<p> August 2013</p><p>VITA</p><p>NAME: Bruce G. Barnett</p><p>CURRENT POSITION: Professor, Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies College of Education and Human Development 6900 North Loop 1604 West University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX 78249</p><p>HOME ADDRESS: 14910 Heimer Road San Antonio, TX 78232</p><p>TELEPHONE: Office: (210) 458-5413 Fax: (210) 458-5848 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION:</p><p>Year Degree Institution Area of Study</p><p>1980 Ph.D. University of California Educational Psychology Santa Barbara, CA</p><p>1973 M.A. Pepperdine University Psychology Los Angeles, CA</p><p>1972 B.A. Arizona State University Psychology Tempe, AZ</p><p>WORK EXPERIENCE:</p><p>Year Organization Position Responsibilities</p><p>2008- University Council for Associate Director of International Research and administration present Educational Administration Affairs</p><p>2002- University of Texas at Professor of Educational Teaching, research, present San Antonio Leadership (Chair 2012-present) service</p><p>1995- University of Northern Professor of Educational Leadership Teaching, research, 2002 Colorado (Division Director 1994-2000) service, administration</p><p>1990- University of Northern Associate Professor of Teaching, research, 1995 Colorado Educational Leadership service</p><p>1987- Indiana University Associate Professor of Teaching, research, 2</p><p>1990 Educational Administration service</p><p>1980- Far West Laboratory Project Director Educational research and 1987 development</p><p>1980 California Lutheran Instructor Teaching College</p><p>1978- University of California Teaching Assistant Teaching 1979 Santa Barbara Educational Psychology</p><p>1977- Mt. Carmel School Teacher/Athletic Coach Teaching, coaching 1979</p><p>1976 All Souls School Teacher Teaching Math, science</p><p>1972- Pasadena Unified Instructional Aide Teaching 1974 School District Math</p><p>AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION:</p><p>International trends in leadership preparation and development Cohort learning Mentoring and coaching Reflective practice Moral dimensions of leadership School-university partnerships Professional development Team learning and development</p><p>PUBLICATIONS (Juried):</p><p>Books</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Shoho, A. S., & Bowers, A. J. (Eds.) (In press). School and district leadership in an era of accountability. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Shoho, A. R., & Cypres, Autumn Tooms (Eds.) (2012). The changing nature of instructional leadership in the 21st century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.</p><p>Shoho, A. R., Barnett, B. G., & Tooms, A. K. (Eds.) (2012). Examining the assistant principalship: New puzzles and perennial challenges for the 21st century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.</p><p>Shoho, A. R., Barnett, B. G., & Tooms, A. K. (Eds.) (2010). The challenges for new principals in the 21st century: Developing leadership capabilities through professional support. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.</p><p>O’Mahony, G. R., Matthews, R. J., & Barnett, B. G. (2009). The power of coaching for school improvement: Nurturing talent and building capacity. Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education. 3</p><p>Matthews, R. J., O’Mahony, G. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2006). Managing change: Leading school improvement. Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.</p><p>O’Mahony, G. R., Barnett, B. G., & Matthews, R. J. (2006). Building culture: A framework for school improvement. Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., O’Mahony, G. R., & Matthews, R. J. (2004). Reflective practice: The cornerstone for school improvement. Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.</p><p>Norris, C. J., Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., & Yerkes, D. M. (2002). Developing educational leaders. A working model: The learning community in action. New York: Teachers College Press.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Whitaker, K. S. (1996). Restructuring for student learning. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing Company.</p><p>Sagor, R., & Barnett, B. G. (1994). The tqe principal: A transformed leader. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., McQuarrie, F. O., & Norris, C. J. (Eds.) (1991). The moral imperatives of leadership: A focus on human decency. Fairfax, VA: National Policy Board for Educational Administration.</p><p>Book Chapters </p><p>Barnett B., & Stevenson, H. (Forthcoming). International perspectives in urban educational leadership. In M. A. Khalifa, C. Grant-Overton, & N. Arnold (Eds.), Handbook of urban school leadership. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Jacobson, S. L. (2010). Higher education partnerships for studying and improving leadership preparation and development around the world. In F. Maringe & N. Foskett (Eds.), Globalisation and internationalisation in higher education (pp. 255-276). London: Continuum International Publishing Group.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2010a). Building leadership capacity to improve student learning: The power and practice of reflection. In S. D. Horsford (Ed.), New perspectives in educational leadership: Exploring social, political, and community contexts and meaning (pp. 67-88). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony. G. R. (2010b). Unlocking the door to international collaboration: The power of interpersonal relationships and learning communities. In A. Tooms & C. Boske (Eds.), Bridge leadership: Connecting educational leadership and social justice to improve schools (pp. 209-254). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Copland, M. A., & Shoho, A. R. (2009). The use of internships in preparing school leaders. In M. D. Young, G. M. Crow, J. Murphy, & R. T. Ogawa (Eds.), Handbook of research on the education of school leaders (pp. 371-394). New York: Routledge.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2008). Mentoring and coaching programs for the professional development of school leaders. In J. Lumby, G. Crow, & P. Pashiardis (Eds.), International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders (pp. 232-262). New York: Routledge. (Reprinted in C. Wise, P. Bradshaw, & M. Cartwright (Eds.) (2013), Leading professional practice in education (pp. 255-273). Milton Keynes, UK: The Open University.)</p><p>Peterson, G. J., & Barnett, B. G. (2005). The superintendent as instructional leader: Current practice, future conceptualizations, and implications for preparation. In L. G. Bjork & T. J. Kowalski (Eds.), The 4</p><p> contemporary superintendent: Preparation, practice, and development (pp. 107-136). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.</p><p>Browne-Ferrigno, T., Barnett, B., & Muth, R. (2003). Cohort program effectiveness: A call for a national research agenda. In F. C. Lunenberg & C. S. Carr (Eds.), Shaping the future: Policy, partnerships, and emerging perspectives. The Eleventh Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., Norris, C. J., & Yerkes, D. (1998). Why are cohorts used or rejected by educational leadership faculty? In R. Muth, R. & M. Martin (Eds.), Toward the year 2000: Leadership for quality schools. The Sixth Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing Company.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Lee, P. (1994). Assessment processes and outcomes: Building a folio. In L. Jackson & R. S. Caffarella (Eds.), Experiential learning: A new approach. New directions in adult and continuing education, No. 62. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., & Barnett, B. G. (1994). Characteristics of adult learners and foundations of experiential learning. In L. Jackson & R. S. Caffarella (Eds.), Experiential learning: A new approach. New directions in adult and continuing education, No. 62. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.</p><p>Daresh, J. C., & Barnett, B. G. (1993). Restructuring leadership development in Colorado. In J. Murphy (Ed.), Preparing tomorrow’s school leaders: Alternative designs. University Park, PA: University Council for Educational Administration.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1991). The educational platform: Articulating moral dilemmas and choices for future educational leaders. In B. G. Barnett, F. O. McQuarrie, & C. J. Norris (Eds.), The moral imperatives of leadership: A focus on human decency. Fairfax, VA: National Policy Board for Educational Administration.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1987). Peer-assisted leadership: Using peer observations and feedback as catalysts for professional growth. In J. Murphy & P. Hallinger (Eds.), Approaches to administrative training in education. New York, NY: SUNY Press.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1987). Using reflection as a professional growth activity. In W. D. Greenfield (Ed.), Instructional leadership: Concepts, issues, and controversies. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.</p><p>Dwyer, D. C., Barnett, B. G., & Lee, G. V. (1987). The school principal: Scapegoat or the last great hope? Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Yearbook. Arlington, VA: ASCD.</p><p>Bossert, S. T., Barnett, B. G., & Filby, N. N. (1984). Grouping and instructional organization. In P. L. Peterson, L. C. Wilkinson, & M. T. Hallinan (Eds.), Instructional groups in the classroom: Organization and processes. New York, NY: Academic Press.</p><p>Articles</p><p>Shoho, Alan R., Barnett, B. G., & Martinez. P. (2012). Enhancing “OJT” internships with interactive coaching. Planning and Changing, 43(1/2), 161-182.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Shoho, A. R., & Oleszewski, A. M. (2012). The job realities of beginning and experienced assistant principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11, 1-37. 5</p><p>Oleszewski, A., Shoho, A., & Barnett, B. (2012). The development of assistant principals: A literature review. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(3), 264-286.</p><p>Shoho, A. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2010). The realities of new principals: Challenges, joys, and sorrows. Journal of School Leadership, 20(5), 561-596.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Muth, R. (2008). Using action-research strategies and cohort structures to ensure research competence for practitioner-scholar leaders. