<p>Kelley E. Buchheister</p><p>Assistant Professor 803-777-5278 (o) University of South Carolina 727-687-2059 (c) 820 Main Street, Wardlaw 106 [email protected] Columbia, SC 29208</p><p>ACADEMIC BACKGROUND</p><p>2007-2011 Ph.D., Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum Mathematics Education: Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum University of Missouri, Columbia Dissertation: Second Grade Students’ Interpretations of Various Representations Depicting Part-Part-Whole Relationships</p><p>2004.2006 Masters Degree in Elementary Education Elementary Mathematics and Science University of South Florida, St. Petersburg</p><p>1996.2001 Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education Minor, Early Childhood Education University of Missouri, Columbia, MO Magna Cum Laude</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>2011 – Present Assistant Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education University of South Carolina Wardlaw College of Education 2007 – 2011 Graduate Research Assistant: University of Missouri National Science Foundation funded project: A Study of the Struggling Learner’s Knowledge and Development for Number and Operation 2010 – 2011 Consultant, Everyday Mathematics: University of Chicago 2008 – 2009 Graduate Research Assistant: University of Missouri Tools Development for Studying Fidelity of Curriculum Implementation 2007 - 2009 Graduate Instructor: University of Missouri 2004 – 2007 Fourth Grade Teacher Bay Point Elementary Magnet School, St. Petersburg, FL 2002 – 2004 Fifth Grade Teacher Lakewood Elementary School, St. Petersburg, FL 2001 – 2002 Sixth Grade Mathematics Teacher Largo Middle School, Largo, FL 2001 Kindergarten Teacher Dale Mabry Elementary School, Tampa, FL</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 1 2</p><p>AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS</p><p>2007 – 2011 Waterson Fellowship: University of Missouri 2007 – 2011 Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC) Fellow: University of Missouri</p><p>2010 – 2011 Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education (CEMSE) Fellow: University of Chicago</p><p>2009 Graduate Instructor of the Year, Co-Recipient: University of Missouri</p><p>2008, 2009 Lois Knowles Scholarship: University of Missouri</p><p>2007, 2008 Teacher Development Program High Flier “Excellence in Teaching” Award: University of Missouri</p><p>PRESENTATIONS N ational Lannin, J.K., van Garderen, D., Switzer, J., & Buchheister, K. (2012, April). The magnitude development of struggling first grade learners. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC. April 2012. Lannin, J.K., van Garderen, D., Switzer, J. M., Davis, J., & Buchheister, K. (2011, April). The magnitude learning trajectory of struggling first grade students. Paper to be presented at the Research Pre-session of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Indianapolis, IN. Buchheister, K. (2011, April). The influence of the instructional environment on students' part-part-whole understanding. Poster Presentation at the Research Pre-session of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Indianapolis, IN. Buchheister, K. (2010, November). Focusing phenomena: Mathematical representations. Poster Presentation at the Conference on Research on the Enacted Mathematics Curriculum. Tampa, FL. Lannin, J.K., van Garderen, D., Jackson, C. Buchheister, K., Switzer, J.M. (2009). The mathematical development of struggling first grade students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Lannin, J., van Garderen, D., Jackson, C., Buchheister, K., Switzer, J.M. (April, 2009). The numeric development of struggling first grade students. Poster presented at the Research Pre-session of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, DC.</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 2 van Garderen, D., Lannin, J., Jackson, C., Buchheister, K., Switzer, J.M. (April, 2009). Assessing mathematical understanding of struggling learners in number and operations. Workshop presented at the National Council of Mathematics Teachers 2009 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Switzer, J. M., & Buchheister, K. (2009, February). Mathematically at-risk students. Poster Session Presented at the CSMC Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ. van Garderen, D., Lannin, J., Jackson, C., Buchheister, K., Switzer, J.M. (February, 2009). Assisting elementary teachers in assessing mathematical understanding of struggling learners in number and operation. Symposium presented at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Education, Orlando, FL. Jackson, C., & Buchheister, K. (2008, February). Mathematically at-risk students. Poster Session Presented at the CSMC Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ. State</p><p>Buchheister, K. (2009, December). Using children’s literature to promote graphical literacy. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Jackson, C., Buchheister, K., & Taylor, C. (2009, December). Selecting Games. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Buchheister, K. (2008, December). Calculating within reason. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Jackson, C., Buchheister, K., & Taylor, C. (2008, December). Product Bingo. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Buchheister, K., & Switzer, J. M. (2008, September). Third grade students’ strategies for solving non-ten structures. Presented at the University of Missouri Mathematics and Science Colloquium, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Lannin, J., & Buchheister, K. (2007, December). How do I know this is always true? Helping elementary students explore algebra. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO.</p><p>Switzer, J.M., & Buchheister, K. (2007, December). It’s not just elementary my dear Watson: Understanding alternative algorithms. Presented at the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Columbia, MO. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2010 – 2011 Second Grade Students’ Interpretations of Various Representations Depicting Part-Part-Whole Relationships My dissertation work involved examining the mathematical thinking of second grade students. Current research in mathematics education indicates that individuals who exhibit a deep understanding of a mathematical concept are able to view the same idea </p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 3 4 through multiple representational forms such as diagrams, equations, contextual situations, and manipulative materials (such as blocks or counters). Therefore, classroom teachers include various models of a concept in order to help students develop their understanding of mathematical ideas. However, students often attend to unintended features of the models, which may inhibit their understanding of a particular idea. This study is to examine how second grade students interpret commonly used models for part- part-whole relationships. Research questions included: (a) How do second grade students interpret representations of contextual addition and subtraction problems that depict part- part-whole relationships, and (b) How do these interpretations differ based on students’ level of strategic competence?