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<p> 2014 Annual Report January 31, 2015</p><p>Our Staff (2014) Table of Contents</p><p>Page 1 Staff & Contact Information Pastor, Ed Snedeker Page 2, 3 Pastor’s Report Office Manager, Kelly Gibbs Page 4 Deacons Office Assistants, Kari Deeble & Allen Deeble Page 5 Morning Glories Page 6 Worship & Arts</p><p>Youth Leadership Page 7 Buildings & Grounds Uriah Volinsky Page 8 Mission/ Outreach Ministry Mary Ann Volinsky Page 9 Mission Giving Interim Dir.& Middle School Leader, Jonathan Bates Page 10 Gifts for Christ Page 11 Presbyterian Women Children’s Ministry Page 12 Children’s Ministry Director, Rachel Lockridge Page 13 Membership Fellowship Interim Dir., Malcom MacKinnon Nursery Director, Renee Seligman Page 14 Free Lunch Tuesday & Shower Ministry Page 15 Lunch Bunch</p><p>Music Page 16 Youth Ministry Choir Director, Michele Izor Page 17 Adult Ministry Worship Team, Kanda Whaley Page 18 Personnel Ministry and Uriah Volinsky Organist, Barbara Lang</p><p>Custodian Appendix I Statistics Joe Phillips Appendix II Financial Report Jeff Juliano Connie Trombetta</p><p>Contact Us [email protected] Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>2 | P a g e 831-335-6900 6909 Hwy 9, Felton CA 95018 Pastor’s Report</p><p>Dear Church Family and Friends,</p><p>During our 122-year history, God has richly blessed our church as we have upheld the authority of God’s Word and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I am very grateful for this heritage we share as followers of Jesus Christ and how together we have passed on this heritage to those in our community by sharing the Gospel message and nurturing families in the Christian Faith. This past year we, as a congregation, chose to join a new denomination called ECO (Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians) that will support and encourage us in this vital ministry we share. Getting to this decision as a church was a long and challenging process. Many of you have personally thanked your Session members for their faithful leadership through this process. I want to thank you for the way you graciously and lovingly walked through this process together. Representatives from the Presbytery of San Jose were My goal is that they may be amazed at our unity and our kind and welcoming spirit when they encouraged in heart and united visited our church. in love, so that they may have As we look forward to an exciting future under a new denomination, I know that our unity and kind and welcoming spirit will remain as the full riches of complete together we seek to fulfill our most important task: to help men, understanding, in order that women and children become life-long followers of Jesus Christ. they may know the mystery of This year we have had to say goodbye to several staff members who God, namely, Christ, in whom have blessed and enriched our church in many ways. We will certainly miss Michele Izor and her amazing ministry with our choir. are hidden all the treasures of Her devotion to excellence helped our choir grow musically and wisdom and knowledge. spiritually in the year she lead them. Uriah Volinsky served as our Director of Youth Ministries and as Colossians 2:2-3 our Contemporary Worship Leader last year. His boundless energy and enthusiasm for Jesus was contagious, especially to our youth. Uriah and his wife, Mary Ann, led our youth faithfully and challenged them to love God with everything they have. Joe Phillips, our Custodian, was both friendly and kind. His gentle spirit and huge heart were inspiring to us all. Though Joe no longer serves as our Custodian, we are grateful that he and Megan remain as part of our church. </p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>3 | P a g e</p><p>Pastor’s Report (continued) Finally, Jonathan Bates (who grew up in our church) has served as one of our youth leaders for many years. Recently, Jonathan has stepped in and served as our interim Director of Youth Ministries while a permanent Director of Youth Ministry could be found. Jonathan’s love for the youth and love for God were abundantly present in his steady leadership of our youth. To say the kid’s loved Jonathan and his leadership would be a huge understatement. Fortunately, Jonathan will still be around our church this year, serving as a volunteer youth leader under the strong leadership of Rachel Lockridge, our new Director of Youth Ministries, </p><p>As we have said goodbye to these four dear servants of Christ, we For the kingdom of God is not a have had the privilege of welcoming to our church Malcolm matter of eating and drinking, Mackinnon, our new Director of Children’s Ministries and