Regular Council Meeting s7

Regular Council Meeting s7

<p> REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING</p><p>October 17, 2011</p><p>The Board of Aldermen met in regular session with Mayor R.E. Graner at City Hall, 206 North 16th Street, on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.</p><p>Present: Graner, Flesher, Mann, Williams, Nichols</p><p>Absent: None</p><p>Others Present: Janelle Hagler, Jaunita Schroff, Stuart Johnson, Cristine Stallings, Phil Conger, Patrick Miller and George Hulet.</p><p>Meeting Called Mayor R.E. Graner called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. To Order</p><p>Pledge of The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Allegiance</p><p>Approve Agenda Mayor R. E. Graner called for a motion for approval or amending of the agenda.</p><p>Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to approve the agenda and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>Approve Bills Mayor R. E. Graner asked if there were any questions on bills presented for payment and if not, a motion to approve the bills.</p><p>Motion made by Alderman Jeff Nichols to approve the bills presented for payment and seconded by Alderman Todd Williams.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>A-Z Window Service 45.00 Cintas Inc 267.42 ANR Pipeline Company 22,678.27 Circle J Diesel Repair 2,414.12 Aqua-Pure Inc 4,351.62 Coastal Energy Corporation 16,809.00 Baker & Taylor Inc 420.70 Cody McClure 83.32 Bethany Veterinary Clinic 28.00 Cole Hardware 16.51 BSN Sports Collegiate Pacific 34.00 Commerce Bank 1,109.89 CarQuest Auto Parts 225.95 Cross Printing 344.50 Chief 158.99 Ed Roehr Safety Products 300.13 Elecsys International Corp 139.98 Monarch Industries 406.42 Fedex 22.56 Northern Safety Co 50.16 Fleet Services 7,842.27 O’Reilly Automotive Inc 122.00 Gale Group, The 216.70 Petty Cash 463.60 Grainger 159.80 Petty Cash – Bethany Pub Lib 21.90 H*D Supply Waterworks 117.30 POIYFEL 165.00 Harrison Co Ad-Visor 47.45 Powerplan 4,439.05 Hasler Inc 129.00 R/S Electric Utility Services 29,732.85 Hoover, Brenda 120.00 Shelby Printing 39.99 Hy-Vee Food Store 44.85 Shipley, Robert J 18,880.00 Ikon Financial Services 216.98 Stoner Sand 128.75 Institute of Defensive Firearms 600.00 TekCollect Incorp 75.00 International Code Council Inc 443.00 Trenton Coca-Cola Bottling 65.48 KAAN Am & Fm 127.50 Vance Brothers 140.00 Kansas City Life Ins Co 227.56 Wahoo Concrete Products 121.50 Kriewitz, Wendy 72.25 Constellation Newenergy 101,857.25 Kriz Davis Co 382.63 Missouri Joint Mun Elect Ut 241,433.68 Maryville Glass & Lock Co Inc 751.97 Crowley, Dr. Tim 700.00 Maryville Typewriter Exc 139.33 BTC Bank 14,000.00 Matheson Tri-Gas Inc 64.42 Lee, Joshua 100.00 Midwest Laboratories 437.40 City of Bethany 28.65 Missouri Municipal Leag 562.74 Gabriel, Jamie 200.00 Missouri One Call System 37.70 Lee, Joshua 71.35 Missouri State Treasurer 88.41 Pettijohn Auto Center 18,334.00 Total $493,855.85</p><p>Void Check</p><p>McClure, Cody 83.32 Fax, Jeremy 28.87 Radar, Daniel 12.53 Horn, James 8.93 McIntire, Nina 38.08 Lee, Joshua 100.00</p><p>Total $271.73</p><p>Payroll 10-07-11</p><p>Flesher, Fredric 94.35 Clemmons, Ted 842.99 Williams, Robert T. 47.17 Greene, Richard 888.27 Stallings, Renna 1,267.63 Groves, Kenneth 924.33 Hagler, Janelle 1,355.02 Breer, Michael 594.90 Johnson, Cathy 805.65 Cowell, Christopher 781.66 Lawson, Kevin 1,084.45 Jennings, Randy 947.04 Dierenfeldt, Rick 1,085.57 Allen, Jeremy 561.71 Fordyce, Brandon 392.44 Marshall, Hilary 157.33 Russell, Melvin 707.40 Graner, Richard 275.19 Russell, Robert 875.58 Nichols, Jeffrey 94.35 Hayden, Rickey 1,085.53 Mann, Randall 94.35 Brown, Johnathan 637.81 Schroff, Jaunita 1,133.12 Stottlemyer, Lela 209.78 Turley, Rebekah 850.35 Gard, Paul 898.82 Ellis, Joyce 701.95 Burns, Walker 983.81 Doll, Jacob 597.27 Hamilton, Sabra 990.90 Puffer, Toby 674.73 Groom, Brian 1,041.69 Hoover, Charles 740.04 Holloway, Bryan 1,005.66 Hulet, George 1,103.82 Place, Trevor 830.89 Thompson, Brad 628.96 Gannan, John 800.20 Pierce, Scott 505.72 Meissen, Matthew 598.12 Barnett, Brooke 935.93 Murphy, Jamie 725.23 Williams, Lindsay 630.91 