(Goff) Genealogy

(Goff) Genealogy

Family History 1470 -1933 BLOOD.... CABOT HICKS... GOULD AND ALLIED BRANCHES GRACE CABOT BLOOD TOLER THT•J lNDEPENDEXT PRr~:fiS TOLEl:t & TOLii~H. PtrHLrSHERS Genealogical Record OF 'l'HE DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD BLOOD-BAPTIST HICKS AND ALLIED FAMILlZS -1470-1933- INCI.. UDES THE FAMILIES OF Alynt Batt, Benjamin, Billington, Bow:-en_, Cabot,. ea.~e.y.., Chase; Clark, .•!. •.Cl~a~es,.. _.Q>9&Ai,..; :."'--~P'W,.. Darling.. DaV;ts; Dwi.ght,. Eggleston, Eyart, -flint,, Follansbee, Gifford, Gotfe, Gouldt Gru.chy, Han­ more, HaTWood, Hodgeman-,. i 'l{olden, Hor.ton. J.ahns9n, K!insley, · Liv.ermal:'e, .JA)ngley, Le :a.,:or-ru,, Mansfield. Marrel-1, Marston,. .Martin, Moulton,. Mowry; Nutting, Page; -Pa:rtridge, Pow.ers" ·Rodaera, Bosst· Sabin, Salisbury, Shepard, Tha~~ er, -Toler, Walton, Webster, Whitcomb and Wright. OOM'PILSD AND EDITED BY GRACE CABOT TOLER FOREWORD HE FAAIILY history contained within the pages of this book has been• ··tiff the making -i:11 · my·= mitid since, ~s a small ch.il~. I follo\ved;;~y fa_~_llet· a:ound liste~- T 1ng to everything he had to say pertaining to his. early experiences and to his ancestry, My mother had less to say about her anc.estry and early lite but here and there I gleaned a little from chance remarks. My pa· enta \\·ere in their middle age when I was bo1·n and by the tin1e I bal reach... e~ my teens, my f'ather, especially, was d'\\·eliing ofttm in tht! past. As I gre\\· older; I beg.&n Jotting down the items of fan1- ily interest ·artd after I ma:,rr.i.~tl~!f,~~)" .. d.a,ughter, Helen, was born, I bega.n a diary. In tliis· -&ook! •:\\!·hi~h covers a perJod of th~ first nine years of her life. were brought together the s~attered notes made concerning - --th.e f'a.mlly genealo~y. I found that, if these notes ,ve.re authentic, our fa1niiy was of Revolutionary stock through botli Father's and Mother·s li:ties. · When the U-~ited States ente.red the World War I was serving as the first president of the ne'\\-.:Iy organized 0 }lounds Weman's -Club..'' J \V-P-- ~-•JP>in:t.e.d County Ch~irman of the Woman's Div1.sion .of tlie Council .of Derense and later t County Chairman· :or: the Wom.an-ts• LH;r~ man ,Committee. P.a trio­ t&m- ra~..ie1 ♦~1i&.wt-im.& IUld DUl i"esicre to i~in ·· the - . Da ugh- t~rs of i~ &meric-a.n Re:\olel\ird!Qii r:re:,t .-o.ng.. - · MY mother aied suddenly Jsan·e 11, 1917, and· . shortly afterward· in -goieg th~DU.fi:h 1:her effiec.ts -we fQund .. som.e old papers among whicdt .-as a ; ,letter fitt,m her ·. gr.-ndf-a.ther, Stephen-:Hreks (Hi1e)., Thl.. ough.-tlie medium· of this.