Connie Trombetta, our new Custodian. Both of them have already made a but of righteousness, peace and big impact in the life of our church. I would ask that you continue to joy in the Holy Spirit, because support and pray for these new staff members as they get to know our church and grow in their ministry. anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and All the ministries we do together are possible because of the receives human approval. wonderful staff. Kelly Gibbs, Barbara Lang, Renee Seligman, and Kari and Alan Deeble have served our church this past year with Let us therefore make every joyful hearts and generous spirits. We cannot thank them enough effort to do what leads to for all they do for our church. peace and to mutual Finally, we owe a special thanks to our Elders and Deacons who edification. have served faithfully throughout the year and provided the Romans 14:17-19 necessary leadership and care needed in our church. A special thanks goes out to Flora Schweizer and Norm Crandell who will rotate off of Session after years of service and to Debbie Bates and Jennifer Solan who will rotate off as Deacons.</p><p>Please enjoy the rest of this report and as you do, give thanks to God who blessed us in so many ways and enabled us to stay faithful to Him. </p><p>Yours in Christ, Rev. Edward R Snedeker</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>4 | P a g e</p><p>Deacons</p><p>The Felton Presbyterian Deacons take seriously our scriptural mandate from Acts 6, where the first seven Deacons were chosen to oversee the needs of the early Christians.</p><p>We are called to serve the needs of our own members and often others in our community. We provide meals, rides, financial aid, fellowship, birthday and seasonal cards. We are blessed to serve at memorial services for the families of those who have gone to be with the Lord. An important part When the cares of my of our ministry is to serve communion to those in our heart are many, your congregation who are unable to be at the worship service. consolations cheer my We pray for the many needs of the church family as well as soul. Psalm 94:19 seeking His presence in our ability to serve as He directs. The Deacons supply the devotional materials such as The Upper Room, the Daily Bread, and Jesus Calling books. </p><p>Twice yearly, we conduct the much-loved Parish Potluck. This year’s potlucks were a lot of fun, well-attended and helped to deepen relationships amongst our parishes. </p><p>The Deacons receive our financial resources for ministry from contributions given by members and visitors to the General Fund.</p><p>We extend a special thanks to Jennifer Solan and Debbie Bates who served with compassion and energy over the past year and are going off the Board of Deacons.</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>5 | P a g e Submitted by Jill McFarlen-Huemoeller</p><p>Morning Glories</p><p>Morning Glories is a Bible study group for women of all ages and is in its 28th year. We gather on Friday mornings at 9:00 in the Fireside Room downstairs and greet, study, and pray together. The group meets from September through early June and includes a couple fun brunches along the way. The atmosphere is one of respect, support, love, confidentiality, and fun. Yes, we laugh a LOT! </p><p>It's been such a blessing having a variety of ages, experiences and perspectives represented. In 2014, the group has been studying Becoming a Woman of Strength. This is the fourth Bible study we've gone through by our favorite teacher/author, Cynthia Heald.</p><p>Leading our study each week is Dorothy Holmes. She loves to help us define words in different ways and digs into the content to provide rich additional material. </p><p>Once again we supported a mission child through Witnessing Ministries of Christ, a Presbyterian organization. Our child, considered part of the “untouchable” caste, lives in India and our support has enabled him to attend a Christian school there.</p><p>Please feel free to join us anytime. We always have room for anyone who would like to learn and grow with us. </p><p>Submitted by, Kanda Whaley</p><p>Psalm 68:11 The Lord announces the Word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng.</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>6 | P a g e</p><p>Worship & Arts Ministry Team</p><p>Team Members: Kanda Whaley (Chair and Session Rep) Terry Hollenbeck Marta Narus Michele Izor Ed Sams</p><p>Our team was very busy this year, updating and incorporating new ideas to help create warm and welcoming worship experiences. </p><p>Besides our Sunday morning services at 10:00am, we also enjoyed several special services, such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Kid's and Youth Sundays. We're thankful to all those who volunteer their time to prepare and participate in our services in a variety of ways. </p><p>We appreciated having God’s word brought to us by wonderful guest preachers in our own congregation such as Randy Fujishin, Henrique Coura, Rachel Lockridge, Malcolm Mackinnon and Kanda Whaley. </p><p>It was a pleasure to welcome both Michele Izor and Uriah Volinsky to lead us in worship in 2014 and to bid them a fond adieu as they moved on to follow God's calling in ministries elsewhere. Kanda Whaley stepped back in as worship leader and Barbara Lang continues to share her musical gifts on the organ and piano.</p><p>Some of our contributions this year included:</p><p>* Adding a team of volunteer greeters * Providing magnetic badges for our usher and greeters * Changing our 'Prayer Vigil' to a 'Prayer Gathering'</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>7 | P a g e * Introducing a "Welcome Center" rolling cart as a one-stop information booth * Saying goodbye to our long-used 'Friendship Books' and introducing a contemporary 'Connect Card' * Creating banners to be seen from Highway 9 in order to advertise various sermon series throughout the year</p><p>It's our privilege to serve our church family and we welcome others at any time who might like to join the team. Submitted by, Kanda Whaley</p><p>Building & Grounds Team Members: Norm Crandell (Session Rep) Harold Whaley (Chairperson) Shirley Pilgrim Guy Grable Vern Slinker Allen Deeble Jim Pilkington Terry Hollenbeck Jerry Thormann</p><p>It's been another busy year for the Building & Grounds Ministry Team. In addition to all the regular maintenance issues that come with a 60 year old building our team completed the following (with a fair amount of help from some non-team members):</p><p> The three planters in the center of the parking lot were filled with stamped concrete and river rock, plumbing was re-done and potted plants were placed.  New florescent lights installed in the narthex.  Old basketball pole downstairs was removed.  Two posts were set to block water shut-off.  Shelf was built in chair closet for AA coffee pots and our roaster.  Skirt around oak tree was removed.  Well around oak tree in front filled with gravel.  Patio area was plumbed for drip system.  Two new projectors were installed in the sanctuary.  Gutters installed on rear of building.  Rear low-slope roof repaired.  Septic tank pumped, July 22, 2014.  Hearing impaired system installed.  Copy room was remodeled (thanks Kanda and Kelly).  Five workdays were organized. Submitted by Harold Whaley</p><p>Parking Lot Planters</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>8 | P a g e Before After</p><p>Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.</p><p>Mission/Outreach Ministry Blessed is the one whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage. Psalm 84:5 </p><p>Team members: Ellen Maruska Dave Berkey Rev. Charles Lewis (Ex-officio) Charles Johnson Flora Schweizer (Session Rep)</p><p>The purpose of the Mission Outreach Team is to serve Jesus and glorify God and impact our community, the nation and the world through service, outreach and to prayerfully, actively, and financially support missions that embody this purpose. The following are some of the people, organizations and activities our church has supported through your participation and generous donations to the church budget, specifically designated funds and Gifts for Christ funds. Locally and Nationally: Pregnancy Resource Center, United Campus Ministries, Valley Churches United, Peggy Pollard - International Student International (ISI), Jim Uhey (the Phoenix Project USA/Santa Cruz Disaster Relief), YWAM - San Francisco, Mount Hermon Campership Fund – helping kids go to camp, and our own ministry to the homeless and needy - Soup Tuesday and the Shower Ministry. Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>9 | P a g e Internationally: the Bagwells with Wycliffe Translators, the Whitney’s with Frontiers in India, Frontiers Ming Team in Indonesia, Prasad Witnessing Ministries India, New Tribes Cambodia, Samaritan’s Purse – emergency relief funds for the Middle East crisis. In January we hosted a mission team from Brazil. We thank everyone who helped with all of these ministries throughout the year. We believe that we are all missionaries, whether it is in our homes, schools, jobs, or communities, across the nation or in a different country. We are called to be missionaries. We are here to reach out to all those who God has provided for us to minister to, both here in our community and around the world. Jesus told us to “Go and make disciples of all nations”....FPC seeks to obey.