<p>August 2, 2016</p><p>Greetings Race Directors:</p><p>It is time once again to get information in for the USA Cycling Pro Road Calendar for 2017. While I have spoken to many of you personally over the past few weeks, I want to alert you to changes we are making for next year’s calendar:</p><p>1. After receiving substantial input from professional teams, race directors, and our Professional Sport Committee, we are seeking to optimize our elite calendar series, the Pro Road Tour (PRT), by reducing the number of events and creating an efficient travel flow around the country. We believe this will accomplish several objectives — enhancing the value to race directors of being within the series by ensuring strong team attendance, substantially reducing the costs to teams, and increasing interest in the series with an easy to follow select group of races. 2. The goal is to have fewer events broken into regional “blocks” which make team travel more efficient. Events will include a mix of road races, stage races, criteriums, and omniums. We aim to have no calendar conflicts (only one event per weekend). 3. We are creating another calendar for top level events which are not able to make it on the PRT. The working name for this calendar is the National Road Calendar and may be split up into regions (National Calendar West, National Calendar Midwest, etc.). Events on the national calendar will have a smaller fee than the PRT and date conflicts are not a problem. 4. Calendar fees for the PRT will be the same as they have for the past three years. The new National Calendar events will be charged a flat fee of $500 plus a $400 RaceClean fee (no matter how many days) and will go through the regular permitting process (including the standard permit fee). 5. PRT criteriums will automatically be added to the UCI criterium calendar. National Road Calendar criteriums will be added to the UCI criterium calendar if the race director chooses. 6. UCI events and National Championships have already been set on the calendar. See within this document those events. 7. Due to the fact that the Race Director Symposium has been pushed to February, I am suggesting that we get all calendar applicants on the phone for a conference call in the next several weeks. More info on that soon.</p><p>There are two applications below - one for PRT events and the other for the National Road Calendar events. Please fill out the appropriate form for your event. </p><p>Please complete all of the required forms and return to USA Cycling by the end of the working day on Monday, August 22, 2016. Anyone who submits an incomplete package will receive a call and e-mail requesting the missing information. If the requested information is not received by USA Cycling by the deadline, the bid will not be accepted. The sooner you can get the information to us, the sooner we can resolve scheduling issues or address concerns. We will do our best to work with each event to create the best schedule possible in terms of dates and team travel flow.</p><p>Within this document you will find attached the proposed 2017 UCI road events in the U.S. Please review the proposed schedule for possible conflicts with your event. Please note that these are the dates that have been requested and will not be final until the UCI has approved them in September.</p><p>Once your completed application has been received, we will be in contact with you to finalize the date of your event. </p><p>The 2017 PRT and National Road Calendar calendars will be released shortly after the UCI approves the UCI calendar at the end of September 2016. If your race is not selected for inclusion, you will receive an explanation from USA Cycling outlining the reasons your race was not selected. USA Cycling reserves the right to exclude any existing PRT or previous calendar event that didn’t follow the requirements from last year’s bid package in their 2016 event. Some events may be put on probationary status for one year and will be reassessed for 2018. </p><p>When filling out this application, please refer to the rules and guidelines in the attached document named “Current PRT and National Road Calendar Requirements and Procedures.”</p><p>Please include the following information to be considered for the 2017 calendars. 