A . I drank The baseball fans of Tempe are ar- sinH run.uvB- - nana....lotion consist o recover. ranging a big baseball dance to be equal parts of strained lemon juice given at Forest park next Tuesday rose water ana glycerin. A few droD Graves of 50.000 French soldiers who evening, with the receipts going to help of this should be rubbed into the hands died in the World War are defray the expense of maintaining a while they are still wet. club at Tempo this year. An admission fee of $1 will be charged at the park, with free dancing.
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