</p><p>2007 – 2011 A Study of the Struggling Learner’s Knowledge and Development for Number and Operation. PIs: Drs. John Lannin and Delinda van Garderen In this research NSF-funded research project, we examined first and second grade students’ knowledge and development across major constructs in primary mathematics: (a) one-to-one correspondence, (b) cardinality, (c) conservation of quantity, (d) magnitude, (e) number recognition, (f) number sequence, and (g) strategic competence. Currently, the team is working to define a learning trajectory for magnitude knowledge of first and second grade students who are struggling in mathematics. As a part of this research team I worked collaboratively with other members to: (a) design tasks, assessments (Early Number Battery), analysis templates, and teaching experiment lessons, (b) collect, analyze, and synthesize data from task-based interviews with first and second grade students, (c) create and conduct interviews with classroom teachers, and (d) write sections of conference proposals for National Conferences such as NCTM and AERA and publications for refereed journals.</p><p>2008 – 2009 Tools Development for Studying Fidelity of Curriculum Implementation (FOI) PIs: Drs. Iris Weiss, Dan Heck, Kathryn Chval, Steve Ziebarth The Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC) Tools Development Group focuses their work on developing models of tools that can be used by researchers and school district practitioners to examine curriculum implementation. As a part of this team, the members of the group collaborated at CSMC meetings and via distance communications to develop a pool of instruments, and to validate the measurement approach used in the instruments. The group developed tools for curriculum materials at the elementary, middle, and secondary grades, including both NSF-funded and commercially-produced materials. My individual contributions to this project included: (a) writing an initial draft for the instrument development section of the CSMC tools book, (b) creating analysis templates and tools for classroom teachers and research observers (including administrators) to use during classroom observations of FOI, and (c) observing classroom teachers during mathematics instruction using the tools we created to analyze FOI. The study is expected to be completed by February 2011 and the book on studying the enacted curriculum to expected to be completed by December 2010. </p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 4 University Level Summer 2012 University of South Carolina Early Childhood Education (EDEC) 510: Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education (PreK - Grade 3) Through a combination of practicum experiences and seminar sessions this course addresses the principles, practices, and content of family life curriculum as related to young children’s’ learning and development. The key assessment, a parent/family interview, is used as an opportunity for the student to engage in authentic application of the context addressed throughout the course; and thus support the students’ knowledge of competent family involvement.</p><p>Spring 2012 University of South Carolina Early Childhood Education (EDEC) 441: Teaching Mathematics in the Early Childhood Classroom (PreK – 3) The focus of this course is to develop the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of future teachers in the early childhood setting (pre-kindergarten through grade 3). Specifically, the course is designed to enhance pre-service teachers’ understanding of the learning and teaching of early childhood mathematics by providing opportunities for pre-service teachers to closely examine: (a) the reasoning of young children, (b) instructional strategies, (c) assessment procedures, and (d) curriculum materials. </p><p>University of South Carolina Professional Development with Killian Elementary School The focus of these four workshops was to enhance K- teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in elementary mathematics and provide opportunities for current teachers to closely examine: (a) the reasoning of young children, (b) instructional strategies, (c) assessment procedures, and (d) curriculum materials in elementary mathematics. </p><p>University of South Carolina Early Childhood Education (EDEC) 250: Play </p><p>Fall 2011 University of South Carolina Early Childhood Education (EDEC) 342: The Young Child: Development, Care, and Education (Ages 3 - 8) This course is designed to teach pre-service teachers how to apply theory and research related to young children (3-8 years) in order to develop and implement appropriate instructional strategies, curriculum, and assessment in early childhood and primary education. </p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 5 6</p><p>University of South Carolina Professional Development with Killian Elementary School: “Increasing Cognitive Demand: Elementary Teaching and the Revised Taxonomy” This two-day workshop was designed to engage the K-5 faculty at a local elementary school in collaborative discussions regarding how to effectively implement the structure of Bloom’s revised taxonomy in order to enhance students’ opportunity to learn.</p><p>Summer 2011 University of South Carolina Early Childhood Education (EDEC) 510: Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education (PreK - Grade 3) Through a combination of practicum experiences and seminar sessions this course addresses the principles, practices, and content of family life curriculum as related to young children’s’ learning and development. The key assessment, a parent/family interview, is used as an opportunity for the student to engage in authentic application of the context addressed throughout the course; and thus support the students’ knowledge of competent family involvement.</p><p>Fall 2009 University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4300: Learning and Teaching Number and Operation in the Elementary School (1-6) The focus of this course is to develop the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of future elementary and special education teachers. The course is designed to enhance pre-service teachers’ understanding of the learning and teaching of number and operations. Pre-service teachers in this course closely examine: (a) the reasoning of elementary students, (b) instructional strategies, and (c) curriculum materials.