<p>REGULAR SESSION – July 16, 2013</p><p>Unapproved</p><p>The Charles City Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, in the City Council Chambers. President Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Board members Fenholt, Jung, Winterink and Heitz (arrived 5:37 p.m.). Absent: none. Staff members present included Board Secretary O’Brien, Activities Director Forsyth, and High School Assistant Principal Wolfe. Also present were Charles City police officer Zach Eckenrod, Charles City Press reporter Zachery Van Vuren, KCHA news director Angela Barton, and five visitors.</p><p>(Winterink/Fenholt) to approve the agenda as amended. One appointment was added under item 7d. Roll call vote. Motion carried 4-0.</p><p>Board member Heitz arrived at 5:37 p.m.</p><p>There were no public comments.</p><p>(Jung/Heitz) to approve a two-year contract with Dr. Dan Cox for $140,000 effective July 17, 2013 including benefits as per the administrator benefits handbook, $1,000 travel allowance, up to $5,000 moving expenses and approval to pay July 16th School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) conference expenses. Board President Miller stated the Board is excited to have him joining the District. The contract with Superintendent Andy Pattee had ended June 30, 2013. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0. </p><p>Activities Director, Todd Forsyth, explained the current situation regarding the baseball program and the work that has been done to locate a suitable location for new baseball/softball complex. One possible location not explored very thoroughly early in their work was the College Grounds. He discussed the location with the District architect and the Iowa Athletic Field Construction Co. Initial estimates believe one baseball and softball field would fit in the location if the bus barn was relocated. Much discussion followed. Mr. Forsyth will form a committee to revisit options for the baseball/softball complex. </p><p>(Jung/Fenholt) to approve the consent agenda items as follows: Approval of the minutes from the regular meeting held on June 10, 2013, work session held on June 12, 2013 and special meeting/work session on June 24, 2013, June 27, 2013, July 2, 2013 and July 8, 2013 as presented. Approval of monthly bills for July 2013. Approval of the resignations from Marty McDanel as Lincoln instructional aide effective 7/16/13, Tom Larsen as Washington instructional aide effective 7/16/13, Laura Larsen as Washington instructional aide effective 7/16/13 and Heather Mehmen-Chatfield as Washington instructional aide effective 7/16/13. Approval of the personnel appointments for Al Hastings as freshman football coach for $3,748 effective 8/1/13, Alvin Fisher as bus driver at $14.98 per hour effective 7/16/13 and Philip Smith as bus driver at $14.98 per hour effective 7/16/13. All appointments are contingent upon completion of positive background checks, receiving a Para educator’s</p><p>1 license and successfully completing a pre-employment/post-offer functional capacity physical assessment if applicable. Appointment of Terri O’Brien as District secretary/treasurer for the 2013-14 school year. Appointment of Ahlers Law Firm as District legal counsel for the 2013-14 school year. Attorney James Hanks will be the primary contact. Appointment of Nancy Heiter as District’s Level I investigator for the 2013-14 school year and the local police department as Level II investigator. Approval of the Charles City Press as the District’s official publication for 2013-14. Naming of school depository for 2013-14, C US Bank, Charles City $12,000,000, First Citizens National Bank, Charles City $20,000,000, First Security Bank & Trust, Charles City $10,000,000, Security State Bank, Charles City $10,000,000, Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust $10,000,000. Approval of the emergency bus driver list for 2013-14. Approval of an agreement with Charles City Transit for transportation of District- designated students. Roll call vote 5-0.