<p> Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>■Please fill in the blanks below to register the Person in Charge at the Booth during the show. Name Dept & Title</p><p>Sept.16 (Sun.) ~Sept. 23 (Sun.) Sept. 16 (Sun.) (Moving-in) Sept. 17 (Mon.) (Moving-in) Sept. 18 (Tue.) (Moving-in) Sept. 19 (Wed.) (Moving-in) Sept. 20 (Thur.) (Moving-in) Sept. 21(Fri.) (Moving-in) Sept. 22(Sat.) (Show day / Moving-out) Sept. 23 (Sun.) (Moving-out)</p><p>Note: If the same person is in charge for the duration of the show, only the first blank needs to be filled in. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>■Exhibitor Passes Number of booths</p><p> booths× 3passes = Passes Passes passes + If you need additional passes, please Additional passes required write the numbers you swish to have. Passes</p><p>Total number of passes required Passes ■Booth Contractor Passes Passes Number of passes required </p><p>※Holders for passes are available at the hall office.</p><p>■Please fill in the blanks below if the mailing address differs from the exhibitors. Company name:</p><p>Section: Contact: Mr./Ms./Other</p><p>Address:</p><p>TEL.: FAX:</p><p>Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>□We are applying for Invitation Tickets as follows: □We do not need invitation Tickets.</p><p>□Invitation Tickets (Japanese) pieces</p><p>□Invitation Tickets(English・Chinese) pieces</p><p>□Envelope pieces</p><p>□Poster pieces Note: *Application will not be accepted from co-exhibitors. Primary exhibitors shall apply for co-exhibitors.</p><p>- Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>Date & Time Purpose(circle) Type of vehicles Size of vehicles No. of vehicles n i Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits - g n i Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits v o</p><p>M Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits</p><p>Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits</p><p>Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits</p><p>Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits</p><p>Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits g</p><p> n Sept. . : hrs Decoration Exhibit</p><p> i ・ s v o Sept. . : hrs Decoration・Exhibits M Tick boxbelow, theappropriate CARNET clearance. excluding</p><p>■ □ □ Address E Contact Section Exhibitor name Contractor: Decoration Forwarder: Please type inwrite Pleaseor □ Please describe the bonded exhibition items inthefollowing columnsfor approval: bondedexhibitionitems Please describethe -mail exhibition item There will be bonded items used forboothfittingsanddecoration. will bebondeditemsused There will bebondedexhibits. There There will beNObondedexhibits. There -out Bonded : Sept. . Sept. . Sept. . Mr.</p><p>Tel.: Address: Tel.: Address: Forwarder's name □</p><p>□</p><p>By exhibitor By exhibitor By exhibitor /</p><p>Contractor : : :</p><p>Ms</p><p> hrs hrs hrs . Quantity /</p><p> b ’ s lock lock letters. name name</p><p>Decoration Decoration Decoration</p><p>Name of the Name of facturer ofdealer</p><p>□ □ By following forwarder By following forwarder By following ・ ・ ・</p><p>Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Tel.: (country manu- s s s</p><p>Fax: Fax: Contact: Mr./Ms./Other: production Country ofCountry c Date: ode+ ) FAX ode+</p><p>Contact: Mr./Ms./Other:</p><p>□ □ (W Both Size(cm) Both × D × : H)</p><p>Booth No.</p><p>Weight Country : ( Invoice value Invoice CIF Osaka ) ■Transportation contractor Company name:</p><p>Section: Contact Mr./Ms./Other</p><p>Address: Tel.: FAX:</p><p>Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>■Please give in the name and address of the booth decoration contractor, and the name of the contact person. The exhibitor must observe all rules and regulations, and is responsible for restoring the exhibition space to its original states.</p><p>■Decoration work</p><p>□ Contracted by the exhibitor □Use decoration package □ Conducted by the following contractor</p><p>2.Decorator Contractor name Address</p><p>Tel.: Fax: Representative name Contract name Tel.: Fax:</p><p>3.Period of decoration work Required period of Starting from: September Finished by: September decoration work</p><p>●Please note that the dates might be adjusted due to overall coordination. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>Please fill in the blanks below for the floor construction plan and the constructor’s name. The exhibitor must observe all the rules and regulations and is responsible for restoring the hall space to its original states.</p><p>□ We will conduct floor construction as follows. □ We will not conduct floor construction</p><p>Required period of Starting from: September Finished by: construction</p><p>Floor Anchor bolts (Diameter: mm) (Depth: mm) Construction plan (Number of points: )</p><p>Constructor name</p><p>Address</p><p>Tel.: Fax:</p><p>Representative name Contact name Tel.: Fax:</p><p>Note: Please attach a copy of the work design drawings, booth floor plan and a cross section view, to this notification.</p><p>Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>□ We will use Fire and/or Dangerous Materials as follows: □ We will not use Fire or Dangerous Materials. (1) Type of open fire Quantity Purpose</p><p>Note: Attach the specifications, catalogue and booth drawing.</p><p>(2) Oil Classification First oil Second oil Third oil Fourth oil Animal and (Acetone, (Kerosene, treated (Lubricating oil, (Turbine oil, vegetable oil Item gasoline) oil) crude petroleum cylinder oil) (Salad oil, cooking oil</p><p>L/day L/day L/day L/day L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll L/day ll ll ll ll ll (3)Gas Item Estimated consumption Purpose</p><p>High-pressure gas Kg /Liquefied gas Note: Attach the specifications, catalogue and booth drawing.