<p> Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 GROWING TOGETHER COMMUNITY GARDEN</p><p>BUSINESS PLAN 2012-2015</p><p>Updated January 2013</p><p>Located at: The Growing Together Community Garden Pevensey Road Newhaven East Sussex BN9 9TT</p><p>Main contacts: 1. Jenny Leon Open Spaces Development Worker 01273 311700 2. Hayley Cox Chairperson</p><p>Website http://growingtogethernewhaven.org/</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Correspondence address: c/o Hayley Cox Wild Sea House Charleston Avenue Newhaven East Sussex BN9 9HB</p><p>Page 1 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 Contents</p><p>1. Executive Summary 2. Mission Statements 3. Key Principles 4. Aims & Objectives 5. History Context 6. Area of Operation 7. Management 8. Governance, Professional and Advisory Support 9. Staff roles and responsibility 10. Main Services provided 11. How the organization helps the community 12. Review of recent achievements 13. Review of problems 14. SWOT Analysis developed through workshop at committee and staff away day 15. Strategic Long Term Aims for next 5 years 16. Specific Objectives, targets and timetable for 2012-13 17. Marketing and communication strategy 18. Financial Analysis 19. Critical success factors /Risk assessment 20. Monitoring and evaluation strategy 21. Reviewing the Plan</p><p>Page 2 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012</p><p>1. Executive summary This Business plan was originally developed in 2012 and has been reviewed in January 2013. Its purpose is to clarify achievements of the project and set out the strategy for future development. </p><p>The Growing Together Community Garden (GTCG) is managed by local people from Newhaven and the surrounding and is open to everyone in the public/all. The garden delivers a range of activities for all age groups with particular emphasis on including people of different ages and from different ethic and social backgrounds, people fro hard to reach groups and those on low incomes. Everyone is welcome to help support the development of this site as a community-growing place and a welcoming space for the whole community to enjoy.</p><p>GTCG is still in its early stages of development. It relies heavily on the support and involvement of the Open Spaces worker from Newhaven Community Development Association who initiated the project in 2010. In 2011 a small group of interested local people formed a committee and set up a community organisation to manage and guide the development of the garden. In 2012 the committee went form strength to strength and attracted 2 new active members.</p><p>To date GTCG has raised small grants to fund its development and activities. The relationship with NDCA continues to be an important and strong link, and the Open Spaces Worker from NDCA continues to create opportunities for GTCG to work in partnership with other projects within the Newhaven area.</p><p>GTCG believes that critical to its long-term success and sustainability is its ability to employ one or 2 part time workers to assist GTCG to develop self-reliance, stability and independence. Steered by the management committee it is envisaged that part time staff would help develop continuity for the garden and its policies and networks, as well as project manage a wide range of initiatives activities.</p><p>GTCG plans to become a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantor in 2013 and this is seen as a critical factor in being able to access revenue funding for the employment of staff.</p><p>2. Mission statement GTCG is a public garden open to all and run independently by local people. The garden aims to involve local people, empowering them to shape their physical and social environment. To date activities have been laid on to engage young, old and different ethnic groups, and participation by people from disadvantaged backgrounds is actively promoted. Local people with or without gardens can come to work in the garden, grow food, socialise and meet and make friends or study wildlife. The cliff top garden is a stunning destination and many visitors enjoy its dramatic situation and beautiful surroundings. Many also use it as a retreat from day to day life.</p><p>3. Key principles GTCG is run by local people and aims to involve a full spectrum of members of the community in its upkeep and management. GTCG is open to the public daily and is for all sectors of the community. Community development and social cohesion is as important as the environmental aspects of our work. We aim to support the personal development of all garden users by providing opportunities for learning and development. Special recognition is given in the projects’ activities to the potential benefits of the garden for children and vulnerable adults. GTCG aims to create an inclusive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued, and individuals are respected and respect each other.</p><p>Page 3 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 GTCG aims to be as sustainable as possible. It is gardened organically, encourages recycling including composting and encourages biodiversity. It only takes on projects that it can continue to support/ or that can be supported by others.</p><p>GTCG as a new organization and recognises the need to learn from other people and groups as well as share our experiences with the wider community.</p><p>4. Aims and objectives OVERALL AIM To involve local people and expressly those who are disadvantaged in the running of GTCG</p><p>SPECIFIC AIMS (outcomes) 1. The involvement of people from all sections of the local community in managing, maintaining and receiving benefit from the garden, thereby creating increased community cohesion. 2. To create a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and that they have a contribution to make, especially vulnerable people and people from disadvantaged groups/ backgrounds 3. To make the garden as productive as possible and for harvests to be shared and celebrated. 