</p><p>Submitted by: Flora Schweizer (Session Rep)</p><p>General Fund Missions Monies forwarded as follows: Valley Churches United $1,000.00 YWAM San Francisco - Marcus $600.00 Pregnancy Resource Center $1,500.00 Whitney Frontiers, India $2,645.00 Badua, Frontiers Ming Team $600.00 Steve Bagwell, Wycliffe $2,645.00 Prasad, Witnessing Ministries $1,145.00 Campership for Kids (Summer) $500.00 Urbana 2015 (Seed Money) $500.00 Opportunity Reserve (Special Giving) $999.00 Jim Uhey, Santa Cruz Disaster Relief $500.00 Ralph & Kim Lewis, New Tribes $2,645.00 Peggy Pollard, ISI $1,645.00 Sub TOTAL from General Fund $16,924.00</p><p>Add General Fund Amount Given to Deacons for Local Help $2,158.00 TOTAL from General Fund $19,082.00</p><p>Gifts for Christ Interest Monies, Forwarded as Follows: Samaritan Purse $1,518.00 TOTAL from Gifts for Christ Interest $1,518.00</p><p>Other Mission Monies Expanded or Forwarded as Follows: Misc. Mission Giving - Samaritan Purse $319.00 Homeless Ministry (Thru gifts received from Valley Churches United) $3,347.49 Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>10 | P a g e TOTAL Other Mission Giving $3,666.49</p><p>TOTAL Mission Giving for 2014 $24,266.49</p><p>Deuteronomy 15:10 Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>11 | P a g e</p><p>Gifts for Christ Task Force (Wills & Memorials)</p><p>Team Members: The duty of the Task Force is to oversee memorial funds received John Kegebein by the Church. Jeannie Kegebein Sandy Thormann The Living Memorial Fund was established over 25 years ago. Vern Slinker These funds are held with Synod CD’s. The total amount in these Chuck Murray funds is $163,139.00. 90% of the interest earned by these CD’s is distributed at the end of each year, while 10% is kept and added to the total in the CD accounts.</p><p>The 90% of interest earned during 2013 was given out in January 2014 as follows:</p><p>$452.67 Buildings & Grounds, landscape work on our Church grounds $1,518.05 Mission Team for use in local, national and foreign missions $1,062.37 Adult Evangelism in our local Church</p><p>Donations given for specific purposes in remembrance of members or friends are distributed as accumulated in accordance with the donors’ wishes.</p><p>A Remembrance Book is maintained in the Sanctuary, listing names of those members who have passed on. Each year on All Saints’ Day, the congregation is reminded of members who have passed away during the preceding years. </p><p>I Chronicles 29:14 Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>12 | P a g e Presbyterian Women’s Association</p><p>The Women’s Association mission projects include: Walnut Avenue Women’s Center, Samaritan Purse, FPC Youth trips. Our current monthly study is “Miracles, Signs of God’s Glory”. Our goal is to touch the lives of the women here and all over the world showing God’s care and love for them. Lydia and Rachel Circles meet the second Thursday of each month at church at 10:00am. Coffee and refreshments are enjoyed by all, followed by a short business meeting. The women then separate into their Circle groups for Bible study and prayer. All women are welcome to join! Submitted by Sandra Thormann</p><p>Financial Statement Savings Balance as of December 31, 2014 $3,137.04</p><p>Checking Beginning Balance $290.24 Deposits $738.30 Deposits from Savings $721.04 $1,749.58</p><p>Disbursements from Checking Expenses $594.00 Missions Presbyterian Women $395.91 Local Missions $276.49 Total Missions $672.40</p><p>Total Disbursements $1,266.40</p><p>Checking Balance as of December 31, 2014 $438.22</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>13 | P a g e</p><p>Children’s Ministry Team Members: Kathleen McNair (Session Rep) We held Kids Club at Redwood Camp during swim lessons Malcolm MacKinnon, Karen which was so much fun for the kids. They were also able to Snedeker, Kerri Crandell, Michele play in the tree house and use the field Carlson, Renee Seligman & Cynthia Hall Vacation Bible School was another highlight of the year with Group's "Weird Animals" theme. We learned that we're all a little weird but God loves us anyway! Thank you to ALL of the volunteers with VBS; this program is not possible without the many helpers needed especially Middle School and High Schoolers who take on the role of group leaders taking kids to each station. Thank you to all of our station leaders; Dorothy, Malcolm, Kanda, Jill, Sandy, Kathleen, Michelle and Karen. A special thank you to Sandy, Jill and Molly who helped with Sanctuary decorations and did a fabulous job.