</p><p>Vendor Name Vendor Description Amount</p><p>Operating Fund: </p><p>Posters/Lincoln, Work Study/Transition A.E.A. #267 Specialist $6,906.70 Aces Safety Net Backup/Tech Dept. $1,001.00 Achenbach, Amanda Reimb. Meals/Readining Conference $44.11 All Star Pest Control June Services $155.00 Amazon Books/ms $570.34 ATI Boiler Chemicals $4,874.35 Atlantis Subscriptions 13-14 Select Seven/HS, MS $1,508.00 Auditor Of State FY12 Audit Report Filing Fee $625.00</p><p>Inst. Supplies/Elementaries, Supplies/MS, Bancard Center Lodging $2,742.78 Boggess, Kellie Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $24.32 Booksource Inc, The Inst. Supplies/Washington $3,485.03 Breitbach Chiropractic Physicals/R.Rahmiller, D. Gaston $120.00</p><p>Calloway House Inst. Supplies/Washington $94.92 CAM Community School District Open Enrollment $1,470.75 Carson-Dellosa Publ. Inst. Supplies/Washington $107.11 Cedar River Signs & Designs Sign/Leon Mulford Trail $677.87 Cedar Valley Printing UPS, Property of stamps $130.90 Century Link June Radio Loop $76.00 Chamber Of Commerce Certificates/Elem Carnival $326.00 Charles City Area Dev. 2013-14 Membership $1,100.00 Charles City Family Health Ctr Physical/K.Youngerman $178.00</p><p>2 Charles City Foster Van Maintenance April 2013-June 2013 $300.00 Classified ad, Regular and Special Charles City Press Sessions $542.61 Charles City Transit 4 Oaks Trips $648.00 Cintas Towels/Bus Barn $49.48 CipaFilter Annual Maintenance/Tech Dept $1,750.00 City Of Charles City Water Bill, Gas and Diesel Bill $8,107.63 Classroom Direct.Com Inst.Supplies/Elementaries $8,606.51</p><p>Demco Supplies/MS, HS $582.75 Des Moines Register Classified Ads $2,617.20 Diamond Vogel Paint $113.95 Dick Blick Art Materials Inst. Supplies/Washington $474.69 Discountowlpellets.Com Inst. Supplies/Lincoln $91.40 Mower Repairs, Trimmer Repair, Fuel Don's Repair Pump $1,096.49</p><p>Eastman, Jolynn Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $41.29 Eiklenborg, Carrie Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $33.65 Energy Association Of Iowa Schools Training/Otto $15.00 Eshipping, LLC Shipping/Washington $189.65 Esterville Lincoln Central Schools Tuition/Level 1 $10,798.14 Etherington, Sheila Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $36.93</p><p>Floyd Co Area Family Practice Pysical/A. Fisher $198.00 Follett Library Resources Books/Burnham, Inst.Supplies/HS $883.70 Integrated Mental Health Services/May Francis Lauer Youth Services, Inc and June $1,148.00</p><p>Gage Plumbing & Heating, Mick Restroom Rentals $130.00 Great Plains Locating Service Iowa Locates/Tech Dept. $200.00</p><p>Heinemann Inst. Supplies/Elementaries $416.50 Heitz, Randy Father Memorial $30.00 Hillyard Cleaning Supplies/Otto $4,109.90 Hobert, Diane Reimb. Travel $69.93 Hometown Security Annual Alarm Checks $960.00 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Inst. Supplies/Washington $1,189.65 Howell, Tami Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $25.50 Hy Vee Inst. Supplies, Drinks, Snacks, Supplies $401.29</p><p>IA Assoc Of School Boards Background Checks $30.00 IA Pupil Transporation Assoc. 2013-14 Membership Dues $275.00 IAAE Conf. Reg./HS, Instructional Supplies/HS $300.00</p><p>3 IASBO Membership/T. O'Brien $125.00 IFCSEP Conf. Registration/MS $220.00 Iowa ASCD CBE Conference Registration/Wolfe $295.00 Iowa Choral Directors Association,Inc Conference Registration/MS $395.00 Iowa Communications Network May and June port fees $413.46 Iowa Department Of Human Services May 2013 Non Federal Share Medicaid $8,411.83 Iowa High Schl Music Asn 2013-14 Membership/Gassman $25.00 Iowa Prison Industries Name Plates/Lincoln $29.26 IT Outlet Inc Switches/Tech Dept. $2,904.43</p><p>Jendro Sanitation June