4. To increase knowledge and understanding of environmental issues </p><p>OBJECTIVES (outputs/ activities) 1. To provide opportunities for participating in all aspects of the project - gardening and associated activities, encouraging the active participation in, and management of the project by local people. 2. Within a welcoming atmosphere and ethos of inclusion, to facilitate and run groups accessible to people with particular disadvantage (e.g. disability/ mental health/ children). 3. To provide a range of formal and informal learning opportunities for all ages (wildlife/ recycling/food growing/art/gardening workshops/school visits/ group visits ) 4. To improve the physical and mental health of the community via active gardening and awareness of healthy eating. Organise grow, cook and eat sessions</p><p>5. Project background GTCG originated less than 2 years ago from an area of unused field /land. Two community- minded local residents own the land but as it wasn’t productive were keen to see it being used by the community of Newhaven. They offered it initially on a 5-year basis to Newhaven Community Development Association to be developed as a community garden. Now, under two and a half years from its inception the project is thriving and has attracted a lot of local interest and use. The site has been developed to incorporate growing beds, a sensory garden using living willow, a large raised bed, wildlife pond, plots for a local youth group and playgroup and is a space for everyone to put their mark on. </p><p>GTCG aims to involve the local community, especially the disadvantaged, in the management and maintenance of the garden. We aim to provide an environment that is welcoming and inclusive that also improves community cohesion and strengthening community bonds. Through formal and informal activities, its users will improve their knowledge and appreciation of gardening and the natural environment with the aim of improving physical and mental health as well as economic wellbeing. Fruit and vegetables will be grown for the community of gardeners to share. This knowledge and enthusiasm may then be shared within the wider community. This includes sharing excess produce with The Hillcrest Centre Community Café.</p><p>Open to the public daily, GTCG is a unique project located in a stunning cliff top setting. The garden is a source of inspiration and relaxation, education and has brought pleasure to a huge number of gardeners, volunteers, visitors and other community groups. The garden was set up primarily for the people of Newhaven. Newhaven is a town, which experiences high levels of unemployment and deprivation. It is also easily accessed from </p><p>Page 4 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 Peacehaven and involvement by people from the surrounding community is encouraged.</p><p>Newahven is a deprived costal town and many of the local residents, especially those living in the town centre, do not have access to a garden. The deprivation found here has serious impacts on the health profile, educational attainment and quality of life of the local community. All 8 Super Output areas in Newhaven show that local deprivation is multiple, severe and worsening in a District of relative affluence:</p><p>• Ward level deprivation (24.19 & 22.44) greater than county average IMD 18.78 and Lewes District 14.79</p><p>• The poverty gap is increasing: 25% household incomes less than 60% of national average; 25% in worst 20-30% most deprived nationally; 63% in worst 20% in the south east </p><p>• Deprivation is intergenerational. Low education & skills: 38% in worst 10% nationally; 33% residents 16 - 74 have no qualifications (23% in south east); Reception children perform 25% worse than East Sussex counterparts (ESCC 2010)</p><p>• Poverty impacts on health and life expectancy (ESDWPCT Director of Public Health Annual Report 2010)</p><p>• The health impacts are reflected starkly in the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2010 'Reducing Health Inequalities in East Sussex’</p><p>• Life expectancy 3 years lower than the rest of the District</p><p>• 24% of children live in poverty</p><p>• Largest impact on mortality from coronary heart disease (4 years potential gain)</p><p>• Highest reported East Sussex prevalence of diabetes mellitus</p><p>These needs are embodied in the NSN Regeneration Physical Vision 2010 (RPV), the Newhaven Food Strategy 2005 and the Newhaven Physical Activity Strategy 2011.</p><p>5. Evidence of Need and the potential benefits of a community garden for Newhaven There has been a lot of research on the link between positive mental and physical health and gardening and access to the natural world.</p><p>It’s difficult to estimate the number and range of people benefiting from the garden annually as it open access for all to enjoy and use. Some people may just use occasionally while others will use a weekly basis or more frequently. It appeals to all age groups and therefore is great environment for inter generational work. We think that over 200 people a year derive direct benefit form the project.</p><p>There have been many studies producing a large amount of evidence of the positive impact and physical and mental health benefits for a range of people of contact with nature, horticulture and in particular for this contact to take place I public open spaces such as community gardens. The true value of city farms and community gardens has been highlighted in a research study carried out by The Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens. The aim of the research was to assess and document the impact and value of community farms and gardens to individuals and communities, focussing on opportunities for engagement, volunteering, training, capacity building and empowerment. The findings clearly demonstrated the value of community managed farms and gardens: the work of community farms and gardens provides tangible benefits to many people's lives, increasing their well-being, community involvement and pride in their local </p><p>Page 5 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 environment. These benefits go a long way towards supporting government agendas in relation to health, education, climate change and social inclusion, amongst others.