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 3(1), 42 pages (online journal).</p><p>O’Mahony, G., & Barnett, B. (2008). Coaching relationships that influence how experienced principals think and act. Leading & Managing, 14(1), 16-37.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2006). Emerging trends in international leadership education. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 1 (1). Online journal available at: http://www.ucea.org/JRLE/issue.php</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2006). Developing a culture of reflection: Implications for school improvement. Reflective Practice, 7(4), 499-523.</p><p>Garza, E., Barnett, B., Merchant, B., Shoho, A., & Smith, P. (2006). The Urban School Leaders Collaborative: A school-university partnership emphasizing instructional leadership and student and community assets. International Journal of Urban Educational Leadership, 1, 14-30.</p><p>Barnett, B. (2005). Me and my shadow. Teacher, 163, 10-16.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2005). Transferring learning from the classroom to the workplace: Challenges and implications for educational leadership preparation. Educational Considerations, 32(2), 6-16.</p><p>Barnett, B., & O’Mahony. G. (2005). Sage mentors. Teacher, 164, 46-51.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Muth, R. (2003). Assessment of cohort-based educational leadership preparation programs. Educational Leadership and Administration, 15, 97-112.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. (2002). One for the to-do list: Slow down and think. Journal of Staff Development, 23(3), 54-58.</p><p>Barnett, B., O’Mahony, G., & Miller, I. (2002). The promise of mentoring. Prime Focus, 29, 23-26.</p><p>Muth, R., & Barnett, B. (2001). Making the case for cohorts: Identifying research gaps, improving professional preparation, and gaining political support. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development, 13, 111-122.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., Yerkes, D. M., & Norris, C. J. (2000). Cohorts in educational leadership programs: Benefits, difficulties, and the potential for developing school leaders. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 255-282.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., & Barnett, B. G. (2000). Teaching doctoral students how to become scholarly writers. Studies in Higher Education, 25(1), 39-52.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Hall, G. E., Berg, J. H., & Camarena, M. M. (1999). A typology of partnerships for promoting innovation. Journal of School Leadership, 9, 484-510. (Reprinted in January 2010 Journal of School Leadership, 20(10, 10-36.) 6</p><p>Berg, J. H., & Barnett, B. G. (1999). The school superintendent: “Attention must be paid.” The AASA Professor, 22(3), 8-13.</p><p>Whitaker, K. S., & Barnett, B. G. (1999). A partnership model linking K-12 school districts and leadership preparation programs. Planning and Changing, 30(3/4), 126-143.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., & Barnett, B. G. (1997). Psychosocial development of women: Linking this literature to the study of leadership. Mountain Plains Adult Education Association Journal of Adult Education, XXV(1), 2-16.</p><p>Norris, C., Barnett, B., Basom, M., & Yerkes, D, (1997). The cohort: A vehicle for building transformational leadership skills. Planning and Changing, 27(3&4), 145-164.</p><p>Basom, M., Yerkes, D., Barnett, B., & Norris, C. (1996/97). A backward glance: Cohorts in educational leadership programs. Record in Educational Leadership, 16(1&2) and 17 (1&2), 55-60.</p><p>Basom, M., Yerkes, D., Norris, C., & Barnett, B. (1996). Using cohorts as a means for developing transformational leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 6(1), 99-112.</p><p>Dussault, M., & Barnett, B. G. (1996). Peer-Assisted Leadership: Reducing educational managers’ professional isolation. Journal of Educational Administration, 34(3), 5-14.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1995). Developing reflection and expertise: Can mentors make the difference? Journal of Educational Administration, 33(5), 45-59.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1995). Portfolio use in educational leadership preparation programs: From theory to practice. Innovative Higher Education, 19(3), 197-206.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1995). Visioning for the future: What can educational leaders do to build a shared commitment to interagency collaboration? Journal of School Leadership, 5(1), 69-86.</p><p>Yerkes, D. M., Basom, M., Barnett, B., & Norris, C. (1995). Cohorts today: Considerations of structure, characteristics, and potential effects. Journal of the California Association of Professors of Educational Administration, 7, 7-19.</p><p>Lee, G. V., & Barnett, B. G. (1994). Using reflective questioning to promote collaborative dialogue. Journal of Staff Development, 15(1), 16-21.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1993). Confronting inherent difficulties in mentor-intern relationships. Planning and Changing, 24(1/2), 51-59.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Muse, I. D. (1993). Cohort groups in educational administration: Promises and challenges. Journal of School Leadership, 3, 400-415.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1992). Using alternative assessment measures in educational leadership preparation programs: Educational platforms and portfolios. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 6, 141-151.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Caffarella, R. S., Daresh, J. C., King, R. A., Nicholson, T. H., & Whitaker, K. S. (1992). A new slant on leadership preparation. Educational Leadership, 49, 72-75.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1991). School-university collaboration: A fad or the future of administrative preparation? Planning and Changing, 21(3), 146-157. 7</p><p>Barnett, B. (1990). Overcoming obstacles to peer coaching for principals. Educational Leadership, 47, 62-64.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1990). Peer-assisted leadership: Expanding principals' knowledge through reflective practice. Journal of Educational Administration, 28, 67-76.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1990). The mentor-intern relationship: Making the most of learning from experience. NASSP Bulletin, 74, 17-24.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Brill, A. D. (1990). Building reflection into administrative training programs. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 3, 179-192.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1989). Using peer observation and feedback to reduce principals' isolation. Journal of Educational Administration, 27, 46-56.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Mueller, F. L. (1989). Long-term effects of the Peer-Assisted Leadership program on principals' actions and attitudes. Elementary School Journal, 89, 559-574.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1988). Incorporating peer observation in administrative inservice and preservice training programs. Planning and Changing, 19(4), 224-236.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1986). Principals creating case studies of one another: The Peer-Assisted Leadership program. Peabody Journal of Education, 63, 174-186.</p><p>Barnett, B., & Long, C. (1986). Peer-Assisted Leadership: Principals learning from one another. Phi Delta Kappan, 67, 672-675.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1985). Peer-Assisted Leadership: Using research to improve practice. The Urban Review, 17, 47- 64.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1985). Reflection in action: A stimulus for professional growth. Thrust for Educational Leadership, 14, 48-49.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1984). Subordinate teacher power in school organizations. Sociology of Education, 57, 43-55.</p><p>Filby, N. N., & Barnett, B. G. (1982). Student perceptions of "better readers" in elementary classrooms. Elementary School Journal, 82, 435-449.</p><p>Braver, S. L., & Barnett, B. G. (1976). Effects of modeling on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma game. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 33, 161-169.</p><p>Braver, S. L., & Barnett, B. (1974). Perception of opponent's motives and cooperation in a mixed-motive game. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 18, 686-699.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS (Non-juried):</p><p>Books</p><p>Barnett, B. (2010). Foreword. In G. Jean-Marie, & A. H. Normore (Eds.), Educational leadership preparation: Innovation and interdisciplinary approaches to the Ed.D. and graduate education. New York: Palgrave MacMillan Publishers. 8</p><p>Book Reviews</p><p>Barnett, B. (2012). M. Scott Norton (Ed.). Competency-based leadership: A guide for high performance in the role of the school principal. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.</p><p>Barnett, B. (2011). Donlevy, J. K., & Walker, K. D. Working through ethics in education and leadership. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2011). Ylimaki, R. M. & Jacobson, S. L (Eds.), US and cross-national policies, practices, and preparation. New York: Springer Publishing. Review prepared for Leadership and Policy in Schools.</p><p>Barnett, B. (2010). E. Holcomb, Asking the right questions: Tools for collaboration and school change (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Review prepared for Mentoring and Tutoring.</p><p>Articles </p><p>Stevenson, H., & Barnett, B. (2010). Developing an international research collaboration between BELMAS and UCEA. UCEA Review, 51(1), 17-18. (Also appears in 2010 Management in Education, 24(2), 44-45.)</p><p>Barnett, B. (2009). UCEA’s involvement in international research and development: Current trends and future implications. UCEA Review, 50(1), 31-32.</p><p>Murakami-Ramalho, E., & Barnett, B. (2008). Globalizing conversations in educational leadership. UCEA Review, XLIX(2), 1-4.</p><p>O’Mahony, G., & Barnett, B. (2006). Principals supporting principals: The PRISM experience. The Victorian Education Magazine, Term 1, 7.</p><p>Yerkes, D., Norris, C., Basom, P., & Barnett, B. (1994). Exploring cohorts: Effects on principal preparation and leadership practice. Connections, 2(3), 1, 5-8.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1992). Reforming doctoral programs: University of Northern Colorado. Design for Leadership, 3(2), 1, 5, 8.