Kinnison, Teresa 433.88 Thomas, Michelle 771.04 Wooderson, Karen 170.96 Kohler, Ann 329.06 Dunlap, Erma 121.37 Ing Life Insurance 505.00 Sanders, Linda 126.56 BTC 10,500.59 Robertson, Kenneth 1,119.77 Community America 50.00 Willis, Brian 640.75 Gentry County Associates Court114.97 Total $47,072.57 Approval Or Mayor R. E. Graner called for approval or correction of the minutes of Correction Of October 3, 2011. Minutes</p><p>Economic Mayor R. E. Graner asked for Economic Developer Reports. Developer Report</p><p>CDBG Surveys Administrator Janelle Hagler informed Council that Sabra Hamilton, Economic Developer, was at a Missouri Community Betterment Meeting in Jefferson City. For any councilman who wants to help complete the LMI surveys for the CDBG Grant meet at City Hall on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.</p><p>Administrator & Mayor R. E. Graner asked for the Administrator and Department Department Reports. Reports</p><p>WWTP Andy Macias, Snyder & Associates, presented the plans for the WWTP. The cost of the WWTP is approximately $6.3M for the entire project. The estimated cost to close the lagoon is $450,000. The new WWTP will be built at the old location and will be placed one foot above the base flood level. Andy Macias would like the Council to authorize Administrator Janelle Hagler to proceed with the paperwork for the financing with USDA.</p><p>Motion made by Alderman Randall Mann to authorize Administrator Janelle Hagler to proceed with the necessary documentation to get the bond issue on the April election for the WWTP and seconded by Alderman Fred Flesher.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>Bids / Insulation Administrator Janelle Hagler presented bids for insulating the roof at Gas, the gas, water and sewer shop. The bids were submitted by Beyond Water/Sewer Insulation, spray foam insulation for $7,300.00; Michael Spurling, batt Bldg insulation for $2,737.00; and Roy Pankau, batt insulation for $2,697.00. George Hulet, Water/Sewer Superintendent, recommend’s going with Roy Pankau to install insulation for $2,697.00 since he is low bidder.</p><p>Motion made by Alderman Randall Mann to accept Roy Pankau’s bid for installing insulation and seconded by Alderman Fred Flesher.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>V10 Engine Administrator Janelle Hagler submitted bids for Paul Gard, Motor Pool, for a V10 engine for a 2003 Ford F250 4x4. The bids submitted were CarQuest with three year warranty, unlimited miles for $3,408.23; Pettijohn’s with three year warranty, unlimited miles for $3,550.00; O’Reilly’s with one year warranty for $3,515.00. The Midway Auto Parts salvage motor had only a 90 day warranty for $2,500.00. Paul Gard, Motor Pool, recommends the bid from CarQuest for $3,408.23 since it has a good warranty and was the low bidder for a new engine. Administrator Janelle Hagler will sign off on the bid since the bid is under $5,000.00. Radio’s Midwest Mobile Radio was switching radios to narrowband to comply with FCC requirements on Tuesday, October 4, 2011 and enough truck radios were able to comply that all departments should have at least one radio for emergencies.</p><p>2005 Pickup Kenny Robertson, Electrical Operator, talked with Pettijohn Auto Center about checking the injectors on the 2005 pickup. Both pickups are 2005 and diesel. The Pettijohn Auto Center is a Super Crew with 106,000 with a 60 day warranty and Justin West is a regular cab with 99,000 miles with no warranty. The bids submitted were Pettijohn Auto Center for $18,350 and Justin West for $18,500.00. Kenny Robertson recommendation is to go with Pettijohn Auto Center since it has a 60 day warranty.</p><p>Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to accept Kenny Robertson’s recommendation to go with Pettijohn Auto Center for $18,350 and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>Nuisance Administrator Janelle Hagler and Sabra Hamilton, Economic Developer, helped with the City Wide cleanup. Administrator Janelle Hagler and Sabra Hamilton, Economic Developer, discussed different issues with Brandon Fordyce about more nuisance violations. Brandon Fordyce has talked with several people about safety issues, abandon vehicles, and property cleanup.