</p><p>A summary of the research see true value leaflet Appendix A 7. Governance/Management and Finance A small management committee of local people who meet bi-monthly run GTCG. A committee of 6 people was established when group was first set up. Two of the original members have since left but 2 new members with specific skills with IT and design skills have been recruited. The experience and skills of the committee are varied and we aim for the committee to reflect the community served by the garden. GTCG are hoping to recruit new members for the committee in the coming year and has been regularly reviewing the status of the group with a view to becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. As there has been a long delay in the becoming an option the committee has decided to proceed to register as a company limited by guarantee and a s a charitable organization with the Charity Commission in 2013. Current Management Committee [as of Feb 2012]: Hayley Cox Chair Joan Rhodes Treasurer Douglas Bennett Secretary Kate Bowen Richard Bagshat Stefan Missen</p><p>GTCG is reliant on funding from a variety of sources. A small percentage of our funding is generated from events and plant sales (currently about 2%), and for the rest we have relied mainly on lottery funding to date. A fundraising plan is to be established following the agreement of the business plan.</p><p>GTCG is in the process of obtaining a 5-year lease at a peppercorn rent from Joan and Peter Rhodes. 8. Staff roles and responsibilities The committee has contracted NCDA to provide a worker on a sessional basis to lead the gardens initiatives and co-ordinate its activities. Jenny Leon - The Open Spaces Worker from NDCA is currently contracted to deliver the Awards For All Wildlife Project and informally encourages and facilitates the active involvement of the community and volunteers in the running of the garden. She has also facilitated the use of the garden by other local groups, a key part of the vision of how the garden can meet with communities needs. She has worked along side the committee and reports directly to them on a bi-monthly basis. She also consults committee members informally regarding specialist areas in-between the meetings. Sessional workers are also employed to deliver specific projects (eg The Living willow garden workshops, installation of the Pond)</p><p>Future plans involve identifying target audiences and proactive inclusion of different group. For example in 2013 GTCG are running a project in conjunction with SOMPRITI an organization working in the local area with members of various Balk and ethnic minority communities. GTCG has also identified that it will work in a more promotional way with the residents of Peachaven, an </p><p>9. Professional and Advisory Support</p><p>Affiliations; Federation of City farms and Community Garden NCDA 3VA</p><p>Bank: HSBC, High Street, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9PD Account Number 71490788</p><p>Page 6 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012</p><p>Accountant/auditor: Currently the accounts are not formally audited. NCDA keeps audited accounts on behalf of GTCG for the area of the project that they are contracted to deliver.</p><p>Insurance: Towergate Insurance Towergate House, Five Airport West, Lancaster Way, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7ZA. 10.Main services provided Public Garden This public garden is accessible at all times for public use. It is in a stunning cliff top position. Membership The garden holds a database of over 150 people wishing to support or become involved in the project. They receive regular newsletters and updates. Currently there is no formal membership scheme that people have to pay for. Community involvement The community is involved in the garden in many different ways, including attending regular gardening sessions, coming to garden on their own and with friends and family, attending one off events such as workshops, open days, social events. The garden is also well used by other community groups and projects in Newhaven. In additional many passers come in and enjoy looking around and sitting in the peace and quiet. The garden is accessed by a public right of way that is used regularly so there are many people passing daily. Over the last 18 months through publicity / stalls at local events / and most importantly word of mouth more and more people are getting involved in and benefiting from the project.</p><p>Work with Children and families GTCG works to encourage the participation in and use of the garden by all local schools and children’s and youth groups. We run activities, courses and events especially for children and families. We also organise visits from groups such as brownies and guides. In the past we have worked with a children’s art groups ‘Start Art Smart Art’ who have used the garden as a source of inspiration for their work. GTCG also works in partnership with local youth workers and in 2012 delivered a ‘rake and bake’ course and the Local Youth group had regular sessions at the garden last growing season</p><p>During summer 2011, 2012 and again planned for 2013 From Seed to Table is a 7-week course running every Thursday from 12.30-2.30. We start by making and eating a healthy lunch and then do various activities/project around the garden. The aim is to introduce families to healthy eating and gardening by giving them the opportunity to have a go/try new simple ideas for recipes/activities that they can do with their kids. From Seed to Table is a 7-week course running every Thursday from 12.30-2.30. We start by making and eating a healthy lunch and then do various activities/project around the garden. The aim is to introduce families to healthy eating and gardening by giving them the opportunity to have a go/try new simple ideas for recipes/activities that they can do with their kids.