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1992). The promise of CEAIP: One person's view. CEAIP Newsletter, 2(2), 3-4.</p><p>Monographs/Research Reports</p><p>Barnett, B. (2002). The promise and challenge of values-based leadership preparation. Invited paper for the Seventh Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada.</p><p>Barnett, B. (2001). Mentoring for practising and aspiring school leaders: The “SAGE” model. Australian Principals Centre Monograph, No. 4. Hawthorne, Victoria: APC.</p><p>Barnett, B. (2001). Preparing to face the challenges of the principalship: The “PRISM” model. Australian Principals Centre Monograph, No. 3. Hawthorne, Victoria: APC.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2000). The changing external policy context and the role of the school principal. Invited paper prepared for the National College for School Leadership, University of Nottingham, England. 9</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Muse, I. D. (1992). Cohort groups in educational administration: Promises and problems. Problem Based Educational Leadership Programs. A collection of papers for the San Francisco Forum on Problem Based Learning sponsored by the Danforth Foundation and the National Policy Board for Educational Administration. St. Louis, MO: The Danforth Foundation.</p><p>Jackson, L., Barnett, B., Caffarella, R., Lee, P., & MacIsaac, D. (1992). Applying experiential learning in college teaching and assessment: A process model. Greeley, CO: University of Northern Colorado.</p><p>Barnett, B. (1987). The principal and secondary school improvement. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Barnett, B., Kirkpatrick, S., & Little, J. W. (1986). California's mentor teachers: Two years of learning. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Dwyer, D. C., Lee, G. V., Barnett, B. G., Filby, N. N., & Rowan, B. (1985). Understanding the principal's contribution to instruction: Seven principals, seven stories. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Lee, G. V., and Mueller, F. L. (1984). The principals' instructional management academy: First year and beyond. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Long, C. L., Schafer, J., & McReynolds, B. (1984). Elementary principals' yellow pages: Solutions to common instructional management problems. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Long, C. L., Schafer, J., & McReynolds, B. (1984). Secondary principals' yellow pages: Solutions to common instructional management problems. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Filby, N. N., & Bossert, S. T. (1982). Multiple instructional groups: A case study of an entire school. San Francisco: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Bossert, S. T., & Barnett, B. G. (1981). Grouping for instruction: A catalog of arrangements. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Filby, N. N., & Barnett, B. G. (1981). Report on a field study of reading organization. San Francisco, CA: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development.</p><p>Harris, C. W., Houang, R. T., Pearlman, A. P., & Barnett, B. G. (1979). Achievement testing in regard to an instructional program. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (Juried):</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Shoho, A. R, & Oleszewski, A. M. (2011). The job realities of beginning and experienced assistant principals. Paper presented at the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Conference, Wyboston Lakes, England.</p><p>Barnett, B., Shoho, A., & Oleszewski, A. (2011). The job realities of beginning and experienced assistant principals. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Pittsburgh, PA. 10</p><p>Barnett, B., & Stevenson, H. (2011). The International School Leadership Development Network: A BELMAS- UCEA collaborative research project. Paper presented at the Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, Canada.</p><p>Oleszewski, A., Shoho, A., & Barnett, B. (2011). Research on assistant principals: A review of the literature. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Jacobson, S. L. (2010). Higher education partnerships for studying, preparing, and developing educational leaders around the world. Paper presented at the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management and Australian Council for Educational Leaders International Conference, Sydney, Australia.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Shoho, A. R. (2010). Changing realities of beginning and experienced assistant principals. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.</p><p>Jacobson, S. L., & Barnett, B. G. (2010). Global trends in higher education partnerships intended to study, prepare, and develop educational leaders. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Shoho, A. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2010). Changing realities of novice and experienced assistant principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.</p><p>Barnett, B., & O’Mahony, G. (2009a). Journey into Leadership: Aspirant leader development in Australia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2009b). Reflective practice in educational leadership: Implications for improving student learning. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Anaheim, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B., Henry, D. A., & Vann, B. (2008). Coaching teachers and principals: Influence on resiliency, student learning, and school improvement. Paper presented at the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management Conference, Durban, South Africa.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2007). Developing productive relationships between coaches and principals: The Australian experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2007). Mentoring and coaching for aspiring and practicing school leaders: International trends and future implications. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Washington, DC.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Copland, M., & Garcia, J. (2006). Incorporating field experiences in educational leadership preparation: Implications for learning transfer. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & O’Mahony, G. R. (2006). Peer coaching for experienced principals: Building their capacity as transformational leaders. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Shoho, A. R. (2006). Texas High School Project (THSP) Pilot High School Certification Program. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, TX. 11</p><p>O’Mahony, G. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2006). Advancing school improvement in Australia: The influence of peer coaching on experienced principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Shoho, A. R., & Barnett, B. G. (2006). The challenges of new principals: implications for preparation, induction, and professional support. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2005). Learning transfer: Implications for the preparation and development of beginning principals. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Nashville, TN.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Shoho, A. R. (2005). The challenges of novice school administrators: Implications for preparation, induction, and professional support. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Nashville, TN.</p><p>Shoho, A., Barnett, B., & Heck, R. (2005). The challenges experienced by beginning principals. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2004). How can preparation programs facilitate transfer of learning communities to the workplace? Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO.</p><p>Petersen, G. J., & Barnett, B. G. (2004). The superintendent as instructional leader: Current practice, future conceptualizations, and implications for practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2003). Catching the tiger by the tail: The illusive nature of principal preparation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Barnett, B., Garza, E., Merchant, B., & Shoho, A. (2003). The urban school leaders collaborative: A school- university partnership emphasizing instructional leadership and student and community assets. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR.</p><p>Hall, G. E., Berg, J. H, & Barnett, B. (2003). Beginning principals in America: What have we studied what have we learned. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Jehue, R. J, Hall, G. E., Caffarella, R. S., Barnett, B. G., Persichitte, K. A., and George, A. A. (2003). Development of a measure to assess military leaders’ change facilitator styles. Poster session presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Petersen, G. J., & Barnett, B. G. (2003). The superintendent as instructional leader: Evolution, future conceptualizations and implications for practice and preparation. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR.</p><p>Petersen, G. J., & Barnett, B. G. (2003). The superintendent as instructional leader: History, evolution and future of the role. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. 12</p><p>Browne-Ferrigno, T., Barnett, B., & Muth, R. (2002). Performance outcomes and accreditation: A national research agenda. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA.</p><p>Barnett, B., & Muth, R. (2001). Issues related to the assessment of cohort-based educational leadership preparation programs. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Cincinnati, OH.</p><p>Basom, M. R., & Barnett, B. (2001). Modeling community through cohort development. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Cincinnati, OH.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2001). Beginning principals in Colorado: Their understanding and ways of interacting with organizational boundaries. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2001). The International Beginning Principal Study: Overview of the project and research methodology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (2001). The professional induction of beginning principals in Colorado. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Barnett, B., & Berg, J. (2000). The department directorship revisited: Are two heads better than one? Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM.</p><p>Barnett, B., & Muth, R. (2000). Making the case for professional preparation: Using research for program improvement and political support. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., Barnett, B. G., & Gimmestad, M. (2000). Formal instruction in scholarly writing: Effects on doctoral students’ academic and workplace practices. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Albuquerque, NM.</p><p>Barnett, B., Gimmestad, M., & Caffarella, R. (1999). Does teaching scholarly writing impact doctoral students’ academic experiences and professional practices? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., Yerkes, D. M., & Norris, C. J. (1998). Are educational administrators better prepared for leadership roles in cohorts than in traditional programs? Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO.</p><p>Barnett, B., Caffarella, R., & Gimmestad, M. (1998). Teaching scholarly writing to doctoral students: Giving novice scholars a running start. Paper presented at the annual Adult Education Research Conference, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>Berg, J. H., & Barnett, B. G. (1998). The school superintendent: “Attention must be paid.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., Norris, C. J., & Yerkes, D. M. (1997). Why are cohorts used or rejected by educational leadership faculty? Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Vail, CO. 13</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Basom, M. R., Yerkes, D. M., & Norris, C. J. (1997). The benefits and liabilities of cohorts: Perceptions of educational leadership faculty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., & Barnett, B. G. (1997). Teaching doctoral students writing: Negotiating the borders between the world of practice and doctoral study. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL.</p><p>Barnett, B., Yerkes, D. M., Basom, M., & Norris, C. (1996). Structures and instructional strategies used in educational leadership cohorts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.</p><p>Norris, C. J., Barnett, B., Basom, M., and Yerkes, D. (1996). The cohort: A vehicle for building transformational leaders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.</p><p>Norris, C. J., Basom, M., Hermond, D., Barnett, B., & Yerkes, D. (1996). Developing participatory leadership through a cohort experience. Presentation at the American Association of School Administrator's Conference-Within-A-Conference, San Diego, CA.</p><p>Norris, C. J., Basom, M., Yerkes, D., & Barnett, B. (1996). Portraitures of leadership. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Corpus Christi, TX.</p><p>Norris, C. J., Basom, M. R., Yerkes, D., & Barnett, B. G. (1996). The development of platforms in leadership programs: Perspectives and prospects. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Louisville, KY.</p><p>Yerkes, D., Basom, M. R., Norris, C., & Barnett, B. (1995). Using cohorts in the development of educational leaders. Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Conference of the Association of Management, Vancouver, Canada.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1994). Conceptual issues in portfolio development: Implications for educational leadership preparation programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Basom, M., Barnett, B., Norris, C., & Yerkes, D. M. (1994). Exploring the impact of cohorts on preparation programs and administrative practices in schools. Presentation at the American Association of School Administrator's Conference-Within-A-Conference, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Norris, C. J., & Barnett, B. (1994). Cultivating a new leadership paradigm: From cohorts to communities. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1993). Visioning for the future: What can educational leaders do to build a shared commitment to interagency collaboration? Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Houston, TX.</p><p>Caffarella, R. S., & Barnett, B. G. (1993). Psychosocial development of women: Linking this literature to the study of leadership. Paper presented at the annual Adult Education Research Conference, University Park, PA. 14</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Caffarella, R. S. (1992). The use of cohorts: A powerful way for addressing issues of diversity in preparation programs. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Minneapolis, MN. (ERIC Document: EA 024 702)</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1991). Incorporating alternative assessment measures in an educational leadership preparation program: Portfolios and educational platforms. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Education Administration, Baltimore, MD. (ERIC Document: EA 023 663)</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1991). The educational platform: A developmental activity for preparing moral school leaders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1990). Collaboration between school districts and universities in the preparation of school administrators. Paper presented at the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Forum on School Administrator Preparation, Sacramento, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1990). Mentoring programs for administrator preparation: Mentors' and interns' perceptions of program success. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1989). Peer-assisted leadership: Expanding principals' knowledge through reflective practice. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Scottsdale, AZ.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1989). Reflection: The cornerstone of learning from experience. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Scottsdale, AZ.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1988). Adapting PAL activities for administrative preparation and inservice training programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Brill, A. D. (1988). Building reflection into administrative training programs. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Cincinnati, OH.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. and Mueller, F. L. (1987). The long-term effects of inservice training for principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1986). The power of reflection in promoting principals' professional growth and development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1985). A synthesis for improving practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Lee, G. V. (1985). The instructional management academy: Using research to build the principal's capacity for instructional leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Filby, N. N. (1984). Effects of the presentation of reading materials and instructional pacing on first graders' reading fluency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. 15</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Lee, G. V. (1984). Building the principal's capacity for instructional leadership through self- evaluation. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the Evaluation Research Society and the Evaluation Network, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., Filby, N. N., & Bossert, S. T. (1983). Instructional grouping practices: A synthesis of research and a plan for interactive development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.</p><p>Barnett, B. G. (1982). Subordinate teacher power and influence in schools. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. (ERIC Document: ED 244 095)</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Filby, N. N. (1982). Classroom effects on student perceptions of better readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.</p><p>Filby, N. N., & Barnett, B. G. (1982). Classroom organization and student learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.</p><p>Filby, N. N., & Barnett, B. G. (1982). Lesson plans and pacing for reading groups. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL.</p><p>Filby, N. N., Terry, P. D., & Barnett, B. G. (1982). Peer interactions at the beginning of the school year. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.</p><p>Barnett, B. G., & Block, J. H. (1979). Student time and school learning: The extra-curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (Non-juried):</p><p>Invited workshop, “Mentoring School Leadership Fellows: Building Relationships for Success,” for the Center for Educational Leadership, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 2013.</p><p>Invited workshops, “Mentoring School Leadership Aspirants: Building Their Skills and Confidence” and presentation, “Mentoring and Coaching for School Leaders: What Is? What Should Be?” for the Centre for Educational Leadership and Administration, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, August 2012.</p><p>Invited workshops, “Shadowing, Reflective Interviewing, and Instructional Leadership Data Analysis,” “Developing 21st Century Leaders,” and “The Power and Potential of Team Mentoring,” for the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, September 2011.</p><p>Invited presentation, “Developing 21st Century Leaders: An Interactive Discussion,” for the New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society (Nelson, NZ) and the Centre for Educational Leadership and Administration, University of Otago (Dunedin and Invercargill, NZ), September 2010.</p><p>Invited workshop, “Improving Schools Using Reflective Team Practices,” for the Education Service Center Region 20, San Antonio, November 2009.</p><p>Invited presentation, “Building High School Leaders through an Innovative School District-University Partnership,” conducted at the Texas Education Association Principal Leadership Symposium, Austin, TX, July 2009. 16</p><p>Keynote presentation, “The Challenge of Educational Leadership: Helping Future Generations Learn to be Hopeful,” delivered at the British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Conference, Sheffield, England, July 2009.</p><p>Invited workshop, “Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: Leadership for School Improvement,” conducted for the Centre for Educational Studies, University of Hull at the Drumcondra Education Centre, Dublin, Ireland and the Regional Training Unit, Belfast, Northern Ireland, May/June 2007.</p><p>Co-facilitator for mentoring workshop for principals, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, August 2005.</p><p>Co-facilitator for workshop on reflection, School Leadership Centre, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, June 2005.