</p><p>(4.) Others Electric welder □Will be used □Will not be used Compressor □Will be used(incl. L oil ) □Will not be used Electric boiler □Will be used □Will not be used Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>All the electrical work will be prepare based on this application form. No applications will be accepted after the deadline. □We are applying for power supply as follows: □We are not applying for electricity</p><p>Single phase 100V Single phase 200V Three phase 200V Capacity (kW)×Number Sub Total Capacity (kW) Sub Total Capacity Sub Total g n</p><p> i (kW) ×Number (kW) (kW)×Number (kW) t h g i × × × L</p><p> r</p><p> o × × × F × × × y r e</p><p> n × × × i h c</p><p> a × × × m</p><p> r × × × o F × × × × × × Sub total kW ① Sub total kW ② Sub total kW③ Total ① + ② + ③= kW (For the total (kW), round to the nearest integer, cf. 16.23kW=17kW) ・The necessary capacity for fluorescent lamps and high-voltage mercury lamps must be calculated at 150% of the rated capacity. 24-hour □Necessary Single phase 100V Capacity kW× Number= kW④ power □Unnecessary Single phase 200V Capacity kW× Number= kW⑤ supply Three phase 200V Capacity kW× Number= kW⑥</p><p>・For 24-hours of power supply, additional charges apply.</p><p>Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country: Please indicate the name and the address of the electrical work contractor for your booth. Contractor name: License No. Address Tel.: Fax: Contact Mr. /Ms./Other</p><p>Necessary Capacity Working Drawing Single phase (For lighting) Total kW 100V (For machine) Total kW</p><p>Single phase 200V Total kW Three-phase 200V Total kW</p><p>The necessary capacity for fluorescent lamps and high-voltage mercury lamps must be calculated at 150% of the rated capacity.</p><p>FL 40W ◎ Socket 十 Spotlight 100W △ Distribution board 100 V □ Adjacent booth Please write Adjacent adjacent booth Am Spotlight ▲ Distribution board 100V ■ number on the booth number Left( ) numbers on both on the right Halogen spotlight ○ sides. ( ) ・No power will be supplied to exhibitors who fail to submit the form. ・Submit a copy of a drawing, indicating positions of electrical appliances, outlet(s) and winning along with the form. (Please write adjacent booth numbers on both sides.) ・In a drawing for wiring and desired positions of electrical appliances and outlet(s), please indicate the following: whether single phase or three-phase; whether 100V or 200V; kind, switch type and capacity of electrical appliances; and diameter and number of cables. ・When 24-hours of power supply is needed, install a special circuit for the appliance and indicate the circuit with a red mark in the drawings. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>□We are applying for compressed air as follows. □We do not need compressed air. Size of valve mm Number of valves Pressure 6.5kg/㎠ Estimated consumption per minute NL/min</p><p>Piping work request □ To the booth □To the desired position (Additional charge applicable.)</p><p>Drawing of the desired Position(s) of installation</p><p>Adjacent booth number on the left Please write adjacent booth numbers of Adjacent booth number of the right ( ) both sides. ( )</p><p>・No changes will be accepted, once the application has been submitted. ・Please state maximum estimated amounts because if the actual amount of consumption exceeds the applied amount, troubles may occur during demonstrations. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country: □We are applying for steam supply as follows: □We do not need steam supply.</p><p>An estimate will be given later based on the information below. Name of machinery Estimated consumption per hour</p><p>Kg/ hour Kg/ hour Kg/ hour</p><p>Diameter of the valve φ m/m</p><p>Drawing of the desired position(s) of piping Adjacent booth number on Please write adjacent booth numbers on both Adjacent booth number on The left ( ) sides. the right ( )</p><p>Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country: □We are applying for water supply and drainage as follows: □We do not need water supply of drainage. Required diameter of Tick the appropriate box (5% consumption tax included) water supply pipe □13m/m(¥68,250) □20m/m (¥73,500) □25m/m(¥77,700) Demonstration Purpose Diameter of water Diameter of drainage Number of Exhibits Supply pipe (m/m) Pipe (m/m) hydrants</p><p>■Indicate the desired position of the tap and drainage.</p><p>Adjacent booth number of the Please write adjacent booth numbers on Adjacent booth number of left ( ) both sides. the right ( )</p><p>Contractor name: License No.</p><p>Address: Tel.: Fax: Contact Mr./Ms./Other No changes will be accepted, the application has been submitted. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country: □ We are applying for a telephone/FAX/ISDN/ADSL/Optical cable as follows: □ We do not apply. 1. Telephone ¥36,750 × unit (s)=¥ 2 .Fax ¥57,750 × unit (s)=¥ 3 .ADSL line ¥63,000 × line (s)=¥ 4. Optical cable ¥73,500 × line (s)=¥ Total Payment=¥ (Consumption Tax included) Please tick the box if you require international calls. *International Calls □Unnecessary □Necessary ■ Indicate the desired position for installation. ( If not indicated, the JIAM Desk will decide) </p><p>Adjacent booth number on the Please write adjacent booth numbers on both sides. Adjacent booth number of the left ( ) right( )</p><p>If an exclusive FAX line is to be used, please specify the line. Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>□We are applying for booth cleaning as follows: □We do not need booth cleaning.</p><p>Period Charge Sept. 18 (Tue.) ~Sept. 21 (Fri.) ¥3,150 × booth(s) = ¥ Evening (Consumption Tax included) Please type or write in block letters. Date: Exhibitor name Booth No.</p><p>Section</p><p>Contact: Mr. / Ms./ Other Tel.: (country code+ ) FAX: E-mail Address Country:</p><p>□We are applying for storage as follows: □We do not need storage.</p><p>¥ Unit(s) × \126,000</p><p>(Consumption Tax included)</p><p>・The storage space is limited to 40 units, provided on a first-come first-served bases.</p>
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