</p><p>Events The garden arranges events throughout the year</p><p>Volunteers Volunteers pay key role in the success of the garden and are recruited and supported to help with a range of the gardens activities and functions. A structured led half-day session is run weekly attended regularly by about 10 people. GTCG has working links with Volunteer Centre and various other volunteering/ employment projects such as Summerhays which is a project working with people with mental health wellbeing needs. GTCG has also organized a volunteer days for local business which 20 staff from Veolia attended. </p><p>Case Study – A volunteer</p><p>Page 7 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012 ‘I started to go to the community garden around July 2011 to take part in activities on Tuesday mornings. I am on medication for anxiety/depression and I have been going to courses (CBT, Self-esteem, WRAP – Wellness Recovery Action Planning etc…) for that. Everyone at Growing Together Community Garden is friendly and it has really helped me feel more confident around new and old people. </p><p>Communicating and talking with people is really difficult for me and causes me a lot of anxiety. I started off with just saying ‘hi’ then a little more each time. Now I’m less worried and starting to have actual conversations with people. So I have improved talking and being around people socially a lot. The garden feels like a safe place I can go to and has really helped me.</p><p>It has got me out the house and given me one thing to enjoy. It does make me feel better and keeps my mind busy, even if I just spend an hour or so weeding. I sometimes just go there and have a sit down. I don’t have to pretend to be happy if I don’t feel it.</p><p>I never knew I liked gardening and I am enjoying it and have even started taking part in a free gardening course at the garden. Since starting the gardening and increasing my confidence I have been able to start volunteering elsewhere.</p><p>I wouldn’t know how to thank everyone that looks after the garden, organizes it as they have helped me feel a bit better about myself’</p><p>The committee members volunteer their time and collectively are involved in all aspects of running the project and its activities. 11.How the organization helps the community The community has a very beautiful and well-maintained garden for their daily use and open to all. This safe, supportive environment provides opportunities for learning. It is a much-needed community space for the area of Newhaven where it is located as there are no community facilities on this side of the town. There are some allotments in the Newhaven area but here are lengthy waiting lists. Also the community garden provides a very different experience of growing vegetables communally, opportunities for social inclusion and also provides an outdoor venue in a stunning location for many different types of activities. </p><p>GTCG brings together people from all walks of life on a genuinely equal footing. </p><p>GTCG is a place for local people and community groups to use in many different ways. It can be a place for gardening, for quiet contemplation, for meeting new people or old friends, for exercise, for food growing, for enjoying a diversity of plant and animal life, and for learning about and appreciating the natural environment. </p><p>12.Review of recent achievements The garden has successfully run a wide range of activities and developed strong working relationships within the community of Newhaven and beyond.</p><p>Programme of community events that took place in 2010-12 include: Open Days Summer children’s and family workshops cook and eat / healthy lifestyles Group visits eg Newhaven Garden Society, Sure Start Team Day, Brownies, Guides, Start Art Smart Art. Stalls at the Newhaven Christmas fayre/ summer market and Fish Festival Community BBQ Family Halloween Party (Oct), Christmas party Series of Art workshops held at The Hillcrest Centre producing pottery items for the garden Bonfire Night</p><p>Page 8 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012</p><p>Other achievements to date Laying out of the plots – development and maintenance of the site Food production by a range of individuals and volunteers Creation of sensory garden Willow growing workshops Family growing and eating sessions Art workshops Wildlife and tree planting events New gates /signs for the garden Production of quarterly newsletters for members Paticipation in Local Open garden scheme for chgharity Garden Gadabout Installation of a wildlife pond RABI Jubilee Beacon Trips to visit Seaford Community Garden and Stanmer Organics Direct service to volunteers who are supported to garden weekly some of whom need support to actively engage in the garden. Transport is provided to those who need it. Local Brownies were facilitated to gain their gardening badge Guided visits for community groups 13.Review of problems Working with vulnerable people in a remote location Engaging more people No protected growing space within the garden – problems getting planning permission for poly – tunnel Lack of toilet facilities Limited funding </p><p>14.SWOT Analysis developed through workshop at committee meeting ( see appendix 1)</p><p>15. Strategic Long Term Aims for next 3 years</p><p>To increase participation and use of the garden by individuals, schools and community groups and organisations.</p><p>To continue to do what we are currently doing and remain a small-scale project, but to make improvements and developments.