</p><p>We had a change in leadership in August with Malcolm McKinnon taking over as the Interim Director while I was on 2014 was another exciting year maternity leave. Thank you to Malcolm and Kathleen for their for Children's Ministry at FPC. leadership of Children's Ministry in my absence. Kids Club We saw another increase in continued to run smoothly and Malcolm added some flair to enrollment for Kids Club, things Time with Children and Sunday School. got a little "weird" at Vacation Bible School and we had a On a personal note, I would like to extend my gratitude to the change in leadership. A special congregation for their thoughtfulness and support while was I thank you to those who have was out on maternity leave. Matt and I have been blessed given gifts of time, finances beyond measure in the past four months by the people in this and other resources to make church. A special thank you to Sandy Thormann for throwing a Children's Ministry a program baby shower and to all those that attended; we appreciated that is safe and loved by kids gifts big and small. We would also like to thank staff members in the community. who donated Paid Time Off Hours to help us financially. Every little bit helped and we are forever grateful. We began the year in the midst of Kids Club and had two field As we move into 2015, I am excited about all the God has trips to Mount Hermon for the planned for Felton Presbyterian Church, especially as it Climbing Wall and Discovery pertains to Children's Ministry. I ask each one of us to Grove Ropes Course. Kids Club continue to pray for this ministry, that God would continue to also looks forward to swim bless it, guide decisions and continue to grow this special lessons at Mount Hermon ministry. during the month of May and this year was exciting because we were able to work with SLV Until His net is full, school district to have the bus Rachel Lockridge drop kids off at the Conference Center and my husband Matt And whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes and I hiked them down to the Me. Matthew 18:5 pool at Redwood Camp. Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>14 | P a g e</p><p>Team Members: Membership/Fellowship</p><p>Steve Richmond (Session Rep & Our team was active throughout 2014. We changed and Chairperson) added events, lost some team members-Jeff Juliano, Ellen Tom Godsoe Maruska and Corey Oiesen, and gained new team members- Dave Huemoeller Tom Godsoe and Lois Kochian and event helpers, Deanna Jill McFarlen-Huemoeller Foster & Linda Richmond as well as Joan Maruska, Editor of Lois Kochian the Bark. We facilitated the new Pictorial Church Directory with the Submitted by, Steve Richmond experienced help of Kanda Whaley, Ellen Maruska and Kelly Gibbs. The Annual Talent Show/Pie Social was organized by MC Jeff Juliano and was a rousing success with great talent from our church members and delicious pies provided by the Deacons. The team provided lunch for several folks joining the church after their time in the New Members Class. The Annual Spring Picnic was held at the church in June with fun and games and great food. The Fall Campout was changed to a Fall Picnic held at Camp May Mac with swimming, games and relaxed visiting by those in attendance. Coffee Fellowship continues to be an opportune time for the church family to meet and greet each other after the service. The “Coffee Team” includes Betty Clouse, Karen Snedeker, Mary Grable, Mikki Pon, John and Keith Swedlund, Ed & Denise Austin, Monty Trulsson, Shirley Pilgrim, Pat Johnson, Peggie Lopez, Dave & Jill McFarlen-Huemoeller, Sandy and Jerry Thormann, Steve and Linda Richmond and is organized by Harold Whaley who purchases supplies and keeps everyone on schedule. Joan Maruska has been arranging Lunch Bunch for over 20 years. Currently, Julia Greenwood and Tina Cochran are I John1:7 But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have helping with the cooking. The dessert-makers are Lorre Winkler and Peggy Winkler, Jill McFarlen-Huemoeller, and fellowship with one another. Sandy Pearsall who supply a wide variety of delicious treats. Joan also coordinates Friendship Bread to welcome new visitors. Loaves are cheerfully distributed each Sunday by Pattyi Lasher and Shirley Pilgrim. Faithful bread bakers are Peggie Lopez, Jill McFarlen-Huemoeller, Mikki Pon, Cari Wade, Kanda Whaley, Jan Martin, Barbara Bell, Betty Clouse, Barb Carlisle, Eric Oiesen, Jeff Juliano, Joan Maruska, Kerri Crandell, Lou Tomlin and Peggy Winkler. Two more bakers are still needed as Jen Solan & Meggie Rhoadeos have retired from this role for now. The tasty and well-attended Easter Brunch was again headed up by Cari Wade and her team of assorted talents, contributing to a wonderful church