</p><p>Aquatic Center The Street Department will be painting the lines for the parking lot at the new Aquatic Center.</p><p>Airport Kenny Robertson, Electric Operator, will be putting up the flight by night switch at the airport on October 18, 2011.</p><p>Vanum Administrator Janelle Hagler has received Larkin’s paperwork on Construction Vanum. Administrator Janelle Hagler is checking to make sure all the vendors has been paid. Vanum Construction was here on Tuesday, October 7, 2011 with the operating manuals and completed some of the final punch list.</p><p>Loader Tires Rick Hayden, Street Superintendent, has purchased tires for the loader at the State bid of $2,800.00.</p><p>Parking On 14th Administrator Janelle Hagler had some complaints regarding the St parking on 14th Street by the Heirloom Hotel and Farmers Insurance Agency. There have not been any parking lines along South 14th Street for several years. The Council suggested parallel parking spaces instead of angle to eliminate congestion at the intersection of Main Street. MoPEP Administrator Janelle Hagler will be attending the MoPEP meeting in Columbia on Monday, October 24, 2011 on the credits for the generators. Walker Burns, Chief Operator at Power Plant, told Administrator Janelle Hagler to retrofit the engines would cost $600,000.00 for all four engines.</p><p>Public Input Mayor R. E. Graner asked if there was any public input.</p><p>There is no public input at this time.</p><p>Council Reports Mayor R. E. Graner asked for the Council Reports and Comments.</p><p>Backhoe Alderman Todd Williams asked Administrator Janelle Hagler what was wrong with the backhoe since the bill was over $4,000.00. George Hulet, Water/Sewer Superintendent, informed Council that the oil cooler had gone out of it. George had taken the backhoe to Paul Gard, Motor Pool, and then to Northwest Implement before sending it to Murphy in Kansas City.</p><p>Dog Ordinance Alderman Jeff Nichols asked Administrator Janelle Hagler about the dog ordinance. Administrator Janelle Hagler talked with MML and Sullivan about getting examples of other cities ordinances before making the changes. We need to add a line in dog ordinance to allow the Judge to put down a dog.</p><p>Business Alderman Jeff Nichols asked about the progress on the business License licenses. Administrator Janelle Hagler has talked with MML and received a lot of information on different business licenses. Administrator Janelle Hagler will continue to work on the changes to the regulations.</p><p>Mayor Mayor R. E. Graner correspondence or appointments Correspondence or Appointments</p><p>MML Article Motion R. E. Graner gave the Councilmen an article he had read in an MML magazine in 2008 about the importance of employee, staff, and Councilmen relations.</p><p>Closed Session Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to go into Closed Session at 6:40 p.m. and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>17th Terrace Administrator Janelle Hagler received a letter from DNR over the sewer issue on 17th Terrace. The letter is suggesting that the City get easements on all the properties that have City services. Cristine Stallings, Attorney, would like the Council to authorize her to write a letter to DNR and ask some questions to confirm the City’s liability. Motion made by Alderman Randall Mann to authorize Cristine Stallings, City Attorney, to write a letter to DNR clarifying the City’s concerns and seconded by Alderman Fred Flesher.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>Open Session Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to go into open session at 6:55 p.m. and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye Adjournment Motion made by Alderman Randall Mann to adjourn and seconded by Alderman Fred Flesher at 6:55 p.m.</p><p>Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye</p><p>______R.E. Graner, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______Nita Schroff, City Clerk</p>

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