</p><p>To put the project on a more secure footing by obtaining funding. This will enable GTCG to employ a worker on a part time / sessional basis to co-ordinate the different elements of the gardens activities. Funding is also required to enable some small-scale capital developments such as installation of a poly tunnel and compost WC.</p><p>To become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation ( CIO)</p><p>To remain a successful and genuinely grass roots project in which local people to influence the decision making process in their own area. </p><p>To help breakdown barriers between different groups creating greater social cohesion in the communities of Newhaven and Peacehaven by appealing to people of all ages, ethnicity, class and religious backgrounds. </p><p>To remain an inclusive project in which all participants can contribute and are valued equally. </p><p>Page 9 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012</p><p>To improve the physical and mental health of local people through their experiences at GTCG Garden: - Healthy eating and lifestyles. - Economic benefit of growing food - Individual empowerment </p><p>To raise awareness of environmental and sustainability issues and for this to affect changes in people’s lives.</p><p>16.Specific Objectives, targets and timetable for 2013</p><p>Capacity building and governance targets Become a CIO Obtain a lease for the garden</p><p>Capital projects Install a composting toilet</p><p>Projects Throughout the year we aim to run weekly led gardening sessions open to all including various funded projects - Winter Gardening, Grow, Cook, Share - run in conjunction wit Sompriti and From Food to Table Family Learning</p><p>Events April The Illuminated Garden – fundraising evening June ‘Garden Gadabout’ open gardens event July Community meal August Stall at Fish Festival September Stall at Fete de Newhaven September Harvest Celebration October Half term event at the garden / Halloween party November Bonfire December Christmas decoration and wreath making</p><p>17.Marketing and Communication strategy GTCG has had Facebook presence for approx18month. </p><p>In December 2012 one of our committee members built a website for the group. http://growingtogethernewhaven.org/ It has been designed to be easy to update and added to by others.</p><p>The garden produces a regular newsletter approximately 4 times a year which is sent to over 200 individuals as well as distributed to local community venues.</p><p>Gardening sessions, workshops and events are promoted in a variety of local publications: http://www.seahavenfm.com/whatson.php Publication : Whats on In Newahven Posters are placed in various locations a round the town and surrounding areas and in the Newhaven Town Notice boards. Courses and events will also be promoted via 3VA in 2013</p><p>The gardens committee would like the garden to be promoted as a venue to community groups who can use it for free and for businesses (small charge). This will be possible once there is a toilet installed on site. This will assist in promoting the garden and generate a small income.</p><p>Page 10 Growing Together Community Garden Business Plan 2012 to 2015 Created Feb 2012</p><p>18. Financial Analysis GTCG has funded activities to date via Lottery funding (Peoples Millions and Awards for All) plus small amounts form other sources / help in kind and small scale local fundraising events. Current work is being funded via and Awards for All grant that will support activities until July 2012. The GTCG committee recognize the need for funding to employ directly or seasonally staff to manage the overall development of the garden and specifically to co – ordinate its activities. Following the adoption of this business plan GTCG committee plan to fundraise for the costs of a part time worker / equivalent. The fundraising strategy will continue to include smaller scale local fundraising as an important part of community engagement in the project.</p><p>18.Critical success factors /Risk assessment</p><p> Physical risk to individuals visiting or working in the garden – risk assessments are completed for all guided sessions First Aid equipment is available in garden hut. Health and Safety, Child protection and Vulnerable Adults Policies are displayed in a prominent position Public liability insurance is held to provide cover in the event of harm to staff, volunteers or members of public.</p><p>20. Monitoring and evaluation strategy</p><p> Record of those attending the supported groups and volunteer sessions are kept.</p><p> The management committee meets every 6 weeks and is attended by the Open Spaces worker from NCDA. The views of garden members and of the public are fed into this forum. Any other community gardeners are welcome to attend. A financial report is presented at each meeting.</p><p> Various monitoring occurs both of the overall project and in relation to specific pieces of work undertaken by GTCG for which discrete funding has been obtained. This includes both statistical monitoring of those attending ach session and also formal feedback from attendees. This feedback will be reported to the committee as part of on-going review of the gardens various projects and activities and be used for future planning.</p><p> There was an extensive survey of local people carried out before the inception of the garden. We intend to carry out another in the next 12 months.</p><p> Record keeping includes up to date lists of people who have expressed an interest in the garden and getting involved in activities and events.</p><p> Regular newsletters (Quarterly) include a round up of the recent events and is distributed widely. An annual update regarding the project is part of NDCA annual review of services?</p><p>20. Reviewing the Plan</p><p>Our Business plan will be reviewed annually by the management committee Kate Bowen 14.1.13</p><p>Page 11</p>
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