family meal that includes an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>15 | P a g e Free Lunch Tuesday & Shower Ministries</p><p>As part of the “local” aspect of our church’s faithful commitment to missions, the Free Lunch Tuesday ministry reports to the Missions Ministry Team. In addition our church has a shower ministry, allowing those in need sign up on Tuesdays for a shower on either Tuesday or Friday. </p><p>Using only money provided by financial gifts from Valley Churches United and some specific donations from individuals, we are blessed to be able to serve a free meal every Tuesday at noon to between 30-40 people. In addition these donations allow this ministry to offset the cost of water because $2.00 for each shower is transferred from the financial account that supports this ministry to the church’s General Fund.</p><p>This is a joyful ministry! The fellowship and food are wonderful. We make sure that those who thank us for serving them know that we serve because we are a Christian church and that Christ calls us to serve. </p><p>We are grateful to those in our congregation who serve God by helping in this ministry to the poor when they wash the towels for the shower ministry and to those who have donated soap, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes, socks, t shirts and warm clothing. This year, towel washers were: Peggy Winkler, Vicky Fujishin, Peggie Lopez, Lou Tomlin, Barbara Bell and Monty Trulsson. </p><p>Thank you to those who use their gifts to prepare and serve lunches: Sandy Pearsall, Joan Maruska, Tamara Scott, Jacquie Demolar, Jeff Juliano, Lois Kochian, Barb Carlisle, Sammy Khalil, Jim Pilkington and Michael McNeil.</p><p>We continue to receive baked goods as a donation from Nob Hill in Scotts Valley, thanks to the team of Charles Lewis, Joan Maruska and Jacquie Demolar for the “carb car” pick up. This contribution from Nob Hill also supplements Sunday coffee hour refreshments, as well as Thanksgiving & Christmas community meals. Each week the remaining donations are delivered to Valley Churches United.</p><p>In His Service, Ellen Maruska, Mission Ministry Team member</p><p>Psalm 145:7 They celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>16 | P a g e Lunch Bunch</p><p>Between 25 and 30 folks come each Wednesday at noon for lunch, fellowship, and a program. Lunch still costs just $3.00. </p><p>Tina Cochran and Julia Greenwood faithfully help prepare the food, set tables and clean-up each week. Dessert is always a treat and is prepared by Peggy Winkler, Sandy Pearsall, Lorre Winkler and Jill Huemoeller.</p><p>Programs are provided monthly by Ken Clouse and Pastor Ed. During this, our 23rd year, we heard about the Whaley's bicycle/auto trip across this country, the Passion Play, Thormann's Alaska trip, work of the Hintz' in Bible translations in Peru, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. </p><p>Guest speakers include Father Mike from St. John's Catholic Church, Pastor Rose from Redwood Christian Church, Elders Steve Richmond and Kathleen McNair, Joe Ho, Gretchen Schmitt, Stephanie Dorsey, and Leslie Potenzo.</p><p>Respectfully submitted, Joan Maruska</p><p>Matthew 22:9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find!</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>17 | P a g e</p><p>Youth Ministries Team Members: Youth events: Randy Fujishin (Session Rep) Rockland Retreat Jonathan Bates Saturday Night Campfires Kerry Crandell Twin Lakes Beach Friday Gatherings Sandy Thormann Sunday Afternoon Junior High One-On-Ones Henrique Coura San Francisco Zoo Rachel Lockridge Brother skating Ice skating Submitted by, Jonathan Bates Skyhigh Bigger and better Mall scavenger hunt</p><p>Curriculum/discussion topics: Francis Chan Video Series Nooma Video Series Student Questions God's Love for us</p><p>This year the youth that attend the middle school and high For I know the plans I have for school groups have seen some very big changes happen. In you,” declares the Lord, “plans to the summer Jonathan Bates (Middle School Youth Leader) prosper you and not to harm took a leave of absence to work at Tauernhof Bible school in you, plans to give you hope and Austria, in his place Mary Ann Volinsky filled in as interim a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 Middle School Youth Leader. During the summer Uriah Volinsky (Youth Director) and Mary Ann lead the youth in various outings, groups and worship nights, and all along praising God and showing His Love to those they encountered.