2017 PRT or National Road Calendar application (at the bottom of this document) 2016 technical guides including course maps Copy of 2016 post event media report (or 2015 if your event hasn’t happened yet) Copy of 2016 Chief Referee Race report (or 2015 if your event hasn’t happened yet) Most recent race results for the Men’s Pro/1 and Women’s Pro/1-2 races. Estimate of crowds (police version is preferable) Photo of start/finish banner with calendar logo, podium area and link to webcast/video production information Bid fee and RaceClean contribution</p><p>Bid Application Procedures:</p><p>Application Deadline: The application deadline for the 2017 PRT and National Road Calendar is August 22, 2016. </p><p>Application Fee: Fees are the same for 2017 as they have been since 2014 . Bid fees for the 2017 calendar will include the standard permit fee, so this fee will NOT have to be paid in 2017. This pre- paid fee does not include the additional per rider/per day insurance surcharge or any additional products like auto/moto insurance or additional insurance certificates. We are also including the RaceClean contributions in this fee (please see the USA Cycling website for more information on this program). Please make checks or a money order payable to “USA Cycling” with the bid application. USAC will return all but $250 of the bid fee to the race director if the race is not selected to be on the calendar. Please note that this entire fee is non-refundable after the announcement of the calendars. If your race is not selected and you are given a refund, you are still invited to attend the November race director’s summit for an additional fee. Fee structure*:</p><p>PRT Criteriums: One day criterium: $2,350 plus RaceClean contribution (see below) Two day criterium omnium: $3,550 plus RaceClean contribution Three day criterium omnium: $4,750 plus RaceClean contribution Four day criterium omnium: $5,950 plus RaceClean contribution</p><p>PRT Road/Stage Races: One day event: $2,150 plus RaceClean contribution (see below) Two day event: $2,850 plus RaceClean contribution Three day event: $3,550 plus RaceClean contribution Four to seven day event: $4,250 plus $700 each additional day over 4 days plus RaceClean contribution </p><p>RaceClean Contribution for PRT: $800 for first day and $400 per day for each additional event day</p><p>*Please remember that this fee includes the payment of your chief referee(s) for the entire event as well as their per-diem and travel (airline ticket or driving mileage) to and from your event. Transportation during the event and lodging are the responsibility of the race director.</p><p>National Road Calendar: Flat calendar fee of $500 (plus regular permit fee at time of permitting)</p><p>RaceClean Contribution for National Road Calendar: $400 in total no matter how many days</p><p>Selection Criteria: The bids will be reviewed by USA Cycling and the following criteria will be factored in (in no particular order): 1. Calendar flow 2. Chief Ref, Regional Coordinator and team reports from your 2016 race. 3. All bills paid; officials, prizes, RaceClean, and post event fees. You may be asked to provide proof of this. 4. Results submission and marketing requirements upheld in past years. 5. Photos of the event; particularly start/finish area. 6. USAC PRT branding. 7. Production value of your event</p><p>Finally, we are planning to host the annual Race Directors Summit on February 7-10, 2017 in Colorado Springs, CO. Attendance at the summit is mandatory if your race is selected for inclusion on the 2017 PRT. National Road Calendar event directors are also invited. </p><p>During the summit we are planning to discuss the changes we have in store for the PRT and National Road Calendar in 2018 and beyond, and we really want to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions as we make decisions moving forward. UCI and DET teams are also being asked to send a representative. We look forward to working with you to make the 2017 PRT and National Road Calendars successful.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Micah Rice Vice President of National Events USA Cycling 719.434.4283 [email protected]</p><p>Proposed 2017 UCI and National Championship Schedule (NOT finalized):</p><p>Mar 30- Apr 2 Joe Martin Stage Race p/b Nature Valley Fayetteville, AR Apr 19-23 Tour of the Gila Silver City, NM May 11-14 Amgen Tour of California (women) California May 14-21 Amgen Tour of California (men) California May 29 Winston-Salem Classic RR Winston-Salem, NC June/July 2017 USA Cycling Pro Criterium National Championship TBD Jun 4 Philadelphia International Cycling Classic Philadelphia, PA Jun 24-25 USA Cycling Pro Road and TT National Championship TBD Jun 29-Jul 2 USA Cycling Amateur Road National Championship Louisville, KY Jul 14 GP Kristin Armstrong Time Trial Boise, ID