<p>Development plan of the IEE2007-project ENERCITIES</p><p>Related work packages: WP3-WP4-WP5-WP6-WP7-WP8-WP9 Period: M11-M36 (Jul 2009-Aug 2011) </p><p>Colophon Title ‘Development plan of the IEE2007-project ENERCTIES’ Draft version (20090216) Written by consortium member Marco Rescigno (ROC Nijmegen) E-mail: info@ENERCITIES.eu Internet: www.ENERCITIES.eu </p><p>Pagina 1 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final Copyright © 2009 ENERCITIES consortium. All rights reserved. </p><p>Content 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………….2 1.1 Focus of this document…………………………………………………………………..…………....2 1.2 Focus of the project Enercities………………………………………………………………...... 2 </p><p>2. WP3: development of education materials…………………………………………………………...3 2.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 2.2 Description……………………………………………………………………………………………...3 </p><p>3. WP4: development of web-based game platform…………………………………………………...4 3.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………….4 3.2 Description……………………………………………………………………………………………..4 </p><p>4. WP5: development of community facility……………………………………………………………..5 4.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………………………………….5 4.2 Description……………………………………………………………………………………………..5</p><p>Pagina 2 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 1. Introduction </p><p>1.1. Focus of this document This document describes the short-term action plan for the development of the Enercities project infrastructure, based on three pillars: a) education materials, b) game-based platform and c) community facility. It’s a final product of WP2 Scoping. The purposes of this document are, on the basis of the application form and of the state of the art of Enercities, a) to identify in detail tasks and responsibilities of both project promoter and partners in the short term (until Month 11 - summer holidays), b) to set related deadlines and c) to serve as a guide and an impulse for all consortium members during the crucial first stages of Enercities. </p><p>1.2. Focus of the project ENERCITIES Project ENERCITIES offers a game-based learning platform (serious game) where young people in Europe can experience energy-related implications (e.g. energy consumption, energy savings, renewable energy, energy & environment). Serious gaming is the application of gaming technology in combination with learning methodologies to solutions of problems and/or regarding challenges faced by businesses, education institutes and other organizations. Serious games include games used for educational, persuasive, political, or health purposes. The heart of the platform will be group competitions to create and expand virtual cities dealing with pollution, energy shortages, energy reduction plans, renewable energy projects etc. The platform is attractive for youngsters: advanced on energy topics, teamwork-oriented, competition-based and community-driven. Education programmes are integrated with the game-based learning platform via a to be developed education toolbox. This integration will be piloted in 5 education institutions (located in various countries in Europe). European rollout of the platform - accompanied with an education toolbox - is facilitated among 50 education institutions. Events are organized to share experiences. The project makes youngsters via competition aware of energy-related implications and will have the ability to change their energy attitudes and behaviour. Education institutions will have state- of-the-art and attractive learning tools to upgrade their education programmes. The duration of the project is 36 months in order to maximize the rollout and the usage of the project’s infrastructure. </p><p>Pagina 3 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 2. WP3: development of education materials 2.1 Summary: WP Leader: Ljudska Univerza Velenje Main actors: educational institutes (Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, LMC, KEK Kykladon, Akademie Klausenhof) having the task to develop, translate and test the education materials for the pilot phase. Other involved actors: Paladin (limited involvement in initial testing) and QEAM (Mapping and analysing activities – Limited test involvement) Advisor role: Diputacion Granada Deliverables: a) 1 set of students’ education materials; b) 1 teachers’ training manual Important: this WP is strongly interconnected with WP4 and WP5; transfer of responsibilities from WP2 leader to WP3 leader. Suggestions: find the best way to involve teachers since M7 and students since M9 </p><p>Action: University of Velenje has to coordinate the efforts of Enercities partners and present to consortium members the expected deliverables on the due dates. </p><p>2.