</p><p>Co-facilitator for SAGE and peer coaching for workshops principals and leading teachers, Australian Principals Centre, Victoria, Australia, 2000-2007.</p><p>Invited workshop, “Leading High Performing Schools,” conducted for the International Educational Leadership Centre, University of Hull, Hull, England, January 2004, May 2004, May 2005.</p><p>Invited workshop, “Using Reflection for Strategic Leadership and Team Development,” conducted for the International Institute for Educational Leadership, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, England, 2000-2005.</p><p>Keynote presentation, “The Promise and Challenge of Values-Based Leadership Preparation,” delivered at the Seventh Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada, October 2002.</p><p>Co-facilitator for the Lutheran Mentoring Program, Australian Principals Centre, Adelaide and Brisbane, Australia, March 2002.</p><p>Keynote presentation, “What Keeps Quality Educators from Becoming Principals…and What Can We Do about It?” conducted for the International Institute for Educational Leadership, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, England, March 2001.</p><p>Keynote presentation, “Principals as Cultural Architects of Creative Learning Environments,” delivered at the Australian Primary Principals Association National Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, October 1999.</p><p>Facilitator for the Goals 2000 Networking Day sponsored by the Colorado Department of Education, Denver, CO, October 1998.</p><p>Invited presentation, “Issues and Trends in the Reform of Educational Administration Programs” delivered at the Invitational Forum on the Preparation of Tomorrow’s School Leaders sponsored by the University System of Georgia, Atlanta, GA, September 1998.</p><p>Invited presenter for the workshop, “Experiential Learning: Expanding Your Teaching Strategies,” St. Andrews School, Pasadena, CA, August 1998.</p><p>Co-presenter for the workshop, “Team Teaching in Higher Education,” Regis University, School of Nursing, Denver, CO, 1997-1998.</p><p>Invited presenter for the Aurora Public Schools, “Building the Habit of Reflection,” Aurora, CO, 1996-1999. 17</p><p>Co-presenter at the workshop, “Strengthening the Experiential Learning Process in Sustainable Agriculture,” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, March 1997.</p><p>Invited presenter at the Colorado Staff Development Council’s “Assuming Responsibility Through Professional Development Conference,” Northglenn, CO, February 1997.</p><p>Invited presenter at the workshop, “Building the Habit of Reflection,” St. Louis Principals’ Academy, Lake of the Ozarks, MO, October 1996.</p><p>Invited presenter at the Bresnahan-Halstead/Kephart Symposium sponsored by the Division of Special Education, University of Northern Colorado, Vail, CO, July 1996.</p><p>Panel moderator for “Surveying the Landscape of Portfolios: Strategies for Graduate Preparation in Colleges of Education,” University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, October 1995.</p><p>Invited presenter at the New Mexico Principals' Center Mid-Winter Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 1995.</p><p>Invited presenter at the University of Northern Colorado's Kephart Conference, "Special Education Leadership Issues," Vail, CO, July 1992.</p><p>Co-presenter at the Danforth Foundation's National Forum II: Problem Based Learning for Educational Leadership Programs, San Francisco, CA, April 1992.</p><p>Invited speaker for the University of New Mexico's Danforth Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, November 1991.</p><p>Co-presenter at the Mentor Training Workshop for the Hawaii School Leadership Academy, Makaha, HI, January 1991.</p><p>Co-presenter for the New Mexico Partners in Educational Leadership, Rio Rancho, NM, November 1990.</p><p>Co-presenter at the Administrators' Retreat for School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin), Kamloops, British Columbia, October 1990.</p><p>Facilitator at the Colorado Association of School Boards Summer Law Conference, Denver, CO, August 1990.</p><p>Presenter at the California School Leadership Academy's "Convocation," 1988-1990.</p><p>Presenter at the Wisconsin Administrators' Leadership Academy, "Effective Principal: Effective School," Green Bay, WI, 1989-1993.</p><p>Presenter at the Danforth Foundation's National Conference "The Moral Imperatives of Leadership: A Focus on Human Decency," Norman, OK, April 1989.</p><p>Presenter at "The Development of Effective School Administration" sponsored by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto and Vancouver, Canada, November 1988.</p><p>Invited speaker at the Oregon Leadership Academy's "Institute for the Advancement of Leadership Symposium," Portland, OR, September 1988.</p><p>Co-facilitator and presenter at the New Mexico Principal Center's Summer Institute, Albuquerque, NM, 1988- 1990. 18</p><p>Presenter at the National Principals' Center Conversation, Berkeley, CA, April 1987.</p><p>Presenter at the "Collegiality as a Component of the Improving School," Harvard Principals' Center, Cambridge, MA, April 1986.</p><p>Invited speaker for the Distinguished Lecture Series, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 1986.</p><p>Presenter at the annual conference of the Washington Association of School Administrators, Yakima, WA, June 1985.</p><p>Presenter at the annual meeting of the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals, St. George, UT, February 1984.</p><p>Presenter at the California Effective Schools Conference sponsored by Far West Laboratory and the California State Department of Education, San Francisco, CA, November 1983.</p><p>Presenter at the Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory's School Improvement and Technology Conference, Vail, CO, July 1982.</p><p>Presenter at the Conference on Student Diversity and the Organization, Processes, and Use of Instructional Groups in the Classroom, Madison, WI, May 1982.</p><p>GRANT ACTIVITY:</p><p>Co-PI with Alan Shoho for a $300,000 grant for the “Pilot High School Principal Certification Program,” funded by the Communities Foundation of Texas and the Institute for Public School Initiatives of the University of Texas System. Funded, May 2006 - May 2011.</p><p>Submitted $3,667,000 grant proposal with Alan Shoho to the United States Department of Education School Leadership Program, June 2008 (not funded).</p><p>Submitted concept paper with Alan Shoho to The Broad Foundation’s Aspiring Principal Training Program, June 2007 (not funded).</p><p>Submitted $379,000 grant proposal with Alan Shoho, “Future Leaders of San Antonio Schools,” to the Sid W. Richardson Foundation, January 2007 (not funded).</p><p>Submitted grant proposal for $700,000 to U.S. Department of Education, “School Leadership Development Program” with Alan Shoho and Mariela Rodriguez, April 2005 (not funded).</p><p>Received $1000 for a College of Education and Human Development research grant, University of Texas at San Antonio, November 2003, December 2004.</p><p>Program implementation grant to support students participating in the University of Northern Colorado- Thompson School District Educational Leadership Development Partnership. Funded for $76,000 by the Erion Foundation (Loveland, Colorado), 1999-2000 (programmatic funds provided to the University of Northern Colorado).</p><p>Mini-grant funds from the Principal Preparation Network program to investigate use of cohort groups in leadership preparation. Funded for $15,000 by the Danforth Foundation, 1993-1996 (with Peggy Basom, Cynthia Norris, and Diane Yerkes). 19</p><p>Designing and Evaluating Effective Practicum Experiences for Non-traditional Students. Funded for $2300 by the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning, University of Northern Colorado, 1991-92 (with Rosemary Caffarella, Lewis Jackson, Patty Lee, and Doug MacIsaac).</p><p>Alliance for Educational Leadership program. Funded for $10,000 by the Danforth Foundation, 1990-91 (programmatic funds provided to the University of Northern Colorado).</p><p>Program for the Preparation of School Principals. Funded for $35,000 by the Danforth Foundation, 1987-1989 (programmatic funds provided to Indiana University).</p><p>PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION (Selected List):</p><p>Years Organization Role </p><p>2008 Assessment Training Institute Consultant on assessment practices in leadership Portland, OR preparation programs</p><p>2006- Clemson University Consultant for the Department of Leadership, 2007 Clemson, SC Counselor Education, Human and Organizational Development</p><p>2006- Chicago Public Schools Consultant on mentoring and coaching programs 2008 Chicago, IL for new and aspiring principals</p><p>2005- Missouri State University External reviewer for the Department of 2006 Springfield, MO Educational Administration</p><p>2003 National College for School Leadership Prepared critiques of professional development Nottingham, England programs for beginning principals (http:www.ncsl.org.uk/index.cfm?pageID= randd-research-publications)</p><p>2000- Colorado Staff Development Council Member of Planning Committee for the 2001 2001 Denver, CO National Staff Development Council Conference</p><p>2000 Education Department Consultant on mentoring programs for new Government of Hong Kong Special principals Administrative Region</p><p>1998- Mid-Continent Regional Educational Consultant on the role of external agencies 1999 Laboratory in assisting school districts Denver, CO</p><p>1997 Colorado Staff Development Council Facilitator for long-term planning Denver, CO for the organization</p><p>1996- Weld County RE-1 School District Facilitator for long-term planning 1997 Gilcrest, CO for the district</p><p>1995- Tointon Institute Presenter, facilitator, and member of 2000 University of Northern Colorado advisory board for Principal Leadership 20</p><p>Greeley, CO Academy</p><p>1993- Office of Adult Education Presenter/consultant on quality 1994 Denver, CO improvement</p><p>1993- Colorado Department of Education Consultant on licensure standards 1994 Denver, CO</p><p>1992 Interstudie voor Ondersmanagement Presenter/consultant on induction for school Arnhem, Holland leaders</p><p>1992 Local Education Authorities Presenter/consultant on mentoring Northampton and London, England and coaching</p><p>1991- Danforth Foundation Consultant for Principal Preparation 1995 St. Louis, MO Network</p><p>1989 Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction Presenter/consultant on peer Madison, WI coaching</p><p>1988- Indiana Principal Leadership Academy Presenter/consultant on leadership development 1993 Indianapolis, IN</p><p>1988- Indianapolis Public Schools Presenter/consultant on peer coaching 1990 Indianapolis, IN</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION PARTICIPATION (Memberships):</p><p>Years Organization </p><p>2005 Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association </p><p>1993- University Council for Educational Administration present (Institutional membership)</p><p>2008 National Association of Secondary School Principals</p><p>1992- National Staff Development Council 2003</p><p>1990- Colorado Association of School Executives 2002 (Institutional membership)</p><p>1990- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2002</p><p>1980- American Educational Research Association present</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION PARTICIPATION (Service): 21</p><p>Years Organization </p><p>2011 American Educational Research Association Reviewer for the Robert Kottkamp Outstanding Dissertation Award Learning and Teaching in Educational Leadership</p><p>2009 Educational Policy Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2009 European Education Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2009- Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership present Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2009 Journal of School Public Relations Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2006- Barbara Jackson Scholar Mentor present University Council for Educational Administration</p><p>2008- Educational Management Administration & Leadership present Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2008 International Studies in Educational Administration Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2008- Leadership and Policy in Schools present Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2007- Editorial board member for Reflective Practice 2013</p><p>2005- Editorial board member for Journal of Research on 2009 Leadership Education</p><p>2005 Journal of Research on Professional Learning Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2004 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers Book reviewer</p><p>2004- Multicultural Perspectives present Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2004- American Educational Research Journal present Manuscript reviewer</p><p>2003 Reviewer of AERA Division A Dissertation Awards</p><p>2002- Journal of School Leadership 22</p><p>2003 Co-editor of special issue on leadership preparation</p><p>1999- Reviewer and editorial board member for Journal of School Leadership present</p><p>1999 Montana State University Facilitator for educational administration program</p><p>1997 University Council for Educational Administration Instructional module developer for the Information Environment for School Leader Preparation project</p><p>1990, Editorial board member for Educational Administration 1997- Quarterly 2003 </p><p>1997 San Diego State University External reviewer for educational leadership program</p><p>1997 University of New Mexico External reviewer for educational leadership program</p><p>1996 University Council for Educational Administration Program co-chair for the 1996 annual convention</p><p>1996- Tointon Institute, University of Northern Colorado 2000 Advisory board member</p><p>1996 Allyn and Bacon Publishers Book reviewer</p><p>1995 University Council for Educational Administration Planner/facilitator for National Graduate Student Research Seminar</p><p>1993 Lane Akers, Inc. Book reviewer</p><p>1992- American Educational Research Association present Proposal reviewer</p><p>1992- Danforth Foundation 1995 Editorial board member for Connections newsletter and western region coordinator</p><p>1992- Longman Publishing present Book reviewer</p><p>1991- National Policy Board for Educational Administration 1994 Editorial board member for Design newsletter</p><p>1991- Corwin Press 23 present Book reviewer</p><p>1991 Theory Into Practice Guest Editor for special issue on instructional leadership</p><p>1990- University Council for Educational Administration present Proposal reviewer</p><p>1990- University Council for Educational Administration present Reviewer for Educational Administration Quarterly</p><p>1989- Indiana Principal Leadership Academy editorial 1990 board member for the Special Edition newsletter</p><p>1988 Phi Delta Kappan Book reviewer</p><p>UNIVERSITY SERVICE:</p><p>Department/Unit</p><p>Dates Activity Location</p><p>2012- ELPS Department Chair Univ. of Texas at San Antonio present</p><p>2009- ELPS Master’s and Ed.D. Program Committees Univ. of Texas at San Antonio present</p><p>2009- UT Permian Basin Ed.D Program Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio present</p><p>2006- Affirmative Action Advocate Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2010 ECE and Reading faculty search committees</p><p>2004- Graduate Advisor Coordinator Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2008 ELPS Department</p><p>2004- Affirmative Action Advocate Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2005 DISCI faculty search committee</p><p>2002- Department Faculty Review Advisory Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2012</p><p>2002- ELPS department search committees Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2010 Chair of 2003-04 search committee</p><p>2002- Educational Psychology department search Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2003 committee</p><p>1997- Departmental Graduate Coordinator University of Northern Colorado 2002 24</p><p>1994- ELPS Division Director University of Northern Colorado 2000</p><p>1993 ELPS department search committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1991 Chair of EDAD department search committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1988 ELPS department search committee Indiana University</p><p>School/College </p><p>Dates Activity Location </p><p>2012- COEHD Dean’s Executive Council Univ. of Texas at San Antonio present</p><p>2005; COEHD Faculty Review Advisory Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2007- 2008</p><p>2002-04; COEHD Council Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2009-2011</p><p>2002- COEHD Committee on Diversity Initiatives Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2003</p><p>1998 College of Education Scholar Award Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1997 College of Education Commission on Women University of Northern Colorado (Co-chair)</p><p>1995 College of Education Scholar Award Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1994- College of Education Leadership Council University of Northern Colorado 2002</p><p>1994 College of Education Dean's Advisory Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1993 College of Education Teaching Award Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1990- College of Education Curriculum Committee University of Northern Colorado 1995 (Chair 1992-95)</p><p>University </p><p>Dates Activity Location</p><p>2005- Faculty Grievance Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2012 25</p><p>2005- Graduate Council Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2007</p><p>2003- University Faculty Review Advisory Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2004</p><p>2003- Graduate Programs Evaluation Committee Univ. of Texas at San Antonio 2004</p><p>1998- Department Chair Professional Development University of Northern Colorado 1999 Committee</p><p>1996 Workload Policy Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1993, Park Hill Mason Doctoral Fellowship Committee University of Northern Colorado 1995</p><p>1993- Academic Policies Committee University of Northern Colorado 1996</p><p>1993- Faculty Senate University of Northern Colorado 1996</p><p>1993 Dean of College of Education Search Committee University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1991- Faculty Research and Publications Board University of Northern Colorado 1994</p><p>1990- Faculty Advisory Committee for UNC Research University of Northern Colorado 1992 Corporation</p><p>1989 Sabbatic Leave Committee Indiana University</p><p>GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEES:</p><p>Doctoral Research Committees (University of Texas at San Antonio)</p><p>Date Student Name Dissertation Title Role</p><p>Active Darrell Balderrama The Influence of Sense of Belonging on the Member Persistence and Degree Completion of First- Generation Latino Students</p><p>Active Cynthia Carielo Factors that Affect College Readiness in Latina Member Students</p><p>Active Chryssa Delgado A Policy Analysis of Texas’ Top Ten Percent Law Member</p><p>Active Miguel Guhlin Experiencing Change: Exploring Principals’ Self- Member Perceptions of Their Role as Campus Technology Advocates 26</p><p>Active Michelle Jarmagin Relationship of Principal Resiliency to Job Satisfaction Co-chair and Work Commitment</p><p>Active Mark Malone Leadership Characteristics and School Climate Chair</p><p>Active Kathleen McLauglin- How Do Middle School Principals Facilitate Eighth Member Velasquez Grade Transition to High School?