Jul 20-23 Cascade Classic Bend, OR Jul 31-Aug 6 Tour of Utah Utah Aug 17-20 UCI Stage Race Colorado Sept. 1-4 UCI Stage Race TBA (East Coast) Sept 9 Redding 120 Redding, PA 2017 USA Cycling Pro Road Tour (PRT) Bid Application</p><p>Name of event: ______</p><p>____Stage Race ____One day road race ____Mixed Omnium</p><p>Number of event days:______</p><p>First Event Date Choice ______Second Event Date Choice______</p><p>Do you have any flexibility outside of the dates listed above? Yes No</p><p>Prize list: ______Pro/1 men, ______Cat 1/2 women</p><p>Event Location</p><p>Host city______</p><p>Event Website ______</p><p>Local Organizing Committee (LOC)</p><p>Organization Name ______</p><p>Name of Primary Contact ______</p><p>Mailing Address ______</p><p>Phone______Email______</p><p>LOC Event Organizing Experience (Please list events the LOC has organized, both cycling and non-cycling)</p><p>Timing and Scoring Please outline the method to be used for timing and scoring the event, i.e. finish lynx cameras, active chips, passive chips, etc. Please also list the name of the company you use for this service.</p><p>Is the company above responsible for uploading results to the USAC website? ______If NOT selected for the Pro Road Tour, would you like your event to be added to the National Road Calendar? ______</p><p>Courses Please attach maps of all the courses to be used for the event and include these items: 1. Length of course 2. Elevation gain and loss per lap 3. Explanation of course closure. In the case of a rolling enclosure, give the details of how many police cars and motors will be available for each race.</p><p>Neutral Support Who is providing neutral support for your event? ______</p><p>2016 PRT Requirements Were all 2016 requirements (technical, media and marketing) adhered to? ______If not, please explain______</p><p>Operating Budget Please attach a basic event budget. It will be kept confidential.</p><p>Please list below the people from your organization who are planning on attending the Race Director Summit on February 7-10, 2017 in Colorado Springs, CO. This is required for the PRT.</p><p>Information for USADA Exact address of finish line venue(s): ______</p><p>Name, cell phone, and email of person who will act as site coordinator/liaison for USADA:______</p><p>Finish times for events (please list for both men and women and each day if applicable): ______BIDDER STATEMENT</p><p>I, ______, on behalf of (Bidder), the entity seeking inclusion on the USA Cycling Pro Road Tour, represent and warrant that I have thoroughly read and reviewed the foregoing bid application and guidelines. I understand all the requirements for inclusion on the National Racing Calendar and I have the express authority to submit this bid application on behalf of Bidder. If included on the National Racing Calendar, I understand and agree that I must comply with each and every requirement stated in the bid application, as well as all applicable USAC and UCI Rules and Regulations. Each and every statement, promise, chart, photograph, or submission made in conjunction with the submission of this bid application is true and accurate, as of the date of this submission, and do not omit or misrepresent a material fact or seek to promise to deliver on a promise that is incapable of being fulfilled. If, due to subsequent events or inaction, any statement, promise, chart, photograph, or submission made herein is no longer true or capable of being fulfilled as required by the bid guidelines, then I shall immediately notify USAC of this fact. For purposes of the preceding sentence, I understand that I am obligated to notify USAC, within forty-eight (48) hours, of the discovery that any aspect of the attached bid application has become untrue or is incapable of performance. I further understand and agree that USAC reserves the right to withdraw its award of National Racing Calendar designation due to Bidder’s inability to fulfill the conditions and promises stated in its original USAC National Racing Calendar bid application.</p><p>EVENT RACE DIRECTOR/BIDDER </p><p>Name:______</p><p>Title:______</p><p>Date:______</p><p>Please submit application and bid fee to the address below by close of business, August 22, 2017. Bid fee may either be check or money order. If a race is not accepted or included on the calendar, all but $250 of the bid fee will be returned to the race director. Due to the nature of the application, please remit application via USPS Priority Mail or similar. Electronic submissions will be accepted as long as a check is received by the deadline.