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Map and analysis of existing Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, LMC, Completed education materials KEK Kykladon, Akademie Klausenhof Draft of a) set of students’ Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, LMC, a) realised education materials according KEK Kykladon, Akademie b) M16 – Dec 2009 to the grid in the toolbox and b) Klausenhof teachers’ training manual Final versions with translations Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, LMC, a) realised of deliverables a) and b) KEK Kykladon, Akademie b) M17 – Jan 2010 Klausenhof, Diputacion Granada Testing phase Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M16 - Dec 2009 KEK Kykladon, Akademie Klausenhof, Paladin Studios Checking functionality of web Velenje Every six months during links in the toolbox Enercities life. </p><p>Pagina 4 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 3. WP4: development of web-based game platform </p><p>3.1 Summary: WP Leader: Paladin Studios Main actors: Paladin Studios, Qeam, Diputacion Granada, Velenje, Klausenhof, KEK Other involved actors: ROC Nijmegen, LMC (limited involvement in testing phase and translations) Deliverables: a) web-based game platform; b) technical and support manuals Important: this WP is strongly interconnected with WP3 and WP5; each school has to fix its test weeks (ROC Nijmegen takes 1-15 July 2009) during the meeting in Ljubljana Suggestions: check the exchange of information between Granada and Paladin </p><p>Action: Paladin Studios develops both game platform and technical manuals; Paladin Studios works together with Dip. Granada for the definition of energy parameters to be used in the game. ROC Nijmegen and Qeam discuss the game with IEE representatives in Brussels </p><p>3.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Conversion of project Paladin, Qeam, ROC NijmegenRealised requirements in use cases Analysis and design of platformPaladin Realised components Definition of energy parametersDiputacion Granada, Paladin In progress; expected end of M17 – Jan 2010 Building agreed platform Paladin, KEK Realised components; delivery of manuals Translation of game platform Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, M17 – Jan 2010 and manuals in proposed Klausenhof, LMC, KEK, languages Diputacion Granada Technical testing of game Paladin Realised platform components Functional testing by teachers Klausenhof, ROC Nijmegen, Pre-pilot completed; Pilot on and students LMC, KEK, Velenje M15/16 – Nov/Dec 2009 Re-tuning the game due to the Paladin M17 Jan 2010 suggestions after the meeting in Germany and the discusion with the IEE representatives </p><p>Pagina 5 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 4. WP5: development of community facility </p><p>4.1 Summary: WP Leader: Paladin Studios Main actors: all Enercities partners; LMC plays a special role as responsible for communication Deliverables: a) community facility; b) technical and support manuals Important: this WP is strongly interconnected with WP3 and WP4; basic version of the facility to be ready in April; find the best way to prove that we have 6.000 students and 300 lessons Suggestions: facility should have two section (open and restricted) </p><p>Action: Paladin Studios develops the community facility; a special section for various languages has to be also developed. Via the community facility a teacher has to be able to keep track of students' activities. Feedback from teachers has to be taken into account to check platform functionality. </p><p>4.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Conversion of project Paladin, Qeam, ROC NijmegenRealised requirements in use cases a) Analysis, design and Paladin a) Realised; building of community facility b) M16 - Dec 2009 components; b) delivery of manuals Translation of community Velenje, ROC Nijmegen, M17 - Jan 2010 facility and manuals in Klausenhof, LMC, KEK, proposed languages Diputacion Granada Technical testing Paladin Realised Functional testing by teachers Klausenhof, ROC Nijmegen, Realised and students LMC, KEK, Velenje </p><p>Pagina 6 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 5. WP6: Pilot </p><p>5.1 Summary: WP Leader: ROC Nijmegen Main actors: all Enercities partners; Deliverables : a) training sessions for teachers; b) pilot reflection workshop Important: the pilot is a crucial phase of Enercities, the basis for the rollout phase. </p><p>Action: All consortium members organise game playing sessions with teachers and students to test Enercities. At least one teacher and 5 students are required for each consortium member for the pre-pilot; at least two teachers and 15 students are required for the pilot and they will submit their evaluation questionnaires via Google to Qeam </p><p>5.