- let-t-er we traced and -esta.bl~li"ed his ·milit-.ey :·history: and moth.et's: -lfrand­ d)lugbter• -·Mrs. :lklss Blood. Wili!am.s .w.as .. tlie first -9f her- des­ cendants to join the D. A.. R. · On April 12, 1919-·-I .wa11· ad­ mitted to membership -in this patriotic oriranization, first as ~ NatiDJJ.f.1.1: member. NQ .... ·1.4527_3, an9, l~te~_.ia~ :~- _ch~~.te.r. ,~.e~~er of the Egyptian Cha»ter, Cairo, Illinois, wh1eh was organized March· 8, 1923. ~Yr..\·f-::-iTf-:H. HF:,·Hy BLlitl[J c l>-::!tt- Ut 1;; 1 Pto ·[ JE~t ·1-• .J A·" E H h f, ~ H r.cu.•u ( l ~:-: :-; .. 1~ • 17 • IN REFEREXCE TO PICTCRE OX OPPOSITE PAGE ''This p:eturE;? wa~ taken :\larch 22, 185;J. I was twt:nty-tivc year~ old and }1other wa::' tw:?nt}r r~ar~ tltl. \\~e are llC\\t 79 and i-1 year~ nld--this the twentr-nir.th cf ~ovt:-tnber, l9l)7. S. H. A~D P ..J. BLOOD.'" XOTE:-Th::- above qaotati:.n was written c~n a s.lip cf raper l::y my father and given to me the day we left the old home for J ohnstcn City·. At the thne he place:d th~ piC'ture ir. my care to be­ long ev::!ntually to n1y daughter. Helen Cabct. who was then ,.nly a few week8 old.-G. C. T. Fr~2uily hi~t,,J"y ... ontinnt1 d to fa,;-ciuate n1e anll I \\TOt-~ 1,u~ny l,~ttct·~ 111 ~tr. t-lf,,rt t•i pt o\·tl t.be rnilitary hi~todes of · \,·o ,ah,:-t· grcat-grandr.. tt~lt'r~ ~aid to be S1Jldiers of tht.1 Re\~o­ lution. )fy fa!:.!11•r had ~ ..1lked n111ch or his grandfather ... Horat•e'' 8IiJ1Jc.l "'"·h, .. ael 1H'4l:ru1· : ..; r~:t~ru~~··::; ,··lairns, had fought through the Rc\·obctinnary \,..... l'. Ail erf,n-ts n1ade to establish his re­ ,.()rd w1"'re faiu1r~!- The record of Great-grandfather Francis Cabot reC'eiv­ ed ut:-xt eon.-;id~ration and iu June, 19aO, my efforts we-re re­ ."\."a;:■ ded. \\.. hi=n n1y D. A. R. su11plemental papers on Francis (abot wtrlJ returned a1•i:.·eptetl from the D. A. R. Xat-ional headquartt:r,. reierent~f• was inade to two books-Cab.it Hi~• tor:," and Genealogy by Brigg:;, an:.i Hartland in the Re\-olu­ tiunary ,,rar. Through t.he::;e volu1ues 'li\-·e traced the Cabot lint\. my «!au.eh ter. :\I 1 s. Ira Guild Ro~s ( Helen Ca.bot Tuler) r~n.J•=rin~ n1L1,~h a:-;~igtan,·e. ·..A,. chauC'~ qu~stiou put to the publishers of .. Hartland In the Re\.. olutionary '\\.. ar:· 1,rought an answe1· that e,·entually lt•d to. a soluti,.111 1.lf the loag sought history of Great-grand­ f=ithcr Bl,,1;d. TIH-■ y rPft•t"T\.•d n1e to l\{r. Percy G. Sn1ith, C-:!Ot.!ali.•~i.-.:t. 11f .:'lI•.nlp~l~'-~r. \-,.:rn1ont. !\lr. Sn1ith soon traced tht: n1i1icarv h:storit.~s of b•1th Grandfath~r ~larYin Bk•od and "' <:rl•at-:n·andruclu:~r Blood who pro\·cyl tu be-not ··Hora,~e·• Blnod-bnt ··Jr;hn'' Blcx,d. ( ..\lthough we of this .