</p><p>Tara McCarthy USA Cycling Attn: Calendar Bid 210 USA Cycling Point, Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80919 2017 USA Cycling National Road Calendar Bid Application</p><p>Name of Event:______</p><p>____One day criterium ____Multi-day Omnium _____Stage Race ______Road Race</p><p>Number of event days: ______</p><p>Dates: ______</p><p>Do you have any flexibility outside of the dates listed above? Yes No</p><p>Prize list for both Pro Men and Pro Women: ______</p><p>Event Location(s)</p><p>Host city(cities)______</p><p>Event Website ______</p><p>Local Organizing Committee (LOC)</p><p>Organization Name ______</p><p>Name of Primary Contact ______</p><p>Mailing Address ______</p><p>Phone______Email______</p><p>LOC Event Organizing Experience (Please list events the LOC has organized, both cycling and non-cycling) Timing and Scoring Please outline the method to be used for timing and scoring the event, i.e. finish lynx camera, active chips, passive chips, etc. Please also list the name of the company you use for this service.</p><p>Is the company above responsible for uploading results to the USAC website? ______</p><p>Courses Please attach maps of all the courses to be used for the event and include length of course. </p><p>2016 PRT Requirements (if on calendar) Were all 2016 requirements (technical, media and marketing) adhered to? ______If not, please explain______</p><p>Neutral Support Who provides neutral support for your event? ______</p><p>Operating Budget Please attach a basic event budget. It will be kept confidential.</p><p>Please list below the people from your organization who are planning on attending the Race Director Summit on February 7-10, 2017 in Colorado Springs, CO. (It is not mandatory for National Road Calendar events to send a representative, but we would love to have you)</p><p>______</p><p>Information for USADA</p><p>Exact address of finish line venue(s): ______</p><p>Name, cell phone, and email of person who will act as site coordinator/liaison for USADA: ______</p><p>Finish times for events (please list for both men and women and each day if applicable): ______BIDDER STATEMENT</p><p>I, ______, on behalf of (Bidder), the entity seeking inclusion on the USA Cycling Road Calendar, represent and warrant that I have thoroughly read and reviewed the foregoing bid application and guidelines. I understand all the requirements for inclusion on the National Road Calendar and I have the express authority to submit this bid application on behalf of Bidder. If included on the National Criterium Calendar, I understand and agree that I must comply with each and every requirement stated in the bid application, as well as all applicable USAC and UCI Rules and Regulations. Each and every statement, promise, chart, photograph, or submission made in conjunction with the submission of this bid application is true and accurate, as of the date of this submission, and do not omit or misrepresent a material fact or seek to promise to deliver on a promise that is incapable of being fulfilled. If, due to subsequent events or inaction, any statement, promise, chart, photograph, or submission made herein is no longer true or capable of being fulfilled as required by the bid guidelines, then I shall immediately notify USAC of this fact. For purposes of the preceding sentence, I understand that I am obligated to notify USAC, within forty-eight (48) hours, of the discovery that any aspect of the attached bid application has become untrue or is incapable of performance. I further understand and agree that USAC reserves the right to withdraw its award of National Criterium Calendar designation due to Bidder’s inability to fulfill the conditions and promises stated in its original USAC National Criterium Calendar bid application.</p><p>EVENT RACE DIRECTOR/BIDDER </p><p>Name:______</p><p>Title:______</p><p>Date:______</p><p>Please submit application and bid fee to the address below by close of business, August 22, 2017. Bid fee may either be check or money order. If a race is not accepted or included on the calendar, all but $100 of the bid fee will be returned to the race director. Due to the nature of the application, please remit application via USPS Priority Mail or similar. Electronic submissions will be accepted as long as the bid fee check is received by the deadline.</p><p>Tara McCarthy USA Cycling Attn: Calendar Bid 210 USA Cycling Point, Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80919 </p>
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