Services $668.00 John Deere Financial Motor, Element, Valve, Misc items $283.38 Johnson Sanitary Products Trash Bags $178.00</p><p>K Mart - Supplies/Mentoring, Lincoln $106.89 Kephart's Music Center Cello Bag repairs/Elementaries $375.00 Keystone Laboratories Inc Washington and Pool Water Tests $23.50 Kielman, Judith Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $25.41 Krueger, Amy Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $40.14 Kwik Trip Diesel and Gasahol $2,143.98</p><p>Lakeshore Learning Materials Inst. Supplies/Washington, Lincoln $5,524.43 Lasher, Ann Father Memorial $30.00 Lessin Supply Company Inst. Supplies/HS, belts, rod ends $142.45</p><p>Marth, Kathy Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $56.79 Marth, Nikole Food/5th grade step up $237.50 Math U See Inst. Supplies/Homeschool $118.09 Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Inst. Supplies/Elementaries $4,468.87 Mediacom Internet/Alt HS/July $139.95 Mental Health Center Of North Integrated Mental Health Services/May Iowa and June $1,312.00 Mid American Energy Company Electric Bill $8,629.47 Mike's C & O Tire Service Tube $10.03 Mississippi Bend AEA Asbestos Training/P. Krueger $65.00 Moving Beyond The Page Inst. Supplies/Homeschool $1,033.09 Mutch, Brandy Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $34.33</p><p>Nasco Inst. Supplies/Washington $276.67 National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics Membership/MS $119.00 National School Products Inst. Supplies/Lincoln $1,004.18 Newton, Jerry Reimb. Physical $212.00</p><p>4 Nolt's Midwest Produce Supplies Pro-Mix/HS $208.00</p><p>On-Site Information Destruction Inc. Shredding Services $180.54 Opp, Gayle Reimb. Travel/Homeschool $803.60 Oriental Trading Co Inc Inst. Supplies/Washington $191.46</p><p>Pattee, Andy Reimb. Travel to Riceville $288.60 Perry Novak Electric Labor/HS Science Room Panels $668.00 Phantom Technologies Activation/Tech Dept. $2,422.00 Service Plan, Microphone/Special Phonak Education $270.00 Pitney Bowes Postage for meter machine $2,500.00 Pitney Bowes Meter Rental $195.00 Premier-School Specialty Planners/Washington $684.75</p><p>R & M Auto Mart Inc Parts and Labor, Oil Change $334.09 Rainbow Resource Inst. Supplies/Homeschool $440.03 Really Good Stuff Inst. Supplies/Elementaries $11,558.65 Reserve Account Postage for meter machine $3,000.00 Rieman Music, Frank Instrument Repairs/MS $276.78 Rogue Fitness Weight Room Supplies/HS $2,000.00 Rubicon International 2013-14 Atlas Annual Software License $4,650.00</p><p>SAI Memberships, Conference Registrations $4,630.00 Scholastic Book Clubs Inst. Supplies/Washington $3,311.28 Scholastics Inst. Supplies/Special Education $32.40 Scholbrock, Judy Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $29.57 School Mate Supplies/Lincoln $642.50 Inst. Supplies/Elementaries, storage School Speciality Inc cabinets/Washington $4,055.81 Grill/Duck race prize, Lopper, clamps, key Schueth Ace Hardware identifiers $98.00 Schweinfurth, April Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf., Supplies $180.24 Seminole Retail Energy Services, LLC Gas Bill $3,365.22 Shamrock Truck & Trailer Serv Parts and Labor/Buses $3,849.80 Shiffler Swivel Glides $78.93 Software Unlimited Report Writer/T. O'Brien $150.00 Staples Advantage Inst. Supplies/Lincoln, HS, MS $2,090.95 State Of Iowa-Elevator Safety Annual Inspection Fee $75.00 Stenhouse Publishers Inst. Supplies/Lincoln $68.00 Subs/Supt.Search, Food/Mentoring, 5th Subway Store #396 grade step up $1,268.95 Superior Lumber Inc Supplies/MS, Man Lift $487.13</p><p>5 Teacher Direct Inst. Supplies/Elementaries $2,299.23 Teaching Strategies 13-14 Subscription/Feller $323.95 Thomas Bus Sales Parts/Bus 21 $94.27 Thomson, Sandy Reimb. Toys/Integrated Mental Health $118.33 Treasurer, State Of Iowa Elementary Carnival Gambling Sales Tax $623.72 