</p><p>In August Uriah announced that he would be stepping down from his position as Director of Youth Ministries to pursue a job opportunity in Florida. Upon arriving back from Europe Jonathan Bates stepped in as Interim Youth Director until the Director position could be filled. In late December the Youth Ministry Team hired Rachel Lockridge as the new Director of Youth Ministries, along with the Rachel transitioning from Children's to Youth Jonathan stepped down as the Middle School Youth Leader. </p><p>Through all of the changes the kids went through they were patient and understanding of the situation and the changes. And in the midst of all these changes the groups grew in numbers! God is definitely at work in this ministry. We pray as a team that God gives Rachel the strength, patience, endurance and above all else His Love to her as she serves the youth of this community.</p><p>Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>18 | P a g e</p><p>Adult Ministries</p><p>Hebrews 5:13-14 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, Who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.</p><p>Members: Ken Clouse Flora Schweizer (Session Rep)</p><p>For the year 2014 Adult Ministries continued to offer a variety of opportunities for people seeking to deepen and widen their knowledge of God and His divine plan for us. </p><p>Materials vary from study guides that take an in-depth look at a specific book of the Bible or topic to videos.</p><p>We have the following groups that have met on a regular basis seeking to know Him better:</p><p>Adult Sunday School Two Covenant Groups Friday Morning Men’s Group Morning Glories Pastor’s Thursday Bible study Women’s Association</p><p>Annual Report Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>19 | P a g e</p><p>Personnel Ministry Team Team Members: Jeannie Kegebein, Ed Austin, Kathleen McNair Chuck Murray (Session Rep and Chairperson) (Pastor Ed Snedeker, Ex-officio)</p><p>The church has been fortunate to have several long-term staff members. This includes Pastor Ed Snedeker, Kelly Gibbs (Office Manager), Barbara Lang (Organist), the Deeble’s (Office Assistants), Jonathan Bates (Middle School Youth Leader), and Renee Seligman, (Nursery Directory).</p><p>2014 was a year of personnel turnover. Joe Phillips and Jeff Juliano resigned as custodians. Connie Trombetta has filled that position. Youth and Worship Team leader Uriah Volinsky and Mary Ann Volinsky, Assistant Youth Leader also resigned. Malcom MacKinnon was hired temporarily to be the Children’s’ Director during Rachel Lockridge’s maternity leave. It was decided by the Children’s’ Ministry Team, Youth Ministry Team, Personnel, Pastor Ed, Michael, and Rachael that when Rachel came back from her maternity leave she would take over as Youth Director. Malcolm was offered and accepted the role of Children’s Director. Michelle Izor also resigned as choir director. We have placed ads for a person that can be choir director and Worship Team Leader. After many years of dedicated service Jonathan Bates has resigned as Middle School Youth leader.</p><p>When a position is open we consult with the ministry team to whom they report, review and revise the job description if needed, and advertise the opening. We also consult the Finance Team. God has his own timetable of sending applicants. We review each of the applications and select the top 2-3 applications to be interviewed, then setup interviews with Pastor Ed and another from Personnel, 2 from the Ministry Team to whom they report, and if they are involved with children or youth, then 2 children or 2 youth as appropriate. When the interview team agrees on the candidate they want, we offer the position to that person.</p><p>Other events in the church in 2014: Thanks to Kelly and Kanda Whaley a new church computer software program was selected and installed. Also again thanks to Kelly, Kanda, and Nancy Maruska the church moved its telephone and internet system from CBeyond to Comcast. These are time- consuming tasks. Thank you!</p><p>The committee spent time reviewing and revising church policies and forms. We also worked through changes brought by The Affordable Care Act. </p><p>After years of service on this team Peggie Lopez resigned. Ed Austin joined the team. Thank you to Peggie for her many years of committed service. </p><p>It has been a pleasure for the Personnel Ministry Team to serve the congregation. We continue to seek your prayers for the wisdom to deal with the issues that arise.</p><p>Submitted by, Charles Murray</p><p>Christ gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith Ephesians 4:11-13 Bringing people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Felton Presbyterian Church 2014 Annual Report</p><p>20 | P a g e</p><p>Annual Report</p>

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