</p><p>Active Penny Pruitt Determining the Likelihood of Schools Failing to Co-chair Meet Adequate Yearly Progress</p><p>Active Marco Reyes Career Paths of Latina High School Principals, Vice Member Principals, and Assistant Principals</p><p>Active Ian Roark The Impact of Mandatory Student Success Courses Co-chair on Community College Student Persistence</p><p>Active Jennifer Seybert Leadership Strategies to Retain and Sustain First Member Year Teachers</p><p>Active Jennifer Uriegas Principal Effectiveness in Exemplary Campuses Member</p><p>Active Lauren West An Examination of Texas Teachers’ Knowledge and Member Competency in Education Law</p><p>Graduated Sandra Caswell International School Leadership: Strategies of Co-chair 2013 Sustainability</p><p>Graduated Maricela Alarcon Urban School Leadership for Bilingual Elementary Member 2012 Science Education: Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners</p><p>Graduated Frances de la Pena A Case Study of Parent Involvement and College Member 2012 Awareness: Instilling Going-to-College at the Elementary Level</p><p>Graduated Ashley Oleszewski The Next Generation of Principals: The Characteristics Member 2012 of Upwardly Mobile Assistant Principals</p><p>Graduated Angela Urick Are Variations of Leadership Practice Across the U.S. Member 2012 Associated with Teacher Retention? A Two-Level Latent Class Analysis of Principals and Teachers</p><p>Graduated Brian Woods Competency Gaps Among Assistant Principals: The Member 2012 Impact of Job Role Differentiation</p><p>Graduated June Byng An Examination of the Leadership Practices of Chair 2011 Teacher Leader Campus Instructional Coordinators Intended to Improve the Academic Achievement of Students in Title I Inner City Middle Schools</p><p>Graduated Laura Carrasco Exploring the Principal’s Experience with Dual Member 27</p><p>2011 Language Instruction</p><p>Graduated Jennifer Stotts The STEM Initiative: A Multiple Case Study of Member 2011 Mission-Driven Leadership in Two Schools Implementing STEM in Texas</p><p>Graduated Amanda Taggart The Role of Cultural Discontinuity in the Academic Member 2011 Outcomes of Latina/o Secondary Students</p><p>Graduated Jacob Tingle Trust and Organizational Mindfulness: An Member 2011 Exploration of NCAA Division III Athletic Departments</p><p>Graduated Anthony Mitchell High School Teachers’ Perceptions of School Change Member 2010 and Its Implications for Student Achievement</p><p>Graduated Melinda Salinas High School Teacher Perceptions of Principal Member 2010 Influence and Organizational Change</p><p>Graduated Melissa Alcala Secondary Principals as Servant Leaders Chair 2009</p><p>Graduated Geri Berger High School Teachers’ Perceptions of School Member 2009 Change and its Implications for School Climate</p><p>Graduated Lisa McDougle Servant Leadership in Higher Education: An Analysis Chair 2009 of the Perceptions of Higher Education Leaders Regarding Servant Leadership Practices at Varying Types of Institutions</p><p>Graduated Brenda Ward The Impact of Personal and Organizational Member 2009 Characteristics on School Administrators’ Burnout</p><p>Graduated Sandra LeBaron Teacher Efficacy in a Core Knowledge Learning Chair 2008 Community in a High-Stakes Testing Environment</p><p>Graduated Juliet Ray The Relationship Between Attitude Toward Linguistic Chair 2008 Diversity and Perceptions of Instructional Efficacy for Teachers of English Language Learners</p><p>Graduated Nancy Henderson Teacher and Principal Perceptions of Effective Member 2007 Instructional Leadership: An Exploration of Guiding Practice and Personal Beliefs</p><p>Graduated Annalisa Mendiola Traditionalists Versus Multiculturalists: Discourses Member 2007 from the 2003 U.S. History Textbook Adoption in Texas</p><p>Graduated Kara Mowrey Beginning Teachers’ Perceptions of Mentoring: Member 2006 Implications for School Leaders</p><p>Graduated Blane Trautwein Change, Cynicism, and Hope: An Exploration into the Member 2006 Perceptions of Long-Term Teachers 28</p><p>Graduated Carl Scarborough Aspects of School Mindfulness and Dimensions of Member 2006 Faculty Trust: Social Processes in Elementary Schools</p><p>Graduated Judy Fowles A Case Study of a Reform-based Professional Member 2005 Development Program on the Practices of Eighth Grade Science Teachers</p><p>Graduated Karen Hutchison Maneuvering Around Recess for High-Stakes Testing Member 2005</p><p>Doctoral Research Committees (University of Northern Colorado)</p><p>Date Student Name Dissertation Title Role</p><p>Graduated Deb Bennett-Woods Managers in the Middle: A Phenomenological Member 2004 Journey into the Experience and Meaning of Time for Mid-Level Managers in Health Care</p><p>Graduated Kris Enright Collaboration Between Public School Educators Member 2003 and Home School Educators in Colorado: A Case Study of Three Public School On-line Programs</p><p>Graduated Nina Radojevich Adventure Racing Teams: An Exploratory Member 2003 Inquiry of Leadership Imbedded in Team Dynamics and Team Effectiveness in Stressful Environments</p><p>Graduated Robert Trujillo Legislators’ Expectations of Governmental Managers’ Member 2003 Ability or Willingness to Follow Intent of Legislation</p><p>Graduated Reiko Clark International Students’ Views of the Role of Co-chair 2002 Foreign Student Advisors in Enhancing Their Academic and Personal Goals</p><p>Graduated Sara Jarrett Development of Alternative Policy Scenarios for Member 2002 Competency Evaluation of Professional Nurses</p><p>Graduated Anne Machin Migrant and Academic Systems: Perceptions of Member 2002 CAMP Students in a Learning Community</p><p>Graduated Bettie Jo Stone Transfer of Learning: Implications for Professional Co-chair 2002 Development</p><p>Graduated James Meuer Real Estate Assets in the University Endowment Member 2001 Portfolio: An Analysis of the Acquisition Process for Selected Private Institutions</p><p>Graduated Robert Scott A Symbolic Interactionist, Collective Case Study of Member 2001 Veteran, Secondary Principals’ Experiences with Regard to Stress</p><p>Graduated Kathy Schaefer Organizational Entry and Socialization of New Member 29</p><p>2001 Faculty in Jesuit Colleges and Universities</p><p>Graduated Mark Aderman Program Quality Evaluation for University Chair 2000 Extension Programs</p><p>Graduated Leslie Hanson Ethic of Care in Female Superintendents as Member 2000 Related to Organizational Culture</p><p>Graduated Richard Jehue Development of a Measure for Assessing Member 2000 Military Leaders’ Change Facilitator Styles</p><p>Graduated Xiangping Kong A Study of Merit Pay as a Motivator of Faculty Member 2000 Performance at a Public University</p><p>Graduated Ralph Tarnasky Instructional Supervision in Selected Colorado Member 2000 Community Colleges: The Role of the Department Chair in Working with Part-time and Full-time Faculty</p><p>Graduated Barbara White Moral Leadership of Nurse Executives Co-chair 2000</p><p>Graduated Judy Stockhouse Impact of a Professional Development School Member 1999 Partnership on Participating Classroom Teachers</p><p>Graduated Nancey Bookstein Muscle Strength in Osteoporotic Women With Member 1998 and Without Vertebral Compression Fractures</p><p>Graduated Sara Carruthers Charter Schools: An Educational Choice Member 1998</p><p>Graduated Brent Mutsch International School Superintendent Perceptions Chair 1997 of the Skills Required to Effectively Perform within the International Setting</p><p>Graduated Mark Thompson The Leadership of a Superintendent: Purposefully Co-chair 1997 Moving the School District Toward a Vision of Improved Teaching and Learning</p><p>Graduated Karl Van Etten The Undergraduate Performance of Students Chair 1997 Who Enroll in Developmental Classes at Colorado State System Community Colleges</p><p>Graduated Lynn Zinn Internal Motivations and External Conditions Member 1997 Supporting and Impeding Teacher Leadership</p><p>Graduated Jean Anderson A Conceptual Model for Residential Adult Member 1996 Fleming Education</p><p>Graduated Kim Lees Understanding Female Doctoral Students’ Co-chair 1996 Academic and Social Interactions With Their 30</p><p>Dissertation Chairperson</p><p>Graduated Kelton Lustig The Effect of Individual Communication Member 1996 Styles on Perceptions of Effective Teaching at the College Level</p><p>Graduated Carol Peters Parent and Community Involvement in Partnerships Member 1996 Serving High and Low At-Risk Middle Schools in the Denver Metropolitan Area</p><p>Graduated Jack Scott The Effect of Preceptor and Resident Factors Chair 1996 on Rural Medical Practice Location</p><p>Graduated Wen-Haur Shieh Environmental Factors, Principals’ Change Member 1996 Facilitator Style and Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Project in Selected Schools in Taiwan</p><p>Graduated Donald Smith Athletic Academic Support Unit Supervisors’ Chair 1996 Perceptions of Individual/Personal Instruction and Computer-Based Instruction Usage at Division IA Universities</p><p>Graduated Chen-Sheng Yang Instructional Leadership Behaviors of Elementary Member 1996 School Principals in Taiwan, Republic of China</p><p>Graduated Randall Zila Supervising Beliefs and Educational Philosophies Member 1996 of Elementary Principals in Colorado</p><p>Graduated Lucius Drake Perceived Need Deficiencies of School Member 1995 Administrators in the Role of Assistant Principals</p><p>Graduated Becky Duning School-College Collaboration and Teacher Member 1995 Expectancies of Lower Class Minority Student Performance</p><p>Graduated Ann Miser The Moral Dilemmas of the School Principalship Chair 1995</p><p>Graduated David Wangaard Components of Character Education in a Public Member 1995 School</p><p>Graduated Jim Hess School Based Management and Decision Making Member 1994 at Littleton High School: A Case Study</p><p>Graduated Susan Patrick Role Conflict and Coping Strategies of Women Member 1994 Principals</p><p>Graduated Bill Blank Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction and Member 1993 Dissatisfaction Among College Students Affairs Professional Staff 31</p><p>Graduated Bill Boyd Teacher Morale and Sense of Efficacy as Psycho- Chair 1993 Social Variables: Perceptions of Social Class, Occupational Status, and Occupational Prestige</p><p>Graduated Ed Ginty Perceptions of the Beginning Principal: The Member 1993 Transition from Teacher to School Administrator</p><p>Graduated Robert Hetzel The Effects of Residence Hall Renovation on Member 1993 Student Perceptions of Social Climate and Living Environment</p><p>Graduated Paul Lieblich The Role of the Principal in Sustaining Chair 1993 Educational Innovations</p><p>Graduated Doug Smith The Efficacy of a Selected Training Program on Member 1993 Changing Perceptions of Sexual Harassment</p><p>Doctoral Research Committees (Indiana University)</p><p>Date Student Name Dissertation Title Role</p><p>Graduated David Klincose A Public Schools/University Partnership: A Chair 1991 Model for School Renewal</p><p>Graduated Margaret Lewis Implementation of a State-Mandated Program Chair 1991</p><p>Graduated Linda DeClue The Principal's Role in Managing Special Member 1990 Education Programs at the Elementary Level</p><p>Graduated Caroline Faye Teacher Empowerment Through Teacher Member 1990 Leadership: A New Paradigm</p><p>Graduated George Van Horn The Principal's Role in Managing Special Member 1989 Education Programs at the Secondary Level</p><p>TEACHING:</p><p>Courses Taught (University of Texas at San Antonio)</p><p>Title Department</p><p>EDL 5003:Introduction to School Administration Educational Leadership EDL 5403:The Principalship Educational Leadership EDL 6023: Supervision: Tools and Techniques Educational Leadership EDL 6943:Internship in Educational Administration Educational Leadership EDU 