</p><p>Spring 2009 University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4020: Inquiry into Learning II: (K-12) The focus of this course is to build pre-service teachers’ understanding of school age (K-12) students, specifically related to: (a) the basic psychological needs of children and young adults, (b) comprehensive classroom management, and (c) differentiation for students with special needs, including special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students. The course is designed to help future teachers establish a working body of knowledge related to teaching and learning and become reflective practitioners.</p><p>University of Missouri Internship, Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4600: Diagnosis and Remediation, Mathematics Methods for Special Education Teachers (K-12) In this course pre-service teachers explore alternative teaching methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to students with special needs. In addition, the course is designed to help future teachers understand diagnostic and remedial instruction techniques for teaching mathematics.</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 6 Fall 2008 University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4300: Learning and Teaching Number and Operation in the Elementary School (1-6)</p><p>Spring 2008 University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4085: Elementary Field Experience (K-6) The second course in elementary field experience consists of seminars and classroom experiences that focus on meeting the needs of the diverse learners within a classroom setting. The combination of seminars, reflective work, collaboration with peers and mentoring teachers, and authentic classroom experiences provide a unique opportunity to enrich future teachers’ knowledge as they shift from student to professional educator.</p><p>University of Missouri Internship, Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4310: Learning and Teaching Geometry in the Elementary School (1-6) The goal of this course is to focus pre-service teachers’ attention on the content and complexities of teaching geometry, measurement, probability, and statistics in an elementary school classroom. Through this course future teachers enhance their pedagogical content knowledge by engaging in activities that closely examine: student reasoning, assessment procedures, instructional strategies, and curriculum materials.</p><p>Fall 2007 University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4300: Learning and Teaching Number and Operation in the Elementary School (1-6)</p><p>University of Missouri Teacher Development Program (TDP) 4314: Elementary Field Experience (K-6) The first course in elementary field experience consists of seminars and classroom experiences that focus on creating an instructional environment that meets the needs of all students in an individual classroom. The combination of seminars, reflective work, collaboration with peers and mentoring teachers, and authentic classroom experiences provide a unique opportunity to enrich future teachers’ knowledge as they shift from student to professional educator.</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 7 8</p><p>Elementary Teacher (Public School) 2004 – 2007 Fourth Grade Teacher Bay Point Elementary Magnet School, St. Petersburg, FL Grade Level Team Leader Technology Trainer</p><p>2002 – 2004 Fifth Grade Teacher Lakewood Elementary School, St. Petersburg, FL Mathematics and Science Lead Teacher Elementary Teachers Excited About Math (E-Team) Member English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Co-Teacher</p><p>2001 – 2002 Sixth Grade Mathematics Teacher Largo Middle School, Largo, FL General Mathematics</p><p>2001 Kindergarten Teacher Dale Mabry Elementary School, Tampa, FL</p><p>SERVICE N ational 2012 – present National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Teaching Children Mathematics Manuscript Reviewer</p><p>February 2012 National Science Foundation Proposal Review Panel: Arlington, VA</p><p>2009 - 2010 Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC) Research Symposium Co-Organizer </p><p>Fall 2009 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Proposal Reviewer</p><p>University 2012 – present Co-Course Coordinator: EDEC 441 Mathematics in Early Childhood</p><p>2012 – present Advanced Program Committee</p><p>2007 – 2010 Evaluator of Undergraduate Synthesis Projects Culminating Project for Elementary Education Majors</p><p>July 2008 Evaluator of Teaching Fellows Graduate Synthesis Projects Culminating Project for Masters Degree in Elementary Education</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 8 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>American Educational Research Association (AERA)</p><p>Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)</p><p>Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)</p><p>National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)</p><p>National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)</p><p>National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE)</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 9 10</p><p>PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES</p><p>Dr. Gloria Boutte Department Chair, Instruction and Teacher Education University of South Carolina, 820 South Main Street, Wardlaw 225 Columbia, SC 29208 [email protected] (803) 777-2018</p><p>Dr. Herman Knopf Associate Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education University of South Carolina, 820 South Main Street, Wardlaw 137 Columbia, SC 29208 [email protected] (803) 318-9566</p><p>Dr. Edwin Dickey Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education University of South Carolina, 820 South Main Street, Wardlaw 226 Columbia, SC 29208 [email protected] (803) 777-6235</p><p>Dr. John Lannin Associate Professor, Mathematics Education Director of Elementary Education University of Missouri Campus, 303 Townsend Hall Columbia, MO 65211 [email protected] (573) 882-6774</p><p>Dr. Kathryn Chval Associate Professor, Mathematics Education University of Missouri Campus, 303 Townsend Hall Columbia, MO 65211 [email protected] (573) 884-2656</p><p>Dr. Delinda van Garderen Assistant Professor, Special Education University of Missouri Campus, 303 Townsend Hall Columbia, MO 65211 [email protected] (573) 884-7075</p><p>Buchheister, K. Curriculum Vitae 10</p>
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