Turner, Teri Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $37.00</p><p>University Of Northern Iowa Science Usage Kits/Washington $500.00 Venz, Shannon Reimb. Meals/Reading Conf. $32.14</p><p>Willbooks Inst. Supplies/Washington $308.00 Wilson, Jeremy Reimb.Meals/Reading Conf. $41.39 Windstream Phone Bill $467.20 Wright Express Gas Card $4.00</p><p>Student Activity Fund:</p><p>Algona Band Day Festival Entry fee/HS $125.00 American Red Cross Fire Donation/MS St. Council $100.00 Armel, Ray Softball Official $106.57 Art Wear Plaques Engraving/FFA $186.18</p><p>Bancard Center Lodging/State Golf, Tennis, Track $3,059.79 BCLUW Entry Fee/Softball $80.00 Bethke, Matt Baseball Official $105.92 Birkedal, Eric Baseball Official $93.00 Boyd, Bill Baseball Official $100.00 Brackey, Jim Softball Official $90.00 Burton, Jennifer Reimb. Supplies $397.40</p><p>Carquest Auto Parts Of CC Equipment Repair/Athletics $6.39 Carrier, Charles Baseball Official $111.86 Cedar Falls High School Entry fees/Softball and Wrestling $180.00 Chanhassen Dinner Theater Tickets/Drama $1,274.76 Clark, Tom Softball Official $96.72 Classic Cleaners Dry Cleaning/HS Band $789.75</p><p>Decker Sporting Goods Supplies/Softball $512.95 Di Laura, Don Baseball Official $100.00 Dietz, Ray Softball Official $65.00 Distributed Website Corp 2013-14 Scheduler/Athletics $250.00 Duffy, Bill Softball Official $65.00</p><p>Fareway Store Concessions $43.58 Fine Arts Century Club Reimb. Meals/HS Band $100.00 6 Floyd County Extension Fair Entries/FFA $62.00 Forsyth, Todd Reimb. Conference Fees $160.00</p><p>Gabe, Eric Softball Official $65.00 Gollihur Music Bass Stools/Western $569.50 Graphic Edge T-shirts/Volleyball $772.26 Griffith, Cary Softball Official $96.60 Groen, Gene Softball Official $90.00</p><p>Healy Awards Inc Decals/Football $353.92 Hildman, Mark Baseball Official $116.64 Holzer, Jeff Softball Official $245.00 Hoppel, Scott Baseball Official $100.00 Huegel, Aaron Baseball Official $218.00 Hull, Jack Softball Official $65.00 Hy Vee Concessions $449.44</p><p>Instrumentalist Co, The Awards/HS $195.00 Iowa Direct Scoreboard/Baseball $12,886.00 Chapter Fee, District Dues, National Iowa Ffa Association Dues,Conv.,CDE $4,607.50 John Deere Financial Mulch, Sump Pump, Fan, Sprayer $328.35</p><p>Kephart's Music Center Inst. Supplies/HS, MS $856.60 Klapperich, Ben Baseball Official $94.00</p><p>Litterer, Jackson Baseball Official $118.00 Lynch, Jack Baseball Official $109.06</p><p>Mason City Rentals Black Drape Rental/Prom $805.70 Meinders, Dave Softball Official $106.64 Meyer, Dan Softball Official $180.00 Mims, Tyicia Fire Donation/MS Students $134.64 Morris, Randy Softball Official $90.00 Nee, David Baseball Official $154.70</p><p>Otto's Oasis Shrubs/FFA $320.00 Outdoor Designs Inc Fertilizer, hose, nozzle/Baseball $238.54 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Concessions -$301.79</p><p>Rieman Music, Frank Inst. Supplies/HS, MS $328.44 Rippentrop, Danielle Reimb. T-shirts $649.76 Rogue Fitness Weight room supplies/HS $7,724.35</p><p>Schmitz, Keith Softball Official $90.00</p><p>7 Schrodt, Lawrence Baseball Official $173.46 Schrodt, Michael Baseball Official $120.00 Schultz, Daryl Softball Official $90.00 Scribner, Larry Softball Official $65.00 Skretta, Joe Softball Official $90.00 Snider, Craig Softball Official $90.00 Sportable Scoreboards Timer, Supplies/Football $1,755.96 St Ansgar High School Entry Fee/Baseball $45.00 Stiles, Ryan Baseball Official $79.80 Sullivan, Tom Softball and Baseball Official $213.63 Syverson, Darryl Baseball Official $116.17</p><p>Tnt 5 Basketball Development L.L.C. Training/Boys Basketball $520.00 Trophies Unlimited Awards/Drama $257.71</p><p>Weiland, Pete Softball Official $106.83 Wolfe Diversified Industries Cards/Athletics $487.04</p><p>Local Option Sales Tax Fund:</p><p>FM Controls, Inc Lincoln Heating Control Project $10,798.00 Royale Concrete Lincoln Café