5003: Research Methods in Education Educational Leadership LDR 7003: Proseminar in Educational Leadership Educational Leadership LDR 7153: Reflective Leadership Educational Leadership</p><p>Courses Taught (University of Northern Colorado) 32</p><p>Title Department </p><p>EDAD 513: Leadership Development Educational Administration EDAD 797: Proposal Development Educational Administration ELPS 601: Leadership Development through Inquiry Educational Leadership ELPS 604: Understanding People Educational Leadership ELPS 606: Internship in Educational Leadership Educational Leadership ELPS 607: Staff Evaluation Training Educational Leadership ELPS 622: Directed Study Educational Leadership ELPS 654: Supervision of Curricular and Instructional Programs Educational Leadership ELPS 670: The Principalship Educational Leadership ELPS 695: Practicum Educational Leadership ELPS 751: Doctoral Core I Educational Leadership</p><p>Courses Taught (Indiana University)</p><p>Title Department</p><p>A590: Research in School Administration Educational Administration A625: Administration of Elementary Schools Educational Administration A627: Administration of Secondary Schools Educational Administration A695: Practicum in School Administration Educational Administration E536: Supervision of Elementary School Instruction Educational Administration J637: Curriculum Development Process Educational Administration S655: Supervision of Secondary School Instruction Educational Administration</p><p>Programs Co-developed</p><p>Title Organization</p><p>SAGE, PEER, and PRISM programs (mentoring and Australian Principals Centre (Melbourne, Australia) peer coaching programs for principals)</p><p>Texas High School Project Certification Program Educational Leadership (Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)</p><p>Certification, master’s, and doctoral program Educational Leadership (Univ. of Texas at San redesign Antonio)</p><p>UNC-Thompson School District Educational Educational Leadership (Univ. of No. Colorado) Leadership Development Partnership</p><p>UNC-Denver Metropolitan Area Educational Educational Leadership (Univ. of No. Colorado) Leadership Development Partnership</p><p>Certification/licensure, master’s, educational Educational Leadership (Univ. of No. Colorado) specialist, and doctoral program redesign</p><p>Alliance for Educational Leadership Development Educational Leadership (Univ. of No. Colorado)</p><p>Danforth Program for the Preparation of Educational Administration (Indiana University) School Principals 33</p><p>Aspiring Principals' Preparation Program Educational Administration (Indiana University)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES:</p><p>Co-coordinator (with Howard Stevenson, University of Nottingham) of the International School Leadership Development Network, a collaborative international research project sponsored by the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society and the University Council for Educational Administration.</p><p>Chair and organizer for the session, “Turning Around Low-Performing Schools: Policies Practices, and Preparation,” at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2013.</p><p>Co-developer and facilitator for the “International Summit,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO, November 2012.</p><p>Chair for the session, “International Perspectives on ‘High Need Schools:’ Implications for Leadership Preparation and Development,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO, November 2012.</p><p>Invited juror for the Brock International Prize in Education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, October 2011.</p><p>Chair/discussant for the sessions, “Teacher and Principal Leadership in the United States and Mexico” and “Impact of International Experiences on School Leaders” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA, October 2010.</p><p>Chair/discussant for the session, “What Drives Program Development,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 2010.</p><p>Chair/discussant for the session, “Leadership Preparation: Teaching and Learning Experiences in Preparation Programs,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA, November 2009.</p><p>Chair/discussant for the session, “Cross-Cultural Transformation of Leadership Theories and Applications: Challenges and Opportunities for International Research,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA, November 2009.</p><p>Chair/discussant for the session, “International Successful School Principal Project,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Anaheim, CA, November 2009.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “Educational Leadership: Cross-Cultural, International and Comparative Perspectives,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL, November 2008.</p><p>Participant in the symposium, “International Perspectives on the Development of Leaders,” at the Commonwealth Conference for Educational Administration and Management conference, Durban, South Africa, September 2008.</p><p>Attended Texas Association of School Administrators Midwinter Conference, Austin, TX, January 2007, 2008, 2009.</p><p>Attended Hawker Brownlow Education Conference, “Teachers at Work,” Melbourne, Australia, May 2007. 34</p><p>Attended Texas Association of School Administrators Spring Conference, Austin, TX, April 2005.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “Cohort Program Delivery and the Challenge of Organizational Learning,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, MO, November 2004.</p><p>Attended workshop on assessment literacy conducted by the Assessment Training Institute Foundation, Portland, OR, November 2003.</p><p>Facilitator for the session, “What Are Educational Leadership Programs Doing to Influence Students and Schools,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Portland, OR, November 2003.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “New Policy Contexts, New Challenges for Principals,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 2000.</p><p>Visiting professor, Australian Principals Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, July-November 1999.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “Restructuring Public Education,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April 1999.</p><p>Co-facilitator for the pre-session, “Cohorts in Educational Leadership Programs: Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO, October 1998.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “Approaches in Preparing Leaders: Case-Based Instruction, Decision-Making, and Course Development,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, MO, October 1998.</p><p>Participant in the session, “Research on the School Superintendency: Expanding the Inclusiveness of Voice, Discourse, and Themes,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Orlando, FL, October 1997.</p><p>Discussant for the session, “The Professional Development of School Leaders,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, March 1997.</p><p>Invited panel member for the session, “Department Chairs in Educational Administration: Helping the New Faculty Member Achieve Success in the Professorate,” at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Louisville, KY, October 1996.</p><p>Discussant for the symposium, “Collegial Inquiry as a Strategy for Leadership Development: International Perspectives,” at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 1995.</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on school reform, St. Louis, MO, March/April 1995.</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on school-linked services, Philadelphia, PA, October 1994.</p><p>Participant at the Administrator Diagnostic Inventory training (sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals), Laramie, WY, January 1994. 35</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on leadership, Houston, TX, October 1993.</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on integrated services, Minneapolis, MN, October 1992</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on problem-based learning, San Francisco, CA, April 1992.</p><p>Participant at the national and regional meetings of the Principal Preparation Network (sponsored by the Danforth Foundation), September 1991-March 1995.</p><p>Participant at the National Policy Board for Educational Administration Forum on university/school collaboration, Baltimore, MD, October 1991.</p><p>Participant at the National meetings of the Program for the Preparation of School Principals (sponsored by the Danforth Foundation), December 1987-September 1989.</p><p>Participant at the Assessment Center training (sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals), Bloomington, IN, October 1988.</p><p>HONORS/AWARDS:</p><p>Date Title Granting Organization </p><p>2012 William Evans Fellowship University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand</p><p>2011 Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award University of Texas at San Antonio Alumni Assn.</p><p>2011 Listed in Madison Who’s Who Madison Who’s Who</p><p>2010 Tenured Faculty Presidential College of Education and Human Development, Teaching Award University of Texas at San Antonio</p><p>2008 Master Professor University Council for Educational Administration</p><p>2008 Reviewer of the Year Journal of Research on Leadership Education</p><p>2001 M. Lucile Harrison Award for University of Northern Colorado Professional Excellence</p><p>2001 Listed in Lexington’s Who’s Who Lexington’s Who’s Who</p><p>1998 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Graduate School, University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1997 Outstanding Scholar College of Education, University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1995, Listed in the Dictionary of International Biographical Centre 1996, International Biography 1997 36</p><p>1996 Listed in Men of Achievement International Biographical Centre</p><p>1994 Outstanding Scholar College of Education, University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1994 Teacher of the Year Delta Kappa Gamma</p><p>1992 Teaching Achievement Award College of Education, University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1991 Teacher of the Year College of Education, University of Northern Colorado</p><p>1989, Listed in Who's Who in American National Reference Institute 1994, Education 1999</p>
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