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Development of pilot Qeam M13 – Sep 2009 implementation and evaluation plan Training instructions for ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M13 – Sep 2009 involved pilot educational Akademie Klausenhof, KEK, institutions Velenje Pilot ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M16 – Dec 2009 Akademie Klausenhof, KEK, Velenje; Paladin en Diputacion Granada (technical and functional support) Pilot reflection workshop Paladin Realised </p><p>Pagina 7 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 6. WP7: Rollout </p><p>6.1 Summary: WP Leader: ROC Nijmegen Main actors: all Enercities partners; Deliverables : a) training sessions for teachers; b) pilot reflection workshop Important: Core of the project. Special attention on the external training institutions which will participate in the rollout (via remote training) </p><p>Action: All the educational institutions involved (consortium members and external) use Enercities as learning tool in selected classrooms. ROC Nijmegen coordinates this rollout. External schools get trained via remote training. </p><p>6.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Development of rollout Qeam, Paladin, ROC M17– Jan 2010 implementation plan (inclusive Nijmegen? of training, support and evaluation plans) Contacting and contracting 45 ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M16 to M20 – Dec 2009 to Apr rollout education institutions in Akademie Klausenhof, KEK, 2010 11 countries Velenje, Diputacion Granada Remote training ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M17/18 – Jan/Feb 2010 Akademie Klausenhof, KEK, Velenje; Paladin en Diputacion Granada (technical and functional support) Meeting Consortium participants and M20 – Apr 2010 EU Commission Rollout reflection workshop All consortium members M25 – Sep 2010 Rollout report Qeam M32 – Apr 2011 </p><p>Pagina 8 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 7. WP8: Communication and dissemination </p><p>7.1 Summary: WP Leader: Lancaster & Morecambe College Main actors: all Enercities partners; Deliverables : a) communication plan; b) 4 EU-level virtual competitions; c) 6 regional information events; d) final conference; e) report </p><p>Action: LMC develops the Enercities communication plan, to be uploaded on the Enercities communication platform. CP must contains details about all Enercities communication events (local and international ones) </p><p>7.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Creation of a communication LMC, Qeam M12 – Aug 2009 plan (CP) CP launch (to inform external All consortium members M16 – Dec 2009 training institutions and indirect involved youngsters about Enercities) Organisation and rollout of 4 All consortium members M20, M23, M28, M33 – Apr, virtual EU-level competitions Jul, Dec 2010 and May 2011 Organisation of 6 regional ROC Nijmegen, LMC, M30 – Mar 2011 information events Akademie Klausenhof, KEK, Velenje, Diputacion Granada Organisation of a final LMC, Qeam; contribution from M35 – Jul 2011 conference all other consortium members Communication and LMC, Qeam M36 – Aug 2011 dissemination final report </p><p>Pagina 9 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final 8. WP9: Analysis </p><p>8.1 Summary: WP Leader: Qeam Main actors: all Enercities partners (to facilitate survey processes) Deliverables : a) pre- and post-pilot analysis; b) pre- and post-rollout analysis; c) final report; d) academic publication </p><p>Action: Qeam edits questionnaires and any other tools necessary for analyzing project results; Qeam delivers reports on the expected dates. </p><p>8.2 Description: Activity Actors Deadline Preparation of survey and Qeam Realised analysis Analysis of survey and project Qeam Realised infrastructure (related to pilot) Conclusions and Qeam M16 – Dec 2009 recommendations (related to pilot) survey preparation and pre- Qeam M16 – Dec 2009 analysis (related to rollout) Conclusions and Qeam M34 – Jun 2011 recommendations (related to rollout) Final report Qeam M36 – Aug 2011 </p><p>Pagina 10 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final Page 7 out of 11 – Development plan - Draft Version - ENERCITIES consortium ENERCITIES Schedule </p><p>Duration projectSep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug (months) Project phase 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 WP1: Management </p><p>WP2: Scoping </p><p>WP3: Development Education Materials WP4: Development Game-based Platform WP5: Development Community Facility WP6: Pilot </p><p>WP7: Rollout </p><p>WP8: Communication & Dissemination WP9: Analysis </p><p>WP10: Common Dissemination Activities Project meetings x x x x x x x </p><p>Project reports to EACI PR1 IR PR2 FR</p><p>Project Information X X X X Sheet to EACI Project Webpage/site X creation and update D2.1 D2.2 . D3.1 D1.1 D8.1 D6.2 D3.1 D7.1 D8.2 D1.2 D7.1 D1.2 D7.3 D8.2 D9.3D1.4 D3.2 D3.2 D9.1 D8.2 D8.2 D8.4 D4.1 D4.1 D9.2 Project deliverables D4.2 D5.1 D5.1 D5.2 D6.1</p><p>Pagina 11 van 11 Enercities_Developmentplan Final</p>
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