Floor Project $16,192.00 Superior Lumber Inc Roll up doors/Softball Pressbox Project $750.00</p><p>Middle School Project-Phase I</p><p>Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. MS Bond Proceeds $1,397.50 Piper Jaffray & Co Fin Advisory Service/MS Bond $22,500.00 Standard & Poor's Bond Rating Services, CUSIP Invoice $15,493.00</p><p>Physical Plant& Equipment Fund:</p><p>First Congregational Church Carrie Lane/June $875.00 Marco, Inc Copies/April and May $3,549.28 Software Unlimited Software Maintenance 13-14 $4,450.00</p><p>School Nutrition Fund:</p><p>City Of Charles City Water Bill $67.00 Earthgrains Baking Companies, Inc Bread, Buns/Summer Food Program $32.16 Mid American Energy Company Electric Bill $842.00 On-Site Information Destruction Inc. Shredding Services $1.81</p><p>8 Prairie Farms Dairy Milk $7,788.61 SNA Renewal/D. Wolf $8.00 Windstream Phone Bill $16.51</p><p>Health Insurance Fund:</p><p>Blue Cross Blue Shield Of IA July Billing $167,500.00 Iowa Individual Health Benefit 2013 Health Assessment $8,442.27</p><p>Agency Fund:</p><p>Pepsi-Cola Bottling Washington Lounge Exp. $437.00</p><p>(Fenholt/Winterink) to approve the June 2013 financial report. The District’s preliminary year-end report was presented including the C US Bank depository list. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0. </p><p>(Winterink/Fenholt) to approve a one-year agreement with Nolte, Cornman and Johnson for $10,000 to perform the fiscal year 2013 audit. On July 2, Burton E Tracy currently under contract requested to discontinue their audit services. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0. </p><p>The oath of office was administered by President Miller to the 2013-14 Board Secretary/Treasurer Terri O’Brien.</p><p>(Jung/Winterink) to approve a contract and business associate agreement with Francis Lauer Youth Services effective August 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 as presented. The agreement provides for delivery of mental health services to students to treat mental, emotional and behavioral dysfunctions in the elementary, middle and high school. The program will be funded thru the 2013-14 drop out prevention funding. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0.</p><p>(Fenholt/Heitz) to approve the Elementary, Middle School (MS) and High School (HS) 2013-14 handbooks as presented. The principals prepared the handbooks and listed the changes for the board to review. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0.</p><p>(Jung/Winterink) to approve the 2013-14 1:1 laptop handbook as presented. April Hanson, technology director, prepared the handbook and listed the changes for the Board. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0. </p><p>(Jung/Winterink) to approve the District’s top five 2014 legislative priorities to submit to the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) as recommended by Director Fenholt. The Board discussed the recommendation and others on the list prepared by the IASB. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0. </p><p>(Jung/Heitz) to approve the 2013-14 board meeting dates as presented. The meeting dates were set using board policy with a few exceptions. A work session will be added on</p><p>9 August 26 and the May meeting was moved from the 26th to the 27th. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-0.</p><p>The Board was reminded of important upcoming dates. August 2nd & 5th – School Registration August 12th – Board regular meeting August 14th – New teacher workshop August 15th, 16th & 19th – Teacher workshop August 20th – First day of classes for the HS & MS August 21st – First day of classes for the elementary August 26th – Board work session</p><p>President Miller adjourned the meeting at 6:26 p.m.</p><p>___ Terri O’Brien, Board Secretary</p><p>10</p>
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