~enerati,.:,n haJ not kDO\\"Il the reason, the 11an1e John had been carried duwn in the ratnily.) In the course of Mr. Srni th 's re!lfearch he found. 1u1 the !-lb.: bt"anc:h, th1·11:.1gh th~ Aquila tha~e hnc, that he is ninth ,,:,usin t.-, our V,'l-ntera tion. Hn\\' it \\·oultl hu\·e intere~ted m,· n1other in the 1rytng da\":-i thL· ha1.·(~ • of r·h il \\rar to knr,\\"n that Sahnon P. ('h,~5e . g~creta1·y \)f the Tl'f"U:-;nt'}", and later Chief J .. t5tice of thll Supr~n1P. Court, b~· appaintment of ..o\.brahan1 Linc,llu. was a ki c sn1an of hers! Thus tht:A work prog:rl1 .:.se,l. D. A. R. :::.uppletnental paper~ on John Bl,'Jod were prest~11tell and we1·e areepted Oct. 1,. JH:.12. Another dircrt ReYolutionary ancestor was round in tht!' pt~rson of .Jnnathan Hod~e111an, fathet· of llarcy- Hodgman, wi{P. ui Ft anci~ Cab,Jt. ullartland in The Re\.·olutionary \Var'' by· Flower. lists hin1 on Page 5 among the Re\~oJutilln- 3 ar\·• Soldi~rs buried in the ··Pla.!n" C\:niet,:>t·,~• ,\~ H:ir:.l n,.!. \. er111fJnt. 0 n page 3£• of the san1e broehure we find J 1Jna- tha.n H1)dgen1an listed an1ong tht:" n1en b~L•it'f QLtt·· •l:',: in ::-; .. tl, \\... arner'5 Regi1nent. :\.[ajor Brown·s D~tac:hml·l1t. I ti:,; 6:,n. La.•t. Lrother of :\Iarey, is alsu lbted on page 5, a11t..l a¥,ain \•n JHt~..:' 40--41 as one of th£& soldi~rs in Captain EEns \\-,:~-i":.:. ( ·,:,n1p:~n:-­ marclling to Royalton and Ha\·erhill on the aL1r111 Or·r. 17'\0, Another of his sons. .Jonathan Jr., is listed ,-..1 p,:~e -1-•i a~ a soldier in the \Var ot 1812. Genealogic:al researc·h, once begun, ,,iren bt"1.-omi2~ a lif~-long stud~... The Gould Hn~ is at pr~sent , ~1 ~ 11 uar;r l~t:~-1) a puzzling pr,1blem that may take son1t~ time 8n,1 1.·IT•'L't t,1 $1J!\-e. I A"\\\' .ARDT~D 1•0 fl ELF:~ C1 AB,)T TOLER BY THE JJ..T..T:--.·01s 8'TATE Bl~TOH.JCAL '!:iOCil-:TY ANll THE Ir..,r...1xn1s 8ocrF.TY D. A. R. FOR RF,R E~SA Y ON ~IV FIRST ILLINOIS ANCE~TOR ·5 TO MY MOTHER GRACE CABOT BLOOD TOLER, D~ A. R. NATIONAL· ME~1BER 145273, THROCGH WHOSE INTEREST AND EFFORT THE FACTS FOR THIS FA MIL Y HISTORY WERE GATHERED. MY FIRST ILLINOIS ANCESTOR HIS STORY of my first Illinois ancestor goes back tor rour gE:neratil.)ns. }larvin Pow~rs Blood, the ancestor of whont I write, \Vas one of my great-grandfathers T on the maternal side. He was born in Berrnington, \·ern1ont, c,nJanuary 8. 1793. He was the son of *Horace Blood, who was born in \\"indsor County, Vermont, in 1746 and died there in 1851, after ha \"i.ng attained the ripe old age of one h :1nt1red and fi\·e years. The said Horace Blood fought In the. \\"ar of Re,~o(ution. Though he '\\ras only eighteen years old when the War of 1s 12· came on. the boy 1\-,larYin fought for his country.

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